success: "Confirmed your account, thanks for signing up!"
already active: "This account has already been confirmed."
unknown token: "That confirmation code has expired or does not exist."
- reconfirm_html: "If you need us to resend the confirmation email, <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">click here</a>."
+ resend_html: "If you need us to resend the confirmation email, %{reconfirm_link}."
+ click_here: click here
failure: "User %{name} not found."
support: support
- title_html: Parsed with <a href="">kramdown</a>
+ heading_html: Parsed with %{kramdown_link}
+ kramdown_url:
+ kramdown: kramdown
headings: Headings
heading: Heading
subheading: Subheading
contributors_gb_html: |
<strong>United Kingdom</strong>: Contains Ordnance
Survey data © Crown copyright and database right
- 2010-19.
+ 2010-2023.
contributors_footer_1_html: |
For further details of these, and other sources that have been used
to help improve OpenStreetMap, please see the <a
by dragging. Add your message, then click save, and other mappers will investigate.
title: Other concerns
- explanation_html: |
+ concerns_html: |
If you have concerns about how our data is being used or about the contents please consult our
- <a href='/copyright'>copyright page</a> for more legal information, or contact the appropriate
- <a href=''>OSMF working group</a>.
+ %{copyright_link} for more legal information, or contact the appropriate %{working_group_link}.
+ copyright: copyright page
+ working_group: OSMF working group
+ working_group_url:
title: Getting Help
introduction: |
title: Mailing Lists
description: Ask a question or discuss interesting matters on a wide range of topical or regional mailing lists.
- forums:
- url:
- title: Forums (Legacy)
- description: Questions and discussions for those that prefer a bulletin board style interface.
title: Community forum
description: Browse the wiki for in-depth OpenStreetMap documentation.
removed: Your default OpenStreetMap editor is set as Potlatch. Because Adobe Flash Player has been withdrawn, Potlatch is no longer available to use in a web browser.
- desktop_html: You can still use Potlatch by <a href="">downloading the desktop application for Mac and Windows</a>.
- id_html: Alternatively, you can set your default editor to iD, which runs in your web browser as Potlatch formerly did. <a href="%{settings_url}">Change your preferences here</a>.
+ desktop_application_html: You can still use Potlatch by %{download_link}.
+ download: downloading the desktop application for Mac and Windows
+ download_url:
+ id_editor_html: Alternatively, you can set your default editor to iD, which runs in your web browser as Potlatch formerly did. %{change_preferences_link}.
+ change_preferences: Change your preferences here
title: Any questions?
paragraph_1_html: |
The following communities are formally established as Local Chapters:
title: Other Groups
- about_html: |
+ other_groups_html: |
There is no need to formally establish a group to the same extent as the Local Chapters.
Indeed many groups exist very sucessfully as an informal gathering of people or as a
- community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the
- <a href="">Communities wiki page</a>.
+ community group. Anyone can set up or join these. Read more on the %{communities_wiki_link}.
+ communities_wiki: Communities wiki page
+ communities_wiki_url:
private: "Private (only shared as anonymous, unordered points)"
consider_pd: "In addition to the above, I consider my contributions to be in the Public Domain"
consider_pd_why: "what's this?"
- guidance_html: 'Information to help understand these terms: a <a href="%{summary}">human readable summary</a> and some <a href="%{translations}">informal translations</a>'
+ guidance_info_html: "Information to help understand these terms: a %{readable_summary_link} and some %{informal_translations_link}"
+ readable_summary: human readable summary
+ informal_translations: informal translations
continue: Continue
declined: ""
decline: "Decline"