#!/usr/bin/env ruby
-require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../config/environment'
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../config/environment"
-exit 0 unless recipient = ARGV[0].match(/^([cm])-(\d+)-(.*)$/)
-if recipient[1] == "c"
- comment = DiaryComment.find(recipient[2])
+if recipient = ARGV[0].match(/^c-(\d+)-(\d+)-(.*)$/)
+ comment = DiaryComment.find(recipient[1])
digest = comment.digest
- date = diary_comment.created_at
- from = comment.diary_entry.user
+ date = comment.created_at
+ from = User.find(recipient[2])
to = comment.user
- message = Message.find(recipient[2])
+ token = recipient[3]
+elsif recipient = ARGV[0].match(/^m-(\d+)-(.*)$/)
+ message = Message.find(recipient[1])
digest = message.digest
date = message.sent_on
from = message.recipient
to = message.sender
+ token = recipient[2]
+ exit 0
-exit 0 unless recipient[3] == digest[0, 6]
+exit 0 unless token == digest[0, 6]
exit 0 if date < 1.month.ago
message.update_attribute(:message_read, true) if message