class GeocoderController < ApplicationController
- layout 'site'
+ require 'uri'
require 'net/http'
require 'rexml/document'
+ before_filter :authorize_web
+ before_filter :set_locale
def search
+ @query = params[:query]
+ @sources =
- if params[:postcode]
- unless params[:postcode].empty?
- postcode = params[:postcode]
- check_postcode(postcode)
- return
- end
+ @query.sub(/^\s+/, "")
+ @query.sub(/\s+$/, "")
+ if @query.match(/^[+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?\s*[\s,]\s*[+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?$/)
+ @sources.push "latlon"
+ elsif @query.match(/^\d{5}(-\d{4})?$/)
+ @sources.push "us_postcode"
+ elsif @query.match(/^(GIR 0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]|[A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[ABEHMNPRV-Y]))|[0-9][A-HJKS-UW])\s*[0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})$/i)
+ @sources.push "uk_postcode"
+ @sources.push "osm_namefinder"
+ @sources.push "osm_twain" if APP_CONFIG['twain_enabled']
+ elsif @query.match(/^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\s*\d[A-Z]\d$/i)
+ @sources.push "ca_postcode"
+ else
+ @sources.push "osm_namefinder"
+ @sources.push "osm_twain" if APP_CONFIG['twain_enabled']
+ @sources.push "geonames"
- if params[:query][:postcode]
- unless params[:query][:postcode].empty?
- postcode =params[:query][:postcode]
- check_postcode(postcode)
- return
- end
+ render :update do |page|
+ page.replace_html :sidebar_content, :partial => "search"
+ "openSidebar"
- if params[:query][:place_name]
- @place_name = params[:query][:place_name]
- redirect_to :controller => 'geocoder', :action => 'results', :params => {:place_name => @place_name}
- end
- end
- def check_postcode(p)
- @postcode_arr = []
- postcode = p.upcase
- escaped_postcode = postcode.sub(/\s/,'%20')
- begin
- if postcode.match(/(^\d{5}$)|(^\d{5}-\d{4}$)/)
- # Its a zip code - ask
- # (They have a non commerical use api)
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
- resp = http.get("/service/csv?zip=#{postcode}")
- if resp.body.match(/couldn't find this zip/)
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :error => "invalid_zip_code"
- return
- end
- data = resp.body.split(/, /) # lat,long,town,state,zip
- lat = data[0]
- lon = data[1]
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :mlat => lat, :mlon => lon, :zoom => 14
- return
- end
- elsif postcode.match(/^([A-Z]{1,2}\d+[A-Z]?\s*\d[A-Z]{2})/)
- # It matched our naive UK postcode regexp
- # Ask npemap to do a combined npemap + freethepostcode search
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
- resp = http.get("/cgi/geocoder.fcgi?format=text&postcode=#{escaped_postcode}")
- dataline = resp.body.split(/\n/)[1]
- data = dataline.split(/,/) # easting,northing,postcode,lat,long
- lat = data[3]
- lon = data[4]
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :mlat => lat, :mlon => lon, :zoom => 14
- return
- end
- elsif postcode.match(/^[A-Z]\d[A-Z]\s*\d[A-Z]\d/)
- # It's a canadian postcode
- # Ask (note - they have a per-day limit)
- postcode = postcode.sub(/\s/,'')
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
- resp = http.get("?geoit=XML&postal=#{postcode}")
- data_lat = resp.body.slice(/latt>.*?</)
- data_lon = resp.body.slice(/longt>.*?</)
- lat = data_lat.split(/[<>]/)[1]
- lon = data_lon.split(/[<>]/)[1]
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :mlat => lat, :mlon => lon, :zoom => 14
- return
- end
- elsif postcode.match(/(GIR 0AA|[A-PR-UWYZ]([0-9]{1,2}|([A-HK-Y][0-9]|[A-HK-Y][0-9]([0-9]|[ABEHMNPRV-Y]))|[0-9][A-HJKS-UW]) [0-9][ABD-HJLNP-UW-Z]{2})
- /)
- #its a UK postcode
- begin
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
- resp = http.get("/geocode?postcode=#{postcode}")
- lat = resp.body.scan(/[4-6][0-9]\.?[0-9]+/)
- lon = resp.body.scan(/[-+][0-9]\.?[0-9]+/)
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :mlat => lat, :mlon => lon, :zoom => 14
- return
+ end
+ def search_latlon
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # decode the location
+ if m = query.match(/^\s*([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*[\s,]\s*([+-]?\d+(\.\d*)?)\s*$/)
+ lat = m[1].to_f
+ lon = m[3].to_f
+ end
+ # generate results
+ if lat < -90 or lat > 90
+ @error = "Latitude #{lat} out of range"
+ render :action => "error"
+ elsif lon < -180 or lon > 180
+ @error = "Longitude #{lon} out of range"
+ render :action => "error"
+ else
+ @results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
+ :zoom => APP_CONFIG['postcode_zoom'],
+ :name => "#{lat}, #{lon}"})
+ render :action => "results"
+ end
+ end
+ def search_us_postcode
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask (they have a non-commercial use api)
+ response = fetch_text("{escape_query(query)}")
+ # parse the response
+ unless response.match(/couldn't find this zip/)
+ data = response.split(/\s*,\s+/) # lat,long,town,state,zip
+ @results.push({:lat => data[0], :lon => data[1],
+ :zoom => APP_CONFIG['postcode_zoom'],
+ :prefix => "#{data[2]}, #{data[3]},",
+ :name => data[4]})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def search_uk_postcode
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask to do a combined npemap + freethepostcode search
+ response = fetch_text("{escape_query(query)}")
+ # parse the response
+ unless response.match(/Error/)
+ dataline = response.split(/\n/)[1]
+ data = dataline.split(/,/) # easting,northing,postcode,lat,long
+ postcode = data[2].gsub(/'/, "")
+ zoom = APP_CONFIG['postcode_zoom'] - postcode.count("#")
+ @results.push({:lat => data[3], :lon => data[4], :zoom => zoom,
+ :name => postcode})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def search_ca_postcode
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ @results =
+ # ask (note - they have a per-day limit)
+ response = fetch_xml("{escape_query(query)}")
+ # parse the response
+ if response.get_elements("geodata/error").empty?
+ @results.push({:lat => response.get_text("geodata/latt").to_s,
+ :lon => response.get_text("geodata/longt").to_s,
+ :zoom => APP_CONFIG['postcode_zoom'],
+ :name => query.upcase})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def search_osm_namefinder
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask OSM namefinder
+ response = fetch_xml("{escape_query(query)}")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("searchresults/named") do |named|
+ lat = named.attributes["lat"].to_s
+ lon = named.attributes["lon"].to_s
+ zoom = named.attributes["zoom"].to_s
+ place = named.elements["place/named"] || named.elements["nearestplaces/named"]
+ type = named.attributes["info"].to_s.capitalize
+ name = named.attributes["name"].to_s
+ description = named.elements["description"].to_s
+ if name.empty?
+ prefix = ""
+ name = type
+ else
+ prefix = t "geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.prefix", :type => type
+ end
+ if place
+ distance = format_distance(place.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
+ direction = format_direction(place.attributes["direction"].to_i)
+ placename = format_name(place.attributes["name"].to_s)
+ suffix = t "geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.suffix_place", :distance => distance, :direction => direction, :placename => placename
+ if place.attributes["rank"].to_i <= 30
+ parent = nil
+ parentrank = 0
+ parentscore = 0
+ place.elements.each("nearestplaces/named") do |nearest|
+ nearestrank = nearest.attributes["rank"].to_i
+ nearestscore = nearestrank / nearest.attributes["distance"].to_f
+ if nearestrank > 30 and
+ ( nearestscore > parentscore or
+ ( nearestscore == parentscore and nearestrank > parentrank ) )
+ parent = nearest
+ parentrank = nearestrank
+ parentscore = nearestscore
+ end
- rescue
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :error => "invalid_postcode"
- #redirect to somewhere else
- end
- elsif
- # Some other postcode / zip code
- # Throw it at geonames, and see if they have any luck with it
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
- resp = http.get("/postalCodeSearch?postalcode=#{escaped_postcode}&maxRows=1")
- hits = resp.body.slice(/totalResultsCount>.*?</).split(/[<>]/)[1]
- if hits == "0"
- # Geonames doesn't know, it's probably wrong
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :error => "invalid_postcode_or_zip"
- return
+ if parent
+ parentname = format_name(parent.attributes["name"].to_s)
+ if place.attributes["info"].to_s == "suburb"
+ suffix = t "geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.suffix_suburb", :suffix => suffix, :parentname => parentname
+ else
+ parentdistance = format_distance(parent.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
+ parentdirection = format_direction(parent.attributes["direction"].to_i)
+ suffix = t "geocoder.search_osm_namefinder.suffix_parent", :suffix => suffix, :parentdistance => parentdistance, :parentdirection => parentdirection, :parentname => parentname
+ end
- data_lat = resp.body.slice(/lat>.*?</)
- data_lon = resp.body.slice(/lng>.*?</)
- lat = data_lat.split(/[<>]/)[1]
- lon = data_lon.split(/[<>]/)[1]
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :mlat => lat, :mlon => lon, :zoom => 14
- # Some other postcode / zip file
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :error => "invalid_postcode_or_zip"
- return
+ suffix = ""
- rescue
- #Its likely that an api is down
- redirect_to :controller => params[:next_controller], :action => params[:next_action], :error => "api_down"
+ @results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon, :zoom => zoom,
+ :prefix => prefix, :name => name, :suffix => suffix,
+ :description => description})
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
- def results
- @place_name = params[:place_name]
- res_hash = {}
- @res_ary = []
- begin
- Net::HTTP.start('') do |http|
- res = http.get("/search?q=#{@place_name}&maxRows=10")
- xml =
- xml.elements.each("geonames/geoname") do |ele|
- res_hash = {}
- ele.elements.each("name"){ |n| res_hash['name'] = n.text }
- ele.elements.each("countryCode"){ |n| res_hash['countrycode'] = n.text }
- ele.elements.each("countryName"){ |n| res_hash['countryname'] = n.text }
- ele.elements.each("lat"){ |n| res_hash['lat'] = n.text }
- ele.elements.each("lng"){ |n| res_hash['lon']= n.text }
- @res_ary << res_hash
- end
+ def search_osm_twain
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask OSM namefinder
+ response = fetch_xml("{escape_query(query)}")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("searchresults/place") do |place|
+ lat = place.attributes["lat"].to_s
+ lon = place.attributes["lon"].to_s
+ zoom = place.attributes["zoom"].to_s
+ klass = place.attributes["class"].to_s
+ type = place.attributes["type"].to_s
+ name = place.attributes["display_name"].to_s
+ min_lat,max_lat,min_lon,max_lon = place.attributes["boundingbox"].to_s.split(",")
+ if klass == "highway"
+ prefix = t 'geocoder.search_osm_twain.prefix_highway', :type => type.capitalize
+ else
+ prefix = t 'geocoder.search_osm_twain.prefix_other', :type => type.capitalize
- rescue
- #Flash a notice to say that geonames is broken
- redirect_to "/index.html"
+ @results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon, :zoom => zoom,
+ :min_lat => min_lat, :max_lat => max_lat,
+ :min_lon => min_lon, :max_lon => max_lon,
+ :prefix => prefix, :name => name})
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def search_geonames
+ # get query parameters
+ query = params[:query]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask
+ response = fetch_xml("{escape_query(query)}&maxRows=20")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("geonames/geoname") do |geoname|
+ lat = geoname.get_text("lat").to_s
+ lon = geoname.get_text("lng").to_s
+ name = geoname.get_text("name").to_s
+ country = geoname.get_text("countryName").to_s
+ @results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon,
+ :zoom => APP_CONFIG['geonames_zoom'],
+ :name => name,
+ :suffix => ", #{country}"})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def description
+ @sources =
+ @sources.push({ :name => "osm_namefinder", :types => "cities", :max => 2 })
+ @sources.push({ :name => "osm_namefinder", :types => "towns", :max => 4 })
+ @sources.push({ :name => "osm_namefinder", :types => "places", :max => 10 })
+ @sources.push({ :name => "osm_twain" }) if APP_CONFIG['twain_enabled']
+ @sources.push({ :name => "geonames" })
+ render :update do |page|
+ page.replace_html :sidebar_content, :partial => "description"
+ "openSidebar"
+ end
+ end
+ def description_osm_namefinder
+ # get query parameters
+ lat = params[:lat]
+ lon = params[:lon]
+ types = params[:types]
+ max = params[:max]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask OSM namefinder
+ response = fetch_xml("{types}+near+#{lat},#{lon}&max=#{max}")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("searchresults/named") do |named|
+ lat = named.attributes["lat"].to_s
+ lon = named.attributes["lon"].to_s
+ zoom = named.attributes["zoom"].to_s
+ place = named.elements["place/named"] || named.elements["nearestplaces/named"]
+ type = named.attributes["info"].to_s
+ name = named.attributes["name"].to_s
+ description = named.elements["description"].to_s
+ distance = format_distance(place.attributes["approxdistance"].to_i)
+ direction = format_direction((place.attributes["direction"].to_i - 180) % 360)
+ prefix = t "geocoder.description_osm_namefinder.prefix", :distance => distance, :direction => direction, :type => type
+ @results.push({:lat => lat, :lon => lon, :zoom => zoom,
+ :prefix => prefix.capitalize, :name => name,
+ :description => description})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def description_osm_twain
+ # get query parameters
+ lat = params[:lat]
+ lon = params[:lon]
+ zoom = params[:zoom]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask OSM namefinder
+ response = fetch_xml("{lat}&lon=#{lon}&zoom=#{zoom}")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("reversegeocode") do |result|
+ description = result.get_text("result").to_s
+ @results.push({:prefix => "#{description}"})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def description_geonames
+ # get query parameters
+ lat = params[:lat]
+ lon = params[:lon]
+ # create result array
+ @results =
+ # ask
+ response = fetch_xml("{lat}&lng=#{lon}")
+ # parse the response
+ response.elements.each("geonames/countrySubdivision") do |geoname|
+ name = geoname.get_text("adminName1").to_s
+ country = geoname.get_text("countryName").to_s
+ @results.push({:prefix => "#{name}, #{country}"})
+ end
+ render :action => "results"
+ rescue Exception => ex
+ @error = "Error contacting #{ex.to_s}"
+ render :action => "error"
+ end
+ def fetch_text(url)
+ return Net::HTTP.get(URI.parse(url))
+ end
+ def fetch_xml(url)
+ return
+ end
+ def format_distance(distance)
+ return t("geocoder.distance", :count => distance)
+ end
+ def format_direction(bearing)
+ return t("geocoder.direction.south_west") if bearing >= 22.5 and bearing < 67.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.south") if bearing >= 67.5 and bearing < 112.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.south_east") if bearing >= 112.5 and bearing < 157.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.east") if bearing >= 157.5 and bearing < 202.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.north_east") if bearing >= 202.5 and bearing < 247.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.north") if bearing >= 247.5 and bearing < 292.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.north_west") if bearing >= 292.5 and bearing < 337.5
+ return t("geocoder.direction.west")
+ end
+ def format_name(name)
+ return name.gsub(/( *\[[^\]]*\])*$/, "")
+ end
+ def count_results(results)
+ count = 0
+ results.each do |source|
+ count += source[:results].length if source[:results]
+ end
+ return count
+ end
+ def escape_query(query)
+ return URI.escape(query,"[^#{URI::PATTERN::UNRESERVED}]", false, 'N'))