+ assert_select "table.note_list tbody tr", :count => 10
+ end
+ def test_empty_page
+ user = create(:user)
+ get user_notes_path(:display_name => user.display_name)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_select "h4", :html => "No notes"
+ end
+ def test_read_note
+ open_note = create(:note_with_comments)
+ browse_check :note_path, open_note.id, "notes/show"
+ end
+ def test_read_hidden_note
+ hidden_note_with_comment = create(:note_with_comments, :status => "hidden")
+ get note_path(:id => hidden_note_with_comment)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "browse/not_found"
+ assert_template :layout => "map"
+ get note_path(:id => hidden_note_with_comment), :xhr => true
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "browse/not_found"
+ assert_template :layout => "xhr"
+ session_for(create(:moderator_user))
+ browse_check :note_path, hidden_note_with_comment.id, "notes/show"
+ end
+ def test_read_note_hidden_comments
+ note_with_hidden_comment = create(:note_with_comments, :comments_count => 2) do |note|
+ create(:note_comment, :note => note, :visible => false)
+ end
+ browse_check :note_path, note_with_hidden_comment.id, "notes/show"
+ assert_select "div.note-comments ul li", :count => 1
+ session_for(create(:moderator_user))
+ browse_check :note_path, note_with_hidden_comment.id, "notes/show"
+ assert_select "div.note-comments ul li", :count => 2
+ end
+ def test_read_note_hidden_user_comment
+ hidden_user = create(:user, :deleted)
+ note_with_hidden_user_comment = create(:note_with_comments, :comments_count => 2) do |note|
+ create(:note_comment, :note => note, :author => hidden_user)
+ end
+ browse_check :note_path, note_with_hidden_user_comment.id, "notes/show"
+ assert_select "div.note-comments ul li", :count => 1
+ session_for(create(:moderator_user))
+ browse_check :note_path, note_with_hidden_user_comment.id, "notes/show"
+ assert_select "div.note-comments ul li", :count => 1
+ end
+ def test_read_closed_note
+ user = create(:user)
+ closed_note = create(:note_with_comments, :closed, :closed_by => user, :comments_count => 2)
+ browse_check :note_path, closed_note.id, "notes/show"
+ assert_select "div.note-comments ul li", :count => 2
+ assert_select "div.details", /Resolved by #{user.display_name}/
+ user.soft_destroy!
+ reset!
+ browse_check :note_path, closed_note.id, "notes/show"
+ assert_select "div.note-comments ul li", :count => 1
+ assert_select "div.details", /Resolved by deleted/
+ end
+ def test_new_note
+ get new_note_path
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template "notes/new"
+ end
+ private
+ # This is a convenience method for most of the above checks
+ # First we check that when we don't have an id, it will correctly return a 404
+ # then we check that we get the correct 404 when a non-existant id is passed
+ # then we check that it will get a successful response, when we do pass an id
+ def browse_check(path, id, template)
+ path_method = method(path)
+ assert_raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError do
+ get path_method.call
+ end
+ # assert_raise ActionController::UrlGenerationError do
+ # get path_method.call(:id => -10) # we won't have an id that's negative
+ # end
+ get path_method.call(:id => 0)
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "browse/not_found"
+ assert_template :layout => "map"
+ get path_method.call(:id => 0), :xhr => true
+ assert_response :not_found
+ assert_template "browse/not_found"
+ assert_template :layout => "xhr"
+ get path_method.call(:id => id)
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template template
+ assert_template :layout => "map"
+ get path_method.call(:id => id), :xhr => true
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_template template
+ assert_template :layout => "xhr"