- get :finish, :minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => 'mapnik', :mapnik_format => 'test', :mapnik_scale => '12'
- assert_response :redirect
- assert_redirected_to "http://render.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0&scale=12&format=test"
+ post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "mapnik", :mapnik_format => "test", :mapnik_scale => "12")
+ assert_redirected_to "https://render.openstreetmap.org/cgi-bin/export?bbox=0.0,50.0,1.0,51.0&scale=12&format=test"
+ end
+ ###
+ # test the finish action for cyclemap images
+ def test_finish_cyclemap
+ post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "cyclemap", :mapnik_scale => 12, :mapnik_format => "png", :zoom => 17, :lat => 1, :lon => 2, :width => 400, :height => 300)
+ assert_redirected_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/cycle/2,1,17/400x300.png?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}"
+ end
+ ###
+ # test the finish action for transport images
+ def test_finish_transport
+ post export_finish_path(:minlon => 0, :minlat => 50, :maxlon => 1, :maxlat => 51, :format => "transportmap", :mapnik_scale => 12, :mapnik_format => "png", :zoom => 17, :lat => 1, :lon => 2, :width => 400, :height => 300)
+ assert_redirected_to "https://tile.thunderforest.com/static/transport/2,1,17/400x300.png?apikey=#{Settings.thunderforest_key}"