# update the sequence column with default (partial) ordering by
# element ID. the sequence ID is a smaller int type, so we can't
# just copy the member_id.
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("update relation_members set sequence_id = mod(member_id, 16384)")
+ execute("update relation_members set sequence_id = mod(member_id, 16384)")
# need to update the primary key to include the sequence number,
# otherwise the primary key will barf when we have repeated members.
# mysql barfs on this anyway, so we need a single command. this may
# not work in postgres... needs testing.
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, version, member_type, member_id, member_role, sequence_id)")
+ alter_primary_key("relation_members", [:id, :version, :member_type, :member_id, :member_role, :sequence_id])
# do the same for the current tables
add_column(:current_relation_members, :sequence_id, :integer,
:default => 0, :null => false)
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("update current_relation_members set sequence_id = mod(member_id, 16384)")
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table current_relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, member_type, member_id, member_role, sequence_id)")
+ execute("update current_relation_members set sequence_id = mod(member_id, 16384)")
+ alter_primary_key("current_relation_members", [:id, :member_type, :member_id, :member_role, :sequence_id])
def self.down
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table current_relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, member_type, member_id, member_role)")
+ alter_primary_key("current_relation_members", [:id, :member_type, :member_id, :member_role])
remove_column :relation_members, :sequence_id
- ActiveRecord::Base.connection().execute("alter table relation_members drop primary key, add primary key (id, version, member_type, member_id, member_role)")
+ alter_primary_key("relation_members", [:id, :version, :member_type, :member_id, :member_role])
remove_column :current_relation_members, :sequence_id