spam_threshold: 50
# Default legale (jurisdiction location) for contributor terms
default_legale: GB
- # Memory limits (in Mb)
- #soft_memory_limit: 512
- #hard_memory_limit: 2048
# Location of GPX traces and images
gpx_trace_dir: "/home/osm/traces"
gpx_image_dir: "/home/osm/images"
# Enable legacy OAuth 1.0 support
oauth_10_support: true
# URL of Nominatim instance to use for geocoding
- nominatim_url: ""
+ nominatim_url: "//"
# Default editor
default_editor: "id"
# OAuth consumer key for Potlatch 2
require_terms_seen: false
# Whether to require users to agree to the CTs before editing
require_terms_agreed: false
+ # Imagery to return in capabilities as blacklisted
+ imagery_blacklist:
+ - ".*\\.googleapis\\.com/.*"
+ - ".*\\.google\\.com/.*"
+ - ".*\\.google\\.ru/.*"
# URL of Overpass instance to use for feature queries
overpass_url: "//"
<<: *defaults
+ # Geonames credentials for testing
+ geonames_username: "dummy"