diary_feed_delay: 0
# Default legale (jurisdiction location) for contributor terms
default_legale: GB
-# Location of GPX traces and images
-gpx_trace_dir: "/home/osm/traces"
-gpx_image_dir: "/home/osm/images"
# Location of data for attachments
attachments_dir: ":rails_root/public/attachments"
# Log file to use
# OAuth application for the web site
#oauth_application: ""
# OAuth consumer key for iD
-#id_key: ""
+#id_oauth_application: ""
# Imagery to return in capabilities as blacklisted
# Current Google imagery URLs have google or googleapis in the domain
- # with a vt or kh endpoint, and x, y and z query parameters
- - ".*\\.google(apis)?\\..*/(vt|kh)[\\?/].*([xyz]=.*){3}.*"
+ - ".*\\.google(apis)?\\..*/.*"
# Blacklist VWorld
- "http://xdworld\\.vworld\\.kr:8080/.*"
# Blacklist here
smtp_address: "localhost"
smtp_port: 25
smtp_domain: "localhost"
-smtp_enable_starttls_auto: false
+smtp_enable_starttls_auto: true
+smtp_tls_verify_mode: "none"
smtp_authentication: null
smtp_user_name: null
smtp_password: null