X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/735493837b036f5609f42a363c7f58f04525194c..965fb0b3ae7c89ae46d606147811674d646b6acb:/config/locales/he.yml
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index acfe79e49..a48faeb85 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -1,15 +1,44 @@
# Messages for Hebrew (×¢×ר×ת)
# Exported from translatewiki.net
-# Export driver: syck
+# Export driver: syck-pecl
+# Author: Amire80
+# Author: Aude
+# Author: Dekel E
+# Author: Deror avi
+# Author: Ex-Diktator
+# Author: ExampleTomer
+# Author: GilCahana
+# Author: Inkbug
+# Author: Itay naor
+# Author: Metraduk
+# Author: Nemo bis
+# Author: Orsa
# Author: YaronSh
+# Author: Yona b
+# Author: Ypnypn
+# Author: ת××ר ×
+ about_page:
+ community_driven_html: "ק×××ת OpenStreetMap ××××× ×ª, ××¢×ת תש×ק×, ××××× ×××× ××××.\n××§×¨× ×ת×ר××× ×©×× × ×ש ××פ×× × ×××××, ×קצ××¢× × ×ער××ת ××××¢ ××××רפ××ת (GIS), ××× ×ס××\nש×ר×צ×× ×ת ×©×¨×ª× OSM, פע××× ×¡×××¢ ×××× ×××¨× ×©××פ×× ××××¨× ××××Ö¾×ס××,\n×ר××× ××ר××.\n×××××¢ × ×סף ×¢× ×ק×××× ×¨' ×ת ×××× × ××שת×ש××,\n×ת ××××××× ×©× ×ק××××, ××ת ××תר ×©× ×§×¨× OSM."
+ community_driven_title: ××× ×× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×ק××××
+ copyright_html: ©×ª×ר××
+ lede_text: ×ת OpenStreetMap ××× × ×§×××ת ××פ×× ×©×ª×ר××× ××ת××ק×× × ×ª×× ×× ×¢× ×ר×××, ש×××××, ×ת×־קפ×, ת×× ×ת ר××ת ××¢×× ×ר×× ××תר, ×ס××× ××¢×××.
+ local_knowledge_html: "OpenStreetMap ×××××©× ×××¢ ×ק×××. ×ת×ר××× ×שת×ש××\n×ת××× ×ת ××××××ר, ××ש××¨× GPS, ××פ×ת ש×× â××××Ö¾×קâ ××× ××××× ×©Ö¾OSM\n××××קת ×××¢×××× ×ª."
+ local_knowledge_title: ×××¢ ×ק×××
+ next: ×××
+ open_data_html: "OpenStreetMap ××× × ×ª×× ×× ×¤×ª××××: ×ש ×× ××פש ××שת×ש ×× ××× ××ר×,\n×× ×¢×× × ××ª× ××××ס ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ××ת×ר×××. ××תר ××©× ×ת ×ת ×× ×ª×× ××\n×××× ×ת ×¢× ××××× ××ר×× ×ס×××××, ×× ×ש ××פ××¥ ×ת ×ת×צ××ת ×©× ××\n××¤× ××ª× ××× ×©× ×××ª× ×ר×ש×××. ר' ×ת ××£ ×ר×ש××× ××××××ת ×××צר×× ×פר××× × ×ספ××."
+ open_data_title: × ×ª×× ×× ×¤×ª××××
+ partners_title: ש×תפ××
+ used_by: "%{name} ×פע××× ×ת × ×ª×× × ×××¤× ××××ת ××ª×¨× ××× ××¨× ×, ××ש×××× ×××ש×ר×× ×©×× ××"
+ diary_comment:
+ body: ×××£
language: שפ×
latitude: ×§× ×¨×××
longitude: ×§× ××ר×
- title: ××תרת
+ title: × ×ש×
user: ×שת×ש
friend: ××ר
@@ -17,175 +46,344 @@ he:
body: ×××£
recipient: × ××¢×
- sender: ש×××ת
- title: ××תרת
+ sender: ש×××
+ title: × ×ש×
- description: ת××ר
+ description: ת×××ר
latitude: ×§× ×¨×××
longitude: ×§× ××ר×
+ name: ש×
+ public: צ×××ר×
+ size: ××××
user: ×שת×ש
+ visible: ××××
active: פע××
- description: ת××ר
+ description: ת×××ר
+ display_name: ×©× ×תצ×××
+ email: ××××´×
languages: שפ×ת
- pass_crypt: ס×ס××
+ pass_crypt: סס××
+ acl: רש××ת ×קרת ××ש×
+ changeset: ער×ת ש×× ××××
+ changeset_tag: ×ª× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ××××
country: ×רץ
diary_comment: ת×××× ×××××
diary_entry: רש××× ×××××
+ friend: ××ר
language: שפ×
- message: ×סר
+ message: ××××¢×
+ node: צ××ת
+ node_tag: ×ª× ×¦××ת
+ notifier: ×××××¢
+ old_node: צ××ת ×ש×
+ old_node_tag: ×ª× ×¦××ת ×ש×
+ old_relation: ××ס ×ש×
+ old_relation_member: ×××ר ××ס ×ש×
+ old_relation_tag: ×ª× ××ס ×ש×
+ old_way: ××¨× ××©× ×
+ old_way_node: צ××ת ××¨× ××©× ×
+ old_way_tag: ×ª× ××¨× ××©× ×
+ relation: ××ס
+ relation_member: ×××ר ××ס
+ relation_tag: ×ª× ××ס
+ session: ש××
+ trace: ×ס×××
+ tracepoint: × ×§××ת ×ס×××
+ tracetag: ×ª× ×ס×××
user: ×שת×ש
+ user_preference: ××¢×פת ××שת×ש
+ user_token: ×ס×××× ×שת×ש
+ way: ×ר×
+ way_node: צ××ת ×ר×
+ way_tag: ×ª× ×ר×
+ application:
+ require_cookies:
+ cookies_needed: × ×¨×× ×©××¢××××ת ×××××ת ×צ×× â × × ××פע×× ×¢××××ת ××פ××¤× ×©×× ××× ×××ש××.
+ require_moderator:
+ not_a_moderator: צר×× ××××ת ×× ×× ××× ××צע ×ת ×פע××× ×××ת.
+ setup_user_auth:
+ blocked: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API × ×ס××. × × ××××× ×¡ ×××שק ×××× ×××××¢ × ×סף.
+ need_to_see_terms: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API ××שע×ת ××× ×ת. × × ××××× ×¡ ××תר ××× ×צפ×ת ××ª× ×× ×תר×××. ××× ×¦××¨× ×ק×× ××ת×, ××× ×××× ××צ×× ××ת×.
+ anonymous: ××××× ×
- download: ××ר×ת {{changeset_xml_link}} ×× {{osmchange_xml_link}}
- changeset_details:
- belongs_to: "ש××× ×Ö¾:"
- bounding_box: "ת××× ×ª×××ת:"
- box: ת×××
- created_at: "× ×צר ×ת×ר××:"
- show_area_box: ×צ×ת ת××ת ת×××
- navigation:
- user:
- name_changeset_tooltip: צפ××× ×ער×××ת ×©× {{user}}
- next_changeset_tooltip: ×ער××× ×××× ×¢"× {{user}}
- prev_changeset_tooltip: ×ער××× ×ק×××ת ×¢"× {{user}}
- common_details:
- changeset_comment: "×ער×:"
+ belongs_to: ××צר
+ changesetxml: XML ×©× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ××××
+ feed:
+ title: ער×ת ש×× ×××× %{id}
+ title_comment: ער×ת ש×× ×××× %{id} â %{comment}
+ node: צ×ת×× (%{count})
+ node_paginated: צ×ת×× (%{x}â%{y} ×ת×× %{count})
+ osmchangexml: osmChange XML
+ relation: ××ס×× (%{count})
+ relation_paginated: ××ס×× (%{x}â%{y} ×ת×× %{count})
+ title: "ער×ת ש×× ××××: %{id}"
+ way: ×ר××× (%{count})
+ way_paginated: ×ר××× (%{x}â%{y} ×ת×× %{count})
+ closed: × ×¡×ר
+ closed_by_html: × ×¡×ר ××¤× × %{time} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ closed_html: × ×¡×ר ××¤× × %{time}
- entry: קשר {{relation_name}}
- entry_role: קשר {{relation_name}} (×ת×ר {{relation_role}})
- map:
- deleted: × ××ק
- larger:
- area: צפ××× ×ש×× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
- node: צפ××× ×צ××ת ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
- relation: צפ××× ×קשר ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
- way: צפ××× ×××¨× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר
- loading: ×××¢×× ×...
+ entry: ××ס %{relation_name}
+ entry_role: ××ס %{relation_name} (×ת×ר %{relation_role})
+ created: × ×צר
+ created_by_html: × ×צר ××¤× × %{time} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ created_html: × ×צר ××¤× × %{time}
+ deleted_by_html: × ××ק ××¤× × %{time} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
+ edited_by_html: × ×¢×¨× ××¤× × %{time} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ in_changeset: ער×ת ש×× ××××
+ location: "××ק××:"
+ no_comment: (××× ×ער×ת)
- download: "{{download_xml_link}} ×× {{view_history_link}}"
- download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
- edit: ער×××
- node: צ××ת
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- view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר××
- node_details:
- coordinates: "ק×××ר××× ××ת:"
- part_of: "××ק ×Ö¾:"
- node_history:
- download: "{{download_xml_link}} ×× {{view_details_link}}"
- download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
- node_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת
- node_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת: {{node_name}}"
- view_details: צפ××× ×פר×××
+ history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת: %{name}"
+ title: "צ××ת: %{name}"
- sorry: ×× × ××ª× ×¦×××, ×× ×{{type}} ××¢× ××××× {{id}}, ×× × ×צ×.
+ sorry: ×× × ××ª× ×¦×××, ×× ×ס×× %{type} ××¢× ××××× %{id} ×× × ×צ×.
+ changeset: ער×ת ש×× ××××
node: צ××ת
- relation: קשר
+ relation: ××ס
+ way: ×ר×
+ note:
+ closed_by: × ×¤×ª×¨ ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ××¤× × %{when}
+ closed_by_anonymous: × ×¤×ª×¨ ×¢×Ö¾××× ××××× × ××¤× × %{when}
+ closed_title: ××¢×¨× ×¤×ª××¨× ×ס' %{note_name}
+ commented_by: ××¢×¨× ×Ö¾%{user} ××¤× × %{when}
+ commented_by_anonymous: ××¢×¨× ×××××× × ××¤× × %{when}
+ description: ת×××ר
+ hidden_by: ××סתר ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ××¤× × %{when}
+ hidden_title: ××¢×¨× ××סתרת ×ס' %{note_name}
+ new_note: ××¢×¨× ××ש×
+ open_by: × ×צר ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ××¤× × %{when}
+ open_by_anonymous: × ×צר ×¢×Ö¾××× ××××× × ××¤× × %{when}
+ open_title: ××¢×¨× ×©×× × ×¤×ª×¨× ×ס' %{note_name}
+ reopened_by: ×××¤×¢× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ××¤× × %{when}
+ reopened_by_anonymous: ×××¤×¢× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× ××××× × ××¤× × %{when}
+ title: "×ער×: %{id}"
+ part_of: ××ק ×ת××
+ redacted:
+ message_html: "×× × ××ª× ××צ×× ×ת ×××¨×¡× %{version} ×©× %{type} ×××××× ×©××× × ×ת××. ×××××¢ × ×סף: %{redaction_link}."
+ redaction: ××ת×× %{id}
+ type:
+ node: צ××ת
+ relation: ××ס
way: ×ר×
- paging_nav:
- of: ×ת××
- showing_page: ×צ×ת ××£
- relation: קשר
- relation_details:
- members: "××ר××:"
- part_of: "××ק ×Ö¾:"
- relation_history:
- download: "{{download_xml_link}} ×× {{view_details_link}}"
- download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
- relation_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×ק×ש×ר
- relation_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×ק×ש×ר: {{relation_name}}"
- view_details: צפ××× ×פר×××
+ history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×××ס: %{name}"
+ members: ××ר××
+ title: "××ס: %{name}"
- entry_role: "{{type}} {{name}} ×ת×ר {{role}}"
+ entry_role: "%{type} %{name} ×ת×ר %{role}"
node: צ××ת
- relation: קשר
+ relation: ××ס
way: ×ר×
- data_frame_title: × ×ª×× ××
- data_layer_name: × ×ª×× ××
- details: פר×××
- edited_by_user_at_timestamp: × ×¢×¨× ×¢× ××× [[user]] ×Ö¾[[timestamp]]
- history_for_feature: ×××ס××ר×× ×©× [[feature]]
+ feature_warning: תת×צע ××¢×× ×ª %{num_features} ת××× ×ת, ××× ×¢××× ××ר×× ××פ××¤× ××××ת תק××¢. ××× ×רצ×× × ×××ת ××צ×× ×ת ×× ×ª×× ×× ××××?
load_data: ××¢×× ×ª × ×ª×× ××
- loaded_an_area_with_num_features: "××××ר ×©× ××¢× ×××× [[num_features]] ת××× ×ת. ××××¤× ××××, ×¨× ××פ××¤× ×× ×× ××××× ××ת×××× ×¢× ×צ×× ×©× ×××ת ×××ת ×©× × ×ª×× ××. ×ר×, ×פ××¤× ×× ×¢××××× ××××¤× ××××× ××צ×ת פ××ת ×Ö¾100 ת××× ×ת ××Ö¾××× ×ת: ××צ××¢ ×ש×××ת × ×ספ×ת ×¢××××ת ××ר×× ××פ××¤× ××××ת ××××/××תקע. ×× ××× ×ש צ××¨× ××צ×× ×××ת ×××ת ×©× × ×ª×× ××, × ××ª× ×××××¥ ×¢× ××××¦× ×©××××."
loading: ×××¢×× ×...
- manually_select: ×××רת ×××ר ××ר ××× ×ת
- object_list:
- api: ××××ר ×××ר ×× ××Ö¾API
- back: ×צ×ת רש××ת ×פר××××
- details: פר×××
- heading: רש××ת פר××××
- history:
- type:
- node: צ××ת [[id]]
- way: ××¨× [[id]]
- selected:
- type:
- node: צ××ת [[id]]
- way: ××¨× [[id]]
- type:
- node: צ××ת
- way: ×ר×
- private_user: ×שת×ש פר××
- show_history: ×צ×ת ×××ס××ר××
- unable_to_load_size: "×× × ××ª× ×××¢××: ת××× ×ª×××ת ××××× [[bbox_size]] ××× ××××× ××× (×××ר×× ××××ת ק×× × ××שר {{max_bbox_size}})"
- wait: × × ×××ת××...
- zoom_or_select: ×תקר××ת ×× ××××¨× ×××ר ×××¤× ×צפ×××
- tags: "ת×××ת:"
+ tags: ת×××
+ telephone_link: ××תקשר ××ספר %{phone_number}
+ wiki_link:
+ key: ×¢××× ×ת×××ר ×¢××ר ××ª× %{key}
+ tag: ×¢××× ×ת×××ר ×¢××ר ××ª× %{key}=%{value}
+ wikipedia_link: ××¢×¨× %{page} ××××ק×פ×××
+ timeout:
+ sorry: ×× × ××ª× ×¦×××, ×× ××¢×× ×ª ×ת××× ×¢××ר ×%{type} ×¢× ××××× %{id}, ×ר×× ××× ×¨× ×××.
+ type:
+ changeset: ער×ת ש×× ××××
+ node: צ××ת
+ relation: קשר
+ way: ×ר×
+ version: ×רס×
+ view_details: ×צ×ת פר×××
+ view_history: ×צ×ת ×××ס××ר××
- download: "{{download_xml_link}} ×× {{view_history_link}}"
- download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
- edit: ער×××
- view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר××
- way: ×ר×
- way_title: "×ר×: {{way_name}}"
- way_details:
- one: ×× ×× ××ק ××××¨× {{related_ways}}
- other: ×× ×× ××ק ×××ר××× {{related_ways}}
- nodes: "צ×ת××:"
- part_of: "××ק ×Ö¾:"
- way_history:
- download: "{{download_xml_link}} ×× {{view_details_link}}"
- download_xml: ××ר×ת XML
- view_details: צפ××× ×פר×××
- way_history: ××ס××ר××ת ××ר×
- way_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ××ר×: {{way_name}}"
+ one: ××ק ×××¨× %{related_ways}
+ other: ××ק ×××ר××× %{related_ways}
+ history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ××ר×: %{name}"
+ nodes: צ×ת××
+ title: "×ר×: %{name}"
+ changeset:
+ anonymous: ××××× ×
+ no_edits: (××× ×¢×¨×××ת)
+ view_changeset_details: ×צ×ת פר×× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ××××
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ next: ××× Â»
+ previous: « ×ק×××
+ showing_page: ×××£ %{page}
+ area: ש××
+ comment: ×ער×
+ id: ××××
+ saved_at: "× ×©××¨× ×:"
user: ×שת×ש
- description: ש×× ×××× ××ר×× ××
+ empty: ×× × ×צ×× ×©×× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ××××.
+ empty_area: ××× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××××ר ×××.
+ empty_user: ××× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××ת ××שת×ש ×××.
+ load_more: ×××¢×× ×¢××
+ no_more: ×× × ×צ×× ×¢×× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ××××.
+ no_more_area: ××× ×¢×× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××××ר ×××.
+ no_more_user: ××× ×¢×× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××ת ××שת×ש ×××.
+ title: ער××ת ש×× ××××
+ title_friend: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ×××ר×× ×©××
+ title_nearby: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס××××
+ title_user: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× %{user}
+ timeout:
+ sorry: ס××××, ×××§× ××תר ××× ××× ××××ר ×¢× ×¨×©××ת ער××ת ×ש×× ×××× ×©××קשת.
+ comments:
+ ago: ××¤× %{ago}
+ comment: ×ער×
+ has_commented_on: "%{display_name} ××¢×ר ×¢× ×¨×©×××ת ××××× ××××ת"
+ newer_comments: ×ער×ת ××ש×ת
+ older_comments: ×ער×ת ××©× ×ת
+ post: רש×××
+ when: ×ת×
- comment_from: "{{comment_created_at}}× {{link_user}}ת×××× ×"
+ comment_from: ת×××× ×Ö¾%{link_user} ×Ö¾%{comment_created_at}
+ confirm: ××ש×ר
+ hide_link: ×סתרת ××¢×¨× ××
- one: ת×××× 1
- other: "{{count}} ת××××ת"
+ one: ת×××× ××ת
+ other: "%{count} ת××××ת"
+ zero: ××× ×ª××××ת
+ comment_link: ×ער×ת ×רש××× ×××ת
+ confirm: ××ש×ר
edit_link: ער××ת רש×××
+ hide_link: ×סתרת רש×××
+ posted_by: × ×©×× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{link_user} ×Ö¾%{created} ×%{language_link}
+ reply_link: ת×××× ×רש××× ×××ת
- language: :שפ×
- latitude: :×§× ×¨×××
- longitude: :×§× ××ר×
+ body: "ת×××:"
+ language: "שפ×:"
+ latitude: "×§× ×¨×××:"
+ location: "××ק××:"
+ longitude: "×§× ××ר×:"
+ marker_text: ××ק×× ×¨×©××ת ×××××
+ save_button: ש××ר×
+ subject: "× ×ש×:"
+ title: ער××ת רש××ת ××××
+ use_map_link: ××שת×ש ××פ×
+ feed:
+ all:
+ description: רש×××ת ×××× ××ר×× ×ת ××ת ×שת××©× OpenStreetMap
+ title: רש×××ת ××××× ×©× OpenStreetMap
+ language:
+ description: רש×××ת ×××× ××ר×× ×ת ××ת ×שת××©× OpenStreetMap ×%{language_name}
+ title: רש×××ת ×××× OpenStreetMap ×%{language_name}
+ user:
+ description: רש×××ת ×××× OpenStreetMap ××ר×× ×ת ××ת %{user}
+ title: רש×××ת ×××× OpenStreetMap ×©× %{user}
- in_language_title: רש×××ת ×××× ×{{language}}
+ in_language_title: רש×××ת ×××× ×%{language}
+ new: רש××ת ×××× ××ש×
+ new_title: ×ת××ת רש××× ×××©× ××××× ××שת×ש ש××
+ newer_entries: רש×××ת ××ש×ת ××תר
+ no_entries: ××× ×¨×©×××ת ××××
+ older_entries: רש×××ת ××©× ×ת ××תר
+ recent_entries: רש×××ת ×××× ××ר×× ×ת
+ title: ×××× ×× ×©× ××שת×ש
+ title_friends: ×××× ×× ×©× ××ר××
+ title_nearby: ×××× ×× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס××××
+ user_title: ××××× ×©× %{user}
+ location:
+ edit: ער×××
+ location: "××ק××:"
+ view: ×צ××
+ new:
+ title: רש××ת ×××× ××ש×
- title: ××× ××× ×¨×©××× ×××××
- no_such_user:
- heading: ××שת×ש {{user}} ××× × ×§×××
- title: ××× ×שת×ש ×××
+ body: ס××××, ×¢×××× ××× ×¨×©××ת ×××× ×× ×ª×××× ×¢× ××××× %{id}. ×××× ××××ת ×× × ××× ××××× ××צת ×¢× ×§×ש×ר ש×××.
+ heading: "××× ×¨×©××× ×¢× ×××××: %{id}"
+ title: ××× ×¨×©××× ×××ת ×××××
- login: ×× ×ס×
- login_to_leave_a_comment: ××¦×¢× {{login_link}} ××× ××ש××ר ת××××
+ leave_a_comment: ××ספת ת××××
+ login: ××××× ×¡
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: × × %{login_link} ××× ××ש××ר ת××××
+ save_button: ש××ר×
+ title: ××××× ×©× %{user} | %{title}
+ user_title: ××××× ×©× %{user}â
+ editor:
+ default: ×ררת ×××× (×עת %{name})
+ id:
+ description: iD (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×)
+ name: iD
+ potlatch:
+ description: Potlatch 1 (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×)
+ name: Potlatch 1
+ potlatch2:
+ description: Potlatch 2 (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×)
+ name: Potlatch 2
+ remote:
+ description: ש×××× ×ר××ק (JOSM ×× Merkaartor)
+ name: ש×××× ×ר××ק
+ export:
+ start:
+ add_marker: ××ספת ס×× ××פ×
+ area_to_export: ××××ר ×××צ××
+ embeddable_html: HTML ×©× ××ª× ×××××¢×
+ export_button: ××צ××
+ export_details: ×××××¢ ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ×××ש ××פ××£ ×ר×ש××× Open Data Commons ×× ×ª×× ×× ×¤×ª×××× (ODbL).
+ format: תס××ר
+ format_to_export: תס××ר ×××צ××
+ image_size: ×××× ×ת××× ×
+ latitude: "ק××× ××ר×:"
+ licence: ר×ש×××
+ longitude: "ק××× ×¨×××:"
+ manually_select: ××××¨× ××× ×ת ×©× ×××ר ××ר
+ map_image: ת××× ×ª ××¤× (תצ××ת ש××× ×ª×§× ×ת)
+ max: ××× ×××תר
+ options: ×פשר×××ת
+ osm_xml_data: × ×ª×× × XML ×©× OpenStreetMap
+ output: פ××
+ paste_html: ×××××ק HTML ×××××¢× ××תר
+ scale: ×§× × ××××
+ too_large:
+ advice: "×× ×××××× ×× ×´× × ×ש×, × × ×× ×¡×ת ××שת×ש ×××× ××ק×ר×ת ××××:"
+ body: "××××ר ×××× ×××× ×©×פשר ×××× ××××¦× ×××ª× ×ת×ר × ×ª×× × XML ×©× OpenStreetMap. × × ×××ª×§×¨× ×× ××××ר ×××ר ק×× ××תר, ×× ××שת×ש ××ק×ר×ת ××××× ×ש××× ××ר××ת × ×ª×× ×× ×××××ת:"
+ geofabrik:
+ description: ×¢×תק×× ××¢×××× ×× ××××¤× ×§×××¢ ×©× ××ש×ת, ×××× ×ת ×ער×× × ××ר×ת
+ title: ××ר××ת ×©× Geofabrik
+ metro:
+ description: ×××××ת ××ק××ת ×ער×× ×¢×××××ת ×××××ת ××××ר×× ×ס×××ת×
+ title: ×××××ת ××ר×
+ other:
+ description: ×ק×ר×ת × ×ספ×× ×¨×©×××× ×××××§× ×©× OpenStreetMap
+ title: ×ק×ר×ת ××ר××
+ overpass:
+ description: ××ר×ת ×ת××× ×ת×××ת ×××ת ××תר ×ר×× ×©× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× OpenStreetMap
+ title: Overpass API
+ planet:
+ description: ×¢×תק×× ××¢×××× ×× ××××¤× ×§×××¢ ×©× ×× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× OpenStreetMap
+ title: פ××× × OSM
+ zoom: ×ר×ק ×תצ×××
+ title: ××צ××
+ fixthemap:
+ how_to_help:
+ add_a_note:
+ instructions_html: "צר×× ×¤×©×× ×××××¥ ×¢× ×× ×¢× ×××ª× ×ס×× ×תצ××ת ××פ×.\n×× ××ס××£ ×××¤× ×¡×× ×©×פשר ×××××\n×××צע×ת ×ר×ר×. ×ש ×××ס××£ ×©× ××¢×¨× ××ש××ר ×××ª× ×××פ×× ××ר×× ×××§×¨× ×ת ××."
+ join_the_community:
+ explanation_html: "×× ×©×ת ×× ×××¢×× ×¢× × ×ª×× × ×××¤× ×©×× ×, ×××©× ×©××¨× ×× ×©×ת××ת ש×× ×סר×, ×××¨× ××××× ×××תר\n×××ש×× ××× ××צ×רף ×ק×××ת OpenStreetMap ×××ª×§× ×ת ×× ×ª×× ×× ×עצ××."
+ title: ××צ×רף ×ק××××
+ title: ××× ×פשר ××¢××ר
+ other_concerns:
+ explanation_html: ×× ×ש ×× ××××ת ×××× ××× ×©×× ×ª×× ×× ×©×× × ×ש×ש×× ×× ×¢× ×ת×××, × × ×קר×× ×ת ××£ ×××××ת ×××צר×× ×©×× × ×××××¢ ×שפ×× × ×סף, ×× ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×§××צת ××¢×××× ××ת×××× ×Ö¾OSMF.
+ title: ××××ת ××ר×ת
+ title: ××××× ×¢× ××¢×× / ××ª×§× ×ת ××פ×
+ title:
+ geonames: ××ק×× ××תר GeoNames
+ osm_nominatim: ××ק×× ××תר OpenStreetMap Nominatim
cities: ער××
places: ×ק×××ת
@@ -193,99 +391,1043 @@ he:
east: ××ר×
north: צפ××
- north_east: צפ××-××ר×
- north_west: צפ××-×ער×
+ north_east: צפ××Ö¾××ר×
+ north_west: צפ××Ö¾×ער×
south: ×ר××
- south_east: ×ר××-××ר×
- south_west: ×ר××-×ער×
+ south_east: ×ר××Ö¾××ר×
+ south_west: ×ר××Ö¾×ער×
west: ×ער×
one: ××¢×¨× ×§×××××ר
- other: ××¢×¨× {{count}} ק"×
+ other: ××¢×¨× %{count} ק״×
zero: פ××ת ×ק×××××ר
+ results:
+ more_results: ת×צ××ת × ×ספ×ת
+ no_results: ×× × ×צ×× ×ª×צ××ת
+ search:
+ title:
+ ca_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.CA
+ geonames: ת×צ××ת ××תר GeoNames
+ geonames_reverse: ת×צ××ת ×Ö¾GeoNames
+ latlon: ת×צ××ת ×ת×× ××תר ×××
+ osm_nominatim: ת×צ××ת ××תר OpenStreetMap Nominatim
+ osm_nominatim_reverse: ת×צ××ת ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap Nominatim
+ uk_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode
+ us_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.us
+ search_osm_nominatim:
+ admin_levels:
+ level10: ×××× ×פר××ר
+ level2: ×××× ××××× ×
+ level4: ×××× ××××× ×
+ level5: ×××× ××××ר
+ level6: ×××× ×××××
+ level8: ×××× ××¢×ר
+ level9: ×××× ××פר
+ prefix:
+ aerialway:
+ chair_lift: ××¢××ת ×¡×§× ××ש×××
+ drag_lift: ××¢××ת ×¡×§× ××ר×ר×
+ station: ת×× ×ª ר×××
+ aeroway:
+ aerodrome: ×× ×ת
+ apron: ר××ת ×× ××
+ gate: שער
+ helipad: ×× ×ת ×ס×ק××
+ runway: ×ס××× ××ר××
+ taxiway: ×ס××× × ×¡×עת ×××ס
+ terminal: ×ס××£
+ amenity:
+ WLAN: ××שת WiFi
+ airport: ש×× ×ª×¢×פ×
+ arts_centre: ×ר×× ××× ×××ת
+ artwork: ×צ×רת ××× ×ת
+ atm: ×ספ×××
+ auditorium: ××××××ר×××
+ bank: ×× ×§
+ bar: ×ר
+ bbq: ×× ××
+ bench: ספס×
+ bicycle_parking: ×× ××ת ×××¤× ×××
+ bicycle_rental: ×ש×רת ×××¤× ×××
+ biergarten: ××× ×ª ××ר×
+ brothel: ××ת ××שת
+ bureau_de_change: ×××¤× ×ספ××
+ bus_station: ת×× ×ª ××××××ס
+ cafe: ××ת קפ×
+ car_rental: ×ש×רת ר××
+ car_sharing: × ×§××ת ש×ת××£ ר××××
+ car_wash: ש××פת ×××× ××ת
+ casino: ק××× ×
+ charging_station: ת×× ×ª ×××¢× ×
+ cinema: ××ת ק××× ××¢
+ clinic: ×רפ××
+ club: ×××¢×××
+ college: ×××××
+ community_centre: ×ר×× ×§×××ת×
+ courthouse: ××ת ×שפ×
+ crematorium: ×שרפ×
+ dentist: ר××¤× ×©×× ×××
+ doctors: ר×פ×××
+ dormitory: ××¢×× ×ת
+ drinking_water: ×× ×©×ª×××
+ driving_school: ××ת ספר ×× ××××
+ embassy: ש×ר×ר×ת
+ emergency_phone: ××פ×× ××ר××
+ fast_food: ×××× ×××ר
+ ferry_terminal: ×ס××£ ××¢××רת
+ fire_hydrant: ××¨× ××××× ×ש
+ fire_station: ת×× ×ª ××××× ×ש
+ food_court: ×××ר ×××× ×××ר
+ fountain: ××רק×
+ fuel: ××ק
+ grave_yard: ××ת ק×ר×ת
+ gym: ×××× ××שר/××ר ××שר
+ hall: ××××
+ health_centre: ×ר×× ×ר×××ת
+ hospital: ××ת ×××××
+ hotel: ××ת ××××
+ hunting_stand: תצפ×ת צ×××××
+ ice_cream: ×××××
+ kindergarten: ×× ×××××
+ library: ספר×××
+ market: ש×ק
+ marketplace: ש×ק
+ mountain_rescue: ת×× ×ª ×××××¥ ×רר×ת
+ nightclub: ×××¢××× ××××
+ nursery: פע××××
+ nursing_home: ××ת ×××ת
+ office: ×שר×
+ park: פ×רק
+ parking: ×× ××
+ pharmacy: ××ת ×רק×ת
+ place_of_worship: ×ק×× ×¤××××
+ police: ×ש×ר×
+ post_box: ת××ת ×××ר
+ post_office: ×¡× ××£ ×××ר
+ preschool: ×× ×××××
+ prison: ×××
+ pub: פ××
+ public_building: ××× × ×¦×××ר
+ public_market: ש×ק
+ reception_area: ×××ר ק××××
+ recycling: × ×§××ת ×××××ר
+ restaurant: ×סע××
+ retirement_home: ××ת ×××ת
+ sauna: ס××× ×
+ school: ××ת ספר
+ shelter: ××ס×
+ shop: ×× ×ת
+ shopping: ×§× ××ת
+ shower: ×ק××ת
+ social_centre: ×ר×× ××רת×
+ social_club: ×××¢×××
+ social_facility: ××ª×§× ××רת×
+ studio: ס×××××
+ supermarket: ס×פר×רק×
+ swimming_pool: ×רֵ×ת ש××××
+ taxi: ××× ×ת
+ telephone: ××פ×× ×¦×××ר×
+ theatre: ת×××ר××
+ toilets: ש×ר×ת××
+ townhall: ×¢×ר×××
+ university: ××× ××רס×××
+ vending_machine: ×××× ×ª ×××ר×
+ veterinary: ×רפ×× ××ר×× ×¨×ת
+ village_hall: ×××× ××פר
+ waste_basket: ×¤× ×שפ×
+ wifi: ××שת WiFi
+ youth_centre: ×ר×× × ×ער
+ boundary:
+ administrative: ×××× ×©×× ×©×פ××
+ census: ×××× ××¤×§× ×××××ס××
+ national_park: פ×רק ×××××
+ protected_area: ×××ר ××××
+ bridge:
+ aqueduct: ××ת ×××
+ suspension: ×שר ת×××
+ swing: ×שר ס×××
+ viaduct: ××××
+ "yes": ×שר
+ building:
+ "yes": ×× ×××
+ emergency:
+ fire_hydrant: ××¨× ××××× ×ש
+ phone: ××פ×× ××ר××
+ highway:
+ bridleway: ש××× ×¢××ר ס×ס××
+ bus_guideway: × ×ª×× ×ª××××¨× ×¦×××ר×ת ××× ××ת
+ bus_stop: ת×× ×ª ××××××ס
+ byway: ××¨× ×¦××ת
+ construction: ×××ש ×××ר ××× ×××
+ cycleway: × ×ª×× ×××¤× ×××
+ emergency_access_point: × ×§××ת ×××©× ×ש×ר××ª× ××ר××
+ footway: ש××× ×××××× ×¨××
+ ford: ××¢××¨× ×× ××
+ living_street: ר××× ×××ר××
+ milestone: ××× ×ר×
+ minor: ××¨× ××©× ×ת
+ motorway: ×××ש
+ motorway_junction: צ××ת ×××ש××
+ motorway_link: ×××ש ×××× ××ת
+ path: × ×ª××
+ pedestrian: ××¨× ×××××× ×¨××
+ platform: פ××פ×ר××
+ primary: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
+ primary_link: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
+ proposed: ××¨× ××צעת
+ raceway: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
+ residential: ×××ר××
+ rest_area: ×××ר ×× ×××
+ road: ×ר×
+ secondary: ××¨× ××©× ×ת
+ secondary_link: ××¨× ××©× ×ת
+ service: ×××ש ש×ר×ת
+ services: ש×ר××ª× ×ר×
+ speed_camera: ×צ××ת ×××ר×ת
+ steps: ××ר××ת
+ stile: ××¢×ר ××¢× ××ר
+ street_lamp: ×¤× ×¡ ר×××
+ tertiary: ××¨× ×©××ש×× ×ת
+ tertiary_link: ××¨× ×©××ש×× ×ת
+ track: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
+ trail: ש×××
+ trunk: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
+ trunk_link: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
+ unclassified: ××¨× ×× ×ס×××ת
+ unsurfaced: ××¨× ××ת×־ס××××
+ historic:
+ archaeological_site: ×תר ×ר×××××××
+ battlefield: ש×× ×§×¨×
+ boundary_stone: ××× ××××
+ building: ×× ×××
+ castle: ××ר×
+ church: ×× ×¡×××
+ citywalls: ××××ת ××¢×ר
+ fort: ××¢××
+ house: ××ת
+ icon: ××ק×× ××
+ manor: ×××××
+ memorial: ×× ×ר×× ×××ר××
+ mine: ××ר×
+ monument: ×× ×ר××
+ museum: ×××××××
+ ruins: ×ר×ס×ת
+ tomb: ק×ר
+ tower: ××××
+ wayside_cross: צ×× ××¦× ××ר×
+ wayside_shrine: ×ק×ש ××¦× ××ר×
+ wreck: ספ×× × ×ר×פ×
+ landuse:
+ allotments: ×קצ×ת קרקע
+ basin: ×××
+ brownfield: ×××ר תעש××× × ××ש
+ cemetery: ××ת ק×ר×ת
+ commercial: ×××ר ×ס×ר×
+ conservation: ש××ר×
+ construction: ×××ר ×× ×××
+ farm: ××××
+ farmland: ש×× ×ק×××
+ farmyard: ×צר ××××
+ forest: ×ער
+ garages: ××ס×××
+ grass: ×ש×
+ greenfield: ש×××× ×ר×ק××
+ industrial: ×××ר תעש×××
+ landfill: ×××××
+ meadow: ×××
+ military: ש×× ×¦×××
+ mine: ××ר×
+ nature_reserve: ש××רת ×××¢
+ orchard: פר×ס
+ park: פ×רק
+ piste: ×ס××× ×¡×§×
+ quarry: ××צ××
+ railway: ×ס××ת ×ר××
+ recreation_ground: ש××× × ×פש ××¤× ××
+ reservoir: ×××ר
+ reservoir_watershed: פרשת ××× ×©× ×××ר
+ residential: ×××ר ×××ר××
+ retail: ק××¢×× ××
+ road: ×××ר ×ר×
+ village_green: ×××ר ××פר
+ vineyard: ×ר×
+ wetland: ××××
+ wood: ××רש×
+ leisure:
+ beach_resort: ×תר × ×פש ××××£ ××
+ bird_hide: ×צפ×ר
+ common: ש×× ×ש×תף
+ fishing: ×××ר ×××
+ fitness_station: ת×× ×ª ××שר
+ garden: ××
+ golf_course: ××רש ××××£
+ ice_rink: ××××©× ×¢× ×קר×
+ marina: ×ר×× ×
+ miniature_golf: ××× ×Ö¾××××£
+ nature_reserve: ש××רת ×××¢
+ park: פ×רק
+ pitch: ××רש ספ×ר×
+ playground: ××רש ×ש×ק××
+ recreation_ground: ש××× × ×פש ××¤× ××
+ sauna: ס××× ×
+ slipway: ××ש×
+ sports_centre: ×ר×× ×¡×¤×ר×
+ stadium: ×צ×××××
+ swimming_pool: ×רֵ×ת ש××××
+ track: ×ס××× ×¨×צ×
+ water_park: פ×רק ×××
+ military:
+ airfield: ×× ×ת צ×××
+ barracks: ××××¨× ××××××
+ bunker: ××× ×§×¨
+ mountain_pass:
+ "yes": ××¢×ר ×רר×
+ natural:
+ bay: ×פרץ
+ beach: ×××£
+ cape: ××£
+ cave_entrance: ×× ××¡× ××ער×
+ channel: תע××
+ cliff: ×צ×ק
+ crater: ××תש
+ dune: ××××ת
+ feature: ת××× ×
+ fell: ת×
+ fjord: פ××ר×
+ forest: ×ער
+ geyser: ××××ר
+ glacier: קר×××
+ heath: ×ת×
+ hill: ×××¢×
+ island: ××
+ land: ××××
+ marsh: ×××¦× ×¨××××
+ moor: ×××ת ××××
+ mud: ×××¥
+ peak: פס××
+ point: × ×§×××
+ reef: ש×× ×ת
+ ridge: ר×ס
+ river: × ×ר
+ rock: ס××¢
+ scree: ער×ת ס××¢××
+ scrub: ס××
+ shoal: שר×××
+ spring: ××¢×××
+ stone: ×××
+ strait: ×צר
+ tree: ×¢×¥
+ valley: ×¢×ק
+ volcano: ×ר ×עש
+ water: ×××
+ wetland: ××××
+ wetlands: ××××ת
+ wood: ×ער
+ office:
+ accountant: ר××× ×ש×××
+ architect: ××ר×××
+ company: ××ר×
+ employment_agency: ס××× ×ת תעס×ק×
+ estate_agent: ×ת××× × ×××´×
+ government: ×ש×× ××ש×ת×ת
+ insurance: ××©×¨× ×××××
+ lawyer: ×¢××¨× ×××
+ ngo: ××©×¨× ×××¡× ×× ××ש×ת×
+ telecommunication: ××©×¨× ×ª×§×©×רת ××ק×ר×× ×ת
+ travel_agent: ס××× ×ת × ×¡××¢×ת
+ "yes": ×שר×
+ place:
+ airport: × ×× ×ª×¢×פ×
+ city: ×¢×ר
+ country: ×רץ
+ county: ××××
+ farm: ××××
+ hamlet: ×פר
+ house: ××ת
+ houses: ×ת××
+ island: ××
+ islet: ×××Ö¹×
+ isolated_dwelling: ×××ר×× ×××××××
+ locality: ××ש××
+ moor: ×××ת ××××
+ municipality: ×¢×ר×××
+ neighbourhood: ש××× ×
+ postcode: ××ק××
+ region: ×××ר
+ sea: ××
+ state: ×××× ×
+ subdivision: ×××קת ××©× ×
+ suburb: פר××ר
+ town: ×¢××ר×
+ unincorporated_area: ש×× ×××ª× ×××××
+ village: ×פר
+ railway:
+ abandoned: ×ס××ת ×ר×× × ××ש×
+ construction: ×ס××ת ×ר×× ××× ×××
+ disused: ×ס××ת ×ר×× ×©××× × ×ש×××ש
+ disused_station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת ש××× × ×ש×××ש
+ funicular: פ×× ×ק××ר
+ halt: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
+ historic_station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת ××ס××ר×ת
+ junction: ×פ×ש ×ס×××ת ×ר××
+ level_crossing: ×פ×ש ×ס××ת ×ר×× ××××ש
+ light_rail: ר××ת ק××
+ miniature: ר××ת ××¢×ר×
+ monorail: ר××ת ××־פס×ת
+ narrow_gauge: ×ס××ת ר××ת צר×
+ platform: רצ××£ ר××ת
+ preserved: ר××ת ×ש××רת
+ proposed: ×¤×¡× ×¨××ת ××צע××
+ spur: ש×××ת ×ס××ת ×ר××
+ station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
+ stop: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
+ subway: ת×× ×ª ר××ת ת×ת×ת
+ subway_entrance: ×× ××¡× ×ת×× ×ª ר××ת ת×ת×ת
+ switch: × ×§×××ת ×ס××ת ×ר××
+ tram: ×ש×××ת
+ tram_stop: ת×× ×ª ×ש×××ת
+ yard: ×××¡× ×¨×××ת
+ shop:
+ alcohol: ×× ×ת ×××××××
+ antiques: עת×ק×ת
+ art: ×× ×ת ××¤×¦× ××× ×ת
+ bakery: ××פ×××
+ beauty: ס××× ××פ×
+ beverages: ×× ×ת ×שק××ת
+ bicycle: ×× ×ת ××¤× ×××
+ books: ×× ×ת ספר××
+ boutique: ××××ק
+ butcher: קצ×
+ car: ×× ×ת ××× ×¨××
+ car_parts: ×××§× ×¨××
+ car_repair: ××ס×
+ carpet: ×× ×ת ש×××××
+ charity: ×× ×ת צ×ק×
+ chemist: ××ת ×רק×ת
+ clothes: ×× ×ת ×××××
+ computer: ×× ×ת ××ש×××
+ confectionery: ק×× ××××ר××
+ convenience: ××××ת
+ copyshop: ×× ×ת צ××××
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+ other: "%{count} ××××¢×ת ××©× ×ת"
+ outbox: ת××ת ×××ר ××צ×
+ people_mapping_nearby: ×× ×©×× ××פ×× ×קר×ת ×ק××
+ subject: × ×ש×
+ title: ת××ת ×××ר × ×× ×¡
+ mark:
+ as_read: ×××××¢× ×¡××× × ×××××¢× ×©× ×§×¨××
+ as_unread: ×××××¢× ×¡××× × ×××××¢× ×©×× × ×§×¨××
delete_button: ×××ק×
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- title: ××× ××× ×שת×ש ×× ××××¢×
+ read_button: ס×××× ×â× ×§×¨×â
+ reply_button: תש×××
+ unread_button: ס×××× ×â×× × ×§×¨×â
+ new:
+ back_to_inbox: ×××¨× ×ת××ת ××××ר ×× ×× ×¡
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+ message_sent: ××××¢× × ×©×××
+ send_button: ש××××
+ send_message_to: ×ש×××ת ××××¢× ×××©× ×× %{name}
+ subject: × ×ש×
+ title: ש×××ת ××××¢×
+ no_such_message:
+ body: ×× × ×צ×ער××, ××× ××××¢× ×¢× ×××× ××.
+ heading: ××× ××××¢× ×××
+ title: ××× ××××¢× ×××
+ outbox:
+ date: ת×ר××
+ inbox: ת××ת ××××ר ×× ×× ×¡
+ messages:
+ one: ×ש ×× ××××¢× ××ת ×©× ×©×××
+ other: ×ש ×× %{count} ××××¢×ת ×©× ×©×××
+ my_inbox: "%{inbox_link} ש××"
+ no_sent_messages: ××× ×× ××××¢×ת × ×©××× ×¢× ××. ×× ××¢×ª× ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× %{people_mapping_nearby_link}?
+ outbox: ת××ת ××××ר ×××צ×
+ people_mapping_nearby: ×שתתפ×× ×××פ×× ×קר×ת ×ק××
+ subject: × ×ש×
+ title: ת××ת ×××ר ××צ×
+ to: ××
+ read:
+ back: ××ר×
+ date: ת×ר××
+ from: ××ת
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+ title: ××××¢× ×©× ×§×¨××
+ to: ××
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+ wrong_user: × ×× ×¡×ª ××©× â%{user}â, ××× ×××××¢× ×©××קשת ×קר×× ×× × ×©××× ××××ª× ××שת×ש. × × ××××× ×¡ ××ש××× ×× ××× ××× ××קר×× ××ת×.
+ reply:
+ wrong_user: × ×× ×¡×ª ××©× â%{user}â, ××× ×××××¢× ×©××קשת ××ש×× ×¢××× ×× × ×©××× ××××ª× ××שת×ש. × × ××××× ×¡ ××ש××× ×× ××× ××× ××ש××.
delete_button: ×××ק×
+ note:
+ description:
+ closed_at_by_html: × ×¤×ª×¨× ××¤× × %{when} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ closed_at_html: × ×¤×ª×¨× ××¤× × %{when}
+ commented_at_by_html: ×¢×××× × ××¤× × %{when} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ commented_at_html: ×¢×××× × ××¤× × %{when}
+ opened_at_by_html: × ××¦×¨× ××¤× × %{when} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ opened_at_html: × ××¦×¨× ××¤× × %{when}
+ reopened_at_by_html: ××פע×× ×××ש ××¤× × %{when} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user}
+ reopened_at_html: ××פע×× ×××ש ××¤× × %{when}
+ entry:
+ comment: ת××××
+ full: ××¢×¨× ××××
+ mine:
+ ago_html: ××¤× × %{when}
+ created_at: "×צ×ר×:"
+ creator: ××צר
+ description: ת×××ר
+ heading: ×ער×ת ×©× %{user}
+ id: ××××
+ last_changed: "ש×× ×× ××ר××:"
+ subheading: ×ער×ת ×ת××××ת ×©× %{user}
+ title: ×ער×ת ×ת××××ת ×©× %{user}
+ rss:
+ closed: ××¢×¨× ×¡×××¨× (××× %{place})
+ commented: ת×××× ×××©× (××× %{place})
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+ description_item: ××× ×ª rss ×¢××ר ×××¢×¨× %{id}
+ opened: ××¢×¨× ×××©× (××× %{place})
+ reopened: ××¢×¨× ×©××פע×× ×××ש (××× %{place})
+ title: ×ער×ת ×©× OpenStreetMap
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+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ת×××× ××ת %{user} × ××¡×¤× ×רש××ת ×××× ×©××"
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+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] × × ×××ת ×ת ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×©××"
+ email_confirm_html:
+ click_the_link: ×× ×××ת עש×ת ×ת ××, × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××שר ×ת ×ש×× ××.
+ greeting: ש×××,
+ hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×תק××× ××××ר ××) ר××¦× ××©× ×ת ×ת ×ת××ת ×××××´× ××ש×××ת ××ש××× ×שרת %{server_url} ×× %{new_address}.
+ email_confirm_plain:
+ click_the_link: ×× ×××ת עש×ת ×ת ××, × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××שר ×ת ×ש×× ××.
+ greeting: ש×××,
+ hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×× ×× × ×ק×××× ×©×ת ×× ×ת×) ××קש ××©× ×ת ×ת ×ת××ת ××××"× ×××ת ××תר %{server_url} ××ת××ת %{new_address}
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+ befriend_them: ××פשר××ª× ×ס×× × ×××ר ××ת××ת %{befriendurl}.
+ had_added_you: "%{user} ××ס××£ ×××ª× ×××ר ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap."
+ see_their_profile: ××פשר××ª× ×צפ×ת ×פר×פ×× ×©×× ××ת××ת %{userurl}.
+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] × ×ספת ×רש××ת ×××ר×× ×©× %{user}"
+ gpx_notification:
+ and_no_tags: ××סר ×ת×××
+ and_the_tags: ××ת×××
+ failure:
+ failed_to_import: "×× ×××× ×ר×××. ×× × ×ש××××:"
+ more_info_1: ××××¢ × ×סף ×¢× ××ש××× ×ת ×××××× GPX ×××× ××××× ×¢
+ more_info_2: "××× ×פשר ××צ×× ×××:"
+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ש×××× ×××××× GPX"
+ greeting: ש×××,
+ success:
+ loaded_successfully: × ××¢× ×ר××× ×¢× %{trace_points} ×ת×× %{possible_points} × ×§×××ת ×פשר××ת.
+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ××××× GPX ×צ×××"
+ with_description: ××¢× ×ת×××ר
+ your_gpx_file: × ×¨×× ×©×§×××¥ ×Ö¾GPX ש××
+ lost_password:
+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ×קשת ××פ×ס סס××"
+ lost_password_html:
+ click_the_link: ×× ×××ת ××קשת ×ת ××, × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××פס ×ת ×סס××.
+ greeting: ש×××,
+ hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×תק××× ××××ר ××) ××קש ×× ×סס×× ××ש××× ×××××× ×¢× ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×××ת ××תר openstreetmap.org ת××פס.
+ lost_password_plain:
+ click_the_link: ×× ××× ×¢×©×ת ×ת ××, ×ש ×××××¥ ×¢× ×ק×ש×ר ×××× ××× ××פס ×ת ×סס××.
+ greeting: ש×××,
+ hopefully_you: ××ש×× (×××× ×ת ×× ×ת×) ××קש ש×סס×× ××ש×××ת ××ש××× ×××××× ×¢× ×ת××ת ××××"× ×××ת ××תר openstreetmap.org.
+ message_notification:
+ footer_html: × ××ª× ×× ×קר×× ×ת ×××××¢× ××ת××ת %{readurl} ×××××× ×××צע×ת %{replyurl}
+ header: "×ת×××ª× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ××××¢× ××××¢× ××ת %{from_user} ×¢× ×× ××©× %{subject}:"
+ hi: ש××× %{to_user},
+ note_comment_notification:
+ anonymous: ×שת×ש ××××× ×
+ closed:
+ commented_note: ×ערת ××¤× ×©×××ת ×¢××× × ×¤×ª×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}. ×××¢×¨× × ×צ×ת ××× %{place}
+ subject_other: "[OpenStreetMap] ××¢×¨× ×©××ª×¢× ××× ×ª ×× × ×¤×ª×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}"
+ subject_own: "[OpenStreetMap] ××ת ×××ער×ת ש×× × ×¤×ª×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}"
+ your_note: ××ת ××ער×ת ×××¤× ×©×× ××× %{place} × ×¤×ª×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}.
+ commented:
+ commented_note: ×תק××× ×ª×××× ××ת %{commenter} ×¢× ××¢×¨× ×¢× ××¤× ×©×××ת ×¢×××. ××¢×¨× × ×צ×ת ××× %{place}
+ subject_other: "[OpenStreetMap] ×תק××× ×ª×××× ××ת %{commenter} ×¢× ××¢×¨× ×©××ª×¢× ××× ×ª ××"
+ subject_own: "[OpenStreetMap] ×תק××× ×ª×××× ××ת %{commenter} ×¢× ××ת ×××ער×ת ש××"
+ your_note: ×תק××× ×ª×××× ××ת %{commenter} ×¢× ××ת ××ער×ת ×××¤× ×©×× ××× %{place}
+ details: ×פשר ××צ×× ×¤×¨××× × ×ספ×× ×¢× ×××¢×¨× ××ת××ת %{url}
+ greeting: ש×××,
+ reopened:
+ commented_note: ××¢×¨× ×××¤× ×©×××ת ×¢××× ××פע×× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}. ×××¢×¨× ××× ××× %{place}.
+ subject_other: "[OpenStreetMap] ××¢×¨× ×©××¢× ××× ×ª ×××ª× ××פע×× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}"
+ subject_own: "[OpenStreetMap] ××ת ××ער×ת ש×× ××פע×× ×××ש ×¢×´× %{commenter}"
+ your_note: ××¢×¨× ×©××ספת ××× %{place} ××פע×× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× %{commenter}.
+ signup_confirm:
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+ created: ××ש×× (×תק××× ×ת ×× ×ת×) ×צר ×ש××× ××תר %{site_url}.
+ greeting: ××××!
+ subject: "[×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ OpenStreetMap] ×ר×× ×××× ××××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ"
+ welcome: ×××¨× ×××ת ××ש××× ×©××, × ×¡×¤×§ ×× ××××¢ × ×סף ש××¢××ר ×× ××ת×××.
- allow_read_prefs: קר××ת ××¢×פ×ת ××שת×ש ש××.
- allow_write_api: ש×× ×× ××פ×.
- allow_write_gpx: ××¢××ת עק××ת GPS.
+ allow_read_gpx: ×קר×× ×ת ×ס×××× ×Ö¾GPS ×פר×××× ×©××.
+ allow_read_prefs: ×קר×× ×ת ××¢×פ×ת ××שת×ש ש××.
+ allow_to: ××פשר ×××ש×× ××ק×× ×©××
+ allow_write_api: ××©× ×ת ×ת ××פ×.
+ allow_write_diary: ××צ×ר רש×××ת ×××× ××ער×ת ××××ס××£ ××ר××.
+ allow_write_gpx: ×××¢××ת ×ס×××× GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: ××©× ×ת ×ער×ת
+ allow_write_prefs: ××©× ×ת ×ת ××¢×פ×ת ××שת×ש ש××.
+ request_access: ×××ש×× %{app_name} ××רש ×××©× ××ש××× ×, %{user}. × × ××××ק ××× ×ת××× ×× ×©×××ש×× ×ק×× ×ת ××××××ת ××××. ×פשר ××××ר ×× ×× ××××ר ×ת ×× ×× ×©×ת××× ××.
+ title: ××ש×ר ××××©× ××ש××× ×©××
+ oauthorize_failure:
+ denied: ש××ת ××××ש×× %{app_name} ×ת ××××©× ××ש××× ×©××.
+ invalid: ××ס×××× ×××ש×ר ××× × ×ª×§×£.
+ title: ×קשת ××ש×ר × ×ש××
+ oauthorize_success:
+ allowed: × ×ª×ª ×××ש×× %{app_name} ×××©× ××ש××× ×.
+ title: ×קשת ××ש×ר ××שר×
+ verification: ק×× ×××××ת ××× %{code}.
+ revoke:
+ flash: ש××ת ×ת ××ס×××× ××××ש×× %{application}.
+ oauth_clients:
+ create:
+ flash: ×××××¢ × ×¨×©× ××צ×××
+ destroy:
+ flash: ר×ש×× ××ש×× ××ק×× × ×רס
+ edit:
+ submit: ער×××
+ title: ער××ת ×××ש×× ×©××
+ form:
+ allow_read_gpx: ×קר×× ×ת ×ס×××× ×Ö¾GPS ×פר×××× ×©×××.
+ allow_read_prefs: ×קר×× ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת ×©× ××שת×ש.
+ allow_write_api: ××©× ×ת ×ת ××פ×.
+ allow_write_diary: ××צ×ר רש×××ת ×××× ××ער×ת ××××ס××£ ××ר××.
+ allow_write_gpx: ×××¢××ת ×ס×××× GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: ××©× ×ת ×ער×ת
+ allow_write_prefs: ××©× ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת ×©× ××שת×ש.
+ callback_url: ×ת××ת קר××× (callback)
+ name: ש×
+ requests: "××קש ×ת ××רש××ת ××××ת ×××שת×ש:"
+ required: ×ר×ש
+ support_url: ×ת××ת ×ת××××
+ url: ×ת××ת ×××ש×× ×ר×ש×ת
+ index:
+ application: ×©× ×××ש××
+ issued_at: ××× ×¤×§ ×
+ list_tokens: "××ס×××× ×× ××××× ××× ×¤×§× ×××ש×× ×ש××:"
+ my_apps: ××ש××× ××ק×× ×©××
+ my_tokens: ×××ש×××× ××××שר×× ×©××
+ no_apps: ××× ×ש ×× ××ש×× ×©×רצ×× × ×רש×× ×ש×××ש ×צ×× × ×××צע×ת ×ª×§× %{oauth}? ×ש ×רש×× ×ת ××ש×× ×רשת ש×× ××¤× × ×©×××× ×ש××× ×קש×ת OAuth ×ש×ר×ת ×××.
+ register_new: ר×ש×× ×××ש×× ×©××
+ registered_apps: "רש×ת ×ת ××ש××× ××ק×× ×××××:"
+ revoke: ×ש×××!
+ title: פר×× ×Ö¾OAuth ש××
+ new:
+ submit: ר×ש××
+ title: ר×ש×× ××ש×× ××ש
+ not_found:
+ sorry: ס××××, ×ס×× %{type} ×× × ×צ×.
+ show:
+ access_url: "×ת××ת ×ס×××× ××ש×:"
+ allow_read_gpx: ×קר×× ×ת ×ס×××× ×Ö¾GPS ש××.
+ allow_read_prefs: ×קר×× ×ת ××¢×פ×ת ××שת×ש ש×××.
+ allow_write_api: ××©× ×ת ×ת ××פ×.
+ allow_write_diary: ××צ×ר רש×××ת ×××× ××ער×ת ××××ס××£ ××ר××.
+ allow_write_gpx: ×××¢××ת ×ס×××× GPS.
+ allow_write_notes: ××©× ×ת ×ער×ת
+ allow_write_prefs: ××©× ×ת ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת ש×××.
+ authorize_url: "×ת××ת ××ש×ר:"
+ confirm: ×××ת?
+ delete: ×××קת ×ק××
+ edit: ער××ת פר×××
+ key: "××¤×ª× ×¦×¨××:"
+ requests: "××קש ×ת ××רש××ת ××××ת ×××שת×ש:"
+ secret: "ס×× ×¦×¨××:"
+ support_notice: ×× ×× × ×ª××××× ××ת×××ת ×Ö¾HMAC-SHA1 (×××××¥) ××× ×Ö¾RSA-SHA1.
+ title: פר×× OAuth ×¢××ר %{app_name}
+ url: "×ת××ת ×ס×××× ×קש×:"
+ update:
+ flash: ××××¢ ××ק×× ×¢×××× ××צ×××
+ printable_name:
+ with_name_html: "%{name} (%{id})"
+ redaction:
+ create:
+ flash: × ×צר ××ת××
+ destroy:
+ error: ×××¨×¢× ×©×××× ×עת ×ר×סת ×××ת×× ×××.
+ flash: ×××ת×× × ×רס.
+ not_empty: ×××ת×× ××× × ×¨×ק. × × ×××× ×ת ×××ת×××× ×©× ××רס××ת שש×××ת ×××ת×× ××× ××¤× × ×ר×סת×.
+ edit:
+ description: ת×××ר
+ heading: ער××ת ××ת××
+ submit: ש××רת ××ת××
+ title: ער××ת ××ת××
+ index:
+ empty: ××× ××ת×××× ×©×פשר ××צ××
+ heading: רש××ת ××ת××××
+ title: רש××ת ××ת××××
+ new:
+ description: ת×××ר
+ heading: ××× ×ª ××××¢ ×××ת×× ××ש
+ submit: ×צ×רת ××ת××
+ title: ×ת×צעת ×צ×רת ××ת×× ××ש
+ show:
+ confirm: ×××ת?
+ description: "ת×××ר:"
+ destroy: ×סרת ×××ת×× ×××
+ edit: ער××ת ×××ת×× ×××
+ heading: ×צ×ת ×××ת×× â%{title}â
+ title: ×צ×ת ××ת××
+ user: "××צר:"
+ update:
+ flash: ×ש×× ×××× ×©× ×©×ר×.
- potlatch_unsaved_changes: You have unsaved changes. (To save in Potlatch, you should deselect the current way or point, if editing in list mode, or click save if you have a save button.)
+ anon_edits_link_text: ר' ×ס×ר ××××¢ ×× ××.
+ flash_player_required: ×ש צ××¨× ×× ×× ×¤××ש ××× ××שת×ש ×Ö¾Potlatch, ער×× ×פ××ש ×©× OpenStreetMap. ×פשר ×××ר×× × ×× ×¤××ש ××תר Adobe.com. ×ש ×פשר×××ת × ×ספ×ת ×ער××ת OpenStreetMap.
+ id_not_configured: ×× ×ת××¦×¢× ×××ר×ת ×©× iD
+ no_iframe_support: ××פ××¤× ×©×× ××× × ×ª××× ××××× ××× ×ס×× iframe ×©× HTML, ×××× ×××× ××× ×¢××ר ת××× × ××.
+ not_public: ×× ×××רת ×ת ×ער×××ת ש×× ×צ×××ר××ת.
+ not_public_description: ×× ×ª××× ×× ×פשר×ת ×××ש×× ×ער×× ×ת ×××¤× ××¤× × ×©×× ××עש×. ××פשר××ª× ×××××ר ×ת ×ער×××ת ש×× ×צ×××ר××ת ××¨× %{user_page} ש××.
+ potlatch2_not_configured: Potlatch 2 ×× ××××ר â ר׳ http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/The_Rails_Port#Potlatch_2 ×××××¢ × ×סף
+ potlatch2_unsaved_changes: ×ש ×× ×©×× ×××× ×©×× × ×©×ר×. (××× ×ש××ר ×Ö¾Potlatch 2, ×ש ×××××¥ âש××ר×â.)
+ potlatch_unsaved_changes: ×ש ×× ×©×× ×××× ×©×× × ×©×ר×. (××× ×ש××ר ×Ö¾Potlatch, ×ש ×××× ×ת ×××××¨× ×©× ×××¨× ×× ×× ×§××× ×× ××××× ×××¦× ×¢×¨××× ×××, ×× ×ש××ר ×× ×פת×ר ×ש×××¨× ××××.)
+ user_page_link: ××£ ××שת×ש
+ createnote: ××ספת ×ער×
+ js_1: ××פ××¤× ×©×× ××ª× ×שת×ש ××× × ×ª××× ×Ö¾JavaScript, ×× ×©××××ת ×ת ×ש×××ש ×Ö¾JavaScript.
+ js_2: ×תר OpenStreetMap ×שת×ש ×Ö¾JavaScript ×××¤× ×××××ק×.
+ license:
+ copyright: "×××××ת ×××צר××: ×××× OpenStreetMap ×ת×ר×××, ××פ××£ ×ר×ש××× ×¤×ª××"
+ permalink: ק×ש×ר ק×××¢
+ remote_failed: ×ער××× × ×ש×× â × × ××××× ×× JOSM ×× Merkaartor × ××¢× × ×ש×פשר×ת ×ש×××× ×ק××ר ××פע×ת
shortlink: ק×ש×ר ×ק×צר
+ admin: ×××× ×©×× ×©×פ××
allotments: ש×××× ×ק×××××
+ apron:
+ - ר××ת ×× ×× ××××ס××
+ - ×ס××£
+ bridge: ×§× ×©××ר = ×שר
bridleway: ×ס××× ×ר×××ת ס×ס××
- brownfield: ×××ר תעש×× × ××ש
+ brownfield: ×××ר תעש××× × ××ש
+ building: ×× ××× ××¢× ×ש×××ת
byway: ××¨× ×¦×××ת
- ר×××
+ - ××¢××ת סק×
cemetery: ××ת ×¢××××
centre: ×ר×× ×¡×¤×ר×
commercial: ×××ר ×ס×ר×
- ×רע×
- ×רע×
+ construction: ×ר××× ××× ×××
cycleway: ××¨× ××××¤× ×××
+ destination: ×××©× ×××¢×
farm: ××××
footway: ××¨× ×××××× ×¨××
forest: ×ער
golf: ×ס××× ××××£
heathland: ש×× ×¤×¨×
- industrial: ×××ר תעש××
+ industrial: ×××ר תעש×××
- ×××
- military: ×××ר צ×××
+ - ×××ר
+ military: ש×× ×¦×××
motorway: ×××ש ×××ר
park: פ×רק
+ permissive: ×××©× ××תרת
+ pitch: ××רש ספ×ר×
primary: ×××ש ר×ש×
+ private: ×××©× ×¤×¨××ת
rail: ×ס××ת ×ר××
reserve: ש××רת ×××¢
resident: ×××ר ×××ר××
+ retail: ×××ר ק××¢×× ××
- - ××¨× ×××× ××ת
+ - ×ס××× × ××ת×
- ××¨× ×××× ××ת
- ××ת ספר
@@ -293,87 +1435,550 @@ he:
secondary: ×××ש ××©× ×
station: ת×× ×ª ר××ת
subway: ר××ת ת×ת×ת
+ summit:
+ - פס××
+ - פס××
tourist: ×תר ת××ר×ת×
+ track: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
- ר××ת ק××
- unclassified: ××¨× ×××ª× ××××רת
+ - ×ש×××ת
+ trunk: ××¨× ×¨×ש×ת
+ tunnel: ×§× ×ק×××§× = ×× ×ר×
+ unclassified: ××¨× ×× ×ס×××ת
+ unsurfaced: ××¨× ×× ×¡××××
wood: ××רש×
+ markdown_help:
+ alt: ××§×¡× ×××פ×
+ first: ×פר×× ×ר×ש××
+ heading: ××תרת
+ headings: ××תר×ת
+ image: ת××× ×
+ link: ק×ש×ר
+ ordered: רש××× ××××× ×ª
+ second: ×פר×× ××©× ×
+ subheading: ××תרת ××©× ×
+ text: ×קס×
+ title_html: ×פ××¢× × ×¢× Markdown
+ unordered: רש××× ××ת×Ö¾××××× ×ª
+ url: ×ת××ת
+ richtext_area:
+ edit: ער×××
+ preview: תצ××× ×ק××××
- search_help: "examples: 'Alkmaar', 'Regent Street, Cambridge', 'CB2 5AQ', or 'post offices near Lünen' more examples..."
+ search: ××פ×ש
+ submit_text: ××¢×ר
+ where_am_i: ×××¤× ×× ×?
+ where_am_i_title: × × ×ת×ר ×ת ××ק××× ×× ×××× ×××צע×ת ×× ××¢ ×××פ×ש
+ sidebar:
+ close: ×ס××ר×
+ search_results: ת×צ××ת ×××פ×ש
+ time:
+ formats:
+ friendly: "%e ×%B %Y ××©×¢× %H:%M"
+ create:
+ trace_uploaded: ק×××¥ ×Ö¾GPX ש×× ×××¢×× ××××× ×××× ×¡× ×× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ××. ×× ×××¨× ××§×¨× ×ת×× ××¦× ×©×¢× ×××ש×× ×× ×××ª× ×¢× ×ש××ת ×פע×××.
+ upload_trace: ××¢××ת ×ס××× GPS
+ delete:
+ scheduled_for_deletion: ×ס××× ××××¢× ××××ק×
+ description:
+ description_with_count:
+ one: ק×××¥ GPS ×¢× × ×§××× ××ת ××ת %{user}
+ other: ק×××¥ GPS ×¢× %{count} × ×§×××ת ××ת %{user}
+ description_without_count: ק×××¥ GPS ××ת %{user}
- description: :ת××ר
+ description: "ת×××ר:"
download: ××ר××
edit: ער×××
- heading: ער××ת ××ס××× {{name}}
+ filename: "×©× ×ק×××¥:"
+ heading: ער××ת ××ס××× %{name}
map: ×פ×
+ owner: "××¢×××:"
+ points: "× ×§×××ת:"
+ save_button: ש××רת ש×× ××××
+ start_coord: "× ×§×××ת צ××× ×©× ×ª××××:"
+ tags: "ת×××:"
tags_help: ×××¤×¨× ×פס×ק××
+ title: ער××ת ×ס××× %{name}
+ uploaded_at: "ת×ר×× ××¢×××:"
+ visibility: "× Ö´×¨××ּת:"
visibility_help: ×× ×× ×××ר?
- no_such_user:
- title: ××× ×שת×ש ×××
+ georss:
+ title: ×ס×××× GPS ×©× OpenStreetMap
+ list:
+ description: ×¢××× ×××¢×××ת ××ר×× ×ת ×©× × ×ª××× GPS
+ empty_html: ××× ×¤× ×¢×××× ×©×× ××ר. ×פשר ×××¢××ת ××××¢ ××ש ×× ××××× ×¢×× ×¢× ××¢×§× ×ס××××× ×Ö¾GPS ×××£ ××××ק×.
+ public_traces: ×ס×××× GPS צ×××ר×××
+ public_traces_from: ×ס×××× GPS צ×××ר××× ××ת %{user}
+ tagged_with: " ×ת××× ×¢× %{tags}"
+ your_traces: ×ס×××× GPS ש××
+ make_public:
+ made_public: ×ס××× ×©××××ר צ×××ר×
+ offline:
+ heading: ××ס×× GPX ××ת×Ö¾×ק×××
+ message: ×ער×ת ×××ס×× ××××¢××× ×©× ×§×××¦× GPX ××× × ×××× × ×¢×ש××.
+ offline_warning:
+ message: ×ער×ת ××¢××ת ק×××¦× GPX ××× × ×××× × ×עת
+ ago: ××¤× × %{time_in_words_ago}
+ by: ××ת
+ count_points: "%{count} × ×§×××ת"
edit: ער×××
+ edit_map: ער××ת ×פ×
+ identifiable: ×ר ×××××
+ in: ×
+ map: ×פ×
+ more: ×¢××
+ pending: ××××ª× ×
+ private: פר××
+ public: צ×××ר×
+ trace_details: ×צ×ת פר×× ×ס×××
+ trackable: ×ר ×עק×
+ view_map: ×צ×ת ×פ×
- description: ת××ר
+ description: "ת×××ר:"
+ help: ×¢×ר×
+ tags: "ת×××:"
tags_help: ×××¤×¨× ×פס×ק××
- visibility: ××××
- visibility_help: ×× ××ת ×××רת?
+ upload_button: ××¢×××
+ upload_gpx: "××¢××ת ק×××¥ GPX:"
+ visibility: "× Ö´×¨××ּת:"
+ visibility_help: ×× ×× ×××ר?
+ trace_header:
+ see_all_traces: ×צ×ת ×× ××ס×××××
+ see_your_traces: ×צ×ת ××ס××××× ×©××
+ traces_waiting:
+ other: ×ש ×× ×ס××× ×©×××× ×××¢×××. × × ×שק×× ××××ת ×¢× ×¡××× ××¢×××ª× ××¤× × ××¢××ת ×ס××××× × ×ספ××, ××× ×× ××ס×× ×ת ×ת×ר ××שת×ש×× ××ר××.
+ upload_trace: ××¢××ת ×ס×××
+ trace_optionals:
+ tags: ת×××
+ trace_paging_nav:
+ newer: ×ס××××× ××ש×× ××תר
+ older: ×ס××××× ××©× ×× ××תר
+ showing_page: ×××£ %{page}
- description: :ת××ר
+ delete_track: ×××קת ××ס××× ×××
+ description: "ת×××ר:"
+ download: ××ר××
edit: ער×××
- tags: Tags
- visibility: "××××:"
+ edit_track: ער××ת ××ס××× ×××
+ filename: "×©× ×§×××¥:"
+ heading: ×צ×ת ×ס××× %{name}
+ map: ×פ×
+ none: ×××
+ owner: "××¢×××:"
+ pending: ××××ª× ×
+ points: "× ×§×××ת:"
+ start_coordinates: "× ×§×××ת צ××× ×©× ×ª××××:"
+ tags: "ת×××:"
+ title: ×צ×ת ×ס××× %{name}
+ trace_not_found: ××ס××× ×× × ×צ×!
+ uploaded: "×××¢××:"
+ visibility: "× ×¨××ּת:"
+ visibility:
+ identifiable: ×ר ××××× (×××¦× ×רש××ת ××ס××××× ×××××××, × ×§×××ת ס××ר×ת ×¢× ××ת×× ×××)
+ private: פר×× (×ש×תף רק ×××××× ×, × ×§×××ת ×× ××××× ×ת)
+ public: צ××××¨× (×××¦× ×רש××ת ××ס××××× ××××××× ×, × ×§×××ת ×× ××××× ×ת)
+ trackable: ×פשר ×רש×× ××ס××× (×ש×תף רק ×××××× ×, × ×§×××ת ס××ר×ת ×¢× ××ת×× ×××)
- home location: "××ק×× ×××ת:"
- latitude: :×§× ×¨×××
- longitude: :×§× ××ר×
+ contributor terms:
+ agreed: ×ס××ת ××ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
+ agreed_with_pd: ×צ×רת ×× ×©××××× ×ª× ×ער×××ת ש×× ×××× ×× ××ת ××××.
+ heading: "×ª× ×× ×ª×¨×××:"
+ link text: ×× ××?
+ not yet agreed: ×¢×××× ×× ×ס××ת ××ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
+ review link text: × × ××¢××ר ×ק×ש×ר ××× ×××× × ××¤× ×× ××× ×סק×ר ××ק×× ×ת ×ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××.
+ current email address: "×ת××ת ××××´× × ××××ת:"
+ delete image: ××סרת ×ת××× × ×× ××××ת
+ email never displayed publicly: (××¢××× ×× ××צ×ת ×פ××××)
+ flash update success: פר×× ××שת×ש ×¢×××× × ××צ×××.
+ flash update success confirm needed: ××××¢ ×¢× ××שת×ש ×¢×××× ××צ×××. × × ××××ק ×ת ת××ת ××××"× ××× ×××ת ×ת ××××"× ×××ש.
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: ××שת×ש ×Ö¾Gravatar
+ link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gravatar
+ link text: ×× ××?
+ home location: "××ק×× ×¨×ש×:"
+ image: "ת××× ×:"
+ image size hint: (ת××× × ×ר××עת ××××× 100x100 ×פ××ת ×¢×××ת ××× ×××)
+ keep image: ×ש×××¨× ×¢× ×ת××× × ×× ××××ת
+ latitude: "×§× ×¨×××:"
+ longitude: "×§× ××ר×:"
+ make edits public button: ××פ×× ×ת ×× ×¢×¨×××ת×× ×צ×××ר××ת
my settings: ××××ר×ת ש××
+ new email address: "×ת××ת ××××´× ××ש×:"
+ new image: ××ספת ת××× ×
+ no home location: ×× ××× ×ª ×ת ××ק××× ×ר×ש×.
+ openid:
+ link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID
+ link text: ×× ××?
+ openid: "OpenID:"
+ preferred editor: "×¢××¨× ×××¢××£:"
+ preferred languages: "שפ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת:"
+ profile description: "ת×××ר פר×פ××:"
public editing:
+ disabled: ×× ××פע×ת, ××× ×פשר×ת ×ער×× × ×ª×× ×× ××× ×ער×××ת ×ק××××ת ××××× ××ת.
disabled link text: ××××¢ ××× × ×××× ×ער××?
- enabled link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Disabling_anonymous_edits
+ enabled: ××פע×ת. ×× ××××× × ××××× ×ער×× ××××¢.
+ enabled link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits
enabled link text: ×× ××?
+ heading: "ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת:"
+ public editing note:
+ heading: ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת
+ text: ×עת ×ער×××ת ש×× ××××× ××ת ××× ×©×× ×× ×××××× ×ש××× ×× ××××¢×ת ×× ×ר××ת ×ת ×××ק×× ×©××. ××× ××צ×× ×× ×¢×¨×ת ×××פשר ××× ×©×× ××צ×ר ××ª× ×§×©×¨ ××¨× ××תר, ×ש ×××××¥ ×¢× ××פת×ר ××××. ××× ×ש×× ×× ×Ö¾API ×××¨×¡× 0.6, רק ×שת×ש×× ×¦×××ר××× ×××××× ×ער×× × ×ª×× × ×פ×. (×ס×ר ××× ×× ×××).
×××××× ××פ×ת ××ר×ת, OpenStreetMap × ×צרת ×××× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×× ×©×× ××××,\n××××× ××פש××× ×תק×, ××¢××× ××××ר×× ×××ª× ×××שת×ש ××.
\n××× ××ת××× ×תר×× ×ש ×××רש×. ×× × × ×©×× ×××ר ××ק×ר×× × ××× ×××ת ×ת ×ש××× ×.
" + confirm email address: "××××ת ×ת××ת ××××´×:" + confirm password: "××××ת סס××:" + contact_webmaster: × × ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×× ×× ××תר ××× ×©××××צר ×ש×××, ××× ×× × × ×©×ª×× ×××¤× ×××§×©× ××× ×©××תר ××ר. + continue: ×רש×× display name: "×©× ×תצ×××:" - heading: ×צ×רת ×ש××× ×שת×ש - password: "ס×ס××:" - signup: ×רש×× + display name description: ×©× ××שת×ש ש××, ש×××¦× ×פ××××. ×פשר ××©× ×ת ×ת ×× ××עפ×ת ש××. + email address: "×ת××ת ××××´×:" + license_agreement: ×¢× ××ש×ר ××ש××× ×ש ×ק×× ×ת ×ª× ×× ×תר×××. + no_auto_account_create: ××ר×× ×צער, ×עת ××× × × ×××××× ××צ×ר ×× ×ש××× ××××¤× ×××××××. + not displayed publicly: ×× ×××¦× ×פ×××× (ר׳ ××××× ××ת פר×××ת) + openid: "%{logo} OpenID:" + openid association: "×Ö¾OpenID ש×× ×¢×××× ××× × ×ש××× ××ש××× OpenStreetMap.
\n\n ס××××, ×ש×××× ×××©×¢× ××××¤× ××××××× ×¢×§×\n פע×××ת ×ש×××.\n
\n\n ××××× ×× ×ª×××× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×× ×× ×ער×ת ×ת×× ××× ×§×¦×¨, ××\n ××פשר××ª× ××¤× ×ת ×× %{webmaster} ×× ×רצ×× × ×××× ×××.\n
" + heading: ××ש××× ×××©×¢× + title: ××ש××× ×××©×¢× + webmaster: ×× ×× ××תר + terms: + agree: ×ס××× + consider_pd: ×× ×סף ××ס×× ××¢××, ××××× ×ª× ×× ×¢×¨×××ת×× ×©××××ת ×× ××ת ×××× + consider_pd_why: ×× ××? + decline: ס×ר×× + guidance: ××××¢ שע××ר ××××× ×ת ××ª× ××× ××××a תקצ×ר קר×× ×××× ×ª×¨××××× ××ת×־רש×××× + heading: ×ª× ×× ×ª×¨××× + legale_names: + france: צרפת + italy: ×××××× + rest_of_world: ש×ר ××¢××× + legale_select: "× × ××××ר ×רץ ×××ר××:" + read and accept: × × ×קר×× ×ת ××ס×× ×××× ××××××¥ ×¢× ×פת×ר ×××ש×ר ××× ××שר שק×××ת ×ת ×ª× ×× ××ס×× ××× ×תר×××ת ×ק××××ת ××עת××××ת ש××. + title: ×ª× ×× ×ª×¨××× + you need to accept or decline: × × ×קר×× ××ק×× ×× ××××ת ×ת ×ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש×× ××× ×××ש××. view: - ago: (××¤× × {{time_in_words_ago}}) - description: ת××ר + activate_user: ×פע×ת ×שת×ש ×× + add as friend: ×××¡×¤× ×××ר + ago: (××¤× × %{time_in_words_ago}) + block_history: ×ס×××ת ש×תק××× + blocks by me: ××ª× ×ס××ª× + blocks on me: ××ª× ×ס×× ×××ª× + comments: ×ער×ת + confirm: ××ש×ר + confirm_user: ××ש×ר ×שת×ש ×× + create_block: ×ס××ת ×שת×ש ×× + created from: "× ×צר ×ת××:" + ct accepted: ×××©×¨× ××¤× × %{ago} + ct declined: × ××× + ct status: "×ª× ×× ×ª×¨×××:" + ct undecided: ×¢×× ××× ××××× + deactivate_user: ××××× ×פע×ת ×שת×ש ×× + delete_user: ×××קת ×שת×ש ×× + description: ת×××ר + diary: ×××× edits: ער×××ת - km away: ××ר×ק {{count}} ק"× - m away: ××ר×ק {{count}} ×' + email address: "×ת××ת ××××´×:" + friends_changesets: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ××ר×× + friends_diaries: רש×××ת ×××× ×©× ××ר×× + hide_user: ×סתרת ×שת×ש ×× + if set location: ××××¨× ×©× ××ק×× ×××ת ש×× ×××£ %{settings_link} ת×פשר ×× ×ר××ת ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××ת×. + km away: ××ר×ק %{count} ×§×´× + latest edit: "ער××× ××ר×× × %{ago}:" + m away: ××ר×ק %{count} ×׳ + mapper since: "×××¤× ×××:" + moderator_history: ×ס×××ת ×©× ××ª× × + my comments: ××ער×ת ש×× my diary: ××××× ×©×× my edits: ×ער×××ת ש×× + my messages: ×××××¢×ת ש×× + my notes: ×ער×ת ×××¤× ×©×× + my profile: ×פר×פ×× ×©×× + my settings: ××××ר×ת ש×× + my traces: ××ס××××× ×©×× + nearby users: ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× + nearby_changesets: ער××ת ×ש×× ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× + nearby_diaries: רש×××ת ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× new diary entry: רש××× ×××©× ××××× - no friends: ×× ××ספת ××ר×× ××× ×¢××××. - remove as friend: ××¡×¨× ×××ר + no friends: ×¢×××× ×× ××ספת ××ר××. + no nearby users: ××× ×¢×××× ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×©××××× ×©×× ×××¤× ×ס××××. + notes: ×ער×ת ××¤× + oauth settings: ×××ר×ת oauth + remove as friend: ××¡×¨× ×רש××ת ××ר×× + role: + administrator: ××ש××× ××× ×ש ×רש××ת ×פע×× + grant: + administrator: ××¢× ×§×ª ×רש××ת ×פע×× + moderator: ××¢× ×§×ª ×רש××ת ×× ×× + moderator: ××× ×ש××× ×× ×× + revoke: + administrator: ש×××ת ×רש××ת ×פע×× + moderator: ש×××ת ×רש××ת ×× ×× send message: ש×××ת ××××¢× settings_link_text: ×××ר×ת + spam score: "××ר×× ×××××:" + status: "×צ×:" traces: ×ס××××× + unhide_user: ××××× ×סתרת ×שת×ש ×× + user location: ××ק×× ××שת×ש your friends: ×××ר×× ×©×× + user_block: + blocks_by: + empty: ××¢××× ×× × ×¢×©×ª× ×ס××× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{name} + heading: רש××ת ××ס×××ת ×©× ×¢×©× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{name} + title: ×ס×××ת ×¢×Ö¾××× %{name} + blocks_on: + empty: ××¢××× ×× ××פע×× ×ס××× ×¢× %{name} + heading: רש××ת ××ס×××ת ×©× %{name} + title: ×ס×××ת ×©× %{name} + create: + flash: × ××¦×¨× ×ס××× ×¢× ×ש××× %{name} + try_contacting: × × ×× ×¡×ת ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×שת×ש ××¤× × ×ס×××ª× ××תת ×× ××× ×¡××ר ××ש××. + try_waiting: × × ×תת ××שת×ש ××× ×¡××ר ××ש×× ××¤× × ××ס×××. + edit: + back: ×צ×ת ×× ××ס×××ת + heading: ×ס××ת ער××× ×¢× %{name} + needs_view: ××× ××שת×ש צר×× ××××× ×¡ ××¤× × ×©××ס××× ×××ת ×ª× ×ק×? + period: ×××©× ××× ××× ××¢×ש×× ××ש××× ××××¡× ×××צ××¢ פע×××ת API. + reason: ×ס××× ×©×××× × ××ש××× %{name} × ×ס×. × × ××ת×× ×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ר×××¢ ××תת ××× ×©××תר פר××× ×¢× ××צ×. × × ××××ר ש×× ×× ××שת×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ת ××¢×× ××קצ××¢×ת ×©× ×ק×××× ××שת×× ××שת×ש ×××××× ×ר×ר×ת ××××. + show: ×צ×ת ××ס××× ×××ת + submit: ×¢×××× ×ס××× + title: ×ס××ת ער××× ×¢× %{name} + filter: + block_expired: ××ת×× ×©××ס××× ××ר ×¤×§×¢× ×××Ö¾×פשר ×ער×× ××ת×. + block_period: תק×פת ××ס××× ×¦×¨××× ××××ת ××× ×ער××× ×©×פשר ××××ר ×רש××× ×× ×¤×ª×ת. + helper: + time_future: תסת××× ××¢×× %{time} + time_past: ×סת×××× ××¤× × %{time}. + until_login: פע××× ×¢× ×©××שת×ש ×××× ×¡ ××ש×××. + index: + empty: ×¢×× ×× × ×¢×©× ×ס×××ת. + heading: רש××ת ×ס×××ת ×שת×ש + title: ×ס×××ת ×שת×ש + model: + non_moderator_revoke: צר×× ××××ת ×× ×× ××× ×××× ×ס×××. + non_moderator_update: צר×× ××××ת ×× ×× ××× ××צ×ר ×× ××¢××× ×ס×××. + new: + back: ×צ×ת ×× ××ס×××ת + heading: ×צ×רת ×ס××× ×©× %{name} + needs_view: ××שת×ש צר×× ××××× ×¡ ××¤× × ×©××ס××× ×××ת ×ª× ×ק×. + period: ×××©× ××× ××× ××¢×ש×× ××ש××× ××××¡× ×××צ××¢ פע×××ת API. + reason: ×ס××× ×©×××× × ××ש××× %{name} × ×ס×. × × ××ת×× ×ש×× ××××× × ×ר×××¢ ××תת ××× ×©××תר פר××× ×¢× ××צ×. × × ××××ר ש×× ×× ××שת×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ת ××¢×× ××קצ××¢×ת ×©× ×ק×××× ×××שת×× ××שת×ש ×××××× ×ר×ר×ת ××××. + submit: ×צ×רת ×ס××× + title: ×צ×רת ×ס××× ×©× %{name} + tried_contacting: ××¦×¨×ª× ×§×©×¨ ×¢× ××שת×ש ××××§×©×ª× ××פס×ק. + tried_waiting: × ×ª×ª× ××שת×ש ××× ×¡××ר ××ש×× ×¢× ×××××¢×ת ××××. + not_found: + back: ×××¨× ×××¤×ª× + sorry: ס××××, ××ס××× ×¢× ××××× %{id} ×× × ×צ××. + partial: + confirm: ×××ת? + creator_name: ××צר + display_name: ×שת×ש ×ס×× + edit: ער××× + next: ××× Â» + not_revoked: (×× ×××××) + previous: « ×ק××× + reason: ס××× ××ס××× + revoke: ××××! + revoker_name: ××××× ×¢×Ö¾××× + show: ×צ×× + showing_page: ×××£ %{page} + status: ××¦× + period: + one: ×©×¢× ××ת + other: "%{count} שע×ת" + revoke: + confirm: ××× ×רצ×× × ×××× ×ת ××ס××× ×××ת? + flash: ××ס××× ×××ת ×××××. + heading: ××××× ××ס××× ×©× %{block_on} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{block_by} + past: ×ס××× ×××ת ×סת×××× ××¤× × %{time} ×××Ö¾×פשר ×××× ××ת×. + revoke: ××××! + time_future: ××ס××× ×ª×¡×ª××× ×Ö¾%{time}. + title: ××××× ××ס××× ×¢× %{block_on} + show: + back: צפ××× ××× ××ס×××ת + confirm: ×××ת? + edit: ער××× + heading: ××ש××× ×©× %{block_on} × ××¡× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{block_by} + needs_view: ××שת×ש צר×× ××××× ×¡ ××ש××× ××¤× × ×©××ס××× ×××ת ××××× ××ת×××. + reason: "ס××× ××ס×××:" + revoke: ×××××! + revoker: "××××:" + show: ×צ×× + status: ס×××ס + time_future: תסת××× ××¢×× %{time} + time_past: ×סת×××× ××¤× × %{time} + title: ××ש××× ×©× %{block_on} × ××¡× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{block_by} + update: + only_creator_can_edit: רק ××× ×× ×©×צר ×ת ××ס××× ×××ת ×××× ×ער×× ××ת×. + success: ××ס××× ×¢×××× ×. + user_role: + filter: + already_has_role: ××שת×ש ××ר ×ש תפק×× %{role}. + doesnt_have_role: ××שת×ש ××× ×ª×¤×§×× %{role}. + not_a_role: ×××ר××ת â%{role}â ××× × ×ª×¤×§×× ×ª×§××. + not_an_administrator: רק ×פע×××× ×××××× ××צע × ×××× ×ª×¤×§×××× ×××× ×× ×רש×ת ×פע××. + grant: + are_you_sure: ××× ×רצ×× × ×××ת ×××¢× ×ק תפק×× â%{role}â ××שת×ש â%{name}â? + confirm: ××ש×ר + fail: ××¢× ×§×ª ×תפק×× â%{role}â ××שת×ש â%{name}â × ×ש××. × × ××××ק ש××שת×ש ××תפק×× ×ª×§×× ××. + heading: ××שר ××¢× ×§×ª תפק×× + title: ××שר ××¢× ×§×ª תפק×× + revoke: + are_you_sure: ××× ×××ת ×ש××× ×ת ×תפק×× â%{role}â ×××שת×ש â%{name}â? + confirm: ××ש×ר + fail: ש×××ת ×תפק×× â%{role}â ×××שת×ש â%{name}â × ×ש××. × × ××××ק ש××שת×ש ××תפק×× ×ª×§×× ××. + heading: ××ש×ר ש×××ת תפק×× + title: ××ש×ר ש×××ת תפק×× + welcome_page: + add_a_note: + paragraph_1_html: ×× ×¨×§ רצ×ת ××ª×§× ×ש×× ×§×× ×××× ×× ××× ××××¨×©× ×××××× ××× ×ער××, ×§× ×××ס××£ ×ער×. + paragraph_2_html: "צר×× ×¤×©×× ×××ת ×× ×××¤× ××××××¥ ×¢× ×¡×× ××ער×: . ×× ××ס××£ ×××¤× ×¡××, ש×פשר ××ר×ר. ×××¨× ××ספת ×××¢×¨× ×ש ×××××¥ ×¢× ×©×××¨× ×××פ×× ××ר×× ××××§× ×ת ××." + title: ××× ×× ××× ×ער××? ×פשר ×××ס××£ ×ער×! + basic_terms: + editor_html: ×¢××¨× ××× ×ª×× × ×× ×תר ×ער××ת ××פ×. + node_html: צ××ת × ×× × ×§××× ×¢× ×פ×, ×××× ×סע×× ××ת ×× ×¢×¥ ×××. + paragraph_1_html: ××××× OpenStreetMap ×ש ×¢×× ×ש××. ×× × ×ספר ××××ת ××¤×ª× ×©×××× ×©×××ש××ת. + tag_html: ×ª× ××× ×¤×סת ××××¢ ×¢× ×¦××ת ×× ×¢× × ×ª×× ××× ×©× ×©× ×סע×× ×× ××××ת ×××ר×ת ××ר×. + title: ××× ××× ×ס×ס××× ×××פ×× + way_html: × ×ª×× ××× ×§× ×× ×××ר ××× ×ר×, ×ר×, ××× ×× ××× ×. + introduction_html: ×ר×× ×××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap, ××¤× ××פש×ת ×©× ××¢×××, ש×פשר ×ער××. ×¢×ש×× ×©× ×¨×©×ת, ×××× ×××× ××פשר ××ת××× ×צ××ר ×פ×ת. ×× × ××ר×× ×§×¦×ª ש×××ª× ×× ×ת ×××ר×× ××ש×××× ×©×××× ×× ××עת. + questions: + paragraph_1_html: "×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ×ש ×ספר ×ש×××× ×××××× ×¢× ×××××, ×ש×××ת ×תש×××ת,\n×××××× ×ת××¢×× ×©×ת××¤× ×©× × ×ש×× ××פ××.\n×ק×× ×ק×× ×¢×ר×." + title: ×ש ש×××ת? + start_mapping: ××ת××× ××פ×ת + title: ×ר×× ××××! + whats_on_the_map: + off_html: ×× ×©××× ×¤× ×× ××××¢ ××¢×ª× × ××× ××ר××××, ×ק×××ת ××ס××ר××× ×× ××פ×ת×××× ×× ×ª×× ×× ××ק×ר×ת ש××××××× ××××××ת ××צר××. ×× × ××רש×× ××× ×× ×××ס××£ ××××¢ ××פ×ת ×ק××× ×ת ×× ×××פס×ת ××× ×× ×ש ×× ××ש×ר ××××× ×××. + on_html: OpenStreetMap ××× ×ק×× ×××פ×× ××ר×× ××ת××× ×× ×××××× â ××× ×××× ×××××× × ××× ××, ×ר××× ×פר××× ××ר×× ×¢× ×ק×××ת. ×פשר ××פ×ת ×× ××ר ×××¢××× ×××××ª× ×©××¢× ××× ××ת×. + title: ×× ×¢× ××פ×