default: "%Y-%m-%d"
- # the short and long date formats are temporary until I can talk with someone...
+ # TODO the short and long date formats are temporary until I can talk with someone...
short: "%e ya %b"
long: "%e ya %B, %Y"
day_names: [Jumpili, Jumatatu, Jumanne, Jumatano, Alhamisi, Ijumaa, Jumamosi]
abbr_day_names: [J2, J3, J4, J5, Al, Ij, J1]
month_names: [~, Januari, Februari, Machi, Aprili, Mei, Juni, Julai, Agosti, Septemba, Oktoba, Novemba, Desemba]
- # these abbreviated month names are temporary until I can talk with someone...
+ # TODO these abbreviated month names are temporary until I can talk with someone...
abbr_month_names: [~, Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec]
order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
- # template:
- # header:
- # one: "Konnte dieses {{model}} Objekt nicht speichern: 1 Fehler."
- # other: "Konnte dieses {{model}} Objekt nicht speichern: {{count}} Fehler."
- # body: "Bitte überprüfen Sie die folgenden Felder:"
+ # TODO this error message template could use some work
+ template:
+ header:
+ one: "Tumeshindwa kuhifadhi {{model}} hii kwa sababu ya jambo limoja."
+ other: "Tumeshindwa kuhifadhi {{model}} hii kwa sababu ya mambo {{count}}."
+ body: ""
# The values :model, :attribute and :value are always available for interpolation
# The value :count is available when applicable. Can be used for pluralization.