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inline | side by side (from parent 1:
Make message notification mails use the message title as the subject
so that it is properly perserved when replying by email. Closes #3051.
def message_notification(message)
common_headers message.recipient
from_header message.sender.display_name, "m",, message.digest
def message_notification(message)
common_headers message.recipient
from_header message.sender.display_name, "m",, message.digest
- subject I18n.t('notifier.message_notification.subject', :user => message.sender.display_name, :locale => locale)
body :to_user => message.recipient.display_name,
:from_user => message.sender.display_name,
:body => message.body,
body :to_user => message.recipient.display_name,
:from_user => message.sender.display_name,
:body => message.body,
header: "{{from_user}} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry with the subject {{subject}}:"
footer: "You can also read the comment at {{readurl}} and you can comment at {{commenturl}} or reply at {{replyurl}}"
header: "{{from_user}} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry with the subject {{subject}}:"
footer: "You can also read the comment at {{readurl}} and you can comment at {{commenturl}} or reply at {{replyurl}}"
- subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} sent you a new message"
hi: "Hi {{to_user}},"
header: "{{from_user}} has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the subject {{subject}}:"
footer1: "You can also read the message at {{readurl}}"
hi: "Hi {{to_user}},"
header: "{{from_user}} has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the subject {{subject}}:"
footer1: "You can also read the message at {{readurl}}"