amf_handle_error("'startchangeset'",nil,nil) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so Potlatch can't write any changes to the database." end
- unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED and user.terms_agreed.nil? then return -1,"You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." end
if cstags
user = getuser(usertoken)
if user && !user.languages.empty?
- request.user_preferred_languages = user.languages
+ http_accept_language.user_preferred_languages = user.languages
- lang = request.compatible_language_from(getlocales)
+ lang = http_accept_language.compatible_language_from(getlocales)
(real_lang, localised) = getlocalized(lang)
# Tell Potlatch what language it's using
# Remove any elements where 2 seconds doesn't elapse before next one
revdates.delete_if { |d| revdates.include?(d+1) or revdates.include?(d+2) }
# Collect all in one nested array
- revdates.collect! {|d| [d.succ.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + revusers[d.to_i] }
+ revdates.collect! {|d| [(d + 1).strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + revusers[d.to_i] }
return ['way', wayid, revdates]
def getnode_history(nodeid) #:doc:
history = Node.find(nodeid).old_nodes.unredacted.reverse.collect do |old_node|
- [old_node.timestamp.succ.strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + change_user(old_node)
+ [(old_node.timestamp + 1).strftime("%d %b %Y, %H:%M:%S")] + change_user(old_node)
return ['node', nodeid, history]
rescue ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
amf_handle_error_with_timeout("'findgpx'" ,nil,nil) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You must be logged in to search for GPX traces." end
- unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
query = Trace.visible_to(user)
if searchterm.to_i > 0 then
amf_handle_error("'putrelation' #{relid}" ,'relation',relid) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the relation could not be saved." end
- unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED and user.terms_agreed.nil? then return -1,"You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." end
if !tags_ok(tags) then return -1,"One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." end
mid = renumberedways[mid] if m[0] == 'Way'
if mid
- typedmembers << [m[0], mid, m[2]]
+ typedmembers << [m[0], mid, m[2].delete("\000-\037", "^\011\012\015")]
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be saved." end
- unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED and user.terms_agreed.nil? then return -1,"You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." end
if pointlist.length < 2 then return -2,"Server error - way is only #{points.length} points long." end
amf_handle_error("'putpoi' #{id}", 'node',id) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
if !user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the point could not be saved." end
- unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED and user.terms_agreed.nil? then return -1,"You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." end
if !tags_ok(tags) then return -1,"One of the tags is invalid. Linux users may need to upgrade to Flash Player 10.1." end
amf_handle_error("'deleteway' #{way_id}" ,'way', way_id) do
user = getuser(usertoken)
unless user then return -1,"You are not logged in, so the way could not be deleted." end
- unless user.active_blocks.empty? then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
+ if then return -1,t('application.setup_user_auth.blocked') end
if REQUIRE_TERMS_AGREED and user.terms_agreed.nil? then return -1,"You must accept the contributor terms before you can edit." end
way_id = way_id.to_i