+require "test_helper"
+module Api
+ module Users
+ class TracesControllerTest < ActionDispatch::IntegrationTest
+ ##
+ # test all routes which lead to this controller
+ def test_routes
+ assert_routing(
+ { :path => "/api/0.6/user/gpx_files", :method => :get },
+ { :controller => "api/users/traces", :action => "index" }
+ )
+ end
+ def test_index
+ user = create(:user)
+ trace1 = create(:trace, :user => user) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "London")
+ end
+ trace2 = create(:trace, :user => user) do |trace|
+ create(:tracetag, :trace => trace, :tag => "Birmingham")
+ end
+ # check that nothing is returned when not logged in
+ get api_user_traces_path
+ assert_response :unauthorized
+ # check that we get a response when logged in
+ auth_header = bearer_authorization_header user
+ get api_user_traces_path, :headers => auth_header
+ assert_response :success
+ assert_equal "application/xml", response.media_type
+ # check the data that is returned
+ assert_select "gpx_file[id='#{trace1.id}']", 1 do
+ assert_select "tag", "London"
+ end
+ assert_select "gpx_file[id='#{trace2.id}']", 1 do
+ assert_select "tag", "Birmingham"
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end