X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/84d90fabe44a7aff9a111162cbd1e1d463ac1f9c..30b3a971bc63771eef0e42a5856b8f0aa5edcb36:/config/locales/he.yml?ds=sidebyside
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index d5d608722..eb0dd62ca 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -1,23 +1,27 @@
# Messages for Hebrew (×¢×ר×ת)
# Exported from translatewiki.net
# Export driver: phpyaml
-# Author: Abijeet Patro
# Author: Amire80
# Author: Aude
+# Author: Avma
# Author: Dan.translate
+# Author: Danieldegroot2
# Author: Dekel E
# Author: Deror avi
# Author: Erelon
# Author: Ex-Diktator
# Author: ExampleTomer
+# Author: Ghsuvr
# Author: GilCahana
# Author: Guycn2
# Author: HarelM
# Author: Inkbug
# Author: Itay naor
# Author: LaG roiL
+# Author: Leononon
# Author: Metraduk
# Author: Nemo bis
+# Author: Nimrod Rak
# Author: Orsa
# Author: Ruila
# Author: Steeve815
@@ -54,6 +58,9 @@ he:
create: ר×ש××
update: ×¢××××
+ doorkeeper_application:
+ create: ×רש××
+ update: ×¢××××
create: ×צ×רת ×סר×
update: ש××רת ×סר×
@@ -67,27 +74,27 @@ he:
invalid_email_address: ××ת ××× × ×ת××ת ××××´× ×ª×§× ×ת
- email_address_not_routable: ×× ×פשר ××צ×ר × ×ª××
+ email_address_not_routable: ×× ××¨Ö¾× ×ת××
acl: רש××ת ×קרת ××ש×
changeset: ער×ת ש×× ××××
changeset_tag: ×ª× ×¢×¨×ת ש×× ××××
country: ×××× ×
diary_comment: ת×××× ×××××
- diary_entry: רש××× ×××××
+ diary_entry: רש××ת ××××
friend: ××ר
- issue: ×××××
+ issue: ס×××××
language: שפ×
message: ××××¢×
node: × ×§×××
- node_tag: ×ª× ×©× × ×§×××
+ node_tag: ×ª× ×¦××ת
notifier: ×תר××¢
- old_node: × ×§××× ××©× ×
- old_node_tag: ×ª× ×©× × ×§××× ××©× ×
+ old_node: צ××ת ×ש×
+ old_node_tag: ×ª× ×¦××ת ×ש×
old_relation: ××ס ×ש×
old_relation_member: ×××ר ××ס ×ש×
old_relation_tag: ×ª× ××ס ×ש×
- old_way: ×§× ×ש×
+ old_way: ××¨× ××©× ×
old_way_node: × ×§××ת ×§× ××©× ×
old_way_tag: ×ª× ×§× ×ש×
relation: ××ס
@@ -125,6 +132,11 @@ he:
latitude: ×§× ×¨×××
longitude: ×§× ××ר×
language: שפ×
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ name: ש×
+ redirect_uri: ×ת××ת URL ×©× ××¤× ××
+ confidential: ××ש×× ×¡×××?
+ scopes: ×רש××ת
user: ×שת×ש
friend: ××ר
@@ -145,20 +157,43 @@ he:
title: × ×ש×
body: ×××£
recipient: × ××¢×
+ redaction:
+ title: ××תרת
+ description: ת×××ר
category: × × ××××ר ×ת ×ס××× ×××××× ×©××
details: × × ×ספק פר××× × ×ספ×× ×¢× ×××¢×× (× ×רש).
+ auth_provider: ספק ××××ת
+ auth_uid: ×××× ××××ת ××××××
email: ××××´×
+ email_confirmation: ××××ת ××××´×
+ new_email: ×ת××ת ××××´× ××ש×
active: פע××
display_name: ×©× ×תצ×××
- description: ת×××ר
- languages: שפ×ת
+ description: ת×××ר פר×פ××
+ home_lat: ×§× ×¨×××
+ home_lon: ×§× ××ר×
+ languages: שפ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת
+ preferred_editor: ×¢××¨× ×××¢××£
pass_crypt: ס×ס××
pass_crypt_confirmation: ××××ת ס×ס××
+ doorkeeper/application:
+ confidential: ×××ש×× ×ש×ש ××ק×××ת ש×× ×¡×× ××ק×× ×××× ×××ש×ר ×ס××××ת (××ש××××
+ × ××××× ××××××× ×××ש××× ××£ ××× ××× × ×¡×××××)
+ redirect_uri: ××שת×ש ×ש××¨× ××ת ××ת××ת URI
tagstring: ×××¤×¨× ×פס×ק××
+ user_block:
+ reason: ×ס××× ×©×××× × ××שת×ש × ×ס×. × × ××ת×× ×ש×× ××××× × ×ר×××¢ ××תת ××× ×©××תר
+ פר××× ×¢× ××צ×. × × ××××ר ש×× ×× ××שת×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ת ××¢×× ××קצ××¢×ת ×©× ×ק××××
+ ×××שת×× ××שת×ש ×××××× ×ר×ר×ת ××××.
+ needs_view: ××× ××שת×ש צר×× ××××× ×¡ ××¤× × ×©××ס××× ×××ת ×ª× ×ק×?
+ user:
+ email_confirmation: ××ת××ת ש×× ×× ××פ××¢× ×פ××××, × × ××¢××× ××××× ××ת ×פר×××ת
+ new_email: (××¢××× ×× ××צ×ת ×פ××××)
@@ -226,18 +261,12 @@ he:
with_name_html: '%{name} (%{id})'
default: ×ר×רת ×××× (×עת %{name})
- potlatch:
- name: Potlatch 1
- description: Potlatch 1 (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×)
name: iD
description: iD (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×)
- potlatch2:
- name: Potlatch 2
- description: Potlatch 2 (×¢××¨× ×ת×× ××פ×פ×)
name: ש×××× ×ר××ק
- description: ש×××× ×ר××ק (JOSM ×× Merkaartor)
+ description: ש×××× ×ר××ק (JOSM, Potlatch ×× Merkaartor)
none: ×××
@@ -429,7 +458,7 @@ he:
id: ××××
saved_at: × ×©××¨× ×
user: ×שת×ש
- comment: ×ער×
+ comment: ת××××
area: ש××
title: ער××ת ש×× ××××
@@ -457,6 +486,27 @@ he:
sorry: ×××× ×©××§× ×רש××ת ××ער×ת ×¢× ×¢×¨×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×©××קשת ××תק×× ×ר×× ×××, ×¢××
+ dashboards:
+ contact:
+ km away: ××ר×ק %{count} ק״×
+ m away: ××ר×ק %{count} ×׳
+ popup:
+ your location: ××ק×××
+ nearby mapper: ×××¤× ×¡×××
+ friend: ××ר
+ show:
+ title: ××× ×××§×¨× ×©××
+ no_home_location_html: '%{edit_profile_link} ××××רת ××ק×× ×××ת ש×× ×צפ××× ××שת×ש××
+ קר××××.'
+ edit_your_profile: ער××ת ×פר×פ×× ×©××
+ my friends: ×××ר×× ×©××
+ no friends: ×¢×××× ×× ××ספת ××ר××.
+ nearby users: ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×ס××××
+ no nearby users: ××× ×¢×××× ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×©××××× ×©×× ×××¤× ×ס××××.
+ friends_changesets: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ××ר××
+ friends_diaries: רש×××ת ×××× ×©× ××ר××
+ nearby_changesets: ער××ת ×ש×× ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס××××
+ nearby_diaries: רש×××ת ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס××××
title: רש××ת ×××× ××ש×
@@ -506,8 +556,8 @@ he:
report: ××××× ×¢× ×רש××× ×××ת
comment_from_html: ת×××× ××ת %{link_user} ×¢× %{comment_created_at}
- hide_link: ×סתרת ××¢×¨× ××
- unhide_link: ××××× ×סתרת ××¢×¨× ××
+ hide_link: ×סתרת ×××¢×¨× ×××ת
+ unhide_link: ××××× ×סתרת ×××¢×¨× ×××ת
confirm: ××ש×ר
report: ××××× ×¢× ×××¢×¨× ×××ת
@@ -525,12 +575,20 @@ he:
title: רש×××ת ××××× ×©× OpenStreetMap
description: רש×××ת ×××× ××ר×× ×ת ××שת××©× OpenStreetMap
- has_commented_on: × ××¡×¤× ××¢×¨× ××ת %{display_name} ×¢× ×¨×©×××ת ××××× ××××ת
+ title: ×ער×ת ×××× ×©× ××¡×¤× ×¢× ××× %{user}
+ heading: ×ער×ת ××××× ×©× %{user}
+ subheading_html: ×ער×ת ×××× ×©× ××¡×¤× ×¢× ××× %{user}
+ no_comments: ××× ×ער×ת ××××
post: רש×××
when: ×ת×
- comment: ×ער×
+ comment: ת××××
newer_comments: ×ער×ת ××ש×ת
older_comments: ×ער×ת ××©× ×ת
+ doorkeeper:
+ flash:
+ applications:
+ create:
+ notice: ×××ש×× × ×¨×©×.
heading: ×××ס××£ ×ת %{user} ×ת×ר ××ר?
@@ -538,6 +596,8 @@ he:
success: '%{name} ××ר ש×× ×¢×ש××!'
failed: ×צ×ער××, ××ספת %{name} ×××ר × ×ש××.
already_a_friend: '%{name} ××ר ××ר ש××.'
+ limit_exceeded: ש××ת ×קש×ת ××ר×ת ר××ת ×××ר×× ×. × × ×××ת×× ××¤× × ×©×××ת ×קש×ת ××ר×ת
+ × ×ספ×ת
heading: ××ס×ר ×ת %{user} ×רש××ת ×××ר××?
button: ××ס×ר ×רש××ת ×××ר××
@@ -670,7 +730,7 @@ he:
shower: ×ק××ת
social_centre: ×ר×× ××רת×
social_facility: ש×ר×ת×× ××רת×××
- studio: ס×××××
+ studio: ××רת ס×××××
swimming_pool: ×רֵ×ת ש××××
taxi: ××× ×ת
telephone: ××פ×× ×¦×××ר×
@@ -757,7 +817,7 @@ he:
sport: ×××¢××× ×¡×¤×ר×
"yes": ×××¢×××
- beekeper: ×××ר×
+ beekeeper: ×××ר×
blacksmith: × ×¤×
brewery: ××ש×ת ××ר×
carpenter: × ×ר
@@ -782,12 +842,13 @@ he:
window_construction: ×ר××ת ×××× ×ת
winery: ×ק×
"yes": ×× ×ת ××××ת־××
+ crossing: ××¢×ר
access_point: × ×§××ת ××ש×
ambulance_station: ת×× ×ª ×××××× ×¡××
assembly_point: × ×§××ת ×ת×ספ×ת
defibrillator: ××¤×¢× (×פ××ר××××ר)
- fire_xtinguisher: ××פ×
+ fire_extinguisher: ××פ×
fire_water_pond: ×××ר ××× ×××××× ×ש
landing_site: ×תר × ×××ª× ×××ר××
life_ring: ×××× ×צ××
@@ -795,7 +856,6 @@ he:
siren: צ×פר ××ר××
suction_point: × ×§×××ת ש×××× ×××ר××
water_tank: ××× ××× ×שעת ××ר××
- "yes": ××ר××
abandoned: ×××ש × ××ש
bridleway: ש××× ×¢××ר ס×ס××
@@ -842,6 +902,7 @@ he:
trailhead: ש×× ×ª×××ת ×ס×××
trunk: ××¨× ×¢×קר×ת
trunk_link: ××××ר ×××¨× ×¢×קר×ת
+ turning_circle: ×××ר ××סת××××ת
turning_loop: ××¢×× ×ª× ××¢×
unclassified: ××¨× ×× ×ס×××ת
"yes": ×ר×
@@ -872,6 +933,7 @@ he:
railway: ×ס××ת ר××ת ××ס××ר×ת
roman_road: ××¨× ×¨×××ת
ruins: ××ר××
+ rune_stone: ××× ×¨×× ×ת
stone: ××× ××ס××ר×ת
tomb: ק×ר
tower: ×××× ××ס××ר×
@@ -1016,12 +1078,14 @@ he:
"yes": ××¢×ר ×ר××
+ atoll: ××××
bare_rock: ס××¢ ×ש××£
bay: ×פרץ
beach: ×××£
cape: ××£
cave_entrance: ×× ××¡× ××ער×
cliff: ×צ×ק
+ coastline: ×§× ×××£
crater: ××תש
dune: ×××× ×
fell: ער×× ××פ×× ×ת
@@ -1034,11 +1098,13 @@ he:
hill: ×××¢×
hot_spring: ××¢××× ××
island: ××
+ isthmus: ×צר
land: ××××
marsh: ×××¦× ×¨×××× (×××××£)
moor: ער×× ×××××
mud: ×××¥
peak: פס××
+ peninsula: ××¦× ××
point: × ×§×××
reef: ש×× ×ת
ridge: ר×ס
@@ -1047,10 +1113,13 @@ he:
sand: ×××
scree: ×פ××ת ××× ××
scrub: ס××
+ shingle: ×××£ ×××ק××
spring: ××¢×××
stone: ×××
strait: ×צר
tree: ×¢×¥
+ tree_row: ש×רת עצ××
+ tundra: ××× ×ר×
valley: ×¢×ק
volcano: ×ר ×עש
water: ×××
@@ -1086,6 +1155,7 @@ he:
"yes": ×שר×
allotments: ××ק×ת ××× ××
+ archipelago: ×ר××פ××
city: ×¢×ר
city_block: ×××ק ××¢×ר
country: ×רץ
@@ -1445,9 +1515,11 @@ he:
intro_text: OpenStreetMap ××× ××¤× ×©× ××¢×××, ×©× ×צרת ×¢×Ö¾××× ×× ×©×× ××××, ×××פש×ת
×ש×××ש ת×ת ר×ש××× ×¤×ª××.
intro_2_create_account: × × ××צ×ר ×ש××× ×שת×ש
- hosting_partners_html: ×××ר×× ×ת×××ת %{ucl}, %{bytemark} ×%{partners} × ×ספ××.
+ hosting_partners_html: ×××ר×× ×ת×××ת %{ucl}, %{fastly}, %{bytemark}, ×%{partners}
+ × ×ספ××.
partners_ucl: UCL
- partners_bytemark: Bytemark Hosting
+ partners_fastly: פ×ס×××
+ partners_bytemark: ××××××רק ××ס××× ×
partners_partners: ש×תפ××
tou: ×ª× ×× ×©×××ש
osm_offline: ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× ×תר OpenStreetMap ××× × ×ק××× ×עת ××©× ×¢××××ת ת×××ק×
@@ -1591,11 +1663,39 @@ he:
%{url} ××××××¥ ×¢× â××××× ××× ××â.
unsubscribe_html: ××× ×××× ×ת ×××¢×§× ×××¨× ×¢×××× × ×ער×ת ×ש×× ×××× ×××ת, × × ××קר
××ת××ת %{url} ××××××¥ ×¢× â××××× ××× ××â.
+ confirmations:
+ confirm:
+ heading: ××××ת ×ש××× ×שת×ש
+ introduction_1: ש××× × ×× ×××ª× ××××ת.
+ introduction_2: × × ×××ת ×ת ××ש××× ×©×× ×××צע×ת ××××¦× ×¢× ×§×ש×ר ××××"×, ××××¨× ××
+ ת××× ×× ×פשר×ת ××ת××× ××פ×ת.
+ press confirm button: × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×פת×ר ×××ש×ר ××× ××פע×× ×ת ×ש××× ×.
+ button: ××ש×ר
+ success: ×ש××× × ××שר, ת××× ×©× ×¨×©×ת!
+ already active: ××ש××× ××× ××ר ××שר.
+ unknown token: × ×¨×× ×©×§×× ×××ש×ר ××× ×¤× ×× ×©××× × ×§×××.
+ reconfirm_html: ×× ×רצ×× × ×ק×× ×©×× ×××ª× ××××ת, × × ×××××¥
+ ×××.
+ confirm_resend:
+ failure: ×שת×ש %{name} ×× × ×צ×.
+ confirm_email:
+ heading: ××ש×ר ש×× ×× ×ת××ת ×××××´×
+ press confirm button: × × ×××××¥ ×¢× ×פת×ר ×××ש×ר ×××× ××× ××שר ×ת ×ת××ת ×××××´×
+ ×××ש×.
+ button: ××ש×ר
+ success: ש×× ×× ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×©×× ××שר!
+ failure: ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×©×× ××ר ×××©×¨× ××ס×××× ×××.
+ unknown_token: ק×× ×××ש×ר ×¤× ×× ××× × ×§×××.
+ resend_success_flash:
+ confirmation_sent: ש××× × ×××עת ××ש×ר ×××©× ××ת××ת %{email} ××שתק×× ×ת ××ש×××
+ ש××, ת××× ×ק×× ××פ××.
+ whitelist: ×× ××ª× ×שת×ש ××ער×ת × ×× ××× ×©×©×××ת ×קש×ת ××ש×ר, × × ××××× ×©××ספת ×ת
+ %{sender} ×רש××ת ×××תר×× ×× ×× ×צ××× × ××ש×× ××קש×ת ××ש×ר.
title: ת××ת ×××ר × ×× ×¡
my_inbox: ת××ת ××××ר ×× ×× ×¡ ש××
- outbox: ת××ת ×××ר ××צ×
+ my_outbox: ת××ת ××××ר ××××¦× ×©××
messages: ×ש ×× %{new_messages} ××¢×× %{old_messages}
one: ××××¢× ×××©× ××ת
@@ -1611,7 +1711,7 @@ he:
unread_button: ס×××× ×â×× × ×§×¨×â
read_button: ס×××× ×â× ×§×¨×â
- reply_button: תש×××
+ reply_button: ××ש××
destroy_button: ×××ק×
title: ש×××ת ××××¢×
@@ -1628,9 +1728,8 @@ he:
body: ×× × ×צ×ער××, ××× ××××¢× ×¢× ×××× ××.
title: ת××ת ×××ר ××צ×
- my_inbox_html: '%{inbox_link} ש××'
- inbox: ת××ת ××××ר ×× ×× ×¡
- outbox: ת××ת ××××ר ×××צ×
+ my_inbox: ת××ת ××××ר ×× ×× ×¡ ש××
+ my_outbox: ת××ת ××××ר ××××¦× ×©××
one: ×ש ×× ××××¢× ××ת ×©× ×©×××
other: ×ש ×× %{count} ××××¢×ת ×©× ×©×××
@@ -1661,6 +1760,113 @@ he:
as_unread: ×××××¢× ×¡××× × ×××××¢× ×©×× × ×§×¨××
destroyed: ×××××¢× × ××ק×
+ passwords:
+ lost_password:
+ title: ×ס×ס×× ×××× ××××××
+ heading: ש××ת ס×ס××?
+ email address: '×ת××ת ××××´×:'
+ new password button: × × ×ש××× ×× ×¡×ס×× ××ש×
+ help_text: × × ××××× ×ת ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×©×שת×שת ×× ××× ×××רש×. ×× × × ×©×× ×××× ×§×ש×ר
+ ש×פשר ××שת×ש ×× ××× ××פס ×ת ס×ס×ת×.
+ notice email on way: ×× × ×צ×ער×× ×ש×××¢ ש××××ת ×××ª× :-( ××× × ×©×× ××××ר ×××ק×ר×× ×
+ ש×× ×××ª× ×©×××צע××ª× ×פשר ××פס ××ת×.
+ notice email cannot find: ס××××, ××ת××ת ×××ת ×× × ×צ××.
+ reset_password:
+ title: ××פ×ס ס×ס××
+ heading: ××פ×ס ×ס×ס×× ×¢××ר %{user}
+ reset: ××פ×ס ×ס×ס××
+ flash changed: ס×ס××ª× ×©×× ×ª×.
+ flash token bad: ×× ×צ×× × ×ת ××ס×××× ××××, ×××× ×××קת ××ת××ת תע××ר?
+ preferences:
+ show:
+ title: ×××¢×פ×ת ש××
+ preferred_editor: ×¢××¨× ×××¢××£
+ preferred_languages: שפ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת
+ edit_preferences: ער××ת ××¢×פ×ת
+ edit:
+ title: ער××ת ××¢×פ×ת
+ save: ×¢×××× ××¢×פ×ת
+ cancel: ×××××
+ update:
+ failure: ×× × ××ª× ××¢××× ××¢×פ×ת.
+ update_success_flash:
+ message: ×××¢×פ×ת ×¢×××× ×.
+ profiles:
+ edit:
+ title: ער××ת פר×פ××
+ save: ×¢×××× ×¤×¨×פ××
+ cancel: ×××××
+ image: ת××× ×
+ gravatar:
+ gravatar: ××שת×ש ×Ö¾Gravatar
+ link: http://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Gravatar
+ what_is_gravatar: ×× ×× Gravatar?
+ disabled: ××ר××××ר ××××.
+ enabled: ×צ×ת ××ר××××ר ש×× ××פע××.
+ new image: ××ספת ת××× ×
+ keep image: ×ש×××¨× ×¢× ×ת××× × ×× ××××ת
+ delete image: ××סרת ×ת××× × ×× ××××ת
+ replace image: ××××פת ×ת××× × ×× ××××ת
+ image size hint: (ת××× × ×ר××עת ××××× 100x100 ×פ××ת ×¢×××ת ××× ×××)
+ home location: ××ק×× ×¨×ש×
+ no home location: ×× ××× ×ª ×ת ××ק××× ×ר×ש×.
+ update home location on click: ×¢×××× ×××ק×× ×ר××©× ×©×× ×עת ××××¦× ×¢× ××פ×?
+ update:
+ success: ×פר×פ×× ×¢××××.
+ failure: ×× × ××ª× ××¢××× ×¤×¨×פ××.
+ sessions:
+ new:
+ title: ×× ×ס×
+ heading: ×× ×ס×
+ email or username: '×ת××ת ×××ר ××ק×ר×× × ×× ×©× ×שת×ש:'
+ password: 'ס×ס××:'
+ openid_html: '%{logo} OpenID:'
+ remember: ××××ר ××ת×
+ lost password link: ××××ת ×ת ×ס×ס×× ×©××?
+ login_button: ×× ×ס×
+ register now: ××××¨×©× ×¢×ש××
+ with username: '××ר ×ש ×× ×ש××× OpenStreetMap? × × ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×©× ×שת×ש ×ס×ס××:'
+ with external: '××××פ××, ×שת××©× ××¦× ×©×××©× ××× ××××× ×¡:'
+ new to osm: ××עת ×¢×ש×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap?
+ to make changes: ××× ××©× ×ת ×ת × ×ª×× × OpenStreetMap, צר×× ×©×××× ×× ×ש×××.
+ create account minute: × × ××צ×ר ×ש×××. ×× ×××§× ×¨×§ ×ק×.
+ no account: ××× ×× ×ש×××?
+ account not active: ס××××, ××ש××× ××× ×¢×××× ××× × ×¤×¢××.
× × ××שת×ש ×ק×ש×ר
+ ××××ª× ××ש×ר ××ש××× ××× ××פע×× ×ת ×ש××× × ×× or ××קש
+ ×××ª× ××ש×ר ××ש.
+ account is suspended: ××ש××× ×©×× ×××©×¢× ×עק××ת פע×××ת ×ש×××.
× × ××צ×ר קשר
+ ×¢× ×ת×××× ××× ×××× ×××, ×¢×× ×ס××××.
+ auth failure: ס××××, ×× × ××ª× ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×פר××× ××××.
+ openid_logo_alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID
+ auth_providers:
+ openid:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× URL ×©× OpenID
+ google:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××××
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××××
+ facebook:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×¤××ס××ק
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ×¤××ס××ק
+ windowslive:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× Windows Live
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× Windows Live
+ github:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×××צע×ת GitHub
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× GitHub
+ wikipedia:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××ק×פ×××
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ××ק×פ×××
+ wordpress:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××ר×פרס
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××ר×פרס
+ aol:
+ title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× AOL
+ alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× AOL
+ destroy:
+ title: ×צ×××
+ heading: ×צ××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap
+ logout_button: ×צ×××
title_html: פ××¢× × ××¢×רת kramdown
@@ -1762,9 +1968,8 @@ he:
×× ×ת×××, ×× creativecommons.org.
credit_3_1_html: "×ר××× ×××¤× ×“×¡×× ×× ×ר×××” ×Ö¾www.openstreetmap.org
×× ×ª×צרת ש×××¤×§× ×¢× ××× \n×¢××תת OpenStreetMap ×××צע×ת ×× ×ª×× ×× ×©× OpenStreetMap
- \nת×ת ר×ש××× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×פת×× (Open Database License). ×× ××רת ××שת×ש ××ר××××
- ×××× × × ××שת×ש ×××××ס ×××: \n“×פת ×ס×ס ×× ×ª×× ×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap ××¢××תת
- OpenStreetMap”."
+ \nת×ת ר×ש××× ××¡× ×× ×ª×× ×× ×פת×× (Open Database License). ×עת ש×××ש\n×ס×× ××
+ ×××¤× ×××, ××ת ×××××ס\n× ×רש ××× ×× ×ª×× × ××פ×."
credit_4_html: '×ש××× ××¤× ××ק×ר×× ×ת ש×פשר ××¢××× ××, ×××××ס צר×× ×××פ××¢ ×פ×× ×ª
××פ×. ××ש×:'
@@ -1792,8 +1997,10 @@ he:
××××× ×ª פ×ר×ר××ר×
×××××× ×ª ××ר×× (××¤× CC-BY AT ×¢× ×ª×ק×× ××).
contributors_au_html: |-
- ××ס×ר×××: ×××× ×× ×ª×× × ×¤×¨××ר×× ××××סס×× ×¢×
- × ×ª×× × ××ש×× ×××ס×ר××ת ×ס×××ס×××§× (Australian Bureau of Statistics).
+ ××ס×ר×××: ×××× ×× ×פ××ª× ×××צע×ת Administrative Boundaries ©
+ Geoscape Australia
+ ×ר×ש××× ×©× ××ª× ×¢×Ö¾××× ××ר ××¢××× ×××ס×ר×× ××¤× ×ª× ××
+ ר×ש××× ×§×¨××××××× ×§×××× × ××××ס 4.0 ×××Ö¾××××× (CC BY 4.0).
contributors_ca_html: |-
×§× ××: ×××× × ×ª×× ××
×Ö¾GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Department of Natural
@@ -1867,16 +2074,6 @@ he:
××עש×. ××פשר××ª× ×××××ר ×ת ×ער×××ת ש×× ×צ×××ר××ת ××¨× %{user_page} ש××.
user_page_link: ××£ ××שת×ש
anon_edits_link_text: ר' ×ס×ר ××××¢ ×× ××.
- flash_player_required_html: ×ש צ××¨× ×× ×× ×¤××ש ××× ××שת×ש ×Ö¾Potlatch, ער×× ×פ××ש
- ×©× OpenStreetMap. ×פשר ×××ר××
- × ×× ×¤××ש ××תר Adobe.com. ×ש ×פשר×××ת
- × ×ספ×ת ×ער××ת OpenStreetMap.
- potlatch_unsaved_changes: ×ש ×× ×©×× ×××× ×©×× × ×©×ר×. (××× ×ש××ר ×Ö¾Potlatch, ×ש
- ×××× ×ת ×××××¨× ×©× ×××¨× ×× ×× ×§××× ×× ××××× ×××¦× ×¢×¨××× ×××, ×× ×ש××ר ×× ×פת×ר
- ×ש×××¨× ××××.)
- potlatch2_not_configured: Potlatch 2 ×× ××××ר â ר׳ https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/The_Rails_Port
- potlatch2_unsaved_changes: ×ש ×× ×©×× ×××× ×©×× × ×©×ר×. (××× ×ש××ר ×Ö¾Potlatch 2,
- ×ש ×××××¥ âש××ר×â.)
id_not_configured: ×× ×ת××¦×¢× ×××ר×ת ×©× iD
no_iframe_support: ××פ××¤× ×©×× ××× × ×ª××× ××××× ××× ×ס×× iframe ×©× HTML, ×××× ×××× ×××
×¢××ר ת××× × ××.
@@ -1982,6 +2179,13 @@ he:
url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/
title: ×××××§× ×©× OpenStreetMap
description: ××¢××× ×××××§× ×ת××¢×× ××¢××ק ×¢× OpenStreetMap.
+ potlatch:
+ removed: ×¢××¨× ×OpenStreetMap ×ר×רת ××××× ×©×× ××××ר ×Potlatch. ×××× ×©× ×× ×פ××ש
+ ×©× ××××× ××ר ×× × ×ª××, Potlatch ××ר ×× ×××× ××פ×פ×.
+ desktop_html: × ××ª× ×¢×××× ××שת×ש ×Potlatch ×¢× ××× ××ר×ת
+ ××ש×× ×©×××× ××¢×××× ×-Windows ×× ×-Mac.
+ id_html: ××××פ××, × ××ª× ×××××ר ×ת ×¢××¨× ×ררת ××××× ×©×× ×Ö¾iD, ש×××¤×¢× ××פ××¤× ×××
+ ש־Potlach ×¢×©× ××¢×ר. × ××ª× ××©× ×ת ×ת ×××¢×פ×ת ש×× ×××.
search_results: ת×צ××ת ×××פ×ש
close: ×ס××ר×
@@ -2065,23 +2269,6 @@ he:
bicycle_shop: ×× ×ת ×××¤× ×××
bicycle_parking: ×× ××ת ×××¤× ×××
toilets: ש×ר×ת××
- richtext_area:
- edit: ער×××
- preview: תצ××× ×ק××××
- markdown_help:
- title_html: פ××¢× × ××¢×רת kramdown
- headings: ××תר×ת
- heading: ××תרת
- subheading: ××תרת ××©× ×
- unordered: רש××× ××ת×Ö¾××××× ×ª
- ordered: רש××× ××××× ×ª
- first: ×פר×× ×ר×ש××
- second: ×פר×× ××©× ×
- link: ק×ש×ר
- text: ×קס×
- image: ת××× ×
- alt: ××§×¡× ×××פ×
- url: ×ת××ת
title: ×ר×× ××××!
introduction_html: ×ר×× ×××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap, ××¤× ××פש×ת ×©× ××¢×××, ש×פשר ×ער××.
@@ -2190,7 +2377,6 @@ he:
more: ×¢××
trace_details: ×צ×ת פר×× ×ס×××
view_map: ×צ×ת ×פ×
- edit: ער×××
edit_map: ער××ת ×פ×
public: צ×××ר×
identifiable: ×ר ×××××
@@ -2198,10 +2384,9 @@ he:
trackable: ×ר ×עק×
by: ××ת
in: ×
- map: ×פ×
public_traces: ×ס×××× GPS צ×××ר×××
- my_traces: ×ק×××ת ×Ö¾GPS ש××
+ my_traces: ××ס××××× ×©××
public_traces_from: ×ס×××× GPS צ×××ר××× ××ת %{user}
description: ×¢××× ×××¢×××ת ××ר×× ×ת ×©× ×ק×××ת GPS
tagged_with: ' ×ת××× ×¢× %{tags}'
@@ -2209,8 +2394,9 @@ he:
××ש ×× ××××× ×¢×× ×¢× ××¢×§× ×ס××××× ×Ö¾GPS ×××£
upload_trace: ××¢××ת ×ס×××
- see_all_traces: ×צ×ת ×× ××ס×××××
- see_my_traces: ×צ×ת ×× ×ª×××× ×©××
+ all_traces: ×× ××ס×××××
+ traces_from: ×ס××××× ×¦×××ר××× ×-%{user}
+ remove_tag_filter: ×סרת ס×× ×× ××¤× ×ª×
scheduled_for_deletion: ×ס××× ××××¢× ××××ק×
@@ -2240,6 +2426,11 @@ he:
blocked: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API × ×ס××. × × ××××× ×¡ ×××שק ×××× ×××××¢ × ×סף.
need_to_see_terms: ×××©×ª× ×Ö¾API ××שע×ת ××× ×ת. × × ××××× ×¡ ××תר ××× ×צפ×ת ××ª× ××
×תר×××. ××× ×¦××¨× ×ק×× ××ת×, ××× ×××× ××צ×× ××ת×.
+ settings_menu:
+ account_settings: ×××ר×ת ×ש×××
+ oauth1_settings: ×××ר×ת OAuth 1
+ oauth2_applications: ××ש××× OAuth 2
+ oauth2_authorizations: ××ש××¨× OAuth 2
title: ××ש×ר ××××©× ××ש××× ×©××
@@ -2267,6 +2458,16 @@ he:
flash: ש××ת ×ת ××ס×××× ××××ש×× %{application}.
missing: ×× × ×ª×ª ××רש×× ×××©× ×××ª×§× ×××
+ scopes:
+ read_prefs: ××¢×פ×ת קר×××
+ write_prefs: ש×× ×× ××¢×פ×ת ×שת×ש
+ write_diary: ××צ×ר רש×××ת ×××××, ×ער×ת ×××צ×ר ××ר×××ת
+ write_api: ××©× ×ת ×ת ××פ×
+ read_gpx: ×קר×× ×ת ×ס×××× ×Ö¾GPS ×פר×××× ×©××
+ write_gpx: ×××¢××ת ×ס×××× GPS
+ write_notes: ××©× ×ת ×ער×ת
+ read_email: ×קר×× ×ת ×ת××ת ××××"× ×©× ××שת×ש
+ skip_authorization: ××שר ×ת ×××ש×× ×××××××ת
title: ר×ש×× ××ש×× ××ש
@@ -2307,83 +2508,59 @@ he:
flash: ××××¢ ××ק×× ×¢×××× ××צ×××
flash: ר×ש×× ××ש×× ××ק×× × ×רס
+ oauth2_applications:
+ index:
+ title: ××ש××× ××ק×× ×©××
+ no_applications_html: ×ש ×× ××ש×× ×©×רצ×× × ×רש×× ×ש×××ש ×ש×× ×× × ×שת×ש×× ×תק×
+ %{oauth2}? ×¢××× ×רש×× ×ת ×××ש×× ×©×× ××¤× × ×©×פשר ×ש××× ×קש×ת OAuth ×ש×ר×ת ×××.
+ oauth_2: OAuth 2
+ new: ××ספת ×פ××קצ×× ××ש×
+ name: ש×
+ permissions: ×רש××ת
+ application:
+ edit: ער×××
+ delete: ×××ק×
+ confirm_delete: ××××ק ×ת ××פ××קצ××?
+ new:
+ title: ××ספת ×פ××קצ×× ××ש×
+ edit:
+ title: ער××ת ×××ש×× ×©××
+ show:
+ edit: ער×××
+ delete: ×××ק×
+ confirm_delete: ××××ק ×ת ××פ××קצ××?
+ client_id: ×××× ×ק××
+ client_secret: 'ס×× ××ק××:'
+ client_secret_warning: ×× × ×©××¨× ××ת ×ס××, ×× ×ª×××× ××שת ××× ×©××
+ permissions: ×רש××ת
+ redirect_uris: ××¤× ××ת ×ת×××ת
+ not_found:
+ sorry: ×× × ××ª× ××צ×× ×ת ×××ש××, ×¢×× ×ס××××.
+ oauth2_authorizations:
+ new:
+ title: ×ר×ש ××××ת
+ introduction: ××שר ×××ש×× %{application} ××שת ××ש××× ×©×× ×¢× ××רש××ת ××××ת?
+ authorize: ××שר
+ deny: ××××ת
+ error:
+ title: ×××¨×¢× ×©××××
+ show:
+ title: ק×× ××ש×ר
+ oauth2_authorized_applications:
+ index:
+ title: ××פ××קצ××ת ×××רש×ת ש××
+ application: ×פ××קצ××
+ permissions: ×רש××ת
+ no_applications_html: ×× ××שרת ×¢×××× ××ש××× %{oauth2}.
+ application:
+ revoke: ש×××ת ××ש×
+ confirm_revoke: ×ש××× ×ת ××××©× ×××ש×× ×××?
- login:
- title: ×× ×ס×
- heading: ×× ×ס×
- email or username: '×ת××ת ×××ר ××ק×ר×× × ×× ×©× ×שת×ש:'
- password: 'ס×ס××:'
- openid_html: '%{logo} OpenID:'
- remember: ××××ר ××ת×
- lost password link: ××××ת ×ת ×ס×ס×× ×©××?
- login_button: ×× ×ס×
- register now: ××××¨×©× ×¢×ש××
- with username: '××ר ×ש ×× ×ש××× OpenStreetMap? × × ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×©× ×שת×ש ×ס×ס××:'
- with external: '××××פ××, ×שת××©× ××¦× ×©×××©× ××× ××××× ×¡:'
- new to osm: ××עת ×¢×ש×× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap?
- to make changes: ××× ××©× ×ת ×ת × ×ª×× × OpenStreetMap, צר×× ×©×××× ×× ×ש×××.
- create account minute: × × ××צ×ר ×ש×××. ×× ×××§× ×¨×§ ×ק×.
- no account: ××× ×× ×ש×××?
- account not active: ס××××, ××ש××× ××× ×¢×××× ××× × ×¤×¢××.
× × ××שת×ש ×ק×ש×ר
- ××××ª× ××ש×ר ××ש××× ××× ××פע×× ×ת ×ש××× × ×× or ××קש
- ×××ª× ××ש×ר ××ש.
- account is suspended: ס××××, ××ש××× ××× ×××©×¢× ×עק××ת פע×××ת ×ש×××.
× × ××צ×ר
- קשר ×¢× ×× ×× ××תר ×× ×רצ×× × ×××× ×××.
- auth failure: ס××××, ×× × ××ª× ××××× ×¡ ×¢× ×פר××× ××××.
- openid_logo_alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID
- auth_providers:
- openid:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× URL ×©× OpenID
- google:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××××
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××××
- facebook:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×¤××ס××ק
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ×¤××ס××ק
- windowslive:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× Windows Live
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× Windows Live
- github:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×××צע×ת GitHub
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× GitHub
- wikipedia:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××ק×פ×××
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ×ש××× ××ק×פ×××
- yahoo:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××××
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××××
- wordpress:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× ××ר×פרס
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× ××ר×פרס
- aol:
- title: ×× ××¡× ×¢× AOL
- alt: ×× ××¡× ×¢× OpenID ×©× AOL
- logout:
- title: ×צ×××
- heading: ×צ××× ×Ö¾OpenStreetMap
- logout_button: ×צ×××
- lost_password:
- title: ×ס×ס×× ×××× ××××××
- heading: ש××ת ס×ס××?
- email address: '×ת××ת ××××´×:'
- new password button: × × ×ש××× ×× ×¡×ס×× ××ש×
- help_text: × × ××××× ×ת ×ת××ת ×××××´× ×©×שת×שת ×× ××× ×××רש×. ×× × × ×©×× ×××× ×§×ש×ר
- ש×פשר ××שת×ש ×× ××× ××פס ×ת ס×ס×ת×.
- notice email on way: ×× × ×צ×ער×× ×ש×××¢ ש××××ת ×××ª× :-( ××× × ×©×× ××××ר ×××ק×ר×× ×
- ש×× ×××ª× ×©×××צע××ª× ×פשר ××פס ××ת×.
- notice email cannot find: ס××××, ××ת××ת ×××ת ×× × ×צ××.
- reset_password:
- title: ××פ×ס ס×ס××
- heading: ××פ×ס ×סס×× ×¢××ר %{user}
- reset: ××פ×ס ×סס××
- flash changed: ס×ס××ª× ×©×× ×ª×.
- flash token bad: ×× ×צ×× × ×ת ××ס×××× ××××, ×××× ×××קת ××ת××ת תע××ר?
title: ×רש××
no_auto_account_create: ××ר×× ×צער, ×עת ××× × × ×××××× ××צ×ר ×× ×ש××× ××××¤× ×××××××.
- contact_webmaster_html: × × ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×× ×× ××תר
- ×¢× ×× ×ª ××ר×× ×צ×רת ×ש××× - ×× ×× × × ×©×ª×× ×××¤× ×××§×©× ××× ×©××תר ××ר.
+ contact_support_html: × × ××צ×ר קשר ×¢× ×ת×××× ××× ××ר××
+ ×ש××× - × ×©×ª×× ×××¤× ×××§×©× ××××ר×ת ××פשר×ת.
header: ××פש×ת ×× ××ª× ×ª ×ער×××
html: |-
@@ -2392,22 +2569,15 @@ he:
××× ××ת××× ×תר×× ×ש ×××רש×. ×× × × ×©×× ×××ר ××ק×ר×× × ××× ×××ת ×ת ×ש××× ×.
email address: '×ת××ת ××××´×:' confirm email address: '××××ת ×ת××ת ××××´×:' - not_displayed_publicly_html: ××ת××ת ש×× ×× ××צ×ת ×פ××××, ×××××¢ × ×סף ר×× ×××× ××ת פר×××ת display name: '×©× ××צ××:' display name description: ×©× ××שת×ש ש××, ש×××¦× ×פ××××. ×פשר ××©× ×ת ×ת ×× ×××¢×פ×ת ש××. external auth: '××××ת ×¢× ×¦× ×©××ש×:' - password: 'ס×ס××:' - confirm password: '××××ת ס×ס××:' use external auth: '××××פ××, ×שת××©× ××¦× ×©×××©× ××× ××××× ×¡:' auth no password: ×¢× ××××ת ×¦× ×©×××©× ××× ×¦××¨× ×ס×ס××, ××× ×××× × ×ספ×× ×× ×©×¨×ª ×××××× ××××קק ××××. continue: ×רש×× terms accepted: ת××× ×¢× ×§××ת ×ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××! - terms declined: ×× ×× × ×צ×ער×× ×©××××ת ×× ×ק×× ×ת ×ª× ×× ×תר××× ×××ש××. ×××××¢ × ×סף - ר׳ ××£ ×××××§× ×××. - terms declined url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/He:Contributor_Terms_Declined terms: title: ×ª× ××× heading: ×ª× ××× @@ -2434,6 +2604,11 @@ he: france: צרפת italy: ×××××× rest_of_world: ש×ר ××¢××× + terms_declined_flash: + terms_declined_html: ××ª× ×¦××× ×©××××ת ×× ××שר ×ת ×ª× ×× ×ש×××ש ×××ש××. ×××××¢ × ×סף, + × × ××¤× ×ת ×× %{terms_declined_link} + terms_declined_link: ××£ ×××§× ×× + terms_declined_url: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/He:Contributor_Terms_Declined no_such_user: title: ××× ×שת×ש ××× heading: ××שת×ש %{user} ××× × ×§××× @@ -2449,9 +2624,11 @@ he: my profile: ×פר×פ×× ×©×× my settings: ××××ר×ת ש×× my comments: ××ער×ת ש×× - oauth settings: ×××ר×ת oauth + my_preferences: ×××¢×פ×ת ש×× + my_dashboard: ××× ×××§×¨× ×©×× blocks on me: ××ª× ×ס×× ×××ª× blocks by me: ××ª× ×ס××ª× + edit_profile: ער××ת פר×פ×× send message: ש×××ת ××××¢× diary: ×××× edits: ער×××ת @@ -2470,15 +2647,6 @@ he: spam score: '××ר×× ×××××:' description: ת×××ר user location: ××ק×× ××שת×ש - if_set_location_html: ××××¨× ×©× ××ק×× ×××ת ש×× ×××£ %{settings_link} ת×פשר ×× - ×ר××ת ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××ת×. - settings_link_text: ×××ר×ת - my friends: ×××ר×× ×©×× - no friends: ×¢×××× ×× ××ספת ××ר××. - km away: ××ר×ק %{count} ×§×´× - m away: ××ר×ק %{count} ×׳ - nearby users: ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× - no nearby users: ××× ×¢×××× ×¢×× ×שת×ש×× ×©××××× ×©×× ×××¤× ×ס××××. role: administrator: ××ש××× ××× ×ש ×רש××ת ×פע×× moderator: ××× ×ש××× ×× ×× @@ -2499,27 +2667,17 @@ he: unhide_user: ××××× ×סתרת ×שת×ש ×× delete_user: ×××קת ×שת×ש ×× confirm: ××ש×ר - friends_changesets: ער××ת ש×× ×××× ×©× ××ר×× - friends_diaries: רש×××ת ×××× ×©× ××ר×× - nearby_changesets: ער××ת ×ש×× ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× - nearby_diaries: רש×××ת ×××× ×©× ×שת×ש×× ×ס×××× report: ××××× ×¢× ××שת×ש - popup: - your location: ××ק××× - nearby mapper: ×××¤× ×¡××× - friend: ××ר account: title: ער××ת ×ש××× my settings: ××××ר×ת ש×× - current email address: '×ת××ת ××××´× × ××××ת:' - new email address: '×ת××ת ××××´× ××ש×:' - email never displayed publicly: (××¢××× ×× ××צ×ת ×פ××××) - external auth: '××××ת ××צ×× ×:' + current email address: ×ת××ת ××××´× × ××××ת + external auth: ××××ת ××צ×× × openid: link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/OpenID link text: ×× ××? public editing: - heading: 'ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת:' + heading: ער××× ×¦×××ר×ת enabled: ××פע×ת. ×× ××××× × ××××× ×ער×× ××××¢. enabled link: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Anonymous_edits enabled link text: ×× ××? @@ -2535,7 +2693,7 @@ he: צ×××ר×.- ס××××, ×ש×××× ×××©×¢× ××××¤× ××××××× ×¢×§× + ×ש××× × ×××©×¢× ××××¤× ××××××× ×¢×§× ×¤×¢×××ת ×ש×××.
××××× ×× ×ª×××× ×¢×Ö¾××× ×× ×× ×ער×ת ×ת×× ××× ×§×¦×¨, ×× - ××פשר××ª× ××¤× ×ת ×× %{webmaster} ×× ×רצ×× × ×××× ×××. + ×©× ××ª× ××¤× ×ת ×× %{webmaster} ××× ×××× ×××.
auth_failure: connection_failed: ×ת××ר×ת ×ספק ××××ת × ×ש×× @@ -2629,6 +2740,7 @@ he: no_authorization_code: ××× ×§×× ×× ××¡× unknown_signature_algorithm: ××××ר××ª× ×ת××× ××ת×Ö¾××××¢ invalid_scope: ×××× ××ת×־תק×× + unknown_error: ×××××ת × ××©× auth_association: heading: ××××× ×©×× ×¢×××× ××× × ×ש××× ××ש××× ××ש××× OpenStreetMap. option_1: ×× ×ת××ת רק ×¢×ש×× ×¢× OpenStreetMap, × × ××צ×ר ×ש××× ××ש ×××צע×ת ×××פס @@ -2665,24 +2777,16 @@ he: new: title: ×צ×רת ×ס××× ×©× %{name} heading_html: ×צ×רת ×ס××× ×©× %{name} - reason: ×ס××× ×©×××× × ××ש××× %{name} × ×ס×. × × ××ת×× ×ש×× ××××× × ×ר×××¢ ××תת ××× - ש××תר פר××× ×¢× ××צ×. × × ××××ר ש×× ×× ××שת×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ת ××¢×× ××קצ××¢×ת ×©× ×ק×××× - ×××שת×× ××שת×ש ×××××× ×ר×ר×ת ××××. period: ×××©× ××× ××× ××¢×ש×× ××ש××× ××××¡× ×××צ××¢ פע×××ת API. tried_contacting: ××¦×¨×ª× ×§×©×¨ ×¢× ××שת×ש ××××§×©×ª× ××פס×ק. tried_waiting: × ×ª×ª× ××שת×ש ××× ×¡××ר ××ש×× ×¢× ×××××¢×ת ××××. - needs_view: ××שת×ש צר×× ××××× ×¡ ××¤× × ×©××ס××× ×××ת ×ª× ×ק×. back: ×צ×ת ×× ××ס×××ת edit: title: ×ס××ת ער××× ×¢× %{name} heading_html: ×ס××ת ער××× ×¢× %{name} - reason: ×ס××× ×©×××× × ××ש××× %{name} × ×ס×. × × ××ת×× ×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ר×××¢ ××תת ××× - ש××תר פר××× ×¢× ××צ×. × × ××××ר ש×× ×× ××שת×ש×× ×××× ×× ×ת ××¢×× ××קצ××¢×ת ×©× ×ק×××× - ××שת×× ××שת×ש ×××××× ×ר×ר×ת ××××. period: ×××©× ××× ××× ××¢×ש×× ××ש××× ××××¡× ×××צ××¢ פע×××ת API. show: ×צ×ת ××ס××× ×××ת back: ×צ×ת ×× ××ס×××ת - needs_view: ××× ××שת×ש צר×× ××××× ×¡ ××¤× × ×©××ס××× ×××ת ×ª× ×ק×? filter: block_expired: ××ת×× ×©××ס××× ××ר ×¤×§×¢× ×××Ö¾×פשר ×ער×× ××ת×. block_period: תק×פת ××ס××× ×¦×¨××× ××××ת ××× ×ער××× ×©×פשר ××××ר ×רש××× ×× ×¤×ª×ת. @@ -2745,8 +2849,9 @@ he: show: title: ××ש××× ×©× %{block_on} × ××¡× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{block_by} heading_html: ××ש××× ×©× %{block_on} × ××¡× ×¢×Ö¾××× %{block_by} - created: × ×צר - status: ס×××ס + created: :ת×ר×× ××צ××¨× + duration: :××©× ××× + status: '×צ×:' show: ×צ×× edit: ער××× revoke: ×××××! @@ -2774,6 +2879,7 @@ he: title: ×ער×ת ×ת××××ת ×©× %{user} heading: ×ער×ת ×©× %{user} subheading_html: ×ער×ת ×ת××××ת ×©× %{user} + no_notes: ××× ×ער×ת id: ×××× creator: ××צר description: ת×××ר @@ -2793,7 +2899,7 @@ he: custom_dimensions: ×××רת ××××× ××ת××× ××ש×ת format: 'תס××ר:' scale: '×§× × ××××:' - image_size: ×ת××× × ×ª×¦×× ×©××× ×¨×××× ×ª×ת + image_dimensions: ×ת××× × ×ª×פ××¢ ×××ק ××ש××× ×ר×××× ××××× %{width} x %{height} download: ××ר×× short_url: ×ת××ת ×§×¦×¨× include_marker: ××××× ×¡×× @@ -2825,6 +2931,7 @@ he: other: ××ר×ק ש×× ××× ××××× ×©× %{count} ר××××× ×× ×§××× ×× base: standard: ×ª×§× × + cyclosm: CyclOSM cycle_map: ×פת ×××¤× ××× transport_map: ×פת ת××××¨× hot: ×××× ×××¨× @@ -2839,6 +2946,8 @@ he: copyright: © ××ª× ××× OpenStreetMap donate_link_text: ×תר×× terms: ×ª× ×× ×תר ×Ö¾API + cyclosm: ××ר×××× ×¡××× × × ×¢× ××× CyclOSM + ×××ר×× ×©×¨×ª OpenStreetMap France thunderforest: ××ר×××× ××××××ת ×× ×× ××× opnvkarte: ××ר×××× ××××××ת MeMoMaps @@ -2856,7 +2965,7 @@ he: queryfeature_disabled_tooltip: תקר×× ×ש×××תת ×ש×××ת changesets: show: - comment: ××¢×¨× + comment: ××××× subscribe: ××× ×× unsubscribe: ××××× ××× ×× hide_comment: ××¡×ª×¨× @@ -2979,7 +3088,6 @@ he: centre_map: ××ר×× ×ת ×××¤× ××× redactions: edit: - description: ת×××ר heading: ער××ת ××¡×¨× title: ער××ת ××ת×× index: @@ -2987,7 +3095,6 @@ he: heading: רש××ת ××ת×××× title: רש××ת ×סר×ת new: - description: ת×××ר heading: ××ספת ××××¢ ×××¡×¨× ×××©× title: ×ת×צעת ×צ×רת ××ת×× ××ש show: