+ ##
+ # check that a changeset can contain a certain max number of changes.
+ def test_changeset_limits
+ basic_authorization "test@openstreetmap.org", "test"
+ # open a new changeset
+ content "<osm><changeset/></osm>"
+ put :create
+ assert_response :success, "can't create a new changeset"
+ cs_id = @response.body.to_i
+ # start the counter just short of where the changeset should finish.
+ offset = 10
+ # alter the database to set the counter on the changeset directly,
+ # otherwise it takes about 6 minutes to fill all of them.
+ changeset = Changeset.find(cs_id)
+ changeset.num_changes = Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS - offset
+ changeset.save!
+ with_controller(NodeController.new) do
+ # create a new node
+ content "<osm><node changeset='#{cs_id}' lat='0.0' lon='0.0'/></osm>"
+ put :create
+ assert_response :success, "can't create a new node"
+ node_id = @response.body.to_i
+ get :read, :id => node_id
+ assert_response :success, "can't read back new node"
+ node_doc = XML::Parser.string(@response.body).parse
+ node_xml = node_doc.find("//osm/node").first
+ # loop until we fill the changeset with nodes
+ offset.times do |i|
+ node_xml['lat'] = rand.to_s
+ node_xml['lon'] = rand.to_s
+ node_xml['version'] = (i+1).to_s
+ content node_doc
+ put :update, :id => node_id
+ assert_response :success, "attempt #{i} should have succeeded"
+ end
+ # trying again should fail
+ node_xml['lat'] = rand.to_s
+ node_xml['lon'] = rand.to_s
+ node_xml['version'] = offset.to_s
+ content node_doc
+ put :update, :id => node_id
+ assert_response :conflict, "final attempt should have failed"
+ end
+ changeset = Changeset.find(cs_id)
+ assert_equal Changeset::MAX_ELEMENTS + 1, changeset.num_changes
+ end