+ km away: "%{count}km away"
+ m away: "%{count}m away"
+ nearby users: "Other nearby users"
+ no nearby users: "There are no other users who admit to mapping nearby yet."
+ role:
+ administrator: "This user is an administrator"
+ moderator: "This user is a moderator"
+ grant:
+ administrator: "Grant administrator access"
+ moderator: "Grant moderator access"
+ revoke:
+ administrator: "Revoke administrator access"
+ moderator: "Revoke moderator access"
+ block_history: "blocks received"
+ moderator_history: "blocks given"
+ comments: "Comments"
+ create_block: "block this user"
+ activate_user: "activate this user"
+ deactivate_user: "deactivate this user"
+ confirm_user: "confirm this user"
+ hide_user: "hide this user"
+ unhide_user: "unhide this user"
+ delete_user: "delete this user"
+ confirm: "Confirm"
+ friends_changesets: "friends' changesets"
+ friends_diaries: "friends' diary entries"
+ nearby_changesets: "nearby user changesets"
+ nearby_diaries: "nearby user diary entries"
+ popup:
+ your location: "Your location"
+ nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper"
+ friend: "Friend"
+ account:
+ title: "Edit account"
+ my settings: My settings
+ current email address: "Current Email Address:"
+ new email address: "New Email Address:"
+ email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)"
+ openid:
+ openid: "OpenID:"
+ link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID"
+ link text: "what is this?"
+ public editing:
+ heading: "Public editing:"
+ enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data."
+ enabled link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits"
+ enabled link text: "what is this?"
+ disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous."
+ disabled link text: "why can't I edit?"
+ public editing note:
+ heading: "Public editing"
+ text: "Currently your edits are anonymous and people cannot send you messages or see your location. To show what you edited and allow people to contact you through the website, click the button below. <b>Since the 0.6 API changeover, only public users can edit map data</b>. (<a href=\"http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits\">find out why</a>).<ul><li>Your email address will not be revealed by becoming public.</li><li>This action cannot be reversed and all new users are now public by default.</li></ul>"
+ contributor terms:
+ heading: "Contributor Terms:"
+ agreed: "You have agreed to the new Contributor Terms."
+ not yet agreed: "You have not yet agreed to the new Contributor Terms."
+ review link text: "Please follow this link at your convenience to review and accept the new Contributor Terms."
+ agreed_with_pd: "You have also declared that you consider your edits to be in the Public Domain."
+ link: "http://www.osmfoundation.org/wiki/License/Contributor_Terms"
+ link text: "what is this?"
+ profile description: "Profile Description:"
+ preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:"
+ preferred editor: "Preferred Editor:"
+ image: "Image:"
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: "Use Gravatar"
+ link: "http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gravatar"
+ link text: "what is this?"
+ new image: "Add an image"
+ keep image: "Keep the current image"
+ delete image: "Remove the current image"
+ replace image: "Replace the current image"
+ image size hint: "(square images at least 100x100 work best)"
+ home location: "Home Location:"
+ no home location: "You have not entered your home location."
+ latitude: "Latitude:"
+ longitude: "Longitude:"
+ update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?"
+ save changes button: Save Changes
+ make edits public button: Make all my edits public
+ return to profile: Return to profile
+ flash update success confirm needed: "User information updated successfully. Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address."
+ flash update success: "User information updated successfully."
+ confirm:
+ heading: Check your email!
+ introduction_1: |
+ We sent you a confirmation email.
+ introduction_2: |
+ Confirm your account by clicking on the link in the email and you'll be able to start mapping.
+ press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to activate your account."
+ button: Confirm
+ already active: "This account has already been confirmed."
+ unknown token: "That confirmation code has expired or does not exist."
+ reconfirm_html: "If you need us to resend the confirmation email, <a href=\"%{reconfirm}\">click here</a>."
+ confirm_resend:
+ success: "We've sent a new confirmation note to %{email} and as soon as you confirm your account you'll be able to get mapping.<br /><br />If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist webmaster@openstreetmap.org as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests."
+ failure: "User %{name} not found."
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: Confirm a change of email address
+ press confirm button: "Press the confirm button below to confirm your new email address."
+ button: Confirm
+ success: "Confirmed your email address, thanks for signing up!"
+ failure: "An email address has already been confirmed with this token."
+ set_home:
+ flash success: "Home location saved successfully"
+ go_public:
+ flash success: "All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit."
+ make_friend:
+ heading: "Add %{user} as a friend?"
+ button: "Add as friend"
+ success: "%{name} is now your friend!"
+ failed: "Sorry, failed to add %{name} as a friend."
+ already_a_friend: "You are already friends with %{name}."
+ remove_friend:
+ heading: "Unfriend %{user}?"
+ button: "Unfriend"
+ success: "%{name} was removed from your friends."
+ not_a_friend: "%{name} is not one of your friends."
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: "You need to be an administrator to perform that action."
+ list:
+ title: Users
+ heading: Users
+ showing:
+ one: Page %{page} (%{first_item} of %{items})
+ other: Page %{page} (%{first_item}-%{last_item} of %{items})
+ summary: "%{name} created from %{ip_address} on %{date}"
+ summary_no_ip: "%{name} created on %{date}"
+ confirm: Confirm Selected Users
+ hide: Hide Selected Users
+ empty: No matching users found
+ suspended:
+ title: Account Suspended
+ heading: Account Suspended
+ webmaster: webmaster
+ body: |
+ <p>
+ Sorry, your account has been automatically suspended due to
+ suspicious activity.
+ </p>
+ <p>
+ This decision will be reviewed by an administrator shortly, or
+ you may contact the %{webmaster} if you wish to discuss this.
+ </p>
+ user_role:
+ filter:
+ not_an_administrator: "Only administrators can perform user role management, and you are not an administrator."
+ not_a_role: "The string `%{role}' is not a valid role."
+ already_has_role: "The user already has role %{role}."
+ doesnt_have_role: "The user does not have role %{role}."
+ grant:
+ title: Confirm role granting
+ heading: Confirm role granting
+ are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to grant the role `%{role}' to the user `%{name}'?"
+ confirm: "Confirm"
+ fail: "Could not grant role `%{role}' to user `%{name}'. Please check that the user and role are both valid."
+ revoke:
+ title: Confirm role revoking
+ heading: Confirm role revoking
+ are_you_sure: "Are you sure you want to revoke the role `%{role}' from the user `%{name}'?"
+ confirm: "Confirm"
+ fail: "Could not revoke role `%{role}' from user `%{name}'. Please check that the user and role are both valid."
+ user_block:
+ model:
+ non_moderator_update: "Must be a moderator to create or update a block."
+ non_moderator_revoke: "Must be a moderator to revoke a block."
+ not_found:
+ sorry: "Sorry, the user block with ID %{id} could not be found."
+ back: "Back to index"
+ new:
+ title: "Creating block on %{name}"
+ heading: "Creating block on %{name}"
+ reason: "The reason why %{name} is being blocked. Please be as calm and as reasonable as possible, giving as much detail as you can about the situation, remembering that the message will be publicly visible. Bear in mind that not all users understand the community jargon, so please try to use laymans terms."
+ period: "How long, starting now, the user will be blocked from the API for."
+ submit: "Create block"
+ tried_contacting: "I have contacted the user and asked them to stop."
+ tried_waiting: "I have given a reasonable amount of time for the user to respond to those communications."
+ needs_view: "User needs to log in before this block will be cleared"
+ back: "View all blocks"
+ edit:
+ title: "Editing block on %{name}"
+ heading: "Editing block on %{name}"
+ reason: "The reason why %{name} is being blocked. Please be as calm and as reasonable as possible, giving as much detail as you can about the situation. Bear in mind that not all users understand the community jargon, so please try to use laymans terms."
+ period: "How long, starting now, the user will be blocked from the API for."
+ submit: "Update block"
+ show: "View this block"
+ back: "View all blocks"
+ needs_view: "Does the user need to log in before this block will be cleared?"
+ filter:
+ block_expired: "The block has already expired and cannot be edited."
+ block_period: "The blocking period must be one of the values selectable in the drop-down list."
+ create:
+ try_contacting: "Please try contacting the user before blocking them and giving them a reasonable time to respond."
+ try_waiting: "Please try giving the user a reasonable time to respond before blocking them."
+ flash: "Created a block on user %{name}."
+ update:
+ only_creator_can_edit: "Only the moderator who created this block can edit it."
+ success: "Block updated."
+ index:
+ title: "User blocks"
+ heading: "List of user blocks"
+ empty: "No blocks have been made yet."
+ revoke:
+ title: "Revoking block on %{block_on}"
+ heading: "Revoking block on %{block_on} by %{block_by}"
+ time_future: "This block will end in %{time}."
+ past: "This block ended %{time} ago and cannot be revoked now."
+ confirm: "Are you sure you wish to revoke this block?"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ flash: "This block has been revoked."
+ period:
+ one: "1 hour"
+ other: "%{count} hours"
+ partial:
+ show: "Show"
+ edit: "Edit"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ display_name: "Blocked User"
+ creator_name: "Creator"
+ reason: "Reason for block"
+ status: "Status"
+ revoker_name: "Revoked by"
+ not_revoked: "(not revoked)"
+ showing_page: "Page %{page}"
+ next: "Next »"
+ previous: "« Previous"
+ helper:
+ time_future: "Ends in %{time}."
+ until_login: "Active until the user logs in."
+ time_past: "Ended %{time} ago."
+ blocks_on:
+ title: "Blocks on %{name}"
+ heading: "List of blocks on %{name}"
+ empty: "%{name} has not been blocked yet."
+ blocks_by:
+ title: "Blocks by %{name}"
+ heading: "List of blocks by %{name}"
+ empty: "%{name} has not made any blocks yet."
+ show:
+ title: "%{block_on} blocked by %{block_by}"
+ heading: "%{block_on} blocked by %{block_by}"
+ time_future: "Ends in %{time}"
+ time_past: "Ended %{time} ago"
+ status: "Status"
+ show: "Show"
+ edit: "Edit"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ reason: "Reason for block:"
+ back: "View all blocks"
+ revoker: "Revoker:"
+ needs_view: "The user needs to log in before this block will be cleared."
+ note:
+ description:
+ opened_at_html: "Created %{when} ago"
+ opened_at_by_html: "Created %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ commented_at_html: "Updated %{when} ago"
+ commented_at_by_html: "Updated %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ closed_at_html: "Resolved %{when} ago"
+ closed_at_by_html: "Resolved %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ reopened_at_html: "Reactivated %{when} ago"
+ reopened_at_by_html: "Reactivated %{when} ago by %{user}"
+ rss:
+ title: "OpenStreetMap Notes"
+ description_area: "A list of notes, reported, commented on or closed in your area [(%{min_lat}|%{min_lon}) -- (%{max_lat}|%{max_lon})]"
+ description_item: "An rss feed for note %{id}"
+ opened: "new note (near %{place})"
+ commented: "new comment (near %{place})"
+ closed: "closed note (near %{place})"
+ reopened: "reactivated note (near %{place})"
+ entry:
+ comment: Comment
+ full: Full note
+ mine:
+ title: "Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}"
+ heading: "%{user}'s notes"
+ subheading: "Notes submitted or commented on by %{user}"
+ id: "Id"
+ creator: "Creator"
+ description: "Description"
+ created_at: "Created at"
+ last_changed: "Last changed"
+ ago_html: "%{when} ago"
+ javascripts:
+ close: Close
+ share:
+ title: "Share"
+ cancel: "Cancel"
+ image: "Image"
+ link: "Link or HTML"
+ long_link: "Link"
+ short_link: "Short Link"
+ embed: "HTML"
+ custom_dimensions: "Set custom dimensions"
+ format: "Format:"
+ scale: "Scale:"
+ image_size: "Image will show standard layer at "
+ download: "Download"
+ short_url: "Short URL"
+ include_marker: "Include marker"
+ center_marker: "Center map on marker"
+ paste_html: "Paste HTML to embed in website"
+ view_larger_map: "View Larger Map"
+ key:
+ title: "Map Key"
+ tooltip: "Map Key"
+ tooltip_disabled: "Map Key available only for Standard layer"
+ map:
+ zoom:
+ in: Zoom In
+ out: Zoom Out
+ locate:
+ title: Show My Location
+ popup: You are within {distance} {unit} of this point
+ base:
+ standard: Standard
+ cycle_map: Cycle Map
+ transport_map: Transport Map
+ mapquest: MapQuest Open
+ hot: Humanitarian
+ layers:
+ header: Map Layers
+ notes: Map Notes
+ data: Map Data
+ overlays: Enable overlays for troubleshooting the map
+ title: "Layers"
+ copyright: "© <a href='%{copyright_url}'>OpenStreetMap contributors</a>"
+ site:
+ edit_tooltip: Edit the map
+ edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to edit the map
+ history_tooltip: View edits for this area
+ history_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to view edits for this area
+ createnote_tooltip: Add a note to the map
+ createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in to add a note to the map
+ notes:
+ new:
+ intro: "In order to improve the map the information you enter is shown to other mappers, so please be as descriptive and precise as possible when moving the marker to the correct position and entering your note below."
+ add: Add Note
+ show:
+ permalink: Permalink
+ anonymous_warning: This note includes comments from anonymous users which should be independently verified.
+ opened_by: "created by <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ opened_by_anonymous: "created by anonymous at %{time}"
+ commented_by: "comment from <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ commented_by_anonymous: "comment from anonymous at %{time}"
+ closed_by: "resolved by <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ closed_by_anonymous: "resolved by anonymous at %{time}"
+ reopened_by: "reactivated by <a href='%{user_url}'>%{user}</a> at %{time}"
+ reopened_by_anonymous: "reactivated by anonymous at %{time}"
+ hide: Hide
+ resolve: Resolve
+ reactivate: Reactivate
+ comment_and_resolve: Comment & Resolve
+ comment: Comment
+ edit_help: Move the map and zoom in on a location you want to edit, then click here.
+ redaction:
+ edit:
+ description: "Description"
+ heading: "Edit redaction"
+ submit: "Save redaction"
+ title: "Edit redaction"
+ index:
+ empty: "No redactions to show."
+ heading: "List of redactions"
+ title: "List of redactions"
+ new:
+ description: "Description"
+ heading: "Enter information for new redaction"
+ submit: "Create redaction"
+ title: "Creating new redaction"
+ show:
+ description: "Description:"
+ heading: "Showing redaction \"%{title}\""
+ title: "Showing redaction"
+ user: "Creator:"
+ edit: "Edit this redaction"
+ destroy: "Remove this redaction"
+ confirm: "Are you sure?"
+ create:
+ flash: "Redaction created."
+ update:
+ flash: "Changes saved."
+ destroy:
+ not_empty: "Redaction is not empty. Please un-redact all versions belonging to this redaction before destroying it."
+ flash: "Redaction destroyed."
+ error: "There was an error destroying this redaction."