- # This is probably the most common call of all. It is used for getting the
- # OSM data for a specified bounding box, usually for editing. First the
- # bounding box (bbox) is checked to make sure that it is sane. All nodes
- # are searched, then all the ways that reference those nodes are found.
- # All Nodes that are referenced by those ways are fetched and added to the list
- # of nodes.
- # Then all the relations that reference the already found nodes and ways are
- # fetched. All the nodes and ways that are referenced by those ways are then
- # fetched. Finally all the xml is returned.
- def map
- # Figure out the bbox
- # check boundary is sane and area within defined
- # see /config/application.yml
- begin
- bbox = BoundingBox.from_bbox_params(params)
- bbox.check_boundaries
- bbox.check_size
- rescue Exception => err
- report_error(err.message)
- return
- end
- @nodes = Node.bbox(bbox).where(:visible => true).includes(:node_tags).limit(MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES+1)
- # get all the nodes, by tag not yet working, waiting for change from NickB
- # need to be @nodes (instance var) so tests in /spec can be performed
- #@nodes = Node.search(bbox, params[:tag])
- node_ids = @nodes.collect(&:id)
- if node_ids.length > MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES
- report_error("You requested too many nodes (limit is #{MAX_NUMBER_OF_NODES}). Either request a smaller area, or use planet.osm")
- return
- end
- if node_ids.length == 0
- render :text => "<osm version='#{API_VERSION}' generator='#{GENERATOR}'></osm>", :content_type => "text/xml"
- return
- end
- doc = OSM::API.new.get_xml_doc
- # add bounds
- doc.root << bbox.add_bounds_to(XML::Node.new 'bounds')
- # get ways
- # find which ways are needed
- ways = Array.new
- if node_ids.length > 0
- way_nodes = WayNode.find_all_by_node_id(node_ids)
- way_ids = way_nodes.collect { |way_node| way_node.id[0] }
- ways = Way.find(way_ids, :include => [:way_nodes, :way_tags])
- list_of_way_nodes = ways.collect { |way|
- way.way_nodes.collect { |way_node| way_node.node_id }
- }
- list_of_way_nodes.flatten!
- else
- list_of_way_nodes = Array.new
- end
- # - [0] in case some thing links to node 0 which doesn't exist. Shouldn't actually ever happen but it does. FIXME: file a ticket for this
- nodes_to_fetch = (list_of_way_nodes.uniq - node_ids) - [0]
- if nodes_to_fetch.length > 0
- @nodes += Node.includes(:node_tags).find(nodes_to_fetch)
- end
- visible_nodes = {}
- changeset_cache = {}
- user_display_name_cache = {}
- @nodes.each do |node|
- if node.visible?
- doc.root << node.to_xml_node(changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
- visible_nodes[node.id] = node
- end
- end
- way_ids = Array.new
- ways.each do |way|
- if way.visible?
- doc.root << way.to_xml_node(visible_nodes, changeset_cache, user_display_name_cache)
- way_ids << way.id
+ def authorize(realm = "Web Password", errormessage = "Couldn't authenticate you")
+ # make the current_user object from any auth sources we have
+ setup_user_auth
+ # handle authenticate pass/fail
+ unless current_user
+ # no auth, the user does not exist or the password was wrong
+ if Settings.basic_auth_support
+ response.headers["WWW-Authenticate"] = "Basic realm=\"#{realm}\""
+ render :plain => errormessage, :status => :unauthorized
+ else
+ render :plain => errormessage, :status => :forbidden