<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
-Quick documentation:
-<category> the categories that features belong to. This includes both nodes (icons on left) and ways/areas (drop-down list that appears when a way/area is selected)
- name: Shown in GUI
- id: internal reference (a feature refers to this with category=xxx)
-<feature> a pre-defined group of tags that make up a feature
- category: [ctext] corresponding to category id
- icon
- @image: path to .png file
- @dnd: path to optional dnd-specific-override .png file
- @background: colour spec
- @foreground: colour spec
- (general html goes here?) Variables substituted with ${ref}
- help: [ctext] URL, shown as a linked ? icon. Should (?) usually be an OSM wiki page.
- description: Not currently used?
- line/point/area: any or all of these are allowed. Determines whether this feature is shown in the corresponding situations. None is equivalent to all three.
- tag - one or more of these required, defines the tags that make up the feature.
- @k - key
- @v - value
- input
- @ref=xxx
- inputSet
- @ref=xxx
-<inputSet>: a reusable group of properties for a feature.
- @id="internal id"
- input...
- @type: choice/freetext/turn/checkbox/slider/route/speed/number - the different types of supported input dialogs.
- @presence: always/onTagMatch/withCategory - Whether it always appears on the basic page, appears only when the tag is already set, or only ever show on the category page.
- @category: which tab it appears on
- @description: mouse-over text
- @name: The text shown as the label of the property
- @key: The actual OSM key (tag) that will be saved
- @priority: highest/high/normal/low/lowest (default=>normal) - controls the order that different features show up in a panel.
- match: for turn|route inputs, the tags to be considered on the relation as indicating a match.
- @k: key
- @v: value
- icon: see above
- @file="map_features/roads.xml": external file to drop into place here. Include files behave exactly as if written out in full.
+ See http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Potlatch_2/Developer_Documentation/Map_Features for documentation.
+ Files can be included like this: <include file="map_features/roads.xml">
<inputSet id="source">
- <input type="freetext" category="Misc" presence="onTagMatch" name="Source" key="source" description="The primary source of information for this object (GPS, survey, Yahoo, ...)" priority="lowest"/>
+ <input type="freetext" category="Details" presence="onTagMatch" name="Source" key="source" description="The primary source of information for this object (GPS, survey, Bing, ...)" priority="lowest"/>
<inputSet id="designation">
- <input type="freetext" category="Misc" presence="onTagMatch" description="Official designation or classification" name="Designation" key="designation"/>
+ <input type="freetext" category="Details" presence="onTagMatch" description="Official designation or classification" name="Designation" key="designation" priority="lowest" />
<inputSet id="common">
<inputSet id="names">
<input type="freetext" presence="always"
- name="Name" category="Naming" priority="highest"
+ name="Name" category="Details" priority="highest"
key="name" description="The most common name"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="International Name" category="Naming"
+ name="International Name" category="Details" subcategory="Additional names"
key="int_name" description="The internationally recognised name"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Historical Name" category="Naming" priority="low"
+ name="Historical Name" category="Details" subcategory="Additional names" priority="low"
key="old_name" description="The historic or previous name"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Alternative Name" category="Naming" priority="low"
+ name="Alternative Name" category="Details" subcategory="Additional names" priority="low"
key="alt_name" description="An alternative, currently used, name"/>
<inputSet id="wifi">
- <input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch" category="Eating" name="Wifi" key="wifi">
+ <input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch" category="Details" name="Wifi" key="wifi">
<choice value="free" text="Free"/>
<choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
<choice value="no" text="No"/>
<inputSet id="web">
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Web" description="The URL of the website" name="Website" key="website"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Address" description="The URL of the website" name="Website" key="website"/>
<inputSet id="cuisine">
- <input type="choice" presence="always" name="Cuisine" category="Eating" description="The type of food that they serve" key="cuisine">
+ <input type="choice" presence="always" name="Cuisine" category="Details" description="The type of food that they serve" key="cuisine">
<!-- The 30 most popular values according to taginfo 23/12/2010 -->
<choice value="burger" text="Burger"/>
<choice value="chicken" text="Chicken"/>
<inputSet ref="cycle"/>
<inputSet ref="bicycle-lane"/>
<inputSet ref="bus-route"/>
+ <inputSet ref="tram-route"/>
<inputSet ref="pedestrians"/>
<inputSet ref="roadLanes"/>
<inputSet ref="roadRoundabout"/>
<inputSet ref="cycle"/>
<inputSet ref="bicycle-lane"/>
<inputSet ref="bus-route"/>
+ <inputSet ref="tram-route"/>
<inputSet ref="pedestrians"/>
<inputSet ref="roadLanes"/>
<inputSet ref="roadRoundabout"/>
<inputSet id="roadRefs">
<input type="freetext" presence="always"
- name="Reference" category="Naming" priority="high"
+ name="Reference" category="Details" priority="high"
key="ref" description="The official reference number"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="International Reference" category="Naming"
+ name="International Reference" category="Details" subcategory="Additional names"
key="int_ref" description="The official international reference number"/>
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Old Reference" category="Naming" priority="low"
+ name="Old Reference" category="Details" subcategory="Additional names" priority="low"
key="old_ref" description="The historic or previous reference number"/>
<inputSet id="roadPhysical">
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Width" category="Physical"
+ name="Width" category="Details" subcategory="Physical"
key="width" description="Width of the road" layout="horizontal"/>
<input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Surface" category="Physical" description="Type of road surface"
+ name="Surface" category="Details" description="Type of road surface"
key="surface" layout="horizontal">
<choice value="unpaved" text="Unpaved" description="Road surface is unsealed"/>
<choice value="paved" text="Paved" description="Road surface is sealed"/>
<inputSet ref="tunnel"/>
<inputSet ref="embankment-cutting"/>
<!-- not sure which category best suits put area=yes -->
- <input type="checkbox" presence="onTagMatch" category="Restrictions" key="area" name="Open area" description="The way is a large open space, like at a dock, where vehicles can move anywhere within the space, rather than just along the edge." />
+ <input type="checkbox" presence="onTagMatch" category="Details" subcategory="Physical" key="area" name="Open area" description="The way is a large open space, like at a dock, where vehicles can move anywhere within the space, rather than just along the edge." />
<inputSet id="roadLanes">
- <input presence="onTagMatch" type="number" name="Lanes" category="Physical" description="Total number of lanes, counting both directions"
+ <input presence="onTagMatch" type="number" name="Lanes" category="Details" description="Total number of lanes, counting both directions"
key="lanes" minimum="1" maximum="10" layout="horizontal"/>
<inputSet id="bridge">
<input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Bridge" category="Physical" description="Road goes over a bridge"
+ name="Bridge" category="Details" description="Road goes over a bridge"
key="bridge" layout="horizontal">
<choice value="yes" text="Generic Bridge" description="Generic bridge -- type unknown"/>
<choice value="viaduct" text="Viaduct" description="Viaduct"/>
<choice value="suspension" text="Suspension bridge"/>
<input type="slider" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Layer" category="Physical" description="Relative vertical positions (-5 lowest, +5 highest)"
+ name="Layer" category="Details" description="Relative vertical positions (-5 lowest, +5 highest)"
key="layer" minimum="-5" maximum="5" default="0" snapInterval="1" labels="Lowest,Ground,Highest"
<inputSet id="tunnel">
<!-- Not ideal, used for non-roads too. -->
<input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch"
- name="Tunnel" category="Physical" description="Road goes into a tunnel"
+ name="Tunnel" category="Details" subcategory="Physical" description="Road goes into a tunnel"
key="tunnel" layout="horizontal">
<choice value="yes" text="Tunnel" description="Generic tunnel"/>
<inputSet id="embankment-cutting">
<input type="choice"
- name="Embankment" category="Physical" description="Road supported on a raised bed of earth and rock."
+ name="Embankment" category="Details" subcategory="Physical" description="Road supported on a raised bed of earth and rock."
key="embankment" layout="horizontal">
<choice value="yes" text="Embankment"/>
<input type="choice"
- name="Cutting" category="Physical" description="Road carved out of hill on one or both sides."
+ name="Cutting" category="Details" subcategory="Physical" description="Road carved out of hill on one or both sides."
key="cutting" layout="horizontal">
<choice value="yes" text="Cutting"/>
<inputSet id="rail-electrification">
- <input type="choice" name="Electrified" category="Electrification" description="Is the track electrified (whether by 3rd rail, overhead wires, etc)?"
+ <input type="choice" name="Electrified" category="Details" subcategory="Electrification" description="Is the track electrified (whether by 3rd rail, overhead wires, etc)?"
<choice value="yes" text="Yes"/>
<choice value="contact_line" text="Overhead line"/>
<choice value="rail" text="Third rail"/>
<choice value="no" text="No"/>
- <input type="choice" name="Voltage" category="Electrification" description="Nominal voltage of electric wires"
+ <input type="choice" name="Voltage" category="Details" subcategory="Electrification" description="Nominal voltage of electric wires"
key="voltage" presence="withCategory">
<choice value="600" text="600V"/>
<choice value="750" text="750V"/>
<choice value="1500" text="1500V"/>
<choice value="3000" text="3000V"/>
+ <choice value="12000" text="12kV"/>
<choice value="15000" text="15kV"/>
<choice value="25000" text="25kV"/>
- <input type="choice" name="Frequency" category="Electrification" description="Frequency in Hertz of alternating current power supply"
+ <input type="choice" name="Frequency" category="Details" subcategory="Electrification" description="Frequency in Hertz of alternating current power supply"
key="frequency" presence="withCategory">
<choice value="0" text="DC"/>
<choice value="16.67" text="16.67 Hz"/>
- <inputSet id="rail-usage">
- <input type="choice" name="Usage" category="Usage" description="Main use of the line" key="usage">
- <choice value="main" text="Main line" description="The principal artery of a rail system."/>
- <choice value="branch" text="Branch line" description="A secondary line, branching off a main line."/>
- <choice value="industrial" text="Industrial"/>
- <choice value="tourism" text="Tourism" />
- <choice value="military" text="Military"/>
- </input>
- </inputSet>
<inputSet id="fee">
<input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Restrictions" description="The charge/cost of using this amenity" name="Fee" key="fee"/>
<role role="via"/>
+ <inputSet id="trafficSignals">
+ <!-- can't add as standalone feature due to current limitations, would conflict with junction node feature -->
+ <input type="choice" key="highway" name="Traffic signals" description="Intersection controlled by traffic lights" category="Restrictions" presence="always">
+ <choice value="traffic_signals" text="Yes"/>
+ </input>
+ </inputSet>
<inputSet id="pedestrians">
- <input type="choice" name="Pedestrians" description="Can pedestrians use this road, including footpaths if any?" category="Walking" key="foot">
+ <input type="choice" name="Pedestrians" description="Can pedestrians use this road, including footpaths if any?" category="Walk" key="foot">
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed"/>
<choice value="no" text="Prohibited"/>
<choice value="designated" text="Designated"/>
<inputSet id="naptan">
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naptan" description="12 character internal Naptan ID" name="Atco Code" key="naptan:AtcoCode"/>
- <input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naptan" description="The eight-point compass bearning" name="Naptan Bearing" key="naptan:Bearing" >
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Transport" description="12 character internal Naptan ID" name="Atco Code" key="naptan:AtcoCode"/>
+ <input type="choice" presence="onTagMatch" category="Transport" description="The eight-point compass bearning" name="Naptan Bearing" key="naptan:Bearing" >
<choice value="N" match="N" text="N" description=""/>
<choice value="NE" match="NE" text="NE" description=""/>
<choice value="E" match="E" text="E" description=""/>
<choice value="W" match="W" text="W" description=""/>
<choice value="NW" match="NW" text="NW" description=""/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naptan" description="The naptan common name" name="Naptan Common Name (read-only)" key="naptan:CommonName"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naptan" description="" name="Naptan Indicator (read-only)" key="naptan:Indicator"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naptan" description="" name="Naptan Street (read-only)" key="naptan:Street"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Naptan" description="Delete this when the details have been verified on-the-ground" name="Naptan Verified?" key="naptan:verified"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Transport" description="The naptan common name" name="Naptan Common Name (read-only)" key="naptan:CommonName"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Transport" description="" name="Naptan Indicator (read-only)" key="naptan:Indicator"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Transport" description="" name="Naptan Street (read-only)" key="naptan:Street"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="onTagMatch" category="Transport" description="Delete this when the details have been verified on-the-ground" name="Naptan Verified?" key="naptan:verified"/>
<inputSet id="buses">
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Bus Stop" name="Stop Name" key="name" description="The name of the bus stop"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Bus Stop" name="Local Ref" key="local_ref" description="The local reference of the stop, usually one or two letters above the main flag, used at bus interchanges, e.g. L, BX"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Transport" name="Stop Name" key="name" description="The name of the bus stop"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="always" category="Transport" name="Local Ref" key="local_ref" description="The local reference of the stop, usually one or two letters above the main flag, used at bus interchanges, e.g. L, BX"/>
<inputSet ref="naptan"/>
+ <inputSet id="train-route">
+ <input type="route" name="Train Route" description="Train route" category="Transport" priority="low" presence="onTagMatch">
+ <match k="type" v="route"/>
+ <match k="route" v="train"/>
+ <icon image="features/transport__railway.png">
+ <font size="12pt">${name|operator} <b>(${ref})</b></font>
+ </icon>
+ </input>
+ </inputSet>
<inputSet id="cycle">
<inputSet ref="bicycle-permission"/>
<input type="route" name="National Cycle Routes" description="A signposted route in a National Cycle Network, or nearest equivalent." category="Cycle" priority="low">
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
+ <input type="route" name="Mountain bike route" description="A signposted route for mountain biking." category="Cycle" priority="lowest">
+ <match k="type" v="route"/>
+ <match k="route" v="mtb"/>
+ <icon image="features/route__mtb.png" background="#9f4404" foreground="white">
+ <font size="14pt"><b>${ref}</b></font><br/>
+ <font size="12pt">${name}</font>
+ </icon>
+ </input>
<inputSet id="bicycle-permission">
<inputSet id="ldp">
- <input type="route" name="National Walking Route" description="National walking route" category="Walking" priority="normal">
+ <input type="route" name="National Walking Route" description="National walking route" category="Walk" priority="normal">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="hiking|foot"/>
<match k="network" v="nwn"/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
- <input type="route" name="Regional Walking Route" description="Regional walking route" category="Walking" priority="low">
+ <input type="route" name="Regional Walking Route" description="Regional walking route" category="Walk" priority="low">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="hiking|foot"/>
<match k="network" v="rwn"/>
<font size="12pt">${name}</font>
- <input type="route" name="Local Walking Route" description="Local walking route" category="Walking" priority="lowest">
+ <input type="route" name="Local Walking Route" description="Local walking route" category="Walk" priority="lowest">
<match k="type" v="route"/>
<match k="route" v="hiking|foot"/>
<match k="network" v="lwn"/>
<inputSet id="waterways">
<inputSet ref="simpleName"/>
- <input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Width" category="Properties" key="width" description="The width in metres"/>
+ <input type="freetext" presence="always" name="Width" category="Details" key="width" description="The width in metres"/>
<inputSet ref="boatPermissions"/>
<!-- Would be good to have a dedicated 'access' type of input -->
<!-- all the description fields are identical at the moment for ease of maintenance, should be tailored in future. -->
<inputSet id="boatPermissions">
- <input type="choice" name="Boat permission" category="Permission" key="boat" description="Are boats allowed to use this waterway?">
+ <input type="choice" name="Boat permission" category="Restrictions" key="boat" description="Are boats allowed to use this waterway?">
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
<choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<inputSet id="permissions">
- <input type="choice" name="General access" category="Permission" key="access" description="Is there a general right of access, regardless of mode of transport?">
+ <input type="choice" name="General access" category="Restrictions" key="access" description="Is there a general right of access, regardless of mode of transport?">
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
<choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
- <input type="choice" name="Motor vehicles" category="Permission" key="motor_vehicle" description="Are cars and other private vehicles allowed?">
+ <input type="choice" name="Motor vehicles" category="Restrictions" key="motor_vehicle" description="Are cars and other private vehicles allowed?">
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
<choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
- <input type="choice" name="Horses" category="Permission" key="horse" description="Are cars and other private vehicles allowed?">
+ <inputSet ref="hores-permission" />
+ </inputSet>
+ <inputSet id="horse-permission">
+ <input type="choice" name="Horses" category="Restrictions" key="horse" description="Are horses allowed?">
<choice value="yes" text="Allowed" description="General right of way."/>
<choice value="no" text="Prohibited" description="No access to the public."/>
<choice value="permissive" text="Permissive" description="Access permitted through private land."/>
<choice value="private" text="Private" description="No access to the public, except individual exceptions."/>
<choice value="designated" text="Designated" description="Permitted, according to signs or specific local laws."/>
<inputSet id="places">
<inputSet id="isBuilding">
- <input type="checkbox" presence="onTagMatch" category="Misc" description="Does this thing also represent one, solid building?" name="Building" key="building"/>
+ <input type="choice" presence="withCategory" category="Details" name="Building type, if it is one" key="building">
+ <choice value="yes" text="Generic building"/>
+ <choice value="residential" text="Generic residential"/>
+ <choice value="apartments" text="Big apartments house"/>
+ <choice value="terrace" text="Terraced house"/>
+ <choice value="house" text="Family house"/>
+ <choice value="hut" text="Small hut"/>
+ <choice value="garage" text="A garage"/>
+ <choice value="garages" text="Block of garages"/>
+ <choice value="office" text="Office building"/>
+ <choice value="public" text="Public building"/>
+ <choice value="industrial" text="Generic industrial"/>
+ <choice value="manufacture" text="Manufacture"/>
+ <choice value="warehouse" text="Warehouse"/>
+ <choice value="hangar" text="Hangar"/>
+ <choice value="storage_tank" text="Fluids storage tank"/>
+ <choice value="retail" text="Retail"/>
+ <choice value="supermarket" text="Supermarket"/>
+ <choice value="train_station" text="Train station"/>
+ <choice value="church" text="Church"/>
+ <choice value="school" text="School"/>
+ <choice value="bunker" text="Military bunker"/>
+ <choice value="collapsed" text="Collapsed building"/>
+ <choice value="roof" text="Just a roof"/>
+ <help>http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Key:building</help>
+ </input>
<inputSet id="powerCables">
- <input type="choice" name="Cables" key="cables" presence="always" category="Power">
+ <input type="choice" name="Cables" key="cables" presence="always" category="Details">
<choice value="2" text="2"/>
<choice value="3" text="3"/>
<choice value="4" text="4"/>
<choice value="10" text="10"/>
<choice value="12" text="12"/>
- <input type="choice" name="Voltage" key="voltage" presence="always" category="Power">
+ <input type="choice" name="Voltage" key="voltage" presence="always" category="Details">
<!-- choices based on http://osmdoc.com/en/tag/voltage/#values-->
<choice value="400" text="400 V"/>
<choice value="600" text="600 V"/>
<choice value="35000" text="35 kV"/>
<choice value="110000" text="110 kV"/>
<choice value="132000" text="132 kV"/>
- <choice value="138000" text="238 kV"/>
+ <choice value="138000" text="138 kV"/>
<choice value="220000" text="220 kV"/>
<choice value="380000" text="380 kV"/>
+ <choice value="500000" text="500 kV"/>
<inputSet id="pitchSport">
- <input name="Sport" presence="always" category="Sport" key="sport" type="choice" description="The sport that is predominantly played here.">
+ <input name="Sport" presence="always" category="Details" key="sport" type="choice" description="The sport that is predominantly played here.">
<choice value="9pin" text="9 pin bowling"/>
<choice value="10pin" text="10 pin bowling"/>
<choice value="american_football" text="American football"/>
<choice value="gymnastics" text="Gymnastics"/>
<choice value="team_handball" text="(Team) handball"/>
<choice value="hockey" text="(Field) hockey"/>
- <choice value="korfball" text="Korfball"/>
+ <choice value="korfball" text="Korball"/>
<choice value="pelota" text="Pelota"/>
<choice value="rugby_league" text="Rugby league"/>
<choice value="rugby_union" text="Rugby union"/>
<choice value="volleyball" text="Volleyball"/>
+ <inputSet id="wheelchair-basic">
+ <input type="choice" name="Wheelchair" key="wheelchair" presence="onTagMatch" category="Details">
+ <choice value="yes" text="Yes: ramps/elevators/etc" />
+ <choice value="no" text="No: inaccessible to wheelchairs" />
+ <choice value="limited" text="Limited accessibility" />
+ </input>
+ </inputSet>
<!-- Features -->
<include file="map_features/shopping.xml" /> <!-- no clear distinction between this, amenities and buildings -->
<include file="map_features/amenities.xml" /> <!-- includes cafe, bar... -->
<include file="map_features/landuse.xml" /> <!-- includes outdoor leisure/sporting stuff, agriculture, natural. -->
- <include file="map_features/buildings.xml" /> <!-- a bit of a dumping ground, includes sports centre, shopping centre, hospital... -->
<include file="map_features/man_made.xml" />
+ <include file="map_features/buildings.xml" /> <!-- a bit of a dumping ground, includes sports centre, shopping centre, hospital... -->