X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/39c3fa427ea273e9011c380f9d2f2a9759cddb24..67c5c3648249ee253d6ab1a4902f206b29b86c4c:/config/locales/he.yml diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml index c7fd3e028..31ed5c2b9 100644 --- a/config/locales/he.yml +++ b/config/locales/he.yml @@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ # Author: ExampleTomer # Author: GilCahana # Author: Guycn2 +# Author: HarelM # Author: Inkbug # Author: Itay naor # Author: LaG roiL @@ -94,11 +95,11 @@ he: display_name: ×©× ×תצ××× description: ת×××ר languages: שפ×ת - pass_crypt: סס×× + pass_crypt: ס×ס×× printable_name: with_name_html: '%{name} (%{id})' editor: - default: ×ררת ×××× (×עת %{name}) + default: ×ר×רת ×××× (×עת %{name}) potlatch: name: Potlatch 1 description: Potlatch 1 (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×) @@ -392,7 +393,6 @@ he: search: title: latlon: ת×צ××ת ×ת×× ××תר ××× - us_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.us uk_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode ca_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.CA @@ -959,11 +959,10 @@ he: intro_2_create_account: × × ××צ×ר ×ש××× ×שת×ש partners_html: ×××ר×× × ×ª×× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×ר×× %{ucl}â, %{ic} ×%{bytemark}, ××¢×Ö¾××× %{partners} ××ר××. - partners_ucl: ×ר×× UCL VR + partners_ucl: UCL partners_ic: ×××××× ×××××ת×ת ×©× ××× ××× partners_bytemark: ××ר×× ××××××רק partners_partners: ש×תפ×× - partners_url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Partners osm_offline: ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× ×תר OpenStreetMap ××× × ×ק××× ×עת ××©× ×¢××××ת ת××××§× ××××צע×ת ××. osm_read_only: ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× ×תר OpenStreetMap × ×ª×× ×עת ×××¦× ×§×¨××× ×××× ××©× ×¢××××ת @@ -1037,10 +1036,10 @@ he: ×שפ×× ×©× ×ק××××. more_2_html: |- ××£Ö¾×¢×Ö¾×¤× ×©Ö¾OpenStreetMap ××× ×××× × ×ª×× ×× ×¤×ª××××, ××× × × ×××××× ×ספק - API ×פ×ת ×××× × ××פת×× ×¦× ×©××ש×. - ר׳ ×ת ××¤× ××××× ××ת ש×× ×: ××××× ××ת ×ש×××ש ×Ö¾API, - ×××× ××ת ×ש×××ש ××ר×××× - ××××× ××ת ×ש×××ש ×× ×××× ×××. + API ×פ×ת ×××× × ××× ×¦× ×©××ש×. + ר׳ ×ת ××¤× ××××× ××ת ש×× ×: ××××× ××ת ×ש×××ש ×Ö¾API, + ×××× ××ת ×ש×××ש ××ר×××× + ××××× ××ת ×ש×××ש ×× ×××× ×××. contributors_title_html: ×ת×ר××× ×©×× × contributors_intro_html: |- ×ת×ר××× ×©×× × ×× ×××¤× ×× ×©××. ×× × ×× ×××××× @@ -1239,10 +1238,9 @@ he: partners_title: ש×תפ×× notifier: diary_comment_notification: - subject: '[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ת×××× ××ת %{user} × ××¡×¤× ×רש××ת ×××× - ש××' + subject: '[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ת×××× ××ת %{user} × ××¡×¤× ×רש××ת ××××' hi: ש××× %{to_user}, - header: '%{from_user} ×××× ×רש××ת ××××× ×©×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ×¢× ×× ××©× %{subject}:' + header: '%{from_user} ×××× ×רש××ת ××××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ×¢× ×× ××©× %{subject}:' footer: ×פשר ×× ×קר×× ×ת ×ת×××× ××ת××ת %{readurl} ×××××× ××ת××ת %{commenturl} ×× ××ש×× ××ת××ת %{replyurl} message_notification: @@ -1250,6 +1248,7 @@ he: header: '×ת×××ª× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ××××¢× ××××¢× ××ת %{from_user} ×¢× ×× ××©× %{subject}:' footer_html: × ××ª× ×× ×קר×× ×ת ×××××¢× ××ת××ת %{readurl} ×××××× ×××צע×ת %{replyurl} friend_notification: + hi: ש××× %{to_user}, subject: '[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] × ×ספת ×רש××ת ×××ר×× ×©× %{user}' had_added_you: '%{user} ××ס××£ ×××ª× ×××ר ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap.' see_their_profile: ××פשר××ª× ×צפ×ת ×פר×פ×× ×©×× ××ת××ת %{userurl}. @@ -1289,17 +1288,17 @@ he: ×שרת %{server_url} ×× %{new_address}. click_the_link: ×× ×××ת עש×ת ×ת ××, × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××שר ×ת ×ש×× ××. lost_password: - subject: '[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ×קשת ××פ×ס סס××' + subject: '[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ×קשת ××פ×ס ס×ס××' lost_password_plain: greeting: ש×××, - hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×××× ×ת ×× ×ת×) ××קש ש×סס×× ××ש×××ת ××ש××× ×××××× ×¢× ×ת××ת - ××××"× ×××ת ××תר openstreetmap.org. - click_the_link: ×× ××× ×¢×©×ת ×ת ××, ×ש ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××פס ×ת ×סס××. + hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×××× ×ת ×× ×ת×) ××קש ש×ס×ס×× ××ש×××ת ××ש××× ×××××× ×¢× + ×ת××ת ××××"× ×××ת ××תר openstreetmap.org. + click_the_link: ×× ××× ×¢×©×ת ××ת, ×ש ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××פס ×ת ×ס×ס××. lost_password_html: greeting: ש×××, - hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×תק××× ××××ר ××) ××קש ×× ×סס×× ××ש××× ×××××× ×¢× ×ת××ת + hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×תק××× ×©××××ר ××) ××קש ×× ×ס×ס×× ××ש××× ×××××× ×¢× ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×××ת ××תר openstreetmap.org ת××פס. - click_the_link: ×× ×××ת ××קשת ×ת ××, × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××פס ×ת ×סס××. + click_the_link: ×× ×××ת ××קשת ×ת ××, × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××פס ×ת ×ס×ס××. note_comment_notification: anonymous: ×שת×ש ××××× × greeting: ש×××, @@ -1339,6 +1338,8 @@ he: partial_changeset_with_comment: ×¢× ×××¢×¨× '%{changeset_comment}' partial_changeset_without_comment: ××× ××¢×¨× details: פר××× × ×ספ×× ×¢× ×¢×¨×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×פשר ××צ×× ××ת××ת %{url} + unsubscribe: ××× ×××× ×ת ×××× ×× ××¢×××× ×× ×ער×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×××ת, × × ××קר ××ת××ת + %{url} ××××××¥ ×¢× â××××× ××× ××â. message: inbox: title: ת××ת ×××ר × ×× ×¡ @@ -1397,6 +1398,7 @@ he: date: ת×ר×× reply_button: ××ש×× unread_button: ×ס×××× ×××××¢× ×©×× × ×§×¨×× + delete_button: ××××§× back: ×××¨× to: ×× wrong_user: × ×× ×¡×ª ××©× â%{user}â, ××× ×××××¢× ×©××קשת ×קר×× ×× × ×©××× ××××ª× ××שת×ש. @@ -1546,8 +1548,8 @@ he: ×××) create: upload_trace: ××¢××ת ×ס××× GPS - trace_uploaded: ק×××¥ ×Ö¾GPX ש×× ×××¢×× ××××× ×××× ×¡× ×× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ××. ×× ×××¨× ××§×¨× - ×ת×× ××¦× ×©×¢× ×××ש×× ×× ×××ª× ×¢× ×ש××ת ×פע×××. + trace_uploaded: ק×××¥ ×Ö¾GPX ש×× ×××¢×× ××××× ×××× ×¡× ×× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ××. ×× ×××¨× ××× + ××§×¨× ×ת×× ××¦× ×©×¢× ×××ש×× ×× ×××ª× ×¢× ×ש××ת ×פע×××. edit: title: ער××ת ×ס××× %{name} heading: ער××ת ××ס××× %{name} @@ -1654,6 +1656,8 @@ he: require_moderator: not_a_moderator: צר×× ××××ת ×× ×× ××× ××צע ×ת ×פע××× ×××ת. setup_user_auth: + blocked_zero_hour: ×ש ×× ×סר ××××£ ××תר OpenStreetMap. ×¢××× ×קר×× ×ת ×××××¢× ××¤× × + ש××רת ×ער×××ת ש××. blocked: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API × ×ס××. × × ××××× ×¡ ×××שק ×××× ×××××¢ × ×סף. need_to_see_terms: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API ××שע×ת ××× ×ת. × × ××××× ×¡ ××תר ××× ×צפ×ת ××ª× ×× ×תר×××. ××× ×¦××¨× ×ק×× ××ת×, ××× ×××× ××צ×× ××ת×. @@ -1682,6 +1686,8 @@ he: invalid: ××ס×××× ×××ש×ר ××× × ×ª×§×£. revoke: flash: ש××ת ×ת ××ס×××× ××××ש×× %{application}. + permissions: + missing: ×× × ×ª×ª ××רש×× ×××©× ×××ª×§× ××× oauth_clients: new: title: ר×ש×× ××ש×× ××ש @@ -1747,13 +1753,13 @@ he: title: ×× ××¡× heading: ×× ××¡× email or username: '×ת××ת ×××ר ××ק×ר×× × ×× ×©× ×שת×ש:' - password: 'סס××:' + password: 'ס×ס××:' openid: '%{logo} OpenID:' remember: ××××ר ×××ª× - lost password link: ××××ת ×ת ×סס×× ×©××? + lost password link: ××××ת ×ת ×ס×ס×× ×©××? login_button: ×× ××¡× register now: ××××¨×©× ×¢×ש×× - with username: '××ר ×ש ×× ×ש××× OpenStreetMap? × × ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×©× ×שת×ש ×סס××:' + with username: '××ר ×ש ×× ×ש××× OpenStreetMap? × × ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×©× ×שת×ש ×ס×ס××:' with external: '××××פ××, ×שת××©× ××¦× ×©×××©× ××× ××××× ×¡:' new to osm: ××עת ×¢×ש×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap? to make changes: ××× ××©× ×ת ×ת × ×ª×× × OpenStreetMap, צר×× ×©×××× ×× ×ש×××. @@ -1782,6 +1788,9 @@ he: github: title: ×× ××¡× ×××צע×ת GitHub alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× GitHub + wikipedia: + title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××ק×פ××× + alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ××ק×פ××× yahoo: title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×××× alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ×××× @@ -1796,22 +1805,22 @@ he: heading: ×צ××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap logout_button: ×צ××× lost_password: - title: ×סס×× ×××× ×××××× - heading: ש××ת סס××? + title: ×ס×ס×× ×××× ×××××× + heading: ש××ת ס×ס××? email address: '×ת××ת ××××´×:' - new password button: × × ×ש××× ×× ×¡×¡×× ×××©× + new password button: × × ×ש××× ×× ×¡×ס×× ×××©× help_text: × × ××××× ×ת ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×©×שת×שת ×× ××× ×××רש×. ×× × × ×©×× ×××× ×§×ש×ר - ש×פשר ××שת×ש ×× ××× ××פס ×ת סס×ת×. + ש×פשר ××שת×ש ×× ××× ××פס ×ת ס×ס×ת×. notice email on way: ×× × ×צ×ער×× ×ש×××¢ ש××××ת ×××ª× :-( ××× × ×©×× ××××ר ×××ק×ר×× × ×©×× ×××ª× ×©×××צע××ª× ×פשר ××פס ××ת×. notice email cannot find: ס××××, ××ת××ת ×××ת ×× × ×צ××. reset_password: - title: ××פ×ס סס×× + title: ××פ×ס ס×ס×× heading: ××פ×ס ×סס×× ×¢××ר %{user} - password: 'סס××:' - confirm password: '××××ת ×סס××:' + password: 'ס×ס××:' + confirm password: '××××ת ×ס×ס××:' reset: ××פ×ס ×סס×× - flash changed: סס××ª× ×©×× ×ª×. + flash changed: ס×ס××ª× ×©×× ×ª×. flash token bad: ×× ×צ×× × ×ת ××ס×××× ××××, ×××× ×××קת ××ת××ת תע××ר? new: title: ×רש×× @@ -1828,18 +1837,17 @@ he: ×תר×××. email address: '×ת××ת ××××´×:' confirm email address: '××××ת ×ת××ת ××××´×:' - not displayed publicly: ××ת××ת ש××£ ×× ××צ×ת ×פ××××, ר׳ ×ת ××××× ××ת - פר×××ת ×××××¢ × ×סף - display name: '×©× ×תצ×××:' - display name description: ×©× ××שת×ש ש××, ש×××¦× ×פ××××. ×פשר ××©× ×ת ×ת ×× ××עפ×ת + not displayed publicly: ××ת××ת ש×× ×× ××צ×ת ×פ××××, ×××××¢ × ×סף ר×× ×××× ××ת פר×××ת + display name: '×©× ××צ××:' + display name description: ×©× ××שת×ש ש××, ש×××¦× ×פ××××. ×פשר ××©× ×ת ×ת ×× ×××¢×פ×ת ש××. external auth: '××××ת ×¢× ×¦× ×©××ש×:' - password: 'סס××:' - confirm password: '××××ת סס××:' + password: 'ס×ס××:' + confirm password: '××××ת ס×ס××:' use external auth: '××××פ××, ×שת××©× ××¦× ×©×××©× ××× ××××× ×¡:' - auth no password: ×¢× ××××ת ×¦× ×©×××©× ××× ×¦××¨× ×סס××, ××× ×××× × ×ספ×× ×× ×©×¨×ª ×××××× - ××××קק ××××. + auth no password: ×¢× ××××ת ×¦× ×©×××©× ××× ×¦××¨× ×ס×ס××, ××× ×××× × ×ספ×× ×× ×©×¨×ª + ×××××× ××××קק ××××. continue: ×רש×× terms accepted: ת××× ×¢× ×§××ת ×ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××! terms declined: ×× ×× × ×צ×ער×× ×©××××ת ×× ×ק×× ×ת ×ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××. ×××××¢ × ×סף @@ -1962,7 +1970,7 @@ he: ×ער×× × ×ª×× × ×פ×. (×ס×ר ××× ×× ×××).