X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/30a7fb04427d50676486747c65e331e18743a56f..6da536e5c8870cb30594a7397e074803080e2708:/config/potlatch/locales/oc.yml
diff --git a/config/potlatch/locales/oc.yml b/config/potlatch/locales/oc.yml
index 52782001d..e139c5123 100644
--- a/config/potlatch/locales/oc.yml
+++ b/config/potlatch/locales/oc.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
# Messages for Occitan (Occitan)
# Exported from translatewiki.net
-# Export driver: syck
+# Export driver: syck-pecl
# Author: Cedric31
a_poi: $1 un POI
@@ -8,75 +8,119 @@ oc:
action_addpoint: Apondon d'un punt a la fin d'un camin
action_cancelchanges: Anullacion de la modificacion
action_changeway: modificacion d'una rota
+ action_createparallel: crear de las rotas parallèlas
action_createpoi: Crear un POI (punt d'interès)
+ action_deletepoint: Supression d'un punt
action_insertnode: Apondre un punt sus un camin
action_mergeways: Jónher dos camins
action_movepoi: Desplaçar un POI
action_movepoint: Desplaçar un punt
+ action_moveway: Desplaçar un camin
action_pointtags: entrar las balisas sus un punt
+ action_poitags: entrar las balisas sus un POI
+ action_reverseway: Inversar lo sens del camin
action_revertway: restablir un camin
+ action_splitway: Copar un camin en dos
action_waytags: entrar las balisas sus un camin
advanced: Avançat
advanced_close: Tampar lo grop de modificacions
+ advanced_history: Istoric del camin
advanced_inspector: Inspector
advanced_maximise: Maximizar la fenèstra
advanced_minimise: Minimizar la fenèstra
advanced_parallel: Camin parallèl
advanced_tooltip: Accions de modificacion avançadas
advanced_undelete: Restablir
+ advice_bendy: Tròp de corbadura per alinhar (Maj per forçar)
advice_deletingpoi: Supression del POI (Z per anullar)
advice_deletingway: Supression del camin (Z per anullar)
+ advice_nocommonpoint: Los camins partejan pas de punt comun
+ advice_revertingpoi: Restabliment al darrièr POI salvat (Z per anullar)
advice_revertingway: Retorn al darrièr camin salvat (Z per anullar)
+ advice_tagconflict: Las balisas correspondon pas - Verificatz
advice_toolong: Tròp long per desblocar la situacion - Separatz lo camin en camins mai corts
+ advice_uploadempty: Pas res de mandar
+ advice_uploadfail: MandadÃs arrestat
advice_uploadsuccess: Totas las donadas son estadas mandadas corrèctament
+ advice_waydragged: Camin desplaçat (Z per anullar)
+ cancel: Anullar
closechangeset: Tampadura del grop de modificacions
conflict_download: Telecargar sa version
+ conflict_overwrite: Espotir sa version
conflict_poichanged: Aprèp lo començament de vòstra modificacion, qualqu'un a modificat lo punt $1$2.
conflict_relchanged: Aprèp lo començament de vòstra modificacion, qualqu'un a modificat la relacion $1$2.
+ conflict_visitpoi: Clicatz sus « Ok » per far veire lo punt.
conflict_visitway: Clicatz sus 'Ok' per veire lo camin.
+ conflict_waychanged: Aprèp lo començament de vòstra modificacion, qualqu'un a modificat lo camin $1$2.
createrelation: Crear una relacion novèla
custom: "Personalizat :"
delete: Suprimir
+ deleting: Suprimir
+ drag_pois: Desplaçar de punts d'interès
editinglive: Modificacion en dirècte
+ editingoffline: Modificacion fòra linha
emailauthor: \n\nMercés de mandar un e-mail a richard\@systemeD.net per senhalar aqueste bug, en explicant çò que fasiatz quand s'es produch.
+ error_anonymous: Podètz pas contactar un mapaire anonim.
error_connectionfailed: O planhèm, la connexion al servidor OpenStreetMap a fracassat. Vòstres cambiaments recents se son pas enregistrats.\n\nVolètz ensajar tornamai ?
error_nopoi: Lo punt d'interès (POI) es introbable (benlèu avètz desplaçat la vista ?) doncas pòdi pas anullar.
error_nosharedpoint: "Los camins $1 e $2 an pas pus de punt en comun e doncas, pòdon pas èsser reempegats : l'operacion precedenta de separacion pòt èsser anullada."
+ error_noway: Lo camin $1 es pas estat trobat, pòt pas èsser restablit a son estat precedent.
error_readfailed: O planhèm, lo servidor d'OpenStreetMap a pas respondut a la demanda de donadas.\n\nVolètz ensajar tornamai ?
existingrelation: Apondre a una relacion existenta
findrelation: Trobar una relacion que conten
gpxpleasewait: Pacientatz pendent lo tractament de la traça GPX
+ heading_drawing: Dessenhar
+ heading_introduction: Introduccion
+ heading_pois: Cossà començar
+ heading_quickref: Referéncia rapida
heading_surveying: Relevar
heading_tagging: Balisatge
heading_troubleshooting: Reparacion
+ help: Ajuda
+ help_html: "Benvenguda sus Potlatch\nPotlatch es l'editor de bon utilizar per OpenStreetMap. Dessenhatz de rotas, camins, traças al sòl e magasins a partir de vòstras traças GPS, d'imatges satellit e de mapas ancianas.\n\nAquestas paginas d'ajuda vos van guidar pels prètzfaches basics dins l'utilizacion de Potlatch e vos indicar ont trobar mai d'informacions. Clicatz suls tÃtols çaisús per començar.\n\nUn còp qu'avètz acabat, clicatz simplament endacòm mai dins la pagina.\n\n\n\nCausas utilas de saber\nCopietz pas dempuèi d'autras mapas !\n\nSe causissètz « Modificar en dirècte », totas las modificacions serà n transmesas a la banca de donadas a mesura que las dessenharetz (immediatament !). Se vos sentissètz pas segur, causissètz « Modificar amb salvament », e las modificacions serà n pas transmesas que quand clicaretz sus « Salvar ».\n\nLas modificacions qu'aportatz apareisson costumièrament sus la mapa aprèp una o doas oras (qualques modificacions pòdon prene una setmana). Tot apareis pas sus la mapa - perdriá sa clartat. Mas coma las donadas d'OpenStreetMap son open source, cadun es liure de crear de mapas qu'ofresson diferents aspèctes - coma OpenCycleMap o Midnight Commander.\n\nRemembratz-vos que s'agÃd a l'encòp d'una polida mapa (doncas dessenhatz de corbas polidas pels viratges) e un diagrama (verificatz plan que las rotas se rejonhon a las joncions).\n\nAvèm plan dich de copiar pas dempuèi d'autras mapas ?\n\n\nTrobar mai d'informacions\nManual de Potlatch\nListas de difusion\nDiscussion en linha (ajuda en dirècte)\nForum web\nWiki de la comunautat\nCòde font de Potlatch\n\n\n\nComençar\nAra qu'avètz dobèrt Potlatch, clicatz sus « Modificar amb salvament » per començar.\n\nDoncas, sètz prèst a dessenhar una mapa. Ãò mai aisit, per començar, es de plaçar de punts d'interès sus la mapa - de \"POIs\". Se pòt agir de bars, de glèisas, de garas ferrovià rias... tot çò que vos agrada.\n\nLissar e depausar\nPer far aquò superaisit, veiretz una seleccion dels POI (punts d'interès) los mai corrents, just en dejós de vòstra mapa. Ne plaçar un sus la mapa es tant aisit qu'aquò : clicatz-deplaçatz-lo cap a son emplaçament sus la mapa. E pas d'inquietud se lo plaçatz pas perfièchament del primièr còp : lo podètz desplaçar encara fins a que siá bon. Notatz que lo POI es suslinhat en jaune per mostrar qu'es seleccionat.\n\nOnce you've done that, you'll want to give your pub (or church, or station) a name. You'll see that a little table has appeared at the bottom. One of the entries will say \"name\" followed by \"(type name here)\". Do that - click that text, and type the name.\n\nClick somewhere else on the map to deselect your POI, and the colourful little panel returns.\n\nEasy, isn't it? Click 'Save' (bottom right) when you're done.\nMoving around\nTo move to a different part of the map, just drag an empty area. Potlatch will automatically load the new data (look at the top right).\n\nWe told you to 'Edit with save', but you can also click 'Edit live'. If you do this, your changes will go into the database straightaway, so there's no 'Save' button. This is good for quick changes and mapping parties.\n\nNext steps\nHappy with all of that? Great. Click 'Surveying' above to find out how to become a real mapper!\n\nSurveying with a GPS\nThe idea behind OpenStreetMap is to make a map without the restrictive copyright of other maps. This means you can't copy from elsewhere: you must go and survey the streets yourself. Fortunately, it's lots of fun!\nThe best way to do this is with a handheld GPS set. Find an area that isn't mapped yet, then walk or cycle up the streets with your GPS switched on. Note the street names, and anything else interesting (pubs? churches?) , as you go along.\n\nWhen you get home, your GPS will contain a 'tracklog' recording everywhere you've been. You can then upload this to OpenStreetMap.\n\nThe best type of GPS is one that records to the tracklog frequently (every second or two) and has a big memory. Lots of our mappers use handheld Garmins or little Bluetooth units. There are detailed GPS Reviews on our wiki.\n\nUploading your track\nNow, you need to get your track off the GPS set. Maybe your GPS came with some software, or maybe it lets you copy the files off via USB. If not, try GPSBabel. Whatever, you want the file to be in GPX format.\n\nThen use the 'GPS Traces' tab to upload your track to OpenStreetMap. But this is only the first bit - it won't appear on the map yet. You must draw and name the roads yourself, using the track as a guide.\nUsing your track\nFind your uploaded track in the 'GPS Traces' listing, and click 'edit' right next to it. Potlatch will start with this track loaded, plus any waypoints. You're ready to draw!\n\n
You can also click this button to show everyone's GPS tracks (but not waypoints) for the current area. Hold Shift to show just your tracks.\nUsing satellite photos\nIf you don't have a GPS, don't worry. In some cities, we have satellite photos you can trace over, kindly supplied by Yahoo! (thanks!). Go out and note the street names, then come back and trace over the lines.\n\n
If you don't see the satellite imagery, click the options button and make sure 'Yahoo!' is selected. If you still don't see it, it's probably not available for your city, or you might need to zoom out a bit.\n\nOn this same options button you'll find a few other choices like an out-of-copyright map of the UK, and OpenTopoMap for the US. These are all specially selected because we're allowed to use them - don't copy from anyone else's maps or aerial photos. (Copyright law sucks.)\n\nSometimes satellite pics are a bit displaced from where the roads really are. If you find this, hold Space and drag the background until it lines up. Always trust GPS tracks over satellite pics.\n\nDrawing ways\nTo draw a road (or 'way') starting at a blank space on the map, just click there; then at each point on the road in turn. When you've finished, double-click or press Enter - then click somewhere else to deselect the road.\n\nTo draw a way starting from another way, click that road to select it; its points will appear red. Hold Shift and click one of them to start a new way at that point. (If there's no red point at the junction, shift-click where you want one!)\n\nClick 'Save' (bottom right) when you're done. Save often, in case the server has problems.\n\nDon't expect your changes to show instantly on the main map. It usually takes an hour or two, sometimes up to a week.\nMaking junctions\nIt's really important that, where two roads join, they share a point (or 'node'). Route-planners use this to know where to turn.\n\nPotlatch takes care of this as long as you are careful to click exactly on the way you're joining. Look for the helpful signs: the points light up blue, the pointer changes, and when you're done, the junction point has a black outline.\nMoving and deleting\nThis works just as you'd expect it to. To delete a point, select it and press Delete. To delete a whole way, press Shift-Delete.\n\nTo move something, just drag it. (You'll have to click and hold for a short while before dragging a way, so you don't do it by accident.)\nMore advanced drawing\n
If two parts of a way have different names, you'll need to split them. Click the way; then click the point where it should be split, and click the scissors. (You can merge ways by clicking with Control, or the Apple key on a Mac, but don't merge two roads of different names or types.)\n\n
Roundabouts are really hard to draw right. Don't worry - Potlatch can help. Just draw the loop roughly, making sure it joins back on itself at the end, then click this icon to 'tidy' it. (You can also use this to straighten out roads.)\nPoints of interest\nThe first thing you learned was how to drag-and-drop a point of interest. You can also create one by double-clicking on the map: a green circle appears. But how to say whether it's a pub, a church or what? Click 'Tagging' above to find out!\n\nWhat type of road is it?\nOnce you've drawn a way, you should say what it is. Is it a major road, a footpath or a river? What's its name? Are there any special rules (e.g. \"no bicycles\")?\n\nIn OpenStreetMap, you record this using 'tags'. A tag has two parts, and you can have as many as you like. For example, you could add highway | trunk to say it's a major road; highway | residential for a road on a housing estate; or highway | footway for a footpath. If bikes were banned, you could then add bicycle | no. Then to record its name, add name | Market Street.\n\nThe tags in Potlatch appear at the bottom of the screen - click an existing road, and you'll see what tags it has. Click the '+' sign (bottom right) to add a new tag. The 'x' by each tag deletes it.\n\nYou can tag whole ways; points in ways (maybe a gate or a traffic light); and points of interest.\nUsing preset tags\nTo get you started, Potlatch has ready-made presets containing the most popular tags.\n\n
Select a way, then click through the symbols until you find a suitable one. Then, choose the most appropriate option from the menu.\n\nThis will fill the tags in. Some will be left partly blank so you can type in (for example) the road name and number.\nOne-way roads\nYou might want to add a tag like oneway | yes - but how do you say which direction? There's an arrow in the bottom left that shows the way's direction, from start to end. Click it to reverse.\nChoosing your own tags\nOf course, you're not restricted to just the presets. By using the '+' button, you can use any tags at all.\n\nYou can see what tags other people use at OSMdoc, and there is a long list of popular tags on our wiki called Map Features. But these are only suggestions, not rules. You are free to invent your own tags or borrow from others.\n\nBecause OpenStreetMap data is used to make many different maps, each map will show (or 'render') its own choice of tags.\nRelations\nSometimes tags aren't enough, and you need to 'group' two or more ways. Maybe a turn is banned from one road into another, or 20 ways together make up a signed cycle route. You can do this with an advanced feature called 'relations'. Find out more on the wiki.\n\nUndoing mistakes\n
This is the undo button (you can also press Z) - it will undo the last thing you did.\n\nYou can 'revert' to a previously saved version of a way or point. Select it, then click its ID (the number at the bottom left) - or press H (for 'history'). You'll see a list of everyone who's edited it, and when. Choose the one to go back to, and click Revert.\n\nIf you've accidentally deleted a way and saved it, press U (for 'undelete'). All the deleted ways will be shown. Choose the one you want; unlock it by clicking the red padlock; and save as usual.\n\nThink someone else has made a mistake? Send them a friendly message. Use the history option (H) to select their name, then click 'Mail'.\n\nUse the Inspector (in the 'Advanced' menu) for helpful information about the current way or point.\nFAQs\nHow do I see my waypoints?\nWaypoints only show up if you click 'edit' by the track name in 'GPS Traces'. The file has to have both waypoints and tracklog in it - the server rejects anything with waypoints alone.\n\nMore FAQs for Potlatch and OpenStreetMap.\n\n\n\nWorking faster\nThe further out you're zoomed, the more data Potlatch has to load. Zoom in before clicking 'Edit'.\n\nTurn off 'Use pen and hand pointers' (in the options window) for maximum speed.\n\nIf the server is running slowly, come back later. Check the wiki for known problems. Some times, like Sunday evenings, are always busy.\n\nTell Potlatch to memorise your favourite sets of tags. Select a way or point with those tags, then press Ctrl, Shift and a number from 1 to 9. Then, to apply those tags again, just press Shift and that number. (They'll be remembered every time you use Potlatch on this computer.)\n\nTurn your GPS track into a way by finding it in the 'GPS Traces' list, clicking 'edit' by it, then tick the 'convert' box. It'll be locked (red) so won't save. Edit it first, then click the red padlock to unlock when ready to save.\n\nWhat to click\nDrag the map to move around.\nDouble-click to create a new POI.\nSingle-click to start a new way.\nHold and drag a way or POI to move it.\nWhen drawing a way\nDouble-click or press Enter to finish drawing.\nClick another way to make a junction.\nShift-click the end of another way to merge.\nWhen a way is selected\nClick a point to select it.\nShift-click in the way to insert a new point.\nShift-click a point to start a new way from there.\nControl-click another way to merge.\n\nKeyboard shortcuts\nB Add background source tag\nC Close changeset\nG Show GPS tracks\nH Show history\nI Show inspector\nJ Join point to what's below ways\n(+Shift) Unjoin from other ways\nK Lock/unlock current selection\nL Show current latitude/longitude\nM Maximise editing window\nP Create parallel way\nR Repeat tags\nS Save (unless editing live)\nT Tidy into straight line/circle\nU Undelete (show deleted ways)\nX Cut way in two\nZ Undo\n- Remove point from this way only\n+ Add new tag\n/ Select another way sharing this point\nDelete Delete point\n (+Shift) Delete entire way\nReturn Finish drawing line\nSpace Hold and drag background\nEsc Abort this edit; reload from server\n0 Remove all tags\n1-9 Select preset tags\n (+Shift) Select memorised tags\n (+S/Ctrl) Memorise tags\n§ or ` Cycle between tag groups\n\n"
hint_drawmode: Clic per apondre un punt\nClic doble/Entrada per acabar lo camin
+ hint_latlon: "lat $1\nlon $2"
+ hint_loading: Cargament dels camins en cors
+ hint_overendpoint: Sul darrièr punt del traçat\nClick per jónher\nShift-click per fusionar
hint_overpoint: Punt de dessús\nClick per jónher
hint_pointselected: Punt seleccionat\n(Shift-clic sul punt per\ncomençar una linha novèla)
hint_saving: salvament de las donadas
hint_saving_loading: Cargar/salvar las donadas
inspector: Inspector
inspector_in_ways: Dins los camins
+ inspector_latlon: "Lat $1\nLon $2"
inspector_locked: Varrolhat
inspector_not_in_any_ways: Pas present dins cap de camin (POI)
inspector_unsaved: Pas salvat
inspector_uploading: (mandadÃs)
+ inspector_way_connects_to: Connectat a $1 camins
inspector_way_connects_to_principal: Connècta a $1 $2 e $3 autres $4
+ inspector_way_nodes: $1 noses
inspector_way_nodes_closed: $1 noses (tampat)
login_pwd: "Senhal :"
login_retry: Vòstre nom d'utilizaire del site es pas estat reconegut. Mercés de tornar ensajar.
login_title: Connexion impossibla
login_uid: "Nom d'utilizaire :"
+ mail: Corrièr electronic
+ more: Mai
newchangeset: "Mercés d'ensajar tornarmai : Potlatch començarà un grop de modificacions novèl."
nobackground: Pas de rèire plan
+ norelations: Pas cap de relacion dins l'espaci corrent
offset_broadcanal: Camin de tira de canal larg
offset_choose: Entrar lo descalatge (m)
+ offset_dual: Rota amb cauçadas separadas (D2)
+ offset_motorway: Autorota (D3)
offset_narrowcanal: Camin de tira de canal estrech
ok: OK
openchangeset: Dobertura d'un changeset
+ option_custompointers: Remplaçar la mirga pel Gredon e la Man
option_external: "Aviada extèrna :"
+ option_fadebackground: Rèire plan esclarzir
option_layer_cycle_map: OSM - mapa ciclista
option_layer_maplint: OSM - Maplint (errors)
option_layer_ooc_25k: Istoric UK al 1:25k
+ option_layer_ooc_7th: Istoric UK 7en
+ option_layer_ooc_npe: Istoric UK NPE
option_layer_tip: Causir lo rèire plan d'afichar
option_noname: Metre en evidéncia las rotas pas nomenadas
option_photo: "Fòto KML :"
@@ -84,25 +128,37 @@ oc:
option_thinlines: Utilizar un trach fin a totas las escalas
option_tiger: Veire las donadas TIGER pas modificadas
option_warnings: Far veire los avertiments flotants
+ point: Punt
+ preset_icon_airport: Aeropòrt
preset_icon_bar: Bar
preset_icon_bus_stop: Arrèst de bus
+ preset_icon_cafe: Cafè
preset_icon_cinema: Cinèma
+ preset_icon_convenience: Espiçariá
+ preset_icon_fast_food: Restauracion rapida
preset_icon_ferry_terminal: Terminal de ferry
preset_icon_fire_station: Casèrna de pompièrs
preset_icon_hospital: Espital
preset_icon_hotel: Ostalariá
preset_icon_museum: Musèu
+ preset_icon_parking: Parcatge d'estacionament
+ preset_icon_pharmacy: Farmà cia
+ preset_icon_place_of_worship: Luòc de culte
+ preset_icon_police: Pòste de polÃcia
preset_icon_post_box: Bóstia de letras
preset_icon_pub: Pub
preset_icon_recycling: Reciclatge
+ preset_icon_restaurant: Restaurant
preset_icon_school: Escòla
preset_icon_station: Gara
preset_icon_supermarket: Supermercat
+ preset_icon_taxi: Estacion de taxis
preset_icon_telephone: Telefòn
preset_icon_theatre: Teatre
preset_tip: Causir dins un menut de balisas preseleccionadas que descrivon lo $1
prompt_addtorelation: Apondre $1 a la relacion
prompt_changesetcomment: "Entratz una descripcion de vòstras modificacions :"
+ prompt_closechangeset: Tampar lo grop de modificacions $1
prompt_createparallel: Crear un camin parallèl
prompt_editlive: Modificar en dirècte
prompt_editsave: Modificar amb salvament
@@ -111,24 +167,35 @@ oc:
prompt_revertversion: "Tornar a una version salvada mens recenta :"
prompt_savechanges: Salvar las modificacions
prompt_taggedpoints: D'unes punts d'aqueste camin son balisats. Los volètz suprimir?
+ prompt_track: Conversion d'una traça GPS en camin (varrolhat) per l'edicion
prompt_welcome: Benvengut sus OpenStreetMap!
retry: Ensajatz tornarmai
revert: Revocar
save: Salvar
+ tip_addrelation: Apondre a una relacion
+ tip_addtag: Apondre una balisa novèla
+ tip_alert: Una error s'es producha - Clicatz per mai de detalhs
tip_anticlockwise: Circulacion dins lo sens invèrse del de las agulhas d'un relòtge (trigonometric) - Clicatz per inversar lo sens
tip_clockwise: Circulacion dins lo sens de las agulhas d'un relòtge - Clicatz per inversar lo sens
tip_direction: Direccion del camin - Clicatz per inversar
tip_gps: Afichar las traças GPS (G)
+ tip_noundo: Pas res d'anullar
tip_options: Opcions (causida de la carta de rèire plan)
tip_photo: Cargar de fòtos
tip_presettype: Seleccionar lo tipe de paramètres prepausats dins lo menut de seleccion.
tip_repeattag: Recopiar las balisas del camin seleccionat precedentament (R)
+ tip_revertversion: Causissètz la version cap a la quala tornar
+ tip_selectrelation: Apondre a la rota causida
tip_splitway: Separar lo camin al punt seleccionat (X)
tip_tidy: Lissar los punts del camin (T)
tip_undo: Anullar l'operacion $1 (Z)
uploading: MandadÃs...
+ uploading_deleting_pois: Supression dels POI
uploading_deleting_ways: Supression de camins
uploading_poi: MandadÃs del POI $1
+ uploading_poi_name: MandadÃs del POI $1, $2
uploading_relation: MandadÃs de la relacion $1
+ uploading_relation_name: MandadÃs de la relacion $1, $2
+ uploading_way: MandadÃs del camin $1
uploading_way_name: MandadÃs del camin $1, $2
way: Camin