X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/497009ed2b98dfdeeb349e891c1fbd88d14ff087..fe77d0daa1047767e374494063073d46a059f0b2:/config/locales/he.yml
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index 42f129d4f..6aca2d3bb 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -399,8 +399,10 @@ he:
+ cable_car: ר×××
chair_lift: ××¢××ת ×¡×§× ××ש×××
drag_lift: ××¢××ת ×¡×§× ××ר×ר×
+ gondola: ר××× ××× ××××
station: ת×× ×ª ר×××
aerodrome: ×× ×ת
@@ -411,11 +413,9 @@ he:
taxiway: ×ס××× × ×¡×עת ×××ס
terminal: ×ס××£
- airport: ש×× ×ª×¢×פ×
+ animal_shelter: ××ת ×××¡× ××××ת
arts_centre: ×ר×× ××× ×××ת
- artwork: ×צ×רת ××× ×ת
atm: ×ספ×××
- auditorium: ××××××ר×××
bank: ×× ×§
bar: ×ר
bbq: ×× ××
@@ -423,6 +423,7 @@ he:
bicycle_parking: ×× ××ת ×××¤× ×××
bicycle_rental: ×ש×רת ×××¤× ×××
biergarten: ××× ×ª ××ר×
+ boat_rental: ×ש×רת ס×ר×ת
brothel: ××ת ××שת
bureau_de_change: ×××¤× ×ספ××
bus_station: ת×× ×ª ××××××ס
@@ -432,9 +433,10 @@ he:
car_wash: ש××פת ×××× ××ת
casino: ק××× ×
charging_station: ת×× ×ª ×××¢× ×
+ childcare: ××פ×× ××××××
cinema: ××ת ק××× ××¢
clinic: ×רפ××
- club: ×××¢×××
+ clock: שע××
college: ×××××
community_centre: ×ר×× ×§×××ת×
courthouse: ××ת ×שפ×
@@ -453,25 +455,25 @@ he:
food_court: ×××ר ×××× ×××ר
fountain: ××רק×
fuel: ××ק
+ gambling: ××××ר××
grave_yard: ××ת ק×ר×ת
gym: ×××× ××שר/××ר ××שר
- hall: ××××
health_centre: ×ר×× ×ר×××ת
hospital: ××ת ×××××
- hotel: ××ת ××××
hunting_stand: תצפ×ת צ×××××
ice_cream: ×××××
kindergarten: ×× ×××××
library: ספר×××
market: ש×ק
marketplace: ש×ק
- mountain_rescue: ת×× ×ª ×××××¥ ×רר×ת
+ monastery: ×× ×ר
+ motorcycle_parking: ×× ××ת ×××¤× ××¢××
nightclub: ×××¢××× ××××
nursery: פע××××
nursing_home: ××ת ×××ת
office: ×שר×
- park: פ×רק
parking: ×× ××
+ parking_entrance: ×× ××¡× ××× ××
pharmacy: ××ת ×רק×ת
place_of_worship: ×ק×× ×¤××××
police: ×ש×ר×
@@ -481,7 +483,6 @@ he:
prison: ×××
pub: פ××
public_building: ××× × ×¦×××ר
- public_market: ש×ק
reception_area: ×××ר ק××××
recycling: × ×§××ת ×××××ר
restaurant: ×סע××
@@ -490,13 +491,11 @@ he:
school: ××ת ספר
shelter: ××ס×
shop: ×× ×ת
- shopping: ×§× ××ת
shower: ×ק××ת
social_centre: ×ר×× ××רת×
social_club: ×××¢×××
social_facility: ××ª×§× ××רת×
studio: ס×××××
- supermarket: ס×פר×רק×
swimming_pool: ×רֵ×ת ש××××
taxi: ××× ×ת
telephone: ××פ×× ×¦×××ר×
@@ -508,8 +507,7 @@ he:
veterinary: ×רפ×× ××ר×× ×¨×ת
village_hall: ×××× ××פר
waste_basket: ×¤× ×שפ×
- wifi: ××שת WiFi
- WLAN: ××שת WiFi
+ waste_disposal: ××פ×× ×פס××ת
youth_centre: ×ר×× × ×ער
administrative: ×××× ×©×× ×©×פ××
@@ -524,22 +522,35 @@ he:
"yes": ×שר
"yes": ×× ×××
+ craft:
+ brewery: ××ש×ת ××ר×
+ carpenter: × ×ר
+ electrician: ×ש××××
+ gardener: ×× ×
+ painter: צ××ר
+ photographer: צ××
+ plumber: שר×ר×
+ shoemaker: ×¡× ××ר
+ tailor: ××××
+ "yes": ×× ×ת ××××ת־××
- fire_hydrant: ××¨× ××××× ×ש
+ ambulance_station: ת×× ×ª ×××××× ×¡××
+ defibrillator: ×פע×
+ landing_site: ×תר × ××תת ××ר××
phone: ××פ×× ××ר××
+ abandoned: ×××ש × ××ש
bridleway: ש××× ×¢××ר ס×ס××
bus_guideway: × ×ª×× ×ª××××¨× ×¦×××ר×ת ××× ××ת
bus_stop: ת×× ×ª ××××××ס
- byway: ××¨× ×¦××ת
construction: ×××ש ×××ר ××× ×××
cycleway: × ×ª×× ×××¤× ×××
+ elevator: ××¢××ת
emergency_access_point: × ×§××ת ×××©× ×ש×ר××ª× ××ר××
footway: ש××× ×××××× ×¨××
ford: ××¢××¨× ×× ××
living_street: ר××× ×××ר××
milestone: ××× ×ר×
- minor: ××¨× ××©× ×ת
motorway: ×××ש
motorway_junction: צ××ת ×××ש××
motorway_link: ×××ש ×××× ××ת
@@ -560,37 +571,44 @@ he:
speed_camera: ×צ××ת ×××ר×ת
steps: ××ר××ת
street_lamp: ×¤× ×¡ ר×××
- stile: ××¢×ר ××¢× ××ר
tertiary: ××¨× ×©××ש×× ×ת
tertiary_link: ××¨× ×©××ש×× ×ת
track: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
+ traffic_signals: ר×××ר
trail: ש×××
trunk: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
trunk_link: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
unclassified: ××¨× ×× ×ס×××ת
unsurfaced: ××¨× ××ת×־ס××××
+ "yes": ×ר×
archaeological_site: ×תר ×ר×××××××
battlefield: ש×× ×§×¨×
boundary_stone: ××× ××××
- building: ×× ×××
+ building: ×× ××× ××ס××ר×
+ bunker: ××× ×§×¨
castle: ××ר×
church: ×× ×¡×××
+ city_gate: שער ××¢×ר
citywalls: ××××ת ××¢×ר
fort: ××¢××
+ heritage: ×תר ××רשת
house: ××ת
icon: ××ק×× ××
manor: ×××××
memorial: ×× ×ר×× ×××ר××
mine: ××ר×
monument: ×× ×ר××
- museum: ×××××××
+ roman_road: ××¨× ×¨×××ת
ruins: ×ר×ס×ת
+ stone: ×××
tomb: ק×ר
tower: ××××
wayside_cross: צ×× ××¦× ××ר×
wayside_shrine: ×ק×ש ××¦× ××ר×
wreck: ספ×× × ×ר×פ×
+ junction:
+ "yes": צ××ת
allotments: ×קצ×ת קרקע
basin: ×××
@@ -612,9 +630,6 @@ he:
military: ש×× ×¦×××
mine: ××ר×
orchard: פר×ס
- nature_reserve: ש××רת ×××¢
- park: פ×רק
- piste: ×ס××× ×¡×§×
quarry: ××צ××
railway: ×ס××ת ×ר××
recreation_ground: ש××× × ×פש ××¤× ××
@@ -625,16 +640,19 @@ he:
road: ×××ר ×ר×
village_green: ×××ר ××פר
vineyard: ×ר×
- wetland: ××××
- wood: ××רש×
+ "yes": ש×××ש ×קרקע
beach_resort: ×תר × ×פש ××××£ ××
bird_hide: ×צפ×ר
+ club: ×××¢×××
common: ש×× ×ש×תף
+ dog_park: פ×רק ×××××
fishing: ×××ר ×××
+ fitness_centre: ×××× ××שר
fitness_station: ת×× ×ª ××שר
garden: ××
golf_course: ××רש ××××£
+ horse_riding: ר×××ת ס×ס××
ice_rink: ××××©× ×¢× ×קר×
marina: ×ר×× ×
miniature_golf: ××× ×Ö¾××××£
@@ -643,6 +661,7 @@ he:
pitch: ××רש ספ×ר×
playground: ××רש ×ש×ק××
recreation_ground: ש××× × ×פש ××¤× ××
+ resort: ×תר × ×פש
sauna: ס××× ×
slipway: ××ש×
sports_centre: ×ר×× ×¡×¤×ר×
@@ -650,6 +669,13 @@ he:
swimming_pool: ×רֵ×ת ש××××
track: ×ס××× ×¨×צ×
water_park: פ×רק ×××
+ "yes": × ×פש
+ man_made:
+ lighthouse: ×××××ר
+ pipeline: ×§× ×¦×× ×ר×ת
+ tower: ××××
+ works: ×פע×
+ "yes": ×עש×Ö¾×××
airfield: ×× ×ת צ×××
barracks: ××××¨× ××××××
@@ -661,16 +687,15 @@ he:
beach: ×××£
cape: ××£
cave_entrance: ×× ××¡× ××ער×
- channel: תע××
cliff: ×צ×ק
crater: ××תש
dune: ××××ת
- feature: ×ש×ת
fell: ת×
fjord: פ××ר×
forest: ×ער
geyser: ××××ר
glacier: קר×××
+ grassland: ×ש×
heath: ×ת×
hill: ×××¢×
island: ××
@@ -682,11 +707,9 @@ he:
point: × ×§×××
reef: ש×× ×ת
ridge: ר×ס
- river: × ×ר
rock: ס××¢
scree: ער×ת ס××¢××
scrub: ס××
- shoal: שר×××
spring: ××¢×××
stone: ×××
strait: ×צר
@@ -695,7 +718,6 @@ he:
volcano: ×ר ×עש
water: ×××
wetland: ××××
- wetlands: ××××ת
wood: ×ער
accountant: ר××× ×ש×××
@@ -760,9 +782,6 @@ he:
switch: × ×§×××ת ×ס××ת ×ר××
tram: ×ש×××ת
tram_stop: ת×× ×ª ×ש×××ת
- yard: ×××¡× ×¨×××ת
- route:
- bus: × ×ª×× ××××××ס××
alcohol: ×× ×ת ×××××××
antiques: עת×ק×ת
@@ -851,12 +870,10 @@ he:
hostel: ×××¡× ××
hotel: ××ת ××××
information: ××××¢
- lean_to: ס×××
motel: ×××× ×ר×××
museum: ×××××××
picnic_site: ×תר ×פ××§× ×ק××
theme_park: פ×רק שעש××¢××
- valley: ×¢×ק
viewpoint: × ×§××ת תצפ×ת
zoo: ×× ×××ת
@@ -866,7 +883,6 @@ he:
artificial: × ×ª×× ××× ×××××ת×
boatyard: ××¡×¤× ×
canal: תע××
- connector: × ×§××ת ××××ר ××× × ×ª××× ×××
dam: ס×ר
derelict_canal: תע×× × ××ש×
ditch: ××פ×רת
@@ -874,15 +890,12 @@ he:
drain: ××××
lock: ×ª× ×©××
lock_gate: שער ××ª× ×©××
- mineral_spring: ××¢××× ××× ××× ×¨××××
mooring: ××¢××
rapids: ×ש××ת
river: × ×ר
- riverbank: ××ת × ×ר
stream: פ××
wadi: ××××
waterfall: ××¤× ×××
- water_point: × ×§××ת ×××
weir: ס×ר
level2: ×××× ××××× ×
@@ -904,19 +917,6 @@ he:
no_results: ×× × ×צ×× ×ª×צ××ת
more_results: ת×צ××ת × ×ספ×ת
- distance:
- one: ××¢×¨× ×§×××××ר
- zero: פ××ת ×ק×××××ר
- other: ××¢×¨× %{count} ק״×
- direction:
- south_west: ×ר××Ö¾×ער×
- south: ×ר××
- south_east: ×ר××Ö¾××ר×
- east: ××ר×
- north_east: צפ××Ö¾××ר×
- north: צפ××
- north_west: צפ××Ö¾×ער×
- west: ×ער×
alt_text: ××××× ×©× OpenStreetMap
@@ -1689,7 +1689,6 @@ he:
login_button: ×× ×ס×
register now: ××××¨×©× ×¢×ש××
with username: '××ר ×ש ×× ×ש××× OpenStreetMap? × × ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×©× ×שת×ש ×סס××:'
- with openid: '××××פ×× ×פשר ××שת×ש ×Ö¾OpenID ××× ××××× ×¡:'
new to osm: ××עת ×¢×ש×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap?
to make changes: ××× ××©× ×ת ×ת × ×ª×× × OpenStreetMap, צר×× ×©×××× ×× ×ש×××.
create account minute: × × ××צ×ר ×ש×××. ×× ×××§× ×¨×§ ×ק×.
@@ -1700,25 +1699,7 @@ he:
account is suspended: ס××××, ××ש××× ××× ×××©×¢× ×עק××ת פע×××ת ×ש×××.
× × ××צ×ר
קשר ×¢× ×× ×× ××תר ×× ×רצ×× × ×××× ×××.
auth failure: ס××××, ×× × ××ª× ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×פר××× ××××.
- openid missing provider: ס××××, ×× ×ת×פשר ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×¡×¤×§ ×Ö¾OpenID ש××
- openid invalid: ס××××, ×Ö¾OpenID ש×× × ×¨×× ×ק××ק×
openid_logo_alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID
- openid_providers:
- openid:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ת××ת URL ×©× OpenID
- google:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ××××
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××××
- yahoo:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ××××
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××××
- wordpress:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× Wordpress
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× Wordpress
- aol:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× AOL
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× AOL
title: ×צ×××
heading: ×צ××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap
@@ -1762,22 +1743,8 @@ he:
display name: '×©× ×תצ×××:'
display name description: ×©× ××שת×ש ש××, ש×××¦× ×פ××××. ×פשר ××©× ×ת ×ת ×× ××עפ×ת
- openid: '%{logo} OpenID:'
password: 'סס××:'
confirm password: '××××ת סס××:'
- use openid: ××××פ××, ×פשר ××שת×ש ×Ö¾%{logo} OpenID ××× ××××× ×¡
- openid no password: ×¢× OpenID ××× ×¦××¨× ×סס××, ××× ××ת×× ×©×עת ×××©× ××××× × ×ספ××
- ×× ×שרת ×× ×××× ×¦××¨× ××.
- openid association: |-
×Ö¾OpenID ש×× ×¢×××× ××× × ×ש××× ××ש××× OpenStreetMap.