bottom: 0;
width: 100%;
- #map {
- height: 100%;
- overflow: hidden;
- }
/* Rules for non-map content pages */
-/* Rules for the iD editor */
- {
- width: 100%;
- height: 100%;
/* Rules for the "Welcome" page */
.site-welcome, .site-fixthemap {
.sprite {
<%= javascript_include_tag "edit/id" %>
-<div id="map">
+<div id="map" class="h-100 overflow-hidden">
<% data = { :configured => Settings.key?(:id_application) }
data[:lat] = @lat if @lat
data[:lon] = @lon if @lon
data[:gpx] = trace_data_url(params[:gpx], :format => :xml) if params[:gpx]
data[:url] = id_url(:locale => params[:locale]) %>
- <%= tag.iframe "", :frameBorder => 0, :id => "id-embed", :class => "id-embed", :allowfullscreen => "", :data => data %>
+ <%= tag.iframe "", :frameBorder => 0, :id => "id-embed", :class => "w-100 h-100", :allowfullscreen => "", :data => data %>