From: Tom Hughes
<%= render :partial => "way_details", :object => @way %>
<%= render :partial => "map", :object => @way %>
diff --git a/app/views/diary_entry/_diary_entry.html.erb b/app/views/diary_entry/_diary_entry.html.erb
index c69d26f8a..082231b19 100644
--- a/app/views/diary_entry/_diary_entry.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/diary_entry/_diary_entry.html.erb
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
- <%= t'', :download_xml_link => link_to(t('browse.way.download_xml'), :controller => "way", :action => "read"),
- :view_history_link => link_to(t('browse.way.view_history'), :action => "way_history"),
- :edit_link => link_to(t('browse.way.edit'), :controller => "site", :action => "edit", :way =>, :lat =>, :lon => @midnode.lon, :zoom => 16)
- %>
+ <%= link_to(t('browse.way.download_xml'), :controller => "way", :action => "read") %>
+ | <%= link_to(t('browse.way.view_history'), :action => "way_history") %>
+ <% unless @midnode.nil? %>
+ | <%= link_to(t('browse.way.edit'), :controller => "site", :action => "edit", :way =>, :lat =>, :lon => @midnode.lon, :zoom => 16) %>
+ <% end %>
<%= link_to t('diary_entry.diary_entry.comment_link'), :action => 'view', :display_name => diary_entry.user.display_name, :id =>, :anchor => 'newcomment' %>
-<%= link_to t('diary_entry.diary_entry.reply_link'), :controller => 'message', :action => 'new', :user_id =>, :title => "Re: #{diary_entry.title}" %>
+<%= link_to t('diary_entry.diary_entry.reply_link'), :controller => 'message', :action => 'new', :display_name => diary_entry.user.display_name, :title => "Re: #{diary_entry.title}" %>
<%= link_to t('diary_entry.diary_entry.comment_count', :count => diary_entry.diary_comments.count), :action => 'view', :display_name => diary_entry.user.display_name, :id =>, :anchor => 'comments' %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/site/_key.html.erb b/app/views/site/_key.html.erb
index f01cb67dd..22261900d 100644
--- a/app/views/site/_key.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/site/_key.html.erb
@@ -1,26 +1,33 @@
-<% content_for :left_menu do %>
-<%= link_to_function t('site.key.map_key'), "showKey();", { :title => t('site.key.map_key_tooltip') } %>
-<% end %>
+<% content_for :left_menu do %>
+ <%= link_to_function t('site.key.map_key'), "openMapKey()", :title => t('site.key.map_key_tooltip') %>
+<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/site/_sidebar.html.erb b/app/views/site/_sidebar.html.erb
index dd15ef7ba..2dbcef432 100644
--- a/app/views/site/_sidebar.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/site/_sidebar.html.erb
@@ -21,6 +21,8 @@
onclose = null;
+ if (options.title) { $("sidebar_title").innerHTML = options.title; }
if (options.width) { $("sidebar").style.width = options.width; }
else { $("sidebar").style.width = "30%"; }
@@ -46,10 +48,5 @@
$("sidebar_title").innerHTML = title;
$("sidebar_content").innerHTML = content;
- function sidebarOpen(title) {
- return $("sidebar").style.display == "block" &&
- $("sidebar_title").innerHTML == title;
- }
// -->
diff --git a/app/views/site/index.html.erb b/app/views/site/index.html.erb
index a69a6b4ee..ecb732c9b 100644
--- a/app/views/site/index.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/site/index.html.erb
@@ -139,8 +139,6 @@ end
marker = addMarkerToMap(new OpenLayers.LonLat(<%= mlon %>, <%= mlat %>));
<% end %>
-"zoomend", map, updateKey);
-"moveend", map, updateLocation);"changelayer", map, updateLocation);
diff --git a/app/views/site/key.html.erb b/app/views/site/key.html.erb
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..975442426
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/views/site/key.html.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+<%= t "site.key.table.heading", :zoom_level => params[:zoom] %>
+ <% YAML.load_file("#{RAILS_ROOT}/config/key.yml").each do |name,data| %>
+ <% if params[:layer] == name %>
+ <% data.each do |entry| %>
+ <% if params[:zoom].to_i >= entry['min_zoom'] && params[:zoom].to_i <= entry['max_zoom'] %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <% end %>
+ <%= image_tag "key/#{name}/#{entry['image']}" %>
+ <%= t "site.key.table.entry.#{entry['name']}" %>
+ <%= t'trace.trace_form.upload_gpx' %> <%= f.file_field :gpx_file, :size => 50, :maxlength => 255 %> <%= t'trace.trace_form.description' %> <%= f.text_field :description, :size => 50, :maxlength => 255 %>
- <%= t'trace.trace_form.tags' %> <%= f.text_field :tagstring, :size => 50, :maxlength => 255 %>
+ <%= t'trace.trace_form.public' %> <%= f.check_box :public %> <%= t'trace.trace_form.public' %> <%= f.check_box :public %> (<%= t'trace.trace_form.public_help' %>)
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/trace/edit.html.erb b/app/views/trace/edit.html.erb
index fceaf0147..2f73d2d4e 100644
--- a/app/views/trace/edit.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/trace/edit.html.erb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<%= submit_tag t('trace.trace_form.upload_button') %> | <%= t'' %> <%= h(@title) %>
+<%= t 'trace.edit.heading', :name => h( %>
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<%= t'trace.edit.filename' %>
- <%= %> (<%= link_to 'download', :controller => 'trace', :action => 'data', :id => %>)
+ <%= %> (<%= link_to t(''), :controller => 'trace', :action => 'data', :id => %>)
<%= t'trace.edit.uploaded_at' %>
@@ -18,8 +18,8 @@
<%= t'trace.edit.points' %>
<%= @trace.size.to_s.gsub(/(\d)(?=(\d{3})+$)/,'\1,') %>
<% end %>
<%= t'trace.edit.start_coord' %>Start coordinate:
+ <%= t'trace.edit.start_coord' %>
@@ -31,13 +31,13 @@
<%= f.text_field :description %>
+ <%= t'trace.edit.tags' %>
<%= f.text_field :tagstring %>
-<%= submit_tag 'Save Changes' %>
+<%= submit_tag t'trace.edit.save_button' %>
<% end %>
diff --git a/app/views/trace/view.html.erb b/app/views/trace/view.html.erb
index 65957b45d..0688ec130 100644
--- a/app/views/trace/view.html.erb
+++ b/app/views/trace/view.html.erb
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-<%= h(@title) %>
+<%= t 'trace.view.heading', :name => h( %>
<% if @trace.inserted %>
@@ -35,12 +35,12 @@
diff --git a/config/key.yml b/config/key.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..69b883c0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/key.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+ - { min_zoom: 0, max_zoom: 18, name: motorway, image: motorway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 0, max_zoom: 11, name: trunk, image: trunk.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: trunk, image: trunk12.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 7, max_zoom: 11, name: primary, image: primary.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: primary, image: primary12.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 9, max_zoom: 11, name: secondary, image: secondary.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: secondary, image: secondary12.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: unsurfaced, image: unsurfaced.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: track, image: track.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: byway, image: byway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: bridleway, image: bridleway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: cycleway, image: cycleway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: footway, image: footway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 8, max_zoom: 12, name: rail, image: rail.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: rail, image: rail13.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: subway, image: subway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: tram, image: tram.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: cable, image: cable.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: runway, image: runway.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: apron, image: apron.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 0, max_zoom: 18, name: admin, image: admin.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 9, max_zoom: 18, name: forest, image: forest.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: wood, image: wood.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: golf, image: golf.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: park, image: park.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 8, max_zoom: 18, name: resident, image: resident.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: tourist, image: tourist.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: common, image: common.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: retail, image: retail.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: industrial, image: industrial.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: commercial, image: commercial.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: heathland, image: heathland.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 7, max_zoom: 18, name: lake, image: lake.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: farm, image: farm.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 10, max_zoom: 18, name: brownfield, image: brownfield.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: cemetery, image: cemetery.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: allotments, image: allotments.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: pitch, image: pitch.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: centre, image: centre.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: reserve, image: reserve.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 11, max_zoom: 18, name: military, image: military.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: school, image: school.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: building, image: building.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: station, image: station.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: summit, image: summit.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: tunnel, image: tunnel.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 13, max_zoom: 18, name: bridge, image: bridge.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 15, max_zoom: 18, name: private, image: private.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 15, max_zoom: 18, name: permissive, image: permissive.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 15, max_zoom: 18, name: destination, image: destination.png }
+ - { min_zoom: 12, max_zoom: 18, name: construction, image: construction.png }
diff --git a/config/locales/be.yml b/config/locales/be.yml
index 2b1516e5d..000a70be9 100644
--- a/config/locales/be.yml
+++ b/config/locales/be.yml
@@ -485,7 +485,7 @@ be:
make_public: "ÐÑабÑÑÑ Ð³ÑÑÑ ÑÑÑк агÑлÑнадаÑÑÑпнÑм назаÑÑÑдÑ"
edit_track: "ÐмÑнÑÑÑ Ð±ÑгÑÑÑ ÑÑÑк"
delete_track: "ÐÑдалÑÑÑ Ð³ÑÑÑ ÑÑÑк"
- viewing_trace: "ÐÑаглÑд ÑÑÑÐºÑ {{name}}"
+ heading: "ÐÑаглÑд ÑÑÑÐºÑ {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "ТÑÑк не знойдзенÑ!"
showing: "ÐÑаглÑд ÑÑаÑонкÑ"
diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml
index 6c8743e53..fb2804bef 100644
--- a/config/locales/de.yml
+++ b/config/locales/de.yml
@@ -164,13 +164,13 @@ de:
private_user: "Anonymer Benutzer"
edited_by_user_at_timestamp: "Bearbeitet von [[user]] am [[timestamp]]"
- heading: "Object list"
- back: "Display object list"
+ heading: "Objektliste"
+ back: "Objektliste anzeigen"
node: "Knoten"
way: "Weg"
# There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers
- api: "Retrieve this area from the API"
+ api: "Diesen Bereich von der API abfragen"
details: "Details"
@@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ de:
way_history: "Wege-Chronik"
way_history_title: "Chronik des Wegs: {{way_name}}"
- download: "{{download_xml_link}} or {{view_details_link}}"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} oder {{view_details_link}}"
download_xml: "Download als XML"
view_details: "Detailseite anzeigen"
@@ -275,6 +275,7 @@ de:
login_to_leave_a_comment: "{{login_link}}, um einen Kommentar zu schreiben"
login: "Anmelden"
+ title: "Blogeintrag nicht gefunden"
heading: "Kein Blogeintrag mit der Nummer {{id}}"
body: "Wir konnten leider keinen Blogeintrag oder Kommentar mit der Nummer {{id}} finden. Du hast dich möglicherweise vertippt oder du bist einem ungültigem Link gefolgt."
@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@ de:
add_marker: "Markierung zur Karte hinzufügen"
latitude: "Breitengrad:"
longitude: "Längengrad:"
- output: "Output"
+ output: "Ausgabe"
paste_html: "HTML-Code kopieren, um ihn in eine Website einzufügen."
export_button: "Export"
@@ -334,7 +335,7 @@ de:
# in <%= t'trace.view.tags' %>
- <% if @trace.tags %>
+ <% unless @trace.tags.empty? %>
<% @trace.tags.each do |tag| %>
<%= link_to tag.tag, { :controller => 'trace', :action => 'list', :tag => tag.tag, :id => nil } %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
- <%= t'trace.view.none' %>
+ <%= t'trace.view.none' %>
<% end %>
h1: OpenStreetMap
- alt_text: OpenStreetMap logo
+ alt_text: OpenStreetMap Logo
welcome_user: "Willkommen, {{user_link}}"
welcome_user_link_tooltip: Eigene Benutzerseite
home: Standort
@@ -433,7 +434,7 @@ de:
the_wiki_url: ""
opengeodata: " ist das OpenStreetMap Blog; dort gibt es auch einen Podcast:"
wiki_signup: "Im Wiki von OpenStreetMap kannst du dich ebenfalls registrieren:"
- wiki_signup_url: ""
+ wiki_signup_url: ""
# next four translations are in pairs : please word wrap appropriately
user_wiki_1: "Es wird begrüÃt wenn du dort eine Benutzerseite erstellst, welche"
user_wiki_2: "einen Kategorie-Tag enthält der auf deinen Standort hinweist, zum Beispiel [[Category:Users_in_München]]."
@@ -567,15 +568,70 @@ de:
map_key: "Legende"
map_key_tooltip: "Legende für die Mapnik-Karte bei diesem Zoom-Level"
+ table:
+ heading: "Legende für Zoomstufe {{zoom_level}}"
+ entry:
+ motorway: "Autobahn"
+ trunk: "SchnellstraÃe"
+ primary: "BundesstraÃe"
+ secondary: "Landes-, KreisstraÃe"
+ unclassified: "StraÃe"
+ unsurfaced: "Unbefestigte StraÃe"
+ track: "Wald-, Feldweg"
+ byway: "Nebenweg"
+ bridleway: "Reitweg"
+ cycleway: "Fahrradweg"
+ footway: "Fussweg"
+ rail: "Eisenbahn"
+ subway: "U-Bahn"
+ tram: "StraÃenbahn, Stadtbahn"
+ cable: "Seilbahn"
+ runway: "Start-/Landebahn, Rollfeld"
+ apron: "Vorfeld, Flughafengebäude"
+ admin: "Landesgrenzen, sonstige Grenzen"
+ forest: "Forst"
+ wood: "Naturwald"
+ golf: "Golfplatz"
+ park: "Park"
+ resident: "Wohngebiet"
+ tourist: "Touristenattraktion"
+ common: "Wiese, Grünfläche"
+ retail: "Einkaufszentrum"
+ industrial: "Industriegebiet"
+ commercial: "Gewerbegebiet"
+ heathland: "Heide"
+ lake: "See, Stausee"
+ farm: "Landwirtschaft"
+ brownfield: "Brachland"
+ cemetery: "Friedhof"
+ allotments: "Kleingartenanlage"
+ pitch: "Sportfeld"
+ centre: "Sportzentum"
+ reserve: "Naturschutzgebiet"
+ military: "Militärgebiet"
+ school: "Schule, Universität"
+ building: "Besonderes Gebäude"
+ station: "Bahnhof"
+ summit: "Gipfel, Bergspitze"
+ tunnel: "Gestrichelter Rand = Tunnel"
+ bridge: "Dicker Rand = Brücke"
+ private: "Privater Zugang"
+ permissive: "Eingeschänkter Zugang"
+ destination: "Nur für Anrainer"
+ construction: "StraÃe im Bau"
upload_trace: "Lade einen GPS-Track hoch"
trace_uploaded: "Deine GPX-Datei wurde hochgeladen und wartet auf die Aufnahme in die Datenbank. Dies geschieht normalerweise innerhalb einer halben Stunde, anschlieÃend wird dir eine Bestätigungs-E-Mail gesendet."
+ title: "Track {{name}} bearbeiten"
+ heading: "Track {{name}} bearbeiten"
filename: "Dateiname:"
+ download: "herunterladen"
uploaded_at: "Hochgeladen am:"
points: "Punkte:"
start_coord: "Startkoordinate:"
+ map: "Karte"
edit: "bearbeiten"
owner: "Besitzer:"
description: "Beschreibung:"
@@ -590,6 +646,8 @@ de:
description: "Beschreibung"
tags: "Tags"
public: "Ãffentlich?"
+ public_help: "Was heiÃt das?"
+ public_help_url: ""
upload_button: "Hochladen"
help: "Hilfe"
help_url: ""
@@ -601,6 +659,8 @@ de:
tags: "Tags"
+ title: "Track {{name}} betrachten"
+ heading: "Track {{name}} betrachten"
pending: "WARTEND"
filename: "Dateiname:"
download: "herunterladen"
@@ -616,7 +676,6 @@ de:
make_public: "Mache diesen Track öffentlich"
edit_track: "Diesen Track bearbeiten"
delete_track: "Diesen Track löschen"
- viewing_trace: "Track {{name}} betrachten"
trace_not_found: "Track nicht gefunden!"
showing: "Zeige Seite"
diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml
index 2e7e6c2ec..a7d1b222c 100644
--- a/config/locales/en.yml
+++ b/config/locales/en.yml
@@ -273,6 +273,7 @@ en:
login: "Login"
save_button: "Save"
+ title: "No such diary entry"
heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}"
body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
@@ -565,15 +566,70 @@ en:
map_key: "Map key"
map_key_tooltip: "Map key for the mapnik rendering at this zoom level"
+ table:
+ heading: "Legend for z{{zoom_level}}"
+ entry:
+ motorway: "Motorway"
+ trunk: "Trunk road"
+ primary: "Primary road"
+ secondary: "Secondary road"
+ unclassified: "Unclassified road"
+ unsurfaced: "Unsurfaced road"
+ track: "Track"
+ byway: "Byway"
+ bridleway: "Bridleway"
+ cycleway: "Cycleway"
+ footway: "Footway"
+ rail: "Railway"
+ subway: "Subway"
+ tram: "Light rail; tram"
+ cable: "Cable car; chair lift"
+ runway: "Airport Runway; taxiway"
+ apron: "Airport apron; terminal"
+ admin: "Administrative boundary"
+ forest: "Forest"
+ wood: "Wood"
+ golf: "Golf course"
+ park: "Park"
+ resident: "Residential area"
+ tourist: "Tourist attraction"
+ common: "Common; meadow"
+ retail: "Retail area"
+ industrial: "Industrial area"
+ commercial: "Commercial area"
+ heathland: "Heathland"
+ lake: "Lake; reservoir"
+ farm: "Farm"
+ brownfield: "Brownfield site"
+ cemetery: "Cemetery"
+ allotments: "Allotments"
+ pitch: "Sports pitch"
+ centre: "Sports centre"
+ reserve: "Nature reserve"
+ military: "Military area"
+ school: "School; university"
+ building: "Significant building"
+ station: "Railway station"
+ summit: "Summit; peak"
+ tunnel: "Dashed casing = tunnel"
+ bridge: "Black casing = bridge"
+ private: "Private access"
+ permissive: "Permissive access"
+ destination: "Destination access"
+ construction: "Roads under construction"
upload_trace: "Upload GPS Trace"
trace_uploaded: "Your GPX file has been uploaded and is awaiting insertion in to the database. This will usually happen within half an hour, and an email will be sent to you on completion."
+ title: "Editing trace {{name}}"
+ heading: "Editing trace {{name}}"
filename: "Filename:"
+ download: "download"
uploaded_at: "Uploaded at:"
points: "Points:"
start_coord: "Start coordinate:"
+ map: "map"
edit: "edit"
owner: "Owner:"
description: "Description:"
@@ -588,6 +644,8 @@ en:
description: "Description"
tags: "Tags"
public: "Public?"
+ public_help: "what does this mean?"
+ public_help_url: ""
upload_button: "Upload"
help: "Help"
help_url: ""
@@ -599,6 +657,8 @@ en:
tags: "Tags"
+ title: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
+ heading: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
pending: "PENDING"
filename: "Filename:"
download: "download"
@@ -614,7 +674,6 @@ en:
make_public: "Make this track public permanently"
edit_track: "Edit this track"
delete_track: "Delete this track"
- viewing_trace: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "Trace not found!"
showing: "Showing page"
diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml
index d0a1d28d1..1cc6fa404 100644
--- a/config/locales/es.yml
+++ b/config/locales/es.yml
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@ es:
in_changeset: "En el conjunto de cambios:"
relation: "Relación {{relation_name}}"
- relation_as: "(como {{relacion_role}})"
+ relation_as: "(como {{relation_role}})"
loading: "Cargando..."
deleted: "Borrado"
@@ -551,7 +551,7 @@ es:
make_public: "Hacer esta traza pública de forma permanente"
edit_track: "Editar esta traza"
delete_track: "Borrar esta traza"
- viewing_trace: "Viendo traza {{name}}"
+ heading: "Viendo traza {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "¡No se ha encontrado la traza!"
showing: "Mostrando página"
diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml
index 57e238396..94c496029 100644
--- a/config/locales/he.yml
+++ b/config/locales/he.yml
@@ -488,7 +488,7 @@ he:
make_public: "Make this track public permanently"
edit_track: "Edit this track"
delete_track: "Delete this track"
- viewing_trace: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
+ heading: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "Trace not found!"
showing: "Showing page"
diff --git a/config/locales/hi.yml b/config/locales/hi.yml
index 93b565892..ee2c5ef28 100644
--- a/config/locales/hi.yml
+++ b/config/locales/hi.yml
@@ -552,7 +552,7 @@ hi:
make_public: "Make this track public permanently"
edit_track: "Edit this track"
delete_track: "Delete this track"
- viewing_trace: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
+ heading: "Viewing trace {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "Trace not found!"
showing: "Showing page"
diff --git a/config/locales/is.yml b/config/locales/is.yml
index 38f07ebfb..5de75c96c 100644
--- a/config/locales/is.yml
+++ b/config/locales/is.yml
@@ -59,14 +59,14 @@ is:
latitude: "Latitude"
longitude: "Longitude"
public: "Public"
- description: "Description"
+ description: "Lýsing"
sender: "Sender"
title: "Title"
body: "Body"
recipient: "Recipient"
- email: "Tölvupóstfang"
+ email: "Netfang"
active: "Active"
display_name: "Display Name"
description: "Description"
@@ -291,8 +291,9 @@ is:
login: "Innskráðu þig"
save_button: "Vista"
- heading: "No entry with the id: {{id}}"
- body: "Sorry, there is no diary entry or comment with the id {{id}}. Please check your spelling, or maybe the link you clicked is wrong."
+ title: "Ãessi bloggfærsla er ekki til"
+ heading: "Bloggfærsla númer {{id}} er ekki til"
+ body: "Bloggfærsla númer er ekki til {{id}}. Kannski slóstu slóðina vitlaust inn eða fylgdir ógildum tengli."
title: "Notandi ekki til"
heading: "Notandinn {{user}} er ekki til"
@@ -436,7 +437,7 @@ is:
loaded successfully with {{trace_points}} out of a possible
{{possible_points}} points.
- subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Staðfestu tölvupóstfangið þitt"
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Staðfestu netfangið þitt"
greeting: "Hi there!"
hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at"
@@ -468,26 +469,26 @@ is:
user_wiki_page: 'It is recommended that you create a user wiki page, which includes category tags noting where you are, such as [[Category:Users_in_London]].'
current_user: 'A list of current users in categories, based on where in the world they are, is available from Category:Users_by_geographical_region.'
- subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Staðfestu tölvupóstfangið þitt"
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Staðfestu netfangið þitt"
greeting: "Hæ,"
- hopefully_you_1: "Einhver (vonandi þú) vill breyta tölvupóstfanginu sÃnu á"
+ hopefully_you_1: "Einhver (vonandi þú) vill breyta netfanginu sÃnu á"
hopefully_you_2: "{{server_url}} Ã {{new_address}}."
click_the_link: "Ef þú óskaðir eftir þessari breytingu fylgdu tenglinum hér fyrir neðan til að staðfesta breytinguna."
greeting: "Hi,"
- hopefully_you: "Einhver (vonandi þú) vill breyta tölvupóstfanginu sÃnu á {{server_url}} à {{new_address}}."
+ hopefully_you: "Einhver (vonandi þú) vill breyta netfanginu sÃnu á {{server_url}} à {{new_address}}."
click_the_link: "Ef þú óskaðir eftir þessari breytingu fylgdu tenglinum hér fyrir neðan til að staðfesta breytinguna."
subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Beðni um að endurstilla lykilorð"
greeting: "Hæ,"
hopefully_you_1: "Einhver (vonandi þú) hefur beðið um að endurstilla lykilorðið á reikningnum"
- hopefully_you_2: "með þetta tölvupóstfang á"
+ hopefully_you_2: "með þetta netfang á"
click_the_link: "Ef þú óskaðir eftir þessari endurstillingu fylgdu tenglinum hér fyrir neðan til að staðfesta breytinguna."
greeting: "Hæ,"
- hopefully_you: "Einhver (vonandi þú) hefur beðið um að endurstilla lykilorðið á reikningnum með þetta tölvupóstfang á"
+ hopefully_you: "Einhver (vonandi þú) hefur beðið um að endurstilla lykilorðið á reikningnum með þetta netfang á"
click_the_link: "Ef þú óskaðir eftir þessari endurstillingu fylgdu tenglinum hér fyrir neðan til að staðfesta breytinguna."
subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Lykilorði breytt"
@@ -506,14 +507,14 @@ is:
from: "Frá"
subject: "Titill"
date: "Dagsetning"
- no_messages_yet: "You have no messages yet. Why not get in touch with some of the {{people_mapping_nearby_link}}?"
- people_mapping_nearby: "people mapping nearby"
+ no_messages_yet: "Ãú hefur ekki fengið nein skilboð. Hvà ekki að hafa samband við einhverja {{people_mapping_nearby_link}}?"
+ people_mapping_nearby: "nálæga notendur"
unread_button: "Merkja sem ólesin"
read_button: "Merkja sem lesin"
reply_button: "Svara"
- title: "Send message"
+ title: "Senda skilaboð"
send_message_to: "Senda skilaboð til {{name}}"
subject: "Titill"
body: "Texti"
@@ -588,15 +589,20 @@ is:
upload_trace: "Upphala GPS feril"
trace_uploaded: "Búið er að hlaða upp GPS ferlinum og bÃður hann núna eftir þvà að vera settur inn à gagnagrunninn, sem gerist yfirleitt innan stundar. Póstur verður sendur á netfangið þitt þegar þvà er lokið."
- filename: "Filename:"
- uploaded_at: "Uploaded at:"
- points: "Points:"
- start_coord: "Start coordinate:"
- edit: "edit"
- owner: "Owner:"
+ title: "Breyti ferlinum {{name}}"
+ heading: "Breyti ferlinum {{name}}"
+ filename: "Skráanafn:"
+ download: "niðurhala"
+ uploaded_at: "Hlaðið upp:"
+ points: "Punktar:"
+ start_coord: "Byrjunarhnit:"
+ map: "kort"
+ edit: "breyta"
+ owner: "Eigandi:"
description: "Lýsing:"
tags: "Tögg:"
- save_button: "Save Changes"
+ editing_trace: "Breyti ferlinum {{name}}"
+ save_button: "Vista breytingar"
title: "Notandi ekki til"
heading: "Notandinn {{user}} er ekki til"
@@ -606,6 +612,8 @@ is:
description: "Lýsing"
tags: "Tögg"
public: "Sjáanleg öðrum?"
+ public_help: "Hvað þýðir þetta?"
+ public_help_url: ""
upload_button: "Upphala"
help: "Hjálp"
help_url: ""
@@ -617,22 +625,23 @@ is:
tags: "Tögg"
+ title: "Skoða ferilinn {{name}}"
+ heading: "Skoða ferilinn {{name}}"
pending: "Ã BIÃ"
filename: "Skráarnafn:"
download: "niðurhala"
uploaded: "Hlaðið upp:"
- points: "Points:"
+ points: "Punktar:"
start_coordinates: "Byrjunarhnit:"
map: "kort"
edit: "breyta"
owner: "Eigandi:"
description: "Lýsing:"
tags: "Tögg"
- none: "None"
+ none: "engin"
make_public: "Gera þennan feril sjáanlegan öðrum til frambúðar"
edit_track: "Breyta"
delete_track: "Eyða"
- viewing_trace: "Skoða ferilinn {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "Ãessi ferill fannst ekki!"
showing: "Sýni sÃðu"
@@ -660,13 +669,28 @@ is:
scheduled_for_deletion: "Ãessum feril verður eitt"
made_public: "Ferilinn var gerður sjáanlegur"
+ oauth:
+ client_application:
+ request_access: "The application {{app_name}} is requesting access to your account. Please check whether you would like the application to have the following capabilities. You may choose as many or as few as you like."
+ allow_to: "Allow the client application to:"
+ allow_read_prefs: "read your user preferences."
+ allow_write_prefs: "modify your user preferences."
+ allow_write_diary: "create diary entries, comments and make friends."
+ allow_write_api: "modify the map."
+ allow_read_gpx: "read your private GPS traces."
+ allow_write_gpx: "upload GPS traces."
+ token:
+ none: "You have not authorised any clients to act on your behalf. You do not have to do anything now to authorise them, as they will ask for authorisation when they need it. After that time you can return here to revoke those permissions if you do not want the clients to have your authorisation any more."
+ application: "Application"
+ issued: "Issued"
+ revoke: "Revoke!"
title: "Innskrá"
heading: "Innskrá"
please login: "Vinsamlegast innskráðu þig eða {{create_user_link}}."
create_account: "stofnaðu aðgang"
- email or username: "Tölvupóstfang eða notandanafn: "
+ email or username: "Netfang eða notandanafn: "
password: "Lykilorð: "
lost password link: "Gleymt lykilorð?"
login_button: "Innskrá"
@@ -675,10 +699,10 @@ is:
title: "gleymt lykilorð"
heading: "Gleymt lykilorð?"
- email address: "Tölvupóstfang:"
- new password button: "Senda nýtt lykilorð með tölvupósti"
+ email address: "Netfang:"
+ new password button: "Senda nýtt lykilorð á netfangið þitt"
notice email on way: "Nýtt lykilorð er á leiðinni à innhólfið þitt."
- notice email cannot find: "Ãetta tölvupóstfang fannst ekki."
+ notice email cannot find: "Ãetta netfang fannst ekki."
title: "lykilorð endurstillt"
flash changed check mail: "Nýtt lykilorð hefur verið búið til fyrir þig og sent til þÃn à pósti"
@@ -686,13 +710,13 @@ is:
title: "Nýskrá"
heading: "Nýskrá"
- no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically."
- contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. '
- fill_form: "Filltu út þetta form og við munum senda þér tölvupóst svo þú getir virkjað reikninginn þinn."
+ no_auto_account_create: "Ãvà miður getum við eki búið til reikning fyrir þig sjálfkrafa."
+ contact_webmaster: 'Hafðu samband við vefstjóra til að fá reikning búinn til.'
+ fill_form: "Filltu út þetta form og við munum senda þér póst svo þú getir virkjað reikninginn þinn."
license_agreement: 'Með þvà að búa til reikning samþykkiru að öll framlög þÃn til verkefnisins falli undir Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (BY-SA) leyfið.'
- email address: "Tölvupóstfang: "
- confirm email address: "Staðfestu tölvupóstfang: "
- not displayed publicly: 'Ekki sýnt opinberlega (sjá meðferð persónuupplýsinga)'
+ email address: "Netfang: "
+ confirm email address: "Staðfestu netfang: "
+ not displayed publicly: 'Ekki sýnt opinberlega (sjá meðferð persónuupplýsinga)'
display name: "Sýnilegt nafn: "
password: "Lykilorð: "
confirm password: "Staðfestu lykilorðið: "
@@ -715,7 +739,7 @@ is:
remove as friend: fjarlægja sem vin
add as friend: bæta við sem vin
mapper since: "Notandi sÃðan: "
- ago: "({{time_in_words_ago}} ago)"
+ ago: "({{time_in_words_ago}} sÃðan)"
user image heading: Notandamynd
delete image: Eyða myndinni
upload an image: Upphala mynd
@@ -732,8 +756,8 @@ is:
no nearby users: "Engir notendur hafa stillt staðsetningu sÃna nálægt þér."
change your settings: "breyttu stillingunum þÃnum"
- your location: Your location
- nearby mapper: "Nearby mapper: "
+ your location: ÃÃn staðsetning
+ nearby mapper: "Nálægur notandi: "
title: "Stillingar"
my settings: MÃnar stillingar
@@ -757,6 +781,12 @@ is:
return to profile: "Aftur á mÃna sÃðu"
flash update success confirm needed: "User information updated successfully. Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address."
flash update success: "Stillingarnar þÃnar voru uppfærðar."
+ my apps: "My client applications"
+ developers: "Application Developers"
+ dev_intro: "Have you written an application which you would like to register to make {{link}} requests to the OpenStreetMap server?"
+ register_app: "Register your application"
+ apps_registered: "You have the following client applications registered:"
+ register_another_app: "Register another application"
heading: "Staðfesta notanda"
press confirm button: "Hér getur þú staðfest að þú viljir búa til notanda.."
@@ -764,13 +794,13 @@ is:
success: "Notandinn þinn hefur verið staðfestur."
failure: "Notandi hefur þegar verið staðfestur með þessum lykli."
- heading: "Staðfesta breytingu á tölvupóstfangi"
- press confirm button: "Hér getur þú staðfest breytingu á tölvupóstfangi."
+ heading: "Staðfesta breytingu á netfangi"
+ press confirm button: "Hér getur þú staðfest breytingu á netfangi."
button: "Staðfesta"
- success: "Tölvupóstfangið þitt hefur verið staðfest."
- failure: "Tölvupóstfanga hefur þegar verið staðfest með þessum lykli."
+ success: "Netfangið þitt hefur verið staðfest."
+ failure: "Netfang hefur þegar verið staðfest með þessum lykli."
- flash success: "Home location saved successfully"
+ flash success: "Staðsetning þÃn hefur verið stillt"
flash success: "All your edits are now public, and you are now allowed to edit."
diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml
index 869d467be..200a5aa2f 100644
--- a/config/locales/it.yml
+++ b/config/locales/it.yml
@@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ it:
make_public: "Rendi pubblico questo tracciato in modo permanente"
edit_track: "Modifica questo tracciato"
delete_track: "Elimina questo tracciato"
- viewing_trace: "Visualizzazione del tracciato {{name}}"
+ heading: "Visualizzazione del tracciato {{name}}"
trace_not_found: "Tracciato non trovato!"
showing: "Visualizzata la pagina"
diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..7f76c30b4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/config/locales/ja.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,770 @@
+ html:
+ dir: ltr
+ activerecord:
+ # Translates all the model names, which is used in error handling on the web site
+ models:
+ acl: "ã¢ã¯ã»ã¹å¶å¾¡ãªã¹ã"
+ changeset: "å¤æ´ã»ãã"
+ changeset_tag: "å¤æ´ã»ããã¿ã°"
+ country: "å½"
+ diary_comment: "æ¥è¨ã³ã¡ã³ã"
+ diary_entry: "æ¥è¨ã¨ã³ããªã¼"
+ friend: "åé"
+ language: "è¨èª"
+ message: "ã¡ãã»ã¼ã¸"
+ node: "ãã¼ã"
+ node_tag: "ãã¼ãã¿ã°"
+ notifier: "Notifier"
+ old_node: "å¤ããã¼ã"
+ old_node_tag: "å¤ããã¼ãã¿ã°"
+ old_relation: "å¤ãé¢é£"
+ old_relation_member: "å¤ãé¢é£ã®ã¡ã³ãã¼"
+ old_relation_tag: "å¤ãé¢é£ã®ã¿ã°"
+ old_way: "å¤ãã¦ã¨ã¤"
+ old_way_node: "å¤ãã¦ã¨ã¤ã®ãã¼ã"
+ old_way_tag: "å¤ãã¦ã¨ã¤ã®ã¿ã°"
+ relation: "é¢é£"
+ relation_member: "é¢é£ã®ã¡ã³ãã¼"
+ relation_tag: "é¢é£ã®ã¿ã°"
+ session: "ã»ãã·ã§ã³"
+ trace: "ãã¬ã¼ã¹"
+ tracepoint: "ãã¬ã¼ã¹ãã¤ã³ã"
+ tracetag: "ãã¬ã¼ã¹ã¿ã°"
+ user: "ã¦ã¼ã¶"
+ user_preference: "ã¦ã¼ã¶è¨å®"
+ user_token: "ã¦ã¼ã¶ãã¼ã¯ã³"
+ way: "ã¦ã¨ã¤"
+ way_node: "ã¦ã¨ã¤ã®ãã¼ã"
+ way_tag: "ã¦ã¨ã¤ã®ã¿ã°"
+ # Translates all the model attributes, which is used in error handling on the web site
+ # Only the ones that are used on the web site are translated at the moment
+ attributes:
+ diary_comment:
+ body: "æ¬æ"
+ diary_entry:
+ user: "ã¦ã¼ã¶"
+ title: "ã¿ã¤ãã«"
+ latitude: "緯度"
+ longitude: "çµåº¦"
+ language: "è¨èª"
+ friend:
+ user: "ã¦ã¼ã¶"
+ friend: "åé"
+ trace:
+ user: "ã¦ã¼ã¶"
+ visible: "表示"
+ name: "åå"
+ size: "ãµã¤ãº"
+ latitude: "緯度"
+ longitude: "çµåº¦"
+ public: "å
+ description: "説æ"
+ message:
+ sender: "éä¿¡è
+ title: "ã¿ã¤ãã«"
+ body: "æ¬æ"
+ recipient: "åä¿¡è
+ user:
+ email: "é»åã¡ã¼ã«"
+ active: "ã¢ã¯ãã£ã"
+ display_name: "表示å"
+ description: "説æ"
+ languages: "è¨èª"
+ pass_crypt: "ãã¹ã¯ã¼ã"
+ map:
+ view: "表示"
+ edit: "ç·¨é"
+ coordinates: "座æ¨:"
+ browse:
+ changeset:
+ title: "å¤æ´ã»ãã"
+ changeset: "å¤æ´ã»ãã:"
+ download: "ãã¦ã³ãã¼ã{{changeset_xml_link}} or {{osmchange_xml_link}}"
+ changesetxml: "å¤æ´ã»ããXML"
+ osmchangexml: "osmå¤æ´XML"
+ changeset_details:
+ created_at: "ä½ææ¥æ:"
+ closed_at: "å®äºæ¥æ:"
+ belongs_to: "ã¦ã¼ã¶:"
+ bounding_box: "å¢çå²ã¿:"
+ no_bounding_box: "ãã®å¤æ´ã»ããã«å¢çå²ã¿ã¯æ ¼ç´ããªãã"
+ show_area_box: "é åç¯å²è¡¨ç¤º"
+ box: "box"
+ has_nodes: "以ä¸ã® {{count}} ãã¼ãã§æ§æããã¦ãã¾ã:"
+ has_ways: "以ä¸ã® {{count}} ã¦ã§ã¤ã§æ§æããã¦ãã¾ã:"
+ has_relations: "Has the following {{count}} relations:"
+ common_details:
+ edited_at: "ç·¨éæ¥:"
+ edited_by: "ç·¨éè
+ version: "ãã¼ã¸ã§ã³:"
+ in_changeset: "å¤æ´ã»ãã:"
+ containing_relation:
+ relation: "é¢é£ {{relation_name}}"
+ relation_as: "(as {{relation_role}})"
+ map:
+ loading: "ãã¼ãä¸..."
+ deleted: "åé¤æ¸ã¿"
+ view_larger_map: "大ããªãããã表示"
+ node_details:
+ coordinates: "座æ¨: "
+ part_of: "Part of:"
+ node_history:
+ node_history: "ãã¼ãã®å±¥æ´"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} ã¾ã㯠{{view_details_link}}"
+ download_xml: "XMLãã¦ã³ãã¼ã"
+ view_details: "詳細表示"
+ node:
+ node: "ãã¼ã"
+ node_title: "ãã¼ã: {{node_name}}"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} or {{view_history_link}}"
+ download_xml: "XMLããã¦ã³ãã¼ã"
+ view_history: "å±¥æ´è¡¨ç¤º"
+ not_found:
+ sorry: "ID {{id}} ã® {{type}} ã¯è¦ã¤ããã¾ããã"
+ type:
+ node: "ãã¼ã"
+ way: "ã¦ã¨ã¤"
+ relation: "é¢é£"
+ paging_nav:
+ showing_page: "ãã¼ã¸è¡¨ç¤º"
+ of: "of"
+ relation_details:
+ members: "ã¡ã³ãã¼:"
+ part_of: "Part of:"
+ relation_history:
+ relation_history: "é¢é£ã®å±¥æ´"
+ relation_history_title: "é¢é£ã®å±¥æ´: {{relation_name}}"
+ relation_member:
+ as: "as"
+ relation:
+ relation: "é¢é£"
+ relation_title: "é¢é£: {{relation_name}}"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} ã¾ã㯠{{view_history_link}}"
+ download_xml: "XMLã®ãã¦ã³ãã¼ã"
+ view_history: "å±¥æ´è¡¨ç¤º"
+ start:
+ view_data: "ç¾å¨ã®ãããã®ãã¼ã¿ã表示"
+ manually_select: "éãã¨ãªã¢ãæåã§é¸æ"
+ start_rjs:
+ data_layer_name: "ãã¼ã¿"
+ data_frame_title: "ãã¼ã¿"
+ zoom_or_select: "ãºã¼ã ã¢ãããããã表示ããé åãé¸æ"
+ drag_a_box: "ããã¯ã¹ããããã«ãã©ãã°ãã¦é åãé¸æ"
+ manually_select: "éãé åãæåã§é¸æ"
+ loaded_an_area_with_num_features: "[[num_features]]åã®å°ç©ãå«ãé åãèªã¿è¾¼ã¿ã¾ãããä¸è¬ã«ãä¸é¨ã®ãã©ã¦ã¶ã¼ã§ã¯ããã®éã®ãã¼ã¿è¡¨ç¤ºããã¾ãå¦çã§ããªããã¨ãããããã§ããé常ããã©ã¦ã¶ã¯ä¸åº¦ã«100æªæºã®å°ç©ã表示ãããã¨ããããã§ã: ä½ãããã¨ããã©ã¦ã¶ãé
ããªã£ãããåå¿ããªããªã£ãããã¾ããããã§ãããã®ãã¼ã¿ã表示ããããªãã°ã以ä¸ã®ãã¿ã³ãã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ load_data: "ãã¼ã¿ã®èªã¿è¾¼ã¿"
+ unable_to_load_size: "èªã¿è¾¼ã¿ã§ãã¾ãã: å¢çå²ã¿ã®ãµã¤ãº [[bbox_size]]ã大ãããã¾ãã({{max_bbox_size}}ããå°ããå¿
+ loading: "èªã¿è¾¼ã¿ä¸..."
+ show_history: "å±¥æ´è¡¨ç¤º"
+ wait: "ãå¾
ã¡ãã ãã..."
+ history_for_feature: "[[feature]]ã®å±¥æ´"
+ details: "詳細"
+ private_user: "private user"
+ edited_by_user_at_timestamp: "[[user]]ã«ãã[[timestamp]]æç¹ã®ç·¨é"
+ object_list:
+ heading: "ãªãã¸ã§ã¯ãä¸è¦§"
+ back: "ãªãã¸ã§ã¯ãä¸è¦§è¡¨ç¤º"
+ type:
+ node: "ãã¼ã"
+ way: "ã¦ã¨ã¤"
+ # There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers
+ api: "APIãããã®é åãåãè¾¼ã¿"
+ details: "詳細"
+ selected:
+ type:
+ node: "ãã¼ã [[id]]"
+ way: "ã¦ã¨ã¤ [[id]]"
+ # There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers
+ history:
+ type:
+ node: "ãã¼ã [[id]]"
+ way: "ã¦ã¨ã¤ [[id]]"
+ # There's no 'relation' type because it isn't represented in OpenLayers
+ tag_details:
+ tags: "ã¿ã°:"
+ way_details:
+ nodes: "ãã¼ã:"
+ part_of: "å¤æ´ã»ãã:"
+ also_part_of:
+ one: "ã¦ã§ã¤ {{related_ways}} ã®ä¸é¨ã§ã"
+ other: "ã¦ã§ã¤ {{related_ways}} ã®ä¸é¨ã§ã"
+ way_history:
+ way_history: "ã¦ã¨ã¤ã®å±¥æ´"
+ way_history_title: "ã¦ã¨ã¤ã®å±¥æ´: {{way_name}}"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} ã¾ã㯠{{view_details_link}}"
+ download_xml: "XMLãã¦ã³ãã¼ã"
+ view_details: "詳細表示"
+ way:
+ way: "ã¦ã¨ã¤"
+ way_title: "ã¦ã¨ã¤: {{way_name}}"
+ download: "{{download_xml_link}} ã¾ã㯠{{view_history_link}}"
+ download_xml: "XMLãã¦ã³ãã¼ã"
+ view_history: "å±¥æ´è¡¨ç¤º"
+ changeset:
+ changeset_paging_nav:
+ showing_page: "ãã¼ã¸è¡¨ç¤º"
+ of: "of"
+ changeset:
+ still_editing: "ï¼ã¾ã ç·¨éä¸ã§ãï¼"
+ anonymous: "å¿å"
+ no_comment: "ï¼ã³ã¡ã³ããããã¾ããï¼"
+ no_edits: "ï¼ç·¨éãããã¾ããï¼"
+ show_area_box: "é åå¢çã表示"
+ big_area: "ï¼å¤§ï¼"
+ view_changeset_details: "å¤æ´ã»ããã®è©³ç´°è¡¨ç¤º"
+ more: "詳細"
+ changesets:
+ id: "ID"
+ saved_at: "ä¿åæ¥æ"
+ user: "ã¦ã¼ã¶"
+ comment: "ã³ã¡ã³ã"
+ area: "é å"
+ list_bbox:
+ history: "å±¥æ´"
+ changesets_within_the_area: "é åå
+ show_area_box: "é åå²ã¿ã®è¡¨ç¤º"
+ no_changesets: "å¤æ´ã»ãããªã"
+ all_changes_everywhere: "å
¨ä½ã§ã®å¤æ´ã¯ {{recent_changes_link}} ãåç
§ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ recent_changes: "ææ°ã®å¤æ´"
+ no_area_specified: "é åã®æå®ãªã"
+ first_use_view: "ã¾ã {{view_tab_link}} ã使ã£ã¦è©³ç´°ãè¦ããç¯å²ããã£ã¨æ¡å¤§ãã¦ããå±¥æ´ã¿ããã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ view_the_map: "å°å³è¡¨ç¤º"
+ view_tab: "ã¿ã表示"
+ alternatively_view: "ãããã¯ãå
¨ã¦ã® {{recent_changes_link}}ã表示"
+ list:
+ recent_changes: "ææ°ã®å¤æ´"
+ recently_edited_changesets: "æè¿ç·¨éãããå¤æ´ã»ãã:"
+ for_more_changesets: "ããã«å¤æ´ã»ããã観ãã«ã¯ãã¦ã¼ã¶ãé¸æãã¦ããã®ã¦ã¼ã¶ã®ç·¨éå±¥æ´ãã¿ãããå ´æãæå®ãã¦ç·¨éã®'å±¥æ´'ãã¿ãããã«ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ list_user:
+ edits_by_username: "{{username_link}} ã«ããå¤æ´"
+ no_visible_edits_by: "{{name}} ã«ããç·¨éã¯ããã¾ãã"
+ for_all_changes: "å
¨ã¦ã®ã¦ã¼ã¶ã«ããå¤æ´ã¯ {{recent_changes_link}} ãåç
§ãã¦ãã ãã"
+ recent_changes: "æè¿ã®å¤æ´"
+ diary_entry:
+ new:
+ title: "æ°ããæ¥è¨ã®å
+ list:
+ title: "ã¦ã¼ã¶ã®æ¥è¨"
+ user_title: "{{user}} ã®æ¥è¨"
+ in_language_title: " {{language}} ã§ã®æ¥è¨å
+ new: "æ°è¦æ¥è¨å
+ new_title: "ããªãã®æ¥è¨ã«æ°è¦é
+ no_entries: "æ¥è¨ã®é
+ recent_entries: "ææ°ã®æ¥è¨é
ç®: "
+ older_entries: "å¤ãé
+ newer_entries: "æ°ããé
+ edit:
+ title: "æ¥è¨ã®ç·¨é"
+ subject: "ã¿ã¤ãã«: "
+ body: "æ¬æ: "
+ language: "è¨èª: "
+ location: "å°å: "
+ latitude: "緯度: "
+ longitude: "çµåº¦: "
+ use_map_link: "å°å³ã§æå®ãã"
+ save_button: "ä¿å"
+ marker_text: "æ¥è¨ã®ãã±ã¼ã·ã§ã³"
+ view:
+ title: "ã¦ã¼ã¶æ¥è¨ | {{user}}"
+ user_title: "{{user}} ã®æ¥è¨"
+ leave_a_comment: "ã³ã¡ã³ããæ¸ãã¦ãã ãã"
+ login_to_leave_a_comment: "ã³ã¡ã³ããæ¸ãã«ã¯{{login_link}}ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ login: "ãã°ã¤ã³"
+ save_button: "ä¿å"
+ no_such_entry:
+ heading: "ID {{id}} ã«ã³ã¡ã³ãã¯ã¾ã ããã¾ããã"
+ body: "ID ã {{id}} ã®ã³ã¡ã³ããæ¥è¨ã¯åå¨ãã¾ãããURLã«ã¹ãã«ãã¹ãç¡ãã確èªããã¦ãã ããããããã¯ãªã³ã¯å
+ no_such_user:
+ title: "ã¦ã¼ã¶ãåå¨ãã¾ããã"
+ heading: "{{user}} ã¨ããã¦ã¼ã¶ã¯åå¨ãã¾ããã"
+ body: "{{user}} ã¨ããååã®ã¦ã¼ã¶ã¯åå¨ãã¾ãããã¹ãã«ã確èªãã¦ãã ããããããã¯ãªã³ã¯å
+ diary_entry:
+ posted_by: "{{link_user}} ã«ãã {{created}}ï¼{{language_link}}ï¼ã®æ稿ã"
+ comment_link: "ãã®ã¨ã³ããªã¸ã®ã³ã¡ã³ã"
+ reply_link: Reply to this entry
+ comment_count:
+ one: "ï¼ã³ã¡ã³ã"
+ other: "{{count}} ã³ã¡ã³ã"
+ edit_link: "ãã®è¨äºã®ç·¨é"
+ diary_comment:
+ comment_from: "{{comment_created_at}} {{link_user}} ããã®ã³ã¡ã³ã "
+ export:
+ start:
+ area_to_export: "ã¨ã¯ã¹ãã¼ãããç¯å²"
+ manually_select: "å¥ã®é åãæå®ãã"
+ format_to_export: "ã¨ã¯ã¹ãã¼ããããã¡ã¤ã«å½¢å¼"
+ osm_xml_data: "OSM XMLãã¼ã¿"
+ mapnik_image: "Mapnik ç»å"
+ osmarender_image: "Osmarender ç»å"
+ embeddable_html: "åãè¾¼ã¿HTML"
+ licence: "ã©ã¤ã»ã³ã¹"
+ export_details: 'OpenStreetMap ã®ãã¼ã¿ã¯ ã¯ãªã¨ã¤ãã£ãã³ã¢ã³ãº 表示-ç¶æ¿ 2.0 (Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0).ã«ãã£ã¦æä¾ããã¦ãã¾ãã'
+ options: "ãªãã·ã§ã³"
+ format: "ãã¡ã¤ã«å½¢å¼"
+ scale: "縮尺"
+ max: "æ大"
+ image_size: "ç»åãµã¤ãº"
+ zoom: "ãºã¼ã "
+ add_marker: "å°å³ã«ãã¼ã«ã¼ã追å ãã"
+ latitude: "緯度:"
+ longitude: "çµåº¦:"
+ output: "åºå"
+ paste_html: "以ä¸ã® HTML ãããªãã®ãµã¤ãã«åãè¾¼ãã§ãã ãã"
+ export_button: "åºå"
+ start_rjs:
+ export: "åºå"
+ drag_a_box: "æå®ãããç¯å²ã§ãã¦ã¹ããã©ãã°ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ manually_select: "å¥ã®ç¯å²ãæå®ãã"
+ click_add_marker: "ãã¼ã«ã¼ã追å ããä½ç½®ãã¯ãªãã¯ãã¦ãã ããã"
+ change_marker: "ãã¼ã«ã¼ã®ä½ç½®ãå¤æ´ãã"
+ add_marker: "ãã¼ã«ã¼ãå°å³ã«è¿½å ãã"
+ view_larger_map: "大ããªå°å³ã表示..."
+ geocoder:
+ results:
+ results: "çµæ"
+ type_from_source: "{{source_link}}ããã®{{type}}"
+ no_results: "è¦ã¤ããã¾ããã§ããã"
+ layouts:
+ project_name:
+ # in
+ h1: OpenStreetMap
+ logo:
+ alt_text: "OpenStreetMap ãã´"
+ welcome_user: "{{user_link}} ãããããããã"
+ welcome_user_link_tooltip: "ããªãã®å人ãã¼ã¸"
+ home: "ãã¼ã "
+ home_tooltip: "ãã¼ã ã¸æ»ã"
+ inbox: "åä¿¡ç®± ({{count}})"
+ inbox_tooltip:
+ zero: "åä¿¡ç®±ã«æªèªã¡ãã»ã¼ã¸ã¯ããã¾ãã"
+ one: "åä¿¡ç®±ã«ã¯ï¼éã®æªèªã¡ãã»ã¼ã¸ãããã¾ã"
+ other: "åä¿¡ç®±ã«ã¯ {{count}} éã®æªèªã¡ãã»ã¼ã¸ãããã¾ã"
+ logout: "ãã°ã¢ã¦ã"
+ logout_tooltip: "ãã°ã¢ã¦ã"
+ log_in: "ãã°ã¤ã³"
+ log_in_tooltip: "èªåã®ã¢ã«ã¦ã³ãã§ãã°ã¤ã³ãã"
+ sign_up: "ç»é²"
+ sign_up_tooltip: "ç·¨éã§ããã¢ã«ã¦ã³ããä½æãã"
+ view: "é²è¦§"
+ view_tooltip: "å°å³ãè¦ã"
+ edit: "ç·¨é"
+ edit_tooltip: "å°å³ãç·¨éãã"
+ history: "å±¥æ´"
+ history_tooltip: "å¤æ´ã»ããã®å±¥æ´"
+ export: "ã¨ã¯ã¹ãã¼ã"
+ export_tooltip: "å°å³ãã¼ã¿ã®ã¨ã¯ã¹ãã¼ã"
+ gps_traces: "GPS ãã¬ã¼ã¹"
+ gps_traces_tooltip: "ãã¬ã¼ã¹ã®ç®¡ç"
+ user_diaries: "ã¦ã¼ã¶ã®æ¥è¨"
+ user_diaries_tooltip: "ã¦ã¼ã¶ã®æ¥è¨ãè¦ã"
+ tag_line: The Free Wiki World Map
+ intro_1: "OpenStreetMap ã¯èªç±ã«ç·¨éã§ããä¸çå°å³ã§ããããªãã®ãããªäººã
+ intro_2: "OpenStreetMap ã¯å°çä¸ã®èª°ã§ããã©ãããã§ããã®å
+ intro_3: "OpenStreetMap 㯠{{ucl}} 㨠{{bytemark}}.ã«ãã£ã¦ãã¹ãã£ã³ã°ããã¦ãã¾ãã"
+ intro_3_ucl: "ã¦ãã´ã¡ã¼ã·ãã£ã»ã«ã¬ãã¸ã»ãã³ãã³ (UCL) VR ã»ã³ã¿ã¼"
+ intro_3_bytemark: "bytemark"
+ osm_offline: "OpenStreetMap ã®ãã¼ã¿ãã¼ã¹ã¯ã¡ã³ããã³ã¹ã®ããä¸æçã«åæ¢ãã¦ãã¾ãã"
+ osm_read_only: "OpenStreetMap ã®ãã¼ã¿ãã¼ã¹ã¯ã¡ã³ããã³ã¹ã®ããä¸æçã«èªã¿è¾¼ã¿å°ç¨ã¢ã¼ãã«ãªã£ã¦ãã¾ãã"
+ donate: "Support OpenStreetMap by {{link}} to the Hardware Upgrade Fund."
+ donate_link_text: "å¯ä»"
+ help_wiki: "ãã«ã㨠Wiki"
+ help_wiki_tooltip: "ããã¸ã§ã¯ãã®ãã«ã㨠Wiki"
+ help_wiki_url: ""
+ news_blog: "ãã¥ã¼ã¹ããã°"
+ news_blog_tooltip: "OpenStreetMap ã«é¢ãããã¥ã¼ã¹ããã°ãfree geographical data, etc."
+ shop: åº
+ shop_tooltip: "OpenStreetMap ãã©ã³ãã®åºè"
+ shop_url:
+ sotm: '2009 OpenStreetMapã«ã³ãã¡ã¬ã³ã¹ã¸è¡ããï¼ The State of the Map,ã¢ã ã¹ãã«ãã ã«ã¦ï¼æ10-12æ¥éå¬!'
+ alt_donation: "å¯ä»"
+ notifier:
+ # ã¡ã¼ã«é¢ä¿ã¯ãæåã³ã¼ãã®åé¡ãããããã翻訳ã«ã¯æ
+ diary_comment_notification:
+ # subjectã®ã¨ã³ã³ã¼ãã£ã³ã°ã¯ISO-2022-JP/MIME/Q-ENCODINGã ããã³ã¼ãå¤æãããï¼
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} commented on your diary entry"
+ #bodyã®ã¨ã³ã³ã¼ãã£ã³ã°ã¯UTF-8ã§OKã ããMIMEè¨å®ã¯ãããï¼
+ banner1: "* Please do not reply to this email. *"
+ banner2: "* Use the OpenStreetMap web site to reply. *"
+ hi: "Hi {{to_user}},"
+ header: "{{from_user}} has commented on your recent OpenStreetMap diary entry with the subject {{subject}}:"
+ footer: "You can also read the comment at {{readurl}} and you can comment at {{commenturl}} or reply at {{replyurl}}"
+ message_notification:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} sent you a new message"
+ banner1: "* Please do not reply to this email. *"
+ banner2: "* Use the OpenStreetMap web site to reply. *"
+ hi: "Hi {{to_user}},"
+ header: "{{from_user}} has sent you a message through OpenStreetMap with the subject {{subject}}:"
+ footer1: "You can also read the message at {{readurl}}"
+ footer2: "and you can reply at {{replyurl}}"
+ friend_notification:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] {{user}} added you as a friend"
+ had_added_you: "{{user}} has added you as a friend on OpenStreetMap."
+ see_their_profile: "You can see their profile at {{userurl}} and add them as a friend too if you wish."
+ gpx_notification:
+ greeting: "Hi,"
+ your_gpx_file: "It looks like your GPX file"
+ with_description: "with the description"
+ and_the_tags: "and the following tags:"
+ and_no_tags: "and no tags."
+ failure:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import failure"
+ failed_to_import: "failed to import. Here's the error:"
+ more_info_1: "More information about GPX import failures and how to avoid"
+ more_info_2: "them can be found at:"
+ import_failures_url: ""
+ success:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] GPX Import success"
+ loaded_successfully: |
+ loaded successfully with {{trace_points}} out of a possible
+ {{possible_points}} points.
+ signup_confirm:
+ subject: "[OpenStreetMap] Confirm your email address"
+ signup_confirm_plain:
+ greeting: "Hi there!"
+ hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at"
+ # next two translations run-on : please word wrap appropriately
+ click_the_link_1: "If this is you, welcome! Please click the link below to confirm your"
+ click_the_link_2: "account and read on for more information about OpenStreetMap."
+ introductory_video: "You can watch an introductory video to OpenStreetMap here:"
+ more_videos: "There are more videos here:"
+ the_wiki: "Get reading about OpenStreetMap on the wiki:"
+ the_wiki_url: ""
+ opengeodata: " is OpenStreetMap's blog, and it has podcasts too:"
+ wiki_signup: "You may also want to sign up to the OpenStreetMap wiki at:"
+ wiki_signup_url: ""
+ # next four translations are in pairs : please word wrap appropriately
+ user_wiki_1: "It is recommended that you create a user wiki page, which includes"
+ user_wiki_2: "category tags noting where you are, such as [[Category:Users_in_London]]."
+ current_user_1: "A list of current users in categories, based on where in the world"
+ current_user_2: "they are, is available from:"
+ signup_confirm_html:
+ greeting: "Hi there!"
+ hopefully_you: "Someone (hopefully you) would like to create an account over at"
+ click_the_link: "If this is you, welcome! Please click the link below to confirm that account and read on for more information about OpenStreetMap"
+ introductory_video: "You can watch an {{introductory_video_link}}."
+ video_to_openstreetmap: "introductory video to OpenStreetMap"
+ more_videos: "There are {{more_videos_link}}."
+ more_videos_here: "more videos here"
+ get_reading: 'Get reading about OpenStreetMap on the wiki
The OpenStreetMap server encountered an unexpected condition that prevented it from fulfilling the request (HTTP 500)
Feel free to contact the OpenStreetMap community if your problem persists. Make a note of the exact URL / post data of your request.
-This may be a problem in our Ruby On Rails code. 500 ocurrs with exceptions thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code)
+This may be a problem in our Ruby On Rails code. 500 occurs with exceptions thrown outside of an action (like in Dispatcher setups or broken Ruby code)