From: Niklas Laxström Date: Thu, 9 Mar 2017 07:01:16 +0000 (+0100) Subject: Localisation updates from X-Git-Tag: live~4438 X-Git-Url: Localisation updates from --- diff --git a/config/locales/ast.yml b/config/locales/ast.yml index 7bff4aa42..c0db94b54 100644 --- a/config/locales/ast.yml +++ b/config/locales/ast.yml @@ -1229,6 +1229,7 @@ ast: header: '%{from_user} unvióte un mensax per OpenStreetMap col asuntu %{subject}:' footer_html: Tamién pue lleer el mensaxe en %{readurl} y pue responder en %{replyurl} friend_notification: + hi: Bones %{to_user}, subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} amestóte como amigu' had_added_you: '%{user} amestóte como amigu n''OpenStreetMap.' see_their_profile: Pues ver el so perfil en %{userurl}. @@ -2337,6 +2338,7 @@ ast: comment: Comentar edit_help: Mueve'l mapa y amplía al llugar que quies editar, llueu calca equí. directions: + ascend: Ascender engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicleta (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: A pie (GraphHopper) @@ -2347,6 +2349,7 @@ ast: mapzen_bicycle: En bicicleta (Mapzen) mapzen_car: En coche (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: A pie (Mapzen) + descend: Descender directions: Indicaciones distance: Distancia errors: diff --git a/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml b/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml index 0d66cd7e6..8be10b30b 100644 --- a/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml +++ b/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml @@ -99,6 +99,14 @@ be-Tarask: closed: Закрытае changeset: title: 'Набор зьменаў: %{id}' + belongs_to: Аўтар + node: Пункты (%{count}) + node_paginated: Пункты (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) + way: Лініі (%{count}) + way_paginated: Лініі (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) + relation: Сувязі (%{count}) + relation_paginated: Сувязі (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) + comment: Камэнтары (%{count}) changesetxml: Набор зьменаў у фармаце XML osmchangexml: osmChange XML feed: @@ -753,14 +761,11 @@ be-Tarask: Мы патрабуем, каб Вы пазначалі “© удзельнікі OpenStreetMap”. credit_2_html: |- - Дзе магчыма, павінна быць гіпэр-спасылка на OpenStreetMap - і на CC BY-SA Калі + Мусіце таксама яўна пазначыць, што зьвесткі даступныя паводле ліцэнзіі Open Database, а калі карыстаецеся нашымі кавалкамі мапаў, што картаграфія ліцэнзаваная паводле CC BY-SA. Гэта можна зрабіць, спаслаўшыся на гэтую старонку правоў. Калі вы распаўсюджваеце OSM у фармаце зьвестак, вы мусіце разьмяшчаць наўпроставую спасылку на ліцэнзіі. Калі Вы выкарыстоўваеце носьбіты, дзе выкарыстаньне спасылак немагчымае (напр. - друкаваныя працы), мы прапануем накіроўваць Вашым чытачоў на + друкаваныя працы), мы прапануем накіроўваць Вашых чытачоў на (магчымае выкарыстаньне поўнага адрасу - ‘OpenStreetMap’) і на + ‘OpenStreetMap’), на і, пры неабходнасьці, на more_title_html: Даведацца болей more_1_html: |- @@ -768,9 +773,8 @@ be-Tarask: href="">старонцы ліцэнзіі OSMF і старонцы адказаў і пытаньняў. more_2_html: |- - Удзельнікі OSM павінны памятаць пра тое, што забаронена дадаваць зьвесткі - з любых крыніцаў абароненых аўтарскім правам (напрыклад, Google Maps ці друкаваных мапаў) - без папярэдняга дазволу ўладальнікаў аўтарскіх правоў. + Хоць OpenStreetMap ёсьць адкрытымі зьвесткамі, мы ня здольныя прадаставіць бяскоштны API мапаў для староньніх распрацоўнікаў. Глядзіце нашыя правілы карыстаньня API, правілы карыстаньня частак мапаў + і правілы карыстаньня Nominatim. contributors_title_html: Нашыя ўдзельнікі contributors_intro_html: |- Нашая ліцэнзія CC BY-SA патрабуе ад Вас “падаць арыгінальнага аўтара @@ -799,17 +803,17 @@ be-Tarask: contributors_gb_html: |- Вялікабрытанія: Утрымлівае зьвесткі Ordnance Survey © Crown copyright and database right - 2010. + 2010—2012. contributors_footer_2_html: |- Уключэньне зьвестак у OpenStreetMap не азначае, што пастаўшчыкі пачатковых зьвестак якім-небудзь чынам падтрымліваюць OpenStreetMap, прадстаўляюць гарантыі, ці прымаюць на сябе якую-небудзь адказнасьць. notifier: diary_comment_notification: - subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} пакінуў камэнтар у Вашым дзёньніку' + subject: Карыстальнік [OpenStreetMap] %{user} пакінуў камэнтар у дзёньніку hi: Вітаем, %{to_user}, - header: '%{from_user} пракамэнтаваў Ваш апошні запіс у дзёньніку на OpenStreetMap - з тэмай %{subject}:' + header: '%{from_user} пракамэнтаваў запіс у дзёньніку на OpenStreetMap з тэмай + %{subject}:' footer: Вы таксама можаце чытаць камэнтар %{readurl} і Вы можаце камэнтаваць на %{commenturl} ці адказаць на %{replyurl} message_notification: @@ -836,7 +840,7 @@ be-Tarask: loaded_successfully: пасьпяхова загружаны %{trace_points} пунктаў з магчымых %{possible_points}. signup_confirm: - subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Пацьвердзіце Ваш адрас электроннай пошты' + subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Вітаем у OpenStreetMap' email_confirm: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Пацьвердзіце Ваш адрас электроннай пошты' email_confirm_plain: @@ -1389,9 +1393,9 @@ be-Tarask: delete_user: Выдаліць гэтага ўдзельніка confirm: Пацьвердзіць friends_changesets: Праглядзець усе наборы зьменаў сяброў - friends_diaries: Праглядзець усе запісы дзёньнікаў сяброў - nearby_changesets: Праглядзець усе наборы зьменаў суседніх удзельнікаў - nearby_diaries: Праглядзець усе запісы дзёньнікаў суседніх удзельнікаў + friends_diaries: запісы сяброўскіх дзёньнікаў + nearby_changesets: наборы зьменаў суседніх удзельнікаў + nearby_diaries: запісы дзёньнікаў суседніх удзельнікаў popup: your location: Вашае месцазнаходжаньне nearby mapper: Бліжэйшы стваральнік мапаў diff --git a/config/locales/da.yml b/config/locales/da.yml index 45d167958..979f21fe6 100644 --- a/config/locales/da.yml +++ b/config/locales/da.yml @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ da: way: vej relation: relation start_rjs: - feature_warning: Henter %{num_features} funktioner, som kan gøre din browser + feature_warning: Henter %{num_features} kortobjekter, som kan gøre din browser langsom eller fÃ¥ den til at ikke at svare. Er du sikker pÃ¥ du ønsker at fÃ¥ vist disse data? load_data: Indlæs data @@ -236,7 +236,7 @@ da: query: title: Find kortobjekter introduction: Klik pÃ¥ kortet for at finde kortobjekter i nærheden. - nearby: Funktioner i nærheden + nearby: Kortobjekter i nærheden enclosing: Omgivende kortobjekter changeset: changeset_paging_nav: @@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ da: title: Ændringssæt title_user: Ændringssæt af %{user} title_friend: Ændringssæt af dine venner - title_nearby: Ændringssæt af nærliggende brugere + title_nearby: Ændringssæt af brugere i nærheden empty: Ingen ændringssæt er fundet. empty_area: Ingen ændringssæt i dette omrÃ¥de. empty_user: Ingen ændringssæt af denne bruger. diff --git a/config/locales/eo.yml b/config/locales/eo.yml index 20ba9892a..2383961b5 100644 --- a/config/locales/eo.yml +++ b/config/locales/eo.yml @@ -2326,6 +2326,7 @@ eo: edit_help: Movu la mapon kaj pligrandigu al loko kiun vi volas redakti, kaj poste alklaku tie ĉi. directions: + ascend: Supreniro engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Bicikle (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: Piede (GraphHopper) @@ -2336,6 +2337,7 @@ eo: mapzen_bicycle: Bicikle (Mapzen) mapzen_car: AÅ­te (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: Piede (Mapzen) + descend: Malsupreniro directions: Kurso distance: Distanco errors: diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml index 421152edf..fd79cece4 100644 --- a/config/locales/es.yml +++ b/config/locales/es.yml @@ -2397,6 +2397,7 @@ es: edit_help: Mueva el mapa el mapa y acerca a una ubicación que desees editar, luego haga clic aquí. directions: + ascend: Ascender engines: graphhopper_bicycle: En bicicleta (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: A pie (GraphHopper) @@ -2407,6 +2408,7 @@ es: mapzen_bicycle: En bicicleta (Mapzen) mapzen_car: En coche (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: A pie (Mapzen) + descend: Descender directions: Indicaciones distance: Distancia errors: diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 9797309d7..3866a6106 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -2504,8 +2504,8 @@ fr: error: 'Erreur en contactant %{server} : %{error}' timeout: Délai dépassé en contactant %{server} context: - directions_from: Directions depuis ici - directions_to: Directions vers ici + directions_from: Itinéraire depuis ici + directions_to: Itinéraire vers ici add_note: Ajouter une note ici show_address: Afficher l’adresse query_features: Interroger les objets diff --git a/config/locales/gl.yml b/config/locales/gl.yml index d65124fe9..324b9723a 100644 --- a/config/locales/gl.yml +++ b/config/locales/gl.yml @@ -1263,6 +1263,7 @@ gl: "%{subject}":' footer_html: Tamén pode ler a mensaxe en %{readurl} e pode responder en %{replyurl} friend_notification: + hi: 'Ola %{to_user}:' subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} engadiuno como amigo' had_added_you: '%{user} engadiuno como amigo en OpenStreetMap.' see_their_profile: Pode ollar o seu perfil en %{userurl}. @@ -1686,6 +1687,8 @@ gl: require_moderator: not_a_moderator: Cómpre ser un moderador para poder levar a cabo esa acción. setup_user_auth: + blocked_zero_hour: Ten unha mensaxe urxente no sitio web de OpenStreetMap. Debe + ler a mensaxe antes de que poida gardar as súas edicións. blocked: O seu acceso á API foi bloqueado. Acceda ao sistema para atopar máis información na interface web. need_to_see_terms: O seu acceso á API está suspendido temporalmente. Acceda @@ -1716,6 +1719,8 @@ gl: invalid: O pase de autorización non é válido. revoke: flash: Revogou o pase de %{application} + permissions: + missing: Non permitiu á aplicación acceder a esta instalación oauth_clients: new: title: Rexistrar unha nova aplicación @@ -2233,6 +2238,8 @@ gl: helper: time_future: Remata en %{time}. until_login: Activo ata que o usuario inicie sesión. + time_future_and_until_login: Remata en %{time} e despois de que o usuario iniciou + a sesión. time_past: Rematou hai %{time}. blocks_on: title: Bloqueos feitos a %{name} @@ -2374,6 +2381,7 @@ gl: edit_help: Desplace o mapa e amplíeo na localización que queira editar; logo, prema aquí. directions: + ascend: Ascendente engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Bicicleta (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: A pé (GraphHopper) @@ -2384,6 +2392,7 @@ gl: mapzen_bicycle: En bicicleta (Mapzen) mapzen_car: En coche (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: A pé (Mapzen) + descend: Descendente directions: Indicacións distance: Distancia errors: @@ -2433,6 +2442,13 @@ gl: nothing_found: Non se atoparon características error: 'Error ó contactar a %{server}: %{error}' timeout: Tempo de espera esgotado ó contactar a %{server} + context: + directions_from: Indicacións dende aquí + directions_to: Indicacións ata aquí + add_note: Engadir unha nota aquí + show_address: Mostrar dirección + query_features: Consultar características + centre_map: Centrar o mapa aquí redaction: edit: description: Descrición diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml index 67a73bf95..c550e1480 100644 --- a/config/locales/it.yml +++ b/config/locales/it.yml @@ -1822,7 +1822,7 @@ it: to make changes: Per apportare modifiche ai dati di OpenStreetMap, è necessario disporre di un account. create account minute: Crea un account. Richiede solo un minuto. - no account: Non hai un account? + no account: Non hai un'utenza? account not active: Spiacenti, il tuo profilo non è ancora attivo.
Si prega di utilizzare il collegamento presente nell'email di conferma per attivare il proprio profilo, oppure richiedere l'invio di una diff --git a/config/locales/pl.yml b/config/locales/pl.yml index 93b4272e3..cf5dc9481 100644 --- a/config/locales/pl.yml +++ b/config/locales/pl.yml @@ -1270,6 +1270,7 @@ pl: footer_html: Możesz również przeczytać wiadomość na %{readurl} i odpowiedzieć na nią na %{replyurl} friend_notification: + hi: Witaj %{to_user}, subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Użytkownik %{user} dodał Cię jako znajomego' had_added_you: '%{user} dodał(a) Cię jako swojego znajomego na OpenStreetMap.' see_their_profile: Możesz zobaczyć jego profil na stronie %{userurl}. @@ -2400,6 +2401,7 @@ pl: edit_help: Proszę przesunąć mapę i przybliżyć modyfikowane położenie, a następnie kliknąć tutaj. directions: + ascend: W górę engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Rower (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: Pieszo (GraphHopper) @@ -2410,6 +2412,7 @@ pl: mapzen_bicycle: Rower (Mapzen) mapzen_car: Samochód (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: Pieszo (Mapzen) + descend: W dół directions: Opis trasy distance: Odległość errors: diff --git a/config/locales/qqq.yml b/config/locales/qqq.yml new file mode 100644 index 000000000..3ff4a3110 --- /dev/null +++ b/config/locales/qqq.yml @@ -0,0 +1,2062 @@ +# Messages for Message documentation (Message documentation) +# Exported from +# Export driver: phpyaml +# Author: Amire80 +# Author: Andygol +# Author: Babanwalia +# Author: Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry +# Author: Chilin +# Author: Chitetskoy +# Author: Cquoi +# Author: EugeneZelenko +# Author: Freek +# Author: Fryed-peach +# Author: Gmare +# Author: Guillembb +# Author: Jon Harald Søby +# Author: Katpatuka +# Author: Kghbln +# Author: Klenje +# Author: Kosovastar +# Author: Liuxinyu970226 +# Author: Maraf24 +# Author: McDutchie +# Author: Michawiki +# Author: Mikini +# Author: Minh Nguyen +# Author: Mmyangfl +# Author: Mor +# Author: Mormegil +# Author: Nemo bis +# Author: P24 +# Author: PerroVerd +# Author: Purodha +# Author: Pyrog +# Author: Robby +# Author: Rodrigo Avila +# Author: Santacloud +# Author: Shirayuki +# Author: Siebrand +# Author: SuperPotato +# Author: The Polish +# Author: The real emj +# Author: Tuliouel +# Author: Verdy p +# Author: Waldir +# Author: Xuacu +# Author: Yuryleb +# Author: 아라 +--- +qqq: + html: + dir: |- + {{Optional}} + This message define the directionality to be used for the given language. + The only two possible values are: + * ltr : for left-to-right scripts + * rtl : for right-to-left scripts (eg: arabic, hebrew,...) + time: + formats: + friendly: |- + {{DataFormatRuby/en}} + This is a timestamp in [ Ruby notation]. Just copy it and translate "at" and localise your separators if you are uncertain what to do. It is used on user pages to say when a user signed up at OSM. + * %e stands for Day of the month, blank-padded (1..31) + * %B stands for The full month name (January) + * %Y stands for Year with century (1999, 2011) + * %H stands for Hour of the day, 24-hour clock (00..23) + * %M stands for Minute of the hour (00..59) + blog: '{{DataFormatRuby/en}}' + activerecord: + models: + changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + changeset_tag: '{{Identical|Changeset tag}}' + country: '{{Identical|Country}}' + friend: '{{Identical|Friend}}' + language: '{{Identical|Language}}' + message: '{{Identical|Message}}' + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + notifier: '{{Identical|Notifier}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + session: '{{Identical|Session}}' + trace: '{{Identical|Trace}}' + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + user_preference: '{{Identical|User preference}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + way_node: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + way_tag: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + attributes: + diary_comment: + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + diary_entry: + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + title: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + language: '{{Identical|Language}}' + friend: + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + friend: '{{Identical|Friend}}' + trace: + user: '{{Identical|User}}' + visible: '{{Identical|Visible}}' + name: '{{Identical|Name}}' + size: '{{Identical|Size}}' + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + public: '{{Identical|Public}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + message: + sender: '{{Identical|Sender}}' + title: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + recipient: '{{Identical|Recipient}}' + user: + email: '{{Identical|Email}}' + active: '{{Identical|Active}}' + display_name: |- + Field caption for the name to be displayed for your edits, settable in user preferences. + {{Identical|Display name}} + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + languages: '{{Identical|Language}}' + pass_crypt: '{{Identical|Password}}' + printable_name: + with_version: '{{Optional}}' + editor: + id: + name: |- + name of the editor. + {{Identical|ID}} + Translation into French :"ID" or "id" instead of "iD" ? + browse: + created: |- + Followed by a time. + {{Identical|Created}} + closed: |- + Followed by a time. + {{Identical|Closed}} + created_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + closed_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + created_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + deleted_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + edited_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + closed_by_html: |- + Parmeters: + * %{title} - ... + * %{time} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + * %{user} - username + version: '{{Identical|Version}}' + in_changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + anonymous: '{{Identical|Anonymous}}' + no_comment: Used as

heading if there is no + comment. + part_of: |- + Used as

heading. + + The section has list of nodes, list of ways, or list of relations. + download_xml: |- + Used as label for link which is used to download node/way/relation as XML. + + Followed by "·" + {{msg-osm|Browse.view history}}. + view_history: |- + Used as label for link pointing to node/way/relation history. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm| xml}} + "·". + {{Identical|View history}} + view_details: |- + Used as label for link which is used to view node/way/relation details. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm| xml}} and "·". + {{Identical|View details}} + location: |- + Followed by a link containing latitude, longitude, and zoom. + {{Identical|Location}} + changeset: + title: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + belongs_to: '{{Identical|Author}}' + node: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Node}} + node_paginated: |- + Used in pagination. Parameters: + * %{x} - first item + * %{y} - last item + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Node}} + way: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Way}} + way_paginated: |- + Used in pagination. Parameters: + * %{x} - first item + * %{y} - last item + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Way}} + relation: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Relation}} + relation_paginated: |- + Used in pagination. Parameters: + * %{x} - first item + * %{y} - last item + * %{count} - total number of items + {{Related|Browse.changeset.paginated}} + {{Identical|Relation}} + comment: '{{Identical|Comment}}' + commented_by: discussions are different from comments in changesets + osmchangexml: osmChange is the file format used by osmosis to describe differences + between two dumps of OSM data. + feed: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{id} - changeset ID + {{Identical|Changeset}} + title_comment: |- + Parameters: + * %{id} - changeset ID + {{Identical|Changeset}} + discussion: '{{Identical|Discussion}}' + node: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{name} - node name + {{Identical|Node}} + history_title: |- + Used as page title. Parameters: + * %{name} - node name + {{Related|Browse.history title}} + way: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{name} - way name + {{Identical|Way}} + history_title: |- + Used as page title. Parameters: + * %{name} - way name + {{Related|Browse.history title}} + nodes: '{{Identical|Node}}' + relation: + title: |- + Parameters: + * %{name} - relation name + {{Identical|Relation}} + history_title: |- + Used as page title. Parameters: + * %{name} - relation name + {{Related|Browse.history title}} + members: |- + Used as

heading. + {{Identical|Member}} + relation_member: + entry: '{{Optional}}' + entry_role: |- + *%{type} - substituted with {{msg-osm|Browse.redacted.type.node}}, {{msg-osm|Browse.redacted.type.way}} or {{msg-osm|Browse.redacted.type.relation}} + *%{name} - node/way/relation ID + *%{role} - relation role: "inner", "outer", etc. + {{Identical|As}} + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + containing_relation: + entry: |- + *%{relation_name} - relation ID + {{Identical|Relation}} + entry_role: |- + *%{relation_name} - relation ID + *%{relation_role} - relation role: "inner", "outer", etc. + not_found: + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + note: '{{Identical|Note}}' + timeout: + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + changeset: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + redacted: + redaction: this is not about editing a book, this is about the specific redaction + process in OSM + message_html: Redacted versions are hidden from public view due to the license + change from CC-BY-SA 2.0 to Open Database License (OdbL) 1.0. See [ + the announcement] for more information. + type: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + start_rjs: + feature_warning: |- + Parameters: + * %{num_features} - number of features + * %{max_features} - (Unused) max number of features + + Feature signifie dans le contexte : Objet OSM(node, way, relation), Point d'intérêt, élément… + loading: '{{Identical|Loading}}' + tag_details: + tags: '{{Identical|Tag}}' + wiki_link: + key: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + tag: 'Attribut: Schlüssel=Wert, Knoten, Linie, Relation, lt.' + telephone_link: '{{Identical|Call}}' + note: + title: '{{Identical|Note}}' + new_note: Used as page title and

heading. + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + open_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + open_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + commented_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + commented_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + closed_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + closed_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + reopened_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + reopened_by_anonymous: |- + Parameters: + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + hidden_by: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + * %{exact_time} - ... + * %{when} - e.g. "about 11 hours" (localized) + query: + title: |- + Headline for a performed feature query result. + + Here, "Feature" means an OSM object (way, node, relation), a Point Of Interest (POI)… + + The user queries the map to learn the nature or the details of objects near the place clicked on. + introduction: 'Feature signifie dans le contexte : Objet OSM(node, way, relation), + Point d''intérêt, élément…' + changeset: + changeset_paging_nav: + showing_page: |- + %{page} is a number, so the message is e.g. "Showing page 5". + {{Identical|Page}} + next: '{{Identical|Next}}' + previous: '{{Identical|Previous}}' + changeset: + anonymous: '{{Identical|Anonymous}}' + changesets: + id: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap website] for details. + {{Identical|ID}} + saved_at: Column header in a table of changes. See [ + OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + user: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + {{Identical|User}} + comment: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + {{Identical|Comment}} + area: |- + Column header in a table of changes. See [ OpenStreetMap webiste] for details. + {{Identical|Area}} + list: + title: '{{Identical|Changeset}}' + title_user: Changesets ose në gjermanisht Änderungssätze, ne shqip mund te + perdoret si "Ndryshime fjalish" ose "Ndryshime rekordesh" + empty: '{{Related|Changeset.list.empty}}' + empty_area: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm| more area}} + {{Related|Changeset.list.empty}} + empty_user: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm| more user}} + {{Related|Changeset.list.empty}} + no_more_area: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Changeset.list.empty area}} + no_more_user: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Changeset.list.empty user}} + load_more: |- + Used as label for button to load more changesets on history page. + {{Identical|Load more}} + rss: + comment: original 'comment' is misleading for changeset discussions + diary_entry: + new: + title: Used as page heading + publish_button: '{{Identical|Publish}}' + list: + user_title: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + new: Used as link title + new_title: Used as link tooltip + edit: + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + language: '{{Identical|Language}}' + location: '{{Identical|Location}}' + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + save_button: '{{Identical|Save}}' + view: + title: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + user_title: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + login_to_leave_a_comment: '"login_link" is substituted from {{msg-osm|Diary + entry.view.login}}.' + login: |- + Substituted in {{msg-osm|Diary_entry.view.login_to_leave_a_comment}}. + {{Identical|Login}} + save_button: '{{Identical|Save}}' + diary_entry: + comment_count: '{{doc-important|This message supports plural. The different + plural forms have to be prefixed as Rails plural forms, except for "other". + See [ + CLDR''s Language Plural Rules] for details on which forms may be applicable + in your language. See [ + Rails i18n] on examples for adding Rails i18n basics.}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + diary_comment: + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + location: + location: '{{Identical|Location}}' + view: '{{Identical|View}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + feed: + user: + title: Title of the user’s diary RSS feed (see e.g. []) + description: Description of the user’s diary RSS feed (see e.g. []) + all: + title: Title of the OpenStreetMap user diaries RSS feed (see []) + description: Description of the OpenStreetMap user diaries RSS feed (see []) + comments: + post: |- + {{Identical|Post}} + This is a name, not a verb, for a posted entry in the diary. + when: '{{Identical|When}}' + comment: '{{Identical|Comment}}' + ago: |- + Parameters: + * %{ago} - such as "10 days" + {{Identical|Ago}} + export: + title: |- + Used as page title. + {{Identical|Export}} + start: + licence: '{{Identical|License}}' + too_large: + planet: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.planet.title}}. + overpass: + title: |- + "Overpass" is a name of a web service and probably shouldn't be translated. + + Used in + + Used as text for the link pointing to + + Description for the link is: + * {{msg-osm|Export.start.too large.overpass.description}} + description: |- + Used in + + Used as description for the link pointing to + + The link text is {{msg-osm|Export.start.too large.overpass.title}}. + geofabrik: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.geofabrik.title}}. + metro: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.metro.title}}. + other: + title: Used as link text for the link which points to + description: |- + Used as description for the link. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Export.start.too_large.other.title}}. + options: '{{Identical|Options}}' + format: |- + Field label; needs colon + {{Identical|Format}} + scale: '{{Identical|Scale}}' + max: '"maximum"' + image_size: |- + Needs colon for form consistency. + {{Identical|Image size}} + zoom: '{{Identical|Zoom}}' + add_marker: |- + Used as action link text. + {{Identical|Add marker to map}} + latitude: abbreviated form of latitude + longitude: abbreviated form of longitude + output: '{{Identical|Output}}' + export_button: '{{Identical|Export}}' + geocoder: + search: + title: + latlon: Shown as section header when user enters lat,lon coordinates + search_osm_nominatim: + prefix_format: '{{Optional}}' + prefix: + aerialway: + cable_car: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=cable_car]] + chair_lift: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=chair_lift]] + + {{Identical|Chair lift}} + gondola: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=gondola]] + station: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:aerialway=station]] + aeroway: + aerodrome: '{{Identical|Aerodrome}}' + apron: |- + This is an apron in an airport, also known as "Airport ramp". See . + {{Identical|Apron}} + gate: |- + [[w:Gate (airport)]] + {{Identical|Gate}} + helipad: '{{Identical|Helipad}}' + runway: '{{Identical|Runway}}' + taxiway: |- + A taxiway is a path on an airport connecting runways with ramps, hangars, terminals and other facilities. See . + {{Identical|Taxiway}} + terminal: '{{Identical|Terminal}}' + amenity: + animal_shelter: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=animal_shelter]] + atm: See + bank: '{{Identical|Bank}}' + bar: '{{Identical|Bar}}' + bbq: A Barbecue (BBQ) is an apparatus for cooking meat and various other + foods. We might add a BBQ to the map with the tag amenity=bbq if there + is a permanently built place for having a BBQ. + bench: |- + See + {{Identical|Bench}} + bicycle_parking: See + bicycle_rental: See + boat_rental: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=boat_rental]] + brothel: See + bureau_de_change: See + bus_station: See + cafe: '{{Identical|Cafe}}' + car_sharing: See [[wikipedia:Carsharing]] + childcare: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=childcare]] + cinema: '{{Identical|Cinema}}' + clinic: '{{Identical|Clinic}}' + clock: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=clock]] + + {{Identical|Clock}} + college: '{{Identical|College}}' + community_centre: '''Gemeinschaftszentrum'' is more general for community + centres than ''Gemeindezentrum'' which has a more religious connotation.' + courthouse: See + doctors: '{{Identical|Doctor}}' + dormitory: See + and [[wikipedia:Dormitory]] + drinking_water: See + embassy: '{{Identical|Embassy}}' + emergency_phone: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=emergency_phone]] + + {{Identical|Emergency phone}} + ferry_terminal: See + fire_hydrant: |- + See + {{Identical|Fire hydrant}} + fire_station: See + fountain: See + fuel: |- + See + {{Identical|Fuel}} + gambling: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=gambling]] + grave_yard: See + hospital: |- + See + {{Identical|Hospital}} + hunting_stand: See + ice_cream: See + kindergarten: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=kindergarten]] + library: |- + See + {{Identical|Library}} + market: '{{Identical|Market}}' + marketplace: |- + See, [[wikipedia:Marketplace]] + {{Identical|Marketplace}} + monastery: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=monastery]] + motorcycle_parking: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=motorcycle_parking]] + nursery: See [[wikipedia:Nursery school]] + nursing_home: See [[wikipedia:Nursing home]], [ + amenity=nursing_home] + office: '{{Identical|Office}}' + parking: '{{Identical|Parking}}' + parking_entrance: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=parking_entrance]] + pharmacy: |- + See + {{Identical|Pharmacy}} + place_of_worship: See + police: |- + See + {{Identical|Police}} + post_box: See + prison: See + pub: |- + See + {{Identical|Pub}} + public_building: See + restaurant: |- + See + {{Identical|Restaurant}} + school: '{{Identical|School}}' + shelter: See + shop: '{{Identical|Shop}}' + social_club: See + and + social_facility: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=social_facility]] + studio: See [[wikipedia:Studio apartment]], + taxi: '{{Identical|Taxi}}' + theatre: |- + See + {{Identical|Theatre}} + townhall: See + university: '{{Identical|University}}' + vending_machine: See + veterinary: See + village_hall: In OSM context, this is a community centre in a village. Do + not confuse with administrative function, that is a town hall. + waste_basket: See + waste_disposal: '[[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=waste_disposal]]' + boundary: + administrative: |- + See + {{Identical|Administrative boundary}} + bridge: + "yes": '{{Identical|Bridge}}' + building: + "yes": '{{Identical|Building}}' + craft: + brewery: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=brewery]] + carpenter: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=carpenter]] + electrician: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=electrician]] + gardener: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=gardener]] + painter: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=painter]] + + {{Identical|Painter}} + photographer: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=photographer]] + + {{Identical|Photographer}} + plumber: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=plumber]] + shoemaker: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=shoemaker]] + tailor: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=tailor]] + + {{Identical|Tailor}} + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:craft]] + emergency: + ambulance_station: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:emergency=ambulance_station]] + defibrillator: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:emergency=defibrillator]] + phone: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:emergency=phone]] + + {{Identical|Emergency phone}} + highway: + abandoned: Highway impliziert keine Schnelligkeit. + bridleway: |- + See + {{Identical|Bridleway}} + bus_guideway: See + cycleway: See + elevator: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=elevator]] + + {{Identical|Elevator}} + footway: See + ford: See, [[wikipedia:Ford_(crossing)]] + living_street: See [[wikipedia:Living_street]] + milestone: '{{Identical|Milestone}}' + motorway: |- + See [[wikipedia:Motorway]] + {{Identical|Motorway}} + motorway_link: See + path: |- + See + {{Identical|Path}} + pedestrian: See + platform: |- + See + {{Identical|Platform}} + primary_link: Road link, see [[]] + proposed: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=proposed]]. + raceway: See + road: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=road]] + + {{Identical|Road}} + service: See [[wikipedia:Frontage road]] + services: See + street_lamp: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=street_lamp]] + track: See, [[wikipedia:Trail]] + traffic_signals: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:highway=traffic_signals]] + trunk_link: See [[wikipedia:Trunk road]] + unclassified: See + "yes": |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:highway]] + + {{Identical|Road}} + historic: + archaeological_site: See + boundary_stone: See [[wikipedia:Boundary marker]] + city_gate: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:historic=city_gate]] + citywalls: See + heritage: See [[openstreetmap:DE:Key:heritage]] + house: '{{Identical|House}}' + icon: '{{Identical|Icon}}' + roman_road: See [[openstreetmap:Proposed features/roman road]] + ruins: See + stone: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:historic=stone]] + + {{Identical|Stone}} + tomb: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:historic=tomb]] + wayside_shrine: See + junction: + "yes": |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:junction]] + + {{Identical|Junction}} + landuse: + allotments: |- + See [[:wikipedia:Allotment (gardening)]]. + {{Identical|Allotment}} + brownfield: See [[wikipedia:Brownfield Land]] + cemetery: '{{Identical|Cametery}}' + commercial: '{{Identical|Commercial area}}' + conservation: See [ + wiki.openstreetmap:Conservation] + farm: '{{Identical|Farm}}' + farmland: See [[wikipedia:Arable land]] + farmyard: An area surrounded by or adjacent to farm buildings. + grass: '{{Identical|Grass}}' + greenfield: See [[wikipedia:Greenfield land]] + mine: '{{Identical|Mine}}' + railway: '{{Identical|Railway}}' + reservoir: See + residential: See + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:landuse]] + leisure: + beach_resort: See [[wikipedia:Seaside resort]] + club: '{{Identical|Club}}' + common: See [[wikipedia:Common land]] + dog_park: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:leisure=dog_park]] + fitness_station: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:leisure=fitness_station]]. + garden: '{{Identical|Garden}}' + horse_riding: See [[openstreetmap:Proposed features/Riding Stable]] + park: '{{Identical|Park}}' + pitch: See [[wikipedia:Pitch_(sports)]] + playground: See + recreation_ground: See [[wikipedia:Recreation Ground]] + slipway: See, [[wikipedia:Slipway]] + track: See + water_park: See, + [[wikipedia:Waterpark]] + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:leisure]] + man_made: + lighthouse: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=lighthouse]] + pipeline: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=pipeline]] + tower: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=tower]] + works: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:man_made=works]] + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:man_made]] + natural: + bay: See + cape: '{{Identical|Cape}}' + cave_entrance: See + fell: See and [[wikipedia:Fell]]. + grassland: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:natural=grassland]] + island: '{{Identical|Island}}' + land: See + moor: See and + point: '{{Identical|Point}}' + reef: "Shkëmb i nënujshëm që del edhe mbi sipërfaqen \ne ujit" + ridge: "See [[wikipedia:Ridge]] \n" + rock: See + saddle: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:natural=saddle]] + sand: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:natural=sand]] + scree: See, [[wikipedia:Scree]] + scrub: See + spring: |- + See + {{Identical|Spring}} + stone: '{{Identical|Stone}}' + strait: + tree: '{{Identical|Tree}}' + water: |- + See + {{Identical|Water}} + wetland: "Vend i lagësht e me bar, tokë që mban gjithnjë \nujë; moçalishte." + wood: + office: + administrative: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:office=administrative]] + {{Identical|Administration}} + company: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:office=company]] + {{Identical|Company}} + employment_agency: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:office=employment agency]] + ngo: NGO = Non-Governmental Organisation + telecommunication: See + "yes": |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:office]]. + {{Identical|Office}} + place: + allotments: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:place=allotments]] + block: '{{Identical|Block}}' + airport: '{{Identical|Airport}}' + city: '{{Identical|City}}' + country: '{{Identical|Country}}' + county: '{{Identical|County}}' + farm: '{{Identical|Farm}}' + hamlet: See [[wikipedia:Hamlet_(place)]] + house: '{{Identical|House}}' + houses: '{{Identical|House}}' + island: '{{Identical|Island}}' + isolated_dwelling: + locality: wiki [ + Tag:place=locality] + neighbourhood: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:place=neighbourhood]] + postcode: '{{Identical|Postal code}}' + region: '{{Identical|Region}}' + state: '{{Identical|State}}' + subdivision: '{{Identical|Subdivision}}' + suburb: '{{Identical|Suburb}}' + town: '{{Identical|Town}}' + unincorporated_area: An unincorporated area is a region of land that is + not a part of any municipality. See [[wikipedia:Unincorporated area]]. + village: '{{Identical|Village}}' + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:place]] + railway: + abandoned: '''auflassen'' für aufgeben ist nur regional gebräuchlich' + funicular: 'Um funicular é um carro de cabos que circula sobre carris; a + sua principal função é o transporte de passageiros ou carga ao longo de + encostas. Fonte:' + light_rail: See [[wikipedia:Light rail]] + narrow_gauge: See [[wikipedia:Narrow gauge railway]] + proposed: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:railway=proposed]] + spur: See [[wikipedia:Branch line]] + station: See + stop: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:railway=stop]] + switch: See and + + shop: + alcohol: |- + It seems is specific to United Kingdom. See + {{Identical|Off license}} + art: See + bicycle: See + boutique: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=boutique]] + butcher: See + car_parts: See + charity: See + chemist: '[[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=chemist]]' + convenience: See [[wikipedia:Convenience store]] + copyshop: See + deli: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=deli]] + department_store: See + dry_cleaning: See + farm: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=farm]] + funeral_directors: See + gallery: '{{Identical|Gallery}}' + garden_centre: + general: See and + gift: See + greengrocer: See [[wikipedia:Greengrocer]] + hardware: This is about hardware in the DIY sense, '''not''' in the computer + sense! See [[:wikipedia:Hardware store]]. + insurance: '{{Identical|Insurance}}' + laundry: See + mall: See for an explanation. + newsagent: See [[wikipedia:Newsstand]] + outdoor: Outdoor ist im Deutschen etabliert, es gibt nicht nur Bekleidung + sondern komplette Ausrüstung + pharmacy: '{{Identical|Pharmacy}}' + photo: See and + salon: See [[wikipedia:Beauty salon]] + second_hand: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=second_hand]] + shoes: See + shopping_centre: |- + No explanation found. + + Yet see - maybe, this is just another name for a shopping mall? + tailor: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:craft=tailor]] + toys: See + travel_agency: See + wine: |- + It seems is specific to United Kingdom. See + {{Identical|Off license}} + "yes": '{{Identical|Shop}}' + tourism: + apartment: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tourism=apartment]], this is for vacation + only. + artwork: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tourism=artwork]] + {{Identical|Artwork}} + cabin: '[[openstreetmap:Tag:building=cabin]]' + chalet: See + gallery: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tourism=gallery]] + information: |- + An office, or notice board, or similar feature where information is provided for tourists visiting the area. + {{Identical|Information}} + picnic_site: See + tunnel: + culvert: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:tunnel=culvert]] + waterway: + canal: See + dam: See + derelict_canal: See + ditch: See [[wikipedia:Ditch]] + dock: A large basin in which the water is impounded by gates or locks allowing + ships to remain afloat at low tide + drain: + lock: See [[wikipedia:Lock_(water_transport)]] + lock_gate: See, + [[wikipedia:Lock (water transport)]] + mooring: See [[wikipedia:Mooring_(watercraft)]] + rapids: See, [[wikipedia:Rapids]] + river: '{{Identical|River}}' + stream: See + wadi: '[[wikipedia:Wadi]]' + weir: See + "yes": See [[openstreetmap:Key:waterway]] + admin_levels: + level2: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level4: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level5: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level6: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level8: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level9: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + level10: |- + See [[openstreetmap:Key:admin_level]]. + {{Related| osm nominatim.admin levels}} + description: + types: + cities: '{{Identical|City}}' + towns: '{{Identical|Town}}' + layouts: + project_name: + title: '{{Optional}}' + h1: '{{Optional}}' + home: |- + Used as link text. + + Should be consistent with: + * {{msg-osm|User.account.no_home_location}} + logout: '{{Identical|Log out}}' + log_in: '{{Identical|Log in}}' + sign_up: '{{Identical|Sign up}}' + start_mapping: |- + Used as label for button. + {{Identical|Start mapping}} + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + history: '{{Identical|History}}' + export: '{{Identical|Export}}' + data: '{{Identical|Data}}' + export_data: |- + Used as link text. + + Preceded by the link text {{msg-osm|Layouts.copyright}}. + + Followed by the link text {{msg-osm|Layouts.gps traces}}. + gps_traces: |- + Used as link text. + + Preceded by the following link texts: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.copyright}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.export data}} + intro_text: |- + Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|Layouts.intro header}}. + + Followed by the following buttons: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.learn more}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.start mapping}} + partners_html: 'Patchwork message: {{msg-osm| ucl}}, {{msg-osm| + ic}}, {{msg-osm| bytemark}}, {{msg-osm| partners}}' + partners_partners: '{{Identical|Partner}}' + donate: In place of "link", {{msg-osm|layouts.donate link text}} is substituted. + help: |- + Substituted for ''help'' in {{msg-osm|layouts.help_and_wiki}}. + {{Identical|Help}} + about: '{{Identical|About}}' + copyright: |- + Used as link text. + + Followed by the following link texts: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.export data}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.gps traces}} + {{Identical|Copyright}} + community: '{{Identical|Community}}' + learn_more: |- + Used as label for button. + {{Identical|Learn more}} + more: |- + Used as toggle button text to show the following menu items: + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.gps traces}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.user diaries}} + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.about}} + * {{msg-osm|Layouts.copyright}} + {{Identical|More}} + license_page: + foreign: + text: |- + Parameters: + * "''english_original_link''" is substituted with {{msg-osm|license_page.foreign.english_link}} + english_link: This message is substituted as "''english_original_link''" in + {{msg-osm|license_page.foreign.text|notext=1}}. + native: + text: |- + Parameters: + * "''native_link''" is substituted with {{msg-osm|license_page.native.native_link}} + * "''mapping_link''" is substituted {{msg-osm|license_page.native.mapping_link}} + native_link: |- + {{doc-important|Replace "THIS_LANGUAGE_NAME_HERE" with the autonym (self name) of the language that is being translated.}} + This message is substituted as "''native_link''" in {{msg-osm|license_page.native.text|notext=1}}. + Example: Español for Spanish language + mapping_link: |- + This message is substituted as "''mapping_link''" in {{msg-osm|License page.native.text|notext=1}}. + {{Identical|Start mapping}} + legal_babble: + credit_1_html: |- + When reusing content from OpenStreetMap, it is required to credit the reused content as "© OpenStreetMap contributors", i.e. those that contributed to OpenStreepMap. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|About page.copyright html}} + credit_2_html: The sentence «expanding 'OpenStreetMap' to this full address» + means «writing instead», so that it's clear that it's a + website, instead of only a brand name.. + contributors_fi_html: |- + Official translations of the license: + + *[ English] + *[ Finnish] + *[ Swedish] + contributors_nl_html: '{{doc-important|AND is an acronym (Automotive Navigation + Data), do not translate}}' + trademarks_1_html: '''''[[openstreetmap:State Of The Map|State of the Map]]'''' + is the annual conference of the OpenStreetMap project. Please do not translate + the trademarks.' + welcome_page: + title: '{{Identical|Welcome}}' + basic_terms: + node_html: See [[openstreetmap:Elements]]. + way_html: See [[openstreetmap:Elements]]. + tag_html: See [[openstreetmap:Elements]]. + questions: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by the following message: + * {{msg-osm|welcome_page.questions.paragraph_1_html}} + paragraph_1_html: Preceded by the heading {{msg-osm|Welcome page.questions.title}}. + start_mapping: |- + Used as text for the link which is used to start mapping. + {{Identical|Start mapping}} + add_a_note: + title: Used as

heading. + paragraph_2_html: '{{doc-important|Do not translate which will be replaced by an icon.}}' + fixthemap: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by

heading {{msg-osm|Layouts.intro header}}. + how_to_help: + title: |- + Used as

heading in + + Followed by the following

headings: + * {{msg-osm| to help.join the community.title}} + * {{msg-osm|Welcome page.add a note.title}} + join_the_community: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by: + * {{msg-osm| to help.join the community.explanation html}} + {{Identical|Join the community}} + explanation_html: Preceded by heading {{msg-osm| to help.join + the community.title}}. + add_a_note: + instructions_html: |- + Used in + + will be replaced by the link icon. + + Preceded by: + * {{msg-osm|Welcome page.add a note.title|heading}} + * {{msg-osm|Welcome page.add a note.paragraph 1 html}} + other_concerns: + title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by: + * {{msg-osm|Fixthemap.other concerns.explanation html}} + explanation_html: Preceded by heading {{msg-osm|Fixthemap.other concerns.title}}. + help_page: + introduction: |- + Used as introduction text. + + Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|Help page.title}}. + + Followed by list of links: welcome, help, and wiki. + welcome: + url: |- + {{doc-important|This message should probably be untranslated.}} + + Used as part of a URL pointing to the welcome page. + + "/welcome" represents "". + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.title|title}} + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.description|description}} + {{Identical|Welcome}} + title: |- + Used as title for the link. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.url|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.description|description}} + description: |- + Used as description for + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.url|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help page.welcome.title|title}} + beginners_guide: + url: |- + Add your country language code before Beginners%27_guide. + Example: + Find your code by clicking your language at the original English wiki. + help: + url: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + title: |- + Used as title for the link. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + description: |- + Used as description for + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + wiki: + url: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + title: |- + Used as title for the link. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|description}} + description: |- + Used as description for + * {{msg-osm|Help|URL}} + * {{msg-osm|Help|title}} + about_page: + next: '{{Identical|Next}}' + copyright_html: |- + Used in + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|License 1 html}} + used_by: |- + Used as

heading. Parameters: + * %{name} - OpenStreetMap + lede_text: Followed by

heading {{msg-osm|About + page.local knowledge title}}. + local_knowledge_title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by {{msg-osm|About page.local knowledge html}} + local_knowledge_html: Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|About + page.local knowledge title}}. + open_data_title: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by {{msg-osm|About data html}}. + open_data_html: Preceded by

heading {{msg-osm|About + data title}}. + partners_title: '{{Identical|Partner}}' + notifier: + diary_comment_notification: + hi: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + message_notification: + subject_header: '{{Optional}}' + hi: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + friend_notification: + hi: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + see_their_profile: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + "their" is a case of [[:wikipedia:Singular they|singular they]] and so should be translated as singular ("his/her profile"), unless your language has the same grammatical feature. + befriend_them: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + "them" is a case of [[:wikipedia:Singular they|singular they]] and so should be translated as singular ("add him/her"), unless your language has the same grammatical feature. + gpx_notification: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + your_gpx_file: This looks like an ugly lego sentence. + failure: + more_info_1: |- + Maybe a patchwork message: + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 1}} + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 2}} + more_info_2: |- + Maybe a patchwork message: + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 1}} + * {{msg-osm|Notifier.gpx notification.failure.more info 2}} + email_confirm_plain: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + email_confirm_html: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + hopefully_you: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + See also: + * {{msg-osm| confirm plain.hopefully you 1}} + lost_password_plain: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + lost_password_html: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + note_comment_notification: + anonymous: '{{Identical|Anonymous user}}' + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + changeset_comment_notification: + greeting: '{{Identical|Hi}}' + unsubscribe: '"Unsubscribe" is {{msg-osm|}}.' + message: + inbox: + title: '{{Identical|Inbox}}' + my_inbox: '"Mi buzón de entrada" is too long for the menu width, and overlaps + the message count number on the right side.' + outbox: '{{Identical|Outbox}}' + messages: |- + Parameters: + * %{new_messages} is {{msg-osm| messages}} + * %{old_messages} is {{msg-osm|message.inbox.old messages}} + new_messages: A part of {{msg-osm|message.inbox.messages}} + old_messages: A part of {{msg-osm|message.inbox.messages}} + from: '{{Identical|From}}' + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + date: '{{Identical|Date}}' + no_messages_yet: '"people_mapping_nearby_link" is substituted by {{msg-osm|Message.inbox.people + mapping nearby}}.' + people_mapping_nearby: This message is substituted in {{msg-osm| + messages yet}}. + message_summary: + unread_button: Used as button text + read_button: Used as button text + reply_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Reply}} + delete_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Delete}} + new: + title: '{{Identical|Send message}}' + send_message_to: Used as page heading + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + body: '{{Identical|Body}}' + send_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Send}} + back_to_inbox: '{{Identical|Back to inbox}}' + outbox: + title: '{{Identical|Outbox}}' + my_inbox: '"inbox_link" is substituted by {{msg-osm|Message.outbox.inbox}}' + inbox: |- + This messages is substituted in {{msg-osm| inbox}}. + {{Identical|Inbox}} + outbox: '{{Identical|Outbox}}' + to: '{{Identical|To}}' + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + date: '{{Identical|Date}}' + no_sent_messages: '"people_mapping_nearby_link" is substituted by {{msg-osm|Message.outbox.people + mapping nearby}}.' + people_mapping_nearby: Substituted in {{msg-osm| sent messages}}. + read: + from: '{{Identical|From}}' + subject: '{{Identical|Subject}}' + date: '{{Identical|Date}}' + reply_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Reply}} + unread_button: Used as button text + back: |- + Used as link text. + {{Identical|Back}} + to: '{{Identical|To}}' + sent_message_summary: + delete_button: '{{Identical|Delete}}' + site: + index: + permalink: '{{Identical|Permalink}}' + createnote: |- + Used as link text. + {{Identical|Add note}} + edit: + not_public_description: '"user_page" is substituted from {{msg-osm|Site.edit.user + page link}}' + user_page_link: |- + This message is substituted in {{msg-osm|Site.edit.not public description}}. + {{Identical|User page}} + anon_edits: '{{Optional}}' + id_not_configured: '"iD" is the name of the editor software.' + sidebar: + search_results: '{{Identical|Search results}}' + close: '{{Identical|Close}}' + search: + search: '{{Identical|Search}}' + submit_text: '{{Identical|Go}}' + key: + table: + entry: + motorway: |- + See [[wikipedia:Motorway]] + {{Identical|Motorway}} + bridleway: '{{Identical|Bridleway}}' + cable: + 1: '{{Identical|Chair lift}}' + runway: + 1: A taxiway is a path on an airport connecting runways with ramps, hangars, + terminals and other facilities. It has nothing to do with taxicabs. + [] + apron: + - '[ Airport apron on wikipedia]' + admin: '{{Identical|Administrative boundary}}' + wood: See + common: + - |- + Common: "A tract of land, usually in a centrally located spot, belonging to or used by a community as a whole" - American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language 4th Edition + + Refer: + {{Identical|Common}} + commercial: '{{Identical|Commercial area}}' + heathland: |- + Heathlands are a characteristic feature of the western European landscape. They are characterised by biotic communities of ericaceous dwarf shrubs together with their associated flora and fauna. Heathlands are highly valued for a variety of reasons, these include their value as cultural landscapes, their historical associations, their characteristic and frequently endangered biodiversity and their value as subjects for ecological study and research. + + * [[w:Heath (habitat)]] + * + lake: + - '{{Identical|Lake}}' + brownfield: Abandoned industrial area, available for reuse, or environmental + cleanup. + cemetery: '{{Identical|Cametery}}' + allotments: '{{Identical|Allotment}}' + pitch: For the tag leisure=pitch + summit: + - '{{Identical|Summit}}' + bicycle_shop: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:shop=bicycle]]. + bicycle_parking: See [[openstreetmap:Tag:amenity=bicycle parking]]. See + also {{msg-osm| osm nominatim.prefix.amenity.bicycle parking}}. + toilets: '{{Identical|Toilet}}' + richtext_area: + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + markdown_help: + headings: '{{Identical|Heading}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Heading}}' + first: '{{Identical|First item}}' + link: '{{Identical|Link}}' + text: '{{Identical|Text}}' + image: '{{Identical|Image}}' + url: '{{Identical|URL}}' + trace: + visibility: + private: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload form. + public: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload form. + trackable: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload + form. + identifiable: Dropdown option in the visibility property of the GPX file upload + form. + create: + upload_trace: Used as page heading at [] + edit: + title: |- + Used as title + *%{name} - trace ID + heading: '*%{name} - trace ID' + filename: '{{Identical|Filename}}' + download: '{{Identical|Download}}' + uploaded_at: '{{Identical|Uploaded}}' + points: '{{Identical|Point}}' + map: '{{Identical|Map}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + owner: '{{Identical|Owner}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + tags: '{{Identical|Tag}}' + save_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Save changes}} + visibility: '{{Identical|Visibility}}' + visibility_help: '{{Identical|What does this mean}}' + trace_form: + upload_gpx: Field label. + description: |- + Field label. + {{Identical|Description}} + tags: |- + Field label. + + {{Identical|Tag}} + visibility: |- + Field label. + {{Identical|Visibility}} + visibility_help: '{{Identical|What does this mean}}' + upload_button: |- + Used as button text + {{Identical|Upload}} + help: '{{Identical|Help}}' + trace_header: + upload_trace: there is no hint to GPS in the English source + view: + title: |- + Used as title + *%{name} - trace ID + heading: '*%{name} - trace ID' + pending: Used for entries in the trace list that are pending + filename: '{{Identical|Filename}}' + download: '{{Identical|Download}}' + uploaded: '{{Identical|Uploaded}}' + points: '{{Identical|Point}}' + map: '{{Identical|Map}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + owner: '{{Identical|Owner}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + tags: '{{Identical|Tag}}' + none: '{{Identical|None}}' + visibility: '{{Identical|Visibility}}' + trace_paging_nav: + showing_page: '{{Identical|Page}}' + trace: + pending: Used for entries in the trace details view that are pending + ago: '{{Identical|Ago}}' + more: |- + text for link to show details for a track + {{Identical|More}} + trace_details: Im Englischen Original kein Hinweis auf GPS + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + public: '{{Identical|Public}}' + private: '{{Identical|Private}}' + by: |- + Followed by username (with link). + {{Identical|By}} + in: |- + Preceded by {{msg-osm|}} and a username. + + Followed by a list of tags. + map: '{{Identical|Map}}' + list: + tagged_with: |- + {{doc-important|This message has a leading space.}} + This message follows {{msg-osm|Trace.list.public traces from}} + description: + description_with_count: |- + Parameters: + * %{count} - number of points in the GPX file + * %{user} - username + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Trace.description.description without count}} + description_without_count: |- + Parameters: + * %{user} - username + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Trace.description.description with count}} + oauth: + oauthorize: + title: Used as

heading. + allow_to: |- + Used as label for checkboxes. + + Followed by the following checkbox labels: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow read prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write diary}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write api}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow read gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow write notes}} + allow_read_prefs: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_prefs: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_diary: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_api: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_read_gpx: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_gpx: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + allow_write_notes: |- + Used as label for the "Application access right" checkbox. + + Preceded by {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize.allow to}}. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|oauth.oauthorize.request access}} + {{Related|Oauth.oauthorize.allow}} + oauthorize_success: + allowed: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize failure.denied}} + oauthorize_failure: + denied: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth.oauthorize success.allowed}} + oauth_clients: + new: + submit: '{{Identical|Register}}' + edit: + submit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + show: + key: '{{Identical|Consumer key}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' + requests: |- + Section in client application registration where the developer has to indicate which access rights the application should request from the user. + + Related messages are: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth read prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write diary}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write api}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth read gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth write notes}} + These messages are in a checkbox setting. + allow_read_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_diary: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_api: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_read_gpx: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_gpx: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + allow_write_notes: |- + Application developer access right request description use in checkbox setting with {{msg-osm|notext=1|}}. + {{Related|Oauth}} + index: + application: '{{Identical|Application name}}' + issued_at: It's the table header, cell contains date and time + revoke: |- + Used as button label. + {{Identical|Revoke}} + form: + name: '{{Identical|Name}}' + required: '{{Identical|Required}}' + requests: |- + Related messages are: + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow read prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write prefs}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write diary}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write api}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow read gpx}} + * {{msg-osm|Oauth clients.form.allow write gpx}} + allow_read_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + {{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}} + allow_write_prefs: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + {{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}} + allow_write_diary: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + allow_write_api: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + allow_read_gpx: |- + {{doc-singularthey}} + {{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}} + allow_write_gpx: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + allow_write_notes: '{{Related|Oauth clients.form.allow}}' + user: + login: + title: '{{Identical|Login}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Login}}' + password: '{{Identical|Password}}' + openid: '{{Identical|OpenID}}' + remember: '{{Identical|Remember me}}' + lost password link: Link that asks if you forgot your password. + login_button: '{{Identical|Login}}' + no account: '{{Identical|Do not have an account}}' + account is suspended: |- + Parameters: + * %{webmaster} will be replaced with a webmaster e-mail address or URL. Do not change this. + openid_logo_alt: '{{Identical|Login with OpenID}}' + auth_providers: + openid: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + google: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + facebook: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + windowslive: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + github: + title: '{{Related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + wikipedia: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + yahoo: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + wordpress: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + aol: + title: '{{related|User.login.auth providers.title}}' + logout: + title: '{{Identical|Log out}}' + logout_button: '{{Identical|Log out}}' + lost_password: + heading: Used as link text + email address: '{{Identical|E-mail address}}' + new password button: '{{Identical|Reset password}}' + reset_password: + title: '{{Identical|Reset password}}' + password: '{{Identical|Password}}' + confirm password: '{{Identical|Confirm password}}' + reset: '{{Identical|Reset password}}' + new: + title: '{{Identical|Create account}}' + about: + header: |- + Used as

heading. + + Followed by the message {{msg-osm|}}. + html: Preceded by the heading {{msg-osm|}}. + email address: '{{Identical|E-mail address}}' + display name: '{{Identical|Display name}}' + password: '{{Identical|Password}}' + confirm password: '{{Identical|Confirm password}}' + continue: '{{Identical|Sign up}}' + terms: + title: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + consider_pd_why: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + agree: '{{Identical|Agree}}' + no_such_user: + deleted: '{{Identical|Deleted}}' + view: + my notes: Used as link text. + my messages: Used as text for link pointing to inbox. + my settings: '{{Identical|My settings}}' + my comments: '{{Identical|My comment}}' + send message: |- + Used ad link title. + {{Identical|Send message}} + diary: '{{Identical|Diary}}' + edits: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + traces: '{{Identical|Trace}}' + notes: |- + Used as link text. + {{Identical|Map note}} + remove as friend: '{{Identical|Unfriend}}' + add as friend: |- + Used as link text. + + This means "add as friend". + ago: '{{Identical|Ago}}' + ct status: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + ct accepted: '*%{ago} - such as "10 days"' + latest edit: '*%{ago} - such as "(10 days ago)"' + email address: '{{Identical|E-mail address}}' + status: '{{Identical|Status}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + if set location: '"settings_link" is substituted from {{msg-osm|User.view.settings + link text}}.' + settings_link_text: |- + This message is substituted in {{msg-osm|User.view.if set location}}. + + {{Identical|Settings}} + m away: Distance to one of the nearby users (shown on user’s own page) + comments: |- + A link to a list of diary entry comments posted by a user. + {{Identical|Comment}} + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + nearby_changesets: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|User.view.nearby diaries}} + nearby_diaries: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|User.view.nearby changesets}} + popup: + friend: '{{Identical|Friend}}' + account: + my settings: '{{Identical|My settings}}' + email never displayed publicly: Refers to email address - {{msg-osm|User.account.current + email address}} + openid: + link text: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + public editing: + enabled: '"Enabled" refers to "public editing" - {{msg-osm|User.account.public + editing.heading}}' + enabled link text: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + disabled: '"Disabled" refers to "public editing" - {{msg-osm|User.account.public + editing.heading}}' + contributor terms: + heading: '{{Identical|Contributor term}}' + link text: '{{Identical|What is this}}' + image: '{{Identical|Image}}' + no home location: ਤੁਸੀਂ ਆਪਣੇ ਘਰ ਦਾ ਟਿਕਾਣਾ ਨਹੀਂ ਦੱਸਿਆ ਹੈ। + latitude: '{{Identical|Latitude}}' + longitude: '{{Identical|Longitude}}' + update home location on click: Used as label for the checkbox. + save changes button: '{{Identical|Save changes}}' + confirm: + button: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + confirm_email: + button: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + make_friend: + button: '{{Identical|Add as friend}}' + remove_friend: + heading: '{{Identical|Unfriend}}' + button: '{{Identical|Unfriend}}' + list: + title: '{{Identical|User}}' + heading: '{{Identical|User}}' + suspended: + title: '{{Identical|Account suspended}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Account suspended}}' + body: A suspended user is not able to login or do anything. It's part of the + spam protection where an account is temporarily blocked pending administrator + review when spammy looking text is posted to diary entries and things. Suspended + basically means a temporary ban or block. + user_role: + grant: + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + revoke: + title: It's a title! + confirm: '{{Identical|Confirm}}' + user_block: + new: + tried_contacting: '{{doc-singularthey}}' + create: + try_contacting: '{{doc-singularthey}}' + try_waiting: '{{doc-singularthey}}' + revoke: + title: '* %{block_on} - username' + heading: |- + * %{block_on} - username + * %{block_by} - username + revoke: '{{Identical|Revoke}}' + period: '{{doc-important|This message supports plural. The different plural forms + have to be prefixed as Rails plural forms, except for "other". See [ + CLDR''s Language Plural Rules] for details on which forms may be applicable + in your language. See [ + Rails i18n] on examples for adding Rails i18n basics.}}' + partial: + show: '{{Identical|Show}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + revoke: '{{Identical|Revoke}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' + creator_name: '{{Identical|Creator}}' + status: '{{Identical|Status}}' + showing_page: '{{Identical|Page}}' + next: '{{Identical|Next}}' + show: + title: |- + * %{block_on} - username + * %{block_by} - username + heading: |- + * %{block_on} - username + * %{block_by} - username + time_past: '*%{time} - such as "10 days"' + status: '{{Identical|Status}}' + show: '{{Identical|Show}}' + edit: '{{Identical|Edit}}' + revoke: '{{Identical|Revoke}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' + revoker: '{{Identical|Revoker}}' + note: + description: + closed_at_html: '"Resolved" is used here in the sense of a ticket in a software + bug tracker where you mark a bug as "resolved" with a "resolution" saying + how you dealt with it.' + entry: + comment: |- + Used as heading. Translate as a noun. + + Followed by the comment and the next heading {{msg-osm|Note.entry.full}}. + {{Identical|Comment}} + full: |- + Used as heading. + + Followed by the note. + mine: + id: '{{Identical|ID}}' + creator: '{{Identical|Creator}}' + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + created_at: '{{Identical|Created at}}' + ago_html: '{{Identical|Ago}}' + javascripts: + close: '{{Identical|Close}}' + share: + title: '{{Identical|Share}}' + cancel: '{{Identical|Cancel}}' + image: |- + Used as

heading. + {{Identical|Image}} + link: '{{Identical|Link}}' + long_link: |- + Used as link text which is used to get the URL of current map. + {{Identical|Link}} + short_link: '"Link which has a shortened URL"' + embed: '{{Identical|HTML}}' + custom_dimensions: Used as label for the "Image filter" checkbox. + format: |- + Used as label for the "mapnik format" select box which has the following options: PNG, JPEG, SVG, and PDF. + {{Identical|Format}} + scale: |- + Used as label for the Scale input box. + + Followed by "1 : " and the input box. + {{Identical|Scale}} + image_size: Followed by width x height. + download: '{{Identical|Download}}' + short_url: '{{Identical|Short URL}}' + include_marker: Used as label for the checkbox. + center_marker: Unused at this time. + view_larger_map: Used as link text. + key: + title: '{{Identical|Map key}}The title of the map area where map symbols are + explained. Also known as "Legend".' + tooltip: |- + The tool tip shown when you hover over the "Map key" link which in turn opens the "key" which shows pictorial examples of various map features alongside a description of them where a user can map a key to an action. Also known as "Legend". + {{Identical|Map key}} + tooltip_disabled: Map key is the same as legend. + map: + zoom: + in: '{{Identical|Zoom in}}' + out: '{{Identical|Zoom out}}' + locate: + title: |- + Used as tooltip for the button which is used to show the user's current location. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm|}} + popup: |- + Used as popup body. + + The title for this popup is {{msg-osm|}}. + + Parameters: + * {distance} - integer + * {unit} - "meters" or "feet" + base: + standard: |- + "Standard" refers to "Standard map". + {{Identical|Standard}} + cycle_map: |- + Map showing features related to cycling, like cycle parking and cycle lanes. + + Mapa na nagpapakita ng mga katangiang may kinalaman sa pagbibsikleta tulad ng paradahan ng bisikleta at daanan ng bisikleta. + hot: Used as layer name which is came from Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team + + layers: + notes: '{{Identical|Map note}}' + overlays: |- + Used as description for the checkboxes. + + Followed by the following checkbox-labels: + * {{msg-osm|}} + * {{msg-osm|}} + title: '{{Identical|Layer}}' + copyright: |- + See also: + * {{msg-osm|About page.copyright html}} + * {{msg-osm|License 1 html}} + site: + createnote_tooltip: |- + Used as tooltip for the link. + + The link text is {{msg-osm|Site.index.createnote}}. + createnote_disabled_tooltip: Tooltip at the {{msg-osm|Site.index.createnote}} + link used instead of {{msg-osm| tooltip}} when + the map is currently zoomed out too much. See also {{msg-osm| + zoom alert}}. + map_notes_zoom_in_tooltip: |- + Used as tooltip. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm| data zoom in tooltip}} + map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: |- + Used as tooltip. + + See also: + * {{msg-osm| notes zoom in tooltip}} + changesets: + show: + comment: '{{Identical|Comment}}' + subscribe: '{{Identical|Subscribe}}' + unsubscribe: '{{Identical|Unsubscribe}}' + hide_comment: '{{Identical|Hide}}' + unhide_comment: '{{Identical|Unhide}}' + notes: + new: + add: |- + Used as label for the Submit button. + {{Identical|Add note}} + show: + hide: '{{Identical|Hide}}' + resolve: '{{Identical|Resolve}}' + comment: |- + Used as label for the Submit button. Translate as a verb. + + Preceded by the Comment textarea and two buttons which have the labels {{msg-osm|}} and {{msg-osm|}}. + {{Identical|Comment}} + directions: + ascend: '{{Identical|Ascend}}' + descend: '{{Identical|Descend}}' + instructions: + destination_without_exit: Final message of built route steps hints from + roundabout_with_exit: |- + Parameters: + * %{exit} - The number of exit + * %{name} - A street name + time: '{{Identical|Time}}' + query: + node: '{{Identical|Node}}' + way: '{{Identical|Way}}' + relation: '{{Identical|Relation}}' + context: + query_features: button in main map context menu + redaction: + edit: + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + heading: '{{Identical|Edit redaction}}' + title: '{{Identical|Edit redaction}}' + index: + heading: '{{Identical|List of redactions}}' + title: '{{Identical|List of redactions}}' + new: + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + show: + description: '{{Identical|Description}}' + user: '{{Identical|Creator}}' + confirm: '{{Identical|Are you sure?}}' +... diff --git a/config/locales/ru.yml b/config/locales/ru.yml index 02b90b76f..856aa7635 100644 --- a/config/locales/ru.yml +++ b/config/locales/ru.yml @@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ # Author: Mechano # Author: Mixaill # Author: Nemo bis +# Author: Nitch # Author: Nzeemin # Author: Okras # Author: Perevod16 @@ -1135,8 +1136,8 @@ ru: trademarks_title_html: Товарные знаки trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap, логотип с увеличительным стеклом и State of the Map являются зарегистрированными товарными знаками Фонда OpenStreetMap. - Если у вас есть вопросы об использовании знаков, пожалуйста, отправьте ваши - вопросы рабочей + Если у вас есть вопросы об использовании этих знаков, пожалуйста, задайте + их рабочей группе по лицензированию. welcome_page: title: Добро пожаловать! @@ -1193,7 +1194,7 @@ ru: join_the_community: title: Присоединиться к сообществу explanation_html: Если вы заметили проблему в данных нашей карты, например, - отсутствие дорога или вашего адреса, лучший способ для дальнейших действий + отсутствие дороги или вашего адреса, лучший способ для дальнейших действий — вступить в сообщество OpenStreetMap и добавить или восстановить данные самостоятельно. add_a_note: @@ -1234,8 +1235,8 @@ ru: description: Интерактивный чат на разных языках и на разные темы. switch2osm: title: switch2osm - description: Помощь компаниям и организациям в переходе на OpenStreetMap карты - и другие услуги. + description: Помощь компаниям и организациям в переходе на карты и другие ресурсы + OpenStreetMap. wiki: url: title: @@ -1248,9 +1249,9 @@ ru: lede_text: OpenStreetMap создан сообществом картографов, которые добавляют и поддерживают данные о дорогах, тропах, кафе, вокзалах и многих других объектах по всему миру. local_knowledge_title: Знание местности - local_knowledge_html: OpenStreetMap придаёт особое значение локальным знаниям. - Участники используют аэрофотоснимки, GPS-устройства и низкотехнологичных карты - земель для проверки того, что данные OSM являются точными и актуальными. + local_knowledge_html: OpenStreetMap придаёт особое значение знанию местности. + Участники также используют аэрофотоснимки, GPS-устройства и низкотехнологичных + карты земель для проверки того, что данные OSM являются точными и актуальными. community_driven_title: Силами сообщества community_driven_html: |- Сообщество OpenStreetMap — разнообразное, неравнодушное и растущее с каждым днём. @@ -1302,7 +1303,7 @@ ru: failure: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Сбой импорта GPX' failed_to_import: 'сбой импорта. Произошла ошибка:' - more_info_1: Дополнительную информацию о сбое импорта GPX и о том, как избежать + more_info_1: Дополнительную информацию о сбое импорта GPX, и о том, к предотвратить more_info_2: 'сбой, можно найти здесь:' import_failures_url: success: @@ -1313,9 +1314,9 @@ ru: signup_confirm: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Добро пожаловать в OpenStreetMap' greeting: Привет! - created: Кто-то (надеемся, вы) только что создал учетную запись на %{site_url}. - confirm: 'Прежде чем мы сможем что-либо сделать, мы должны убедиться, что эта - просьба исходит от вас, так что если это так, то, пожалуйста, нажмите на ссылку + created: Кто-то (надеемся, что Вы) только что создал учетную запись на %{site_url}. + confirm: 'Прежде, чем мы сможем что-либо сделать, мы должны убедиться, что эта + просьба исходит от вас, и если это так, то, пожалуйста, нажмите на ссылку ниже для подтверждения вашей учетной записи:' welcome: После подтверждения вашей учётной записи, мы предоставим вам немного дополнительной информации для начального ознакомления. @@ -1361,17 +1362,17 @@ ru: closed: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} обработал вашу заметку' subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} обработал интересную вам заметку' - your_note: '%{commenter} обработал одну из ваших отметок на карте недалеко + your_note: '%{commenter} обработал одну из ваших заметок на карте недалеко от %{place}.' - commented_note: '%{commenter} разрешил одну из отметок, которые вы комментировали. - Отметка недалеко от %{place}.' + commented_note: '%{commenter} разрешил одну из вами прокомментированных заметок + недалеко от %{place}.' reopened: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} переоткрыл вашу заметку' subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} переоткрыл интересную вам заметку' - your_note: '%{commenter} переоткрыл одну из ваших отметок на карте недалеко + your_note: '%{commenter} переоткрыл одну из ваших заметок на карте недалеко от %{place}.' - commented_note: '%{commenter} переоткрыл одну из отметок, которые вы комментировали. - Отметка недалеко от %{place}.' + commented_note: '%{commenter} переоткрыл одну из вами прокомментированных + заметок недалеко от %{place}.' details: Подробнее о заметке %{url}. changeset_comment_notification: hi: Привет, %{to_user}, @@ -2302,8 +2303,8 @@ ru: heading: Список блокировок, которые создал %{name} empty: '%{name} ещё создавал никаких блокировок.' show: - title: '%{block_on}, наложил блокировку: %{block_by}' - heading: '%{block_on}, наложил блокировку: %{block_by}' + title: '%{block_on} заблокирован пользователем %{block_by}' + heading: '%{block_on} заблокирован пользователем %{block_by}' time_future: Заканчивается через %{time} time_past: Закончилась %{time} назад created: Создано @@ -2435,6 +2436,7 @@ ru: edit_help: Передвиньте карту и увеличьте место, которые вы хотите править, затем кликните здесь. directions: + ascend: По возврастанию engines: graphhopper_bicycle: На велосипеде (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: Пешком (GraphHopper) @@ -2445,6 +2447,7 @@ ru: mapzen_bicycle: Велосипед (Mapzen) mapzen_car: Автомобиль (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: Пешком (Mapzen) + descend: По убыванию directions: Маршрут distance: Длина пути errors: @@ -2484,7 +2487,7 @@ ru: turn_right_with_exit: На круговой развязке поверните направо на %{name} slight_right_with_exit: На круговой развязке плавно поверните направо на %{name} continue_with_exit: На круговой развязке продолжайте движение прямо на %{name} - unnamed: без имени + unnamed: дорога courtesy: Маршрут предоставлен %{link} time: Время query: diff --git a/config/locales/sk.yml b/config/locales/sk.yml index d3c751e7e..d011e15d6 100644 --- a/config/locales/sk.yml +++ b/config/locales/sk.yml @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ # Author: KuboF # Author: Kusavica # Author: Lesny skriatok +# Author: Lexected # Author: Macofe # Author: MartinSNV # Author: MichalP @@ -2068,6 +2069,7 @@ sk: show: hide: Skryť directions: + ascend: Postúpiť engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Bicykel (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: Pešo (GraphHopper) @@ -2075,6 +2077,7 @@ sk: mapquest_car: Automobil (MapQuest) mapquest_foot: Pešo (MapQuest) osrm_car: Automobil (OSRM) + descend: Zostúpiť directions: Trasa distance: Vzdialenosť errors: diff --git a/config/locales/sl.yml b/config/locales/sl.yml index 89cff2d95..c5972f332 100644 --- a/config/locales/sl.yml +++ b/config/locales/sl.yml @@ -996,8 +996,8 @@ sl: contributors_title_html: Naši sodelavci contributors_si_html: |- Slovenija: Vsebuje javne podatke - Geodetske uprave republike slovenije in - Ministrstva za kmetijsktvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. + Geodetske uprave Republike Slovenije in + Ministrstva za kmetijstvo, gozdarstvo in prehrano. infringement_title_html: Kršitev avtorskih pravic welcome_page: title: Dobrodošli! diff --git a/config/locales/uk.yml b/config/locales/uk.yml index 772a0cfe3..e7d281fea 100644 --- a/config/locales/uk.yml +++ b/config/locales/uk.yml @@ -1256,6 +1256,7 @@ uk: footer_html: Ви також можете прочитати повідомлення в %{readurl} і ви можете відповісти на %{replyurl} friend_notification: + hi: Привіт, %{to_user}, subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} додав Вас як друга' had_added_you: '%{user} додав Вас як друга у OpenStreetMap.' see_their_profile: Ви можете побачити їх профіль на %{userurl}. @@ -1719,6 +1720,8 @@ uk: invalid: Неприпустимий маркер авторизації. revoke: flash: Ви відкликали маркер для застосунка %{application} + permissions: + missing: Ви не дозволили програмі отримати доступ до цієї функції oauth_clients: new: title: Зареєструвати новий застосунок @@ -2384,6 +2387,7 @@ uk: edit_help: Перемістіть мапу і наблизьтесь до місця, яке ви бажаєте змінити, потім клацніть тут. directions: + ascend: Вгору engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Велосипед (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: Пішки (GraphHopper) @@ -2394,6 +2398,7 @@ uk: mapzen_bicycle: Велосипед (Mapzen) mapzen_car: Автомобіль (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: Пішки (Mapzen) + descend: Вниз directions: Маршрут distance: Відстань errors: diff --git a/config/locales/zh-CN.yml b/config/locales/zh-CN.yml index 1b7892314..b14bb02aa 100644 --- a/config/locales/zh-CN.yml +++ b/config/locales/zh-CN.yml @@ -2159,6 +2159,7 @@ zh-CN: comment: 评论 edit_help: 移动地图并在您想编辑的位置放大,然后点击这里。 directions: + ascend: 上升 engines: graphhopper_bicycle: 自行车(GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: 步行(GraphHopper) @@ -2169,6 +2170,7 @@ zh-CN: mapzen_bicycle: 自行车(Mapzen) mapzen_car: 汽车(Mapzen) mapzen_foot: 脚(Mapzen) + descend: 下降 directions: 方向 distance: 距离 errors: diff --git a/config/locales/zh-TW.yml b/config/locales/zh-TW.yml index 9339d4e3e..ea7de5c75 100644 --- a/config/locales/zh-TW.yml +++ b/config/locales/zh-TW.yml @@ -2170,6 +2170,7 @@ zh-TW: comment: 送出評論 edit_help: 將地圖移至你想編輯的位置並放大,然後按這裡。 directions: + ascend: 上升 engines: graphhopper_bicycle: 腳踏車 (GraphHopper) graphhopper_foot: 徒步 (GraphHopper) @@ -2180,6 +2181,7 @@ zh-TW: mapzen_bicycle: 腳踏車 (Mapzen) mapzen_car: 開車 (Mapzen) mapzen_foot: 徒步 (Mapzen) + descend: 下降 directions: 路線 distance: 距離 errors: