From: Niklas Laxström Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 08:05:41 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Localisation updates from X-Git-Tag: live~4453 X-Git-Url: Localisation updates from --- diff --git a/config/locales/ast.yml b/config/locales/ast.yml index 671d4a77c..602975ec7 100644 --- a/config/locales/ast.yml +++ b/config/locales/ast.yml @@ -1308,6 +1308,7 @@ ast: La nota ta cerca de %{place}.' details: Pue alcontrar más detalles sobro la nota en %{url}. changeset_comment_notification: + hi: Bones %{to_user}, greeting: Bones, commented: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} comentó unu de los tos conxuntos @@ -1321,6 +1322,8 @@ ast: partial_changeset_with_comment: col comentariu '%{changeset_comment}' partial_changeset_without_comment: ensin comentarios details: Puen alcontrase más detalles del conxuntu de cambios en %{url} + unsubscribe: Pa date de baxa de les actualizaciones d'esti conxuntu de cambeos, + visita %{url} y fai clic en «dase de baxa». message: inbox: title: Buzón diff --git a/config/locales/bg.yml b/config/locales/bg.yml index dfbd128bb..53293495d 100644 --- a/config/locales/bg.yml +++ b/config/locales/bg.yml @@ -902,6 +902,7 @@ bg: user: login: title: Вписване + heading: Вписване email or username: 'Електронна поща или потребителско име:' password: 'Парола:' remember: Запомни ме @@ -916,8 +917,11 @@ bg: title: Вписване с Фейсбук wikipedia: title: Вписване с Уикипедия + alt: Вписване със сметка от Уикипедия yahoo: title: Вписване с Яху + wordpress: + title: Вписване с Уърдпрес lost_password: email address: 'Електронна поща:' reset_password: @@ -926,8 +930,11 @@ bg: flash changed: Паролата е променена успешно. new: title: Регистриране + about: + header: Безплатна и достъпна за редактиране email address: 'Електронна поща:' confirm email address: 'Потвърждаване на електронната поща:' + display name: Видимо потребителско имеː password: 'Парола:' confirm password: 'Потвърждаване на паролата:' continue: Регистриране diff --git a/config/locales/br.yml b/config/locales/br.yml index c1e9bf6cc..b2c7ecd05 100644 --- a/config/locales/br.yml +++ b/config/locales/br.yml @@ -662,6 +662,7 @@ br: pitch: Tachenn sport playground: Tachenn c'hoari recreation_ground: Tachenn c'hoari + resort: Lec'h hañviñ sauna: Saona slipway: Kal sports_centre: Kreizenn sport @@ -1024,12 +1025,13 @@ br: more_1_html: Ma fell deoc'h kaout muioc'h a ditouroù diwar-benn adimplij hor roadennoù, lennit Licence OSMF Licence page hag ar gumuniezh reolennoù evit implijout an API, - reolennoù evit implijout ar gartenn - ha reolennoù evit implijout Nominatim. + more_2_html: "Daoust da OpenStreetMap bezañ un hollad roadennoù digor, n'omp + ket evit pourchas un API digoust evit an dredeourien.\n Sellit ouzh hor + reolennoù + evit implijout an API, \n Sellit ouzh hor reolennoù evit + implijout an teolennoù, ha\nreolennoù + evit implijout Nominatin" contributors_title_html: Hor c'henlabourerien contributors_intro_html: 'Miliadoù a hiniennoù a labour ganimp. Ebarzhiñ a reomp ivez roadennoù digor eus ajañsoù kartennañ hag eus mamennoù all, hag en o @@ -1085,6 +1087,10 @@ br: dizober, mar plij, pe skrivit war-eeun war hor furmskrid enlinenn. trademarks_title_html: Merkoù + trademarks_1_html: Openstreet, al logo brasaer ha State of the Map zo merkoù + marilhet gant OpenStreetMap Foundation. M'ho pez goulennoù da sevel diwar-benn + implij ar merkoù-se, kit e darempred gant Licence + Working Group, mar plij. welcome_page: title: Deuet-mat oc'h ! introduction_html: Degemer mat en OpenStreetMap, ar gartenn digoust eus ar bed @@ -1114,6 +1120,12 @@ br: un hent, evel anv ur preti pe an tizh bevennet war un hent. rules: title: Reolennoù ! + paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap en deus un nebeud reolennoù furmel, met gortoz + a reomp ma vo kemeret perzh gant an holl berzhidi ha ma vo darempredoù gant + ar gumuniezh. Ma vezit e-sell d'ober traoù all estreget ober cheñchamantoù + gant an dorn, lennit ha heuilhit ar sturiadoù, mar plij, e An + ezporzhiadurioù ha + Ar c'hemmoù emgefre>/a>. questions: title: Traoù da c'houlenn ? paragraph_1_html: Ezhomm ho peus sikour evit kartennaouiñ, pe n'eo ket sklaer @@ -1209,10 +1221,13 @@ br: legal_title: Lezennel legal_html: "Al lec'hienn-mañ hag e-leizh a servijoù all kar zo korvoet ent furmel gant an Diazezaddur OpenStreetMap - (OSMF) \nen anv ar gumuniezh.\n
\nKit contacter + (OSMF) \nen anv ar gumuniezh.\nEvit implijout an holl servijoù kinniget gant + an OSMF e ranker doujañ d'hor \n + Politikerezh war an implijoù degemeret ha d'hor Politikerzh + prevezded.\n
\nKit contacter l'OSMF e darempred gant an OSMF, mar plij, m'ho peus goulennoù da sevel diwar-benn an aotreoù-implijout, ar gwirioù oberour pe diwar-benn goulennoù - lezennel all." + lezennel all.\n
" partners_title: Kevelerien notifier: diary_comment_notification: @@ -1320,6 +1335,7 @@ br: hoc''h eus addispleget. Emañ an notenn tost da %{place}.' details: Munudoù ouzhpenn diwar-benn an notenn a c'hall bezañ kavet e %{url}. changeset_comment_notification: + hi: Demat %{to_user}, greeting: Demat, commented: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} en deus addispleget unan eus ho @@ -1334,6 +1350,8 @@ br: partial_changeset_with_comment: gant an addispleg '%{changeset_comment}' partial_changeset_without_comment: Hep evezhiadenn details: Muioc'h a ditouroù war an holl cheñchamantoù e %{url}. + unsubscribe: Evit digoumanantiñ diouzh hizivadurioù an holl gemmoù, gweladennit + %{url} ha klikit war « Digoumanantiñ ». message: inbox: title: Boest resev @@ -1468,6 +1486,7 @@ br: bridleway: Hent evit kezeg cycleway: Roudenn divrodegoù cycleway_national: roudenn vroadel evit an divrodegoù + cycleway_regional: Roudenn divrodegoù rannvroel cycleway_local: roudenn lec'hel evit an divrodegoù footway: Hent evit an dud war droad rail: Hent-houarn @@ -1522,6 +1541,7 @@ br: destination: Moned d'ar pal construction: Hentoù war ar stern bicycle_shop: Stal varc'hoù-houarn + bicycle_parking: Parklec'h belioù toilets: Privezioù richtext_area: edit: Aozañ @@ -1678,6 +1698,7 @@ br: allow_read_gpx: lenn ho roudoù GPS prevez. allow_write_gpx: kas roudoù GPS. allow_write_notes: kemmañ notennoù + grant_access: Grataat ar monet oauthorize_success: title: Reked aotre roet allowed: Aotreet ho peus an arload %{app_name} da vont d'ho kont. @@ -1762,6 +1783,7 @@ br: register now: En em enskrivañ bremañ with username: 'Ur gont OpenStreetMap hoc''h eus dija ? Digorit un dalc''h en ur verkañ hoc''h anv implijer hag ho ker-tremen :' + with external: 'Peotramant, implijit un tredeour evit kevreañ :' new to osm: Nevez war OpenStreetMap ? to make changes: Evit kemmañ roadennoù OpenStreetMap e rankit kaout ur gont. create account minute: Krouiñ ur gont. Ne bad nemet ur vunutenn. @@ -1840,15 +1862,20 @@ br: ar c'henlabourer. email address: 'Chomlec''h postel :' confirm email address: 'Kadarnaat ar chomlec''h postel :' - not displayed publicly: N'eo ket diskwelet d'an holl (gwelet hor c'harta - prevezded) + not displayed publicly: N'eo ket diskwelet ho chomlec'h d'an holl (gwelet hor c'harta prevezded) evit + gouzout hiroc'h display name: 'Anv diskwelet :' display name description: Emañ hoc'h anv implijer a-wel d'an holl. Se a c'hallit cheñch diwezhatoc'h en ho penndibaboù. external auth: 'Dilesadur trede :' password: 'Ger-tremen :' confirm password: 'Kadarnaat ar ger-tremen :' + use external auth: 'Peotramant, implijit un tredeour evit kevreañ :' + auth no password: Gant dilesadur un tredeour n'eus ket ezhomm d'ober gant ur + ger-tremen, met evit binvioù ouzhpenn pe evit ur servijer e c'haller bepred + goulenn unan diganeco'h. continue: En em enskrivañ terms accepted: Trugarez deoc'h evit bezañ asantet da ziferadennoù nevez ar c'henlabourer ! @@ -1996,6 +2023,8 @@ br: gravatar: Implijout Gravatar link: link text: petra eo se ? + disabled: Diweredekaet eo bet Gravatar. + enabled: Gweredekaet eo bet diskwel ho Kravatar. new image: Ouzhpennañ ur skeudenn keep image: Derc'hel ar skeudenn a-vremañ delete image: Dilemel ar skeudenn a-vremañ @@ -2091,6 +2120,9 @@ br: heading: N'eo ket kevredet ho ID ouzh ur gont OpenStreetMap. option_1: Ma'z oc'h un den nevez en OpenStreetMap, krouit ur gont nevez, mar plij, war-bouez ar furmskrid amañ dindan. + option_2: M'ho pez ur gont dija e c'hallit kevreañ outi en ur implijout hoc'h + anv implijer hag ho ker-tremen, ha goude-se kevrediñ ho kont gant hoc'h ID + en ho tibaboù implijer. user_role: filter: not_an_administrator: N'eus nemet ar verourien a c'hall merañ ar rolloù, ha @@ -2272,12 +2304,15 @@ br: center_marker: Kreizañ ar gartenn war ar merker paste_html: Pegañ HTML evit bezañ enkorfet en ul lec'hienn web view_larger_map: Gwelet ur gartenn vrasoc'h + only_standard_layer: Ar gwiskad standart hepken a c'hall bezañ ezporzhiet evel + ur skeudenn. embed: report_problem: Menegiñ ur gudenn key: title: Alc'hwez ar gartenn tooltip: Alc'hwez ar gartenn - tooltip_disabled: Alc'hwez kartenn da gaout evit ar gwiskad standart hepken + tooltip_disabled: Ne c'haller ket kaout an alc'hwez kartenn evit ar gwiskad + stantart map: zoom: in: Zoumañ @@ -2294,6 +2329,7 @@ br: header: Gwiskadoù kartenn notes: Notennoù kartenn data: Roadennoù ar gartenn + gps: Roudoù GPS foran overlays: Gweredekaat an adwiskadoù evit dresañ ar gartenn title: Gwiskadoù copyright: © Kenlabourerien OpenStreetMap @@ -2351,11 +2387,21 @@ br: instructions: continue_without_exit: Kenderc'hel war%{name} slight_right_without_exit: Troit un tammig a-zehoù war %{name} + offramp_right_without_exit: Kemer ar vretell dehoù %{name} + onramp_right_without_exit: Troit a-zehoù war ar bretell war %{name} + endofroad_right_without_exit: E penn an hent, troit a-zezhoù war %{name} + merge_right_without_exit: Mont a-zehoù war %{name} + fork_right_without_exit: Er forc'h-hent, troit a-zehoù war %{name} turn_right_without_exit: Treiñ a-zehoù war %{name} sharp_right_without_exit: Troit prim a-zehoù war %{name} uturn_without_exit: Grit hanter dro war %{name} sharp_left_without_exit: Troit prim a-gleiz war %{name} turn_left_without_exit: Treiñ a-gleiz war %{name} + offramp_left_without_exit: Kemer ar vretell gleiz betek %{name} + onramp_left_without_exit: Troit a-gleiz war ar vretell war %{name} + endofroad_left_without_exit: E penn an hent, troit a-gleiz war %{name} + merge_left_without_exit: Mont a-gleiz war %{name} + fork_left_without_exit: Er forc'h-hent, troit a-gleiz war %{name} slight_left_without_exit: Troit un tammig a-gleiz war %{name} via_point_without_exit: (dre ar poent) follow_without_exit: Heuliañ %{name} @@ -2367,6 +2413,11 @@ br: against_oneway_without_exit: Mont gant ar straed untu war %{name} end_oneway_without_exit: Dibenn an tremen untun war %{name} roundabout_with_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, kemer an hent-maez %{exit} war %{name} + turn_left_with_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, troit a-gleiz war %{name} + slight_left_with_exit: Er c'hroashent, treiñ un tamm a-gleiz war %{name} + turn_right_with_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, treiñ a-zehoù war %{name} + slight_right_with_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, treiñ un tamm a-zehoù war %{name} + continue_with_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, kenderc'hel war-eeun war %{name} unnamed: hep anv courtesy: Hent a-berzh %{link} time: Eur diff --git a/config/locales/ca.yml b/config/locales/ca.yml index f9e647fa6..315993ee5 100644 --- a/config/locales/ca.yml +++ b/config/locales/ca.yml @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ # Author: Micru # Author: Mlforcada # Author: Nemo bis +# Author: Netol # Author: PerroVerd # Author: Pitort # Author: Ruila @@ -1399,7 +1400,7 @@ ca: reply_button: Respon delete_button: Suprimeix new: - title: Envia el missatge + title: Envia un missatge send_message_to: Envia un missatge nou per a %{name} subject: Assumpte body: Cos @@ -1947,7 +1948,7 @@ ca: oauth settings: configuració OAuth blocks on me: Blocs sobre mi blocks by me: Blocs fets per mi - send message: Envia el missatge + send message: Envia un missatge diary: Diari edits: Modificacions traces: Traces diff --git a/config/locales/cs.yml b/config/locales/cs.yml index ca65c0af2..b4af8917e 100644 --- a/config/locales/cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/cs.yml @@ -1326,6 +1326,7 @@ cs: Poznámka je umístěna poblíž %{place}.' details: Podrobnosti k poznámce můžete najít na %{url}. changeset_comment_notification: + hi: Dobrý den, uživateli %{to_user}, greeting: Ahoj, commented: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} okomentoval jednu z vašich sad @@ -1339,6 +1340,8 @@ cs: partial_changeset_with_comment: s komentářem „%{changeset_comment}“ partial_changeset_without_comment: bez komentáře details: Více informací o této sadě změn lze nalézt na %{url}. + unsubscribe: Pro odhlášení z aktualizací této sady změn jděte na %{url} a klikněte + na „Zrušit odebírání“. message: inbox: title: Doručená pošta diff --git a/config/locales/eo.yml b/config/locales/eo.yml index 62034ca63..469a28420 100644 --- a/config/locales/eo.yml +++ b/config/locales/eo.yml @@ -1022,7 +1022,7 @@ eo: attribution_example: alt: Ekzemplo kiel atribui OpenStreetMap sur retpaĝo title: Ekzemplo de aŭtorec-atribuado - more_title_html: Sciigi pli + more_title_html: Sciiĝi pli more_1_html: |- Legu pli pri uzado de niaj datumoj kaj kiel atribui aŭtorecon je la retpaĝo de OSMF permesilo kaj je la elŝuti Flash Player el retpaĝo. Kelkaj @@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ eo: not_a_moderator: Vi devas esti kontrolanto por fari ĉi tiun agon. setup_user_auth: blocked: Via aliro al API estas blokita. Bonvolu ensaluti al reta interfaco - por sciigi pli. + por sciiĝi pli. need_to_see_terms: Via aliro al API estas dumtempe provizore haltigita. Bonvolu ensaluti al reta fasado por legi interkonsenton pri kontribuado. Vi ne devas akcepti ĝin, sed vi devas legi ĝin. @@ -1967,7 +1967,7 @@ eo: text: Nuntempe viaj redaktoj estas anonimaj kaj aliuloj ne povas sendi mesaĝojn al vi kaj vidi vian lokon. Por montri kion vi redaktis kaj ebligi al aliuloj kontakti vin per la retejo, alklaku la butonon sube. Ekde la versio 0.6 - de API, nur publikaj uzantoj povas redakti map-datumojn. (sciigi + de API, nur publikaj uzantoj povas redakti map-datumojn. (sciiĝi kial). contributor terms: diff --git a/config/locales/fi.yml b/config/locales/fi.yml index d2a4e5912..74121ce69 100644 --- a/config/locales/fi.yml +++ b/config/locales/fi.yml @@ -1337,6 +1337,9 @@ fi: hi: Hei %{to_user}, greeting: Hei, commented: + subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} on kommentoinut yhtä muutoskokoelmaasi' + subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} on kommentoinut muutoskokoelmaa + josta olet kiinnostunut' partial_changeset_without_comment: ei kommenttia details: 'Lisätietoja muutoskokoelmasta: %{url}' message: @@ -2258,6 +2261,7 @@ fi: link: Linkki tai HTML-koodi long_link: Linkki short_link: Lyhyt linkki + geo_uri: Geo URI embed: HTML-koodi custom_dimensions: Rajaa alue itse format: 'Tiedostomuoto:' diff --git a/config/locales/ne.yml b/config/locales/ne.yml index bc5d03db0..5cfe20ffd 100644 --- a/config/locales/ne.yml +++ b/config/locales/ne.yml @@ -2,18 +2,22 @@ # Exported from # Export driver: phpyaml # Author: Krish Dulal +# Author: Nirjal stha # Author: Njsubedi # Author: RajeshPandey +# Author: राम प्रसाद जोशी # Author: सरोज कुमार ढकाल --- ne: + html: + dir: ltr‌ time: formats: - friendly: '%e %B %Y at %H:%M' + friendly: '%e %B %Y मा %H:%M' activerecord: models: acl: अनुमति नियन्त्रण सूची - changeset: परिवर्तनहरु सूची + changeset: परिवर्तनहरू सूची changeset_tag: चेन्जसेट ट्याग country: देश diary_comment: डायरी टिप्पणी @@ -76,8 +80,11 @@ ne: active: सक्रिय display_name: देखाउने नाम description: वर्णन - languages: भाषाहरु + languages: भाषाहरू pass_crypt: पासवर्ड + printable_name: + with_version: '%{id}, v%{version}' + with_name_html: '%{name} (%{id})' editor: default: पूर्वस्थापित(अहिलेको %{name}) potlatch: @@ -122,11 +129,18 @@ ne: way_paginated: बाटोहरू (जम्मा %{count} मध्येबाट %{x}-%{y}) relation: सम्बन्धहरू (%{count}) relation_paginated: सम्बन्धहरू (जम्मा %{count} मध्येबाट %{x}-%{y}) + comment: टिप्पणीहरू (%{count}) + hidden_commented_by: ' %{user} द्वारा गरिएको लुकाइएको टिप्पणी %{when} + पहिले' + commented_by: '%{user}द्वारा %{when} अगाडि + गरिएको टिप्पणी' changesetxml: चेन्जसेट XML osmchangexml: osmChange XML feed: title: 'परिवर्तनहरू: %{id}' title_comment: परिवर्तनहरू %{id} - %{comment} + join_discussion: छलफलमा भाग लिन लग इन गर्नुहोस् + discussion: छलफल node: title: 'अंश: %{name}' history_title: 'अंशको इतिहास: %{name}' @@ -156,7 +170,8 @@ ne: node: नोड way: बाटो relation: सम्बन्ध - changeset: परिवर्तनसेट \ + changeset: परिवर्तनसेट + note: टिपोट timeout: sorry: माफ गर्नुहोला, %{id} अाइडि भएको %{type}को लागि तथ्याङ्क प्राप्त गर्न निक्कै समय लाग्यो । @@ -165,10 +180,11 @@ ne: way: बाटो relation: सम्बन्ध changeset: चेन्जसेट + note: टिपोट redacted: redaction: सम्पादन %{id} - message_html: '%{type}को संस्करण %{version} सम्पादित भएकाले देखाउन सकिएन । कृपया - विस्तृत जानकारीको लागि %{redaction_link} हेर्नुहोस् ।' + message_html: संस्करण %{version} यस प्रकारको %{type} देखाउन सकिँदैन किनभने + यो हटाइएको छ कृपया जानकारीखो लागि %{redaction_link} हेर्नुहोस् type: node: नोड way: बाटो @@ -180,11 +196,13 @@ ne: load_data: डेटा लोडगर्ने loading: लोड हुदैछ... tag_details: - tags: संकेतहरू + tags: ट्यागहरू wiki_link: key: '%{key} संकेतको लागि विकि विवरण पृष्ठ' tag: '%{key}=%{value} संकेतको लागि विकि विवरण पृष्ठ' + wikidata_link: '%{page} वस्तु Wikidata मा' wikipedia_link: '%{page}को बारेमा विकिपीडियामा भएको लेख' + telephone_link: '%{phone_number} मा फोन गर्नुहोस्' note: title: 'टिप्पणी: %{id}' new_note: नयाँ टिप्पणी @@ -210,6 +228,8 @@ ne: अगाडि पुनःसक्रिय गरिएको hidden_by: '%{user}द्वारा %{when} अगाडि लुकाइएको' + query: + title: क्वेरी गुणहरू changeset: changeset_paging_nav: showing_page: पृष्ठ %{page} @@ -243,6 +263,7 @@ ne: diary_entry: new: title: नयाँ दैनिकी + publish_button: प्रकाशन गर्नुहोस् list: title: प्रयोगकर्ताका डायरीहरू title_friends: साथीहरूका डायरीहरू @@ -264,7 +285,7 @@ ne: latitude: 'देशान्तर:' longitude: 'अक्षांश:' use_map_link: नक्सा प्रयोगर्ने - save_button: संग्रह गर्ने + save_button: सङ्ग्रह गर्नुहोस् marker_text: दैनिकी प्रविष्ठी स्थान view: title: '%{user}को डायरी | %{title}' @@ -272,7 +293,7 @@ ne: leave_a_comment: टिप्पणी छोड्ने login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} टिप्पणी छोड्नलाई' login: प्रवेश - save_button: संग्रह गर्ने + save_button: सङ्ग्रह गर्नुहोस् no_such_entry: title: त्यस्तो कुनै दैनिकी भेटिएन heading: '%{id} आइडी भएको कुनै अभिलेख भेटिएन' @@ -292,7 +313,7 @@ ne: diary_comment: comment_from: '%{link_user}द्वारा %{comment_created_at}मा गरिएको टिप्पणी' hide_link: यो टिप्पणी लुकाउनुहोस् - confirm: ' निश्चित गर्ने' + confirm: निश्चित गर्ने location: location: 'स्थान:' view: अवलोकन गर्ने @@ -350,7 +371,7 @@ ne: other: title: अन्य स्रोतहरू description: ओपनस्ट्रीटम्याप विकिमा सूचीत थप स्रोतहरू - options: विकल्पहरु + options: विकल्पहरू format: ढाँचा scale: स्केल max: अधिकतम @@ -379,8 +400,10 @@ ne: search_osm_nominatim: prefix: aerialway: + cable_car: केबल कार chair_lift: कुर्सी लिफ्ट drag_lift: तान्ने लिफ्ट + gondola: गोन्डोला लिफ्ट station: हवाई मार्ग स्टेशन aeroway: aerodrome: हवाईड्रोम @@ -391,11 +414,9 @@ ne: taxiway: ट्याक्सीको बाटो terminal: टर्मिनल amenity: - airport: विमानस्थल + animal_shelter: पशु आश्रय arts_centre: कला केन्द्र - artwork: कला atm: एटिएम् मेसिन - auditorium: प्रेक्षालय bank: बैँक bar: बार bbq: बारबिक्यू @@ -403,6 +424,7 @@ ne: bicycle_parking: साइकिल पार्किङ् bicycle_rental: साइकिल भाडामा biergarten: बियर पिउने ठाउँ + boat_rental: ढुङ्गा भाडा सेवा brothel: वेश्यालय bureau_de_change: परिवर्तन व्यूरो bus_station: बस स्टेसन् @@ -412,11 +434,12 @@ ne: car_wash: कार धुने ठाउँ casino: क्यासिनो charging_station: चार्ज गर्ने स्टेसन + childcare: बालबालिका हेरचाह cinema: सिनेमा घर clinic: क्लिनिक - club: क्लब + clock: घन्टाघर college: कलेज - community_centre: सामुदायीक केन्द्र + community_centre: सामुदायिक केन्द्र courthouse: अदालत crematorium: श्मशान dentist: दाँतको डाक्टर @@ -433,24 +456,246 @@ ne: food_court: खाजा घर fountain: पानीको फोहोरा fuel: इन्धन + gambling: जुवाघर grave_yard: श्मशान घाट gym: जिमखाना - hall: हल health_centre: स्वास्थ्य केन्द्र hospital: अस्पताल - hotel: होटेल hunting_stand: शिकार क्षेत्र ice_cream: बरफ kindergarten: बाल आश्रम library: पुस्तकालय market: बजार marketplace: बजार क्षेत्र + monastery: चैत्य + motorcycle_parking: मोटर साइकल पार्किङ + nightclub: रात्री क्लब + nursery: नर्सरी + nursing_home: नर्सिङ होम + office: कार्यलय + parking: पार्किङ + parking_entrance: पार्किङ प्रवेश + pharmacy: औषधी पसल + place_of_worship: पूजा गर्ने स्थान + police: प्रहरी + post_box: हुलाक बाक्सा + post_office: हुलाक + prison: कारागार + pub: पब + public_building: सार्वजनिक भवन + reception_area: रिसेप्सन क्षे्त्र + recycling: पुनः प्रयोग विन्दु + restaurant: रेस्टुरेन्ट + retirement_home: बृद्ध आश्रम + sauna: सौना + school: विद्यालय + shelter: आश्रय + shop: पसल + shower: स्नानघर + social_centre: सामाजिक केन्द्र + social_club: सामाजिक क्लब + social_facility: सामाजिक सेवा + studio: स्टुडियो + swimming_pool: पौली पोखरी + taxi: ट्याक्सी + telephone: सार्वजनिक टेलिफोन + theatre: हल + toilets: शौचालय + townhall: सभा गृह + university: विश्वविद्यालय + vending_machine: भेन्डिङ मेसिन + veterinary: भेटेरिनरी शल्यक्रिया + village_hall: सभा गृह + waste_basket: फोहर टोकरी + waste_disposal: फोहर फाल्ने ठाउँ + youth_centre: युवा केन्द्र + boundary: + administrative: प्रशासनिक सिमाना + census: जनगणना सिमाना + national_park: राष्ट्रिय निकुञ्ज + protected_area: संरक्षित क्षेत्र + bridge: + aqueduct: नहर + suspension: झोलुङ्गे पुल + swing: झोलुङ्गे पुल + "yes": पुल + building: + "yes": भवन + craft: + brewery: ब्रुएरी + carpenter: सिकर्मी + electrician: विद्युतकर्मी + gardener: माली + painter: पेन्टर + photographer: फोटोग्रा + plumber: प्लमर + shoemaker: जुत्ताबनाउने + tailor: सुचीकार + "yes": कला पसल + emergency: + ambulance_station: एम्बुलेन्स पार्क + phone: आकस्मिक फोन + highway: + path: पथ + primary: प्राथमिक सडक + primary_link: प्राथमिक सडक + proposed: प्रस्तावित सडक + raceway: रेसवे + residential: आवासीय सडक + road: सडक + secondary: माध्यमिक सडक + secondary_link: माध्यमिक सडक + service: सर्भिस सडक + speed_camera: गति क्यामेरा + steps: खुट्किलाहरू + street_lamp: सडक बत्ती + track: ट्रयाक + "yes": सडक + historic: + house: घर + icon: प्रतिमा + stone: पत्थर + tower: टावर + landuse: + farm: खेती + forest: वन + leisure: + club: कल्ब + sauna: सौना + swimming_pool: पौली पोखरी + man_made: + tower: टावर + natural: + forest: वन + point: बिन्दु + rock: रक + spring: स्प्रिङ + stone: पत्थर + water: पानी + office: + company: कम्पनी + "yes": कार्यलय + place: + block: खण्ड + city: शहर + country: देश + farm: खेती + house: घर + state: राज्य + "yes": स्थानहरू + shop: + gallery: सङ्ग्रहालय + market: बजार + pharmacy: औषधी पसल + tailor: सुचीकार + "yes": पसल + tourism: + gallery: सङ्ग्रहालय + information: सूचना + waterway: + dock: डक गर्नुहोस् + stream: प्रवाह + description: + types: + places: स्थानहरू + results: + no_results: कुनै नतिजाहरू भेटिएनन् + layouts: + edit: सम्पादन + history: इतिहास + export: निर्यात गर्नुहोस् + data: डेटा + help: सहायता + about: बारेमा + copyright: प्रतिलिपि अधिकार + learn_more: थप जान्नुहोस् + more: थप + help_page: + beginners_guide: + url: + title: शिकारूको लागी मार्गदर्शन + description: शिकारूको लागी समुदायले मार्गदर्शन कायम गरेकोछ + mailing_lists: + title: मेलिङ्ग सूचीहरू + forums: + title: मञ्च + irc: + title: आईआरसि + switch2osm: + title: स्विचटु‍ओएसएम + about_page: + next: अर्को + legal_title: कानूनी + notifier: + gpx_notification: + greeting: हाय, + email_confirm_plain: + greeting: हाय, + email_confirm_html: + greeting: हाय, + lost_password_plain: + greeting: हाय, + lost_password_html: + greeting: हाय, + note_comment_notification: + anonymous: एक अज्ञात प्रयोगकर्ता + greeting: हाय, + changeset_comment_notification: + greeting: हाय, + message: + inbox: + from: बाट + subject: विषय + date: मिति + message_summary: + delete_button: हटाउनुहोस् + new: + title: सान्देस पठाउ + subject: विषय + body: बडी + send_button: पठाउनुहोस् + outbox: + to: लाई + subject: विषय + date: मिति + read: + from: बाट + subject: विषय + date: मिति + back: पछाडि + to: लाई + sent_message_summary: + delete_button: हटाउनुहोस् site: + sidebar: + close: बन्द गर्नुहोस् search: - search: खोज + search: खोज्नुहोस् + get_directions: दिशानिर्देशन प्राप्त गर्नुहोस् + from: बाट + to: लाई + key: + table: + entry: + track: ट्रयाक + forest: वन + farm: खेती + school: + - विद्यालय + toilets: शौचालय + richtext_area: + edit: सम्पादन + preview: पूर्वावलोकन + markdown_help: + headings: शीर्षकहरू + heading: शीर्षक + first: पहिलो वस्तु + link: लिङ्क + text: पाठ + image: छवि trace: create: - upload_trace: ' GPS Trace अपलोड गर्ने' + upload_trace: GPS Trace अपलोड गर्ने edit: title: ट्रेस सम्पादन गर्दै %{name} heading: ट्रेस सम्पादन गर्दै %{name} @@ -463,15 +708,15 @@ ne: edit: सम्पादन owner: 'मालिक:' description: विवरण - tags: 'ट्यागहरु:' + tags: ट्यागहरूः tags_help: अल्पविरामले छुट्याएको - save_button: परिवर्तनहरु संग्रह गर्ने + save_button: परिवर्तनहरू संग्रह गर्ने visibility: 'दृश्यक्षमता:' visibility_help: यसको मतलब के हो ? trace_form: upload_gpx: 'GPX फाइल अपलोड गर्ने:' description: 'विवरण:' - tags: 'ट्यागहरु:' + tags: ट्यागहरूः tags_help: अल्पविरामले छुट्याएको visibility: 'दृश्यक्षमता:' visibility_help: यसको मतलाब के हो ? @@ -479,9 +724,9 @@ ne: help: सहायता trace_header: see_all_traces: सबै ट्रेसहरु हेर्ने - see_your_traces: तपाईको सबै ट्रेसहरु हेर्नुहोस \ + see_your_traces: तपाईंको सबै ट्रेसहरू हेर्नुहोस् trace_optionals: - tags: ट्यागहरु + tags: ट्यागहरू view: title: हेर्दै ट्रेस %{name} heading: हेर्दै ट्रेस %{name} @@ -495,12 +740,14 @@ ne: edit: सम्पादन owner: 'मालिक:' description: 'विवरण:' - tags: 'ट्यागहरु:' + tags: ट्यागहरूः none: कुनै पनि होइन edit_track: यो ट्रेस सम्पादन गर्ने delete_track: यो ट्रेस मेट्ने trace_not_found: ट्रेस भेटिएन! visibility: 'दृश्यक्षमता:' + trace_paging_nav: + showing_page: पृष्ठ %{page} trace: pending: बाँकी रहेको count_points: पोइन्टहरु %{count} @@ -516,27 +763,58 @@ ne: in: मा map: नक्सा list: - public_traces: सारवजनिक GPS ट्रेसहरु \ - your_traces: तपाईको GPS ट्रेसहरु + public_traces: सारवजनिक GPS ट्रेसहरु + your_traces: तपाईंको GPS ट्रेसहरू public_traces_from: '%{user}बाट सार्वकनिक GPS ट्रेसहरु' tagged_with: ' %{tags}हरूद्वारा ट्याग गरिएको' delete: scheduled_for_deletion: मेट्नको लागि तालिकावद्ध गरिएको ट्रेस make_public: made_public: सार्वजनिक बनाइएको ट्रेस + oauth_clients: + edit: + submit: सम्पादन + show: + confirm: निश्चित हुनुहुन्छ ? + form: + name: नाम + required: आवश्यक पर्दछ user: + login: + title: प्रवेश + heading: प्रवेश + password: 'पासवर्ड:' + login_button: प्रवेश + no account: खाता छैन? + lost_password: + new password button: प्रवेस शब्द परिवर्तन गर्ने reset_password: - title: प्रवेशशव्द परिवर्तन गर्ने - heading: ' %{user}को लागि प्रवेशशव्द परिवर्तन गर्ने \' - password: 'प्रवेशशव्द:' + title: प्रवेस शब्द परिवर्तन गर्ने + heading: '%{user}को लागि प्रवेस शब्द परिवर्तन गर्ने' + password: 'पासवर्ड:' + confirm password: 'प्रवेशशव्द निश्चित गर्ने:' + reset: नयाँ प्रवेशशव्द + flash changed: तपाईंको प्रवेश शब्द परिवर्तन गरिएको छ। + new: + password: 'पासवर्ड:' confirm password: 'प्रवेशशव्द निश्चित गर्ने:' - reset: नयाँ प्रवेशशव्द \ - flash changed: तपाईको प्रवेशशव्द परिवर्तन गरिएको छ। terms: consider_pd_why: यो के हो ? + legale_names: + france: फ्रान्स + italy: इटाली + no_such_user: + deleted: मेटाईएको + view: + traces: निशानहरू + status: 'स्थिति:' + description: वर्णन + comments: टिप्पणी + confirm: निश्चित गर्ने popup: - your location: तपाईको स्थान + your location: तपाईँको स्थान nearby mapper: नजिकको मानचित्रकर्मी + friend: साथी account: my settings: मेरो अनुकुलताहरु openid: @@ -549,47 +827,120 @@ ne: heading: सार्वजनिक सम्पादन contributor terms: link text: यो के हो ? - preferred languages: 'रुचाइएका भाषाहरु:' + preferred languages: 'रुचाइएका भाषाहरू:' + gravatar: + link text: यो के हो ? home location: 'गृह स्थान:' - no home location: तपाईले आफ्नो गृहस्थान प्रविष्ठ गर्नुभएको छैन। - save changes button: परिवर्तनहरु संग्रह गर्नुहोस \ - flash update success: प्रयोगकर्ताको जानकारीहरु सफलतापूर्वक अध्यावधिक गरियो। + no home location: तपाईंले आफ्नो गृहस्थान प्रविष्ठ गर्नुभएको छैन। + latitude: 'देशान्तर:' + longitude: 'अक्षांश:' + save changes button: परिवर्तनहरू संग्रह गर्नुहोस् + flash update success confirm needed: प्रयोगकर्ताको जानकारीहरू सफलतापूर्वक अध्यावधिक + गरियो। Check your email for a note to confirm your new email address. + flash update success: प्रयोगकर्ताको जानकारीहरू सफलतापूर्वक अध्यावधिक गरियो। + confirm: + button: निश्चित गर्ने confirm_email: - heading: इमेल परिवर्तन भएको निश्चित गर्नुहोस् \ + heading: इमेल परिवर्तन भएको निश्चित गर्नुहोस् press confirm button: इमेल निश्चित गर्नको लागि निश्चितमा क्लिक गर्नुहोस् । button: निश्चित - success: तपाईको इमेल निश्चित गर्नुहोस, ग्राह्याताको लागि धन्यवाद! + success: तपाईंको इमेल निश्चित गर्नुहोस्, ग्राह्याताको लागि धन्यवाद! failure: यो टोकन को साथम एक इमेल पहिले नै निश्चित गरिसकिएको छ। go_public: - flash success: तपाईको सबै सम्पादनहरु सार्वाजनिक छन् ,तपाई अब सम्पान लायक हुनु - भयो । + flash success: तपाईंका सबै सम्पादनहरू सार्वाजनिक छन् , तपाईं अब सम्पादन लायक + हुनु भयो । make_friend: - success: '%{name} अब तपाईको मित्र हुनुभएको छ!' + success: '%{name} अब तपाईंको मित्र हुनुभएको छ!' failed: माफ गर्नुहोला, %{name}लाई मित्रको रुपमा थप्न सकिएन। - already_a_friend: ' %{name} सँग तपाई पहिले नै मित्रता गरिसक्नु भएको छ ।' + already_a_friend: '%{name} सँग तपाईंले पहिले नै मित्रता गरिसक्नु भएको छ ।' filter: - not_an_administrator: यो कार्य गर्न तपाई प्रवन्धक हुनुपर्छ . + not_an_administrator: यो कार्य गर्न तपाईं प्रवन्धक हुनुपर्छ . user_role: filter: - not_an_administrator: प्रवन्धकहरुले भूमिका व्यवस्थापन गर्न सक्छन् र तपाई प्रवन्धक + not_an_administrator: प्रवन्धकहरूले भूमिका व्यवस्थापन गर्न सक्छन् र तपाईं प्रवन्धक हैन । - not_a_role: ' `%{role}'' मान्य भूमिका हैन ।' + not_a_role: '`%{role}'' मान्य भूमिका हैन ।' already_has_role: प्रयोगकर्ता सँग %{role} भूमिका पहिले देखि नै छ। - doesnt_have_role: ' प्रयोगर्ताको %{role}को भूमिका छैन' + doesnt_have_role: प्रयोगर्ताको %{role}को भूमिका छैन grant: - title: भूमिका प्रदान निश्चित गर्ने \ - heading: भूमिका प्रदान निश्चित गर्ने \ + title: भूमिका प्रदान निश्चित गर्ने + heading: भूमिका प्रदान निश्चित गर्ने are_you_sure: भूमिका `%{role}' प्रयोगकर्ता `%{name}'लाई प्रदान गर्न निश्चित हुनुहुन्छ? confirm: निश्चित गर्ने fail: भूमिका `%{role}' प्रयोगकर्ता `%{name}'लाई प्रदान गर्न सकिएन । कृपया प्रयोगकर्ता र भूमिका दुबै मान्य छन् भनि जाँच गर्नुहोस् । revoke: - title: Confirm role revoking + title: भूमिका फिर्ता निश्चित गर्ने heading: भूमिका फिर्ता निश्चित गर्ने - are_you_sure: तपाईँ भूमिका `%{role}' , `%{name} प्रोगकर्ताबाट फिर्ता लिने कुरामा + are_you_sure: तपाईं भूमिका `%{role}' , `%{name} प्रोगकर्ताबाट फिर्ता लिने कुरामा निश्चित हुनुहुन्छ'? confirm: निश्चित गर्ने fail: भूमिका `%{role}' ,`%{name}'बाट फिर्ता लिन सकिएन । प्रोगकर्ता नाम र भूमिका दुबै मान्य छन् भन्ने खुलाउनु होस् । + user_block: + partial: + show: देखाउनुहोस् + edit: सम्पादन + confirm: निश्चित हुनुहुन्छ ? + creator_name: सर्जक + status: वस्तुस्थिति + showing_page: पृष्ठ %{page} + next: अर्को » + previous: « अघिल्लो + show: + created: सृजना गरिएको + status: वस्तुस्थिति + show: देखाउनुहोस् + edit: सम्पादन + confirm: निश्चित हुनुहुन्छ ? + note: + entry: + comment: टिप्पणी + mine: + id: आईडी + creator: सर्जक + description: वर्णन + javascripts: + close: बन्द गर्नुहोस् + share: + title: आदान-प्रदान गर्नुहोस् + cancel: रद्द गर्नुहोस् + image: छवि + long_link: लिङ्क + embed: एचटीएमएल + format: 'ढाँचा:' + download: डाउनलोड + paste_html: वेबसाइट इम्बेड गर्न HTML पेस्ट गर्नुहोस् + map: + zoom: + in: ठुलो पार्नुहोस + out: सानो पार्नुहोस + base: + standard: मानक + changesets: + show: + comment: टिप्पणी + subscribe: सवस्क्रिप्ट + unsubscribe: सदस्यता खारेज गर्नुहोस् + hide_comment: लुकाउ + notes: + show: + hide: लुकाउनुहोस् + comment: टिप्पणी + directions: + time: समय + query: + node: नोड + way: बाटो + relation: रिलेशन + redaction: + edit: + description: वर्णन + new: + description: वर्णन + show: + description: विवरण + user: 'सर्जक:' + confirm: निश्चित हुनुहुन्छ ? ... diff --git a/config/locales/oc.yml b/config/locales/oc.yml index 158fc3140..5e5104aba 100644 --- a/config/locales/oc.yml +++ b/config/locales/oc.yml @@ -1110,9 +1110,11 @@ oc: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} a apondut un comentari sus vòstra entrada del jornal' hi: Bonjorn %{to_user}, + footer: Tanben podètz legir lo comentari sus %{readurl}, lo comentar sus %{commenturl} + o respondre sus %{replyurl} message_notification: hi: Bonjorn %{to_user}, - footer_html: Podètz tanben legir lo messatge a %{readurl} e i podètz respondre + footer_html: Tanben podètz legir lo messatge a %{readurl} e i podètz respondre a %{replyurl} friend_notification: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} vos a apondut coma amic' diff --git a/config/locales/qqq.yml b/config/locales/qqq.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..003505203 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/locales/qqq.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2051 @@ +# Messages for Message documentation (Message documentation) +# Exported from +# Export driver: phpyaml +# Author: Amire80 +# Author: Andygol +# Author: Babanwalia +# Author: Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry +# Author: Chilin +# Author: Chitetskoy +# Author: Cquoi +# Author: EugeneZelenko +# Author: Freek +# Author: Fryed-peach +# Author: Gmare +# Author: Guillembb +# Author: Jon Harald Søby +# Author: Katpatuka +# Author: Kghbln +# Author: Klenje +# Author: Kosovastar +# Author: Liuxinyu970226 +# Author: Maraf24 +# Author: McDutchie +# Author: Michawiki +# Author: Minh Nguyen +# Author: Mmyangfl +# Author: Mor +# Author: Mormegil +# Author: Nemo bis +# Author: P24 +# Author: PerroVerd +# Author: Purodha +# Author: Pyrog +# Author: Robby +# Author: Rodrigo Avila +# Author: Santacloud +# Author: Shirayuki +# Author: Siebrand +# Author: SuperPotato +# Author: The Polish +# Author: The real emj +# Author: Tuliouel +# Author: Verdy p +# Author: Waldir +# Author: Xuacu +# Author: 아라 +--- +qqq: + html: + dir: |- + {{Optional}} + This message define the directionality to be used for the given language. + The only two possible values are: + * ltr : for left-to-right scripts + * rtl : for right-to-left scripts (eg: arabic, hebrew,...) + time: + formats: + friendly: |- + {{DataFormatRuby/en}} + This is a timestamp in [ Ruby notation]. Just copy it and translate "at" and localise your separators if you are uncertain what to do. It is used on user pages to say when a user signed up at OSM. + * %e stands for Day of the month, blank-padded (1..31) + * %B stands for The full month name (January) + * %Y stands for Year with century (1999, 2011) + * %H stands for Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23) + * %M stands for Minute of the hour (00..59) + blog: '{{DataFormatRuby/en}}' + activerecord: + models: + changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + changeset_tag: '{{Identical|Changeset tag}}' + country: '{{Identical|Country}}' + friend: '{{Identical|Friend}}' + language: '{{Identical|Language}}' + message: '{{Identical|Message}}' + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + notifier: '{{Identical|Notifier}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + session: '{{Identical|Session}}' + trace: '{{Identical|Trace}}' + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + user_preference: '{{Identical|User preference}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + way_node: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + way_tag: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + attributes: + diary_comment: + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + diary_entry: + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + title: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + language: '{{Identical|Language}}' + friend: + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + friend: '{{Identical|Friend}}' + trace: + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + visible: '{{Identical|Visible}}' + name: '{{Identical|Name}}' + size: '{{Identical|Size}}' + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + public: '{{Identical|Public}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + message: + sender: '{{Identical|Sender}}' + title: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + recipient: '{{Identical|Recipient}}' + user: + email: '{{Identical|Email}}' + active: '{{Identical|Active}}' + display_name: |- + Field caption for the name to be displayed for your edits, settable in user preferences. + {{Identical|Display name}} + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + languages: '{{Identical|Language}}' + pass_crypt: '{{Identical|Password}}' + printable_name: + with_version: '{{Optional}}' + editor: + id: + name: |- + name of the editor. + {{Identical|ID}} + Translation into French :"ID" or "id" instead of "iD" ? + browse: + created: |- + Followed by a time. + {{Identical|Created}} + closed: |- + Followed by a time. + {{Identical|Closed}} + created_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + closed_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + created_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + deleted_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + edited_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + closed_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + version: '{{Identical|Version}}' + in_changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + anonymous: '{{Identical|Anonymous}}' + no_comment: Used as

heading if there is no + comment. + part_of: |- + Used as

heading. + + The section has list of nodes, list of ways, or list of relations. + download_xml: |- + Used as label for link which is used to download node/way/relation as XML. + + Followed by "·" + {{msg-osm|Browse.view history}}. + view_history: |- + Used as label for link pointing to node/way/relation history. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm| xml}} + "·". + {{Identical|View history}} + view_details: |- + Used as label for link which is used to view node/way/relation details. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm| xml}} and "·". + {{Identical|View details}} + location: |- + Followed by a link containing latitude, longitude, and zoom. + {{Identical|Location}} + changeset: + title: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + belongs_to: '{{Identical|Author}}' + node: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Node}} + node_paginated: |- + Used in pagination. Parameters: + * %{x} - first item + * %{y} - last item + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Node}} + way: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Way}} + way_paginated: |- + Used in pagination. Parameters: + * %{x} - first item + * %{y} - last item + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Way}} + relation: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Relation}} + relation_paginated: |- + Used in pagination. Parameters: + * %{x} - first item + * %{y} - last item + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Relation}} + comment: '{{Identical|Comment}}' + commented_by: discussions are different from comments in changesets + osmchangexml: osmChange is the file format used by osmosis to describe differences + between two dumps of OSM data. + feed: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{id} - changeset ID + {{Identical|Changeset}} + title_comment: |- + Parameters: + * %{id} - changeset ID + {{Identical|Changeset}} + discussion: '{{Identical|Discussion}}' + node: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{name} - node name + {{Identical|Node}} + history_title: |- + Used as page title. Parameters: + * %{name} - node name + {{Related|Browse.history title}} + way: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{name} - way name + {{Identical|Way}} + history_title: |- + Used as page title. Parameters: + * %{name} - way name + {{Related|Browse.history title}} + nodes: '{{Identical|Node}}' + relation: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{name} - relation name + {{Identical|Relation}} + history_title: |- + Used as page title. Parameters: + * %{name} - relation name + {{Related|Browse.history title}} + members: |- + Used as

heading. + {{Identical|Member}} + relation_member: + entry: '{{Optional}}' + entry_role: |- + *%{type} - substituted with {{msg-osm|Browse.redacted.type.node}}, {{msg-osm|Browse.redacted.type.way}} or {{msg-osm|Browse.redacted.type.relation}} + *%{name} - node/way/relation ID + *%{role} - relation role: "inner", "outer", etc. + {{Identical|As}} + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + containing_relation: + entry: |- + *%{relation_name} - relation ID + {{Identical|Relation}} + entry_role: |- + *%{relation_name} - relation ID + *%{relation_role} - relation role: "inner", "outer", etc. + not_found: + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + note: '{{Identical|Note}}' + timeout: + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + redacted: + redaction: this is not about editing a book, this is about the specific redaction + process in OSM + message_html: Redacted versions are hidden from public view due to the license + change from CC-BY-SA 2.0 to Open Database License (OdbL) 1.0. See [ + the announcement] for more information. + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + start_rjs: + feature_warning: |- + Parameters: + * %{num_features} - number of features + * %{max_features} - (Unused) max number of features + + Feature signifie dans le contexte : Objet OSM(node, way, relation), Point d'intérêt, élément… + loading: '{{Identical|Loading}}' + tag_details: + tags: '{{Identical|Tag}}' + wiki_link: + key: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + tag: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + telephone_link: '{{Identical|Call}}' + note: + title: '{{Identical|Note}}' + new_note: Used as page title and

heading. + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + open_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + open_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + commented_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + commented_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + closed_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + closed_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + reopened_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + reopened_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + hidden_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + query: + title: |- + Here, "Feature" means an OSM object (way, node, relation), a Point Of Interest (POI)… + + The user queries the map to learn the nature or the details of objects near the place clicked on. + introduction: 'Feature signifie dans le contexte : Objet OSM(node, way, relation), + Point d''intérêt, élément…' + changeset: + changeset_paging_nav: + showing_page: |- + %{page} is a number, so the message is e.g. "Showing page 5". + {{Identical|Page}} + next: '{{Identical|Next}}' + previous: '{{Identical|Previous}}' + changeset: + anonymous: '{{Identical|Anonymous}}' + changesets: + id: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap website] for details. + {{Identical|ID}} + saved_at: Column header in a table of changes. See [ + OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + user: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + {{Identical|User}} + comment: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + {{Identical|Comment}} + area: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + {{Identical|Area}} + list: + title: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + title_user: Changesets ose në gjermanisht Änderungssätze, ne shqip mund te + perdoret si "Ndryshime fjalish" ose "Ndryshime rekordesh" + empty: '{{Related|Changeset.list.empty}}' + empty_area: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm| more area}} + {{Related|Changeset.list.empty}} + empty_user: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm| more user}} + {{Related|Changeset.list.empty}} + no_more_area: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Changeset.list.empty area}} + no_more_user: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Changeset.list.empty user}} + load_more: |- + Used as label for button to load more changesets on history page. + {{Identical|Load more}} + rss: + comment: original 'comment' is misleading for changeset discussions + diary_entry: + new: + title: Used as page heading + publish_button: '{{Identical|Publish}}' + list: + user_title: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + new: Used as link title + new_title: Used as link tooltip + edit: + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + language: '{{Identical|Language}}' + location: '{{Identical|Location}}' + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + save_button: '{{Identical|Save}}' + view: + title: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + user_title: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + login_to_leave_a_comment: '"login_link" is substituted from {{msg-osm|Diary + entry.view.login}}.' + login: |- + Substituted in {{msg-osm|Diary_entry.view.login_to_leave_a_comment}}. + {{Identical|Login}} + save_button: '{{Identical|Save}}' + diary_entry: + comment_count: '{{doc-important|This message supports plural. The different + plural forms have to be prefixed as Rails plural forms, except for "other". + See [ + CLDR''s Language Plural Rules] for details on which forms may be applicable + in your language. See [ + Rails i18n] on examples for adding Rails i18n basics.}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + diary_comment: + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + location: + location: '{{Identical|Location}}' + view: '{{Identical|View}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + feed: + user: + title: Title of the user’s diary RSS feed (see e.g. []) + description: Description of the user’s diary RSS feed (see e.g. []) + all: + title: Title of the OpenStreetMap user diaries RSS feed (see []) + description: Description of the OpenStreetMap user diaries RSS feed (see []) + comments: + post: |- + {{Identical|Post}} + This is a name, not a verb, for a posted entry in the diary. + when: '{{Identical|When}}' + comment: '{{Identical|Comment}}' + ago: |- + Parameters: + * %{ago} - such as "10 days" + {{Identical|Ago}} + export: + title: |- + Used as page title. + {{Identical|Export}} + start: + licence: '{{Identical|License}}' + too_large: + planet: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.planet.title}}. + overpass: + title: |- + "Overpass" is a name of a web service and probably shouldn't be translated. + + Used in + + Used as text for the link pointing to + + Description for the link is: + * {{msg-osm|Export.start.too large.overpass.description}} + description: |- + Used in + + Used as description for the link pointing to + + The link text is {{msg-osm|Export.start.too large.overpass.title}}. + geofabrik: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.geofabrik.title}}. + metro: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.metro.title}}. + other: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.other.title}}. + options: '{{Identical|Options}}' + format: |- + Field label; needs colon + {{Identical|Format}} + scale: '{{Identical|Scale}}' + max: '"maximum"' + image_size: |- + Needs colon for form consistency. + {{Identical|Image size}} + zoom: '{{Identical|Zoom}}' + add_marker: |- + Used as action link text. + {{Identical|Add marker to map}} + latitude: abbreviated form of latitude + longitude: abbreviated form of longitude + output: '{{Identical|Output}}' + export_button: '{{Identical|Export}}' + geocoder: + search: + title: + latlon: Shown as section header when user enters lat,lon coordinates + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix_format: '{{Optional}}' + prefix: + aerialway: + cable_car: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=cable_car]] + chair_lift: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=chair_lift]] + + {{Identical|Chair lift}} + gondola: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=gondola]] + station: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=station]] + aeroway: + aerodrome: '{{Identical|Aerodrome}}' + apron: |- + This is an apron in an airport, also known as "Airport ramp". See . + {{Identical|Apron}} + gate: |- + [[w:Gate (airport)]] + {{Identical|Gate}} + helipad: '{{Identical|Helipad}}' + runway: '{{Identical|Runway}}' + taxiway: |- + A taxiway is a path on an airport connecting runways with ramps, hangars, terminals and other facilities. See . + {{Identical|Taxiway}} + terminal: '{{Identical|Terminal}}' + amenity: + animal_shelter: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=animal_shelter]] + atm: See + bank: '{{Identical|Bank}}' + bar: '{{Identical|Bar}}' + bbq: A Barbecue (BBQ) is an apparatus for cooking meat and various other + foods. We might add a BBQ to the map with the tag amenity=bbq if there + is a permanently built place for having a BBQ. + bench: |- + See + {{Identical|Bench}} + bicycle_parking: See + bicycle_rental: See + boat_rental: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=boat_rental]] + brothel: See + bureau_de_change: See + bus_station: See + cafe: '{{Identical|Cafe}}' + car_sharing: See [[wikipedia:Carsharing]] + childcare: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=childcare]] + cinema: '{{Identical|Cinema}}' + clinic: '{{Identical|Clinic}}' + clock: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=clock]] + + {{Identical|Clock}} + college: '{{Identical|College}}' + community_centre: '''Gemeinschaftszentrum'' is more general for community + centres than ''Gemeindezentrum'' which has a more religious connotation.' + courthouse: See + doctors: '{{Identical|Doctor}}' + dormitory: See + and [[wikipedia:Dormitory]] + drinking_water: See + embassy: '{{Identical|Embassy}}' + emergency_phone: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=emergency_phone]] + + {{Identical|Emergency phone}} + ferry_terminal: See + fire_hydrant: |- + See + {{Identical|Fire hydrant}} + fire_station: See + fountain: See + fuel: |- + See + {{Identical|Fuel}} + gambling: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=gambling]] + grave_yard: See + hospital: |- + See + {{Identical|Hospital}} + hunting_stand: See + ice_cream: See + kindergarten: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=kindergarten]] + library: |- + See + {{Identical|Library}} + market: '{{Identical|Market}}' + marketplace: |- + See, [[wikipedia:Marketplace]] + {{Identical|Marketplace}} + monastery: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=monastery]] + motorcycle_parking: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=motorcycle_parking]] + nursery: See [[wikipedia:Nursery school]] + nursing_home: See [[wikipedia:Nursing home]], [ + amenity=nursing_home] + office: '{{Identical|Office}}' + parking: '{{Identical|Parking}}' + parking_entrance: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=parking_entrance]] + pharmacy: |- + See + {{Identical|Pharmacy}} + place_of_worship: See + police: |- + See + {{Identical|Police}} + post_box: See + prison: See + pub: |- + See + {{Identical|Pub}} + public_building: See + restaurant: |- + See + {{Identical|Restaurant}} + school: '{{Identical|School}}' + shelter: See + shop: '{{Identical|Shop}}' + social_club: See + and + social_facility: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=social_facility]] + studio: See [[wikipedia:Studio apartment]], + taxi: '{{Identical|Taxi}}' + theatre: |- + See + {{Identical|Theatre}} + townhall: See + university: '{{Identical|University}}' + vending_machine: See + veterinary: See + village_hall: In OSM context, this is a community centre in a village. Do + not confuse with administrative function, that is a town hall. + waste_basket: See + waste_disposal: '[[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=waste_disposal]]' + boundary: + administrative: |- + See + {{Identical|Administrative boundary}} + bridge: + "yes": '{{Identical|Bridge}}' + building: + "yes": '{{Identical|Building}}' + craft: + brewery: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=brewery]] + carpenter: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=carpenter]] + electrician: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=electrician]] + gardener: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=gardener]] + painter: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=painter]] + + {{Identical|Painter}} + photographer: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=photographer]] + + {{Identical|Photographer}} + plumber: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=plumber]] + shoemaker: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=shoemaker]] + tailor: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=tailor]] + + {{Identical|Tailor}} + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:craft]] + emergency: + ambulance_station: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:emergency=ambulance_station]] + defibrillator: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:emergency=defibrillator]] + phone: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:emergency=phone]] + + {{Identical|Emergency phone}} + highway: + abandoned: Highway impliziert keine Schnelligkeit. + bridleway: |- + See + {{Identical|Bridleway}} + bus_guideway: See + cycleway: See + elevator: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=elevator]] + + {{Identical|Elevator}} + footway: See + ford: See, [[wikipedia:Ford_(crossing)]] + living_street: See [[wikipedia:Living_street]] + milestone: '{{Identical|Milestone}}' + motorway: |- + See [[wikipedia:Motorway]] + {{Identical|Motorway}} + motorway_link: See + path: |- + See + {{Identical|Path}} + pedestrian: See + platform: |- + See + {{Identical|Platform}} + primary_link: Road link, see [[]] + proposed: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=proposed]]. + raceway: See + road: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=road]] + + {{Identical|Road}} + service: See [[wikipedia:Frontage road]] + services: See + street_lamp: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=street_lamp]] + track: See, [[wikipedia:Trail]] + traffic_signals: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=traffic_signals]] + trunk_link: See [[wikipedia:Trunk road]] + unclassified: See + "yes": |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:highway]] + + {{Identical|Road}} + historic: + archaeological_site: See + boundary_stone: See [[wikipedia:Boundary marker]] + city_gate: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:historic=city_gate]] + citywalls: See + heritage: See [[openstreetmap:DE:Key:heritage]] + house: '{{Identical|House}}' + icon: '{{Identical|Icon}}' + roman_road: See [[openstreetmap:Proposed features/roman road]] + ruins: See + stone: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:historic=stone]] + + {{Identical|Stone}} + tomb: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:historic=tomb]] + wayside_shrine: See + junction: + "yes": |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:junction]] + + {{Identical|Junction}} + landuse: + allotments: |- + See [[:wikipedia:Allotment (gardening)]]. + {{Identical|Allotment}} + brownfield: See [[wikipedia:Brownfield Land]] + cemetery: '{{Identical|Cametery}}' + commercial: '{{Identical|Commercial area}}' + conservation: See [ + wiki.openstreetmap:Conservation] + farm: '{{Identical|Farm}}' + farmland: See [[wikipedia:Arable land]] + farmyard: An area surrounded by or adjacent to farm buildings. + grass: '{{Identical|Grass}}' + greenfield: See [[wikipedia:Greenfield land]] + mine: '{{Identical|Mine}}' + railway: '{{Identical|Railway}}' + reservoir: See + residential: See + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:landuse]] + leisure: + beach_resort: See [[wikipedia:Seaside resort]] + club: '{{Identical|Club}}' + common: See [[wikipedia:Common land]] + dog_park: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:leisure=dog_park]] + fitness_station: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:leisure=fitness_station]]. + garden: '{{Identical|Garden}}' + horse_riding: See [[openstreetmap:Proposed features/Riding Stable]] + park: '{{Identical|Park}}' + pitch: See [[wikipedia:Pitch_(sports)]] + playground: See + recreation_ground: See [[wikipedia:Recreation Ground]] + slipway: See, [[wikipedia:Slipway]] + track: See + water_park: See, + [[wikipedia:Waterpark]] + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:leisure]] + man_made: + lighthouse: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=lighthouse]] + pipeline: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=pipeline]] + tower: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=tower]] + works: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=works]] + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:man_made]] + natural: + bay: See + cape: '{{Identical|Cape}}' + cave_entrance: See + fell: See and [[wikipedia:Fell]]. + grassland: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:natural=grassland]] + island: '{{Identical|Island}}' + land: See + moor: See and + point: '{{Identical|Point}}' + reef: "Shkëmb i nënujshëm që del edhe mbi sipërfaqen \ne ujit" + ridge: "See [[wikipedia:Ridge]] \n" + rock: See + saddle: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:natural=saddle]] + sand: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:natural=sand]] + scree: See, [[wikipedia:Scree]] + scrub: See + spring: |- + See + {{Identical|Spring}} + stone: '{{Identical|Stone}}' + strait: + tree: '{{Identical|Tree}}' + water: |- + See + {{Identical|Water}} + wetland: "Vend i lagësht e me bar, tokë që mban gjithnjë \nujë; moçalishte." + wood: + office: + administrative: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:office=administrative]] + {{Identical|Administration}} + company: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:office=company]] + {{Identical|Company}} + employment_agency: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:office=employment agency]] + ngo: NGO = Non-Governmental Organisation + telecommunication: See + "yes": |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:office]]. + {{Identical|Office}} + place: + allotments: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:place=allotments]] + block: '{{Identical|Block}}' + airport: '{{Identical|Airport}}' + city: '{{Identical|City}}' + country: '{{Identical|Country}}' + county: '{{Identical|County}}' + farm: '{{Identical|Farm}}' + hamlet: See [[wikipedia:Hamlet_(place)]] + house: '{{Identical|House}}' + houses: '{{Identical|House}}' + island: '{{Identical|Island}}' + isolated_dwelling: + locality: wiki [ + Tag:place=locality] + neighbourhood: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:place=neighbourhood]] + postcode: '{{Identical|Postal code}}' + region: '{{Identical|Region}}' + state: '{{Identical|State}}' + subdivision: '{{Identical|Subdivision}}' + suburb: '{{Identical|Suburb}}' + town: '{{Identical|Town}}' + unincorporated_area: An unincorporated area is a region of land that is + not a part of any municipality. See [[wikipedia:Unincorporated area]]. + village: '{{Identical|Village}}' + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:place]] + railway: + abandoned: '''auflassen'' für aufgeben ist nur regional gebräuchlich' + funicular: 'Um funicular é um carro de cabos que circula sobre carris; a + sua principal função é o transporte de passageiros ou carga ao longo de + encostas. Fonte:' + light_rail: See [[wikipedia:Light rail]] + narrow_gauge: See [[wikipedia:Narrow gauge railway]] + proposed: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:railway=proposed]] + spur: See [[wikipedia:Branch line]] + station: See + stop: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:railway=stop]] + switch: See and + + shop: + alcohol: |- + It seems is specific to United Kingdom. See + {{Identical|Off license}} + art: See + bicycle: See + boutique: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=boutique]] + butcher: See + car_parts: See + charity: See + chemist: '[[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=chemist]]' + convenience: See [[wikipedia:Convenience store]] + copyshop: See + deli: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=deli]] + department_store: See + dry_cleaning: See + farm: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=farm]] + funeral_directors: See + gallery: '{{Identical|Gallery}}' + garden_centre: + general: See and + gift: See + greengrocer: See [[wikipedia:Greengrocer]] + hardware: This is about hardware in the DIY sense, '''not''' in the computer + sense! See [[:wikipedia:Hardware store]]. + insurance: '{{Identical|Insurance}}' + laundry: See + mall: See for an explanation. + newsagent: See [[wikipedia:Newsstand]] + outdoor: Outdoor ist im Deutschen etabliert, es gibt nicht nur Bekleidung + sondern komplette Ausrüstung + pharmacy: '{{Identical|Pharmacy}}' + photo: See and + salon: See [[wikipedia:Beauty salon]] + second_hand: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=second_hand]] + shoes: See + shopping_centre: |- + No explanation found. + + Yet see - maybe, this is just another name for a shopping mall? + tailor: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=tailor]] + toys: See + travel_agency: See + wine: |- + It seems is specific to United Kingdom. See + {{Identical|Off license}} + "yes": '{{Identical|Shop}}' + tourism: + apartment: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tourism=apartment]], this is for vacation + only. + artwork: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tourism=artwork]] + {{Identical|Artwork}} + cabin: '[[openstreetmap:Tag:building=cabin]]' + chalet: See + gallery: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tourism=gallery]] + information: |- + An office, or notice board, or similar feature where information is provided for tourists visiting the area. + {{Identical|Information}} + picnic_site: See + tunnel: + culvert: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tunnel=culvert]] + waterway: + canal: See + dam: See + derelict_canal: See + ditch: See [[wikipedia:Ditch]] + dock: A large basin in which the water is impounded by gates or locks allowing + ships to remain afloat at low tide + drain: + lock: See [[wikipedia:Lock_(water_transport)]] + lock_gate: See, + [[wikipedia:Lock (water transport)]] + mooring: See [[wikipedia:Mooring_(watercraft)]] + rapids: See, [[wikipedia:Rapids]] + river: '{{Identical|River}}' + stream: See + wadi: '[[wikipedia:Wadi]]' + weir: See + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:waterway]] + admin_levels: + level2: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level4: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level5: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level6: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level8: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level9: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level10: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + description: + types: + cities: '{{Identical|City}}' + towns: '{{Identical|Town}}' + layouts: + project_name: + title: '{{Optional}}' + h1: '{{Optional}}' + home: |- + Used as link text. + + Should be consistent with: + * {{msg-osm|User.account.no_home_location}} + logout: '{{Identical|Log out}}' + log_in: '{{Identical|Log in}}' + sign_up: '{{Identical|Sign up}}' + start_mapping: |- + Used as label for button. + {{Identical|Start mapping}} + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + history: '{{Identical|History}}' + export: '{{Identical|Export}}' + data: '{{Identical|Data}}' + export_data: |- + Used as link text. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Layouts.copyright}}. + + Followed by the link text {{msg-osm|Layouts.gps traces}}. + gps_traces: |- + Used as link text. + + Preceded by the following link texts: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.copyright}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.export data}} + intro_text: |- + Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|Layouts.intro header}}. + + Followed by the following buttons: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.learn more}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.start mapping}} + partners_html: 'Patchwork message: {{msg-osm| ucl}}, {{msg-osm| + ic}}, {{msg-osm| bytemark}}, {{msg-osm| partners}}' + partners_partners: '{{Identical|Partner}}' + donate: In place of "link", {{msg-osm|layouts.donate link text}} is substituted. + help: |- + Substituted for ''help'' in {{msg-osm|layouts.help_and_wiki}}. + {{Identical|Help}} + about: '{{Identical|About}}' + copyright: |- + Used as link text. + + Followed by the following link texts: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.export data}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.gps traces}} + {{Identical|Copyright}} + community: '{{Identical|Community}}' + learn_more: |- + Used as label for button. + {{Identical|Learn more}} + more: |- + Used as toggle button text to show the following menu items: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.gps traces}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.user diaries}} + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.about}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.copyright}} + {{Identical|More}} + license_page: + foreign: + text: |- + Parameters: + * "''english_original_link''" is substituted with {{msg-osm|license_page.foreign.english_link}} + english_link: This message is substituted as "''english_original_link''" in + {{msg-osm|license_page.foreign.text|notext=1}}. + native: + text: |- + Parameters: + * "''native_link''" is substituted with {{msg-osm|license_page.native.native_link}} + * "''mapping_link''" is substituted {{msg-osm|license_page.native.mapping_link}} + native_link: |- + {{doc-important|Replace "THIS_LANGUAGE_NAME_HERE" with the autonym (self name) of the language that is being translated.}} + This message is substituted as "''native_link''" in {{msg-osm|license_page.native.text|notext=1}}. + Example: Español for Spanish language + mapping_link: |- + This message is substituted as "''mapping_link''" in {{msg-osm|License page.native.text|notext=1}}. + {{Identical|Start mapping}} + legal_babble: + credit_1_html: |- + When reusing content from OpenStreetMap, it is required to credit the reused content as "© OpenStreetMap contributors", i.e. those that contributed to OpenStreepMap. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|About page.copyright html}} + credit_2_html: The sentence «expanding 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address» + means «writing instead», so that it's clear that it's a + website, instead of only a brand name.. + contributors_fi_html: |- + Official translations of the license: + + *[ English] + *[ Finnish] + *[ Swedish] + contributors_nl_html: '{{doc-important|AND is an acronym (Automotive Navigation + Data), do not translate}}' + trademarks_1_html: '''''[[openstreetmap:State Of The Map|State of the Map]]'''' + is the annual conference of the OpenStreetMap project. Please do not translate + the trademarks.' + welcome_page: + title: '{{Identical|Welcome}}' + basic_terms: + node_html: See [[openstreetmap:Elements]]. + way_html: See [[openstreetmap:Elements]]. + tag_html: See [[openstreetmap:Elements]]. + questions: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by the following message: + * {{msg-osm|welcome_page.questions.paragraph_1_html}} + paragraph_1_html: Preceded by the heading {{msg-osm|Welcome page.questions.title}}. + start_mapping: |- + Used as text for the link which is used to start mapping. + {{Identical|Start mapping}} + add_a_note: + title: Used as

heading. + paragraph_2_html: '{{doc-important|Do not translate which will be replaced by an icon.}}' + fixthemap: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by

heading {{msg-osm|Layouts.intro header}}. + how_to_help: + title: |- + Used as

heading in + + Followed by the following

headings: + * {{msg-osm| to help.join the community.title}} + * {{msg-osm|Welcome page.add a note.title}} + join_the_community: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by: + * {{msg-osm| to help.join the community.explanation html}} + {{Identical|Join the community}} + explanation_html: Preceded by heading {{msg-osm| to help.join + the community.title}}. + add_a_note: + instructions_html: |- + Used in + + will be replaced by the link icon. + + Preceded by: + * {{msg-osm|Welcome page.add a note.title|heading}} + * {{msg-osm|Welcome page.add a note.paragraph 1 html}} + other_concerns: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by: + * {{msg-osm|Fixthemap.other concerns.explanation html}} + explanation_html: Preceded by heading {{msg-osm|Fixthemap.other concerns.title}}. + help_page: + introduction: |- + Used as introduction text. + + Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|Help page.title}}. + + Followed by list of links: welcome, help, and wiki. + welcome: + url: |- + {{doc-important|This message should probably be untranslated.}} + + Used as part of a URL pointing to the welcome page. + + "/welcome" represents "". + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.title|title}} + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.description|description}} + {{Identical|Welcome}} + title: |- + Used as title for the link. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.url|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.description|description}} + description: |- + Used as description for + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.url|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.title|title}} + beginners_guide: + url: |- + Add your country language code before Beginners%27_guide. + Example: + Find your code by clicking your language at the original English wiki. + help: + url: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + title: |- + Used as title for the link. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + description: |- + Used as description for + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + wiki: + url: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + title: |- + Used as title for the link. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + description: |- + Used as description for + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + about_page: + next: '{{Identical|Next}}' + copyright_html: |- + Used in + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|License 1 html}} + used_by: |- + Used as

heading. Parameters: + * %{name} - OpenStreetMap + lede_text: Followed by

heading {{msg-osm|About + page.local knowledge title}}. + local_knowledge_title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by {{msg-osm|About page.local knowledge html}} + local_knowledge_html: Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|About + page.local knowledge title}}. + open_data_title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by {{msg-osm|About data html}}. + open_data_html: Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|About + data title}}. + partners_title: '{{Identical|Partner}}' + notifier: + diary_comment_notification: + hi: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + message_notification: + subject_header: '{{Optional}}' + hi: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + friend_notification: + see_their_profile: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + "their" is a case of [[:wikipedia:Singular they|singular they]] and so should be translated as singular ("his/her profile"), unless your language has the same grammatical feature. + befriend_them: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + "them" is a case of [[:wikipedia:Singular they|singular they]] and so should be translated as singular ("add him/her"), unless your language has the same grammatical feature. + gpx_notification: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + your_gpx_file: This looks like an ugly lego sentence. + failure: + more_info_1: |- + Maybe a patchwork message: + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 1}} + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 2}} + more_info_2: |- + Maybe a patchwork message: + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 1}} + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 2}} + email_confirm_plain: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + email_confirm_html: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + hopefully_you: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + See also: + * {{msg-osm| confirm plain.hopefully you 1}} + lost_password_plain: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + lost_password_html: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + note_comment_notification: + anonymous: '{{Identical|Anonymous user}}' + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + changeset_comment_notification: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + message: + inbox: + title: '{{Identical|Inbox}}' + my_inbox: '"Mi buzón de entrada" is too long for the menu width, and overlaps + the message count number on the right side.' + outbox: '{{Identical|Outbox}}' + messages: |- + Parameters: + * %{new_messages} is {{msg-osm| messages}} + * %{old_messages} is {{msg-osm|message.inbox.old messages}} + new_messages: A part of {{msg-osm|message.inbox.messages}} + old_messages: A part of {{msg-osm|message.inbox.messages}} + from: '{{Identical|From}}' + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + date: '{{Identical|Date}}' + no_messages_yet: '"people_mapping_nearby_link" is substituted by {{msg-osm|Message.inbox.people + mapping nearby}}.' + people_mapping_nearby: This message is substituted in {{msg-osm| + messages yet}}. + message_summary: + unread_button: Used as button text + read_button: Used as button text + reply_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Reply}} + delete_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Delete}} + new: + title: '{{Identical|Send message}}' + send_message_to: Used as page heading + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + send_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Send}} + back_to_inbox: '{{Identical|Back to inbox}}' + outbox: + title: '{{Identical|Outbox}}' + my_inbox: '"inbox_link" is substituted by {{msg-osm|Message.outbox.inbox}}' + inbox: |- + This messages is substituted in {{msg-osm| inbox}}. + {{Identical|Inbox}} + outbox: '{{Identical|Outbox}}' + to: '{{Identical|To}}' + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + date: '{{Identical|Date}}' + no_sent_messages: '"people_mapping_nearby_link" is substituted by {{msg-osm|Message.outbox.people + mapping nearby}}.' + people_mapping_nearby: Substituted in {{msg-osm| sent messages}}. + read: + from: '{{Identical|From}}' + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + date: '{{Identical|Date}}' + reply_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Reply}} + unread_button: Used as button text + back: |- + Used as link text. + {{Identical|Back}} + to: '{{Identical|To}}' + sent_message_summary: + delete_button: '{{Identical|Delete}}' + site: + index: + permalink: '{{Identical|Permalink}}' + createnote: |- + Used as link text. + {{Identical|Add note}} + edit: + not_public_description: '"user_page" is substituted from {{msg-osm|Site.edit.user + page link}}' + user_page_link: |- + This message is substituted in {{msg-osm|Site.edit.not public description}}. + {{Identical|User page}} + anon_edits: '{{Optional}}' + id_not_configured: '"iD" is the name of the editor software.' + sidebar: + search_results: '{{Identical|Search results}}' + close: '{{Identical|Close}}' + search: + search: '{{Identical|Search}}' + submit_text: '{{Identical|Go}}' + key: + table: + entry: + motorway: |- + See [[wikipedia:Motorway]] + {{Identical|Motorway}} + bridleway: '{{Identical|Bridleway}}' + cable: + 1: '{{Identical|Chair lift}}' + runway: + 1: A taxiway is a path on an airport connecting runways with ramps, hangars, + terminals and other facilities. It has nothing to do with taxicabs. + [] + apron: + - '[ Airport apron on wikipedia]' + admin: '{{Identical|Administrative boundary}}' + wood: See + common: + - |- + Common: "A tract of land, usually in a centrally located spot, belonging to or used by a community as a whole" - American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language 4th Edition + + Refer: + {{Identical|Common}} + commercial: '{{Identical|Commercial area}}' + heathland: |- + Heathlands are a characteristic feature of the western European landscape. They are characterised by biotic communities of ericaceous dwarf shrubs together with their associated flora and fauna. Heathlands are highly valued for a variety of reasons, these include their value as cultural landscapes, their historical associations, their characteristic and frequently endangered biodiversity and their value as subjects for ecological study and research. + + * [[w:Heath (habitat)]] + * + lake: + - '{{Identical|Lake}}' + brownfield: Abandoned industrial area, available for reuse, or environmental + cleanup. + cemetery: '{{Identical|Cametery}}' + allotments: '{{Identical|Allotment}}' + pitch: For the tag leisure=pitch + summit: + - '{{Identical|Summit}}' + bicycle_shop: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=bicycle]]. + bicycle_parking: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=bicycle parking]]. See + also {{msg-osm| osm nominatim.prefix.amenity.bicycle parking}}. + toilets: '{{Identical|Toilet}}' + richtext_area: + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + markdown_help: + headings: '{{Identical|Heading}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Heading}}' + first: '{{Identical|First item}}' + link: '{{Identical|Link}}' + text: '{{Identical|Text}}' + image: '{{Identical|Image}}' + url: '{{Identical|URL}}' + trace: + visibility: + private: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload form. + public: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload form. + trackable: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload + form. + identifiable: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload + form. + create: + upload_trace: Used as page heading at [] + edit: + title: |- + Used as title + *%{name} - trace ID + heading: '*%{name} - trace ID' + filename: '{{Identical|Filename}}' + download: '{{Identical|Download}}' + uploaded_at: '{{Identical|Uploaded}}' + points: '{{Identical|Point}}' + map: '{{Identical|Map}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + owner: '{{Identical|Owner}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + tags: '{{Identical|Tag}}' + save_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Save changes}} + visibility: '{{Identical|Visibility}}' + visibility_help: '{{Identical|What does this mean}}' + trace_form: + upload_gpx: Field label. + description: |- + Field label. + {{Identical|Description}} + tags: |- + Field label. + + {{Identical|Tag}} + visibility: |- + Field label. + {{Identical|Visibility}} + visibility_help: '{{Identical|What does this mean}}' + upload_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Upload}} + help: '{{Identical|Help}}' + trace_header: + upload_trace: there is no hint to GPS in the English source + view: + title: |- + Used as title + *%{name} - trace ID + heading: '*%{name} - trace ID' + pending: Used for entries in the trace list that are pending + filename: '{{Identical|Filename}}' + download: '{{Identical|Download}}' + uploaded: '{{Identical|Uploaded}}' + points: '{{Identical|Point}}' + map: '{{Identical|Map}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + owner: '{{Identical|Owner}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + tags: '{{Identical|Tag}}' + none: '{{Identical|None}}' + visibility: '{{Identical|Visibility}}' + trace_paging_nav: + showing_page: '{{Identical|Page}}' + trace: + pending: Used for entries in the trace details view that are pending + ago: '{{Identical|Ago}}' + more: |- + text for link to show details for a track + {{Identical|More}} + trace_details: Im Englischen Original kein Hinweis auf GPS + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + public: '{{Identical|Public}}' + private: '{{Identical|Private}}' + by: |- + Followed by username (with link). + {{Identical|By}} + in: |- + Preceded by {{msg-osm|}} and a username. + + Followed by a list of tags. + map: '{{Identical|Map}}' + list: + tagged_with: |- + {{doc-important|This message has a leading space.}} + This message follows {{msg-osm|Trace.list.public traces from}} + description: + description_with_count: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - number of points in the GPX file + * %{user} - username + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Trace.description.description without count}} + description_without_count: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Trace.description.description with count}} + oauth: + oauthorize: + title: Used as

heading. + allow_to: |- + Used as label for checkboxes. + + Followed by the following checkbox labels: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow read prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write diary}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write api}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow read gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write notes}} + allow_read_prefs: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_prefs: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_diary: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_api: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_read_gpx: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_gpx: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_notes: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + oauthorize_success: + allowed: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize failure.denied}} + oauthorize_failure: + denied: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize success.allowed}} + oauth_clients: + new: + submit: '{{Identical|Register}}' + edit: + submit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + show: + key: '{{Identical|Consumer key}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' + requests: |- + Section in client application registration where the developer has to indicate which access rights the application should request from the user. + + Related messages are: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth read prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write diary}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write api}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth read gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write notes}} + These messages are in a checkbox setting. + allow_read_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_diary: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_api: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_read_gpx: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_gpx: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_notes: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + index: + application: '{{Identical|Application name}}' + issued_at: It's the table header, cell contains date and time + revoke: |- + Used as button label. + {{Identical|Revoke}} + form: + name: '{{Identical|Name}}' + required: '{{Identical|Required}}' + requests: |- + Related messages are: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow read prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write diary}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write api}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow read gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write gpx}} + allow_read_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + {{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}} + allow_write_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + {{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}} + allow_write_diary: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + allow_write_api: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + allow_read_gpx: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + {{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}} + allow_write_gpx: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + allow_write_notes: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + user: + login: + title: '{{Identical|Login}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Login}}' + password: '{{Identical|Password}}' + openid: '{{Identical|OpenID}}' + remember: '{{Identical|Remember me}}' + lost password link: Link that asks if you forgot your password. + login_button: '{{Identical|Login}}' + no account: '{{Identical|Do not have an account}}' + account is suspended: |- + Parameters: + * %{webmaster} will be replaced with a webmaster e-mail address or URL. Do not change this. + openid_logo_alt: '{{Identical|Login with OpenID}}' + auth_providers: + openid: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + google: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + facebook: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + windowslive: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + github: + title: '{{Related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + wikipedia: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + yahoo: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + wordpress: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + aol: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + logout: + title: '{{Identical|Log out}}' + logout_button: '{{Identical|Log out}}' + lost_password: + heading: Used as link text + email address: '{{Identical|E-mail address}}' + new password button: '{{Identical|Reset password}}' + reset_password: + title: '{{Identical|Reset password}}' + password: '{{Identical|Password}}' + confirm password: '{{Identical|Confirm password}}' + reset: '{{Identical|Reset password}}' + new: + title: '{{Identical|Create account}}' + about: + header: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by the message {{msg-osm|}}. + html: Preceded by the heading {{msg-osm|}}. + email address: '{{Identical|E-mail address}}' + display name: '{{Identical|Display name}}' + password: '{{Identical|Password}}' + confirm password: '{{Identical|Confirm password}}' + continue: '{{Identical|Sign up}}' + terms: + title: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + consider_pd_why: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + agree: '{{Identical|Agree}}' + no_such_user: + deleted: '{{Identical|Deleted}}' + view: + my notes: Used as link text. + my messages: Used as text for link pointing to inbox. + my settings: '{{Identical|My settings}}' + my comments: '{{Identical|My comment}}' + send message: |- + Used ad link title. + {{Identical|Send message}} + diary: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + edits: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + traces: '{{Identical|Trace}}' + notes: |- + Used as link text. + {{Identical|Map note}} + remove as friend: '{{Identical|Unfriend}}' + add as friend: |- + Used as link text. + + This means "add as friend". + ago: '{{Identical|Ago}}' + ct status: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + ct accepted: '*%{ago} - such as "10 days"' + latest edit: '*%{ago} - such as "(10 days ago)"' + email address: '{{Identical|E-mail address}}' + status: '{{Identical|Status}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + if set location: '"settings_link" is substituted from {{msg-osm|User.view.settings + link text}}.' + settings_link_text: |- + This message is substituted in {{msg-osm|User.view.if set location}}. + + {{Identical|Settings}} + m away: Distance to one of the nearby users (shown on user’s own page) + comments: |- + A link to a list of diary entry comments posted by a user. + {{Identical|Comment}} + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + nearby_changesets: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|User.view.nearby diaries}} + nearby_diaries: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|User.view.nearby changesets}} + popup: + friend: '{{Identical|Friend}}' + account: + my settings: '{{Identical|My settings}}' + email never displayed publicly: Refers to email address - {{msg-osm|User.account.current + email address}} + openid: + link text: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + public editing: + enabled: '"Enabled" refers to "public editing" - {{msg-osm|User.account.public + editing.heading}}' + enabled link text: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + disabled: '"Disabled" refers to "public editing" - {{msg-osm|User.account.public + editing.heading}}' + contributor terms: + heading: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + link text: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + image: '{{Identical|Image}}' + no home location: ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਘਰ ਦਾ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੱਸਿਆ ਹੈ। + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + update home location on click: Used as label for the checkbox. + save changes button: '{{Identical|Save changes}}' + confirm: + button: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + confirm_email: + button: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + make_friend: + button: '{{Identical|Add as friend}}' + remove_friend: + heading: '{{Identical|Unfriend}}' + button: '{{Identical|Unfriend}}' + list: + title: '{{Identical|User}}' + heading: '{{Identical|User}}' + suspended: + title: '{{Identical|Account suspended}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Account suspended}}' + body: A suspended user is not able to login or do anything. It's part of the + spam protection where an account is temporarily blocked pending administrator + review when spammy looking text is posted to diary entries and things. Suspended + basically means a temporary ban or block. + user_role: + grant: + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + revoke: + title: It's a title! + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + user_block: + new: + tried_contacting: '{{doc-singularthey}}' + create: + try_contacting: '{{doc-singularthey}}' + try_waiting: '{{doc-singularthey}}' + revoke: + title: '* %{block_on} - username' + heading: |- + * %{block_on} - username + * %{block_by} - username + revoke: '{{Identical|Revoke}}' + period: '{{doc-important|This message supports plural. The different plural forms + have to be prefixed as Rails plural forms, except for "other". See [ + CLDR''s Language Plural Rules] for details on which forms may be applicable + in your language. See [ + Rails i18n] on examples for adding Rails i18n basics.}}' + partial: + show: '{{Identical|Show}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + revoke: '{{Identical|Revoke}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' + creator_name: '{{Identical|Creator}}' + status: '{{Identical|Status}}' + showing_page: '{{Identical|Page}}' + next: '{{Identical|Next}}' + show: + title: |- + * %{block_on} - username + * %{block_by} - username + heading: |- + * %{block_on} - username + * %{block_by} - username + time_past: '*%{time} - such as "10 days"' + status: '{{Identical|Status}}' + show: '{{Identical|Show}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + revoke: '{{Identical|Revoke}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' + revoker: '{{Identical|Revoker}}' + note: + description: + closed_at_html: '"Resolved" is used here in the sense of a ticket in a software + bug tracker where you mark a bug as "resolved" with a "resolution" saying + how you dealt with it.' + entry: + comment: |- + Used as heading. Translate as a noun. + + Followed by the comment and the next heading {{msg-osm|Note.entry.full}}. + {{Identical|Comment}} + full: |- + Used as heading. + + Followed by the note. + mine: + id: '{{Identical|ID}}' + creator: '{{Identical|Creator}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + created_at: '{{Identical|Created at}}' + ago_html: '{{Identical|Ago}}' + javascripts: + close: '{{Identical|Close}}' + share: + title: '{{Identical|Share}}' + cancel: '{{Identical|Cancel}}' + image: |- + Used as

heading. + {{Identical|Image}} + link: '{{Identical|Link}}' + long_link: |- + Used as link text which is used to get the URL of current map. + {{Identical|Link}} + short_link: '"Link which has a shortened URL"' + embed: '{{Identical|HTML}}' + custom_dimensions: Used as label for the "Image filter" checkbox. + format: |- + Used as label for the "mapnik format" select box which has the following options: PNG, JPEG, SVG, and PDF. + {{Identical|Format}} + scale: |- + Used as label for the Scale input box. + + Followed by "1 : " and the input box. + {{Identical|Scale}} + image_size: Followed by width x height. + download: '{{Identical|Download}}' + short_url: '{{Identical|Short URL}}' + include_marker: Used as label for the checkbox. + center_marker: Unused at this time. + view_larger_map: Used as link text. + key: + title: '{{Identical|Map key}}The title of the map area where map symbols are + explained. Also known as "Legend".' + tooltip: |- + The tool tip shown when you hover over the "Map key" link which in turn opens the "key" which shows pictorial examples of various map features alongside a description of them where a user can map a key to an action. Also known as "Legend". + {{Identical|Map key}} + tooltip_disabled: Map key is the same as legend. + map: + zoom: + in: '{{Identical|Zoom in}}' + out: '{{Identical|Zoom out}}' + locate: + title: |- + Used as tooltip for the button which is used to show the user's current location. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|}} + popup: |- + Used as popup body. + + The title for this popup is {{msg-osm|}}. + + Parameters: + * {distance} - integer + * {unit} - "meters" or "feet" + base: + standard: |- + "Standard" refers to "Standard map". + {{Identical|Standard}} + cycle_map: |- + Map showing features related to cycling, like cycle parking and cycle lanes. + + Mapa na nagpapakita ng mga katangiang may kinalaman sa pagbibsikleta tulad ng paradahan ng bisikleta at daanan ng bisikleta. + hot: Used as layer name which is came from Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team + + layers: + notes: '{{Identical|Map note}}' + overlays: |- + Used as description for the checkboxes. + + Followed by the following checkbox-labels: + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|}} + title: '{{Identical|Layer}}' + copyright: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|About page.copyright html}} + * {{msg-osm|License 1 html}} + site: + createnote_tooltip: |- + Used as tooltip for the link. + + The link text is {{msg-osm|Site.index.createnote}}. + createnote_disabled_tooltip: Tooltip at the {{msg-osm|Site.index.createnote}} + link used instead of {{msg-osm| tooltip}} when + the map is currently zoomed out too much. See also {{msg-osm| + zoom alert}}. + map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: |- + Used as tooltip. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm| data zoom in tooltip}} + map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: |- + Used as tooltip. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm| notes zoom in tooltip}} + changesets: + show: + comment: '{{Identical|Comment}}' + subscribe: '{{Identical|Subscribe}}' + unsubscribe: '{{Identical|Unsubscribe}}' + hide_comment: '{{Identical|Hide}}' + unhide_comment: '{{Identical|Unhide}}' + notes: + new: + add: |- + Used as label for the Submit button. + {{Identical|Add note}} + show: + hide: '{{Identical|Hide}}' + resolve: '{{Identical|Resolve}}' + comment: |- + Used as label for the Submit button. Translate as a verb. + + Preceded by the Comment textarea and two buttons which have the labels {{msg-osm|}} and {{msg-osm|}}. + {{Identical|Comment}} + directions: + instructions: + roundabout_with_exit: |- + Parameters: + * %{exit} - The number of exit + * %{name} - A street name + time: '{{Identical|Time}}' + query: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + redaction: + edit: + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Edit redaction}}' + title: '{{Identical|Edit redaction}}' + index: + heading: '{{Identical|List of redactions}}' + title: '{{Identical|List of redactions}}' + new: + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + show: + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + user: '{{Identical|Creator}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' +... diff --git a/config/locales/sv.yml b/config/locales/sv.yml index 4ab28ea6d..4cb1c3b3d 100644 --- a/config/locales/sv.yml +++ b/config/locales/sv.yml @@ -1366,6 +1366,7 @@ sv: på. Noteringen är nära %{place}.' details: Mer detaljer om anteckningen finns på %{url}. changeset_comment_notification: + hi: Hej %{to_user}, greeting: Hej, commented: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} har kommenterat på en av dina ändringsset' @@ -1378,6 +1379,8 @@ sv: partial_changeset_with_comment: med kommentar '%{changeset_comment}' partial_changeset_without_comment: utan kommentar details: Mer detaljer om ändringssetet finns på %{url}. + unsubscribe: För att avsluta prenumerationen från uppdatering i denna ändringsgrupp, + besök %{url} och klicka på "Avprenumerera". message: inbox: title: Inkorg diff --git a/config/locales/te.yml b/config/locales/te.yml index 01b684276..fb414abea 100644 --- a/config/locales/te.yml +++ b/config/locales/te.yml @@ -532,6 +532,8 @@ te: click_the_link: అది మీరే అయితే, మార్పుని నిర్ధారించడానికి ఈ క్రింది లంకెను నొక్కండి. note_comment_notification: anonymous: అజ్ఞాత వాడుకరి + changeset_comment_notification: + hi: '%{to_user} గారూ,' message: inbox: my_inbox: నా ఇన్‌బాక్స్