require "application_system_test_case"
class CreateNoteTest < ApplicationSystemTestCase
+ include ActionMailer::TestHelper
+ def setup
+ OmniAuth.config.test_mode = true
+ stub_request(:get, /.**d=404/).to_return(:status => 404)
+ end
+ def teardown
+ OmniAuth.config.mock_auth[:google] = nil
+ OmniAuth.config.test_mode = false
+ end
test "can create note" do
visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=18/0/0")
fill_in "text", :with => "Some newly added note description"
click_on "Add Note"
- assert_content "Unresolved note ##{}"
+ assert_content "Unresolved note #"
assert_content "Some newly added note description"
click_on "Add Note"
- assert_content "Unresolved note ##{}"
+ assert_content "Unresolved note #"
assert_content "Some newly added note description"
- test "encouragement to contribute appears after 10 created notes" do
- encouragement_threshold = 10
+ test "encouragement to contribute appears after 10 created notes and disappears after login" do
+ check_encouragement_while_creating_notes(10)
+ sign_in_as(create(:user))
+ check_no_encouragement_while_logging_out
+ end
+ test "encouragement to contribute appears after 10 created notes and disappears after email signup" do
+ check_encouragement_while_creating_notes(10)
+ sign_up_with_email
+ check_no_encouragement_while_logging_out
+ end
+ test "encouragement to contribute appears after 10 created notes and disappears after google signup" do
+ check_encouragement_while_creating_notes(10)
+ sign_up_with_google
+ check_no_encouragement_while_logging_out
+ end
+ private
+ def check_encouragement_while_creating_notes(encouragement_threshold)
encouragement_threshold.times do |n|
visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/#{0.001 * n}")
assert_content(/already posted at least #{encouragement_threshold} anonymous note/)
+ def check_no_encouragement_while_logging_out
+ visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/0")
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_content(/already posted at least \d+ anonymous note/)
+ end
+ sign_out
+ visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/0")
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_content(/already posted at least \d+ anonymous note/)
+ end
+ end
+ def sign_up_with_email
+ click_on "Sign Up"
+ within_content_body do
+ fill_in "Email", :with => ""
+ fill_in "Display Name", :with => "new_user_account"
+ fill_in "Password", :with => "new_user_password"
+ fill_in "Confirm Password", :with => "new_user_password"
+ assert_emails 1 do
+ click_on "Sign Up"
+ end
+ end
+ email = ActionMailer::Base.deliveries.first
+ email_text =[0].parts[0].decoded
+ match = %r{/user/new_user_account/confirm\?confirm_string=\S+}.match(email_text)
+ assert_not_nil match
+ visit match[0]
+ assert_content "Welcome!"
+ end
+ def sign_up_with_google
+ OmniAuth.config.add_mock(:google,
+ :uid => "123454321",
+ :extra => { :id_info => { :openid_id => "http://localhost:1123/new.tester" } },
+ :info => { :email => "", :name => "google_user_account" })
+ click_on "Sign Up"
+ within_content_body do
+ click_on "Log in with Google"
+ click_on "Sign Up"
+ end
+ end