SET standard_conforming_strings = on;
SELECT pg_catalog.set_config('search_path', '', false);
SET check_function_bodies = false;
+SET xmloption = content;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET row_security = off;
--- Name: maptile_for_point(bigint, bigint, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE FUNCTION public.maptile_for_point(scaled_lat bigint, scaled_lon bigint, zoom integer) RETURNS integer
- AS $$
- lat CONSTANT DOUBLE PRECISION := scaled_lat / 10000000.0;
- lon CONSTANT DOUBLE PRECISION := scaled_lon / 10000000.0;
- zscale CONSTANT DOUBLE PRECISION := 2.0 ^ zoom;
- pi CONSTANT DOUBLE PRECISION := 3.141592653589793;
- r_per_d CONSTANT DOUBLE PRECISION := pi / 180.0;
- x int4;
- y int4;
- -- straight port of the C code. see db/functions/maptile.c
- x := floor((lon + 180.0) * zscale / 360.0);
- y := floor((1.0 - ln(tan(lat * r_per_d) + 1.0 / cos(lat * r_per_d)) / pi) * zscale / 2.0);
- RETURN (x << zoom) | y;
-- Name: tile_for_point(integer, integer); Type: FUNCTION; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE TABLE public.friends (
id bigint NOT NULL,
user_id bigint NOT NULL,
- friend_user_id bigint NOT NULL
+ friend_user_id bigint NOT NULL,
+ created_at timestamp without time zone
CREATE TABLE public.oauth_nonces (
- id integer NOT NULL,
+ id bigint NOT NULL,
nonce character varying,
"timestamp" integer,
created_at timestamp without time zone,
CREATE INDEX diary_entry_user_id_created_at_index ON public.diary_entries USING btree (user_id, created_at);
--- Name: friends_user_id_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
-CREATE INDEX friends_user_id_idx ON public.friends USING btree (user_id);
-- Name: gpx_file_tags_gpxid_idx; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX index_active_storage_blobs_on_key ON public.active_storage_blobs USING btree (key);
+-- Name: index_changeset_comments_on_changeset_id_and_created_at; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
+CREATE INDEX index_changeset_comments_on_changeset_id_and_created_at ON public.changeset_comments USING btree (changeset_id, created_at);
-- Name: index_changeset_comments_on_created_at; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
CREATE INDEX index_diary_entry_subscriptions_on_diary_entry_id ON public.diary_entry_subscriptions USING btree (diary_entry_id);
+-- Name: index_friends_on_user_id_and_created_at; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -
+CREATE INDEX index_friends_on_user_id_and_created_at ON public.friends USING btree (user_id, created_at);
-- Name: index_issue_comments_on_issue_id; Type: INDEX; Schema: public; Owner: -