def check_boundaries(min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
# check the bbox is sane
unless min_lon <= max_lon
def check_boundaries(min_lon, min_lat, max_lon, max_lat)
# check the bbox is sane
unless min_lon <= max_lon
unless min_lon >= -180 && min_lat >= -90 && max_lon <= 180 && max_lat <= 90
# Due to sanitize_boundaries, it is highly unlikely we'll actually get here
unless min_lon >= -180 && min_lat >= -90 && max_lon <= 180 && max_lat <= 90
# Due to sanitize_boundaries, it is highly unlikely we'll actually get here
- if requested_area > APP_CONFIG['max_request_area']
- raise("The maximum bbox size is " + APP_CONFIG['max_request_area'].to_s +
+ if requested_area > MAX_REQUEST_AREA
+ raise"The maximum bbox size is " + MAX_REQUEST_AREA.to_s +