Updates note_comments factory to create "commented" note comments by default. Improves notes factory to set note's description to "Default note's description" by default and to set first note's comment type to "opened" when used note_with_comments.
factory :note_comment do
sequence(:body) { |n| "This is note comment #{n}" }
visible { true }
factory :note_comment do
sequence(:body) { |n| "This is note comment #{n}" }
visible { true }
factory :note do
latitude { 1 * GeoRecord::SCALE }
longitude { 1 * GeoRecord::SCALE }
factory :note do
latitude { 1 * GeoRecord::SCALE }
longitude { 1 * GeoRecord::SCALE }
- # tile { QuadTile.tile_for_point(1,1) }
+ description { "Default note's description" }
trait :closed do
transient do
trait :closed do
transient do
after(:create) do |note, evaluator|
after(:create) do |note, evaluator|
- create_list(:note_comment, evaluator.comments_count, :note => note)
+ create(:note_comment, :event => "opened", :note => note)
+ create_list(:note_comment, evaluator.comments_count - 1, :note => note)