added to the OpenStreetMap database or this site, please refer
to our <a href="">takedown
procedure</a> or file directly at our
- <a href="">on-line filing page</a>.
+ <a href="">on-line filing page</a>.
trademarks_title_html: <span id="trademarks"></span>Trademarks
trademarks_1_html: |
OpenStreetMap, the magnifying glass logo and State of the Map are registered trademarks of the OpenStreetMap Foundation. If you have questions about your use of the marks, please see our <a href="">Trademark Policy</a>.
newer: "Newer Traces"
pending: "PENDING"
- count_points: "%{count} points"
+ count_points:
+ one: "1 point"
+ other: "%{count} points"
more: "more"
trace_details: "View Trace Details"
view_map: "View Map"