# 100 examples, an administrator, and a granter for the admin.
assert_equal 102, User.count
+ next_path = users_path
- get users_path
+ get next_path
assert_response :success
assert_template :index
assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 50
+ check_no_page_link "Newer Users"
+ next_path = check_page_link "Older Users"
- get users_path, :params => { :page => 2 }
+ get next_path
assert_response :success
assert_template :index
assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 50
+ check_page_link "Newer Users"
+ next_path = check_page_link "Older Users"
- get users_path, :params => { :page => 3 }
+ get next_path
assert_response :success
assert_template :index
assert_select "table#user_list tbody tr", :count => 2
+ check_page_link "Newer Users"
+ check_no_page_link "Older Users"
+ end
+ def test_index_get_invalid_paginated
+ session_for(create(:administrator_user))
+ %w[-1 0 fred].each do |id|
+ get users_path(:before => id)
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
+ get users_path(:after => id)
+ assert_redirected_to :controller => :errors, :action => :bad_request
+ end
+ private
+ def check_no_page_link(name)
+ assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/, :count => 0 }, "unexpected #{name} page link"
+ end
+ def check_page_link(name)
+ assert_select "a.page-link", { :text => /#{Regexp.quote(name)}/ }, "missing #{name} page link" do |buttons|
+ return buttons.first.attributes["href"].value
+ end
+ end
+ public
def test_index_post_confirm
inactive_user = create(:user, :pending)
suspended_user = create(:user, :suspended)