X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/2074f4604ffeb3e39378749f66da5155e6b294d8..ee530d8111c92999e1a495b5a23aea9319c1309c:/config/locales/he.yml
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index c543ff1e6..4d0977ba1 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -202,14 +202,10 @@ he:
node: צ××ת
relation: ××ס
way: ×ר×
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@@ -1163,14 +1159,15 @@ he:
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ask_questions: ××פשר××ª× ×ש××× ×©×××ת ×¢× ×תר OpenStreetMap ××תר ×ש×××ת ×תש×××ת ש×× ×.
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get_reading: "×קר××× × ×ספת ×¢× OpenStreetMap ××תר ××××ק×, ××תע××× ×××ש×ת ×××ר×× ×ת ××××× OpenStreetMap ×× ××××××ר, ×× ×קר××× ××××× ×©× ××××¡× OpenStreetMap ס××× ×§×ס×: OpenGeoData blog ×××××¢ ×¢× ×××ס××ר×× ×©× ×××××, ××ש ×× ×× ×§×××¦× ×§××!"
- greeting: ש×××!
- hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×תק××× ×©××××ר ××) ××קש ××צ×ר ×ש××× ×שת×ש ×
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more_videos: צפ××× ×סר××× ×× × ×ספ×× ××ת××ת %{more_videos_link}.
more_videos_here: סר××× ×× × ×ספ×× ×צ×××× ×××
@@ -1180,18 +1177,12 @@ he:
ask_questions: "××פשר××ª× ×ש××× ×©×××ת ×¢× OpenStreetMap ×××£ ×ש×××ת ×תש×××ת ש×× ×:"
blog_and_twitter: "× ××ª× ××תע××× ×××ש×ת ×××ר×× ×ת ××¨× ××××× ×× ×ש××× ××××××ר ×©× OpenStreetMap:"
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- greeting: ש×××!
- hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×תק××× ×©××××ר ××) ××קש ××צ×ר ×ש××× ×
+ current_user: "רש××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ××¤× ×§×××ר××ת, ××ת×× ××ק×× ××××ר×× ×©×××, ×××× ×××:"
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opengeodata: "×תר OpenGeoData.org ××× ××××× ×©× ××××¡× OpenStreetMap ס××× ×§×ס×, ××ש ×× ×× ×¤××ק×ס××× (×ק×××ת ק××):"
the_wiki: "× ××ª× ×קר×× ×¢× OpenStreetMap ×××¤× ××ק×:"
- user_wiki_1: ×× × ××××צ×× ××צ×ר ××£ ×שת×ש, ש×××××
- user_wiki_2: "ק×××ר××ת ××ס×× ×ת ×ת ×ק××××, ×××× ×§×××ר××ת â×שת×ש×× ×××× ×××â: [[Category:Users_in_London]]."
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wiki_signup: "××פשר××ª× ××××¨×©× ×××××§× OpenStreetMap ××ת××ת:"
@@ -1599,7 +1590,7 @@ he:
heading: ×× ×ס×
login_button: ×× ×ס×
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@@ -1626,7 +1617,7 @@ he:
title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ××××
password: "סס××:"
register now: ××××¨×©× ×¢×ש××
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title: ×× ×ס×
to make changes: ××× ××©× ×ת ×ת × ×ª×× × OpenStreetMap, צר×× ×©×××× ×× ×ש×××.
with openid: "××××פ×× ×פשר ××שת×ש ×Ö¾OpenID ××× ××××× ×¡:"
@@ -1659,6 +1650,7 @@ he:
email address: "×ת××ת ××××´×:"
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flash create success message: ת××× ×¢× ×ר×ש××. ש××× × ×××ª× ××ש×ר ××ת×× %{email} ×××©× ×§×× ××× ×ת ×××ש×ר, ×פשר ×××× ××ת××× ××פ×ת.
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heading: ×צ×רת ×ש××× ×שת×ש
license_agreement: ×¢× ××ש×ר ××ש××× ×ש ×ק×× ×ת ×ª× ×× ×תר×××.
no_auto_account_create: ××ר×× ×צער, ×עת ××× × × ×××××× ××צ×ר ×× ×ש××× ××××¤× ×××××××.