X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/1f58d4a066006260d3ee0f73e81492c9d7d1f81e..732c20bf1b2709490c200696bed44d57346a2ffb:/config/locales/he.yml
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index 474a83ebf..da4940af8 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -1,3 +1,10 @@
+# Messages for Hebrew (×¢×ר×ת)
+# Exported from translatewiki.net
+# Export driver: syck-pecl
+# Author: Aude
+# Author: Deror avi
+# Author: Itay naor
+# Author: YaronSh
@@ -19,13 +26,15 @@ he:
description: ת××ר
latitude: ×§× ×¨×××
longitude: ×§× ××ר×
- name: Name
- public: Public
- size: Size
+ name: ש×
+ public: צ×××ר×
+ size: ××××
user: ×שת×ש
+ visible: ××××
active: פע××
description: ת××ר
+ email: ××××
languages: שפ×ת
pass_crypt: ס×ס××
@@ -35,66 +44,901 @@ he:
language: שפ×
message: ×סר
user: ×שת×ש
+ user_preference: ××¢×פ×ת ××שת×ש
+ way: ×ר×
+ changeset:
+ download: ××ר×ת %{changeset_xml_link} ×× %{osmchange_xml_link}
+ changeset_details:
+ belongs_to: "ש××× ×Ö¾:"
+ bounding_box: "ת××× ×ª×××ת:"
+ box: ת×××
+ created_at: "× ×צר ×ת×ר××:"
+ show_area_box: ×צ×ת ת××ת ת×××
+ common_details:
+ changeset_comment: "×ער×:"
+ deleted_at: "× ××ק ×:"
+ deleted_by: "× ××ק ×¢× ×××:"
+ edited_at: "× ×¢×¨× ×:"
+ edited_by: "× ×¢×¨× ×¢× ×××:"
+ version: "××רס×:"
+ containing_relation:
+ entry: קשר %{relation_name}
+ entry_role: קשר %{relation_name} (×ת×ר %{relation_role})
+ map:
+ deleted: × ××ק
+ larger:
+ area: צפ××× ×ש×× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
+ node: צפ××× ×צ××ת ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
+ relation: צפ××× ×קשר ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
+ way: צפ××× ×××¨× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
+ loading: ×××¢×× ×...
+ navigation:
+ all:
+ next_relation_tooltip: ×××ס ×××
+ next_way_tooltip: ×××¨× ××××
+ prev_relation_tooltip: ×××ס ×ק×××
+ prev_way_tooltip: ×××¨× ×ק×××ת
+ user:
+ name_changeset_tooltip: צפ××× ×ער×××ת ×©× %{user}
+ next_changeset_tooltip: ×ער××× ×××× ×¢"× %{user}
+ prev_changeset_tooltip: ×ער××× ×ק×××ת ×¢"× %{user}
+ download: "%{download_xml_link} ×× %{view_history_link}"
+ download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
edit: ער×××
- node_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת: {{node_name}}"
+ node: צ××ת
+ node_title: "צ××ת: %{node_name}"
+ view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר××
+ node_details:
+ coordinates: "ק×××ר××× ××ת:"
+ part_of: "××ק ×Ö¾:"
+ node_history:
+ download: "%{download_xml_link} ×× %{view_details_link}"
+ download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
+ node_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת
+ node_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת: %{node_name}"
+ view_details: צפ××× ×פר×××
+ sorry: ×× × ××ª× ×¦×××, ×× ×%{type} ××¢× ××××× %{id}, ×× × ×צ×.
node: צ××ת
relation: קשר
way: ×ר×
+ paging_nav:
+ of: ×ת××
+ showing_page: ×צ×ת ××£
+ relation:
+ relation: קשר
+ relation_details:
+ members: "××ר××:"
+ part_of: "××ק ×Ö¾:"
+ relation_history:
+ download: "%{download_xml_link} ×× %{view_details_link}"
+ download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
+ relation_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×ק×ש×ר
+ relation_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×ק×ש×ר: %{relation_name}"
+ view_details: צפ××× ×פר×××
- entry_role: "{{type}} {{name}} ×ת×ר {{role}}"
+ entry_role: "%{type} %{name} ×ת×ר %{role}"
node: צ××ת
relation: קשר
way: ×ר×
+ start_rjs:
+ data_frame_title: × ×ª×× ××
+ data_layer_name: × ×ª×× ××
+ details: פר×××
+ edited_by_user_at_timestamp: × ×¢×¨× ×¢× ××× [[user]] ×Ö¾[[timestamp]]
+ hide_areas: ××סתרת ××××ר××
+ history_for_feature: ×××ס××ר×× ×©× [[feature]]
+ load_data: ××¢×× ×ª × ×ª×× ××
+ loaded_an_area_with_num_features: "××××ר ×©× ××¢× ×××× [[num_features]] ת××× ×ת. ××××¤× ××××, ×¨× ××פ××¤× ×× ×× ××××× ××ת×××× ×¢× ×צ×× ×©× ×××ת ×××ת ×©× × ×ª×× ××. ×ר×, ×פ××¤× ×× ×¢××××× ××××¤× ××××× ××צ×ת פ××ת ×Ö¾100 ת××× ×ת ××Ö¾××× ×ת: ××צ××¢ ×ש×××ת × ×ספ×ת ×¢××××ת ××ר×× ××פ××¤× ××××ת ××××/××תקע. ×× ××× ×ש צ××¨× ××צ×× ×××ת ×××ת ×©× × ×ª×× ××, × ××ª× ×××××¥ ×¢× ××××¦× ×©××××."
+ loading: ×××¢×× ×...
+ manually_select: ×××רת ×××ר ××ר ××× ×ת
+ object_list:
+ api: ××××ר ×××ר ×× ××Ö¾API
+ back: ×צ×ת רש××ת ×פר××××
+ details: פר×××
+ heading: רש××ת פר××××
+ history:
+ type:
+ node: צ××ת [[id]]
+ way: ××¨× [[id]]
+ selected:
+ type:
+ node: צ××ת [[id]]
+ way: ××¨× [[id]]
+ type:
+ node: צ××ת
+ way: ×ר×
+ private_user: ×שת×ש פר××
+ show_areas: ××צ×ת ××××ר××
+ show_history: ×צ×ת ×××ס××ר××
+ unable_to_load_size: "×× × ××ª× ×××¢××: ת××× ×ª×××ת ××××× [[bbox_size]] ××× ××××× ××× (×××ר×× ××××ת ק×× × ××שר %{max_bbox_size})"
+ wait: × × ×××ת××...
+ zoom_or_select: ×תקר××ת ×× ××××¨× ×××ר ×××¤× ×צפ×××
+ tag_details:
+ tags: "ת×××ת:"
+ download: "%{download_xml_link} ×× %{view_history_link}"
+ download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
edit: ער×××
+ view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר××
+ way: ×ר×
+ way_title: "×ר×: %{way_name}"
+ way_details:
+ also_part_of:
+ one: ×× ×× ××ק ××××¨× %{related_ways}
+ other: ×× ×× ××ק ×××ר××× %{related_ways}
+ nodes: "צ×ת××:"
+ part_of: "××ק ×Ö¾:"
+ way_history:
+ download: "%{download_xml_link} ×× %{view_details_link}"
+ download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
+ view_details: צפ××× ×פר×××
+ way_history: ××ס××ר××ת ××ר×
+ way_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ××ר×: %{way_name}"
+ changeset:
user: ×שת×ש
+ list:
+ description: ש×× ×××× ××ר×× ××
- comment_from: "{{comment_created_at}}× {{link_user}}ת×××× ×"
+ comment_from: "%{comment_created_at}× %{link_user}ת×××× ×"
+ confirm: ×××ש×ר
+ hide_link: ××סתרת ××¢×¨× ××
one: ת×××× 1
- other: "{{count}} ת××××ת"
+ other: "%{count} ת××××ת"
+ confirm: ×××ש×ר
edit_link: ער××ת רש×××
- language: :שפ×
- latitude: :×§× ×¨×××
- longitude: :×§× ××ר×
+ language: ":שפ×"
+ latitude: ":×§× ×¨×××"
+ longitude: ":×§× ××ר×"
+ save_button: ×ש××ר×
+ list:
+ in_language_title: רש×××ת ×××× ×%{language}
+ location:
+ edit: ×ער×××
+ location: "××ק××:"
+ view: ×צפ×××
+ no_such_entry:
+ title: ××× ××× ×¨×©××× ×××××
+ no_such_user:
+ heading: ××שת×ש %{user} ××× × ×§×××
+ title: ××× ×שת×ש ×××
+ view:
+ login: ×× ×ס×
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: ××¦×¢× %{login_link} ××× ××ש××ר ת××××
+ editor:
+ remote:
+ name: ש×××× ×ר××ק
+ export:
+ start:
+ add_marker: ×××ספת ס×× ××פ×
+ export_button: ××צ××
+ image_size: ×××× ×ת××× ×
+ latitude: "ק××× ××ר×:"
+ longitude: "ק××× ×¨×××:"
+ max: ×קס××××
+ options: ×פשר×××ת
+ output: פ××
+ paste_html: ××××קת HTML ×××××¢× ××תר
+ scale: ×§× × ××××
+ too_large:
+ heading: ×××××ר ×××× ××××
+ zoom: ×ר×ק ×תצ×××
+ start_rjs:
+ add_marker: ××ספת ס×× ××פ×
+ change_marker: ש×× ×× ××ק×× ×¡××
+ click_add_marker: ×××¦× ×¢× ×××¤× ×××ספת ס××
+ drag_a_box: × × ××ר×ר ×××× ×¢× ×××¤× ××××רת ××××ר
+ export: ××צ××
+ manually_select: ×××××¨× ××× ×ת ×©× ××××ר ××ר
+ view_larger_map: ×צפ××× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
+ geocoder:
+ description:
+ title:
+ geonames: ××ק×× ××תר GeoNames
+ osm_nominatim: ××ק×× ××תר OpenStreetMap Nominatim
+ types:
+ cities: ער××
+ places: ×ק×××ת
+ towns: ×¢××ר×ת
+ direction:
+ east: ××ר×
+ north: צפ××
+ north_east: צפ××-××ר×
+ north_west: צפ××-×ער×
+ south: ×ר××
+ south_east: ×ר××-××ר×
+ south_west: ×ר××-×ער×
+ west: ×ער×
+ distance:
+ one: ××¢×¨× ×§×××××ר
+ other: ××¢×¨× %{count} ק"×
+ zero: פ××ת ×ק×××××ר
+ results:
+ more_results: ת×צ××ת × ×ספ×ת
+ no_results: ×× × ×צ×× ×ª×צ××ת
+ search:
+ title:
+ ca_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.CA
+ geonames: ת×צ××ת ××תר GeoNames
+ latlon: ת×צ××ת ××תר ××
+ osm_namefinder: ת×צ××ת ××תר OpenStreetMap Namefinder
+ osm_nominatim: ת×צ××ת ××תר OpenStreetMap Nominatim
+ uk_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode
+ us_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.us
+ search_osm_namefinder:
+ suffix_parent: " %{suffix} (%{parentdistance} %{parentdirection} ×-%{parentname})"
+ suffix_place: " %{distance} %{direction} ×-%{placename}"
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ prefix:
+ amenity:
+ airport: ש×× ×ª×¢×פ×
+ arts_centre: ×ר×× ××× ×××ת
+ atm: ×ספ×××
+ auditorium: ××××××ר×××
+ bank: ×× ×§
+ bar: פ××
+ bench: ספס×
+ bicycle_parking: ×× ××ת ×××¤× ×××
+ bicycle_rental: ×ש×רת ×××¤× ×××
+ brothel: ××ת ××שת
+ bureau_de_change: ×××¤× ×ספ××
+ bus_station: ת×× ×ª ××××××ס
+ cafe: ××ת קפ×
+ car_rental: ×ש×רת ר××
+ car_sharing: × ×§××ת ש×ת××£ ר××××
+ car_wash: ש××פת ×××× ××ת
+ casino: ק××× ×
+ cinema: ××ת ק××× ××¢
+ clinic: ×רפ××
+ club: ×××¢×××
+ college: ×××××
+ community_centre: ×ר×× ×§×××ת×
+ courthouse: ××ת ×שפ×
+ crematorium: קר×××ר×××
+ dentist: ר××¤× ×©×× ×××
+ doctors: ר×פ×××
+ dormitory: ××¢×× ×ת
+ drinking_water: ×× ×©×ª×××
+ driving_school: ××ת ספר ×× ××××
+ embassy: ש×ר×ר×ת
+ emergency_phone: ××פ×× ××ר××
+ fast_food: ×××× ×××ר
+ ferry_terminal: ×ס××£ ××¢××רת
+ fire_hydrant: ××¨× ××××× ×ש
+ fire_station: ת×× ×ª ××××× ×ש
+ fountain: ××רק×
+ fuel: ××ק
+ grave_yard: ××ת ק×ר×ת
+ gym: ×××× ××שר/××ר ××שר
+ hall: ××××
+ health_centre: ×ר×× ×ר×××ת
+ hospital: ××ת ×××××
+ hotel: ××ת ××××
+ ice_cream: ×××××
+ kindergarten: ×× ×××××
+ library: ספר×××
+ marketplace: ש×ק
+ mountain_rescue: ת×× ×ª ×××××¥ ×רר×ת
+ nursery: פע××××
+ nursing_home: ××ת ×××ת
+ office: ×שר×
+ park: פ×רק
+ parking: ×× ×××
+ pharmacy: ××ת ×רק×ת
+ place_of_worship: ×ק×× ×¤××××
+ police: ×ש×ר×
+ post_box: ת××ת ×××ר
+ post_office: ×¡× ××£ ×××ר
+ preschool: ×× ×××××
+ prison: ×××
+ pub: פ××
+ public_building: ××× × ×¦×××ר
+ public_market: ש×ק
+ reception_area: ××××ר ק×××
+ recycling: × ×§××ת ×××××ר
+ restaurant: ×סע××
+ retirement_home: ××ת ×××ת
+ sauna: ס××× ×
+ school: ××ת ספר
+ shelter: ××ס×
+ shop: ×× ×ת
+ shopping: ×§× ××ת
+ social_club: ×××¢×××
+ studio: ס×××××
+ supermarket: ס×פר×רק×
+ taxi: ××× ×ת
+ telephone: ××פ×× ×¦×××ר×
+ theatre: ת×××ר××
+ toilets: ש×ר×ת××
+ townhall: ×¢×ר×××
+ university: ××× ××רס×××
+ vending_machine: ×××× ×ª ×××ר×
+ veterinary: ×רפ×× ××ר×× ×¨×ת
+ village_hall: ×××× ××פר
+ waste_basket: ×¤× ×שפ×
+ wifi: ××××ר WiFi
+ youth_centre: ×ר×× × ×ער
+ boundary:
+ administrative: ×××× ××××ר ×× ××
+ building:
+ apartments: ××ת ××ר×ת
+ block: ××× ×× ×××
+ bunker: ××× ×§×¨
+ chapel: קפ××
+ church: ×× ×¡×××
+ city_hall: ×× ××× ×¢×ר×××
+ commercial: ×× ××× ×ס×ר×
+ dormitory: ××¢×× ×ת
+ entrance: ×× ××¡× ××× ×××
+ faculty: ×× ××× ×¤×§××××
+ farm: ××××
+ flats: ××ר×ת
+ garage: ××ס×
+ hall: ×× ×××
+ hospital: ××ת ×××××
+ hotel: ××××
+ house: ××ת
+ industrial: ×× ××× ×ª×¢×©××ת×
+ office: ×× ××× ×שר×××
+ public: ×× ××× ×¦×××ר×
+ residential: ×× ××× ×××ר××
+ retail: ×× ××× ×ס×ר×
+ school: ××ת ספר
+ shop: ×× ×ת
+ stadium: ×צ×××××
+ store: ×× ×ת
+ terrace: ×רפסת פת×××
+ tower: ××××
+ train_station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
+ highway:
+ bridleway: ש××× ×¢××ר ס×ס××
+ bus_guideway: × ×ª×× ×ª××××¨× ×¦×××ר×ת ××× ××ת
+ bus_stop: ת×× ×ª ××××××ס
+ byway: ××¨× ×¦×××ת
+ construction: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת ××× ×××
+ cycleway: × ×ª×× ×××¤× ×××
+ distance_marker: ס×× ×ר×ק
+ emergency_access_point: × ×§××ת ×××©× ×ש×ר××ª× ××ר××
+ footway: ש××× ×××××× ×¨××
+ ford: ××¢××¨× (× ×§××ת ×צ××ת × ×ר)
+ gate: שער
+ living_street: ר×××
+ minor: ××¨× ×¦×××ת
+ motorway: ×××ש
+ motorway_junction: צ××ת ×××ש××
+ motorway_link: ×××ש
+ path: × ×ª××
+ pedestrian: × ×ª×× ×××××× ×¨××
+ platform: פ××פ×ר××
+ primary: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
+ primary_link: ×××ש ר×ש×
+ raceway: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
+ residential: ×××ר××
+ road: ×ר×
+ secondary: ××¨× ×××©× ×ת
+ secondary_link: ××¨× ×××©× ×ת
+ service: ×××ש ש×ר×ת
+ services: ש×ר××ª× ×ר×
+ steps: ××ר××ת
+ stile: ××¢×ר ××¢× ××ר
+ tertiary: ××¨× ×¦×××ת
+ track: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
+ trail: ש×××
+ unclassified: ×××ש ×× ×ס×××
+ unsurfaced: ×××ש ×× ×¡×××
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: ×תר ×ר××××××××
+ battlefield: ש×× ×§×¨×
+ boundary_stone: ××× ××××
+ building: ×× ×××
+ castle: ××ר×
+ church: ×× ×¡×××
+ house: ××ת
+ icon: ××ק×× ××
+ manor: ×××××
+ memorial: ×× ×ר××
+ mine: ××ר×
+ monument: ×× ×ר××
+ museum: ×××××××
+ ruins: ×ר×ס×ת
+ tower: ××××
+ wayside_cross: צ×× ××¦× ××ר×
+ wayside_shrine: ×ק×ש ××¦× ××ר×
+ wreck: ספ×× × ×ר×פ×
+ landuse:
+ allotments: ×קצ×ת קרקע
+ basin: ×××
+ cemetery: ××ת ק×ר×ת
+ commercial: ××××ר ×ס×ר×
+ conservation: ש××ר×
+ natural:
+ coastline: ×§× ×××£
+ crater: ××תש
+ feature: ת××× ×
+ fell: ×ר ×××ª× ×©× ××¢× ××ער×ת ס××××
+ fjord: פ××ר×
+ geyser: ××××ר
+ glacier: קר×××
+ heath: ×ת×
+ hill: ×××¢×
+ island: ××
+ land: ××××
+ marsh: ××צ×
+ moor: ××צ×
+ mud: ×××¥
+ peak: פס××
+ point: × ×§×××
+ reef: ש×× ×ת
+ ridge: ר×ס
+ river: × ×ר
+ rock: ס××¢
+ scree: ער×ת ס××¢××
+ scrub: ער××
+ shoal: שר×××
+ spring: ××¢×××
+ strait: ×צר
+ tree: ×¢×¥
+ valley: ×¢×ק
+ volcano: ×ר ×עש
+ water: ×××
+ wetland: ××××
+ wetlands: ××××ת
+ wood: ×ער
+ place:
+ airport: × ×× ×ª×¢×פ×
+ city: ×¢×ר
+ country: ×רץ
+ county: ××××
+ farm: ××××
+ hamlet: ×פר
+ house: ××ת
+ houses: ×ת××
+ island: ××
+ islet: ××××
+ locality: ××××ר ×ק×××
+ moor: ××צ×
+ municipality: ×¢×ר×××
+ postcode: ××ק××
+ region: ××××ר
+ sea: ××
+ state: ×××× ×
+ subdivision: ×××קת ××©× ×
+ suburb: פר××ר
+ town: ×¢××ר×
+ unincorporated_area: ××××ר ×××ª× ×××××
+ village: ×פר
+ railway:
+ abandoned: ×ס××ת ×ר×× × ××ש×
+ construction: ×ס××ת ×ר×× ××× ×××
+ disused: ×ס××ת ×ר×× ×©××× × ×ש×××ש
+ disused_station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת ש××× × ×ש×××ש
+ funicular: ר×××
+ halt: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
+ historic_station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת ××ס××ר×ת
+ junction: ×פ×ש ×ס×××ת ×ר××
+ level_crossing: ×פ×ש ×ס××ת ×ר×× ××××ש
+ light_rail: ר××ת ק××
+ monorail: ××× ×ר×××
+ narrow_gauge: ×ס××ת ר××ת צר×
+ platform: רצ××£ ר××ת
+ preserved: ר××ת ×ש××רת
+ station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
+ subway: ת×× ×ª ר××ת ת×ת×ת
+ subway_entrance: ×× ××¡× ×ת×× ×ª ר××ת ת×ת×ת
+ tram: ×ש×××ת
+ tram_stop: ת×× ×ª ×ש×××ת
+ yard: ×××¡× ×¨×××ת
+ shop:
+ apparel: ×× ×ת ×××××
+ art: ×× ×ת ××¤×¦× ××× ×ת
+ bakery: ××פ×××
+ beauty: ס××× ××פ×
+ beverages: ×× ×ת ×שק××ת
+ bicycle: ×× ×ת ××¤× ×××
+ books: ×× ×ת ספר××
+ butcher: קצ×
+ car: ×× ×ת ××× ×¨××
+ car_dealer: ס××ר ××× ×¨××
+ car_parts: ×××§× ×¨××
+ car_repair: ××ס×
+ carpet: ×× ×ת ש×××××
+ charity: ×× ×ת צ×ק×
+ chemist: ××ת ×רק×ת
+ clothes: ×× ×ת ×××××
+ computer: ×× ×ת ××ש×××
+ confectionery: ק×× ××××ר××
+ convenience: ××××ת
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+ doityourself: ×× ×ת עש×-××ת-×עצ××
+ drugstore: ××ת ×רק×ת
+ dry_cleaning: × ×ק×× ××ש
+ electronics: ×× ×ת ××ק×ר×× ×ק×
+ estate_agent: ×ת××× × ××"×
+ fashion: ×× ×ת ×××¤× ×
+ fish: ×× ×ת ××××
+ florist: ×× ×ת פר×××
+ food: ××××ת
+ funeral_directors: ××ת ×××××ת
+ furniture: ר×××××
+ gallery: ××ר××
+ garden_centre: ×ר×× ××× ××
+ general: ××××ת
+ gift: ×× ×ת ××ª× ×ת
+ greengrocer: ×רק×
+ grocery: ××××ת
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+ insurance: ×××××
+ jewelry: ×× ×ת ת×ש××××
+ kiosk: ק××סק
+ laundry: ×××ס×
+ mall: ×ר×× ×§× ××ת
+ market: ש×ק
+ mobile_phone: ×× ×ת ××פ×× ×× × ×××××
+ motorcycle: ×× ×ת ×××¤× ××¢××
+ music: ×× ×ת ××× ××××ק×
+ optician: ××פ××ק××
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+ pet: ×× ×ת ×××ת ××××
+ photo: ×× ×ת צ××××
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+ sports: ×× ×ת ספ×ר×
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+ camp_site: ×תר ××× ××ת
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+ hotel: ××××
+ information: ××××¢
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+ museum: ×××××××
+ picnic_site: ×תר פ××§× ×ק
+ theme_park: פ×רק × ×ש××
+ valley: ×¢×ק
+ viewpoint: × ×§××ת תצפ×ת
+ zoo: ×× ×××ת
+ waterway:
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+ mooring: ××¢××
+ rapids: ×ש××ת
+ river: × ×ר
+ riverbank: ××ת × ×ר
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+ - ×רע×
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+ - ×××ר
+ military: ×××ר צ×××
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+ - פס××
+ tourist: ×תר ת××ר×ת×
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