<div id='userinformation'>
<%= user_image @this_user %>
<div class='userinformation-inner'>
- <h2><%= @this_user.display_name %><%= role_icons(@this_user) %></h2>
+ <h1><%= @this_user.display_name %><%= role_icons(@this_user) %></h1>
<% if @user and @this_user.id == @user.id %>
- <!-- Displaying user's own profile page -->
+ <!-- Displaying user's own profile page to themself -->
<ul class='secondary-actions clearfix'>
- <%= link_to t('user.view.my edits'), :controller => 'changeset', :action => 'list', :display_name => @user.display_name, :anchor => "map=1/0/0" %>
+ <%= link_to t('user.view.my edits'), :controller => 'changeset', :action => 'list', :display_name => @user.display_name %>
<span class='count-number'><%= number_with_delimiter(@user.changesets.size) %></span>
<% else %>
+ <!-- Displaying user profile page to the public -->
<ul class='secondary-actions clearfix'>
- <%= link_to t('user.view.edits'), :controller => 'changeset', :action => 'list', :display_name => @this_user.display_name, :anchor => "map=1/0/0" %>
+ <%= link_to t('user.view.edits'), :controller => 'changeset', :action => 'list', :display_name => @this_user.display_name %>
<span class='count-number'><%= number_with_delimiter(@this_user.changesets.size) %></span>
<%= link_to t('user.view.add as friend'), make_friend_path(:display_name => @this_user.display_name) %>
<% end %>
<% if @this_user.blocks.exists? %>
<%= link_to t('user.view.block_history'), :controller => 'user_blocks', :action => 'blocks_on', :display_name => @this_user.display_name %>
+ <% if @user and @this_user.id != @user.id %>
+ <div class="report-button">
+ <%= link_to new_issue_url(reportable_id: @this_user.id, reportable_type: @this_user.class.name, reported_user_id: @this_user.id,referer: request.fullpath), :title => t('user.view.report') do%>
+ ⚐
+ <% end %>
+ </div>
+ <% end %>
<div class="user-description richtext"><%= @this_user.description.to_html %></div>