assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :success
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now try with another user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :forbidden
# And finally we should be able to get the trace details with the trace owner
- basic_authorization(anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :success
assert_response :unauthorized
# Login, and try again
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# Now try a trace which did exist but has been deleted
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_read, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :not_found
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should work since the trace is public
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => }
check_trace_data public_trace_file
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => }
check_trace_data public_trace_file
identifiable_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "identifiable", :fixture => "d")
# Authenticate as the owner of the trace we will be using
- basic_authorization(identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization identifiable_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
# First get the data as is
get :api_data, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which shouldn't work since the trace is anon
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :forbidden
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization anon_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => }
check_trace_data anon_trace_file
assert_response :unauthorized
# Login, and try again
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# Now try a trace which did exist but has been deleted
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
get :api_data, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :not_found
# Now authenticated
create(:user_preference, :user => user, :k => "gps.trace.visibility", :v => "identifiable")
assert_not_equal "trackable", user.preferences.where(:k => "gps.trace.visibility").first.v
- basic_authorization(user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.display_name, "test"
post :api_create, :params => { :file => file, :description => "New Trace", :tags => "new,trace", :visibility => "trackable" }
assert_response :success
trace = Trace.find(response.body.to_i)
# Now authenticated, with the legacy public flag
assert_not_equal "public", user.preferences.where(:k => "gps.trace.visibility").first.v
- basic_authorization(user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization user.display_name, "test"
post :api_create, :params => { :file => file, :description => "New Trace", :tags => "new,trace", :public => 1 }
assert_response :success
trace = Trace.find(response.body.to_i)
# Now authenticated, with the legacy private flag
second_user = create(:user)
assert_nil second_user.preferences.where(:k => "gps.trace.visibility").first
- basic_authorization(second_user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization second_user.display_name, "test"
post :api_create, :params => { :file => file, :description => "New Trace", :tags => "new,trace", :public => 0 }
assert_response :success
trace = Trace.find(response.body.to_i)
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should fail
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
content public_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :forbidden
# Now with a trace which doesn't exist
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
content public_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# Now with a trace which did exist but has been deleted
- basic_authorization(deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization deleted_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
content deleted_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :not_found
# Now try an update with the wrong ID
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
content anon_trace_file.to_xml
put :api_update, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :bad_request,
"should not be able to update a trace with a different ID from the XML"
# And finally try an update that should work
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
t = public_trace_file
t.description = "Changed description"
t.visibility = "private"
assert_equal nt.visibility, t.visibility
+ # Test that updating a trace doesn't duplicate the tags
+ def test_api_update_tags
+ tracetag = create(:tracetag)
+ trace = tracetag.trace
+ basic_authorization trace.user.display_name, "test"
+ content trace.to_xml
+ put :api_update, :params => { :id => }
+ assert_response :success
+ updated = Trace.find(
+ # Ensure there's only one tag in the database after updating
+ assert_equal Tracetag.count, 1
+ # The new tag object might have a different id, so check the string representation
+ assert_equal trace.tagstring, updated.tagstring
+ end
# Check deleting a trace through the api
def test_api_delete
public_trace_file = create(:trace, :visibility => "public")
assert_response :unauthorized
# Now with some other user, which should fail
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :forbidden
# Now with a trace which doesn't exist
- basic_authorization(create(:user).display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization create(:user).display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => 0 }
assert_response :not_found
# And finally we should be able to do it with the owner of the trace
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :success
# Try it a second time, which should fail
- basic_authorization(public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test")
+ basic_authorization public_trace_file.user.display_name, "test"
delete :api_delete, :params => { :id => }
assert_response :not_found