Switches from using note's .comments to .all_comments. Fixes bug with notes of deleted users without comments, which are filtered out, but the code tries to access the first comment.
# Return the note's description, derived from the first comment
def description
if user_ip.nil? && user_id.nil?
# Return the note's description, derived from the first comment
def description
if user_ip.nil? && user_id.nil?
+ all_comments.first.body
RichText.new("text", super)
RichText.new("text", super)
# Return the note's author object, derived from the first comment
def author
if user_ip.nil? && user_id.nil?
# Return the note's author object, derived from the first comment
def author
if user_ip.nil? && user_id.nil?
+ all_comments.first.author