//= require qs/dist/qs
OSM.Directions = function (map) {
- var awaitingGeocode; // true if the user has requested a route, but we're waiting on a geocode result
var awaitingRoute; // true if we've asked the engine for a route and are waiting to hear back
var chosenEngine;
weight: 12
+ var endpointDragCallback = function (dragging) {
+ if (!map.hasLayer(polyline)) return;
+ if (dragging && !chosenEngine.draggable) return;
+ if (dragging && awaitingRoute) return;
+ getRoute(false, !dragging);
+ };
+ var endpointGeocodeCallback = function () {
+ getRoute(true, true);
+ };
var endpoints = [
- Endpoint($("input[name='route_from']"), OSM.MARKER_GREEN),
- Endpoint($("input[name='route_to']"), OSM.MARKER_RED)
+ Endpoint($("input[name='route_from']"), OSM.MARKER_GREEN, endpointDragCallback, endpointGeocodeCallback),
+ Endpoint($("input[name='route_to']"), OSM.MARKER_RED, endpointDragCallback, endpointGeocodeCallback)
var expiry = new Date();
select.append("<option value='" + i + "'>" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.engines." + engine.id) + "</option>");
- function Endpoint(input, iconUrl) {
+ function Endpoint(input, iconUrl, dragCallback, geocodeCallback) {
var endpoint = {};
endpoint.marker = L.marker([0, 0], {
endpoint.marker.on("drag dragend", function (e) {
- var dragging = (e.type === "drag");
- if (dragging && !chosenEngine.draggable) return;
- if (dragging && awaitingRoute) return;
- if (map.hasLayer(polyline)) {
- getRoute(false, !dragging);
- }
+ dragCallback(e.type === "drag");
input.on("keydown", function () {
- input.removeClass("error");
+ input.removeClass("is-invalid");
input.on("change", function (e) {
- awaitingGeocode = true;
// make text the same in both text boxes
var value = e.target.value;
endpoint.setValue = function (value, latlng) {
endpoint.value = value;
delete endpoint.latlng;
- input.removeClass("error");
+ input.removeClass("is-invalid");
if (latlng) {
endpoint.awaitingGeocode = false;
endpoint.hasGeocode = true;
if (json.length === 0) {
- input.addClass("error");
+ input.addClass("is-invalid");
alert(I18n.t("javascripts.directions.errors.no_place", { place: endpoint.value }));
- if (awaitingGeocode) {
- awaitingGeocode = false;
- getRoute(true, true);
- }
+ geocodeCallback();
function formatDistance(m) {
if (m < 1000) {
- return Math.round(m) + "m";
+ return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_m", { distance: Math.round(m) });
} else if (m < 10000) {
- return (m / 1000.0).toFixed(1) + "km";
+ return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_km", { distance: (m / 1000.0).toFixed(1) });
} else {
- return Math.round(m / 1000) + "km";
+ return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_km", { distance: Math.round(m / 1000) });
+ function formatHeight(m) {
+ return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_m", { distance: Math.round(m) });
+ }
function formatTime(s) {
var m = Math.round(s / 60);
var h = Math.floor(m / 60);
var endpoint = endpoints[ep_i];
if (!endpoint.hasGeocode && !endpoint.awaitingGeocode) {
- awaitingGeocode = true;
if (endpoints[0].awaitingGeocode || endpoints[1].awaitingGeocode) {
- awaitingGeocode = true;
if (reportErrors) {
- $("#sidebar_content").html("<p class=\"search_results_error\">" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.errors.no_route") + "</p>");
+ $("#sidebar_content").html("<div class=\"alert alert-danger\">" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.errors.no_route") + "</div>");
- var html = "<a class=\"geolink\" href=\"#\"><button type='button' class='btn-close float-end mt-1'></button></a>" +
- "<h2>" + I18n.t("javascripts.directions.directions") + "</h2>" +
- "<p>" +
+ var distanceText = $("<p>").append(
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance") + ": " + formatDistance(route.distance) + ". " +
- I18n.t("javascripts.directions.time") + ": " + formatTime(route.time) + ".";
+ I18n.t("javascripts.directions.time") + ": " + formatTime(route.time) + ".");
if (typeof route.ascend !== "undefined" && typeof route.descend !== "undefined") {
- html += "<br />" +
- I18n.t("javascripts.directions.ascend") + ": " + Math.round(route.ascend) + "m. " +
- I18n.t("javascripts.directions.descend") + ": " + Math.round(route.descend) + "m.";
+ distanceText.append(
+ $("<br>"),
+ I18n.t("javascripts.directions.ascend") + ": " + formatHeight(route.ascend) + ". " +
+ I18n.t("javascripts.directions.descend") + ": " + formatHeight(route.descend) + ".");
- html += "</p><table id=\"turnbyturn\" class=\"mb-3\"/>";
+ var turnByTurnTable = $("<table class='table table-hover table-sm mb-3'>")
+ .append($("<tbody>"));
+ var directionsCloseButton = $("<button type='button' class='btn-close'>")
+ .attr("aria-label", I18n.t("javascripts.close"));
- .html(html);
+ .empty()
+ .append(
+ $("<div class='d-flex'>").append(
+ $("<h2 class='flex-grow-1 text-break'>")
+ .text(I18n.t("javascripts.directions.directions")),
+ $("<div>").append(directionsCloseButton)),
+ distanceText,
+ turnByTurnTable
+ );
// Add each row
route.steps.forEach(function (step) {
var row = $("<tr class='turn'/>");
- row.append("<td><div class='direction i" + direction + "'/></td> ");
- row.append("<td class='instruction'>" + instruction);
- row.append("<td class='distance'>" + dist);
+ row.append("<td class='border-0'><div class='direction i" + direction + "'/></td> ");
+ row.append("<td>" + instruction);
+ row.append("<td class='distance text-body-secondary text-end'>" + dist);
row.on("click", function () {
- $("#turnbyturn").append(row);
+ turnByTurnTable.append(row);
$("#sidebar_content").append("<p class=\"text-center\">" +
I18n.t("javascripts.directions.instructions.courtesy", { link: chosenEngine.creditline }) +
- $("#sidebar_content a.geolink").on("click", function (e) {
- e.preventDefault();
+ directionsCloseButton.on("click", function () {
getRoute(true, true);
- $(".routing_marker").on("dragstart", function (e) {
+ $(".routing_marker_column img").on("dragstart", function (e) {
var dt = e.originalEvent.dataTransfer;
dt.effectAllowed = "move";
var dragData = { type: $(this).data("type") };