X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/781082cd20771d202ac71e368c09b2f8a1ee865c..676e624928b220fded59229738b8ae0cca744cef:/config/locales/he.yml?ds=sidebyside diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml index ffd714298..87f09c629 100644 --- a/config/locales/he.yml +++ b/config/locales/he.yml @@ -14,8 +14,14 @@ # Author: Nemo bis # Author: Orsa # Author: YaronSh +# Author: Yona b +# Author: Ypnypn # Author: ת××ר × he: + about_page: + local_knowledge_title: ×××¢ ×ק××× + next: ××× + partners_title: ש×תפ×× activerecord: attributes: diary_comment: @@ -24,7 +30,7 @@ he: language: ×©×¤× latitude: ×§× ×¨××× longitude: ×§× ×××¨× - title: ××תרת + title: × ××©× user: ×שת×ש friend: friend: ××ר @@ -33,7 +39,7 @@ he: body: ×××£ recipient: × ××¢× sender: ש××× - title: ××תרת + title: × ××©× trace: description: ת×××ר latitude: ×§× ×¨××× @@ -93,87 +99,39 @@ he: blocked: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API × ×ס××. × × ××××× ×¡ ×××שק ×××× ×××××¢ × ×סף. need_to_see_terms: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API ××שע×ת ××× ×ת. × × ××××× ×¡ ××תר ××× ×צפ×ת ××ª× ×× ×תר×××. ××× ×¦××¨× ×ק×× ××ת×, ××× ×××× ××צ×× ××ת×. browse: + anonymous: ××××× × changeset: - changeset: "ער×ת ש×× ××××: %{id}" + belongs_to: ××צר changesetxml: XML ×©× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ×××× feed: title: ער×ת ש×× ×××× %{id} title_comment: ער×ת ש×× ×××× %{id} â %{comment} + node: צ×ת×× (%{count}) + node_paginated: צ×ת×× (%{x}â%{y} ×ת×× %{count}) osmchangexml: osmChange XML - title: ער×ת ש×× ×××× - changeset_details: - belongs_to: "ש×××ת ×:" - bounding_box: "ת××× ×ª×××ת:" - box: ת××× - closed_at: "× ×¡××¨× ×:" - created_at: "× ×צר ×ת×ר××:" - has_nodes: - one: "××××ק ×צ××ת ×××:" - other: "××××ק ×Ö¾%{count} צ×ת××:" - has_relations: - one: "××××ק ×××ס ×××:" - other: "××××ק ×Ö¾%{count} ××ס××:" - has_ways: - one: "××××ק ×××¨× ××ת:" - other: "××××ק ×Ö¾%{count} ×ר×××:" - no_bounding_box: ×× × ×©××¨× ×ª××× ×ª×××ת ×¢××ר ער×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×××ת. - show_area_box: ×צ×ת ת××ת ×××ר - common_details: - changeset_comment: "×ער×:" - deleted_at: "× ××ק ×:" - deleted_by: "× ××ק ×¢×Ö¾×××:" - edited_at: "× ×¢×¨× ×:" - edited_by: "× ×¢×¨× ×¢×Ö¾×××:" - in_changeset: "×ער×ת ×ש×× ××××:" - version: "×רס×:" + relation: ××ס×× (%{count}) + relation_paginated: ××ס×× (%{x}â%{y} ×ת×× %{count}) + title: "ער×ת ש×× ××××: %{id}" + way: ×ר××× (%{count}) + way_paginated: ×ר××× (%{x}â%{y} ×ת×× %{count}) + closed: × ×¡×ר + closed_by_html: × ×¡×ר ××¤× × %{time} ×¢× ××× %{user} + closed_html: × ×¡×ר ××¤× × %{time} containing_relation: entry: ××ס %{relation_name} entry_role: ××ס %{relation_name} (×ת×ר %{relation_role}) - map: - deleted: × ××ק - edit: - area: ער××ת ×××ר - node: ער××ת צ××ת - note: ער××ת ×××¢×¨× - relation: ער××ת ××ס - way: ער××ת ××¨× - larger: - area: צפ××× ×ש×× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר - node: צפ××× ×צ××ת ×××¤× ××××× ××תר - note: ×צ×ת ×××¢×¨× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר - relation: צפ××× ×××ס ×××¤× ××××× ××תר - way: צפ××× ×××¨× ×××¤× ××××× ××תר - loading: ×××¢×× ×... - navigation: - all: - next_changeset_tooltip: ער×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×××× - next_node_tooltip: ×צ××ת ××× - next_note_tooltip: ×××¢×¨× ×××× - next_relation_tooltip: ×××ס ××× - next_way_tooltip: ×××¨× ×××× - prev_changeset_tooltip: ער×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×ק×××ת - prev_node_tooltip: ×צ××ת ×ק××× - prev_note_tooltip: ×××¢×¨× ×ק×××ת - prev_relation_tooltip: ×××ס ×ק××× - prev_way_tooltip: ×××¨× ×ק×××ת - user: - name_changeset_tooltip: צפ××× ×ער×××ת ×©× %{user} - next_changeset_tooltip: ×ער××× ×××× ×©× %{user} - prev_changeset_tooltip: ×ער××× ×ק×××ת ×©× %{user} + created: × ×צר + created_by_html: × ×צר ××¤× × %{time} ×¢× ××× %{user} + created_html: × ×צר ××¤× × %{time} + deleted_by_html: × ××ק ××¤× × %{time} ×¢× ××× %{user} + download_xml: ××ר×ת XML + edited_by_html: × ×¢×¨× ××¤× × %{time} ×¢× ××× %{user} + in_changeset: ער×ת ש×× ×××× + location: "××ק××:" + no_comment: (××× ×ער×ת) node: - download_xml: ××ר×ת XML - edit: ער××ת צ××ת - node: צ××ת - node_title: "צ××ת: %{node_name}" - view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר×× - node_details: - coordinates: "× ×§×××ת צ×××:" - part_of: "××ק ×ת××:" - node_history: - download_xml: ××ר×ת XML - node_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת - node_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת: %{node_name}" - view_details: צפ××× ×פר××× + history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×צ××ת: %{name}" + title: "צ××ת: %{name}" not_found: sorry: ×× × ××ª× ×¦×××, ×× ×ס×× %{type} ××¢× ××××× %{id} ×× × ×צ×. type: @@ -182,19 +140,14 @@ he: relation: ××ס way: ××¨× note: - at_by_html: ××¤× × %{when} ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} - at_html: ××¤× × %{when} - closed: "× ×¡×ר×:" - closed_title: "××¢×¨× ×¤×ª×ר×: %{note_name}" - comments: "ת××××ת:" - description: "ת×××ר:" - last_modified: "ש×× ×ª× ×××ר×× ×:" - open_title: "××¢×¨× ×©×× × ×¤×ª×¨×: %{note_name}" - opened: "× ×¤×ª××:" - title: ××¢×¨× - paging_nav: - of: ×ת×× - showing_page: ××£ + closed_title: ××¢×¨× ×¤×ª××¨× ×ס' %{note_name} + description: ת×××ר + hidden_title: ××¢×¨× ××סתרת ×ס' %{note_name} + new_note: ××¢×¨× ×××©× + open_by: × ×צר ×¢× ××× %{user} ××¤× × %{when} + open_title: ××¢×¨× ×©×× × ×¤×ª×¨× ×ס' %{note_name} + title: "×ער×: %{id}" + part_of: ××ק ×ת×× redacted: message_html: "×× × ××ª× ××צ×× ×ת ×××¨×¡× %{version} ×©× %{type} ×××××× ×©××× × ×ת××. ×××××¢ × ×סף: %{redaction_link}." redaction: ××ת×× %{id} @@ -203,18 +156,9 @@ he: relation: ××ס way: ××¨× relation: - download_xml: ××ר×ת XML - relation: ××ס - relation_title: "××ס: %{relation_name}" - view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר×× - relation_details: - members: "×××ר××:" - part_of: "××ק ×ת××:" - relation_history: - download_xml: ××ר×ת XML - relation_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×××ס - relation_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×××ס: %{relation_name}" - view_details: צפ××× ×פר××× + history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ×××ס: %{name}" + members: ××ר×× + title: "××ס: %{name}" relation_member: entry_role: "%{type} %{name} ×ת×ר %{role}" type: @@ -222,42 +166,11 @@ he: relation: ××ס way: ××¨× start_rjs: - data_frame_title: × ×ª×× ×× - data_layer_name: ×¢××× ×× ×ª×× × ××¤× - details: פר××× - edited_by_user_at_timestamp: × ×¢×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ×Ö¾%{timestamp} - hide_areas: ××סתרת ×××ר×× - history_for_feature: ×××ס××ר×× ×©× %{feature} + feature_warning: תת×צע ××¢×× ×ª %{num_features} ת××× ×ת, ××× ×¢××× ××ר×× ××פ××¤× ××××ת תק××¢. ××× ×רצ×× × ×××ת ××צ×× ×ת ×× ×ª×× ×× ××××? load_data: ××¢×× ×ª × ×ª×× ×× - loaded_an_area_with_num_features: "××××ר ×©× ××¢× ×××× %{num_features} ת××× ×ת. ××××¤× ××××, ××ק ×××פ××¤× ×× ×× ××××× ××ת×××× ×¢× ×צ×× ×©× ××× ×××ת ×©× × ×ª×× ××. ×ר××, ×פ××¤× ×× ×¢××××× ××××¤× ××××× ××צ×ת פ××ת ×Ö¾%{max_features} ת××× ×ת ××Ö¾××× ×ת: ××צ××¢ ×ש×××ת × ×ספ×ת ×¢××× ××ר×× ××פ××¤× ×פע×× ××××¤× ×××× ×× ×××תקע. ×× ×רצ×× × ××× ××ת ××צ×× ××××¢ ××, ××פשר××ª× ××צ×× ×××ª× ×××××¦× ×¢× ××פת×ר ××××." loading: ×××¢×× ×... - manually_select: ×××רת ×××ר ××ר ××× ×ת - notes_layer_name: ×¢××× ××ער×ת - object_list: - api: ××××ר ×××ר ×× ××Ö¾API - back: ×××¨× ×× ×¨×©××ת ×פר×××× - details: פר××× - heading: רש××ת פר×××× - history: - type: - node: צ××ת %{id} - way: ××¨× %{id} - selected: - type: - node: צ××ת %{id} - way: ××¨× %{id} - type: - node: צ××ת - way: ××¨× - private_user: ×שת×ש פר×× - show_areas: ××צ×ת ×××ר×× - show_history: ×צ×ת ×××ס××ר×× - unable_to_load_size: "×× × ××ª× ×××¢××: ת××× ×ª×××ת ××××× %{bbox_size} ××× ××××× ××× (×××ר×× ××××ת ק×× × ××שר %{max_bbox_size})" - view_data: ×צ×ת × ×ª×× ×× ×תצ××ת ×××¤× ×× ××××ת - wait: × × ×××ת××... - zoom_or_select: ×תקר××ת ×× ××××¨× ×××ר ×××¤× ×צפ××× tag_details: - tags: "ת×××:" + tags: ת××× wiki_link: key: ×¢××× ×ת×××ר ×¢××ר ××ª× %{key} tag: ×¢××× ×ת×××ר ×¢××ר ××ª× %{key}=%{value} @@ -269,31 +182,20 @@ he: node: צ××ת relation: קשר way: ××¨× + version: ××¨×¡× + view_details: ×צ×ת פר××× + view_history: ×צ×ת ×××ס××ר×× way: - download_xml: ××ר×ת XML - edit: ער××ת ××¨× - view_history: צפ××× ×××ס××ר×× - way: ××¨× - way_title: "×ר×: %{way_name}" - way_details: also_part_of: - one: ××ק ××××¨× %{related_ways} + one: ××ק ×××¨× %{related_ways} other: ××ק ×××ר××× %{related_ways} - nodes: "צ×ת××:" - part_of: "××ק ×ת××:" - way_history: - download_xml: ××ר×ת XML - view_details: צפ××× ×פר××× - way_history: ××ס××ר××ת ×××¨× - way_history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ××ר×: %{way_name}" + history_title: "××ס××ר××ת ××ר×: %{name}" + nodes: צ×ת×× + title: "×ר×: %{name}" changeset: changeset: anonymous: ××××× × - big_area: (××××) - no_comment: (×××) no_edits: (××× ×¢×¨×××ת) - show_area_box: ×צ×ת ת××ת ×××ר - still_editing: (×¢×××× ×ער×××) view_changeset_details: ×צ×ת פר×× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ×××× changeset_paging_nav: next: ××× Â» @@ -306,26 +208,17 @@ he: saved_at: "× ×©××¨× ×:" user: ×שת×ש list: - description: ×¢××× ×ש×× ×××× ××ר×× ×× ×××¤× - description_bbox: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×ת×× %{bbox} - description_friend: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ××ר×× ×©××× - description_nearby: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× - description_user: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× %{user} - description_user_bbox: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× %{user} ×ת×× %{bbox} - empty_anon_html: ×¢×× ×× × ×¢×©× ×¢×¨×××ת. - empty_user_html: × ×¨×× ×©×¢×× ×× ×¢×¨×ת ××ר. ××× ××ת×××, ר' ××ר×× ××ת×××××. - heading: ער××ת ש×× ×××× - heading_bbox: ער××ת ש×× ×××× - heading_friend: ער××ת ש×× ×××× - heading_nearby: ער××ת ש×× ×××× - heading_user: ער××ת ש×× ×××× - heading_user_bbox: ער××ת ש×× ×××× + empty: ×× × ×צ×× ×¡×רת ש×× ×××× + empty_area: ××× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××××ר ×××. + empty_user: ××× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××ת ××שת×ש ×××. + load_more: ××¢× ×¢×× + no_more: ×× × ×צ×× ×¢×× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ××××. + no_more_area: ××× ×¢×× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××××ר ×××. + no_more_user: ××× ×¢×× ×¢×¨××ת ש×× ×××× ××ת ××שת×ש ×××. title: ער××ת ש×× ×××× - title_bbox: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×ת×× %{bbox} title_friend: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ×××ר×× ×©×× title_nearby: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× title_user: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× %{user} - title_user_bbox: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× %{user} ×ת×× %{bbox} timeout: sorry: ס××××, ×××§× ××תר ××× ××× ××××ר ×¢× ×¨×©××ת ער××ת ×ש×× ×××× ×©××קשת. diary_entry: @@ -438,18 +331,32 @@ he: paste_html: ×××××ק HTML ×××××¢× ××תר scale: ×§× × ×××× too_large: + advice: "×× ×××××× ×× ×´× × ×ש×, × × ×× ×¡×ת ××שת×ש ×××× ××ק×ר×ת ××××:" body: "××××ר ×××× ×××× ×©×פשר ×××× ××××¦× ×××ª× ×ת×ר × ×ª×× × XML ×©× OpenStreetMap. × × ×××ª×§×¨× ×× ××××ר ×××ר ק×× ××תר, ×× ××שת×ש ××ק×ר×ת ××××× ×ש××× ××ר××ת × ×ª×× ×× ×××××ת:" - heading: ××××ר ×××× ××× + geofabrik: + description: ×¢×תק×× ××¢×××× ×× ××××¤× ×§×××¢ ×©× ××ש×ת, ×××× ×ת ×ער×× × ××ר×ת + title: ××ר××ת ×©× Geofabrik + metro: + description: ×××××ת ××ק××ת ×ער×× ×¢×××××ת ×××××ת ××××ר×× ×ס××××ª× + title: ×××××ת ×××¨× other: + description: ×ק×ר×ת × ×ספ×× ×¨×©×××× ×××××§× ×©× OpenStreetMap title: ×ק×ר×ת ××ר×× + overpass: + title: Overpass API + planet: + description: ×¢×תק×× ××¢×××× ×× ××××¤× ×§×××¢ ×©× ×× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× OpenStreetMap + title: פ××× × OSM zoom: ×ר×ק ×תצ××× - start_rjs: - add_marker: ××ספת ס×× ×××¤× - change_marker: ש×× ×× ××ק×× ×¡×× - click_add_marker: ×××¦× ×¢× ×××¤× ×××ספת ס×× - drag_a_box: × × ××ר×ר ×××× ×¢× ×××¤× ××××רת ×××ר - export: ××צ×× - manually_select: ××××¨× ××× ×ת ×©× ×××ר ××ר + title: ××צ×× + fixthemap: + how_to_help: + join_the_community: + title: ××צ×רף ×ק×××× + title: ××× × ××ª× ××¢××ר + other_concerns: + title: ××××ת ××ר×ת + title: ×××× ×¢× ××¢×× / ×ª×§× ×ת ×××¤× geocoder: description: title: @@ -479,8 +386,10 @@ he: title: ca_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.CA geonames: ת×צ××ת ××תר GeoNames + geonames_reverse: ת×צ××ת ×Ö¾GeoNames latlon: ת×צ××ת ××תר ×× osm_nominatim: ת×צ××ת ××תר OpenStreetMap Nominatim + osm_nominatim_reverse: ת×צ××ת ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap Nominatim uk_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר NPEMap / FreeThe Postcode us_postcode: ת×צ××ת ××תר Geocoder.us search_osm_nominatim: @@ -590,6 +499,7 @@ he: shower: ×ק××ת social_centre: ×ר×× ×××¨×ª× social_club: ×××¢××× + social_facility: ××ª×§× ×××¨×ª× studio: ס××××× supermarket: ס×פר××¨×§× swimming_pool: ×רֵ×ת ש×××× @@ -864,6 +774,7 @@ he: beverages: ×× ×ת ×שק××ת bicycle: ×× ×ת ××¤× ××× books: ×× ×ת ספר×× + boutique: ××××ק butcher: ×§×¦× car: ×× ×ת ××× ×¨×× car_parts: ×××§× ×¨×× @@ -975,25 +886,40 @@ he: water_point: × ×§××ת ××× waterfall: ××¤× ××× weir: ס×ר + help_page: + help: + description: ×ש××× ×©××× ×× ××פש תש×××ת ××תר ×ש×××ת ××תש×××ת ×©× OSM. + title: help.openstreetmap.org + url: https://help.openstreetmap.org/ + title: ק××ת ×¢××¨× + welcome: + title: ×ר×××× ××××× ×-OSM + wiki: + title: wiki.openstreetmap.org + url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/ html: dir: rtl javascripts: close: ס×××¨× edit_help: ×¢××× ××××× ×ת ×××¤× ×××ת××§× ×¢× ××ק×× ×©×רצ×× × ×ער×× ××× ×××××¥ ×××. key: - title: ××¤×ª× ×××¤× - tooltip: ××¤×ª× ×××¤× + title: ×פת ××¤×ª× + tooltip: ×פת ××¤×ª× + tooltip_disabled: ××¤×ª× ××¤× ×××× ×¨×§ ×ש××× ××ª×§× ×ת map: base: cycle_map: ×פת ×××¤× ××× + hot: ×××× ×××¨× standard: ×ª×§× × transport_map: ×פת ת××××¨× copyright: © ××ª× ××× OpenStreetMap + donate_link_text: ×תר×× layers: data: × ×ª×× × ×××¤× header: ש×××ת ×××¤× notes: ×ער×ת ×××¤× overlays: ×פע×ת ש×××ת ×פתר×× ×ª×§××ת ×××¤× + title: ש×××ת locate: popup: ××ר×ק ש×× ××× ×§××× ×××ת ××× {distance} {unit} title: ×צ×ת ×××ק×× ×©×× @@ -1003,22 +929,13 @@ he: notes: new: add: ××ספת ××¢×¨× - intro: ××× ×שפר ×ת ××פ×, ×××××¢ ש××× ×ª ×××¦× ×××פ×× ××ר××, ×× × × ×ספק ××× ×©××תר פ×ר×× ×עת ×××ת ×ס×× ×××ק×× ×××××ק ××××× ×ª ×××¢×¨× ×©×× ××××. + intro: ×ש ×¤× ××¢×ת ×× ×©×סר ×ש××? ×× × ××קש×× ××× ×ספר ×ת ×× ×××פ×× ××ר××. ××©× ×× ×¦×¨×× ××××× ×ת ×ס×× ××ק×× ×× ××× ×××ת×× ××¢×¨× ×©×ס×××¨× ×ת ×××¢××. (× × ×× ×רש×× ××× ××××¢ ××ש×.) show: anonymous_warning: ×××¢×¨× ×××ת ××××ת ת××××ת ××שת×ש×× ××××× ××× ×©×¦×¨×× ×××ת ××××¤× ×¢×¦×××. - closed_by: × ×¤×ª×¨ ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ×Ö¾%{time} - closed_by_anonymous: × ×¤×ª×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×שת×ש ××××× × ×Ö¾%{time} comment: ××××× comment_and_resolve: ××××× ××פת×ר - commented_by: ת×××× ××ת %{user} ×Ö¾%{time} - commented_by_anonymous: ת×××× ××ת ××××× × ×Ö¾%{time} hide: ××סת×ר - opened_by: × ××¦×¨× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ×Ö¾%{time} - opened_by_anonymous: × ×צר ×¢×Ö¾××× ××××× × ×Ö¾%{time} - permalink: ק×ש×ר ק×××¢ reactivate: ×פע×× ×××ש - reopened_by: ××פע×× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× %{user} ×Ö¾%{time} - reopened_by_anonymous: ×××¤×¢× ×××ש ×¢×Ö¾××× ×שת×ש ××××× × ×Ö¾%{time} resolve: ×פת×ר share: cancel: ××××× @@ -1029,8 +946,11 @@ he: format: "תס××ר:" image: ת××× × image_size: ×ת××× × ×ª×¦×× ×©××× ×¨×××× ×ª×ת + include_marker: ××××× ×¡×× link: ק×ש×ר ×× HTML long_link: ק×ש×ר + paste_html: ×××קת HTML ×××××¢× ××תר + scale: "×§× × ××××:" short_link: ק×ש×ר קצר short_url: ×ת××ת ×§×¦×¨× title: ש×ת××£ @@ -1040,37 +960,30 @@ he: createnote_tooltip: ××ספת ××¢×¨× ×××¤× edit_disabled_tooltip: ×××ª×§×¨× ××× ×ער×× ×ת ×××¤× edit_tooltip: ער××ת ×××¤× - history_disabled_tooltip: ×ש ××§×¨× ××× ××צ×× ×¢×¨×××ת ×¢××ר ×××ר ×× - history_tooltip: ×צ×ת ער×××ת ×¢××ר ×××ר ×× + map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: ×ש ××§×¨× ×ת ×××¤× ××× ×ר××ת × ×ª×× × ××¤× layouts: + about: ××××ת community: ק×××× community_blogs: ×××××× ×©× ×ק×××× community_blogs_title: ×××××× ×©× ×××¨× ×§×××ת OpenStreetMap - copyright: ×××××ת ××צר×× ×ר×ש××× + copyright: ×××××ת ××צר×× data: × ×ª×× ×× - documentation: ת××¢×× - documentation_title: ת××¢×× ××××× donate: תִ××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ×¢×Ö¾××× %{link} ××§×¨× ×ש×ר×× ××××ר×. - donate_link_text: תר××× edit: ער××× edit_with: ×ער××× ×¢× %{editor} + export: ××צ×× export_data: ××צ×× × ×ª×× ×× foundation: ×§×¨× foundation_title: ×§×¨× ×××¤× ×¡×ר×× ××פ gps_traces: ×ס×××× GPS gps_traces_tooltip: × ×××× ×ס×××× GPS help: ×¢××¨× - help_centre: ×ר×× ×¢××¨× - help_title: ×תר ×¢××¨× ×¢××ר ××××× history: ××ס××ר×× home: ××¢×ר ×××ק×× ×××ת - intro_1: OpenStreetMap ××× ××¤× ××פש×ת ×©× ×× ××¢×××, ש××צר×× ×× ×©×× ××××. intro_2_create_account: × × ××צ×ר ×ש××× ×שת×ש - intro_2_download: ×××ר×× - intro_2_html: ×ש ×× ××פש %{download} ×ת ×× ×ª×× ×× ×%{use} ××× ××ת×× ×%{license} ש×× ×תפרס××× ×פ××. %{create_account} ××× ×שפר ×ת ××פ×. - intro_2_license: ר×ש××× ×¤×ª×× - intro_2_use: ××שת×ש - intro_2_use_url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Using_OpenStreetMap + intro_header: ×ר×××× ××××× ×-OpenStreetMap! + intro_text: OpenStreetMap ××× ××¤× ×©× ××¢×××, × ×צר ×¢× ××× ×× ×©×× ××××, ××××¤×©× ×ש×××ש ת×ת רש××× ×¤×ª××. + learn_more: ××××¢ × ×סף log_in: ×× ××¡× ××ש××× log_in_tooltip: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ×§××× logo: @@ -1079,6 +992,7 @@ he: make_a_donation: text: תר××× title: תִ××× ××××× OpenStreetMap ×¢×Ö¾××× ××ª× ×ª×¨××× ×ספ×ת + more: ×¢×× osm_offline: ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× ×תר OpenStreetMap ××× × ×ק××× ×עת ××©× ×¢××××ת ת××××§× ××××צע×ת ××. osm_read_only: ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× ×תר OpenStreetMap × ×ª×× ×עת ×××¦× ×§×¨××× ×××× ××©× ×¢××××ת ת××××§× ××××צע×ת ××. partners_bytemark: ××××××רק @@ -1089,13 +1003,10 @@ he: partners_url: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Partners sign_up: ×רש×× sign_up_tooltip: ×צ×רת ×ש××× ×ער××× + start_mapping: ××ת××× ××פ×ת tag_line: ×פת ×¢××× ××פש×ת ×ש××ת ×××××§× user_diaries: ×××× × ×שת×ש×× user_diaries_tooltip: צפ××× ××××× × ××שת×ש - view: תצ××× - view_tooltip: ×צפ××× ×××¤× - wiki: ×××§× - wiki_title: ×תר ×××§× ×¢××ר ××××× license_page: foreign: english_link: ××¢××× ××ק××¨× ××× ×××ת @@ -1107,6 +1018,7 @@ he: title: ××××× ×××××ס contributors_at_html: "××ס×ר××: ×××× × ×ª×× ××\n××¢×ר××ת ××× × ××¤× ×ª× ××\nCC BY,\n××××× ×ª פ×ר×ר××ר×\n×××××× ×ª ××ר×× (××¤× CC-BY AT ×¢× ×ª×ק×× ××)." contributors_ca_html: "×§× ××: ×××× × ×ª×× ××\n×Ö¾GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural\nResources Canada), CanVec (© Department of Natural\nResources Canada), ×Ö¾StatCan (Geography Division,\nStatistics Canada)." + contributors_fi_html: "פ×× ×× ×: ×××× ××××¢ ×××¡× × ×ª×× ×× ××פ××רפ××× ×©× ×¤×× ××× × ×××ק×ר×ת ××××¢ ××ר××, ת×ת\nר×ש××× NLSFI." contributors_footer_1_html: "×××××¢ × ×סף ×¢× ×ק×ר×ת ××× ×××ר×× ×©×©××ש×\n×ש×פ×ר OpenStreetMap, × × ×ר××ת ×ת ××£\n×ת×ר××× ×××××§× ×©× OpenStreetMap." contributors_footer_2_html: "××××× ×©× × ×ª×× ×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ××× × ×××רת ש×ספק ××ק×ר×\n×©× ×× ×ª×××× ×ª××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap, ×××§× ×¢× ×¢×¦×× ××ר××ת ××ש××, ××\n×ק×× ×××ת ××ש××." contributors_fr_html: "צרפת: ×××× × ×ª×× ×× ×©××××¢× ××ק×ר\n××× ××ת ××ס×× ×××××ת (Direction Générale des Impôts)." @@ -1318,6 +1230,12 @@ he: allow_write_notes: ××©× ×ת ×ער×ת allow_write_prefs: ××©× ×ת ×ת ××¢×פ×ת ××שת×ש ש××. request_access: ×××ש×× %{app_name} ××רש ×××©× ××ש××× ×, %{user}. × × ××××ק ××× ×ת××× ×× ×©×××ש×× ×ק×× ×ת ××××××ת ××××. ×פשר ××××ר ×× ×× ××××ר ×ת ×× ×× ×©×ת××× ××. + oauthorize_failure: + invalid: ××ס×××× ×××ש×ר ××× × ×ª×§×£. + title: ×קשת ××ש×ר × ×ש×× + oauthorize_success: + title: ×קשת ××ש×ר ×××©×¨× + verification: ק×× ×××××ת ××× %{code}. revoke: flash: ש××ת ×ת ××ס×××× ××××ש×× %{application}. oauth_clients: @@ -1517,7 +1435,6 @@ he: preview: תצ××× ×ק×××× search: search: ×××פ×ש - search_help: "××ש×: â× ×ª× ××â, âר××× ×¨×× ××ש×ררת, ×ר×ש×××â, â90880â, ×× '×¡× ××¤× ×××ר ××××ר שפרע×' ××××××ת × ×ספ×ת..." submit_text: ××¢×ר where_am_i: ×××¤× ×× ×? where_am_i_title: × × ×ת×ר ×ת ××ק××× ×× ×××× ×××צע×ת ×× ××¢ ×××פ×ש @@ -1533,6 +1450,11 @@ he: upload_trace: ××¢××ת ×ס××× GPS delete: scheduled_for_deletion: ×ס××× ××××¢× ×××××§× + description: + description_with_count: + one: ק×××¥ GPS ×¢× × ×§××× ××ת ××ת %{user} + other: ק×××¥ GPS ×¢× %{count} × ×§×××ת ××ת %{user} + description_without_count: ק×××¥ GPS ××ת %{user} edit: description: "ת×××ר:" download: ××ר×× @@ -1550,6 +1472,8 @@ he: uploaded_at: "ת×ר×× ××¢×××:" visibility: "× Ö´×¨××ּת:" visibility_help: ×× ×× ×××ר? + georss: + title: ×ס×××× GPS ×©× OpenStreetMap list: description: ×¢××× ×××¢×××ת ××ר×× ×ת ×©× × ×ª××× GPS empty_html: ××× ×¤× ×¢×××× ×©×× ××ר. ×פשר ×××¢××ת ××××¢ ××ש ×× ××××× ×¢×× ×¢× ××¢×§× ×ס××××× ×Ö¾GPS ×××£ ××××ק×. @@ -1680,7 +1604,10 @@ he: already active: ××ש××× ××× ××ר ××שר. button: ××ש×ר heading: ××××ת ×ש××× ×שת×ש + introduction_1: ש××× × ×× ×××ª× ××××ת. + introduction_2: × × ×××ת ×ת ××ש××× ×©×× ×××צע×ת ××××¦× ×¢× ×§×ש×ר ××××"×, ××××¨× ×× ×ª××× ×× ×פשר×ת ××ת××× ××פ×ת. press confirm button: × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×פת×ר ×××ש×ר ××× ××פע×× ×ת ×ש××× ×. + reconfirm_html: ×× ×רצ×× × ×ק×× ×©×× ×××ª× ××××ת, × × ×××××¥ ×××. unknown token: × ×¨×× ×©×§×× ×××ש×ר ××× ×¤× ×× ×©××× × ×§×××. confirm_email: button: ××ש×ר @@ -1766,6 +1693,9 @@ he: heading: ×××ס××£ ×ת %{user} ×ת×ר ××ר? success: "%{name} ××ר ש×× ×¢×ש××!" new: + about: + header: ××פש×ת ×× ××ª× ×ª ×ער××× + html: "
×××××× ××פ×ת ××ר×ת, OpenStreetMap × ×צרת ×××× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×× ×©×× ××××,\n××××× ××פש××× ×תק×, ××¢××× ××××ר×× ×××ª× ×××שת×ש ××.
\n××× ××ת××× ×תר×× ×ש ×××רש×. ×× × × ×©×× ×××ר ××ק×ר×× × ××× ×××ת ×ת ×ש××× ×.
" confirm email address: "××××ת ×ת××ת ××××´×:" confirm password: "××××ת סס××:" contact_webmaster: × × ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×× ×× ××תר ××× ×©××××צר ×ש×××, ××× ×× × × ×©×ª×× ×××¤× ×××§×©× ××× ×©××תר ××ר. @@ -1861,7 +1791,9 @@ he: my comments: ××ער×ת ש×× my diary: ××××× ×©×× my edits: ×ער×××ת ש×× + my messages: ×××××¢×ת ש×× my notes: ×ער×ת ×××¤× ×©×× + my profile: ×פר×פ×× ×©×× my settings: ××××ר×ת ש×× my traces: ××ס××××× ×©×× nearby users: ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× @@ -2000,6 +1932,24 @@ he: heading: ××ש×ר ש×××ת תפק×× title: ××ש×ר ש×××ת תפק×× welcome_page: + add_a_note: + paragraph_1_html: ×× ×¨×§ רצ×ת ××ª×§× ×ש×× ×§×× ×××× ×× ××× ××××¨×©× ×××××× ××× ×ער××, ×§× ×××ס××£ ×ער×. + paragraph_2_html: "צר×× ×¤×©×× ×××ת ×× ×××¤× ××××××¥ ×¢× ×¡×× ××ער×: . ×× ××ס××£ ×××¤× ×¡××, ש×פשר ××ר×ר. ×××¨× ××ספת ×××¢×¨× ×ש ×××××¥ ×¢× ×©×××¨× ×××פ×× ××ר×× ××××§× ×ת ××." + title: ××× ×× ××× ×ער××? ×פשר ×××ס××£ ×ער×! + basic_terms: + editor_html: ×¢××¨× ××× ×ª×× × ×× ×תר ×ער××ת ××פ×. + node_html: צ××ת × ×× × ×§××× ×¢× ×פ×, ×××× ×סע×× ××ת ×× ×¢×¥ ×××. + paragraph_1_html: ××××× OpenStreetMap ×ש ×¢×× ×ש××. ×× × ×ספר ××××ת ××¤×ª× ×©×××× ×©×××ש××ת. + tag_html: ×ª× ××× ×¤×סת ××××¢ ×¢× ×¦××ת ×× ×¢× × ×ª×× ××× ×©× ×©× ×סע×× ×× ××××ת ×××ר×ת ××ר×. + title: ××× ××× ×ס×ס××× ×××פ×× + way_html: × ×ª×× ××× ×§× ×× ×××ר ××× ×ר×, ×ר×, ××× ×× ××× ×. + introduction_html: ×ר×× ×××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap, ××¤× ××פש×ת ×©× ××¢×××, ש×פשר ×ער××. ×¢×ש×× ×©× ×¨×©×ת, ×××× ×××× ××פשר ××ת××× ×צ××ר ×פ×ת. ×× × ××ר×× ×§×¦×ª ש×××ª× ×× ×ת ×××ר×× ××ש×××× ×©×××× ×× ××עת. questions: + paragraph_1_html: "×-OpenStreetMap ×ספר ×ק×ר×ת ×××××× ×¢× ×פר××ק×, ×ש××× ×××¢× ×ת ×¢× ×©×××ת, ×××× × ×ש×ת××£ פע××× ×ת××¢×× × ×ש×× ×××פ××. \n\n×ק×× ×¢×ר×." title: ×ש ש×××ת? + start_mapping: ××ת××× ××פ×ת title: ×ר×× ××××! + whats_on_the_map: + off_html: ×× ×©××× ×¤× ×× ××××¢ ××¢×ª× × ××× ××ר××××, ×ק×××ת ××ס××ר××× ×× ××פ×ת×××× ×× ×ª×× ×× ××ק×ר×ת ש××××××× ××××××ת ××צר××. ×× × ××רש×× ××× ×× ×××ס××£ ××××¢ ××פ×ת ×ק××× ×ת ×× ×××פס×ת ××× ×× ×ש ×× ××ש×ר ××××× ×××. + on_html: OpenStreetMap ××× ×ק×× ×××פ×× ××ר×× ××ת××× ×× ×××××× â ××× ×××× ×××××× × ××× ××, ×ר××× ×פר××× ××ר×× ×¢× ×ק×××ת. ×פשר ××פ×ת ×× ××ר ×××¢××× ×××××ª× ×©××¢× ××× ××ת×. + title: ×× ×¢× ××פ×