scope :tagged, ->(t) { joins(:tags).where(:gpx_file_tags => { :tag => t }) }
validates :user, :presence => true, :associated => true
- validates :name, :presence => true, :length => 1..255
- validates :description, :presence => { :on => :create }, :length => 1..255
+ validates :name, :presence => true, :length => 1..255, :characters => true
+ validates :description, :presence => { :on => :create }, :length => 1..255, :characters => true
validates :timestamp, :presence => true
validates :visibility, :inclusion => %w[private public trackable identifiable]
def update_from_xml_node(pt, create = false)
raise"trace", pt, "visibility missing") if pt["visibility"].nil?
self.visibility = pt["visibility"]
unless create
raise"trace", pt, "ID is required when updating.") if pt["id"].nil?
id = pt["id"].to_i
# .to_i will return 0 if there is no number that can be parsed.
# We want to make sure that there is no id with zero anyway
description = pt.find("description").first
raise"trace", pt, "description missing") if description.nil?
self.description = description.content
self.tags = pt.find("tag").collect do |tag|!
- if gpx.actual_points > 0
+ if gpx.actual_points.positive?
max_lat = Tracepoint.where(:gpx_id => id).maximum(:latitude)
min_lat = Tracepoint.where(:gpx_id => id).minimum(:latitude)
max_lon = Tracepoint.where(:gpx_id => id).maximum(:longitude)