+ test "encouragement to contribute appears after 10 created notes and disappears after login" do
+ encouragement_threshold = 10
+ encouragement_threshold.times do |n|
+ visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/#{0.001 * n}")
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_content(/already posted at least \d+ anonymous note/)
+ fill_in "text", :with => "new note ##{n + 1}"
+ click_on "Add Note"
+ assert_content "new note ##{n + 1}"
+ end
+ end
+ visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/#{0.001 * encouragement_threshold}")
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_content(/already posted at least #{encouragement_threshold} anonymous note/)
+ end
+ sign_in_as(create(:user))
+ visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/#{0.001 * encouragement_threshold}")
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_content(/already posted at least \d+ anonymous note/)
+ end
+ sign_out
+ visit new_note_path(:anchor => "map=16/0/#{0.001 * encouragement_threshold}")
+ within_sidebar do
+ assert_no_content(/already posted at least \d+ anonymous note/)
+ end
+ end