-Quick documentation:
-<category> the categories that features belong to. This includes both nodes (icons on left) and ways/areas (drop-down list that appears when a way/area is selected)
- name: Shown in GUI
- id: internal reference (a feature refers to this with category=xxx)
-<feature> a pre-defined group of tags that make up a feature
- category: [ctext] corresponding to category id
- icon
- @image: path to .png file
- @dnd: path to optional dnd-specific-override .png file
- @background: colour spec
- @foreground: colour spec
- (general html goes here?) Variables substituted with ${ref}
- help: [ctext] URL, shown as a linked ? icon. Should (?) usually be an OSM wiki page.
- description: Not currently used?
- line/point/area: any or all of these are allowed. Determines whether this feature is shown in the corresponding situations. None is equivalent to all three.
- tag - one or more of these required, defines the tags that make up the feature.
- @k - key
- @v - value
- input
- @ref=xxx
- inputSet
- @ref=xxx
-<inputSet>: a reusable group of properties for a feature.
- @id="internal id"
- input...
- @type: choice/freetext/turn/checkbox/slider/route/speed/number - the different types of supported input dialogs.
- @presence: always/onTagMatch/withCategory - Whether it always appears on the basic page, appears only when the tag is already set, or only ever show on the category page.
- @category: which tab it appears on
- @description: mouse-over text
- @name: The text shown as the label of the property
- @key: The actual OSM key (tag) that will be saved
- @priority: highest/high/normal/low/lowest (default=>normal) - controls the order that different features show up in a panel.
- match: for turn|route inputs, the tags to be considered on the relation as indicating a match.
- @k: key
- @v: value
- icon: see above
- @file="map_features/roads.xml": external file to drop into place here. Include files behave exactly as if written out in full.