- def test_create_diary_entry
- # Make sure that you are redirected to the login page when you
- # are not logged in
- get :new
- assert_response :redirect
- assert_redirected_to :controller => :user, :action => :login, :referer => "/diary/new"
- # Now try again when logged in
- get :new, {}, { :user => users(:normal_user).id }
- assert_response :success
- assert_select "title", :text => /New Diary Entry/, :count => 1
- assert_select "div.content-heading", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "h1", :text => /New Diary Entry/, :count => 1
- end
- assert_select "div#content", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "form[action='/diary/new'][method=post]", :count => 1 do
- assert_select "input#diary_entry_title[name='diary_entry[title]']", :count => 1
- assert_select "textarea#diary_entry_body[name='diary_entry[body]']", :text => "", :count => 1
- assert_select "select#diary_entry_language_code", :count => 1
- assert_select "input#latitude[name='diary_entry[latitude]']", :count => 1
- assert_select "input#longitude[name='diary_entry[longitude]']", :count => 1
- assert_select "input[name=commit][type=submit][value=Save]", :count => 1
- assert_select "input[name=commit][type=submit][value=Edit]", :count => 1
- assert_select "input[name=commit][type=submit][value=Preview]", :count => 1
- assert_select "input", :count => 7
- end
- end
- # Now try creating a diary entry
- new_title = "New Title"
- new_body = "This is a new body for the diary entry"
- new_latitude = "1.1"
- new_longitude = "2.2"
- new_language_code = "en"
- assert_difference "DiaryEntry.count", 1 do
- post(:new, { "commit" => "save",
- "diary_entry" => { "title" => new_title, "body" => new_body, "latitude" => new_latitude,
- "longitude" => new_longitude, "language_code" => new_language_code } },
- { :user => users(:normal_user).id })
- end
- assert_response :redirect
- assert_redirected_to :action => :list, :display_name => users(:normal_user).display_name
- entry = DiaryEntry.find(6)
- assert_equal users(:normal_user).id, entry.user_id
- assert_equal new_title, entry.title
- assert_equal new_body, entry.body
- assert_equal new_latitude.to_f, entry.latitude
- assert_equal new_longitude.to_f, entry.longitude
- assert_equal new_language_code, entry.language_code
- end
- def test_creating_diary_comment