From: Ævar Arnfjörð Bjarmason Date: Sun, 20 Sep 2009 10:10:12 +0000 (+0000) Subject: Translatewiki doesn't support trailing whitespace in messages. So if X-Git-Tag: live~7592 X-Git-Url: Translatewiki doesn't support trailing whitespace in messages. So if we want to move to it (without hacking it) we're going to have to eliminate those. I compiled a list of them and I'm removing trailing whitespace from those messages where the whitespace was a no-op. Mostly cases like "foo bar" or "

foo \n

" These are the commands I ran to remove them: perl -pi -e 's[( )(coordinates:)(\s*)"(.*?) "$][$1$2$3"$4"]g' *yml perl -pi -e 's[( )(subject:|language:|location:|latitude:|latitude:|longitude:|coordinates:)(\s*)"(.*?) "$][$1$2$3"$4"]g' *yml perl -pi -e 's[( )(recent_entries:)(\s*)"(.*?) "$][$1$2$3"$4"]g' *yml perl -pi -e 's[( )(home location:|latitude:|longitude:|preferred languages:|profile description:|)(\s*)"(.*?) "$][$1$2$3"$4"]g' *yml perl -pi -e 's[^( )(heading:)(\s*)"(.*?) "$][$1$2$3"$4"]g' *yml perl -pi -e 's[^( )(email or username:|password:|confirm email address:|display name:|email address:|confirm password:|nearby users:)(\s*)"(.*?) "$][$1$2$3"$4"]g' *yml perl -pi -e 's[( contact_webmaster:\s*)\x27(.*?) \x27][$1\x27$2\x27]' *yml --- diff --git a/config/locales/be.yml b/config/locales/be.yml index 43c9aa095..fca226eb2 100644 --- a/config/locales/be.yml +++ b/config/locales/be.yml @@ -102,7 +102,7 @@ be: deleted: "Выдалены" view_larger_map: "Прагледзець большую карту" node_details: - coordinates: "Каардынаты: " + coordinates: "Каардынаты:" part_of: "Частка:" node_history: node_history: "Гісторыя вузла" @@ -242,17 +242,17 @@ be: new: Новы запіс дзённіку new_title: Новы запіс для вашага дзённіку no_entries: Няма запісаў - recent_entries: "Нядаўнія запісы ў дзённіку: " + recent_entries: "Нядаўнія запісы ў дзённіку:" older_entries: Старэйшыя запісы newer_entries: Навейшыя запісы edit: title: "Змяніць запіс дзённіку" - subject: "Тэма: " - body: "Цела: " - language: "Мова: " - location: "Месца: " - latitude: "Шырата: " - longitude: "Даўгата: " + subject: "Тэма:" + body: "Цела:" + language: "Мова:" + location: "Месца:" + latitude: "Шырата:" + longitude: "Даўгата:" use_map_link: "карыстацца картай" save_button: "Запісаць" marker_text: Месцазнаходжанне запісу дзённіку @@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ be: heading: "Уваход" please login: "Калі ласка, увайдзіце ці {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "стварыце рахунак" - email or username: "Пошта ці імя карыстальніка: " - password: "Пароль: " + email or username: "Пошта ці імя карыстальніка:" + password: "Пароль:" lost password link: "Згубліл пароль?" login_button: "Увайсці" account not active: "Прабачце, ваш рахунак пакуль не актывізаваны.
Калі ласка, націсніце на адпаведную спасылку ў лісце пацверджання рахунку, каб актывізаваць яго." @@ -654,15 +654,15 @@ be: title: "Стварыць рахунак" heading: "Стварыць рахунак карыстальніка" no_auto_account_create: "На жаль, мы не можам стварыць для вас рахунак аўтаматычна." - contact_webmaster: 'Калі ласка, спішыцеся з вэм-майстрам каб стварыць вам рахунак - мы паспрабуем выдаць вам рахунак як мага хутчэй. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Калі ласка, спішыцеся з вэм-майстрам каб стварыць вам рахунак - мы паспрабуем выдаць вам рахунак як мага хутчэй.' fill_form: "Запоўніце форму, і мы вышлем вам ліст для актывізацыі рахунка." license_agreement: 'Ствараючы рахунак, вы згаджаецеся, што ўсё, што вы зацягнеце на і ўсе дадзеныя, створаныя пры выкарыстанні любой утыліты, што звязваецца з будуць ліцэнзіравацца (невыключна) на ўмовах гэтай ліцэнзіі Creative Commons (by-sa).' - email address: "Паштовы адрас: " - confirm email address: "Пацверджанне паштовага адрасу: " + email address: "Паштовы адрас:" + confirm email address: "Пацверджанне паштовага адрасу:" not displayed publicly: 'Не паказваецца астатнім (глядзіце палітыку неразглашэння)' - display name: "Бачнае імя: " - password: "Пароль: " - confirm password: "Пацверджанне паролю: " + display name: "Бачнае імя:" + password: "Пароль:" + confirm password: "Пацверджанне паролю:" signup: Зарэгістравацца flash create success message: "Карыстальнік паспяхова створаны. Праверце сваю паштовую скрыню - у ёй павыінен быць код пацверджання, і вы зможаце пачаць маляваць наваі зараз! :-)

Калі ласка, заўважце, што вы не можаце увайсці, пакуль вы не пацвердзілі свой паштовы адрас.

Калі вы карыстаецеся супрацьспамавай сістэмай, якая рассылае запыты на пацверджанне, калі ласка, унясіце ў белы спіс, бо мы не можам адказваць на запыты пацверджанняў." no_such_user: @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ be: your friends: Вашыя сябры no friends: Вы пакуль не дадалі нікога ў сябры. km away: "{{count}} км ад вас" - nearby users: "Карыстальнікі непадалёку: " + nearby users: "Карыстальнікі непадалёку:" no nearby users: "Пакуль няма карыстальнікаў, што адмецілі сваё месцазнаходжанне непадалёку." change your settings: змяніць вашыя настаўленні friend_map: @@ -706,18 +706,18 @@ be: my settings: Мае настаўленні email never displayed publicly: "(ніколі нікому не паказваецца)" public editing: - heading: "Публічнае рэдагаванне: " + heading: "Публічнае рэдагаванне:" enabled: "Уключана. Вы - не ананімны і можаце рэдагаваць дадзеныя." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "што гэта?" disabled: "Адключана. Вы не можаце больш рэдагаваць, але ўсе ранейшыя змены ананімныя." disabled link text: "чаму я не магу рэдагаваць?" - profile description: "Апісанне профілю: " - preferred languages: "Абраныя мовы: " - home location: "Ваша месцазнаходжанне: " + profile description: "Апісанне профілю:" + preferred languages: "Абраныя мовы:" + home location: "Ваша месцазнаходжанне:" no home location: "Вы не выбралі вашае асноўнае месцазнаходжанне." - latitude: "Шырата: " - longitude: "Даўгата: " + latitude: "Шырата:" + longitude: "Даўгата:" update home location on click: "Абнавіць каардэнаты, калі я пстрыкну па карце?" save changes button: Запісаць змены make edits public button: Зрабіць усе мае змены публічнымі diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml index 9d66c986e..f06e986e1 100644 --- a/config/locales/de.yml +++ b/config/locales/de.yml @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ de: way: "Weg auf größerer Karte" relation: "Relation auf größerer Karte" node_details: - coordinates: "Koordinaten: " + coordinates: "Koordinaten:" part_of: "Teil von:" node_history: node_history: "Knoten-Chronik" @@ -281,17 +281,17 @@ de: new: Selbst Bloggen new_title: Blogeintrag erstellen no_entries: Dieser Benutzer hat noch kein Blog - recent_entries: "Neuste Einträge: " + recent_entries: "Neuste Einträge:" older_entries: Ältere newer_entries: Neuere edit: title: "Eintrag bearbeiten" - subject: "Betreff: " - body: "Text: " - language: "Sprache: " - location: "Ort: " - latitude: "Breitengrad: " - longitude: "Längengrad: " + subject: "Betreff:" + body: "Text:" + language: "Sprache:" + location: "Ort:" + latitude: "Breitengrad:" + longitude: "Längengrad:" use_map_link: "Karte anzeigen" save_button: "Speichern" marker_text: Ort des Eintrags @@ -869,8 +869,8 @@ de: heading: "Anmelden" please login: "Bitte melde dich an oder {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "erstelle ein Benutzerkonto" - email or username: "E-Mail-Adresse oder Benutzername: " - password: "Passwort: " + email or username: "E-Mail-Adresse oder Benutzername:" + password: "Passwort:" lost password link: "Passwort vergessen?" login_button: "Anmelden" account not active: "Leider ist dein Benutzerkonto noch nicht aktiv.
Bitte aktivierte dein Benutzerkonto, indem du auf den Link in deiner Bestätigungs-E-Mail klickst." @@ -885,8 +885,8 @@ de: reset_password: title: "Passwort zurücksetzen" heading: "Reset Password for {{user}}" - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" reset: "Reset Password" flash changed: "Your password has been changed." flash token bad: "Wir konnten dieses Kürzel leider nicht finden. Du hast dich möglicherweise vertippt oder du bist einem ungültigem Link gefolgt." @@ -894,15 +894,15 @@ de: title: "Benutzerkonto erstellen" heading: "Ein Benutzerkonto erstellen" no_auto_account_create: "Im Moment ist das automatische Erstellen eines Benutzerkontos leider nicht möglich." - contact_webmaster: 'Bitte kontaktiere den Webmaster um ein Benutzerkonto erstellt zu bekommen - wir werden die Anfrage so schnell wie möglich bearbeiten. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Bitte kontaktiere den Webmaster um ein Benutzerkonto erstellt zu bekommen - wir werden die Anfrage so schnell wie möglich bearbeiten.' fill_form: "Fülle das Formular aus und dir wird eine kurze E-Mail zur Aktivierung deines Benutzerkontos geschickt." license_agreement: 'Mit der Erstellung des Benutzerkontos stimmst du zu, dass alle Daten, die du zum OpenStreetMap-Projekt beiträgst, (nicht exklusiv) unter dieser Creative Commons Lizenz (by-sa) lizenziert werden.' - email address: "E-Mail-Adresse: " - confirm email address: "Bestätige deine E-Mail-Adresse: " + email address: "E-Mail-Adresse:" + confirm email address: "Bestätige deine E-Mail-Adresse:" not displayed publicly: 'Nicht öffentlich sichtbar (Datenschutzrichtlinie)' - display name: "Benutzername: " - password: "Passwort: " - confirm password: "Passwort bestätigen: " + display name: "Benutzername:" + password: "Passwort:" + confirm password: "Passwort bestätigen:" signup: Registrieren flash create success message: "Benutzerkonto wurde erfolgreich erstellt. Ein Bestätigungslink wurde dir per E-Mail zugesendet, bitte bestätige diesen und du kannst mit dem Mappen beginnen.

Du kannst dich nicht einloggen bevor du deine E-Mail-Adresse mit dem Bestätigungslink bestätigt hast.

Falls du einen Spam-Blocker nutzt, der Bestätigungsanfragen sendet, dann setze bitte auf deine Whitelist, weil wir auf keine Bestätigungsanfrage antworten können." no_such_user: @@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ de: no friends: Du hast bis jetzt keine Freunde hinzugefügt. km away: "{{count}}km entfernt" m away: "{{count}}m entfernt" - nearby users: "Benutzer in der Nähe: " + nearby users: "Benutzer in der Nähe:" no nearby users: "Es gibt bisher keine Benutzer, die einen Standort in deiner Nähe angegeben haben." change your settings: Ändere deine Einstellungen my_oauth_details: "View my OAuth details" @@ -948,18 +948,18 @@ de: my settings: Eigene Einstellungen email never displayed publicly: "(nicht öffentlich sichtbar)" public editing: - heading: "Öffentliches Bearbeiten: " + heading: "Öffentliches Bearbeiten:" enabled: "Aktiviert. Nicht anonym, bearbeiten der Kartendaten möglich." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "Was ist das?" disabled: "Deaktiviert, bearbeiten von Daten nicht möglich, alle bisherigen Bearbeitungen sind anonym." disabled link text: "Warum kann ich nichts bearbeiten?" - profile description: "Profil-Beschreibung: " - preferred languages: "Bevorzugte Sprachen: " - home location: "Standort: " + profile description: "Profil-Beschreibung:" + preferred languages: "Bevorzugte Sprachen:" + home location: "Standort:" no home location: "Du hast noch keinen Standort angegeben." - latitude: "Breitengrad: " - longitude: "Längengrad: " + latitude: "Breitengrad:" + longitude: "Längengrad:" update home location on click: "Standort bei Klick auf die Karte aktualisieren?" save changes button: Speichere Änderungen make edits public button: Alle meine Bearbeitungen öffentlich machen diff --git a/config/locales/en.yml b/config/locales/en.yml index f774b4598..b606566f7 100644 --- a/config/locales/en.yml +++ b/config/locales/en.yml @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ en: way: "View way on larger map" relation: "View relation on larger map" node_details: - coordinates: "Coordinates: " + coordinates: "Coordinates:" part_of: "Part of:" node_history: node_history: "Node History" @@ -283,17 +283,17 @@ en: new: New Diary Entry new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries - recent_entries: "Recent diary entries: " + recent_entries: "Recent diary entries:" older_entries: Older Entries newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "Edit diary entry" - subject: "Subject: " - body: "Body: " - language: "Language: " - location: "Location: " - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + subject: "Subject:" + body: "Body:" + language: "Language:" + location: "Location:" + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" use_map_link: "use map" save_button: "Save" marker_text: Diary entry location @@ -871,8 +871,8 @@ en: heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" - email or username: "Email Address or Username: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Email Address or Username:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.
Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account." @@ -887,8 +887,8 @@ en: reset_password: title: "Reset password" heading: "Reset Password for {{user}}" - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" reset: "Reset Password" flash changed: "Your password has been changed." flash token bad: "Didn't find that token, check the URL maybe?" @@ -896,15 +896,15 @@ en: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." - contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' - email address: "Email Address: " - confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " + email address: "Email Address:" + confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' - display name: "Display Name: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + display name: "Display Name:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: @@ -938,7 +938,7 @@ en: no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" m away: "{{count}}m away" - nearby users: "Nearby users: " + nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings my_oauth_details: "View my OAuth details" @@ -950,18 +950,18 @@ en: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: - heading: "Public editing: " + heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" - profile description: "Profile Description: " - preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " - home location: "Home Location: " + profile description: "Profile Description:" + preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" + home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index f56ea29a0..37584329e 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ fr: please login: "Veuillez vous connecter ou {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "Créer un compte" email or username: "Adresse e-mail ou nom d'utilisateur :" - password: "Mot de passe: " + password: "Mot de passe:" lost password link: "Vous avez perdu votre mot de passe ?" login_button: "Se connecter" lost_password: @@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ fr: contact_webmaster: "Veuillez contacter le webmaster pour qu'il vous crée un compte - nous essaierons de traiter votre demande le plus rapidement possible." fill_form: "Remplissez le formulaire et nous vous enverrons un e-mail pour activer votre compte." license_agreement: "En créant un compte, vous acceptez que tout le travail envoyé sur et toutes les données créées par l'utilisation d'outils qui se connectent à soient sous la licence (non exclusive) Creative Commons license (by-sa)." - email address: "Adresse e-mail : " - confirm email address: "Confirmer l'adresse e-mail : " + email address: "Adresse e-mail :" + confirm email address: "Confirmer l'adresse e-mail :" not displayed publicly : 'Non affichée publiquement (voir notre charte sur la confidentialité)' - display name: "Nom affiché : " - password: "Mot de passe : " - confirm password: "Confirmer le mot de passe : " + display name: "Nom affiché :" + password: "Mot de passe :" + confirm password: "Confirmer le mot de passe :" signup: "S'inscrire" flash create success message: "L'utilisateur a été créé avec succès. Vérifier votre e-mail de confirmation, et vous serez prêt à mapper dans peu de temps :-)

Veuillez noter que vous ne serez pas capable de vous connecter tant que vous n'aurez pas recu le mail de confirmation et confirmé votre e-mail.

Si vous utilisez un logiciel anti-spam qui envoie des requêtes de confirmation, veuillez mettre dans votre liste blanche car nous sommes incapables de répondre à ces e-mails." no_such_user: @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ fr: your friends: "Vos amis" no friends: "Vous n'avez pas encore ajouté d'ami" km away: "{{count}} km" - nearby users: "Utilisateurs proches de vous : " + nearby users: "Utilisateurs proches de vous :" no nearby users: "Il n'y a pas encore d'utilisateur à proximité." change your settings: "modifiez vos options" friend_map: @@ -230,17 +230,17 @@ fr: my settings: "Mes options" email never displayed publicly: "(jamais affiché publiquement)" public editing: - heading: "Édition publique : " + heading: "Édition publique :" enabled: "Activé. Non anonyme et peut éditer les données." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "Qu'est-ce que c'est ?" disabled: "Désactivé et ne peut pas éditer les données ; toutes les précédentes éditions sont anonymes." disabled link text: "pourquoi ne puis-je pas éditer ?" - profile description: "Description du profil : " - home location: "Emplacement du domicile : " + profile description: "Description du profil :" + home location: "Emplacement du domicile :" no home location: "Vous n'avez pas indiqué l'emplacement de votre domicile." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Mettre a jour l'emplacement de votre domicile quand vous cliquez sur la carte ?" save changes button: "Sauvegarder les changements" make edits public button: "Rendre toutes mes éditions publiques" diff --git a/config/locales/gcf.yml b/config/locales/gcf.yml index 0d0ee700b..0e18de903 100644 --- a/config/locales/gcf.yml +++ b/config/locales/gcf.yml @@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ gcf: please login: "Konectéw souplé ouben {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "Kréyé kont aw" email or username: "Adres imél ouben nom itilizaté aw :" - password: "Kòd aw: " + password: "Kòd aw:" lost password link: "Ou pèd kòd aw?" login_button: "Konektéw" lost_password: @@ -185,12 +185,12 @@ gcf: contact_webmaster: "Kontakté mèt web la pou y ouvè an kont baw - nou ké éséyé travay pli vit posib." fill_form: "Ranpli fòmilè la aprè sa nou ké voyé an imél pou activé kont aw." license_agreement: "Lè ou ka kréyé kont aw, ou ka aksepté kè tout travay aw voyé asi evè tout doné kréyé èvè zouti konekté asi asi lisans (y pa esklisif) Creative Commons license (by-sa)." - email address: "Adres imél : " - confirm email address: "konfimé adres imél : " + email address: "Adres imél :" + confirm email address: "konfimé adres imél :" not displayed publicly : 'Sa pa vizib piblikman (Ay vwèprencip an nou asi konfidansialité)' - display name: "Non aw afiché : " - password: "Kòd : " - confirm password: "Konfirmé kòd aw: " + display name: "Non aw afiché :" + password: "Kòd :" + confirm password: "Konfirmé kòd aw:" signup: "Enskriw" flash create success message: "Itilizatè bien kréyé. Ay gadé imél konfirmasion, ou kay pé travay asi kat la adan on ti moman:-)

Ou pé ké pé konektéw si ou pa konfirmé imél aw apré ou risivrè imél konfirmasion.

Si ou ka itilizé on lojiciel kont spanm ka voyé kestion pou konfirmé si sé on moun aw, mété adan list a moun aw adres la sa: paskè nou pé pa réponn tou sé imél la sa." no_such_user: @@ -220,7 +220,7 @@ gcf: your friends: "Kanmarad aw" no friends: "Ou poko ni pon zanmi" km away: "{{count}} km" - nearby users: "Itilizatè owa aw : " + nearby users: "Itilizatè owa aw :" no nearby users: "Ou poko ni itilizatè owa aw." change your settings: "Chanjé opsion aw" friend_map: @@ -230,17 +230,17 @@ gcf: my settings: "Mes options" email never displayed publicly: "(Pa janmen maké piblikman)" public editing: - heading: "Édision piblik: " + heading: "Édision piblik:" enabled: "Aktif. Y pa anonnim, y pé édité doné." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "Ka sa yé?" disabled: "Inaktif y pé pa édité doné ; tout édision pasé anonim." disabled link text: "Poukwa an pé pa édité?" - profile description: "Deskripsion a profil la : " - home location: "La ou ka rété : " + profile description: "Deskripsion a profil la :" + home location: "La ou ka rété :" no home location: "Ou po ko mèt la ou ka rété." - latitude: "Latitid: " - longitude: "Longitid: " + latitude: "Latitid:" + longitude: "Longitid:" update home location on click: "Eskè y fo modifié la ou ka rété lè ou ka kliké asi kat la?" save changes button: "Enrèjisré tout chanjman" make edits public button: "Mèt tou sa an fè piblik" diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml index 2aa7182a5..a065b4f20 100644 --- a/config/locales/he.yml +++ b/config/locales/he.yml @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ he: loading: "Loading..." deleted: "Deleted" node_details: - coordinates: "Coordinates: " + coordinates: "Coordinates:" part_of: "Part of:" node_history: node_history: "Node History" @@ -220,15 +220,15 @@ he: new: New Diary Entry new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries - recent_entries: "Recent diary entries: " + recent_entries: "Recent diary entries:" older_entries: Older Entries newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "Edit diary entry" - subject: "Subject: " - body: "Body: " + subject: "Subject:" + body: "Body:" language: ":שפה" - location: "Location: " + location: "Location:" latitude: ":קו רוחב" longitude: ":קו אורך" use_map_link: "use map" @@ -515,8 +515,8 @@ he: heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" - email or username: "Email Address or Username: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Email Address or Username:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.
Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account." @@ -536,15 +536,15 @@ he: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." - contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' - email address: "Email Address: " - confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " + email address: "Email Address:" + confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' - display name: "Display Name: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + display name: "Display Name:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: @@ -575,7 +575,7 @@ he: your friends: Your friends no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" - nearby users: "Nearby users: " + nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: @@ -586,15 +586,15 @@ he: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: - heading: "Public editing: " + heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" - profile description: "Profile Description: " - preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " - home location: "Home Location: " + profile description: "Profile Description:" + preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" + home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." latitude: ":קו רוחב" longitude: ":קו אורך" diff --git a/config/locales/hi.yml b/config/locales/hi.yml index 80e24320b..8f755950c 100644 --- a/config/locales/hi.yml +++ b/config/locales/hi.yml @@ -245,15 +245,15 @@ hi: new: "नई दैनिकी प्रविष्टि" new_title: "अपने दैनिकी मैं, एक नई प्रविष्टि लिखें" no_entries: "कोई दैनिकी प्रविष्टियों नहीं है" - recent_entries: "नई दैनिकी प्रविष्टियों: " + recent_entries: "नई दैनिकी प्रविष्टियों:" older_entries: "पुराने प्रविष्टियों" newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "दैनिकी प्रविष्टि संपादित करें" - subject: "विषय: " - body: "दैनिकी प्रविष्टि का शारीर: " - language: "भाषा: " - location: "स्थान: " + subject: "विषय:" + body: "दैनिकी प्रविष्टि का शारीर:" + language: "भाषा:" + location: "स्थान:" latitude: "अक्षांश" longitude: "देशांतर" use_map_link: "नक्शा का इस्तेमाल" @@ -571,8 +571,8 @@ hi: heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" - email or username: "Email Address or Username: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Email Address or Username:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.
Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account." @@ -592,15 +592,15 @@ hi: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." - contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' - email address: "Email Address: " - confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " + email address: "Email Address:" + confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' - display name: "Display Name: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + display name: "Display Name:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: @@ -631,7 +631,7 @@ hi: your friends: Your friends no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" - nearby users: "Nearby users: " + nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: @@ -642,18 +642,18 @@ hi: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: - heading: "Public editing: " + heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" - profile description: "Profile Description: " - preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " - home location: "Home Location: " + profile description: "Profile Description:" + preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" + home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public diff --git a/config/locales/hu.yml b/config/locales/hu.yml index 3d943b787..6b521b2f7 100644 --- a/config/locales/hu.yml +++ b/config/locales/hu.yml @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ hu: way: "Vonal megtekintése nagyobb térképen" relation: "Kapcsolat megtekintése nagyobb térképen" node_details: - coordinates: "Koordináták: " + coordinates: "Koordináták:" part_of: "Része:" node_history: node_history: "Pont története" @@ -281,17 +281,17 @@ hu: new: Új naplóbejegyzés new_title: Új naplóbejegyzés írása a felhasználói naplóba no_entries: Nincsenek naplóbejegyzések - recent_entries: "Legutóbbi naplóbejegyzések: " + recent_entries: "Legutóbbi naplóbejegyzések:" older_entries: Régebbi bejegyzések newer_entries: Újabb bejegyzések edit: title: "Naplóbejegyzés szerkesztése" - subject: "Tárgy: " - body: "Szöveg: " - language: "Nyelv: " - location: "Hely: " - latitude: "Földrajzi szélesség: " - longitude: "Földrajzi hosszúság: " + subject: "Tárgy:" + body: "Szöveg:" + language: "Nyelv:" + location: "Hely:" + latitude: "Földrajzi szélesség:" + longitude: "Földrajzi hosszúság:" use_map_link: "térkép használata" save_button: "Mentés" marker_text: Naplóbejegyzés helye @@ -869,8 +869,8 @@ hu: heading: "Bejelentkezés" please login: "Jelentkezz be, vagy {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "hozz létre egy új felhasználói fiókot" - email or username: "E-mail cím vagy felhasználónév: " - password: "Jelszó: " + email or username: "E-mail cím vagy felhasználónév:" + password: "Jelszó:" lost password link: "Elfelejtetted a jelszavad?" login_button: "Bejelentkezés" account not active: "Sajnálom, a felhasználói fiókod még nincs aktiválva.
Az aktiváláshoz, kattints a fiókodat megerősítő e-mailben lévő hivatkozásra." @@ -885,8 +885,8 @@ hu: reset_password: title: "Jelszó alaphelyzetbe állítása" heading: "{{user}} jelszavának alaphelyzetbe állítása" - password: "Jelszó: " - confirm password: "Jelszó megerősítése: " + password: "Jelszó:" + confirm password: "Jelszó megerősítése:" reset: "Jelszó alaphelyzetbe állítása" flash changed: "Jelszavad megváltozott." flash token bad: "Nem található ez az utalvány, ellenőrizd az URL-t." @@ -894,15 +894,15 @@ hu: title: "Felhasználói fiók létrehozása" heading: "Felhasználói fiók létrehozása" no_auto_account_create: "Sajnos jelenleg nem tudunk neked létrehozni automatikusan egy felhasználói fiókot." - contact_webmaster: 'Kérlek fordulj a webmesterhez (angolul), hogy lehetővé tegye felhasználói fiók létrehozását - mi igyekszünk olyan gyorsan foglalkozni a kéréssel, amilyen gyorsan csak lehet. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Kérlek fordulj a webmesterhez (angolul), hogy lehetővé tegye felhasználói fiók létrehozását - mi igyekszünk olyan gyorsan foglalkozni a kéréssel, amilyen gyorsan csak lehet.' fill_form: "Töltsd ki az űrlapot, és küldünk neked egy gyors e-mailt felhasználói fiókod aktiválásához." license_agreement: 'Felhasználói fiók létrehozásával vállalod, hogy az összes adatra, amivel hozzájárulsz az Openstreetmap projekthez, (nem kizárólagosan) ez a Creative Commons licenc (by-sa) vonatkozik.' - email address: "E-mail cím: " - confirm email address: "E-mail cím megerősítése: " + email address: "E-mail cím:" + confirm email address: "E-mail cím megerősítése:" not displayed publicly: 'Nem jelenik meg nyilvánosan (lásd adatvédelmi irányelvek)' - display name: "Megjelenítendő név: " - password: "Jelszó: " - confirm password: "Jelszó megerősítése: " + display name: "Megjelenítendő név:" + password: "Jelszó:" + confirm password: "Jelszó megerősítése:" signup: Regisztráció flash create success message: "A felhasználó sikeresen létrehozva. Nézd meg az e-mailjeidet a megerősítő levélhez, és pillanatokon belül szerkesztheted a térképet :-)

Felhívom a figyelmed, hogy addig nem tudsz bejelentkezni, amíg nem kaptad meg és nem erősítetted meg az e-mail címedet.

Ha olyan antispam rendszert használsz, ami megerősítő kérést küld, akkor bizonyosodj meg róla, hogy engedélyezőlistára tetted a címet, mivel mi nem tudunk válaszolni megerősítő kérésekre." no_such_user: @@ -936,7 +936,7 @@ hu: no friends: Még nem adtál meg egyetlen barátot sem. km away: "{{count}} km-re innen" m away: "{{count}} m-re innen" - nearby users: "Közeli felhasználók: " + nearby users: "Közeli felhasználók:" no nearby users: "Még nincsenek felhasználók, akik megadták, hogy a közelben szerkesztenek." change your settings: beállítások módosítása my_oauth_details: "OAuth részletek megtekintése" @@ -948,18 +948,18 @@ hu: my settings: Beállításaim email never displayed publicly: "(soha nem jelenik meg nyilvánosan)" public editing: - heading: "Nyilvános szerkesztés: " + heading: "Nyilvános szerkesztés:" enabled: "Engedélyezve. Nem vagy névtelen, így szerkesztheted az adatokat." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "mi ez?" disabled: "Tiltva, így nem szerkesztheted az adatokat, az összes eddigi szerkesztés névtelen." disabled link text: "miért nem tudok szerkeszteni?" - profile description: "Profil leírása: " - preferred languages: "Előnyben részesített nyelvek: " - home location: "Otthon: " + profile description: "Profil leírása:" + preferred languages: "Előnyben részesített nyelvek:" + home location: "Otthon:" no home location: "Nem adtad meg az otthonod helyét." - latitude: "Földrajzi szélesség: " - longitude: "Földrajzi hosszúság: " + latitude: "Földrajzi szélesség:" + longitude: "Földrajzi hosszúság:" update home location on click: "Otthon helyének frissítése, amikor a térképre kattintok?" save changes button: Módosítások mentése make edits public button: Szerkesztéseim nyilvánossá tétele diff --git a/config/locales/is.yml b/config/locales/is.yml index 23f716597..6ca39af7b 100644 --- a/config/locales/is.yml +++ b/config/locales/is.yml @@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ is: way: "Skoða þennan veg á stærra korti" relation: "Skoða þessi vensl á stærra korti" node_details: - coordinates: "Hnit: " + coordinates: "Hnit:" part_of: "Hluti af:" node_history: node_history: "Breytingarskrá hnúts" @@ -281,17 +281,17 @@ is: in_language_title: "Bloggfærslur á {{language}}" new_title: "Semja nýja færslu á bloggið þitt" no_entries: "Engar bloggfærslur" - recent_entries: "Nýlegar færslur: " + recent_entries: "Nýlegar færslur:" older_entries: "Eldri færslur" newer_entries: "Nýrri færslur" edit: title: "Breyta bloggfærslu" - subject: "Titill: " - body: "Texti: " - language: "Tungumál: " - location: "Staðsetning: " - latitude: "Lengdargráða: " - longitude: "Breiddargráða: " + subject: "Titill:" + body: "Texti:" + language: "Tungumál:" + location: "Staðsetning:" + latitude: "Lengdargráða:" + longitude: "Breiddargráða:" use_map_link: "finna á korti" save_button: "Vista" marker_text: "Staðsetning bloggfærslu" @@ -795,8 +795,8 @@ is: heading: "Innskrá" please login: "Vinsamlegast innskráðu þig eða {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "stofnaðu aðgang" - email or username: "Netfang eða notandanafn: " - password: "Lykilorð: " + email or username: "Netfang eða notandanafn:" + password: "Lykilorð:" lost password link: "Gleymt lykilorð?" login_button: "Innskrá" account not active: "Þessi reikningur er ekki virkur.
Vinsamlegast smelltu á tengilinn í staðfestingarpóstinum sem þú fékkst til að virkja reikninginn." @@ -811,8 +811,8 @@ is: reset_password: title: "Lykilorð endurstillt" heading: "Endurstillti lykilorð fyrir notandann {{user}}" - password: "Lykilorð: " - confirm password: "Staðfestu lykilorð: " + password: "Lykilorð:" + confirm password: "Staðfestu lykilorð:" reset: "Endurstilla lykilorð" flash changed: "Lykilorðinu þínu hefur verið breytt" flash token bad: "Þessi leynistrengur fannst ekki, kannski er slóðin röng?" @@ -823,12 +823,12 @@ is: contact_webmaster: 'Hafðu samband við vefstjóra til að fá reikning búinn til.' fill_form: "Filltu út þetta form og við munum senda þér póst svo þú getir virkjað reikninginn þinn." license_agreement: 'Með því að búa til reikning samþykkiru að öll framlög þín til verkefnisins falli undir Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike (BY-SA) leyfið.' - email address: "Netfang: " - confirm email address: "Staðfestu netfang: " + email address: "Netfang:" + confirm email address: "Staðfestu netfang:" not displayed publicly: 'Ekki sýnt opinberlega (sjá meðferð persónuupplýsinga)' - display name: "Sýnilegt nafn: " - password: "Lykilorð: " - confirm password: "Staðfestu lykilorðið: " + display name: "Sýnilegt nafn:" + password: "Lykilorð:" + confirm password: "Staðfestu lykilorðið:" signup: "Nýskrá" flash create success message: "Nýr notandi var búinn til fyrir þig og staðfestingarpóstur sendur á netfangið sem þú gafst upp.

Þú muntu ekki geta innskráð þig fyrr en þú ert búin(n) að fylgja leiðbeiningunum í staðfestingarpóstinum.

Ef þú notar spamkerfi sem sendir staðfestingarbeðnir þegar það verður vart við nýja sendendur þarft þú að bæta á hvítlista. Það netfang getur ekki svarað staðfestingarbeiðnum." no_such_user: @@ -873,18 +873,18 @@ is: my settings: Mínar stillingar email never displayed publicly: "(aldrei sýnt opinberlega)" public editing: - heading: "Ónafngreindur notandi?: " + heading: "Ónafngreindur notandi?:" enabled: "Nei, nafngreindur og getur breytt gögnum." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "nánar" disabled: "Óvirkur og getur ekki breytt gögnum, allar fyrri breytingar eru ónafngreindar." disabled link text: "hví get ég ekki breytt neinu?" - profile description: "Lýsing á þér: " - preferred languages: "Viðmótstungumál: " - home location: "Staðsetning: " + profile description: "Lýsing á þér:" + preferred languages: "Viðmótstungumál:" + home location: "Staðsetning:" no home location: "Þú hefur ekki stillt staðsetningu þína." - latitude: "Lengdargráða: " - longitude: "Breiddargráða: " + latitude: "Lengdargráða:" + longitude: "Breiddargráða:" update home location on click: "Uppfæra staðsetninguna þegar ég smelli á kortið" save changes button: "Vista breytingar" make edits public button: "Gera allar breytingarnar mínar opinberar" diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml index 2a7a8275b..0c313599c 100644 --- a/config/locales/it.yml +++ b/config/locales/it.yml @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ it: loading: "Caricamento in corso..." deleted: "Eliminato" node_details: - coordinates: "Coordinate: " + coordinates: "Coordinate:" part_of: "Parte di:" node_history: node_history: "Storico del nodo" @@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ it: new: Nuova voce del diario new_title: Componi una nuova voce nel tuo diario-utente no_entries: Nessuna voce nel diario - recent_entries: "Voci del diario recenti: " + recent_entries: "Voci del diario recenti:" older_entries: Voci più vecchie newer_entries: Voci più recenti edit: title: "Modifica voce del diario" - subject: "Oggetto: " - body: "Corpo: " - language: "Lingua: " - location: "Luogo: " - latitude: "Latitudine: " - longitude: "Longitudine: " + subject: "Oggetto:" + body: "Corpo:" + language: "Lingua:" + location: "Luogo:" + latitude: "Latitudine:" + longitude: "Longitudine:" use_map_link: "utilizza mappa" save_button: "Salva" marker_text: Luogo della voce del diario @@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ it: heading: "Entra" please login: "Entra o {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "crea un profilo" - email or username: "Indirizzo email o nome utente: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Indirizzo email o nome utente:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Persa la password?" login_button: "Entra" account not active: "Spiacenti, il tuo profilo non è ancora attivo.
Clicca sul collegamento presente nell'email di conferma per attivare il tuo profilo." @@ -545,12 +545,12 @@ it: contact_webmaster: 'Si prega di contattare il webmaster affinchè faccia in modo di creare un profilo. Tenteremo di soddisfare la richiesta il più rapidamente possibile.' fill_form: "Riempi il modulo e noi ti invieremo velocemente una email per attivare il tuo profilo." license_agreement: 'Con la creazione di un profilo si accetta che tutto il lavoro caricato nel progetto Openstreetmap è da ritenersi (in modo non-esclusivo) rilasciato sotto questa licenza Creative Commons (by-sa).' - email address: "Indirizzo email: " - confirm email address: "Conferma indirizzo email: " + email address: "Indirizzo email:" + confirm email address: "Conferma indirizzo email:" not displayed publicly: 'Non visualizzato pubblicamente (vedi le norme sulla privacy)' - display name: "Nome visualizzato: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Conferma password: " + display name: "Nome visualizzato:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Conferma password:" signup: Iscrivi flash create success message: "L'utente è stato creato con successo. Controllare la propria email per conferma, e si sarà in grado di mappare immediatamente :-)

Si ricorda che non si sarà in grado di effettuare l'accesso finché non si sarà ricevuta e confermata la propria email.

Se si utilizza un sistema antispam che spedisce richieste di conferma allora assicurarsi di accreditare l'indirizzo altrimenti non siamo in grado di rispondere ad alcuna richiesta di conferma." no_such_user: @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ it: your friends: Amici personali no friends: Non ci sono ancora amici. km away: "distante {{count}} km" - nearby users: "Utenti nelle vicinanze: " + nearby users: "Utenti nelle vicinanze:" no nearby users: "Non c'è ancora alcun utente che ammette di mappare nelle vicinanze." change your settings: modifica le impostazioni personali friend_map: @@ -592,18 +592,18 @@ it: my settings: Impostazioni personali email never displayed publicly: "(mai visualizzato pubblicamente)" public editing: - heading: "Modifiche pubbliche: " + heading: "Modifiche pubbliche:" enabled: "Abilitate. Non anonimo con il permesso di modificare i dati." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "cos'è questo?" disabled: "Disabilitate senza il permesso di modificare i dati, tutte le modifiche precedenti sono anonime." disabled link text: "perché non posso modificare?" - profile description: "Descrizione del profilo: " - preferred languages: "Lingua preferita: " - home location: "Posizione: " + profile description: "Descrizione del profilo:" + preferred languages: "Lingua preferita:" + home location: "Posizione:" no home location: "Non si è inserita la propria posizione." - latitude: "Latitudine: " - longitude: "Longitudine: " + latitude: "Latitudine:" + longitude: "Longitudine:" update home location on click: "Aggiorna la posizione quando clicco sulla mapppa?" save changes button: Salva modifiche make edits public button: Rendi pubbliche tutte le mie modifiche diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml index e5e2fbdfe..5ad0260d7 100644 --- a/config/locales/ja.yml +++ b/config/locales/ja.yml @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ja: loading: "ロード中..." deleted: "削除済み" node_details: - coordinates: "座標: " + coordinates: "座標:" part_of: "Part of:" node_history: node_history: "ノードの履歴" @@ -247,17 +247,17 @@ ja: new: "新規日記入力" new_title: "あなたの日記に新規項目を作成" no_entries: "日記の項目がありません" - recent_entries: "最新の日記項目: " + recent_entries: "最新の日記項目:" older_entries: "古い項目" newer_entries: "新しい項目" edit: title: "日記の編集" - subject: "タイトル: " - body: "本文: " - language: "言語: " - location: "地域: " - latitude: "緯度: " - longitude: "経度: " + subject: "タイトル:" + body: "本文:" + language: "言語:" + location: "地域:" + latitude: "緯度:" + longitude: "経度:" use_map_link: "地図で指定する" save_button: "保存" marker_text: "日記のロケーション" @@ -645,8 +645,8 @@ ja: heading: "ログイン" please login: "ログインするか、{{create_user_link}}." create_account: "アカウント作成" - email or username: "電子メールアドレスかユーザ名: " - password: "パスワード: " + email or username: "電子メールアドレスかユーザ名:" + password: "パスワード:" lost password link: "パスワードを忘れましたか?" login_button: "ログイン" account not active: "申し訳ありません。あなたのアカウントはまだ有効ではありません。
アカウント確認メールに記載されている、アカウントを有効にするリンクをクリックしてください。" @@ -670,13 +670,13 @@ ja: fill_form: "以下のフォームを埋めてください。登録すると、あなたのアカウントを有効化するためにあなたにメールをお送りします。" license_agreement: 'アカウントを作成することで、あなたが にアップロードする全てのデータおよび作業内容、もしくは に接続するツールによる活動を全て非排他的な クリエイティブコモンズ 表示-継承 (Creative Commons by-sa) ライセンスで使用許諾した物と見なされます。' - email address: "電子メールアドレス: " - confirm email address: "メールアドレスの確認: " + email address: "電子メールアドレス:" + confirm email address: "メールアドレスの確認:" not displayed publicly: '公開されません。(詳細は プライバシーポリシーを御覧下さい)' - display name: "表示名: " - password: "パスワード: " - confirm password: "パスワードの再入力: " + display name: "表示名:" + password: "パスワード:" + confirm password: "パスワードの再入力:" signup: "登録" flash create success message: "ユーザ作成に成功しました。すぐに編集を開始するために電子メールを確認してアカウントを有効にしてください。


メールボックスでスパムフィルタを使っているときには からの確認メールを受信できるようホワイトリストを設定してください。" no_such_user: @@ -709,7 +709,7 @@ href="">クリエイティブコ your friends: "あなたの友達" no friends: あなたは誰も友達として登録していません。 km away: "距離 {{count}}km" - nearby users: "周辺のユーザ: " + nearby users: "周辺のユーザ:" no nearby users: "あなたの活動地域周辺にマッパーはいないようです。" change your settings: "設定を変更する" friend_map: @@ -720,18 +720,18 @@ href="">クリエイティブコ my settings: "私の設定" email never displayed publicly: "(公開しません)" public editing: - heading: "公開編集: " + heading: "公開編集:" enabled: "Enabled. 匿名ではなく、編集可能です。" enabled link: "" enabled link text: "これは何ですか?" disabled: "Disabled 編集できません。これまでの編集は全て匿名の物として扱われます。" disabled link text: "なぜ編集できないのですか?" - profile description: "ユーザ情報の詳細: " - preferred languages: "言語設定: " - home location: "活動地域: " + profile description: "ユーザ情報の詳細:" + preferred languages: "言語設定:" + home location: "活動地域:" no home location: "あなたはまだ活動地域を登録していません。" - latitude: "緯度: " - longitude: "経度: " + latitude: "緯度:" + longitude: "経度:" update home location on click: "クリックした地点をあなたの活動地域として登録を更新しますか?" save changes button: "変更を保存する" make edits public button: "私の編集を全て公開する" diff --git a/config/locales/ko.yml b/config/locales/ko.yml index 58a5ce343..833dbbf54 100644 --- a/config/locales/ko.yml +++ b/config/locales/ko.yml @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ ko: loading: "불러 오는 중..." deleted: "삭제됨" node_details: - coordinates: "좌표: " + coordinates: "좌표:" part_of: "Part of:" node_history: node_history: "노드 이력" @@ -247,17 +247,17 @@ ko: new: 새 일지 항목 new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries - recent_entries: "Recent diary entries: " + recent_entries: "Recent diary entries:" older_entries: 이전 항목들 newer_entries: 다음 항목들 edit: title: "일지 항목 수정" - subject: "제목: " - body: "내용: " - language: "언어: " - location: "위치: " - latitude: "위도: " - longitude: "경도: " + subject: "제목:" + body: "내용:" + language: "언어:" + location: "위치:" + latitude: "위도:" + longitude: "경도:" use_map_link: "지도 사용" save_button: "저장" marker_text: 일지 항목 위치 @@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ ko: heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" - email or username: "Email Address or Username: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Email Address or Username:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.
Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account." @@ -654,15 +654,15 @@ ko: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." - contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' - email address: "Email Address: " - confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " + email address: "Email Address:" + confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' - display name: "Display Name: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + display name: "Display Name:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ ko: your friends: Your friends no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" - nearby users: "Nearby users: " + nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: @@ -706,18 +706,18 @@ ko: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: - heading: "Public editing: " + heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" - profile description: "Profile Description: " - preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " - home location: "Home Location: " + profile description: "Profile Description:" + preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" + home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public diff --git a/config/locales/nl.yml b/config/locales/nl.yml index e12ee0437..c3772cc3b 100644 --- a/config/locales/nl.yml +++ b/config/locales/nl.yml @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ nl: loading: "Laden..." deleted: "Verwijderd" node_details: - coordinates: "Coördinaten: " + coordinates: "Coördinaten:" part_of: "Part of:" #to be translated node_history: node_history: "Node-geschiedenis" @@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ nl: new: Nieuw dagboek-artikel new_title: Nieuw artikel in je dagboek zetten no_entries: Geen dagboek-artikelen - recent_entries: "Recente dagboek-artikelen: " + recent_entries: "Recente dagboek-artikelen:" older_entries: Oudere artikelen newer_entries: Nieuwere artikelen edit: title: "Dagboek-artikel aanpassen" - subject: "Onderwerp: " - body: "Tekst: " - language: "Taal: " - location: "Locatie: " - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + subject: "Onderwerp:" + body: "Tekst:" + language: "Taal:" + location: "Locatie:" + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" use_map_link: "gebruik kaart" save_button: "Opslaan" marker_text: Locatie van het artikel @@ -521,8 +521,8 @@ nl: heading: "Inloggen" please login: "Log in of {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "maak een account aan" - email or username: "E-mailadres of gebruikersnaam: " - password: "Wachtwoord: " + email or username: "E-mailadres of gebruikersnaam:" + password: "Wachtwoord:" lost password link: "Wachtwoord vergeten?" login_button: "Inloggen" account not active: "Sorry, je account is nog niet actief.
Klik op de link in de bevestigingsmail om hem te activeren." @@ -542,15 +542,15 @@ nl: title: "Account aanmaken" heading: "Gebruikersaccount aanmaken" no_auto_account_create: "Helaas zijn we niet in staat om automatisch een account aan te maken." - contact_webmaster: 'Leg contact met de webmaster om een account te laten maken - we zullen proberen het zo snel mogelijk af te handelen. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Leg contact met de webmaster om een account te laten maken - we zullen proberen het zo snel mogelijk af te handelen.' fill_form: "Vul het formulier in en we zullen zo snel mogelijk een mail zenden om het account te activeren." license_agreement: "Door een account aan te maken, ga je akkoord dat al het werk dat je uploadt naar en dat alle gegevens die zijn gemaakt met programma's die hierbij horen (niet-exclusief) gelicenseerd zijn deze Creative Commons-licentie (by-sa)." #good translation? - email address: "E-mailadres: " - confirm email address: "E-mailadres bevestigen: " + email address: "E-mailadres:" + confirm email address: "E-mailadres bevestigen:" not displayed publicly: 'Niet openbaar gemaakt (zie Privacyovereenkomst (en))' - display name: "Weergavenaam: " - password: "Wachtwoord: " - confirm password: "Wachtwoord bevestigen: " + display name: "Weergavenaam:" + password: "Wachtwoord:" + confirm password: "Wachtwoord bevestigen:" signup: Registreren flash create success message: "Gebruiker succesvol gemaakt. Bekijk je e-mail voor een bevestigingsmail, en je bent zó aan het mappen :-)

Denk eraan dat je niet kunt inloggen voordat je je bevestigingsmail hebt ontvangen en bevestigd.

Als je een spamfilter gebruikt die bevestigingsmails stuurt, zorg er dan voor dat je toestaat. Wij kunnen namelijk geen bevestigingsmails terugsturen." no_such_user: @@ -581,7 +581,7 @@ nl: your friends: Je vrienden no friends: Je hebt nog geen vrienden toegevoegd. km away: "{{count}}km ver" - nearby users: "Dichtbijzijnde mappers: " + nearby users: "Dichtbijzijnde mappers:" no nearby users: "Er zijn geen dichtbijzijnde mappers." change your settings: instellingen aanpassen friend_map: @@ -592,18 +592,18 @@ nl: my settings: Mijn instellingen email never displayed publicly: "(nooit openbaar gemaakt)" public editing: - heading: "Openbare aanpassingen " + heading: "Openbare aanpassingen" enabled: "Staat aan. Je bent niet anoniem en je kunt bewerken." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "wat is dit?" disabled: "Staat uit. Je kunt niet bewerken en alle eerdere bewerkingen zijn anoniem." disabled link text: "waarom kan ik niets bewerken?" - profile description: "Profielbeschrijving: " - preferred languages: "Voorkeurstaal: " - home location: "Thuislocatie: " + profile description: "Profielbeschrijving:" + preferred languages: "Voorkeurstaal:" + home location: "Thuislocatie:" no home location: "Er is geen thuislocatie ingevoerd." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Thuislocatie aanpassen als ik op de kaart klik?" save changes button: Aanpassingen opslaan make edits public button: Alle aanpassingen openbaar maken diff --git a/config/locales/pl.yml b/config/locales/pl.yml index 46811b72f..7bd4b4219 100644 --- a/config/locales/pl.yml +++ b/config/locales/pl.yml @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ pl: loading: "Wczytywanie..." deleted: "Skasowano" node_details: - coordinates: "Współrzędne: " + coordinates: "Współrzędne:" part_of: "Jest częścią:" node_history: node_history: "Historia zmian węzła" @@ -220,17 +220,17 @@ pl: new: Nowy wpis do dziennika new_title: Stwórz nowy wpis w Twoim dzienniku użytkownika no_entries: Brak wpisów dziennika - recent_entries: "Ostatnie wpisy do dziennika: " + recent_entries: "Ostatnie wpisy do dziennika:" older_entries: Starsze wpisy newer_entries: Nowsze wpisy edit: title: "Edycja wpisu dziennika" - subject: "Temat: " - body: "Treść: " - language: "Język: " - location: "Położenie: " - latitude: "Szerokość geograficzna: " - longitude: "Długość geograficzna: " + subject: "Temat:" + body: "Treść:" + language: "Język:" + location: "Położenie:" + latitude: "Szerokość geograficzna:" + longitude: "Długość geograficzna:" use_map_link: "na mapie" save_button: "Zapisz" marker_text: Umiejscowienie wpisu dziennika @@ -535,8 +535,8 @@ pl: heading: "Login" please login: "Zaloguj się lub {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "dodaj konto" - email or username: "Adres email lub nazwa użytkownika: " - password: "Hasło: " + email or username: "Adres email lub nazwa użytkownika:" + password: "Hasło:" lost password link: "Zapomniane hasło?" login_button: "Zaloguj mnie" account not active: "Niestety Twoje konto nie jest jeszcze aktywne.
Otwórz link zawarty w mailu potwierdzenia założenia konta aby je aktywować." @@ -556,15 +556,15 @@ pl: title: "Nowe konto" heading: "Zakładanie Konta Użytkownika" no_auto_account_create: "Niestety nie możemy aktualnie stworzyć Ci konta automatycznie." - contact_webmaster: 'Prosimy skontaktuj się z webmasterem żeby poprosić o stworzenie konta - zajmiemy się Twoim zapytaniem najszybciej jak to możliwe. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Prosimy skontaktuj się z webmasterem żeby poprosić o stworzenie konta - zajmiemy się Twoim zapytaniem najszybciej jak to możliwe.' fill_form: "Wypełnij formularz a my zaraz wyślemy Ci e-mail z instrukcjami aktywacji Twojego konta." license_agreement: 'Zakładając konto użytkownika wyrażasz zgodę na publikację wszystkich wyników pracy wgrywanych na oraz wszystkich danych powstałych w wyniku wykorzystania narzędzi łączących się z na prawach (bez wyłączności) tej licencji Creative Commons (by-sa).' - email address: "Adres E-mail: " - confirm email address: "Potwierdź Adres E-mail: " + email address: "Adres E-mail:" + confirm email address: "Potwierdź Adres E-mail:" not displayed publicly: 'Informacje nie wyświetlane publicznie (zobacz privacy policy - zasady prywatności)' - display name: "Przyjazna nazwa: " - password: "Hasło: " - confirm password: "Potwierdzenie hasła: " + display name: "Przyjazna nazwa:" + password: "Hasło:" + confirm password: "Potwierdzenie hasła:" signup: Gotowe flash create success message: "Nowy użytkownik został dodany. Sprawdź czy już przyszedł mail potwierdzający, a już za moment będziesz mapował(a) :-)

Zauważ, że nie można zalogować się przed otrzymaniem tego maila i potwierdzeniem adresu.

Jeśli korzystasz z rozwiązania antyspamowego które prosi nowych nadawców o potwierdzenia, będziesz musiał(a) dodać adres do znanych adresów bo nie jesteśmy w stanie odpowiadać na zapytania takich systemów." no_such_user: @@ -597,7 +597,7 @@ pl: your friends: Twoi znajomi no friends: Nie dodałeś/aś jeszcze żadnych znajomych. km away: "{{count}}km stąd" - nearby users: "Najbliżsi użytkownicy: " + nearby users: "Najbliżsi użytkownicy:" no nearby users: "Nikt nie przyznał się jeszcze do mapowania w tej okolicy." change your settings: zmień swoje ustawienia friend_map: @@ -608,18 +608,18 @@ pl: my settings: Moje ustawienia email never displayed publicly: "(nie jest wyświetlany publicznie)" public editing: - heading: "Edycje publiczne: " + heading: "Edycje publiczne:" enabled: "Włączone. Nie anonimowy i uprawniony do edycji danych." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "co to jest?" disabled: "Wyłączone i nieuprawniony do edycji danych, wszystkie wcześniejsze edycje są anonimowe." disabled link text: "dlaczego nie mogę mapować?" - profile description: "Opis profilu: " - preferred languages: "Preferowane Języki: " - home location: "Lokalizacja domowa: " + profile description: "Opis profilu:" + preferred languages: "Preferowane Języki:" + home location: "Lokalizacja domowa:" no home location: "Nie wpisałeś swojej lokalizacji domowej." - latitude: "Szerokość: " - longitude: "Długość geograficzna: " + latitude: "Szerokość:" + longitude: "Długość geograficzna:" update home location on click: "Aktualizować lokalizację kiedy klikam na mapie?" save changes button: Zapisz zmiany make edits public button: Niech wszystkie edycje będą publiczne. diff --git a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml index c8d881c6d..7b541fc90 100644 --- a/config/locales/pt-BR.yml +++ b/config/locales/pt-BR.yml @@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ pt-BR: way: "Ver caminho em um mapa maior" relation: "Ver relação em um mapa maior" node_details: - coordinates: "Coordenadas: " + coordinates: "Coordenadas:" part_of: "Parte de:" node_history: node_history: "Histórico do ponto" @@ -278,17 +278,17 @@ pt-BR: new: "Nova Entrada no Diário" new_title: "Escrever nova entrada em seu Diário" no_entries: "Sem entradas no Diário" - recent_entries: "Entradas recentes no Diário: " + recent_entries: "Entradas recentes no Diário:" older_entries: "Entradas antigas" newer_entries: "Entradas novas" edit: title: "Editar entrada do diário" - subject: "Assunto: " - body: "Texto: " - language: "Idioma: " - location: "Localização: " - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + subject: "Assunto:" + body: "Texto:" + language: "Idioma:" + location: "Localização:" + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" use_map_link: "usar mapa" save_button: "Salvar" marker_text: "Localização da entrada no diário" @@ -781,8 +781,8 @@ pt-BR: heading: "Entrar" please login: "Por favor entre as informações de sua conta para entrar, ou {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "crie uma nova conta" - email or username: "Email ou Nome de Usuário: " - password: "Senha: " + email or username: "Email ou Nome de Usuário:" + password: "Senha:" lost password link: "Esqueceu sua senha?" login_button: "Entrar" account not active: "Desculpe, sua conta não está mais ativa.
Por favor clique no link no e-mail de confirmação recebido, para ativar sua conta." @@ -802,15 +802,15 @@ pt-BR: title: "Criar Conta" heading: "Criar uma nova conta de usuário" no_auto_account_create: "Infelizmente não foi possível criar uma conta para você automaticamente." - contact_webmaster: 'Por favor contate o webmaster (em inglês) para que uma conta seja criada - nós a criaremos o mais rápido possível. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Por favor contate o webmaster (em inglês) para que uma conta seja criada - nós a criaremos o mais rápido possível.' fill_form: "Preencha o formulário e lhe enviaremos um email rapidamente para ativar sua conta." license_agreement: 'Ao criar uma conta, você aceita que todos os dados enviados para o serão licenciados (não-exclusivamente) sob a licença Creative Commons de Atribuição e Compartilhamento pela mesma Licença.' - email address: "Endereço de Email: " - confirm email address: "Confirme o Endereço de Email: " + email address: "Endereço de Email:" + confirm email address: "Confirme o Endereço de Email:" not displayed publicly: 'Não exibir publicamente (veja a política de privacidade)' - display name: "Nome a ser exibido: " - password: "Senha: " - confirm password: "Confirme a Senha: " + display name: "Nome a ser exibido:" + password: "Senha:" + confirm password: "Confirme a Senha:" signup: "Registrar" flash create success message: "Usuário criado com sucesso. Verifique seu email para uma nota de confirmação, e você estará mapeando logo logo :-)

Por favor note que você não poderá entrar no sistema até ter recebido e confirmado seu endereço de email.

Se você utiliza algum sistema de antispam que envia mensagens de confirmação, tenha certeza de incluir na lista de remetentes confiáveis (whitelist) pois não poderemos responder pedidos de confirmação." no_such_user: @@ -844,7 +844,7 @@ pt-BR: no friends: "Você ainda não adicionou amigos." km away: "{{count}}km de distância" m away: "{{count}}m de distância" - nearby users: "Usuários próximos: " + nearby users: "Usuários próximos:" no nearby users: "Não existem usuários mapeando por perto." change your settings: "mudar suas configurações" friend_map: @@ -855,18 +855,18 @@ pt-BR: my settings: "Minhas configurações" email never displayed publicly: "(nunca mostrado publicamente)" public editing: - heading: "Edição pública: " + heading: "Edição pública:" enabled: "Ativado. Não é permitido edição anônima." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "o que é isso?" disabled: "Desativado e não pode editar dados, todas as edições anteriores são anônimas." disabled link text: "porque não posso editar?" - profile description: "Descrição do Perfil: " - preferred languages: "Preferência de Idioma: " - home location: "Localização: " + profile description: "Descrição do Perfil:" + preferred languages: "Preferência de Idioma:" + home location: "Localização:" no home location: "Você ainda não entrou a sua localização." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Atualizar localização ao clicar no mapa?" save changes button: "Salvar Mudanças" make edits public button: "Tornar todas as minhas edições públicas" diff --git a/config/locales/ro.yml b/config/locales/ro.yml index 3eae9ce73..d0325bd58 100644 --- a/config/locales/ro.yml +++ b/config/locales/ro.yml @@ -115,7 +115,7 @@ ro: way: "Vizualizare cale pe hartă mai mare" relation: "Vizualizare relație pe hartă mai mare" node_details: - coordinates: "Coordonate: " + coordinates: "Coordonate:" part_of: "Parte din:" node_history: node_history: "Istoric nod" @@ -266,17 +266,17 @@ ro: new: New Diary Entry new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries - recent_entries: "Recent diary entries: " + recent_entries: "Recent diary entries:" older_entries: Older Entries newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "Edit diary entry" - subject: "Subject: " - body: "Body: " - language: "Language: " - location: "Location: " - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + subject: "Subject:" + body: "Body:" + language: "Language:" + location: "Location:" + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" use_map_link: "use map" save_button: "Save" marker_text: Diary entry location @@ -764,8 +764,8 @@ ro: heading: "Login" please login: "Please login or {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" - email or username: "Email Address or Username: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Email Address or Username:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Lost your password?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Sorry, your account is not active yet.
Please click on the link in the account confirmation email to activate your account." @@ -785,15 +785,15 @@ ro: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." - contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' - email address: "Email Address: " - confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " + email address: "Email Address:" + confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' - display name: "Display Name: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + display name: "Display Name:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: @@ -827,7 +827,7 @@ ro: no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" m away: "{{count}}m away" - nearby users: "Nearby users: " + nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: @@ -838,18 +838,18 @@ ro: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: - heading: "Public editing: " + heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" - profile description: "Profile Description: " - preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " - home location: "Home Location: " + profile description: "Profile Description:" + preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" + home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml index c1987f0e4..2b8b074d5 100644 --- a/config/locales/ru.yml +++ b/config/locales/ru.yml @@ -105,7 +105,7 @@ ru: deleted: "Удалено" view_larger_map: "На большой карте" node_details: - coordinates: "Координаты: " + coordinates: "Координаты:" part_of: "Принадлежит к:" node_history: node_history: "История узла" @@ -245,17 +245,17 @@ ru: new: Новая запись в дневнике new_title: Написать новую запись в своем дневнике no_entries: В дневнике нет записей - recent_entries: "Недавние записи: " + recent_entries: "Недавние записи:" older_entries: Более старые записи newer_entries: Более новые записи edit: title: "Редактирование записи" - subject: "Тема: " - body: "Текст: " - language: "Язык: " - location: "Место: " - latitude: "Широта: " - longitude: "Долгота: " + subject: "Тема:" + body: "Текст:" + language: "Язык:" + location: "Место:" + latitude: "Широта:" + longitude: "Долгота:" use_map_link: "Указать на карте" save_button: "Сохранить" marker_text: Место написания заметки @@ -636,8 +636,8 @@ ru: heading: "Логин" please login: "Пожалуйста, войдите или {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "зарегистрируйтесь" - email or username: "Email или имя пользователя: " - password: "Пароль: " + email or username: "Email или имя пользователя:" + password: "Пароль:" lost password link: "Забыли пароль?" login_button: "Войти" account not active: "Извините, ваша учетная запись ещё не активирована.
Чтобы активировать ее, пожалуйста, проверьте ваш почтовый ящик и нажмите на ссылку в письме с просьбой о подтверждении." @@ -657,15 +657,15 @@ ru: title: "Регистрация" heading: "Регистрация" no_auto_account_create: "К сожалению, сейчас мы не можем автоматически создать для вас учетную запись." - contact_webmaster: 'Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вебмастером с просьбой создать подобную учетную запись. Мы попробуем и ответим как только это возможно быстро. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Пожалуйста, свяжитесь с вебмастером с просьбой создать подобную учетную запись. Мы попробуем и ответим как только это возможно быстро.' fill_form: "Заполните форму, и мы вышлем вам на email письмо с просьбой об активации." license_agreement: 'Создавая учетную запись в проекте, вы подтверждаете, что все данные, загружаемые на, и все данные, создаваемые средствами, связанными с, лицензируются (без исключения) по этой лицензии Creative Commons (by-sa).' - email address: "Адрес email: " - confirm email address: "Подтвердите адрес email: " + email address: "Адрес email:" + confirm email address: "Подтвердите адрес email:" not displayed publicly: 'Не отображается публично (см. политику конфиденциальности)' - display name: "Отображаемое имя: " - password: "Пароль: " - confirm password: "Подтвердите пароль: " + display name: "Отображаемое имя:" + password: "Пароль:" + confirm password: "Подтвердите пароль:" signup: Регистрация flash create success message: "Пользователь был создан удачно. Проверьте ваш email на наличие письма с подтверждением, нажмите на ссылку в нем и вы тут же сможете заняться внесением изменений :-)

Обратите внимание, что вы не сможете войти, пока вы не подтвердите ваш адрес email.

Если вы используете антиспам, который посылает запросы на подтверждение, тогда внесите адрес в ваш белый список, так как мы не можем отвечать на такие запросы." no_such_user: @@ -698,7 +698,7 @@ ru: your friends: Ваши друзья no friends: Вы не добавили ещё ни одного друга. km away: "{{count}} км. от вас" - nearby users: "Ближайшие пользователи: " + nearby users: "Ближайшие пользователи:" no nearby users: "Поблизости пока нет пользователей, занимающихся составлением карты." change your settings: изменить настройки friend_map: @@ -709,18 +709,18 @@ ru: my settings: Мои настройки email never displayed publicly: "(не будет показан)" public editing: - heading: "Публичное изменение: " + heading: "Публичное изменение:" enabled: "Включено. Можно редактировать. Правки не анонимны." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "что это значит?" disabled: "Отключен и не может вносить правки, все предыдущие изменения анонимны." disabled link text: "почему я не могу вносить изменения?" - profile description: "Описание профиля: " - preferred languages: "Предпочитаемые языки: " - home location: "Основное местоположение: " + profile description: "Описание профиля:" + preferred languages: "Предпочитаемые языки:" + home location: "Основное местоположение:" no home location: "Вы не обозначили свое основное местоположение." - latitude: "Широта: " - longitude: "Долгота: " + latitude: "Широта:" + longitude: "Долгота:" update home location on click: "Обновлять мое местоположение, когда я нажимаю на карту" save changes button: Сохранить изменения make edits public button: Сделать все мои правки доступными diff --git a/config/locales/sl.yml b/config/locales/sl.yml index f79a9c1cf..14ce514c4 100644 --- a/config/locales/sl.yml +++ b/config/locales/sl.yml @@ -135,7 +135,7 @@ sl: way: "Prikaz poti na večjem zemljevidu" relation: "Prikaz relacije na večjem zemljevidu" node_details: - coordinates: "Koordinate: " + coordinates: "Koordinate:" part_of: "Del:" node_history: node_history: "Zgodovina vozlišča" @@ -280,17 +280,17 @@ sl: new: Nov zapis v dnevnik uporabnikov new_title: Napišite nov zapis v vaš uporabniški dnevnik no_entries: Ni zapisov v dnevnik - recent_entries: "Nedavni zapisi v dnevnik: " + recent_entries: "Nedavni zapisi v dnevnik:" older_entries: Starejši zapisi newer_entries: Novejši zapisi edit: title: "Uredi zapis v dnevnik" - subject: "Naslov: " - body: "Besedilo: " - language: "Jezki: " - location: "Lokacija: " - latitude: "Z. širina: " - longitude: "Z. dolžina: " + subject: "Naslov:" + body: "Besedilo:" + language: "Jezki:" + location: "Lokacija:" + latitude: "Z. širina:" + longitude: "Z. dolžina:" use_map_link: "uporabi zemljevid" save_button: "Shrani" marker_text: Lokacija, na katero se nanaša zapis @@ -799,8 +799,8 @@ sl: heading: "Prijava" please login: "Prijavite se ali {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "ustvarite uporabniški račun" - email or username: "Naslov e-pošte ali uporabniško ime: " - password: "Geslo: " + email or username: "Naslov e-pošte ali uporabniško ime:" + password: "Geslo:" lost password link: "Ste pozabili geslo?" login_button: "Prijava" account not active: "Oprostite, vaš uporabniški račun še ni aktiven.
Za aktivacijo prosim kliknite na povezavo, ki ste jo prejeli v elektronskem sporočilu za potrditev uporabniškega računa." @@ -820,15 +820,15 @@ sl: title: "Nov uporabniški račun" heading: "Ustvarite si uporabniški račun" no_auto_account_create: "Na žalost vam trenutno ne moremo samodejno ustvariti uporabniškega računa." - contact_webmaster: 'Prosimo, pišite webmastru (v angleščini) in se dogovorite za ustvarjenje uporabniškega računa - potrudili se bomo za čimprejšnjo obravnavo vašega zahtevka. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Prosimo, pišite webmastru (v angleščini) in se dogovorite za ustvarjenje uporabniškega računa - potrudili se bomo za čimprejšnjo obravnavo vašega zahtevka.' fill_form: "Izpolnite obrazec in poslali vam bomo elektronsko sporočilce s katerim boste aktivirali svoj uporabniški račun." license_agreement: 'Z ustvarjanjem uporabniškega računa se strinjate, da bodo vsi vaši prispevki, ki jih boste poslali na in vsi podatki, ki jih boste ustvarili z orodji, ki se povezujejo z licencirani (ne-izključno) pod pogoji te Creative Commons licence (Priznanje avtorstva-Deljenje pod enakimi pogoji).' - email address: "Naslov e-pošte: " - confirm email address: "Potrdite naslov e-pošte: " + email address: "Naslov e-pošte:" + confirm email address: "Potrdite naslov e-pošte:" not displayed publicly: 'Ne bo javno objavljeno (glej politiko zasebnosti)' - display name: "Prikazno ime: " - password: "Geslo: " - confirm password: "Potrdite geslo: " + display name: "Prikazno ime:" + password: "Geslo:" + confirm password: "Potrdite geslo:" signup: "Želim se vpisati" flash create success message: "Uporabniški račun narejen. Preverite vaš poštni predal s sporočilom za potrditev in že boste lahko kartirali :-)

Prosimo, upoštevajte, da prijava v sistem ne bo mogoča dokler ne potrdite svojega e-poštnega naslova.

V kolikor vaš filter neželene pošte (anti spam filter) pred sprejemom sporočil neznanih pošiljateljev zahteva potrditev vas prosimo, da pošiljatelja uvrstite na seznam dovoljenih pošiljateljev. Sistem pač ne zmore dovolj inteligentno odgovarjati na vse take zahtevke." no_such_user: @@ -870,7 +870,7 @@ sl: two: "Oddaljen {{count}} metra" few: "Oddaljen {{count}} metre" other: "Oddaljen {{count}} metrov" - nearby users: "Bližnji uporabniki: " + nearby users: "Bližnji uporabniki:" no nearby users: "Ni uporabnikov, ki bi priznali, da kartirajo v vaši bližini." change your settings: uredite vaše nastavitve friend_map: @@ -881,18 +881,18 @@ sl: my settings: Moje nastavitve email never displayed publicly: "(nikoli javno objavljen)" public editing: - heading: "Javno urejanje: " + heading: "Javno urejanje:" enabled: "Omogočeno. Niste anonimni in lahko urejate podatke." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "Kaj je to?" disabled: "Onemogočeno in ne morete urejati podatkov. Vsi vaši prejšnji prispevki so anonimni." disabled link text: "Zakaj ne morem urejati?" - profile description: "Opis uporabnika: " - preferred languages: "Jezikovne preference: " - home location: "Domača lokacija: " + profile description: "Opis uporabnika:" + preferred languages: "Jezikovne preference:" + home location: "Domača lokacija:" no home location: "Niste nastavili vaše domače lokacije." - latitude: "Zemljepisna širina: " - longitude: "Zemljepisna dolžina: " + latitude: "Zemljepisna širina:" + longitude: "Zemljepisna dolžina:" update home location on click: "Posodobi domačo lokacijo ob kliku na zemljevid?" save changes button: Shrani spremembe make edits public button: Naj bodo vsi moji prispevki javni diff --git a/config/locales/vi.yml b/config/locales/vi.yml index 715ad92c8..5ec079afb 100644 --- a/config/locales/vi.yml +++ b/config/locales/vi.yml @@ -132,7 +132,7 @@ vi: way: "Xem lối trên bản đồ rộng hơn" relation: "Xem quan hệ trên bản đồ rộng hơn" node_details: - coordinates: "Tọa độ: " + coordinates: "Tọa độ:" part_of: "Trực thuộc:" node_history: node_history: "Lịch sử Nốt" @@ -282,17 +282,17 @@ vi: new: "Mục Nhật ký Mới" new_title: "Soạn thảo mục mới trong nhật ký của bạn" no_entries: "Chưa có mục nhật ký" - recent_entries: "Mục nhật ký gần đây: " + recent_entries: "Mục nhật ký gần đây:" older_entries: "Mục Trước" newer_entries: "Mục Sau" edit: title: "Sửa đổi mục nhật ký" - subject: "Tiêu đề: " - body: "Nội dung: " - language: "Ngôn ngữ: " - location: "Vị trí: " - latitude: "Vĩ độ: " - longitude: "Kinh độ: " + subject: "Tiêu đề:" + body: "Nội dung:" + language: "Ngôn ngữ:" + location: "Vị trí:" + latitude: "Vĩ độ:" + longitude: "Kinh độ:" use_map_link: "sử dụng bản đồ" save_button: "Lưu" marker_text: "Vị trí của mục nhật ký" @@ -795,8 +795,8 @@ vi: heading: "Đăng nhập" please login: "Xin hãy đăng nhập hoặc {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "mở tài khoản" - email or username: "Địa chỉ Thư điện tử hoặc Tên đăng ký: " - password: "Mật khẩu: " + email or username: "Địa chỉ Thư điện tử hoặc Tên đăng ký:" + password: "Mật khẩu:" lost password link: "Quên mất Mật khẩu?" login_button: "Đăng nhập" account not active: "Rất tiếc, tài khoản của bạn chưa được kích hoạt.
Xin hãy nhấn chuột vào liên kết trong thư điện tử xác nhận tài khoản để kích hoạt tài khoản." @@ -811,8 +811,8 @@ vi: reset_password: title: "Đặt lại mật khẩu" heading: "Đặt lại Mật khẩu của {{user}}" - password: "Mật khẩu: " - confirm password: "Xác nhận Mật khẩu: " + password: "Mật khẩu:" + confirm password: "Xác nhận Mật khẩu:" reset: "Đặt lại Mật khẩu" flash changed: "Mật khẩu của bạn đã được thay đổi." flash token bad: "Không tìm thấy dấu hiệu đó. Có lẽ kiểm tra URL?" @@ -820,15 +820,15 @@ vi: title: "Mở tài khoản" heading: "Mở Tài khoản Người dùng" no_auto_account_create: "Rất tiếc, chúng ta hiện không có khả năng tạo ra tài khoản tự động cho bạn." - contact_webmaster: 'Xin hãy liên lạc với webmaster để xin họ tạo ra tài khoản - chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng thỏa mãn yêu cầu nhanh lẹ. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Xin hãy liên lạc với webmaster để xin họ tạo ra tài khoản - chúng tôi sẽ cố gắng thỏa mãn yêu cầu nhanh lẹ.' fill_form: "Điền biểu mẫu rồi chúng tôi sẽ gửi thư điện tử cho bạn để kích hoạt tài khoản." license_agreement: 'Khi mở tài khoản, bạn đã chấp nhận rằng tất cả dữ liệu được bạn đăng lên dự án OpenStreetMap được cho phép (không độc quyền) sử dụng theo giấy phép Creative Commons này (by-sa).' - email address: "Địa chỉ Thư điện tử: " - confirm email address: "Xác nhận Địa chỉ Thư điện tử: " + email address: "Địa chỉ Thư điện tử:" + confirm email address: "Xác nhận Địa chỉ Thư điện tử:" not displayed publicly: 'Không được hiển thị công khai (xem chính sách riêng tư)' - display name: "Tên hiển thị: " - password: "Mật khẩu: " - confirm password: "Xác nhận Mật khẩu: " + display name: "Tên hiển thị:" + password: "Mật khẩu:" + confirm password: "Xác nhận Mật khẩu:" signup: "Đăng ký" flash create success message: "Tài khoản người dùng được tạo ra thành công. Kiểm tra hộp thư điện tử cho thư xác nhận để bắt đầu vẽ bản đồ ngay lập tức. :-)

Xin lưu ý rằng bạn cần phải nhận thư xác nhận và xác nhận địa chỉ thư điện tử trước khi có thể đăng nhập.

Nếu hệ thống thư điện tử của bạn có tính năng chống spam bằng cách yêu cầu xác nhận lại, xin hãy chắc chắn thêm vào danh sách trắng, tại vì chúng tôi không thể trả lời những yêu cầu xác nhận này." no_such_user: @@ -862,7 +862,7 @@ vi: no friends: "Bạn chưa thêm người bạn." km away: "cách {{count}} km" m away: "cách {{count}} m" - nearby users: "Người dùng ở gần: " + nearby users: "Người dùng ở gần:" no nearby users: "Chưa có người dùng nào nhận là họ ở gần." change your settings: "thay đổi tùy chọn của bạn" friend_map: @@ -873,18 +873,18 @@ vi: my settings: "Tùy chọn" email never displayed publicly: "(không lúc nào hiện công khai)" public editing: - heading: "Sửa đổi công khai: " + heading: "Sửa đổi công khai:" enabled: "Kích hoạt. Không vô danh và có thể sửa đổi dữ liệu." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "có nghĩa là gì?" disabled: "Vô hiệu. Không thể sửa đổi dữ liệu. all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "tại sao không thể sửa đổi?" - profile description: "Tự giới thiệu: " - preferred languages: "Ngôn ngữ Ưu tiên: " - home location: "Vị trí Nhà: " + profile description: "Tự giới thiệu:" + preferred languages: "Ngôn ngữ Ưu tiên:" + home location: "Vị trí Nhà:" no home location: "Bạn chưa định vị trí nhà." - latitude: "Vĩ độ: " - longitude: "Kinh độ: " + latitude: "Vĩ độ:" + longitude: "Kinh độ:" update home location on click: "Cập nhật vị trí nhà khi tôi nhấn chuột vào bản đồ?" save changes button: "Lưu các Thay đổi" make edits public button: "Phát hành công khai các sửa đổi của tôi" diff --git a/config/locales/yo.yml b/config/locales/yo.yml index 9b9fa5354..c0694b78d 100644 --- a/config/locales/yo.yml +++ b/config/locales/yo.yml @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ yo: loading: "Loading..." deleted: "Deleted" node_details: - coordinates: "Coordinates: " + coordinates: "Coordinates:" part_of: "Part of:" node_history: node_history: "Node History" @@ -247,17 +247,17 @@ yo: new: New Diary Entry new_title: Compose a new entry in your user diary no_entries: No diary entries - recent_entries: "Recent diary entries: " + recent_entries: "Recent diary entries:" older_entries: Older Entries newer_entries: Newer Entries edit: title: "Edit diary entry" - subject: "Subject: " - body: "Ara: " - language: "ede: " - location: "Location: " - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + subject: "Subject:" + body: "Ara:" + language: "ede:" + location: "Location:" + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" use_map_link: "Lo map" save_button: "Save" marker_text: Diary entry location @@ -633,8 +633,8 @@ yo: heading: "Wole" please login: "Ejo e Wolw abi {{create_user_link}}." create_account: "create an account" - email or username: "Email Address or Username: " - password: "Password: " + email or username: "Email Address or Username:" + password: "Password:" lost password link: "Se eh ti san password nu?" login_button: "Login" account not active: "Pele, account yin ko wa active .
Jo eh te link ni nu account confirmation email lati tan account eh." @@ -654,15 +654,15 @@ yo: title: "Create account" heading: "Create a User Account" no_auto_account_create: "Unfortunately we are not currently able to create an account for you automatically." - contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible. ' + contact_webmaster: 'Please contact the webmaster to arrange for an account to be created - we will try and deal with the request as quickly as possible.' fill_form: "Fill in the form and we'll send you a quick email to activate your account." license_agreement: 'By creating an account, you agree that all data you submit to the Openstreetmap project is to be (non-exclusively) licensed under this Creative Commons license (by-sa).' - email address: "Email Address: " - confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address: " + email address: "Email Address:" + confirm email address: "Confirm Email Address:" not displayed publicly: 'Not displayed publicly (see privacy policy)' - display name: "Display Name: " - password: "Password: " - confirm password: "Confirm Password: " + display name: "Display Name:" + password: "Password:" + confirm password: "Confirm Password:" signup: Signup flash create success message: "User was successfully created. Check your email for a confirmation note, and you'll be mapping in no time :-)

Please note that you won't be able to login until you've received and confirmed your email address.

If you use an antispam system which sends confirmation requests then please make sure you whitelist as we are unable to reply to any confirmation requests." no_such_user: @@ -695,7 +695,7 @@ yo: your friends: Your friends no friends: You have not added any friends yet. km away: "{{count}}km away" - nearby users: "Nearby users: " + nearby users: "Nearby users:" no nearby users: "There are no users who admit to mapping nearby yet." change your settings: change your settings friend_map: @@ -706,18 +706,18 @@ yo: my settings: My settings email never displayed publicly: "(never displayed publicly)" public editing: - heading: "Public editing: " + heading: "Public editing:" enabled: "Enabled. Not anonymous and can edit data." enabled link: "" enabled link text: "what's this?" disabled: "Disabled and cannot edit data, all previous edits are anonymous." disabled link text: "why can't I edit?" - profile description: "Profile Description: " - preferred languages: "Preferred Languages: " - home location: "Home Location: " + profile description: "Profile Description:" + preferred languages: "Preferred Languages:" + home location: "Home Location:" no home location: "You have not entered your home location." - latitude: "Latitude: " - longitude: "Longitude: " + latitude: "Latitude:" + longitude: "Longitude:" update home location on click: "Update home location when I click on the map?" save changes button: Save Changes make edits public button: Make all my edits public diff --git a/config/locales/zh-CN.yml b/config/locales/zh-CN.yml index 57235218d..0279fd7ca 100644 --- a/config/locales/zh-CN.yml +++ b/config/locales/zh-CN.yml @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ zh-CN: loading: "读取中..." deleted: "删除" node_details: - coordinates: "坐标: " + coordinates: "坐标:" part_of: "部分:" node_history: node_history: "结点历史" @@ -222,17 +222,17 @@ zh-CN: new: 新日志条目 new_title: 在您的用户日志中创建一个新条目 no_entries: 没有日记条目 - recent_entries: "最近的日志条目: " + recent_entries: "最近的日志条目:" older_entries: 更早的条目 newer_entries: 更新的条目 edit: title: "编辑日志条目" - subject: "标题: " - body: "主体: " - language: "语言: " - location: "地区: " - latitude: "纬度: " - longitude: "经度: " + subject: "标题:" + body: "主体:" + language: "语言:" + location: "地区:" + latitude: "纬度:" + longitude: "经度:" use_map_link: "使用地图" save_button: "保存" marker_text: 日记条目位置 @@ -546,8 +546,8 @@ zh-CN: heading: "登陆" please login: "请登陆或{{create_user_link}}." create_account: "创建一个账户" - email or username: "邮箱或用户名: " - password: "密码: " + email or username: "邮箱或用户名:" + password: "密码:" lost password link: "找回密码?" login_button: "登陆" account not active: "抱歉,您的账户尚未激活。
请点击在账户确认邮件中的链接来激活您的账户。" @@ -569,12 +569,12 @@ zh-CN: contact_webmaster: '请联系 webmaster 来安排一个账户创立 - 我们将尽快尝试处理您的请求。' fill_form: "填写表格,我们将尽快向您发送一封邮件来激活您的帐户。" license_agreement: '创立此账户,意味您同意所有上传到openstreetmap.org的工作以及所有利用与openstreetmap.org相关的工具所创建的任何数据都将(非独家)授权于这种创作共用协议 (by-sa).' - email address: "邮箱: " - confirm email address: "确认邮箱: " + email address: "邮箱:" + confirm email address: "确认邮箱:" not displayed publicly: '不公开显示(查看 隐私政策)' - display name: "显示姓名: " - password: "密码: " - confirm password: "密码确认: " + display name: "显示姓名:" + password: "密码:" + confirm password: "密码确认:" signup: 注册 flash create success message: "成功创建用户。查看确认邮件,Check your email for a confirmation note, and you\'ll be mapping in no time :-)


如果您使用反垃圾系统发送确认请求,请保证将webmaster@openstreetmap.org列入友好名单,因为我们不能回复任何确认请求。" no_such_user: @@ -607,7 +607,7 @@ zh-CN: your friends: 您的朋友 no friends: 您还没有添加任何好友。 km away: "{{count}}公里之外" - nearby users: "附近用户: " + nearby users: "附近用户:" no nearby users: "这里没有在您附近的用户。" change your settings: 更改您的设置 friend_map: @@ -618,18 +618,18 @@ zh-CN: my settings: 我的设置 email never displayed publicly: "(从不公开显示)" public editing: - heading: "公开编辑: " + heading: "公开编辑:" enabled: "启动。非匿名并可编辑数据。" enabled link: "" enabled link text: "这是什么?" disabled: "禁用且无法编辑数据,所有过去的编辑均为匿名。" disabled link text: "为什么无法编辑?" - profile description: "基本信息描述: " - preferred languages: "选择语言: " - home location: "所在位置: " + profile description: "基本信息描述:" + preferred languages: "选择语言:" + home location: "所在位置:" no home location: "您尚未输入所在位置。" - latitude: "纬度: " - longitude: "经度: " + latitude: "纬度:" + longitude: "经度:" update home location on click: "点击地图时更新所在位置?" save changes button: 保存更改 make edits public button: 公开我所有的编辑