- nodes = Hash.new
- ways = Hash.new
- relations = Hash.new
- self.members.each do |m|
- if (m[0] == "node")
- n = Node.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", m[1]])
- unless n and n.visible
- return false
- end
- if nodes[m[1]]
- return false
- else
- nodes[m[1]] = true
- end
- elsif (m[0] == "way")
- w = Way.find(:first, :conditions => ["id = ?", m[1]])
- unless w and w.visible and w.preconditions_ok?
- return false
- end
- if ways[m[1]]
- return false
+ elements = { :node => {}, :way => {}, :relation => {} }
+ # pre-set all existing members to good
+ good_members.each { |m| elements[m[0].downcase.to_sym][m[1]] = true }
+ members.each do |m|
+ # find the hash for the element type or die
+ hash = elements[m[0].downcase.to_sym]
+ return false unless hash
+ # unless its in the cache already
+ next if hash.key? m[1]
+ # use reflection to look up the appropriate class
+ model = Kernel.const_get(m[0].capitalize)
+ # get the element with that ID. and, if found, lock the element to
+ # ensure it can't be deleted until after the current transaction
+ # commits.
+ element = model.lock("for share").find_by(:id => m[1])
+ # and check that it is OK to use.
+ unless element && element.visible? && element.preconditions_ok?
+ fail OSM::APIPreconditionFailedError.new("Relation with id #{id} cannot be saved due to #{m[0]} with id #{m[1]}")
+ end
+ hash[m[1]] = true
+ end
+ true
+ end
+ ##
+ # if any members are referenced by placeholder IDs (i.e: negative) then
+ # this calling this method will fix them using the map from placeholders
+ # to IDs +id_map+.
+ def fix_placeholders!(id_map, placeholder_id = nil)
+ members.map! do |type, id, role|
+ old_id = id.to_i
+ if old_id < 0
+ new_id = id_map[type.downcase.to_sym][old_id]
+ fail OSM::APIBadUserInput.new("Placeholder #{type} not found for reference #{old_id} in relation #{self.id.nil? ? placeholder_id : self.id}.") if new_id.nil?
+ [type, new_id, role]
+ else
+ [type, id, role]
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ private
+ def save_with_history!
+ Relation.transaction do
+ # have to be a little bit clever here - to detect if any tags
+ # changed then we have to monitor their before and after state.
+ tags_changed = false
+ t = Time.now.getutc
+ self.version += 1
+ self.timestamp = t
+ save!
+ tags = self.tags.clone
+ relation_tags.each do |old_tag|
+ key = old_tag.k
+ # if we can match the tags we currently have to the list
+ # of old tags, then we never set the tags_changed flag. but
+ # if any are different then set the flag and do the DB
+ # update.
+ if tags.key? key
+ tags_changed |= (old_tag.v != tags[key])
+ # remove from the map, so that we can expect an empty map
+ # at the end if there are no new tags
+ tags.delete key