+ # this should be what AMF controller returns when the bbox of a
+ # whichways request is invalid or too large.
+ def assert_boundary_error(map, msg=nil, error_hint=nil)
+ expected_map = [-2, "Sorry - I can't get the map for that area.#{msg}"]
+ assert_equal expected_map, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error. (#{error_hint})"
+ end
+ # this should be what AMF controller returns when the bbox of a
+ # whichways_deleted request is invalid or too large.
+ def assert_deleted_boundary_error(map, msg=nil, error_hint=nil)
+ expected_map = [-2, "Sorry - I can't get the map for that area.#{msg}"]
+ assert_equal expected_map, map, "AMF controller should have returned an error. (#{error_hint})"
+ end