X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/8278c9af427f1a2dcf6e6996e90d2d28a10c2535..ed84930283982062753e8fbd7323239d70dd1611:/config/locales/he.yml
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index 91cdb0ce9..83b3e87a2 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
# Author: Ex-Diktator
# Author: ExampleTomer
# Author: GilCahana
+# Author: Guycn2
# Author: Inkbug
# Author: Itay naor
# Author: LaG roiL
@@ -1101,10 +1102,10 @@ he:
×××¡×¨× ×©×× × ×× ×ת×× ×ª××× × ×ש×ר×ת
×××£ ×ת××× ×ת ××ק××× ×©×× ×.
trademarks_title_html: ס××× ×× ×ס×ר×××
- trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap ×ס×× ××××××ת ×××××ת ×× ×¡××× ×× ×ס×ר××× ×©× ×§×¨×
- OpenStreetMap. ×× ×ש ×× ×©×××ת ×¢× ×ש×××ש ש×× ×ס××× ××, × × ×ש××× ×ת ×ש×××ת ×ק××צת ××¢××××
- ×©× ×ר×ש××.
+ trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap, ס×× ××××××ת ×××××ת ×Ö¾State of the Map ×× ×¡××× ××
+ ×ס×ר××× ×©× ×§×¨× OpenStreetMap. ×× ×ש ×× ×©×××ת ×¢× ×ש×××ש ש×× ×ס××× ××, × × ×ש×××
+ ×ת ×ש×××ת ×ק××צת
+ ××¢×××× ×©× ×ר×ש××.
title: ×ר×× ××××!
introduction_html: ×ר×× ×××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap, ××¤× ××פש×ת ×©× ××¢×××, ש×פשר ×ער××.
@@ -1457,6 +1458,9 @@ he:
track: ×ס××× ×ר×צ××
bridleway: ×ס××× ×ר×××ת ס×ס××
cycleway: ××¨× ××××¤× ×××
+ cycleway_national: ×ס××× ×××¤× ××× ×××××
+ cycleway_regional: ×ס××× ×××¤× ××× ×××ר×
+ cycleway_local: ×ס××× ×××¤× ××× ×ק×××
footway: ××¨× ×××××× ×¨××
rail: ×ס××ת ×ר××
subway: ר××ת ת×ת×ת
@@ -1509,6 +1513,9 @@ he:
private: ×××©× ×¤×¨××ת
destination: ×××©× ×××¢×
construction: ×ר××× ××× ×××
+ bicycle_shop: ×× ×ת ×××¤× ×××
+ bicycle_parking: ×× ××ת ×××¤× ×××
+ toilets: ש×ר×ת××
edit: ער×××
preview: תצ××× ×ק××××
@@ -1768,6 +1775,9 @@ he:
title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× Windows Live
alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× Windows Live
+ github:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×××צע×ת GitHub
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× GitHub
title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××××
alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××××
@@ -2307,11 +2317,21 @@ he:
continue_without_exit: ×××ש×× ×¢× %{name}
slight_right_without_exit: קצת ×××× × ×× %{name}
+ offramp_right_without_exit: ××¢××ת ×××× × ×× %{name}
+ onramp_right_without_exit: ××¤× ×ת ×××× × ××¢×××× ×× %{name}
+ endofroad_right_without_exit: ×ס××£ ×××¨× ××¤× ×ת ×××× × ×× %{name}
+ merge_right_without_exit: ××ת××× ×××× × ×× %{name}
+ fork_right_without_exit: ××תפצ××ת ××¤× ×ת ×××× × ×× %{name}
turn_right_without_exit: ××¤× ×ת ×××× × ×× %{name}
sharp_right_without_exit: ×¤× ××× ××× ×××× × ×× %{name}
uturn_without_exit: ×¤× ××ת ×¤×¨×¡× ×¢× %{name}
sharp_left_without_exit: ×¤× ××× ××× ×©×××× ×× %{name}
turn_left_without_exit: ×¤× ××× ×©×××× ×× %{name}
+ offramp_left_without_exit: ××¢××ת ש×××× ×× %{name}
+ onramp_left_without_exit: ××¤× ×ת ש×××× ××¢×××× ×× %{name}
+ endofroad_left_without_exit: ×ס××£ ×××¨× ××¤× ×ת ש×××× ×× %{name}
+ merge_left_without_exit: ××ת××× ×©×××× ×× %{name}
+ fork_left_without_exit: ××תפצ××ת ××¤× ×ת ש×××× ×× %{name}
slight_left_without_exit: קצת ש×××× ×× %{name}
via_point_without_exit: (××¨× × ×§×××)
follow_without_exit: ×××ש×× ×¢× %{name}