//= require ./directions-endpoint
//= require_self
//= require_tree ./directions
-//= require qs/dist/qs
OSM.Directions = function (map) {
var routeRequest = null; // jqXHR object of an ongoing route request or null
if (coordTo) {
routeTo = coordTo.lat + "," + coordTo.lng;
+ endpoints[0].swapCachedReverseGeocodes(endpoints[1]);
- OSM.router.route("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
- from: $("#route_to").val(),
- to: $("#route_from").val(),
+ OSM.router.route("/directions?" + new URLSearchParams({
route: routeTo + ";" + routeFrom
$(".directions_form .btn-close").on("click", function (e) {
- var route_from = endpoints[0].value;
- if (route_from) {
- OSM.router.route("/?query=" + encodeURIComponent(route_from) + OSM.formatHash(map));
- } else {
- OSM.router.route("/" + OSM.formatHash(map));
- }
+ $(".describe_location").toggle(!endpoints[0].value);
+ $(".search_form input[name='query']").val(endpoints[0].value);
+ OSM.router.route("/" + OSM.formatHash(map));
function formatDistance(m) {
- if (m < 1000) {
- return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_m", { distance: Math.round(m) });
- } else if (m < 10000) {
- return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_km", { distance: (m / 1000.0).toFixed(1) });
- } else {
- return I18n.t("javascripts.directions.distance_km", { distance: Math.round(m / 1000) });
- }
+ const unitTemplate = "javascripts.directions.distance_";
+ if (m < 1000) return I18n.t(unitTemplate + "m", { distance: Math.round(m) });
+ if (m < 10000) return I18n.t(unitTemplate + "km", { distance: (m / 1000.0).toFixed(1) });
+ return I18n.t(unitTemplate + "km", { distance: Math.round(m / 1000) });
function formatHeight(m) {
// Cancel any route that is already in progress
if (routeRequest) routeRequest.abort();
- var o = endpoints[0].latlng,
- d = endpoints[1].latlng;
+ const points = endpoints.map(p => p.latlng);
- if (!o || !d) return;
+ if (!points[0] || !points[1]) return;
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- OSM.router.replace("/directions?" + Qs.stringify({
+ OSM.router.replace("/directions?" + new URLSearchParams({
engine: chosenEngine.id,
- route: o.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + o.lng.toFixed(precision) + ";" +
- d.lat.toFixed(precision) + "," + d.lng.toFixed(precision)
+ route: points.map(p => OSM.cropLocation(p, map.getZoom()).join()).join(";")
// copy loading item to sidebar and display it. we copy it, rather than
$("#sidebar_content").html($(".directions_form .loader_copy").html());
- routeRequest = chosenEngine.getRoute([o, d], function (err, route) {
+ routeRequest = chosenEngine.getRoute(points, function (err, route) {
routeRequest = null;
if (err) {
// Add each row
route.steps.forEach(function (step) {
- var ll = step[0],
- direction = step[1],
- instruction = step[2],
- dist = step[3],
- lineseg = step[4];
- if (dist < 5) {
- dist = "";
- } else if (dist < 200) {
- dist = String(Math.round(dist / 10) * 10) + "m";
- } else if (dist < 1500) {
- dist = String(Math.round(dist / 100) * 100) + "m";
- } else if (dist < 5000) {
- dist = String(Math.round(dist / 100) / 10) + "km";
- } else {
- dist = String(Math.round(dist / 1000)) + "km";
- }
+ const [ll, direction, instruction, dist, lineseg] = step;
var row = $("<tr class='turn'/>");
row.append("<td class='border-0'><div class='direction i" + direction + "'/></td> ");
row.append("<td>" + instruction);
- row.append("<td class='distance text-body-secondary text-end'>" + dist);
+ row.append("<td class='distance text-body-secondary text-end'>" + getDistText(dist));
row.on("click", function () {
directionsCloseButton.on("click", function () {
+ popup.close();
// TODO: collapse width of sidebar back to previous
+ function getDistText(dist) {
+ if (dist < 5) return "";
+ if (dist < 200) return String(Math.round(dist / 10) * 10) + "m";
+ if (dist < 1500) return String(Math.round(dist / 100) * 100) + "m";
+ if (dist < 5000) return String(Math.round(dist / 100) / 10) + "km";
+ return String(Math.round(dist / 1000)) + "km";
+ }
var chosenEngineIndex = findEngine("fossgis_osrm_car");
var pt = L.DomEvent.getMousePosition(oe, map.getContainer()); // co-ordinates of the mouse pointer at present
pt.y += 20;
var ll = map.containerPointToLatLng(pt);
- var precision = OSM.zoomPrecision(map.getZoom());
- var value = ll.lat.toFixed(precision) + ", " + ll.lng.toFixed(precision);
- endpoints[type === "from" ? 0 : 1].setValue(value, ll);
+ const llWithPrecision = OSM.cropLocation(ll, map.getZoom());
+ endpoints[type === "from" ? 0 : 1].setValue(llWithPrecision.join(", "));
- var params = Qs.parse(location.search.substring(1)),
- route = (params.route || "").split(";"),
- from = route[0] && L.latLng(route[0].split(",")),
- to = route[1] && L.latLng(route[1].split(","));
+ endpoints[0].enable();
+ endpoints[1].enable();
- if (params.engine) {
- var engineIndex = findEngine(params.engine);
+ const params = new URLSearchParams(location.search),
+ route = (params.get("route") || "").split(";");
+ if (params.has("engine")) {
+ var engineIndex = findEngine(params.get("engine"));
if (engineIndex >= 0) {
- endpoints[0].setValue(params.from || "", from);
- endpoints[1].setValue(params.to || "", to);
+ endpoints[0].setValue(params.get("from") || route[0] || "");
+ endpoints[1].setValue(params.get("to") || route[1] || "");
- map.setSidebarOverlaid(!from || !to);
+ map.setSidebarOverlaid(!endpoints[0].latlng || !endpoints[1].latlng);
page.load = function () {
$("#map").off("dragend dragover drop");
+ endpoints[0].disable();
+ endpoints[1].disable();
- .removeLayer(polyline)
- .removeLayer(endpoints[0].marker)
- .removeLayer(endpoints[1].marker);
+ .removeLayer(polyline);
return page;