X-Git-Url: https://git.openstreetmap.org./rails.git/blobdiff_plain/85d8a2d17702b73620cbc3b907fd84fdf6ec1545..63c2d9a5292e6b19a02bce9fdf80f93dea8a8347:/app/views/site/index.rhtml
diff --git a/app/views/site/index.rhtml b/app/views/site/index.rhtml
index 344c43273..2cca4d529 100644
--- a/app/views/site/index.rhtml
+++ b/app/views/site/index.rhtml
@@ -1,101 +1,210 @@
+<% content_for :greeting do %>
+<% if @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil? %>
+<%= link_to_function 'home', "setPosition(#{@user.home_lat}, #{@user.home_lon}, 10)" %> |
+<% end %>
+<% end %>
+<%= render :partial => 'sidebar', :locals => { :onopen => "resizeMap();", :onclose => "resizeMap();" } %>
+<%= render :partial => 'key' %>
+<%= render :partial => 'search' %>
+http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0/ |
+http://openstreetmap.org/ |
+Licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 2.0 license
+by the OpenStreetMap project and its contributors.
+ |
+<% if params['mlon'] and params['mlat'] %>
+<% marker = true %>
+<% mlon = h(params['mlon']) %>
+<% mlat = h(params['mlat']) %>
+<% end %>
+<% if params['minlon'] and params['minlat'] and params['maxlon'] and params['maxlat'] %>
+<% bbox = true %>
+<% minlon = h(params['minlon']) %>
+<% minlat = h(params['minlat']) %>
+<% maxlon = h(params['maxlon']) %>
+<% maxlat = h(params['maxlat']) %>
+<% end %>
+<% if params['lon'] and params['lat'] %>
+<% lon = h(params['lon']) %>
+<% lat = h(params['lat']) %>
+<% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '5') %>
+<% layers = h(params['layers']) %>
+<% elsif params['mlon'] and params['mlat'] %>
+<% lon = h(params['mlon']) %>
+<% lat = h(params['mlat']) %>
+<% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '12') %>
+<% layers = h(params['layers']) %>
+<% elsif cookies.key?("_osm_location") %>
+<% lon,lat,zoom,layers = cookies["_osm_location"].split("|") %>
+<% elsif @user and !@user.home_lon.nil? and !@user.home_lat.nil? %>
+<% lon = @user.home_lon %>
+<% lat = @user.home_lat %>
+<% zoom = '10' %>
+<% else %>
+<% session[:location] = OSM::IPLocation(request.env['REMOTE_ADDR']) unless session[:location] %>
+<% if session[:location] %>
+<% bbox = true %>
+<% minlon = session[:location][:minlon] %>
+<% minlat = session[:location][:minlat] %>
+<% maxlon = session[:location][:maxlon] %>
+<% maxlat = session[:location][:maxlat] %>
+<% else %>
+<% lon = '-0.1' %>
+<% lat = '51.5' %>
+<% zoom = h(params['zoom'] || '5') %>
+<% end %>
+<% layers = h(params['layers']) %>
+<% end %>
+<%= javascript_include_tag '/openlayers/OpenLayers.js' %>
+<%= javascript_include_tag '/openlayers/OpenStreetMap.js' %>
+<%= javascript_include_tag 'map.js' %>
- <% unless @user %>
- We're trialing adverts to support the project. Login and they go away.
- <% end %>
+ setMapExtent(bbox);
+ <% else %>
+ var centre = new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= lon %>, <%= lat %>);
+ var zoom = <%= zoom %>;
+ if (marker)
+ removeMarkerFromMap(marker);
+ marker = addMarkerToMap(centre, getArrowIcon());
+ }
+ function updateLocation() {
+ var lonlat = getMapCenter();
+ var zoom = map.getZoom();
+ var layers = getMapLayers();
+ updatelinks(lonlat.lon, lonlat.lat, zoom, layers);
+ document.cookie = "_osm_location=" + lonlat.lon + "|" + lonlat.lat + "|" + zoom + "|" + layers;
+ }
+ function resizeContent() {
+ var content = $("content");
+ var rightMargin = parseInt(getStyle(content, "right"));
+ var bottomMargin = parseInt(getStyle(content, "bottom"));
+ content.style.width = document.documentElement.clientWidth - content.offsetLeft - rightMargin;
+ content.style.height = document.documentElement.clientHeight - content.offsetTop - bottomMargin;
+ }
+ function resizeMap() {
+ var centre = map.getCenter();
+ var zoom = map.getZoom();
+ var sidebar_width = $("sidebar").offsetWidth;
+ if (sidebar_width > 0) {
+ sidebar_width = sidebar_width + 5
+ }
+ $("map").style.left = (sidebar_width) + "px";
+ $("map").style.width = ($("content").offsetWidth - sidebar_width) + "px";
+ $("map").style.height = ($("content").offsetHeight - 2) + "px";
+ map.setCenter(centre, zoom);
+ }
+ function handleResize() {
+ if (brokenContentSize) {
+ resizeContent();
+ }
+ resizeMap();
+ }
+ mapInit();
+ window.onload = handleResize;
+ window.onresize = handleResize;
+ <% if params['action'] == 'export' %>
+ <%= remote_function :url => { :controller => 'export', :action => 'start' } %>
+ <% end %>
+// -->