+ OSM.Router implements pushState-based navigation for the main page and
+ other pages that use a sidebar+map based layout (export, search results,
+ history, and browse pages).
+ For browsers without pushState, it falls back to full page loads, which all
+ of the above pages support.
+ The router is initialized with a set of routes: a mapping of URL path templates
+ to route controller objects. Path templates can contain placeholders
+ (`/note/:id`) and optional segments (`/:type/:id(/history)`).
+ Route controller objects can define four methods that are called at defined
+ times during routing:
+ * The `load` method is called by the router when a path which matches the
+ route's path template is loaded via a normal full page load. It is passed
+ as arguments the URL path plus any matching arguments for placeholders
+ in the path template.
+ * The `pushstate` method is called when a page which matches the route's path
+ template is loaded via pushState. It is passed the same arguments as `load`.
+ * The `popstate` method is called when returning to a previously
+ pushState-loaded page via popstate (i.e. browser back/forward buttons).
+ * The `unload` method is called on the exiting route controller when navigating
+ via pushState or popstate to another route.
+ Note that while `load` is not called by the router for pushState-based loads,
+ it's frequently useful for route controllers to call it manually inside their
+ definition of the `pushstate` and `popstate` methods.
+ An instance of OSM.Router is assigned to `OSM.router`. To navigate to a new page
+ via pushState (with automatic full-page load fallback), call `OSM.router.route`:
+ OSM.router.route('/way/1234');
+ If `route` is passed a path that matches one of the path templates, it performs
+ the appropriate actions and returns true. Otherwise it returns false.
+ OSM.Router also handles updating the hash portion of the URL containing transient
+ map state such as the position and zoom level. Some route controllers may wish to
+ temporarily suppress updating the hash (for example, to omit the hash on pages
+ such as `/way/1234` unless the map is moved). This can be done by calling
+ `OSM.router.moveListenerOff` and `OSM.router.moveListenerOn`.
+ */
OSM.Router = function(map, rts) {
var escapeRegExp = /[\-{}\[\]+?.,\\\^$|#\s]/g;
var optionalParam = /\((.*?)\)/g;
- var currentPath = window.location.pathname + window.location.search,
+ var currentPath = window.location.pathname.replace(/(.)\/$/, '$1') + window.location.search,
currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath),
currentHash = location.hash || OSM.formatHash(map);
- var router, stateChange;
+ var router = {};
if (window.history && window.history.pushState) {
$(window).on('popstate', function(e) {
currentPath = path;
currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath);
currentRoute.run('popstate', currentPath);
- var state = e.originalEvent.state;
- if (state.center) {
- map.setView(state.center, state.zoom, {animate: false});
- map.updateLayers(state.layers);
- }
+ map.setState(e.originalEvent.state, {animate: false});
- router = function (url) {
+ router.route = function (url) {
var path = url.replace(/#.*/, ''),
route = routes.recognize(path);
if (!route) return false;
- window.history.pushState(OSM.parseHash(url) || {}, document.title, url);
+ window.history.pushState(OSM.parseHash(url), document.title, url);
currentPath = path;
currentRoute = route;
currentRoute.run('pushstate', currentPath);
} else {
- router = function (url) {
+ router.route = function (url) {
if (hash === currentHash) return;
currentHash = hash;
var state = OSM.parseHash(hash);
- if (!state) return;
- map.setView(state.center, state.zoom);
- map.updateLayers(state.layers);
+ map.setState(state);
router.stateChange(state, hash);
router.stateChange(loadState || {});
+ router.setCurrentPath = function (path) {
+ currentPath = path;
+ currentRoute = routes.recognize(currentPath);
+ };
map.on('moveend baselayerchange overlaylayerchange', router.updateHash);
$(window).on('hashchange', router.hashUpdated);