From: Siebrand Mazeland Date: Thu, 10 Sep 2015 08:38:58 +0000 (+0200) Subject: Localisation updates from X-Git-Tag: live~4985 X-Git-Url: Localisation updates from --- diff --git a/config/locales/af.yml b/config/locales/af.yml index 0e817943d..d329a011c 100644 --- a/config/locales/af.yml +++ b/config/locales/af.yml @@ -13,8 +13,8 @@ af: friendly: '%e %B %Y om %H:%M' activerecord: models: - acl: Toegangsbeheer - changeset: Stel wysigings + acl: Toegangsbeheerlys + changeset: Wysigingstel country: Land diary_comment: Dagboekopmerking diary_entry: Dagboekinskrywing @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ af: language: Taal message: Boodskap node: Node - notifier: Melding + notifier: Kennisgewer old_node: Ou Node session: Sessie trace: Spoor @@ -74,17 +74,17 @@ af: type: node: Node way: Weg - relation: Relasie + relation: Verwantskap containing_relation: - entry: Relasie %{relation_name} - entry_role: Relasie %{relation_name} (as %{relation_role}) + entry: Verwantskap %{relation_name} + entry_role: Verwantskap %{relation_name} (as %{relation_role}) not_found: sorry: 'Jammer, %{type} #%{id} kan nie gevind word nie.' type: node: node way: weg - relation: relasie - changeset: Veranderingstel + relation: verwantskap + changeset: veranderingstel timeout: sorry: Jammer, dit het te lank geneem om data vir die %{type} met die id %{id} op te soek. @@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ af: changeset_paging_nav: showing_page: Bladsy %{page} next: Volgende » - previous: » Vorige + previous: « Vorige changeset: anonymous: Anoniem no_edits: (geen wysigings) @@ -136,7 +136,7 @@ af: view: title: '%{user} se dagboek | %{title}' user_title: Dagboek van %{user} - leave_a_comment: Los opmerking agter + leave_a_comment: Los 'n opmerking login_to_leave_a_comment: U moet eers %{login_link} alvorens u kommentaar kan lewer login: Meld aan @@ -148,7 +148,7 @@ af: nie. Kontroleer u spelling, of miskien is die skakel waarop u gekliek het verkeerd. diary_entry: - posted_by: Gepos deur %{link_user} op %{created} in die %{language_link} + posted_by: Gepos deur %{link_user} op %{created} in %{language_link} comment_link: Lewer kommentaar op hierdie bydrae reply_link: Antwoord op hierdie bydrae comment_count: @@ -188,9 +188,9 @@ af: export_details: OpenStreetMap se data is gelisensieer onder die Creative Commons Erkenning-Insgelyks Deel 2.0 lisensie. options: Voorkeure - format: 'Formaat:' + format: Formaat scale: Skaal - max: max + max: maksimum image_size: 'Prentgrootte:' zoom: Zoom add_marker: Plaas 'n merker op die kaart @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ af: cycleway: Fietspad emergency_access_point: Noodtoeganspunt footway: Voetpad - ford: Fort + ford: Drif motorway: Snelweg motorway_junction: Snelwegknooppunt path: Pad @@ -336,13 +336,13 @@ af: tertiary: Tersiêre pad track: Spoor trail: Wandelpad - trunk: Trokpad - trunk_link: Trokpad + trunk: Hoofroete + trunk_link: Hoofroete unclassified: Ongeklassifiseerde pad unsurfaced: Grondpad "yes": Straat historic: - archaeological_site: Argeologiese vindplaas + archaeological_site: Argeologiese werf battlefield: Slagveld building: Gebou castle: Kasteel @@ -350,7 +350,7 @@ af: house: Huis icon: Ikoon manor: Landgoed - memorial: Herdenkingsmonument + memorial: Gedenkteken mine: Myn monument: Monument ruins: Ruïnes @@ -373,7 +373,7 @@ af: military: Militêre gebied mine: Myn quarry: Steengroewe - railway: Spoor + railway: Spoorweg reservoir: Reservoir residential: Woongebied retail: Kleinhandel @@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ af: country: Land county: Distrik farm: Plaas - hamlet: Gehug + hamlet: Dorpie house: Huis houses: Huise island: Eiland @@ -444,10 +444,10 @@ af: region: Streek sea: See state: Staat - subdivision: Deelgebied + subdivision: Onderverdeling suburb: Voorstad town: Dorp - unincorporated_area: Geïnkorporeerde Ruimte + unincorporated_area: Uitgesluite Ruimte village: Dorp railway: construction: Spoor in aanbou @@ -456,16 +456,16 @@ af: halt: Treinhalte historic_station: Historiese spoorwegstasie junction: Spoorwegkruising - level_crossing: Gelykvloerse kruising - monorail: Monorail - narrow_gauge: Smalspoor + level_crossing: Spooroorgang + monorail: Monospoor + narrow_gauge: Smalspoorweg platform: Spoorweg-platform - preserved: Historiese spoor + preserved: Historiese spoorweg station: Spoorwegstasie subway: Metrostasie - subway_entrance: Metroingang + subway_entrance: Ondergrondse spoorwegingang switch: Spoogwegpunte - tram_stop: Tramhalte + tram_stop: Tremhalte shop: art: Kunswinkel bakery: Bakkery @@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ af: grocery: Kruideniersware-winkel hairdresser: Haarkapper hardware: Hardwarewinkel - hifi: Hi-fi + hifi: Hi-Fi insurance: Versekering jewelry: Juwelierswinkel kiosk: Kioskwinkel @@ -516,7 +516,7 @@ af: optician: Oogkundige organic: Organiese koswinkel outdoor: Buitelug-winkel - pet: Dierewinkel + pet: Troeteldierwinkel photo: Fotowinkel salon: Skoonheidssalon shoes: Skoenwinkel @@ -537,7 +537,7 @@ af: caravan_site: Karavaanpark chalet: Chalet guest_house: Gastehuis - hostel: Hotel + hostel: Jeugherberg hotel: Hotel information: Inligting motel: Motel @@ -591,7 +591,7 @@ af: tag_line: Die vrye wiki-wêreldkaart intro_header: Welkom by OpenStreetMap! intro_text: OpenStreetMap is 'n kaart van die wêreld, geskep deur gewone mense. - Dis gratis onder 'n oop lisensie. + Dis gratis om te gebruik onder 'n oop lisensie. intro_2_create_account: Skep gebruikerrekening osm_read_only: Die OpenStreetMap-databasis kan op die oomblik slegs gelees word aangesien noodsaaklik onderhoud tans uitgevoer word. @@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ af: community: Gemeenskap foundation_title: Die OpenStreetMap-stigting make_a_donation: - title: Ondersteun OpenStreetMap met'n geldelike donasie + title: Ondersteun OpenStreetMap met 'n geldelike donasie text: Maak 'n donasie learn_more: Meer inligting more: Meer @@ -643,7 +643,7 @@ af: click_the_link: As dit u is, kliek op die onderstaande skakel om die verandering te bevestig. lost_password: - subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Versoek nuwe wagwoord' + subject: '[OpenStreetMap] Versoek herstel van wagwoord' lost_password_plain: greeting: Hallo, click_the_link: As dit u is, kliek op die onderstaande skakel om die wagwoord @@ -654,7 +654,7 @@ af: inbox: title: Inboks my_inbox: My inboks - outbox: outboks + outbox: uitboks from: Vanaf subject: Onderwerp date: Datum @@ -678,7 +678,7 @@ af: title: Die boodskap bestaan nie heading: Die boodskap bestaan nie outbox: - title: Gestuur + title: Uitboks my_inbox: My %{inbox_link} inbox: inboks outbox: uitboks @@ -717,25 +717,24 @@ af: search: Soek get_directions_title: Kry aanwysings tussen twee punte where_am_i: Waar is ek? - submit_text: OK + submit_text: Soek key: table: entry: motorway: Snelweg - trunk: Trokpad + trunk: Hoofroete primary: Primêre pad secondary: Sekondêre pad unclassified: Ongeklassifiseerde pad - unsurfaced: Grondpad track: Spoor bridleway: Ruiterpad cycleway: Fietspad footway: Voetpad rail: Spoorweg - subway: Metro + subway: Ondergrondse spoorweg tram: - Ligte spoor - - tram + - trem cable: - Kabelkar - stoelhyser @@ -746,15 +745,14 @@ af: - Lughaweplatform - terminaal admin: Administratiewe grens - forest: Bos + forest: Woud wood: Bos golf: Gholfbaan park: Park resident: Woongebied - tourist: Toerisme-trekpleister common: - - weide - - weide + - Gemeen + - weiland retail: Winkelgebied industrial: Industriële gebied commercial: Kommersiële gebied @@ -763,7 +761,7 @@ af: - Meer - reservoir farm: Plaas - brownfield: Braakliggende terrein + brownfield: Braakveld terrein cemetery: Begraafplaas allotments: Volkstuine pitch: Sportveld @@ -778,10 +776,9 @@ af: summit: - Piek - piek - tunnel: Tonnel - bridge: Brug + tunnel: Strepieomhulsel = tonnel + bridge: Swartomhulsel = brug private: Privaat toegang - permissive: Beperkte toegang destination: Bestemmingsverkeer construction: Paaie onder konstruksie trace: @@ -805,11 +802,11 @@ af: visibility: 'Sigbaarheid:' visibility_help: wat beteken dit? trace_form: - upload_gpx: Laai GPX-lêer op - description: Beskrywing - tags: Etikette + upload_gpx: 'Laai GPX-lêer op:' + description: 'Beskrywing:' + tags: 'Etikette:' tags_help: met kommas geskei - visibility: Sigbaarheid + visibility: 'Sigbaarheid:' visibility_help: wat beteken dit? upload_button: Laai op help: Hulp @@ -819,7 +816,7 @@ af: trace_optionals: tags: Etikette view: - title: Besigting spoor %{name} + title: Besigtig spoor %{name} heading: Besigtig spoor %{name} pending: BESIG filename: 'Lêernaam:' @@ -847,7 +844,7 @@ af: trace_details: Wys spoor besonderhede view_map: Wys kaart edit: wysig - edit_map: Kaart bewysig + edit_map: Wysig kaart public: OPENBAAR identifiable: IDENTIFISEERBAAR private: PRIVAAT @@ -865,19 +862,19 @@ af: made_public: Spoor is openbaar gemaak oauth: oauthorize: - allow_read_prefs: u gebruikersvoorkeure te lees. + allow_read_prefs: lees u gebruikersvoorkeure. allow_write_prefs: verander jou gebruikersvoorkeure. - allow_write_api: die kaart te wysig. - allow_write_gpx: Laai GPS-spore op. + allow_write_api: die kaart wysig. + allow_write_gpx: laai GPS-spore op. oauth_clients: new: - title: Registreer 'n nuwe applikasie + title: Registreer 'n nuwe toepassing submit: Registreer edit: - title: Wysig u applikasie + title: Wysig u toepassing submit: Wysig show: - authorize_url: 'URL vir magtiging:' + authorize_url: 'Magtig URL:' edit: Wysig details allow_read_prefs: lees hulle gebruikersvoorkeure. allow_write_diary: skep dagboekinskrywings, lewer kommentaar en maak vriende. @@ -885,15 +882,15 @@ af: allow_write_gpx: laai GPS-spore op. index: title: My OAuth-details - application: Applikasienaam + application: Toepassingnaam issued_at: Uitgereik op revoke: Herroep! - my_apps: My kliënt-applikasies - register_new: Registreer u applikasie + my_apps: My kliënt-toepassing + register_new: Registreer u toepassing form: name: Naam required: Verplig - url: Applikasie-URL + url: Toepassing-URL support_url: Ondersteunings-URL allow_read_prefs: lees hulle gebruikersvoorkeure. allow_write_prefs: verander hulle gebruikersvoorkeure. @@ -906,7 +903,7 @@ af: heading: Meld aan email or username: 'E-posadres of gebruikersnaam:' password: 'Wagwoord:' - remember: 'Onthou my:' + remember: Onthou my lost password link: Wagwoord vergeet? login_button: Meld aan auth failure: Jammer, kon nie met hierdie inligting aanmeld nie. @@ -925,7 +922,7 @@ af: heading: Herstel wagwoord vir %{user} password: 'Wagwoord:' confirm password: 'Bevestig wagwoord:' - reset: Kry nuwe wagwoord + reset: Herstel wagwoord flash changed: U wagwoord is verander. new: title: Skep rekening @@ -936,7 +933,7 @@ af: email address: 'E-posadres:' confirm email address: 'Bevestig E-posadres:' not displayed publicly: Word nie publiek vertoon nie (sien geheimhoudingbeleid) + title="wiki privacy policy including section on email addresses">geheimhoudingbeleid) display name: 'Vertoon naam:' password: 'Wagwoord:' confirm password: 'Bevestig wagwoord:' @@ -944,7 +941,7 @@ af: terms accepted: Dankie dat u die nuwe bydraerooreenkoms aanvaar het! terms: title: Bydraerooreenkoms - heading: Voorwaardes vir bydraes + heading: Voorwaardes vir bydraers agree: Aanvaar decline: Weier legale_names: @@ -957,21 +954,21 @@ af: body: Daar is geen gebruiker met die naam %{user} nie. Kontroleer u spelling, of die skakel waarop u gekliek het is verkeerd. view: - my diary: my dagboek + my diary: My dagboek new diary entry: nuwe dagboekinskrywing - my edits: my wysigings - my traces: my spore - my settings: my voorkeure + my edits: My wysigings + my traces: My spore + my settings: My voorkeure oauth settings: Oauth-instellings blocks on me: blokkades op my blocks by me: blokkades deur my - send message: stuur boodskap - diary: dagboek - edits: wysigings - traces: spore - remove as friend: verwyder as vriend - add as friend: voeg by as vriend - mapper since: 'Karteer sedert:' + send message: Stuur boodskap + diary: Dagboek + edits: Wysigings + traces: Spore + remove as friend: Verwyder as vriend + add as friend: Voeg by as vriend + mapper since: 'Karteerder sedert:' ago: (%{time_in_words_ago} gelede) email address: 'E-posadres:' created from: 'Geskep vanaf:' @@ -987,13 +984,13 @@ af: km away: '%{count}km vêr' m away: '%{count}m vêr' nearby users: Ander nabygeleë gebruikers - no nearby users: Daar is nog geen gebruikers wat herken dat hulle nabygeleë - karterinswerk doen nie. + no nearby users: Daar is nog geen gebruikers wat erken dat hulle nabygeleë karterinswerk + doen nie. role: administrator: Hierdie gebruiker is 'n administrateur moderator: Hierdie gebruiker is 'n moderator grant: - administrator: Trek adminregte terug + administrator: Ken adminregte toe moderator: Ken moderatorregte toe revoke: administrator: Trek adminregte terug @@ -1041,17 +1038,17 @@ af: return to profile: Terug na profiel flash update success: U gebruikersinligting is verander. confirm: - heading: Bevestig 'n gebruiker se rekening + heading: Kontroleer u e-pos! press confirm button: Kliek op "Bevestig" hieronder om u rekening aktiveer. button: Bevestig confirm_email: heading: Bevestig verandering van e-posadres button: Bevestig - success: U e-posadres is bevestig, dankie dat u geregistreer het! + success: U e-posadres verandering is bevestig! set_home: - flash success: U tuisligging is suksesvol gebêre + flash success: U tuisligging is suksesvol gestoor make_friend: - success: '%{name} is nou u vriend.' + success: '%{name} is nou u vriend!' failed: Jammer, kon nie %{name} as 'n vriend byvoeg nie. already_a_friend: U is reeds met %{name} bevriend. remove_friend: @@ -1103,29 +1100,29 @@ af: heading: Lys van gebruikersblokkades empty: Daar is nog geen blokkades ingestel nie. revoke: - confirm: Is u seker u wil hierdie blokkade terugtrek? - revoke: Terugtrek - flash: Hierdie blokkade is teruggetrek. + confirm: Is u seker u wil hierdie blokkade herroep? + revoke: Herroep! + flash: Hierdie blokkade is herroep. period: one: 1 uur other: '%{count} ure' partial: show: Wys edit: Wysig - revoke: Terugtrek + revoke: Herroep! confirm: Is u seker? display_name: Geblokkeerde gebruiker creator_name: Skepper reason: Rede vir blokkade status: Status - revoker_name: Teruggetrek deur + revoker_name: Herroep deur not_revoked: (nie herroep nie) helper: time_future: Verval oor %{time}. until_login: Aktief totdat die gebruiker aanmeld. time_past: Het %{time} gelede verval. blocks_on: - title: Blokkades vir %{name} + title: Blokkades op %{name} heading: Lys van blokkades teen %{name} empty: '%{name} is nog nooit geblokkeer nie.' blocks_by: @@ -1140,11 +1137,11 @@ af: status: Status show: Wys edit: Wysig - revoke: Terugtrek + revoke: Herroep! confirm: Is u seker? reason: 'Rede vir blokkade:' back: Wys alle blokkades - revoker: 'Teruggetrek deur:' + revoker: 'Herroep deur:' needs_view: Die gebruiker moet aanmeld alvorens hierdie blokkade verwyder sal word. javascripts: @@ -1152,15 +1149,15 @@ af: title: Deel map: zoom: - in: Zoem in + in: Zoom in locate: title: Wys my ligging base: cycle_map: Fietskaart site: - edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoem in om die kaart te redigeer - createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zoem in om 'n nota by die kaart te voeg - map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoem in om kaartdata te sien + edit_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in om die kaart te wysig + createnote_disabled_tooltip: Zoom in om 'n nota by die kaart te voeg + map_data_zoom_in_tooltip: Zoom in om kaartdata te sien directions: engines: graphhopper_bicycle: Fiets (GraphHopper) diff --git a/config/locales/aln.yml b/config/locales/aln.yml index b7d7dfd24..7600184cc 100644 --- a/config/locales/aln.yml +++ b/config/locales/aln.yml @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ # Author: Fitim # Author: Gent # Author: Heroid +# Author: Kosovastar # Author: Mdupont # Author: MicroBoy # Author: Nemo bis @@ -887,9 +888,7 @@ aln: primary: Udhë kryesore secondary: rrugë e mesme unclassified: Udhë e paklasifikume - unsurfaced: rrugë Unsurfaced track: Udhë - byway: I parrahur bridleway: Bridleway cycleway: Cycleway footway: Këmbësore @@ -913,7 +912,6 @@ aln: golf: fushë e golfit park: Park resident: Zonë Rezidenciale - tourist: tërheqje Turistike common: - I përbashkët - livadh @@ -943,7 +941,6 @@ aln: tunnel: tunel zorrë thye = bridge: Shtresë e jashtme e Zi = urë private: qasje privat - permissive: qasje tolerant destination: qasje Destinacioni construction: Rrugët në ndërtim e sipër trace: @@ -1251,7 +1248,7 @@ aln: my settings: Preferencat e mia current email address: 'Email adresa e tanishme:' new email address: 'Email adresa e re:' - email never displayed publicly: (asniher su kan publike) + email never displayed publicly: (asnjëherë nuk është publikuar) public editing: heading: 'Ndryshime publike:' enabled: E pranishme. Jo anonime dhe muni me i ndryshue t'dhanat. diff --git a/config/locales/ar.yml b/config/locales/ar.yml index 5f1fa6b53..01d39c4c8 100644 --- a/config/locales/ar.yml +++ b/config/locales/ar.yml @@ -1140,9 +1140,7 @@ ar: primary: طريق رئيسي secondary: طريق ثانوي unclassified: طريق غير مصنّف - unsurfaced: طريق غير معبد track: مسار - byway: طريق فرعي bridleway: مسلك خيول cycleway: طريق دراجات footway: طريق مشاة @@ -1166,7 +1164,6 @@ ar: golf: ملعب غولف park: منتزه resident: منطقة سكنية - tourist: مزار سياحي common: - شائع - مرج @@ -1196,7 +1193,6 @@ ar: tunnel: غطاء متقطع = نفق bridge: غطاء أسود = جسر private: استخدام خصوصي - permissive: استخدام متسامح destination: استخدام إلى الوجهة construction: الطرق تحت الإنشاء richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/arz.yml b/config/locales/arz.yml index 0a74f4c34..f9a4e88ba 100644 --- a/config/locales/arz.yml +++ b/config/locales/arz.yml @@ -730,9 +730,7 @@ arz: primary: طريق رئيسي secondary: طريق ثانوي unclassified: طريق غير مصنّف - unsurfaced: طريق غير معبد track: مسار - byway: طريق فرعي bridleway: مسلك خيول cycleway: طريق دراجات footway: طريق مشاة @@ -753,7 +751,6 @@ arz: golf: ملعب غولف park: منتزه resident: منطقه سكنية - tourist: مزار سياحي common: - شائع - مرج diff --git a/config/locales/ast.yml b/config/locales/ast.yml index 8e8f13ae0..576cb7720 100644 --- a/config/locales/ast.yml +++ b/config/locales/ast.yml @@ -1436,9 +1436,7 @@ ast: primary: Carretera primaria secondary: Carretera secundaria unclassified: Carretera ensin clasificar - unsurfaced: Carretera ensin asfaltar track: Pista - byway: Camín bridleway: Caleya cycleway: Carril bici footway: Camín peatonal @@ -1462,7 +1460,6 @@ ast: golf: Campu de golf park: Parque resident: Área residencial - tourist: Atracción turística common: - Espaciu comunal - prau @@ -1492,7 +1489,6 @@ ast: tunnel: Borde de rayes = túnel bridge: Borde prietu = ponte private: Accesu priváu - permissive: Accesu permisivu destination: Accesu pa destín construction: Carreteres en construcción richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/az.yml b/config/locales/az.yml index b1cdf39f8..45b9e7b4a 100644 --- a/config/locales/az.yml +++ b/config/locales/az.yml @@ -901,7 +901,6 @@ az: primary: Birinci dərəcəli yol secondary: Ä°kici dərəcəli yol unclassified: Təsnifatsız yol - unsurfaced: Torpaq yol track: Cığır footway: Piyada yolu rail: Dəmir yolu @@ -916,7 +915,6 @@ az: forest: Meşə park: Park resident: Yaşayış sahəsi - tourist: Turist attraksionu common: 1: çəmənlik retail: Ticarət sahəsi @@ -939,7 +937,6 @@ az: - Zirvə - pik private: Xüsusi giriş - permissive: Açıq giriş richtext_area: preview: Sınaq görüntüsü markdown_help: diff --git a/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml b/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml index 5f4a2a1d4..c53c414e5 100644 --- a/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml +++ b/config/locales/be-Tarask.yml @@ -985,9 +985,7 @@ be-Tarask: primary: Галоўная дарога secondary: Другасная дарога unclassified: Дарога раённага значэньня - unsurfaced: Дарога без пакрыцьця track: Грунтовая дарога - byway: Завулак bridleway: Дарога для коней cycleway: Роварная дарога footway: Пешаходная дарога @@ -1011,7 +1009,6 @@ be-Tarask: golf: Поле для гольфу park: Парк resident: Жылы раён - tourist: Славутасьць common: - Грамадзкая зямля - луг @@ -1041,7 +1038,6 @@ be-Tarask: tunnel: Пункцір = тунэль bridge: Чорная лінія = мост private: Прыватны доступ - permissive: Доступ па дазволах destination: Мэтавы доступ construction: Будаўніцтва дарогаў richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/be.yml b/config/locales/be.yml index f99b80ec8..e89d38d2a 100644 --- a/config/locales/be.yml +++ b/config/locales/be.yml @@ -24,19 +24,19 @@ be: friend: Сябар language: Мова message: Паведамленне - node: Вузел - node_tag: Тэг вузла + node: Кропка + node_tag: Тэг кропкі notifier: Абвяшчэнне - old_node: Стары вузел - old_node_tag: Стары тэг вузла + old_node: Старая кропка + old_node_tag: Стары тэг кропкі old_relation: Старыя адносіны - old_relation_member: Стары ўдзельнік сувязі + old_relation_member: Стары ўдзельнік адносін old_relation_tag: Стары тэг адносін old_way: Старая лінія - old_way_node: Стары вузел лініі + old_way_node: Старая кропка лініі old_way_tag: Стары тэг лініі relation: Адносіны - relation_member: Удзельнік сувязі + relation_member: Удзельнік адносін relation_tag: Тэг адносін session: Сеанс trace: След @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ be: user_preference: Налады карыстальніка user_token: Токен карыстальніка way: Лінія - way_node: Вузел лініі + way_node: Кропка лініі way_tag: Тэг лініі attributes: diary_comment: @@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ be: size: Памер latitude: Шырата longitude: Даўгата - public: Публічны + public: Агульны description: Апісанне message: sender: Ад @@ -116,12 +116,12 @@ be: changeset: title: 'Набор змен: %{id}' belongs_to: Аўтар - node: Вузлы (%{count}) - node_paginated: Вузлы (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) - way: Крывыя (%{count}) + node: Кропкі (%{count}) + node_paginated: Кропкі (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) + way: Лініі (%{count}) way_paginated: Лініі (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) relation: Адносіны (%{count}) - relation_paginated: Сувязі (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) + relation_paginated: Адносіны (%{x}-%{y} з %{count}) comment: Каментары (%{count}) hidden_commented_by: Схаваны каментар ад %{user} %{when} таму @@ -134,23 +134,23 @@ be: join_discussion: Увайдзіце ў сістэму, каб далучыцца да абмеркавання discussion: Абмеркаванне node: - title: 'Вузел: %{name}' - history_title: 'Гісторыя вузла: %{name}' + title: 'Кропка: %{name}' + history_title: 'Гісторыя кропкі: %{name}' way: title: 'Лінія: %{name}' - history_title: 'Гісторыя крывой: %{name}' - nodes: Вузлы + history_title: 'Гісторыя лініі: %{name}' + nodes: Кропкі also_part_of: - one: з'яўляецца часткай крывой %{related_ways} - other: з'яўляецца часткай крывых % {related_ways} + one: частка лініі %{related_ways} + other: частка ліній %{related_ways} relation: title: 'Адносіны: %{name}' - history_title: 'Гісторыя сувязі: %{name}' + history_title: 'Гісторыя адносін: %{name}' members: Удзельнікі relation_member: entry_role: '%{type} %{name} як %{role}' type: - node: Вузел + node: Кропка way: Лінія relation: Адносіны containing_relation: @@ -159,7 +159,7 @@ be: not_found: sorry: Прабачце, %{type} з нумарам %{id} не знойдзены. type: - node: вузел + node: кропка way: лінія relation: адносіны changeset: набор змен @@ -167,16 +167,16 @@ be: sorry: Прабачце, дадзеныя для %{type} з ідэнтыфікатарам %{id} занадта доўгія для атрымання. type: - node: вузел + node: кропка way: лінія relation: адносіны changeset: набор змен redacted: redaction: Рэдакцыя %{id} - message_html: Версія %{version} гэтага %{type} не можа быць паказаная, бо яна + message_html: Версія %{version} гэтай %{type} не можа быць паказаная, бо яна была адрэдагаваная. Глядзіце %{redaction_link} для падрабязнасцяў. type: - node: вузел + node: кропка way: лінія relation: адносіны start_rjs: @@ -259,7 +259,7 @@ be: title: Новы запіс дзённіку list: title: Дзённікі карыстальнікаў - title_friends: Дзеннікі сяброў + title_friends: Дзённікі сяброў title_nearby: Дзённікі карыстальнікаў паблізу user_title: Дзённік %{user} in_language_title: Дзённік запісаў у %{language} @@ -272,7 +272,7 @@ be: edit: title: Правіць запіс у дзённіку subject: 'Тэма:' - body: 'Цела:' + body: 'Змест:' language: 'Мова:' location: 'Месца:' latitude: 'Шырата:' @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ be: login: Увайсці save_button: Запісаць no_such_entry: - title: Няма такіх запісаў у дзенніку + title: Няма такіх запісаў у дзённіку heading: 'Няма запісу з нумарам: %{id}' body: Прабаце, не існуе запісу ў дзённіку ці каментара з нумарам %{id}. Праверце свой правапіс, ці, магчыма, вам далі няправільную спасылку. @@ -310,7 +310,7 @@ be: location: location: 'Месца:' view: Прагляд - edit: Рэдагаваць + edit: Правіць feed: user: title: Запісы ў дзённіку OpenStreetMap карыстальніка %{user} @@ -904,11 +904,11 @@ be: "yes": Водны маршрут admin_levels: level2: Мяжа краіны - level4: Дзяржаўная мяжа + level4: Мяжа сталіцы і абласцей level5: Мяжа рэгіёна - level6: Мяжа акругі + level6: Мяжа райцэнтра і раёна level8: Мяжа горада - level9: Мяжа вёскі + level9: Мяжа раёну н/п level10: Мяжа прыгараду description: title: @@ -1103,12 +1103,12 @@ be: слоў, якія могуць быць карыснымі. editor_html: Рэдактар - гэта праграма або вэб-сайт, які вы можаце выкарыстоўваць для рэдагавання карты. - node_html: Вузел (node) - гэта кропка на карце, напрыклад, + node_html: Кропка (node) - гэта пункт на карце, напрыклад, рэстаран ці дрэва. way_html: Лінія (way) - гэта лінія або многавугольнік, напрыклад, дарогі, рэкі, азёры або будынкі. tag_html: |- - Цэтлік (tag) - гэта элемент апісання вузла або лініі, напрыклад, + Тэг (tag) - гэта элемент апісання кропкі або лініі, напрыклад, назва рэстарана або абмежаванне хуткасці на дарозе. rules: title: Правілы! @@ -1457,9 +1457,7 @@ be: primary: Асноўная дарога secondary: Другасная дарога unclassified: Некласіфікаваная дарога - unsurfaced: Дарога без пакрыцця track: Палявая дарога - byway: Сцежка bridleway: Дарога для коней cycleway: Веласіпедная дарожка footway: Пешаходная дарожка @@ -1483,7 +1481,6 @@ be: golf: Поле для гольфа park: Парк resident: Жылы раён - tourist: Турыстычная славутасць common: - Агульныя - луг @@ -1513,7 +1510,6 @@ be: tunnel: Тунэль (пункцірам) bridge: Мост (суцэльная лінія) private: Прыватны доступ - permissive: Доступ з дазволу destination: Мэтавы доступ construction: Дарогі ў стадыі будаўніцтва richtext_area: @@ -1542,7 +1538,7 @@ be: identifiable: Ідэнтыфікуемы (паказваецца ў сьпісе слядоў як ідэнтыфікуемы са спарадкаванымі кропкамі і меткамі часу) create: - upload_trace: Зацягнуць GPS-трэк + upload_trace: Адаслаць GPS-след trace_uploaded: Ваш GPX-файл быў адасланы і чакае ўстаўкі ў базу дадзеных. Гэта звычайна робіцца не больш за паўгадзіны. Вы атрымаеце працврджанне аб заканчэнні працэсу па электроннай пошце @@ -1622,7 +1618,7 @@ be: map: карта list: public_traces: Агульныя GPS-сляды - your_traces: Вашыя GPS-трэкі + your_traces: Вашыя GPS-сляды public_traces_from: Агульныя GPS-сляды карыстальніка %{user} description: Агляд нядаўна дададзеных GPS-слядоў tagged_with: ' адмечана як %{tags}' @@ -2359,11 +2355,11 @@ be: courtesy: Маршрут прадастаўлены %{link} time: Час query: - node: Вузел + node: Кропка way: Лінія relation: Адносіны nothing_found: Аб’екты не знойдзены - error: 'Памылка сувязі %{server}: %{error}' + error: 'Памылка сувязі з %{server}: %{error}' timeout: Тайм-аўт падключэння да %{server} redaction: edit: diff --git a/config/locales/br.yml b/config/locales/br.yml index 26684983c..de8814893 100644 --- a/config/locales/br.yml +++ b/config/locales/br.yml @@ -986,9 +986,8 @@ br: legal_babble: title_html: Copyright hag aotre-implijout intro_1_html: |- - OpenStreetMap zo dindan un aotre-implijout digor, a c'haller kavout en Open Data - Commons Open Database License (ODbL). + OpenStreetMap ® zo dindan un aotre-implijout digor, Open Data + Commons Open Database License (ODbL) gant ® intro_2_html: "Dieub oc'h da eilañ, da skignañ, da gas ha da azasaat hor c'hartennoù\n \ hag hor roadennoù, gant ma root kred da OpenStreetMap ha d'e\n genlabourerien. Ma kemmit pe ma implijit hor c'hartennoù pe hor roadennoù e labourioù all,\n @@ -1018,9 +1017,9 @@ br: alt: Skouer eus penaos deverkañ OpenStreetMap war ur bajenn web title: Skouer deverkadur more_title_html: Titouroù ouzhpenn - more_1_html: |- - Ma fell deoc'h kaout muioc'h a ditouroù diwar-benn adimplij hor roadennoù, lennit FAG ar reolennoù. + more_1_html: Ma fell deoc'h kaout muioc'h a ditouroù diwar-benn adimplij hor + roadennoù, lennit Licence OSMF + Licence page hag ar gumuniezh Aotre-eilañ ha pajenn an aotre-implij evit gouzout hiroc''h.' + legal_title: Lezennel partners_title: Kevelerien notifier: diary_comment_notification: @@ -1429,9 +1442,7 @@ br: primary: Hent bras secondary: Hent bihan unclassified: Hent n'eo ket rummet - unsurfaced: Hent n'eo ket goloet track: Roudenn - byway: Gwenodenn bridleway: Hent evit kezeg cycleway: Roudenn divrodegoù footway: Hent evit an dud war droad @@ -1455,7 +1466,6 @@ br: golf: Tachenn golf park: Park resident: Takad annez - tourist: Diduañs evit an douristed common: - prad - prad @@ -1485,7 +1495,6 @@ br: tunnel: Bord poentoùigoù = riboul bridge: Bord du = pont private: Moned prevez - permissive: Moned aotreüs destination: Moned d'ar pal construction: Hentoù war ar stern richtext_area: @@ -1740,6 +1749,28 @@ br: auth failure: Ho tigarez, met n'eus ket bet gallet hoc'h anavezout gant an titouroù pourchaset. openid_logo_alt: Kevreañ gant un OpenID + auth_providers: + openid: + title: Kevreañ ouzh OpenID + alt: Kevreañ ouzh un URL OpenID + google: + title: Kevreañ ouzh Google + alt: Kevreañ ouzh OpenID Google + facebook: + title: Kevreañ ouzh Facebook + alt: Kevreañ ouzh ur gont facebook + windowslive: + title: Kevreañ ouzh Windows Live + alt: Kevreañ ouzh ur gont Windows Live + yahoo: + title: Kevreañ ouzh Yahoo + alt: Kevreañ ouzh Yahoo OpenID + wordpress: + title: Kevreañ ouzh Wordpress + alt: Kevreañ ouzh OpenID Wordpress + aol: + title: Kevreañ ouzh AOL + alt: Kevreañ ouzh AOL OpenID logout: title: Digevreañ heading: Kuitaat OpenStreetMap @@ -1783,6 +1814,7 @@ br: display name: 'Anv diskwelet :' display name description: Emañ hoc'h anv implijer a-wel d'an holl. Se a c'hallit cheñch diwezhatoc'h en ho penndibaboù. + external auth: 'Dilesadur trede :' password: 'Ger-tremen :' confirm password: 'Kadarnaat ar ger-tremen :' continue: En em enskrivañ @@ -1893,6 +1925,7 @@ br: current email address: 'Chomlec''h postel a-vremañ :' new email address: 'Chomlec''h postel nevez :' email never displayed publicly: (n'eo ket diskwelet d'an holl morse) + external auth: 'Dilesadur diavaez :' openid: link: link text: petra eo se ? @@ -1972,8 +2005,7 @@ br: press confirm button: Pouezit war ar bouton kadarnaat evit kadarnaat ho chomlec'h postel nevez. button: Kadarnaat - success: Kadarnaet eo ho chomlec'h postel, trugarez evit bezañ en em enskrivet - ! + success: Kadarnaet eo ho chomlec'h postel ! failure: Kadarnaet ez eus bet ur chomlec'h postel dija gant art jedouer-mañ. set_home: flash success: Enrollet eo bet lec'hiadur ar gêr @@ -2015,6 +2047,9 @@ br:

Gwiriet e vo an diviz-se a-benn nebeut gant ur merour. Gallout a rit mont e darempred gant ar%{webmaster} m'hoc'h eus c'hoant da gaozeal diwar-benn an dra-se.

+ auth_failure: + connection_failed: C'hwitet eo ar gevreadenn ouzh ur pourchaser dilesa + unknown_signature_algorithm: Kod aotre dianav user_role: filter: not_an_administrator: N'eus nemet ar verourien a c'hall merañ ar rolloù, ha @@ -2132,6 +2167,7 @@ br: heading: '%{block_on} stanket gant %{block_by}' time_future: Echuiñ a ray a-benn %{time} time_past: Echuet %{time} zo + created: Krouet status: Statud show: Diskouez edit: Aozañ @@ -2266,6 +2302,16 @@ br: no_route: Ne c'haller ket kavout un hent etre an daou lec'h-mañ. no_place: Ho tigarez, ne c'haller ket kavout al lec'h-mañ. instructions: + turn_right_without_exit: Treiñ a-zehoù war %{name} + turn_left_without_exit: Treiñ a-gleiz war %{name} + follow_without_exit: Heuliañ %{name} + roundabout_without_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, troit %{name} + leave_roundabout_without_exit: Kuitaat ar c'roashent-tro - %{name} + stay_roundabout_without_exit: Chom war ar c'hroashent-tro -%{name} + start_without_exit: Loc'hañ e dibenn %{name} + against_oneway_without_exit: Mont gant ar straed untu war %{name} + end_oneway_without_exit: Dibenn an tremen untun war %{name} + roundabout_with_exit: Er c'hroashent-tro, kemer an hent-maez %{exit} war %{name} unnamed: hep anv courtesy: Hent a-berzh %{link} time: Eur diff --git a/config/locales/bs.yml b/config/locales/bs.yml index 7f48be0d9..c512b5496 100644 --- a/config/locales/bs.yml +++ b/config/locales/bs.yml @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ # Author: Edinwiki # Author: KWiki # Author: Maxmus +# Author: Palapa # Author: Ruila # Author: Srdjan m --- @@ -99,6 +100,8 @@ bs: browse: created: Napravljeno closed: Zatvoreno + created_html: Kreirano %{time} prije + closed_html: Zatvoreno %{time} prije version: Verzija in_changeset: Skup promijena anonymous: anonimno @@ -111,11 +114,25 @@ bs: changeset: title: 'Skup promjena: %{id}' belongs_to: Autor + node: Čvorovi (%{count}) + node_paginated: Čvorovi (%{x}-%{y} of %{count}) + way: Putevi (%{count}) + way_paginated: Putevi (%{x}-%{y} of %{count}) + relation: Relacije (%{count}) + relation_paginated: Relacije (%{x}-%{y} of %{count}) + comment: Komentari (%{count}) + hidden_commented_by: Skriveni komentar korisnika %{user} %{when} + ago + commented_by: Komentar korisnika %{user} %{when} + ago changesetxml: XML seta promjena osmchangexml: osmChange XML feed: title: Set promjena %{id} title_comment: Set promjena %{id} - %{comment} + discussion: Diskusija + node: + title: 'Čvor: %{name}' way: nodes: Tačke relation: @@ -163,6 +180,10 @@ bs: wikipedia_link: Članak o %{page} na Wikipediji note: new_note: Nova bilješka + description: Opis + query: + nearby: Obližnje značajke + enclosing: Značajke okruženja changeset: changeset_paging_nav: showing_page: Stranica %{page} @@ -187,6 +208,8 @@ bs: timeout: sorry: Žao nam je, listi seta promjena koju ste tražili je predugo trajalo za preuzimanje. + rss: + full: Cijela diskusija diary_entry: new: title: Novi unos u dnevnik @@ -336,6 +359,7 @@ bs: charging_station: Stanica za punjenje cinema: Kino clinic: Klinika + clock: Sat college: Koledž community_centre: Društveni centar courthouse: Sud @@ -354,6 +378,7 @@ bs: food_court: Dvorište restorana fountain: Fontana fuel: Benzinska pumpa + gambling: Kockanje grave_yard: Groblje gym: Fitness centar health_centre: Zdravstveni centar @@ -364,11 +389,14 @@ bs: library: Biblioteka market: Tržnica marketplace: Tržnica + monastery: Manastir + motorcycle_parking: Parking za motore nightclub: Noćni klub nursery: Čuvanje djece nursing_home: Starački dom office: Kancelarija parking: Parking + parking_entrance: Ulaz u parking pharmacy: Apoteka place_of_worship: Bogomolja police: Policija @@ -402,6 +430,7 @@ bs: veterinary: Veterinar village_hall: Seoski Dom waste_basket: Kanta za otpatke + waste_disposal: Odlaganje otpada youth_centre: Centar za omladinu boundary: administrative: Administrativna granica @@ -416,6 +445,15 @@ bs: "yes": Most building: "yes": Građevina + craft: + carpenter: Stolar + electrician: Električar + gardener: Vrtlar + painter: Slikar + photographer: Fotograf + plumber: Vodoinstalater + shoemaker: Obućar + tailor: Krojač emergency: phone: S.O.S. Telefon highway: @@ -461,7 +499,8 @@ bs: archaeological_site: Arheološko nalazište battlefield: Bojno polje boundary_stone: Granični kamen - building: Građevina + building: Historijska građevina + bunker: Bunker castle: Dvorac church: Crkva citywalls: Gradski zidovi @@ -473,11 +512,14 @@ bs: mine: Rudnik monument: Spomenik ruins: Ruševine + stone: Kamen tomb: Grobnica tower: Toranj wayside_cross: Krajputaš wayside_shrine: Usputni hram wreck: Olupina + junction: + "yes": Raskršće landuse: allotments: Vrtovi basin: Bazen @@ -512,6 +554,7 @@ bs: leisure: beach_resort: Odmaralište - plaža bird_hide: Posmatračnica ptica + club: Klub common: Općinsko zemljište fishing: Ribolovno područje fitness_station: Fitnes centar @@ -525,6 +568,7 @@ bs: pitch: Sportski teren playground: Igralište recreation_ground: Teren za rekreaciju + resort: Boravište sauna: Sauna slipway: Navoz sports_centre: Sportski centar @@ -713,6 +757,7 @@ bs: camp_site: Kamp caravan_site: Kamp-kućice (mjesto) chalet: Planinska kuća + gallery: Galerija guest_house: Apartman hostel: Hostel hotel: Hotel @@ -922,8 +967,11 @@ bs: url: /dobrodošlica beginners_guide: url: + irc: + title: IRC about_page: next: Slijedeće + open_data_title: Open Data notifier: diary_comment_notification: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} je komentirao tvoj unos u dnevnik' @@ -989,6 +1037,13 @@ bs: njihovim e-mail adresama računa. click_the_link: Ako ste ovo Vi, kliknite na link ispod za ponovno postavljanje lozinke. + note_comment_notification: + greeting: Zdravo, + commented: + subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} je dao komentar na jednu od tvojih + bilješki.' + changeset_comment_notification: + greeting: Zdravo, message: inbox: title: Dolazna pošta @@ -1098,6 +1153,8 @@ bs: close: Zatvoriti search: search: Pretraga + from: Od + to: Za where_am_i: Gdje sam? where_am_i_title: Opišite trenutnu lokaciju koristeći pretraživač submit_text: Idi @@ -1109,9 +1166,7 @@ bs: primary: Državna cesta secondary: Sekundarna cesta unclassified: Neklasificirana cesta - unsurfaced: Neasfaltirana cesta track: Staza - byway: Prečica bridleway: Konjička staza cycleway: Biciklistička staza footway: Pješačka staza @@ -1135,7 +1190,6 @@ bs: golf: Golf teren park: Park resident: Stambeno područje - tourist: Turistička atrakcija common: - Travnjaci - Livada @@ -1165,7 +1219,6 @@ bs: tunnel: Iscrtkani rubovi = tunel bridge: Crni rubovi = most private: Privatni pristup - permissive: Pristup uz dozvolu destination: Pristup odredištu construction: Ceste u izgradnji richtext_area: @@ -1279,6 +1332,7 @@ bs: public_traces: Javne GPS trase your_traces: Vaše GPS trase public_traces_from: Javne GPS trase korisnika %{user} + description: Pretraži nedavno objavljene GPS tragove tagged_with: ' označeno sa %{tags}' empty_html: JNoš uvijek nema ništa ovdje. Postavite novu trasu ili naučite više o GPS trasiranju na wiki @@ -1343,6 +1397,7 @@ bs: allow_write_api: Izmijenite kartu. allow_read_gpx: Pročitajte njihove privatne GPS trase. allow_write_gpx: Postaviti GPS trase. + allow_write_notes: izmijeni bilješke. index: title: Moji OAuth detalji my_tokens: Moje ovlaštene aplikacije @@ -1369,6 +1424,7 @@ bs: allow_write_api: Izmijenite kartu. allow_read_gpx: Pročitajte njihove privatne GPS trase. allow_write_gpx: Postaviti GPS trase. + allow_write_notes: izmijeni bilješke. not_found: sorry: Žao mi je, taj se %{type} ne može naći. create: @@ -1403,6 +1459,13 @@ bs: da diskutujete o ovome. auth failure: Žao mi je, ne možemo Vas prijaviti s ovim detaljima. openid_logo_alt: Prijavite se sa OtvorenimID + auth_providers: + yahoo: + title: Prijavite se sa Yahoo nalogom + alt: Prijavite se sa Yahoo OpenID + wordpress: + title: Prijavite se sa Wordpress nalogom + alt: Prijavite se sa Wordpress OpenID logout: title: Odjava heading: Odjava iz OpenStreetMap @@ -1478,6 +1541,7 @@ bs: new diary entry: Novi unos u dnevnik my edits: Moje promjene my traces: Moje trase + my profile: Moj profil my settings: Moja podešavanja my comments: Moji komentari oauth settings: Oauth podešavanja @@ -1765,6 +1829,8 @@ bs: heading: '%{block_on} blokiran od strane %{block_by}' time_future: Završava u %{time} time_past: Završeno prije %{time} + created: Napravljeno + ago: '%{time} prije' status: Stanje show: Pokazati edit: Urediti @@ -1775,8 +1841,11 @@ bs: revoker: 'Opozivalac:' needs_view: Korisnik se mora prijaviti prije nego se blokada očisti. note: + description: + opened_at_html: Kreirano prije %{when} mine: id: Id + creator: Izradio description: Opis created_at: 'Napravljeno:' last_changed: Posljednji put promijenjeno @@ -1790,9 +1859,11 @@ bs: link: Veza ili HTML long_link: Veza short_link: Kratki link + geo_uri: Geo URI embed: HTML custom_dimensions: Postavi prilagođene dimenzije format: 'Format:' + scale: 'Mjerilo:' download: Preuzmi short_url: Kratki URL include_marker: Uključi oznaku diff --git a/config/locales/ca.yml b/config/locales/ca.yml index a08e74574..ac81381db 100644 --- a/config/locales/ca.yml +++ b/config/locales/ca.yml @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ # Author: Aleator # Author: Alvaro Vidal-Abarca # Author: Annamerida +# Author: Eduardo Martinez # Author: El libre # Author: Fitoschido # Author: Gemmaa @@ -949,7 +950,7 @@ ca: h1: OpenStreetMap logo: alt_text: logotip de l'OpenStreetMap - home: Anar a la localització de casa + home: Vés a la ubicació d'inici logout: Tancar sessió log_in: Inicia sessió log_in_tooltip: Inicia una sessió amb un compte existent @@ -1081,6 +1082,9 @@ ca: contributors_nz_html: |- Nova Zelanda: conté dades d'origen de Informació Nova Zelanda de la terra. Corona de drets d'autor reservat. + contributors_si_html: 'Eslovènia: Conté dades de l''Autoritat + de Topografia i Cartografia i el Ministeri + d''Agricultura, Silvicultura i Alimentació (informació pública d''Eslovènia).' contributors_za_html: |- Sud-àfrica: conté dades del Chief Directorate: @@ -1107,6 +1111,10 @@ ca: per eliminar dades protegides pels drets d'autor o empleneu aquest formulari en línia.. trademarks_title_html: Marques registrades + trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap i el logotip de la lupa són marques registrades + de la Fundació OpenStreetMap. Si vostè té preguntes sobre l'ús de les marques, + si us plau envieu les vostres preguntes a la Grup + de Treball de Llicències. welcome_page: title: Benvingut! introduction_html: Us donem la benvinguda a l'OpenStreetMap, el mapa lliure i @@ -1135,6 +1143,14 @@ ca: sèquia, llac o edifici. tag_html: Una etiqueta és un recull de dades sobre un node o una via, com ara el nom d'un restaurant o la velocitat màxima d'una carretera. + rules: + title: Regles + paragraph_1_html: "OpenStreetMap té poques les regles formals, pel que esperem + que tots els participants col·laborin i es comuniquin amb la comunitat. Si + està considerant\naltres activitats que no sigui l'edició manual, si us plau, + llegiu i seguiu les directrius d' \nImportació + i \nEdició + Automàtica." questions: title: Alguna pregunta més? paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap té multitud de recursos per conèixer aquest @@ -1190,10 +1206,19 @@ ca: respostes d'OSM. mailing_lists: title: Llistes de correu + description: Pregunta o debat sobre qüestions interessants en relació a una + àmplia sèrie de llistes de correu tòpiques o regionals. forums: title: Fòrums + description: Preguntes i debats, per a aquells que prefereixen l'estil de la + interfície d'un tauler d'anuncis. irc: title: IRC + description: Xat interactiu en llengües diferents i sobre diferents temes. + switch2osm: + title: switch2osm + description: Ajuda per a empreses i organitzacions que canviïn als mapes i altres + serveis basats en OpenStreetMap. wiki: url: title: @@ -1221,6 +1246,11 @@ ca: podeu distribuir el resultat només sota la mateixa llicència. Vegeu la pàgina de copyright i llicència per a més detalls.' legal_title: Avisos legals + legal_html: "Aquest lloc web i molts altres serveis relacionats són operats formalment + per l' \nOpenStreetMap Fundació (OSMF) + \ en nom de la comunitat.\n
\nSi us plau contacteu + amb l'OSMF \nsi teniu qüestions sobre llicències, drets d'autor o altres + aspectes legals." partners_title: Socis notifier: diary_comment_notification: @@ -1463,9 +1493,7 @@ ca: primary: Carretera principal secondary: Carretera secundària unclassified: Carretera sense classificar - unsurfaced: Unsurfaced road track: Pista - byway: Byway bridleway: Camí de ferradura cycleway: Carril bici footway: Footway @@ -1489,7 +1517,6 @@ ca: golf: Camp de golf park: Parc resident: Zona residencial - tourist: Atracció turística common: - Comú - Prat @@ -1519,7 +1546,6 @@ ca: tunnel: Carcassa de guions = túnel bridge: Embolcall negre = bridge private: Accés privat - permissive: Permissiva accés destination: Accés de destinació construction: Carreteres en construcció richtext_area: @@ -1765,6 +1791,7 @@ ca: register now: Registreu-vos-hi ara with username: 'Ja teniu un compte de l''OpenStreetMap? Incieu sessió amb el nom d''usuari i contrasenya:' + with external: Alternativament, inicieu una sessió mitjançant un tercer new to osm: Nou a OpenStreetMap? to make changes: Per fer canvis a les dades de OpenStreetMap, ha de tenir un compte. @@ -1778,6 +1805,28 @@ ca: si voleu parlar-ne. auth failure: Ho sentim, no podeu registrar-vos amb aquesta informació. openid_logo_alt: Inicia sessió amb un compte OpenID + auth_providers: + openid: + title: Inicia sessió amb un compte OpenID + alt: Inicia sessió amb un compte OpenID + google: + title: Inicieu la sessió amb Google + alt: Inici de sessió amb un compte OpenID de Google + facebook: + title: Inicieu la sessió amb Facebook + alt: Entrar amb un Compte de Facebook + windowslive: + title: Inici de sessió amb Windows Live + alt: Inici de sessió amb un Compte de Windows Live + yahoo: + title: Inicieu la sessió amb Yahoo + alt: Inici de sessió amb un compte OpenID de Yahoo + wordpress: + title: Inicieu sessió amb Wordpress + alt: Inici de sessió amb un compte OpenID de Wordpress + aol: + title: Inici de sessió amb AOL + alt: Inici de sessió amb un compte OpenID d'AOL logout: title: Tanca la sessió heading: Tanca la sessió d'OpenStreetMap @@ -1822,8 +1871,20 @@ ca: display name: 'Nom visible:' display name description: El nom d'usuari que es motrarà públicament. El podeu canviar més endavant a les preferències. + external auth: 'Autenticació mitjançant tercers:' password: 'Contrasenya:' confirm password: 'Confirmeu la contrasenya:' + use external auth: Alternativament, inicieu una sessió mitjançant un tercer + auth no password: Amb l'autentificació per tercers no es requereix una contrasenya, + però alguns servidors o eines extres poden encara necessitar una. + auth association: |- +

El ID no està associat encara amb cap compte d'OpenStreetMap.

+ continue: Crear un compte terms accepted: Gràcies per a l'acceptació de les condicions de col. laborador nou! @@ -1980,7 +2041,7 @@ ca: no home location: No heu especificat la ubicació d'origen. latitude: 'Latitud:' longitude: 'Longitud:' - update home location on click: Localització de casa d'actualització quan faig + update home location on click: Voleu actualitzar la ubicació d'inici en fer clic al mapa? save changes button: Desa els canvis make edits public button: Fes totes les meves modificacions públiques @@ -2013,10 +2074,11 @@ ca: press confirm button: Premeu el botó de confirmar sota per confirmar la seva adreça de correu electrònic nou. button: Confirma - success: S'ha confirmat l'adreça electrònica, gràcies per registrar-vos-hi! + success: S'ha confirmat el canvi de la teva adreça electrònica! failure: Una adreça de correu electrònic ja ha estat confirmat amb aquesta fitxa. + unknown_token: Aquest codi de confirmació ha expirat o no existeix. set_home: - flash success: Localització de casa desat correctament + flash success: La ubicació d'inici s'ha desat correctament go_public: flash success: Ara totes les vostres edicions són públiques i ja teniu autorització per editar @@ -2057,6 +2119,12 @@ ca: Aquesta decisió serà revisat per un administrador en breu, o es pot contactar amb el %{webmaster} si desitgeu discutir això.

+ auth_failure: + connection_failed: La connexió al proveïdor d'autenticació ha fallat + invalid_credentials: Credencials d'autenticació no vàlides + no_authorization_code: Sense codi d'autorització + unknown_signature_algorithm: Algorisme de signatura desconegut + invalid_scope: Àmbit no vàlid user_role: filter: not_an_administrator: Només els administradors poden realitzar l'administració @@ -2174,6 +2242,8 @@ ca: heading: '%{block_on} bloquejat per %{block_by}' time_future: Finalitza en %{time} time_past: Va acabar fa %{time} + created: Creat + ago: fa %{time} status: Estat show: Mostra edit: Edició @@ -2224,6 +2294,7 @@ ca: link: Enllaç o HTML long_link: Enllaç short_link: Enllaç curt + geo_uri: Geo-URI embed: HTML custom_dimensions: Estableix dimensions personalitzades format: 'Format:' @@ -2316,13 +2387,16 @@ ca: sharp_left_without_exit: Gira a l'esquerra a %{name} turn_left_without_exit: Gira a l'esquerra per %{name} slight_left_without_exit: Gira lleugerament a l'esquerra a %{name} + via_point_without_exit: (pel punt) follow_without_exit: Segueix %{name} roundabout_without_exit: A la rotonda agafa %{name} leave_roundabout_without_exit: Surt de la rotonda %{name} stay_roundabout_without_exit: Segueix a la rotonda - %{name} start_without_exit: Comença al final de %{name} destination_without_exit: Arriba a la destinació. + against_oneway_without_exit: Anar en contra-direcció a %{name} end_oneway_without_exit: Fi del sentit únic a %{name} + roundabout_with_exit: A la rotonda, agafar la sortida %{exit} a %{name} unnamed: sense nom courtesy: Direccions cortesia de %{link} time: Temps diff --git a/config/locales/cs.yml b/config/locales/cs.yml index 98e3b932d..a791ab9fb 100644 --- a/config/locales/cs.yml +++ b/config/locales/cs.yml @@ -1453,9 +1453,7 @@ cs: primary: Silnice první třídy secondary: Silnice druhé třídy unclassified: Silnice - unsurfaced: Nezpevněná cesta track: Lesní a polní cesta - byway: Cesta bridleway: Koňská stezka cycleway: Cyklostezka footway: Pěší cesta @@ -1479,7 +1477,6 @@ cs: golf: Golfové hřiště park: Park resident: Obytná oblast - tourist: Turistická atrakce common: - Pastvina - louka @@ -1509,7 +1506,6 @@ cs: tunnel: Čárkované obrysy = tunel bridge: Černé obrysy = most private: Soukromý pozemek - permissive: Přístup tolerován destination: Průjezd zakázán construction: Cesta ve výstavbě richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/cy.yml b/config/locales/cy.yml index e2650c14f..ea1ee3192 100644 --- a/config/locales/cy.yml +++ b/config/locales/cy.yml @@ -923,7 +923,6 @@ cy: primary: Priffordd secondary: Ffordd eilaidd unclassified: Ffordd annosbarthedig - unsurfaced: Ffordd heb arwyneb track: Trac footway: Ffordd droed rail: Rheilffordd @@ -936,7 +935,6 @@ cy: wood: Coed golf: Cwrs golff park: Parc - tourist: Atyniad twristiaid common: - Comin - dôl @@ -963,7 +961,6 @@ cy: - Copa - Crib private: Mynediad preifat - permissive: Mynediad gyda chaniatâd destination: Mynediad cyrchfan richtext_area: edit: Golygu diff --git a/config/locales/da.yml b/config/locales/da.yml index 7b0660afc..e81d19cb6 100644 --- a/config/locales/da.yml +++ b/config/locales/da.yml @@ -1434,9 +1434,7 @@ da: primary: Hovedvej (primærrute) secondary: Hovedvej (sekundærrute) unclassified: Anden vej - unsurfaced: Uasfalteret vej track: Hjulspor - byway: Stikvej bridleway: Ridesti cycleway: Cykelsti footway: Gangsti @@ -1460,7 +1458,6 @@ da: golf: Golfbane park: Park resident: Boligområde - tourist: Seværdighed common: - Fælled - eng @@ -1490,7 +1487,6 @@ da: tunnel: Stiplet kant = tunnel bridge: Sort kant = bro private: Privat adgang - permissive: Adgang kræver tilladelse destination: Ærindekørsel tilladt construction: Veje under konstruktion richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/de.yml b/config/locales/de.yml index a7b9f3e43..a8d002b80 100644 --- a/config/locales/de.yml +++ b/config/locales/de.yml @@ -1264,13 +1264,12 @@ de: abänderst oder auf bestimmte Art einbaust, darfst du das Ergebnis nur unter der gleichen Lizenz verbreiten. Siehe die Urheberrechts- und Lizenzseite für Einzelheiten. - legal_title: Gesetzliche Hinweise - legal_html: |- - Diese Website und viele andere ähnliche Dienste werden im Auftrag der Gemeinschaft - formal betrieben von der OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF). -
- Bitte kontaktiere die OSMF, - falls du Lizenz-, Urheberrechts- oder andere rechtliche Fragen und Probleme hast. + legal_title: Rechtliche Hinweise + legal_html: "Diese Website und viele damit in Zusammenhang stehende Dienste werden + \nvon der OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF) + für die OSM-Gemeinschaft betrieben.\n
\nBitte kontaktiere + die OSMF,\nfalls du Lizenz-, Urheberrechts- oder andere rechtliche Fragen + und Probleme hast." partners_title: Partner notifier: diary_comment_notification: @@ -1517,9 +1516,7 @@ de: primary: Bundesstraße secondary: Landes-, Kreisstraße unclassified: Straße - unsurfaced: Unbefestigte Straße track: Wald-, Feldweg - byway: Seitenweg (brit.) bridleway: Reitweg cycleway: Radweg footway: Fußweg @@ -1543,7 +1540,6 @@ de: golf: Golfplatz park: Park resident: Wohngebiet - tourist: Sehenswürdigkeit common: - öffentliche Grünfläche (brit.) - Wiese @@ -1573,7 +1569,6 @@ de: tunnel: Strichlierter Rand = Tunnel bridge: Dicker Rand = Brücke private: Privater Zugang - permissive: Eingeschänkter Zugang destination: Nur für Anrainer construction: Straße im Bau richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/diq.yml b/config/locales/diq.yml index 75578d9d6..9d90c821e 100644 --- a/config/locales/diq.yml +++ b/config/locales/diq.yml @@ -487,7 +487,6 @@ diq: table: entry: track: Raya Herın - byway: Raya Bınêk bridleway: Raya Ancınıştan cycleway: Raya Bisiklet apron: diff --git a/config/locales/dsb.yml b/config/locales/dsb.yml index 764381ddb..f59d4e007 100644 --- a/config/locales/dsb.yml +++ b/config/locales/dsb.yml @@ -1312,9 +1312,7 @@ dsb: primary: Zwězkowa droga secondary: Nakrajna droga unclassified: Njeklasificěrowana droga - unsurfaced: Njewobtwarźona droga track: Cera - byway: Bocna droga bridleway: Rejtarska drožka cycleway: Sćažka za kolesowarjow footway: Drožka @@ -1338,7 +1336,6 @@ dsb: golf: Golfowišćo park: Park resident: Bydleński wobcerk - tourist: Turistowa atrakcija common: - PowÅ¡ykny - łuka @@ -1368,7 +1365,6 @@ dsb: tunnel: Smužkowane wobcerjenje = tunel bridge: Carne wobcerjenje = móst private: Priwatny pśistup - permissive: Dowólony pśistup destination: Jano za pśigranicujucych construction: Drogi w twari richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/el.yml b/config/locales/el.yml index 6afb3f2c5..99e85a89d 100644 --- a/config/locales/el.yml +++ b/config/locales/el.yml @@ -16,6 +16,7 @@ # Author: Protnet # Author: Ruila # Author: Shirayuki +# Author: Stam.nikos # Author: Zserdx # Author: 아라 --- @@ -644,7 +645,9 @@ el: beach_resort: Παραθαλάσσιο Θέρετρο bird_hide: Καταφύγιο Πουλιών common: Κοινόχρηστη Γη + dog_park: Πάρκο σκύλων fishing: Αλιευτική Περιοχή + fitness_centre: Κέντρο αδυνατίσματος fitness_station: Γυμναστήριο garden: Κήπος golf_course: Γήπεδο Γκολφ @@ -657,6 +660,7 @@ el: pitch: Γήπεδο Αθλητισμού playground: Παιδική Χαρά recreation_ground: Χώρος Αναψυχής + resort: Θέρετρο sauna: Σάουνα slipway: Γλίστρα sports_centre: Αθλητικό Κέντρο @@ -974,9 +978,9 @@ el: mapping_link: αρχίστε τη χαρτογράφηση legal_babble: title_html: Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα και Άδεια Χρήσης - intro_1_html: Το OpenStreetMap είναι βάση ανοικτών δεδομένων αδειοδοτημένα - υπό την Open Data Commons - Open Database License (ODbL). + intro_1_html: |- + Το OpenStreetMap® είναι βάση ανοικτών δεδομένων αδειοδοτημένα υπό την Open Data Commons Open Database License (ODbL) από το Ίδρυμα OpenStreetMap (OSMF). intro_2_html: Είστε ελεύθεροι να αντιγράψετε, να διανείμετε, μεταδώσετε και προσαρμόσετε τα δεδομένα μας εφόσον μνημονέψετε το OpenStreetMap και τους συνεισφέροντές του. Εάν αλλοιώσετε ή αξιοποιήσετε τα δεδομένα μας, μπορείτε @@ -1001,8 +1005,8 @@ el: title: Παράδειγμα αναφοράς δημιουργού more_title_html: Μαθαίνοντας περισσότερα more_1_html: |- - Διαβάστε περισσότερα σχετικά με τη χρήση των δεδομένων μας, και πώς να μας μνημονεύσετε στην σελίδα περί συχνές νομικές ερωτήσεις. + Διαβάστε περισσότερα σχετικά με τη χρήση των δεδομένων μας, και πώς να μας μνημονεύσετε στην σελίδα Άδειας OSMF και τις συχνές νομικές ερωτήσεις της κοινότητας. more_2_html: |- Παρόλο που το OpenStreetMap αποτελείται από ανοικτά δεδομένα, δεν μπορούμε να προσφέρουμε ένα δωρεάν API χαρτών για τρίτους προγραμματιστές. @@ -1018,6 +1022,12 @@ el: Stadt Wien (υπό CC BY), Land Vorarlberg και Land Tirol (υπό CC BY AT με τροποποιήσεις). + contributors_ca_html: |- + Καναδάς: Περιέχει δεδομένα από τα + GeoBase®, GeoGratis (© Τμήμα Φυσικών + Πόρων Καναδά), CanVec (© Τμήμα Φυσικών + Πόρων Καναδά) και StatCan (Γεωγραφική Διαίρεση, + Στατιστική Υπηρεσία Καναδά). contributors_fi_html: "Φινλανδία: Περιέχει δεδομένα από το National Land Survey of Finland's Topographic Database\nκαι άλλα datasets, υπό την \nNLSFI @@ -1026,6 +1036,13 @@ el: από το Direction Générale des Impôts.' contributors_nl_html: 'Ολλανδία: Περιέχει δεδομένα που προέρχονται από το AND © 2007 (' + contributors_nz_html: 'Νέα Ζηλανδία: Περιέχει δεδομένα που + πηγάζουν από την Υπηρεσία Πληροφοριών Γης Νέας Ζηλανδίας. Τα Πνευματικά Δικαιώματα + Crown είναι κατωχυρωμένα.' + contributors_si_html: |- + Σλοβενία: Περιέχει δεδομένα από την + Αρχή Τοπογραφίας και Χαρτογράφησης και το Υπουργείο Γεωργίας, Δασών και Τροφίμων + (δημόσιες πληροφορίες της Σλοβενίας). contributors_za_html: |- Νότια Αφρική: Περιεχέι δεδομένα που προέρχονται από το Chief Directorate: @@ -1042,6 +1059,7 @@ el: τον ιστότοπο, παρακαλούμε απευθυνθείτε στη διαδικασία απομάκρυνσης ή καταθέστε άμεσα μια αίτηση στην on-line σελίδα αιτήσεων. + trademarks_title_html: Εμπορικά σήματα welcome_page: title: Καλώς ήρθατε! introduction_html: Σας καλωσορίζουμε στο OpenStreetMap, τον ελεύθερο και επεξεργάσιμο @@ -1070,6 +1088,8 @@ el: tag_html: Τα χαρακτηριστικά είναι δεδομένα που σχετίζονται με κόμβους ή διαδρομές, όπως τα ονόματα εστιατορίως ή τα όριο ταχύτητας διάφορων δρόμων. + rules: + title: Κανόνες! questions: title: Ερωτήσεις; paragraph_1_html: |- @@ -1114,11 +1134,17 @@ el: OpenStreetMap. beginners_guide: url: + title: Οδηγός Αρχαρίων + description: Οδηγός αρχαρίων διατηρούμενη από την κοινότητα. help: url: title: description: Κάνετε ένα ερώτημα ή αναζητήσετε απαντήσεις στην ιστοσελίδα ερωτήσεων και απαντήσεων του OSM. + mailing_lists: + title: Λίστες Αλληλογραφίας + description: Κάντε μία ερώτηση ή συζητήστε ενδιαφέροντα θέματα σε ένα ευρύ φάσμα + τοπικών ή περιφερειακών λιστών αλληλογραφίας. wiki: url: title: @@ -1365,6 +1391,8 @@ el: close: Κλείσιμο search: search: Αναζήτηση + get_directions: Λάβετε οδηγίες + get_directions_title: Βρείτε οδηγίες μεταξύ δύο σημείων from: Από to: Προς where_am_i: Πού είμαι; @@ -1378,9 +1406,7 @@ el: primary: Κύρια Οδός secondary: Δευτερεύουσα Οδός unclassified: Αταξινόμητη Οδός - unsurfaced: Δρόμος χωρίς Επίστρωση track: Χωματόδρομος - byway: Παράδρομος bridleway: Μονοπάτι για Άλογα cycleway: Ποδηλατόδρομος footway: Μονοπάτι @@ -1403,7 +1429,6 @@ el: golf: Γήπεδο γκολφ park: Πάρκο resident: Κατοικημένη περιοχή - tourist: Τουριστικό αξιοθέατο common: - Κοινόχρηστο - λιβάδι @@ -1433,7 +1458,6 @@ el: tunnel: Διακεκομμένο περίβλημα = σήραγγα bridge: Μαύρο περίβλημα = γέφυρα private: Ιδιωτική πρόσβαση - permissive: Ανεκτική πρόσβαση destination: Πρόσβαση προορισμού construction: Δρόμοι υπό κατασκευή richtext_area: @@ -1645,6 +1669,28 @@ el: εάν θέλετε να το συζητήσετε. auth failure: Λυπάμαι, δεν μπορείτε να συνδεθείτε με αυτές τις λεπτομέρειες. openid_logo_alt: Σύνδεση με ένα OpenID + auth_providers: + openid: + title: Σύνδεση με ένα OpenID + alt: Σύνδεση με ένα OpenID URL + google: + title: Σύνδεση με το Google + alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Google OpenID + facebook: + title: Σύνδεση με το Facebook + alt: Σύνδεση με έναν Λογαριασμό Facebook + windowslive: + title: Σύνδεση με το Windows Live + alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Λογαριασμό Windows Live + yahoo: + title: Σύνδεση με το Yahoo + alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Yahoo OpenID + wordpress: + title: Σύνδεση με το Wordpress + alt: Σύνδεση με ένα Wordpress OpenID + aol: + title: Σύνδεση με την AOL + alt: Σύνδεση με ένα AOL OpenID logout: title: Αποσύνδεση heading: Αποσύνδεση από το OpenStreetMap @@ -1670,6 +1716,11 @@ el: flash changed: Ο κωδικός σας αλλάχτηκε. new: title: Εγγραφή + no_auto_account_create: Δυστυχώς δεν μπορούμε να δημιουργήσουμε αυτόματα έναν + λογαριασμό για εσάς. + contact_webmaster: Επικοινωνήστε με τον webmaster + για να κανονίσετε για τη δημιουργία ενός λογαριασμού - θα προσπαθήσουμε να + ικανοποιήσουμε το αίτημά σας το συντομότερο δυνατόν. about: header: Ελεύθερος και επεξεργάσιμος html: |- @@ -1794,6 +1845,7 @@ el: current email address: 'Τωρινή Διεύθυνση Ηλεκτρονικού Ταχυδρομείου:' new email address: 'Νέα Διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου:' email never displayed publicly: (όχι δημόσια εμφάνιση) + external auth: 'Εξωτερικός Έλεγχος Ταυτότητας:' openid: link: link text: τι είναι αυτό; @@ -1871,10 +1923,10 @@ el: press confirm button: Πατήστε το κουμπί «Επιβεβαίωση» παρακάτω για να επιβεβαιώσετε τη νέα διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου σας. button: Επιβεβαίωση - success: Επιβεβαιώθηκε η διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου σας, σας ευχαριστούμε - για την εγγραφή σας! + success: Επιβεβαιώθηκε η αλλαγή της διεύθυνσης ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου σας! failure: Μια διεύθυνση ηλεκτρονικού ταχυδρομείου έχει ήδη επιβεβαιωθεί με αυτό το διακριτικό. + unknown_token: Αυτός ο κωδικός επιβεβαίωσης έχει λήξει ή δεν υπάρχει. set_home: flash success: Η τοποθεσία σπιτιού αποθηκεύτηκε επιτυχώς go_public: @@ -1995,6 +2047,8 @@ el: heading: Ο %{block_on} έχει φραχτεί από τον %{block_by} time_future: Τελειώνει σε %{time} time_past: Τελείωσε %{time} πριν + created: Δημιουργήθηκε + ago: πρίν από %{time} status: Κατάσταση show: Εμφάνιση edit: Επεξεργασία @@ -2125,8 +2179,27 @@ el: mapquest_car: Αυτοκίνητο (MapQuest) mapquest_foot: Με τα πόδια (MapQuest) osrm_car: Αυτοκίνητο (OSRM) + directions: Οδηγίες distance: Απόσταση + errors: + no_route: Δεν βρέθηκε διαδρομή ανάμεσα σε αυτά τα δύο μέρη. + no_place: Συγγνώμη, δεν βρέθηκε αυτό το μέρος. instructions: + continue_without_exit: Συνεχίστε στην %{name} + slight_right_without_exit: Ελαφριά δεξιά στην %{name} + turn_right_without_exit: Στρίψτε δεξιά στην %{name} + sharp_right_without_exit: Κλειστά δεξιά στην %{name} + uturn_without_exit: Αναστροφή στην %{name} + sharp_left_without_exit: Κλειστά αριστερά στην %{name} + turn_left_without_exit: Στρίψτε αριστερά στην %{name} + slight_left_without_exit: Ελαφριά αριστερά στην %{name} + follow_without_exit: Ακολουθήστε την %{name} + roundabout_without_exit: Στον κυκλικό κόμβο πάρτε την %{name} + leave_roundabout_without_exit: Βγείτε από τον κυκλικό κόμβο - %{name} + stay_roundabout_without_exit: Μείνετε στον κυκλικό κόμβο - %{name} + destination_without_exit: Φτάσατε στον προορισμό σας + against_oneway_without_exit: Πηγαίνετε αντίθετα στον μονόδρομο %{name} + end_oneway_without_exit: Τέλος του μονόδρομου %{name} roundabout_with_exit: Στην κυκλική διασταύρωση, πάρτε την έξοδο %{exit} προς %{name} unnamed: ανώνυμος δρόμος @@ -2136,6 +2209,8 @@ el: way: Διαδρομή relation: Σχέση nothing_found: Δεν βρέθηκαν χαρακτηριστικά + error: 'Σφάλμα επικοινωνίας με τον %{server}: %{error}' + timeout: Έληξε το χρονικό όριο επικοινωνίας με %{server} redaction: edit: description: Περιγραφή diff --git a/config/locales/en-GB.yml b/config/locales/en-GB.yml index feb0c4f2f..f7eeb09fc 100644 --- a/config/locales/en-GB.yml +++ b/config/locales/en-GB.yml @@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ # Author: Caliburn # Author: Captaindogfish # Author: Chase me ladies, I'm the Cavalry +# Author: Jagwar # Author: Shirayuki --- en-GB: @@ -1360,9 +1361,7 @@ en-GB: primary: Primary road secondary: Secondary road unclassified: Unclassified road - unsurfaced: Unsurfaced road track: Track - byway: Byway bridleway: Bridleway cycleway: Cycleway footway: Footway @@ -1386,7 +1385,6 @@ en-GB: golf: Golf course park: Park resident: Residential area - tourist: Tourist attraction common: - Common - meadow @@ -1416,7 +1414,6 @@ en-GB: tunnel: Dashed casing = tunnel bridge: Black casing = bridge private: Private access - permissive: Permissive access destination: Destination access construction: Roads under construction richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/es.yml b/config/locales/es.yml index 3c697a26c..77b8de783 100644 --- a/config/locales/es.yml +++ b/config/locales/es.yml @@ -1,6 +1,7 @@ # Messages for Spanish (español) # Exported from # Export driver: phpyaml +# Author: Alberto Chung # Author: Armando-Martin # Author: Carlosz22 # Author: Crazymadlover @@ -1479,9 +1480,7 @@ es: primary: Vía primaria secondary: Vía secundaria unclassified: Carretera sin clasificar - unsurfaced: Carretera sin asfaltar track: Pista - byway: Camino bridleway: Vía ecuestre cycleway: Bicisenda footway: Vía peatonal @@ -1505,7 +1504,6 @@ es: golf: Campo de golf park: Parque resident: Zona residencial - tourist: Atracción turística common: - Común - pradera @@ -1535,7 +1533,6 @@ es: tunnel: Borde a rayas = túnel bridge: Borde negro = puente private: Acceso privado - permissive: Acceso permisivo destination: Acceso a destino construction: Vías en construcción richtext_area: @@ -2377,6 +2374,7 @@ es: slight_right_without_exit: Gire un poco a la derecha hacia %{name} turn_right_without_exit: Gire a la derecha hacia %{name} sharp_right_without_exit: Giro brusco a la derecha hacia %{name} + uturn_without_exit: Vuelta en U a lo largo de %{name} sharp_left_without_exit: Giro brusco a la izquierda hacia %{name} turn_left_without_exit: Gire a la izquierda hacia %{name} slight_left_without_exit: Gire un poco a la izquierda hacia %{name} @@ -2385,7 +2383,10 @@ es: roundabout_without_exit: En la rotonda, tomar %{name} leave_roundabout_without_exit: Salir de la rotonda - %{name} stay_roundabout_without_exit: Permanecer en la rotonda - %{name} + start_without_exit: Iniciar al final de %{name} destination_without_exit: Llegue a su destino + against_oneway_without_exit: Ir en contra de una vía de un solo sentido en + %{name} end_oneway_without_exit: Final de un solo sentido en %{name} roundabout_with_exit: En la rotonda, tomar la salida %{exit} hacia %{name} unnamed: sin nombre diff --git a/config/locales/et.yml b/config/locales/et.yml index 3298f7327..67149d556 100644 --- a/config/locales/et.yml +++ b/config/locales/et.yml @@ -1248,9 +1248,7 @@ et: primary: Põhimaantee secondary: Tugimaantee unclassified: Klassifitseerimata tee - unsurfaced: Katteta tee track: Rada - byway: Kõrvaltee bridleway: Ratsatee cycleway: Jalgrattatee footway: Jalgtee @@ -1274,7 +1272,6 @@ et: golf: Golfiväljak park: Park resident: Elamurajoon - tourist: Turismimagnet common: - Heinamaa - luht @@ -1304,7 +1301,6 @@ et: tunnel: Katkendlik ümbris = tunnel bridge: Must ümbris = sild private: Üksnes omanikule - permissive: Pääs ainult lubadega destination: Üksnes läbisõiduks construction: Ehitatavad teed richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/fa.yml b/config/locales/fa.yml index 1ad045d29..558f816ca 100644 --- a/config/locales/fa.yml +++ b/config/locales/fa.yml @@ -1427,9 +1427,7 @@ fa: primary: جادهٔ اصلی secondary: جاده دوم unclassified: جاده طبقه بندی نشده - unsurfaced: جاده ی ظاهر نشده track: پیگیری - byway: Byway bridleway: راه حیوان رو cycleway: راه دوچرخه footway: راه پیاده @@ -1453,7 +1451,6 @@ fa: golf: زمین گلف park: پارک resident: منطقه مسکونی - tourist: جاذبه ی توریستی common: - عمومی - علفزار @@ -1483,7 +1480,6 @@ fa: tunnel: پوشش خط چین شده = تونل bridge: پوشش سیاه = پل private: دسترسی شخصی - permissive: دسترسی مجاز destination: دسترسی به مقصد construction: جاده در دست ساخت richtext_area: @@ -1796,7 +1792,7 @@ fa: license_agreement: وقتی ایمیلتان را تأیید کردید نیاز است که با شرایط همکاری موافقت کنید. email address: 'آدرس ایمیل:' - confirm email address: 'تأیید آدرس ایمیل:' + confirm email address: 'تأیید نشانی ایمیل:' not displayed publicly: به عموم نشان داده نمیشود (حفظ حریم خصوصیرا ببینید) diff --git a/config/locales/fi.yml b/config/locales/fi.yml index 83d55d93f..29a8654ee 100644 --- a/config/locales/fi.yml +++ b/config/locales/fi.yml @@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ # Author: Olli # Author: Ramilehti # Author: Ruila +# Author: SMAUG # Author: Samoasambia # Author: Silvonen # Author: Snidata @@ -761,6 +762,7 @@ fi: town: Kaupunki unincorporated_area: Ei-liitetty alue village: Kylä + "yes": Paikka railway: abandoned: Hylätty rautatie construction: Rakenteilla oleva rautatie @@ -781,7 +783,7 @@ fi: spur: Pistoraide station: Rautatieasema stop: Rautatieseisake - subway: Metroasema + subway: Metro subway_entrance: Metron sisäänkäynti switch: Ratavaihde tram: Raitiotie @@ -1048,6 +1050,10 @@ fi: ( contributors_nz_html: 'Uusi-Seelanti: Sisältää karttatietoja Land Information New Zealandista. Crown Copyright.' + contributors_si_html: "Slovenia: Sisältää \nMaanmittaus- + ja kartoitusviranomaisen sekä\nMaatalous-, + metsä- ja ruokaministeriön tuottamia karttatietoja\n(Slovenian julkista + karttamateriaalia)." contributors_za_html: |- Etelä-Afrikka: Sisältää karttatietoja Chief Directorate: @@ -1069,6 +1075,10 @@ fi: karttatietoja on otettu luvattomasta lähteestä OSM:n karttatietoihin tai sivustolle, siitä tulee tehdä poistopyyntö tai ilmoittaa suoraan. + trademarks_title_html: Tavaramerkit + trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap ja sen logo ovat OpenStreetMap-säätiön rekisteröityjä + tavaramerkkejä. Lisensointiryhmämme + (englanniksi) vastaa mielellään kysymyksiin tavaramerkkien käytöstä. welcome_page: title: Tervetuloa! introduction_html: Tervetuloa OpenStreetMapiin, ilmaiseen ja vapaasti muokattavaan @@ -1097,6 +1107,8 @@ fi: tag_html: Tagi eli ominaisuustieto kuvaa pisteen, viivan tai alueen käyttötarkoitusta. Tällaisia tietoja ovat esimerkiksi ravintolan nimi tai kadun nopeusrajoitus. + rules: + title: Pelisäännöt questions: title: Kysyttävää? paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMapin käyttötukea on saatavilla useilla eri tavoilla. @@ -1413,9 +1425,7 @@ fi: primary: Kantatie secondary: Seututie unclassified: Luokittelematon tie - unsurfaced: Päällystämätön tie track: Metsätie - byway: Sivutie bridleway: Ratsastustie cycleway: Pyörätie footway: Jalankulkutie @@ -1439,7 +1449,6 @@ fi: golf: Golfkenttä park: Puisto resident: Asuinalue - tourist: Turistikohde common: - Niitty - keto @@ -1469,7 +1478,6 @@ fi: tunnel: Katkoviivallinen kehys = tunneli bridge: Musta kehys = silta private: Yksityinen - permissive: Luvanvarainen pääsy destination: Ei läpikulkua construction: Rakenteilla olevia teitä richtext_area: @@ -2147,6 +2155,7 @@ fi: heading: '%{block_on} estetty käyttäjän %{block_by} toimesta' time_future: Päättymiseen aikaa %{time} time_past: Loppui %{time} sitten + ago: '%{time} sitten' status: Tila show: Näytä edit: Muokkaa @@ -2278,6 +2287,23 @@ fi: no_route: Reittiä näiden paikkojen välille ei löytynyt. no_place: Paikkaa ei löytynyt. instructions: + continue_without_exit: Jatka tiellä %{name} + slight_right_without_exit: Kaarra oikealle tielle %{name} + turn_right_without_exit: Käänny oikealle tielle %{name} + sharp_right_without_exit: Käänny jyrkästi oikealle tielle %{name} + uturn_without_exit: Tee U-käännös tiellä %{name} + sharp_left_without_exit: Käänny jyrkästi vasemmalle tielle %{name} + turn_left_without_exit: Käänny vasemmalle tielle %{name} + slight_left_without_exit: Kaarra vasemmalle tielle %{name} + via_point_without_exit: (reittipiste) + follow_without_exit: Seuraa tietä %{name} + roundabout_without_exit: Poistu liikenneympyrästä tielle %{name} + leave_roundabout_without_exit: Poistu liikenneympyrästä - %{name} + stay_roundabout_without_exit: Pysy liikenneympyrässä - %{name} + start_without_exit: Aloita tien %{name} päästä + destination_without_exit: Olet saapunut perille + against_oneway_without_exit: Aja yksisuuntaista tietä %{name} väärään suuntaan + end_oneway_without_exit: Yksisuuntaisen tien %{name} pää roundabout_with_exit: Liikenneympyrässä poistu %{exit}. liittymästä tielle %{name} unnamed: nimetön tie diff --git a/config/locales/fr.yml b/config/locales/fr.yml index 0114f526a..70b48dc93 100644 --- a/config/locales/fr.yml +++ b/config/locales/fr.yml @@ -47,6 +47,7 @@ # Author: Urhixidur # Author: Vcalame # Author: Verdy p +# Author: Wladek92 # Author: Yodaspirine # Author: Yvecai --- @@ -308,7 +309,7 @@ fr: user_title: Journal de %{user} in_language_title: Entrées du journal en %{language} new: Nouvelle entrée du journal - new_title: Écrire une nouvelle entrée dans votre journal + new_title: Écrire une nouvelle entrée dans votre journal utilisateur no_entries: Aucun article de journal recent_entries: Articles récents du journal older_entries: Entrées plus anciennes @@ -580,7 +581,7 @@ fr: landing_site: Terrain d'atterrissage d'urgence phone: Borne d’appel d’urgence highway: - abandoned: Voie ferrée abandonnée + abandoned: Autoroute abandonnée bridleway: Chemin pour cavaliers bus_guideway: Voie de bus guidé / trolley bus_stop: Arrêt de bus @@ -1506,9 +1507,7 @@ fr: primary: Route principale secondary: Route secondaire unclassified: Route non classifiée - unsurfaced: Route non revêtue track: Piste - byway: Chemin bridleway: Sentier pour chevaux cycleway: Voie cyclable footway: Voie piétonne @@ -1532,7 +1531,6 @@ fr: golf: Parcours de golf park: Parc resident: Zone résidentielle - tourist: Attraction touristique common: - Espace commun - prairie @@ -1562,7 +1560,6 @@ fr: tunnel: Bord en pointillés = tunnel bridge: Bord noir = pont private: Accès privé - permissive: Accès toléré destination: Réservé aux riverains construction: Routes en construction richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/fur.yml b/config/locales/fur.yml index 93f1369fe..4656ff08d 100644 --- a/config/locales/fur.yml +++ b/config/locales/fur.yml @@ -883,7 +883,6 @@ fur: motorway: Autostrade primary: Strade primarie secondary: Strade secondarie - unsurfaced: Strade blancje rail: Ferade subway: Metropolitane tram: @@ -898,7 +897,6 @@ fur: golf: Troi di golf park: Parc resident: Aree residenziâl - tourist: Atrazion turistiche common: - Comugnâi - prâts diff --git a/config/locales/gd.yml b/config/locales/gd.yml index 9d47a1698..608a1c65e 100644 --- a/config/locales/gd.yml +++ b/config/locales/gd.yml @@ -1471,9 +1471,7 @@ gd: primary: Prìomh-rathad secondary: Rathad dàrnach unclassified: Rathad neo-sheòrsaichte - unsurfaced: Rathad gun uachdar track: Slighe - byway: Seach-rathad bridleway: Ceum marcachd cycleway: Slighe baidhseagail footway: Àrainn-choisichean @@ -1497,7 +1495,6 @@ gd: golf: Raon goilf park: Pàirc resident: Raon-còmhnaidh - tourist: Àite inntinneach common: - Coitcheann - Faiche @@ -1527,7 +1524,6 @@ gd: tunnel: Oir-strìochagan = tunail bridge: Oir-loidhnichean = drochaid private: Cead-inntrigidh prìobhaideach - permissive: Cead-inntrigidh cuingichte destination: Inntrigeadh a' chinn-uidhe construction: Rathaidean 'gan togail richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/gl.yml b/config/locales/gl.yml index 25a5f2f9b..fa6757578 100644 --- a/config/locales/gl.yml +++ b/config/locales/gl.yml @@ -1476,9 +1476,7 @@ gl: primary: Estrada principal secondary: Estrada secundaria unclassified: Estrada sen clasificar - unsurfaced: Estrada non pavimentada track: Pista - byway: Camiño secundario bridleway: Pista de cabalos cycleway: Pista de bicicletas footway: Vía peonil @@ -1502,7 +1500,6 @@ gl: golf: Campo de golf park: Parque resident: Zona residencial - tourist: Atracción turística common: - Espazo común - pradaría @@ -1532,7 +1529,6 @@ gl: tunnel: Bordo a raias = túnel bridge: Bordo negro = ponte private: Acceso privado - permissive: Acceso limitado destination: Acceso a destino construction: Estradas en construción richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/he.yml b/config/locales/he.yml index 759db7489..ddfd5271a 100644 --- a/config/locales/he.yml +++ b/config/locales/he.yml @@ -949,14 +949,14 @@ he: edit_with: לעריכה עם %{editor} tag_line: מפת עולם חופשית בשיטת הוויקי intro_header: ברוכים הבאים ל־OpenStreetMap! - intro_text: OpenStreetMap הוא מפה של העולם, נוצר על־ידי אנשים כמוך, וחופשי לשימוש - תחת רשיון פתוח. + intro_text: OpenStreetMap היא מפה של העולם, שנוצרת על־ידי אנשים כמוך, וחופשית + לשימוש תחת רישיון פתוח. intro_2_create_account: נא ליצור חשבון משתמש partners_html: האירוח נתמך על־ידי מרכז %{ucl}‏, %{ic} ו%{bytemark}, ועל־ידי %{partners} אחרים. partners_ucl: מרכז UCL VR partners_ic: המכללה המלכותית של לונדון - partners_bytemark: בייטמארק + partners_bytemark: אירוח בייטמארק partners_partners: שותפים partners_url: osm_offline: מסד הנתונים של אתר OpenStreetMap אינו מקוון כעת בשל עבודות תחזוקה @@ -1449,9 +1449,7 @@ he: primary: כביש ראשי secondary: כביש משני unclassified: דרך לא מסווגת - unsurfaced: דרך לא סלולה track: מסלול מרוצים - byway: דרך צדדית bridleway: מסלול לרכיבת סוסים cycleway: דרך לאופניים footway: דרך להולכי רגל @@ -1475,7 +1473,6 @@ he: golf: מסלול גולף park: פארק resident: אזור מגורים - tourist: אתר תיירותי common: - מרעה - מרעה @@ -1505,7 +1502,6 @@ he: tunnel: קו מקווקו = מנהרה bridge: קו שחור = גשר private: גישה פרטית - permissive: גישה מותרת destination: גישה ליעד construction: דרכים בבנייה richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/hr.yml b/config/locales/hr.yml index 5f8a7c2bf..6f7106337 100644 --- a/config/locales/hr.yml +++ b/config/locales/hr.yml @@ -1129,9 +1129,7 @@ hr: primary: Primarna cesta secondary: Sekundarna cesta unclassified: Nerazvrstana cesta - unsurfaced: Neasfaltirana cesta track: Neasfaltirani put - byway: Usputna staza bridleway: Staza za konje cycleway: Biciklistička staza footway: PjeÅ¡ačka staza @@ -1155,7 +1153,6 @@ hr: golf: Golf teren park: Park resident: Stambeno područje - tourist: Turistička atrakcija common: - Travnjaci - livade @@ -1185,7 +1182,6 @@ hr: tunnel: Iscrtkani rubovi = tunel bridge: Crni rubovi = most private: Privatni pristup - permissive: Pristup uz dozvolu destination: Pristup odrediÅ¡tu construction: Ceste u izgradnji richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/hsb.yml b/config/locales/hsb.yml index 7cdfb5ad7..8b1b51921 100644 --- a/config/locales/hsb.yml +++ b/config/locales/hsb.yml @@ -1062,8 +1062,8 @@ hsb: help: url: title: - description: PraÅ¡ej so něčeho abo pytaj za wotmołwami na stronje praÅ¡enjow a - wotmołwow OpenStreetMap. + description: PraÅ¡ej so za něčim abo pytaj za wotmołwami na stronje praÅ¡enjow + a wotmołwow OpenStreetMap. wiki: url: title: @@ -1323,9 +1323,7 @@ hsb: primary: Zwjazkowa dróha secondary: Krajna dróha, statna dróha unclassified: Njeklasifikowana dróha - unsurfaced: Njewobtwjerdźena dróha track: Čara - byway: Pódlanski puć bridleway: Jěchanski puć cycleway: Kolesowarska šćežka footway: Chódnik @@ -1349,7 +1347,6 @@ hsb: golf: Golfownišćo park: Park resident: Bydlenski wobwod - tourist: Turistiska atrakcija common: - PowÅ¡itkowny - łuka @@ -1379,7 +1376,6 @@ hsb: tunnel: Smužkowana kroma = tunl bridge: Čorna kroma = móst private: Priwatny přistup - permissive: Dowoleny přistup destination: Jenož za přidróžnych construction: Dróhi w twarje richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/hu.yml b/config/locales/hu.yml index 5c3252751..c305e4a55 100644 --- a/config/locales/hu.yml +++ b/config/locales/hu.yml @@ -1297,9 +1297,7 @@ hu: primary: Főút secondary: Összekötő út unclassified: Egyéb út - unsurfaced: Burkolatlan út track: Földút - byway: Ösvény bridleway: Lovaglóút cycleway: Kerékpárút footway: Gyalogút @@ -1323,7 +1321,6 @@ hu: golf: Golfpálya park: Park resident: Gyalogos övezet - tourist: Turisztikai látványosság common: - Füves terület - rét @@ -1353,7 +1350,6 @@ hu: tunnel: Szaggatott szegély = alagút bridge: Fekete szegély = híd private: Behajtás csak engedéllyel - permissive: Behajtás engedélyezett destination: Csak célforgalom construction: Utak építés alatt richtext_area: @@ -1497,6 +1493,7 @@ hu: Ezt nem kell elfogadnod, de meg kell tekintened. oauth: oauthorize: + title: A fiókodhoz való hozzáférés engedélyezése request_access: A(z) %{app_name} alkalmazás hozzáférést kér a felhasználói fiókodhoz, %{user}. Kérlek, jelöld, ha azt szeretnéd, hogy az alkalmazás rendelkezzen a következő képességekkel. Választhatsz olyan sokat vagy keveset, amennyit @@ -1510,9 +1507,12 @@ hu: allow_write_gpx: GPS nyomvonalak feltöltése. allow_write_notes: jegyzet módosítása oauthorize_success: + title: Hozzáférési kérés jóváhagyva + allowed: '%{app_name} számára hozzáférést biztosítottál a fiókodhoz.' verification: 'Az ellenőrző kód: %{code}.' oauthorize_failure: title: Az azonosítás sikertelen. + denied: '%{app_name} alkalmazástól megtagadtad, hogy hozzáférhessen a fiókodhoz.' invalid: A hitelesítő token érvénytelen. revoke: flash: Visszavontad az utalványt a(z) %{application} alkalmazáshoz @@ -1584,7 +1584,7 @@ hu: email or username: 'E-mail cím vagy felhasználónév:' password: 'Jelszó:' openid: '%{logo} OpenID:' - remember: 'Emlékezz rám:' + remember: Emlékezz rám lost password link: Elfelejtetted a jelszavad? login_button: Bejelentkezés register now: Regisztrálj most diff --git a/config/locales/ia.yml b/config/locales/ia.yml index 77880f15c..92e639d66 100644 --- a/config/locales/ia.yml +++ b/config/locales/ia.yml @@ -467,6 +467,7 @@ ia: nursing_home: Casa de convalescentia office: Officio parking: Parking + parking_entrance: Entrata de autoparco pharmacy: Pharmacia place_of_worship: Loco de adoration police: Policia @@ -500,6 +501,7 @@ ia: veterinary: Clinica veterinari village_hall: Casa communal waste_basket: Corbe a papiro + waste_disposal: Tractamento de immunditias youth_centre: Centro pro le juventute boundary: administrative: Limite administrative @@ -514,14 +516,30 @@ ia: "yes": Ponte building: "yes": Edificio + craft: + brewery: Fabrica de bira + carpenter: Carpentero + electrician: Electricista + gardener: Jardinero + painter: Pictor + photographer: Photographo + plumber: Plumbero + shoemaker: Scarpero + tailor: Sartor + "yes": Boteca de artisanato emergency: + ambulance_station: Station de ambulantias + defibrillator: Defibrillator + landing_site: Loco de atterrage de emergentia phone: Telephono de emergentia highway: + abandoned: Via abandonate bridleway: Sentiero pro cavallos bus_guideway: Via guidate de autobus bus_stop: Halto de autobus construction: Strata in construction cycleway: Pista cyclabile + elevator: Ascensor emergency_access_point: Puncto de accesso de emergentia footway: Sentiero pro pedones ford: Vado @@ -562,22 +580,29 @@ ia: battlefield: Campo de battalia boundary_stone: Lapide de frontiera building: Edificio historic + bunker: Bunker castle: Castello church: Ecclesia + city_gate: Porta de citate citywalls: Muro del citate fort: Forte + heritage: Sito de patrimonio house: Casa icon: Icone manor: Casa seniorial memorial: Memorial mine: Mina monument: Monumento + roman_road: Via roman ruins: Ruinas + stone: Petra tomb: Tumba tower: Turre wayside_cross: Cruce juxta le via wayside_shrine: Reliquario juxta le via wreck: Naufragio + junction: + "yes": Intersection landuse: allotments: Jardines familial basin: Bassino @@ -609,14 +634,19 @@ ia: road: Area de cammino village_green: Parco de village vineyard: Vinia + "yes": Uso de terreno leisure: beach_resort: Loco de vacantias al plagia bird_hide: Observatorio de aves + club: Club common: Terreno commun + dog_park: Parco pro canes fishing: Area de pisca + fitness_centre: Centro de fitness fitness_station: Gymnasio garden: Jardin golf_course: Campo de golf + horse_riding: Equitation ice_rink: Patinatorio marina: Porto de yachts miniature_golf: Minigolf @@ -625,6 +655,7 @@ ia: pitch: Campo sportive playground: Area de jocos recreation_ground: Terreno de recreation + resort: Centro touristic sauna: Sauna slipway: Rampa de barca sports_centre: Centro sportive @@ -632,6 +663,13 @@ ia: swimming_pool: Piscina track: Pista de athletismo water_park: Parco aquatic + "yes": Tempore libere + man_made: + lighthouse: Pharo + pipeline: Tubulatura + tower: Turre + works: Fabrica + "yes": Artificial military: airfield: Aerodromo militar barracks: Barracas @@ -651,6 +689,7 @@ ia: forest: Foreste geyser: Geyser glacier: Glaciero + grassland: Prato heath: Landa hill: Collina island: Insula @@ -663,6 +702,8 @@ ia: reef: Scolio ridge: Cresta rock: Rocca + saddle: Sella + sand: Sablo scree: Detrito cadite scrub: Arbusto spring: Fontana @@ -676,6 +717,7 @@ ia: wood: Bosco office: accountant: Contabile + administrative: Administration architect: Architecto company: Compania employment_agency: Agentia de empleo @@ -688,6 +730,8 @@ ia: travel_agent: Agentia de viages "yes": Officio place: + allotments: Jardines familial + block: Bloco airport: Aeroporto city: Citate country: Pais @@ -712,6 +756,7 @@ ia: town: Urbe unincorporated_area: Area sin municipalitate village: Village + "yes": Loco railway: abandoned: Ferrovia abandonate construction: Ferrovia in construction @@ -732,7 +777,7 @@ ia: spur: Ramification de ferrovia station: Station ferroviari stop: Halto ferroviari - subway: Station de metro + subway: Metro subway_entrance: Entrata al metro switch: Agulia tram: Tramvia @@ -814,6 +859,7 @@ ia: "yes": Boteca tourism: alpine_hut: Cabana alpin + apartment: Appartamento artwork: Obra de arte attraction: Attraction bed_and_breakfast: Bed and Breakfast @@ -821,6 +867,7 @@ ia: camp_site: Terreno de camping caravan_site: Terreno pro caravanas chalet: Chalet + gallery: Galeria guest_house: Albergo hostel: Albergo hotel: Hotel @@ -852,6 +899,7 @@ ia: wadi: Wadi waterfall: Cascada weir: Barrage + "yes": Curso de aqua admin_levels: level2: Frontiera de pais level4: Frontiera de stato @@ -938,9 +986,10 @@ ia: legal_babble: title_html: Copyright e Licentia intro_1_html: |- - OpenStreetMap es datos aperte, licentiate sub le ® es datos aperte, licentiate sub le Open Data - Commons Open Database License (ODbL). + Commons Open Database License (ODbL) per le Fundation OpenStreetMap (OSMF). intro_2_html: |2- Vos es libere de copiar, distribuer, transmitter e adaptar nostre cartas e datos, a condition que vos da recognoscentia a OpenStreetMap e su @@ -965,10 +1014,9 @@ ia: alt: Exemplo de como recognoscer OpenStreetMap in un pagina web title: Exemplo de recognoscentia more_title_html: Pro saper plus - more_1_html: |2- - Lege plus super le uso de nostre datos, e como recognoscer nos, al FAQ - Legal. + more_1_html: |- + Lege plus sur le uso de nostre datos, e como recognoscer nos, in le pagina de licentia OSMF e in le FAQ juridic communitari. more_2_html: |- Ben que OpenStreetMap es datos aperte, nos non pote fornir un API cartographic gratuite pro disveloppatores tertie. Vide nostre politica pro le uso del API, politica pro le uso de tegulas @@ -1000,6 +1048,11 @@ ia: contributors_nz_html: |- Nove Zelandia: Contine datos proveniente de Land Information New Zealand. Crown Copyright reservate. + contributors_si_html: |- + Slovenia: Contine datos ab le + Surveying and Mapping Authority e del + Ministerio del Agricultura, Silvicultura e Alimento + (information public de Slovenia). contributors_za_html: |- Africa del Sud: Contine datos proveniente del Chief Directorate: @@ -1027,6 +1080,11 @@ ia: favor consulta nostre procedura de remotion o submitte un plancto immediate usante nostre formulario in linea. + trademarks_title_html: Marcas commercial + trademarks_1_html: OpenStreetMap e le logotypo con le lupa es marcas registrate + del Fundation OpenStreetMap. Si vos ha questiones sur vostre uso del marcas, + invia los al gruppo + de labor sur licentias. welcome_page: title: Benvenite! introduction_html: Bevenite a OpenStreetMap, le carta libere e modificabile del @@ -1053,6 +1111,14 @@ ia: tag_html: Un etiquetta es un unitate de information sur un nodo o via, como le nomine de un restaurante o le limite de velocitate de un strata. + rules: + title: Regulas! + paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap ha poc regulas formal, ma nos expecta que tote + le participantes collabora e communica con le communitate. Si vos considera + un activitate altere que modification per mano, lege e seque le directivas + sur le importation + e sur le modification + automatisate. questions: title: Questiones? paragraph_1_html: |- @@ -1095,11 +1161,29 @@ ia: url: /welcome title: Benvenite a OSM description: Comencia con iste guida rapide sur le fundamentos de OpenStreetMap. + beginners_guide: + title: Guida pro comenciantes + description: Guida pro comenciantes, mantenite per le communitate. help: url: title: description: Pone un question o cerca responsas sur le sito de questiones e responsas de OSM. + mailing_lists: + title: Listas de diffusion + description: Pone un question o discute cosas interessante sur un varietate + de listas de diffusion thematic o regional. + forums: + title: Foros + description: Questiones e discussiones pro qui prefere un interfacie in stilo + de tabuliero de bulletines. + irc: + title: IRC + description: Conversation interactive in multe linguas differente e sur multe + themas. + switch2osm: + description: Adjuta pro companias e organisationes qui vole migrar a cartas + e altere servicios a base de OpenStreetMap. wiki: url: title: @@ -1118,6 +1202,15 @@ ia: imageria aeree, apparatos GPS e cartas ordinari de terreno pro verificar que OSM es accurate e actual. community_driven_title: Dirigite per le communitate + community_driven_html: |- + Le communitate de OpenStreetMap es diverse, passionate e cresce cata die. Nostre contributores include cartographos enthusiasta, professionales de GIS, ingenieros gerente le servitores de OSM, humanitarios cartographiante areas devastate per un disastro, e multe alteres. + Pro apprender plus sur le communitate, vide le diarios del usatores, le + blogs del communitate e le sito web del Fundation OSM. + open_data_title: Datos aperte + open_data_html: |- + OpenStreetMap es constituite per datos aperte: tu es libere de usar lo pro qualcunque scopo a condition que tu da credito a OpenStreetMap e su contributores. Si tu altera o extende le datos in certe manieras, tu pote distribuer le resultato solmente sub le mesme licentia. Vide le pagina Copyright e + Licentia pro detalios. + legal_title: Juridic notifier: diary_comment_notification: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user} commentava un entrata de tu diario' @@ -1334,9 +1427,7 @@ ia: primary: Via primari secondary: Via secundari unclassified: Via non classificate - unsurfaced: Cammino de terra track: Pista - byway: Via minor bridleway: Sentiero pro cavallos cycleway: Via cyclabile footway: Sentiero pro pedones @@ -1360,7 +1451,6 @@ ia: golf: Percurso de golf park: Parco resident: Area residential - tourist: Attraction touristic common: - Commun - prato @@ -1390,7 +1480,6 @@ ia: tunnel: Bordo a lineettas = tunnel bridge: Bordo nigre = ponte private: Accesso private - permissive: Accesso subjecte a permission destination: Traffico local construction: Vias in construction richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/id.yml b/config/locales/id.yml index 02ad3677e..5d1c31160 100644 --- a/config/locales/id.yml +++ b/config/locales/id.yml @@ -10,6 +10,7 @@ # Author: Ilham151096 # Author: Irwangatot # Author: Iwan Novirion +# Author: Jagwar # Author: JakArtisan # Author: Kenrick95 # Author: Relly Komaruzaman @@ -420,7 +421,7 @@ id: gate: Gerbang helipad: Helipad runway: Landasan pacu - taxiway: Jalur taxi + taxiway: Landas hubung terminal: Terminal amenity: animal_shelter: Tempat Perlindungan Hewan @@ -432,7 +433,7 @@ id: bench: Bangku bicycle_parking: Parkir Sepeda bicycle_rental: Penyewaan Sepeda - biergarten: Beer Garden + biergarten: Taman Bir boat_rental: Penyewaan Perahu brothel: Bordil bureau_de_change: Penukaran Valuta Asing @@ -472,7 +473,7 @@ id: hospital: Rumah Sakit hunting_stand: Pos Berburu ice_cream: Es Krim - kindergarten: Taman Kanak-Kanak + kindergarten: Taman Kanak-kanak library: Perpustakaan market: Pasar marketplace: Pasar @@ -586,8 +587,8 @@ id: track: Trek traffic_signals: Lampu Lalu Lintas trail: Jejak - trunk: Jalan Utama - trunk_link: Jalan Utama Bukan Tol + trunk: Jalan Nasional + trunk_link: Jalan Nasional unclassified: Jalan Tidak Terklasifikasi unsurfaced: Jalan Tanpa Permukaan "yes": Jalan @@ -988,15 +989,15 @@ id: license_page: foreign: title: Tentang terjemahan ini - text: Saat terjadi konflik antara halaman diterjemahkan dan %{english_original_link}, + text: Saat terjadi konflik antara halaman terjemahan dan %{english_original_link}, halaman bahasa Inggris akan diutamakan - english_link: Bahasa Inggris asli + english_link: asli bahasa Inggris native: - title: Tentang Halaman ini + title: Tentang halaman ini text: Anda melihat versi bahasa Inggris dari halaman hak cipta. Anda dapat kembali - ke %{native_link} dari Halaman ini atau Anda dapat berhenti membaca tentang + ke %{native_link} dari halaman ini atau Anda dapat berhenti membaca tentang hak cipta dan %{mapping_link}. - native_link: Versi Bahasa Indonesia + native_link: versi bahasa Indonesia mapping_link: memulai pemetaan legal_babble: title_html: Hak Cipta & Lisensi @@ -1006,26 +1007,24 @@ id: Commons Open Database License (ODbL) oleh OpenStreetMap Foundation (OSMF). intro_2_html: |- - Anda dibebaskan untuk menyalin, mendistribusikan, mentransfer dan mengadaptasi data kami, - selama Anda menyertakan OpenStreetMap dan kontributornya. Jika anda merubah atau membangun - data kami, Anda harus mendistribusikan hasilnya dalam lisensi yang sama. - kode legal - code akan menjelaskan hak dan kewajiban Anda + Anda dibebaskan untuk menyalin, menyalurkan, mentransfer dan mengadaptasi data kami, + selama Anda menyertakan OpenStreetMap dan kontributornya. Jika Anda mengubah atau membangun + data kami, Anda harus menyalurkan hasilnya dalam lisensi yang sama. + Kode legal berisi penjelasan hak dan kewajiban Anda. intro_3_html: |- Kartografi dalam tampilan peta dan dokumentasi kami berlisensi di bawah Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 lisensi (CC-BY-SA). credit_title_html: Cara memberikan kredit pada OpenStreetMap - credit_1_html: |- - Kami meminta anda untuk menggunakan kredit “© Kontributor OpenStreetMap - ”. + credit_1_html: Kami mewajibkan Anda untuk menggunakan kredit “© Kontributor + OpenStreetMap”. credit_2_html: Anda juga harus memperjelas bahwa data tersedia di bawah Lisensi Database Terbuka, dan jika menggunakan tiles peta kami, kartografi berlisensi sebagai CC-BY-SA. Anda dapat melakukannya dengan menghubungkan ke halaman hak cipta. Alternatifnya, dan sebagai sebuah persyaratan jika Anda mendistribusikan OSM dalam bentuk data, Anda dapat menamakan dan menghubungkannya langsung - pada lisensinya. Pada media dimana tautan tidak dimungkinkan (misalnya hasil - cetak), kami menyarankan anda untuk mengarahkan pembaca anda pada + pada lisensinya. Pada media yang tidak memungkinkan tautan (misalnya hasil + cetak), kami menyarankan Anda untuk mengarahkan pembaca Anda pada (mungkin dengan memperluas halaman 'OpenStreetMap' secara penuh), untuk, dan jika relevan, untuk credit_3_html: |- @@ -1087,8 +1086,8 @@ id: Survey © Hak cipta dan basis data milik Kerajaan 2010-12. contributors_footer_1_html: |- - Untuk rincian lebih lanjut, dan sumber-sumber lainnya yang telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan OpenStreetMap, silahkan lihat Kontributor halaman pada Wiki OpenStreetMap. + Untuk rincian lebih lanjut, dan sumber-sumber lainnya yang telah digunakan untuk meningkatkan OpenStreetMap, silakan lihat halaman Kontributor pada Wiki OpenStreetMap. contributors_footer_2_html: Dimasukkannya data dalam OpenStreetMap tidak berarti bahwa penyedia data yang asli mendukung OpenStreetMap, menyediakan jaminan, atau menerima tanggung jawab apapun. @@ -1216,7 +1215,7 @@ id: banyak lagi, di seluruh dunia." local_knowledge_title: Pengetahuan Lokal local_knowledge_html: "OpenStreetMap menekankan pengetahuan lokal. Kontributor - menggunakan \ncitra udara, perangkat GPS, dan lapangan berteknologi rendah peta + menggunakan \ncitra udara, perangkat GPS, dan peta lapangan berteknologi rendah untuk memverifikasi bahwa OSM akurat dan termutakhir." community_driven_title: Berbasis Masyarakat community_driven_html: |- @@ -1226,7 +1225,7 @@ id: dan lain-lain. Untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut, baca catatan harian pengguna, blog komunitas, dan situs web OSM Foundation. - open_data_title: Buka Data + open_data_title: Data Terbuka open_data_html: 'OpenStreetMap adalah data terbuka: Anda bebas untuk menggunakannya untuk tujuan apapun selama Anda memberi penghargaan pada OpenStreetMap dan kontributornya. Jika Anda mengubah atau membangun dari data dengan cara tertentu, Anda dapat @@ -1457,7 +1456,7 @@ id: potlatch2_unsaved_changes: Anda memiliki perubahan yang belum disimpan. (Untuk menyimpannya dengan Potlatch 2, Anda dapat klik simpan.) id_not_configured: iD belum dikonfigurasikan - no_iframe_support: Browser Anda tidak mendukung iframes HTML yang diperlukan + no_iframe_support: Peramban Anda tidak mendukung iframe HTML yang diperlukan untuk fitur ini. sidebar: search_results: Hasil Pencarian @@ -1475,13 +1474,11 @@ id: table: entry: motorway: Jalan Tol - trunk: Jalan Utama Bukan Tol + trunk: Jalan nasional primary: Jalan Primer secondary: Jalan Sekunder unclassified: Jalan Tidak Terklasifikasi - unsurfaced: Jalan Tanpa Permukaan track: Trek - byway: Jalan Kampung bridleway: Jalan Tanah cycleway: Jalur Sepeda footway: Jalan Setapak @@ -1495,7 +1492,7 @@ id: - Kereta Gantung runway: - Landasan bandara - - Jalur taxi + - landas hubung apron: - Tempat Parkir Pesawat - terminal @@ -1505,11 +1502,10 @@ id: golf: Lapangan Golf park: Taman resident: Area Permukiman - tourist: Objek wisata common: - Umum - Padang rumput - retail: Area pertokoan retail + retail: Area pertokoan industrial: Kawasan industri commercial: Area komersial heathland: Semak @@ -1535,8 +1531,7 @@ id: tunnel: Dashed Casing = terowongan bridge: Black casing = jembatan private: Akses pribadi - permissive: Akses Permisif - destination: Akses Tujuan + destination: Akses tujuan construction: Jalan sedang diperbaiki richtext_area: edit: Edit @@ -1565,16 +1560,16 @@ id: identifiable: Dapat Diidentifikasi (ditampilkan dalam daftar jejak dan sebagai diidentifikasi, mengatur poin dengan waktu pengambilan) create: - upload_trace: Upload trek GPS - trace_uploaded: File GPX Anda telah di-upload dan menunggu penyisipan dalam - database. Ini biasanya akan membutuhkan waktu setengah jam, dan sebuah email - akan dikirim kepada Anda ketika sudah selesai. + upload_trace: Unggah Jejak GPS + trace_uploaded: File GPX Anda telah diunggah dan menunggu penyisipan dalam database. + Ini biasanya membutuhkan waktu setengah jam, dan sebuah email akan dikirim + kepada Anda saat selesai. edit: title: Mengedit jejak %{name} heading: Mengedit dijitasi %{name} filename: 'Nama File:' - download: download - uploaded_at: 'Diupload:' + download: unduh + uploaded_at: 'Diunggah:' points: 'Poin/Titik:' start_coord: 'Koordinat awal:' map: peta @@ -1587,7 +1582,7 @@ id: visibility: Visibilitas visibility_help: apa artinya ini? trace_form: - upload_gpx: 'Upload File GPX:' + upload_gpx: 'Unggah File GPX:' description: Deskripsi tags: 'Tags:' tags_help: dipisahkan oleh koma @@ -1597,7 +1592,7 @@ id: help: Bantuan trace_header: upload_trace: Unggah jejak GPS - see_all_traces: Lihat semua dijitasi + see_all_traces: Lihat semua jejak see_your_traces: Melihat jejak Anda traces_waiting: one: Anda memiliki %{count} jejak GPS yang menunggu untuk diunggah. Harap @@ -1693,7 +1688,7 @@ id: allow_write_diary: membuat entri buku harian, komentar dan berteman. allow_write_api: memodifikasi peta. allow_read_gpx: baca jejak GPS pribadi Anda. - allow_write_gpx: Upload trek GPS + allow_write_gpx: unggah jejak GPS. allow_write_notes: memodifikasi catatan. oauthorize_success: title: Permintaan otorisasi diperbolehkan @@ -1729,7 +1724,7 @@ id: allow_write_diary: membuat entri buku harian, komentar dan membuat pertemanan. allow_write_api: modifikasi peta. allow_read_gpx: baca jejak GPS pribadi mereka. - allow_write_gpx: upload trek GPS. + allow_write_gpx: unggah jejak GPS. allow_write_notes: memodifikasi catatan. index: title: Rincian OAuth saya @@ -1756,7 +1751,7 @@ id: allow_write_diary: membuat entri buku harian, komentar dan buat pertemanan. allow_write_api: modifikasi peta allow_read_gpx: baca jejak GPS pribadi mereka. - allow_write_gpx: upload trek GPS + allow_write_gpx: unggah jejak GPS. allow_write_notes: memodifikasi catatan. not_found: sorry: Maaf, %{type} tidak dapat ditemukan. @@ -1891,7 +1886,7 @@ id: Anda yang sudah ada dan di masa yang akan datang. consider_pd: Sebagai tambahan perjanjian di atas, saya menganggap kontribusi saya berada di dalam Domain Publik - consider_pd_why: Apa ini? + consider_pd_why: apa ini? guidance: 'Informasi untuk membantu Anda memahami persyaratan ini: sebuah ringkasan yang mudah dibaca dan beberapa terjemahan informal' @@ -1903,7 +1898,7 @@ id: legale_names: france: Perancis italy: Italia - rest_of_world: Bagian Lainnya dari Dunia + rest_of_world: Bagian lain dari dunia no_such_user: title: Pengguna tersebut tidak ditemukan heading: Pengguna %{user} tidak dapat ditemukan diff --git a/config/locales/is.yml b/config/locales/is.yml index 939b79a1c..77012aed6 100644 --- a/config/locales/is.yml +++ b/config/locales/is.yml @@ -621,9 +621,7 @@ is: primary: Stofnvegur secondary: Tengivegur unclassified: Héraðsvegur - unsurfaced: Óbundið slitlag track: Slóði - byway: Merkt (bresk) hjólaleið bridleway: Reiðstígur cycleway: Hjólastígur footway: Göngustígur @@ -647,7 +645,6 @@ is: golf: Golfvöllur park: Almenningsgarður resident: Íbúðasvæði - tourist: Ferðamannasvæði common: - Almenningur - lundur @@ -677,7 +674,6 @@ is: tunnel: Umkringt punktalínum = göng bridge: Umkringt svartri línu = brú private: Í einkaeigu - permissive: Umferð leyfileg destination: Umferð leyfileg á ákveðinn áfangastað construction: Vegur í byggingu trace: diff --git a/config/locales/it.yml b/config/locales/it.yml index f42df06dc..c8ae2aba9 100644 --- a/config/locales/it.yml +++ b/config/locales/it.yml @@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ # Author: Od1n # Author: Ontsed # Author: Paolopoz +# Author: Purodha # Author: Raoli # Author: Ricordisamoa # Author: Rippitippi @@ -34,6 +35,7 @@ # Author: Shirayuki # Author: Simone # Author: SimoneSVC +# Author: Tuxfuzz # Author: Ximo17 # Author: ZioNicco --- @@ -101,7 +103,7 @@ it: sender: Mittente title: Soggetto body: Corpo del messaggio - recipient: Recipiente + recipient: Destinatario user: email: Email active: Attivo @@ -146,8 +148,8 @@ it: belongs_to: Autore node: Nodi (%{count}) node_paginated: Nodi (%{x}-%{y} di %{count}) - way: Ways (%{count}) - way_paginated: Ways (%{x}-%{y} di %{count}) + way: Percorsi (%{count}) + way_paginated: Percorsi (%{x}-%{y} di %{count}) relation: Relazioni (%{count}) relation_paginated: Relazioni (%{x}-%{y} di %{count}) comment: Commenti (%{count}) @@ -159,18 +161,18 @@ it: feed: title: Gruppo di modifiche %{id} title_comment: Gruppo di modifiche %{id} - %{comment} - join_discussion: Fai login per unirti alla discussione + join_discussion: Accedi per unirti alla discussione discussion: Discussione node: title: 'Nodo: %{name}' history_title: 'Cronologia nodo: %{name}' way: - title: 'Way: %{name}' - history_title: 'Cronologia way: %{name}' + title: 'Percorso: %{name}' + history_title: 'Cronologia percorso: %{name}' nodes: Nodi also_part_of: - one: parte di way %{related_ways} - other: parte di way %{related_ways} + one: parte del percorso %{related_ways} + other: parte dei percorsi %{related_ways} relation: title: 'Relazione: %{name}' history_title: 'Cronologia relazione: %{name}' @@ -315,7 +317,7 @@ it: user_title: Diario dell'utente %{user} leave_a_comment: Lascia un commento login_to_leave_a_comment: '%{login_link} per lasciare un commento' - login: Login + login: Accedi save_button: Salva no_such_entry: title: Nessuna voce del diario @@ -477,7 +479,7 @@ it: ferry_terminal: Terminal traghetti fire_hydrant: Pompa antincendio fire_station: Vigili del fuoco - food_court: Food Court + food_court: Area ristorazione fountain: Fontana fuel: Stazione di rifornimento gambling: Gioco d'azzardo @@ -495,7 +497,7 @@ it: motorcycle_parking: Parcheggio per Moto nightclub: Night Club nursery: Asilo nido - nursing_home: Asilo nido + nursing_home: Residenza sanitaria assistenziale office: Ufficio parking: Parcheggio parking_entrance: Entrata del parcheggio @@ -518,9 +520,9 @@ it: shop: Negozio shower: Doccia social_centre: Centro sociale - social_club: Centro Sociale + social_club: Associazione social_facility: Struttura sociale - studio: Studio + studio: Studio audio/video swimming_pool: Piscina taxi: Taxi telephone: Telefono pubblico @@ -593,7 +595,7 @@ it: secondary_link: Strada secondaria service: Strada di servizio services: Stazione di servizio - speed_camera: Autovelox fissi + speed_camera: Autovelox fisso steps: Scala street_lamp: Lampione tertiary: Strada terziaria @@ -832,7 +834,7 @@ it: chemist: Farmacia clothes: Negozio di abbigliamento computer: Negozio di computer - confectionery: Pasticceria + confectionery: Negozio di dolciumi convenience: Minimarket copyshop: Copisteria cosmetics: Negozio cosmetici @@ -1108,6 +1110,7 @@ it: Se ritieni che materiale protetto da copyright sia stato impropriamente aggiunto al database di OpenStreetMap o a questo sito, consulta la nostra procedura di rimozione per violazione del copyright o segnalacelo direttamente alla nostra pagina di segnalazione on-line. + trademarks_title_html: Marchi registrati welcome_page: title: Benvenuto! introduction_html: Benvenuti in OpenStreetMap, la mappa del mondo libera e modificabile. @@ -1184,7 +1187,7 @@ it: gli argomenti di mappatura. welcome: url: /welcome - title: Benvenuti a OSM + title: Benvenuti in OSM description: Inizia con questa guida rapida che copre le basi di OpenStreetMap. beginners_guide: url: @@ -1486,9 +1489,7 @@ it: primary: Strada primaria secondary: Strada secondaria unclassified: Strada non classificata - unsurfaced: Strada non pavimentata track: Strada forestale o agricola - byway: Byway (UK) bridleway: Percorso per equitazione cycleway: Pista Ciclabile footway: Percorso pedonale @@ -1512,7 +1513,6 @@ it: golf: Campo da golf park: Parco resident: Zona residenziale - tourist: Attrazione turistica common: - Area comune - prato @@ -1542,7 +1542,6 @@ it: tunnel: Linea tratteggiata = tunnel bridge: Quadrettatura nera = ponte private: Accesso privato - permissive: Accesso permissivo destination: Servitù di passaggio construction: Strade in costruzione richtext_area: @@ -1812,6 +1811,12 @@ it: google: title: Accedi con Google alt: Accedi con un OpenID di Google + facebook: + title: Accedi con Facebook + alt: Accedi con un Account Facebook + windowslive: + title: Accedi con Windows Live + alt: Accedi con un Account Windows Live yahoo: title: Accedi con Yahoo alt: Accedi con un OpenID di Yahoo @@ -2117,6 +2122,8 @@ it: auth_failure: connection_failed: Connessione al provider di autenticazione non riuscita invalid_credentials: Le credenziali di autenticazione non sono valide + no_authorization_code: Nessun codice di autorizzazione + unknown_signature_algorithm: Algoritmo di firma sconosciuto user_role: filter: not_an_administrator: Solo gli amministratori possono gestire i ruoli degli @@ -2233,6 +2240,7 @@ it: heading: '%{block_on} bloccato da %{block_by}' time_future: Termina fra %{time} time_past: Terminato %{time} fa + ago: '%{time} fa' status: Stato show: Mostra edit: Modifica @@ -2283,6 +2291,7 @@ it: link: Link o HTML long_link: Link short_link: Link breve + geo_uri: Geo URI embed: HTML custom_dimensions: Imposta dimensioni personalizzate format: 'Formato:' @@ -2361,12 +2370,25 @@ it: mapquest_car: Auto (MapQuest) mapquest_foot: A piedi (MapQuest) osrm_car: Auto (OSRM) - directions: Direzioni + directions: Indicazioni distance: Distanza errors: no_route: Impossibile trovare un percorso fra questi due posti. no_place: Spiacenti, non è possibile trovare quel luogo. instructions: + continue_without_exit: Prosegui su %{name} + slight_right_without_exit: Svolta leggermente a destra in %{name} + turn_right_without_exit: Svolta a destra in %{name} + sharp_right_without_exit: Svolta tutto a destra in %{name} + uturn_without_exit: Effettua un'inversione a U lungo %{name} + sharp_left_without_exit: Svolta tutto a sinistra in %{name} + turn_left_without_exit: Svolta a sinistra in %{name} + slight_left_without_exit: Svolta leggermente a sinistra in %{name} + follow_without_exit: Segui %{name} + roundabout_without_exit: Alla rotonda prendi %{name} + leave_roundabout_without_exit: Esci dalla rotonda - %{name} + destination_without_exit: Raggiungi la destinazione + roundabout_with_exit: Alla rotonda prendi l'uscita n° %{exit} su %{name} unnamed: senza nome courtesy: Indicazioni per gentile concessione di %{link} time: Tempo diff --git a/config/locales/ja.yml b/config/locales/ja.yml index 19708c8f0..88ff80907 100644 --- a/config/locales/ja.yml +++ b/config/locales/ja.yml @@ -1263,9 +1263,7 @@ ja: primary: 主要地方道 secondary: 一般県道 unclassified: 未分類の道路 - unsurfaced: 未舗装道路 track: 農道・林道 - byway: 路地 bridleway: 乗馬道 cycleway: 自転車道 footway: 歩道 @@ -1289,7 +1287,6 @@ ja: golf: ゴルフ場 park: 公園 resident: 住宅地 - tourist: 観光名所 common: - 共有地 - 牧草地 @@ -1319,7 +1316,6 @@ ja: tunnel: 点線の枠 = トンネル bridge: 黒枠 = 橋梁 private: 私的通行 - permissive: 許可制通行 destination: 目的通行 construction: 建設中の道路 richtext_area: diff --git a/config/locales/ka.yml b/config/locales/ka.yml index dab202715..78a9705b7 100644 --- a/config/locales/ka.yml +++ b/config/locales/ka.yml @@ -732,9 +732,7 @@ ka: primary: მაგისტრალური საერთაშორისო მნიშვნელობის გზა secondary: სახელმწიფო მნიშვნელობის გზა unclassified: ადგილობრივი მნიშვნელობის გზა - unsurfaced: ყამირი გზა track: სოფლის გზა - byway: ბილიკი bridleway: საცხენოსნო გზა cycleway: ველოსიპედის გზა footway: საფეხმავლო გზა @@ -754,7 +752,6 @@ ka: golf: გოლფის მოედანი park: პარკი resident: საცხოვრებელი ტერიტორია - tourist: ღირსშესანიშნაობა commercial: კომერციული ტერიტორია lake: - ტბა diff --git a/config/locales/ko.yml b/config/locales/ko.yml index 714acccaa..c4a552c39 100644 --- a/config/locales/ko.yml +++ b/config/locales/ko.yml @@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ ko: changeset: 바뀜집합 changeset_tag: 바뀜집합 태그 country: 국가 - diary_comment: 일기 덧글 + diary_comment: 일기 댓글 diary_entry: 일기 항목 friend: 친구 language: 언어 @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ ko: relation_tag: 관계 태그 session: 세션 trace: 추적 - tracepoint: 추적 지점 + tracepoint: 추적 점 tracetag: 추적 태그 user: 사용자 user_preference: 사용자 환경 설정 @@ -133,9 +133,9 @@ ko: relation_paginated: 관계 (%{count} 중 %{x}-%{y}) comment: 의견 (%{count}) hidden_commented_by: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 - 남긴 숨겨진 덧글' + 남긴 숨겨진 댓글' commented_by: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 - 덧글을 남김' + 댓글을 남김' changesetxml: 바뀜집합 XML osmchangexml: osmChange XML feed: @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ ko: redacted: redaction: 개정 %{id} message_html: 이 %{type}의 %{version}판은 비공개 처리되었기 때문에 ë³¼ 수 없습니다. 자세한 내용은 %{redaction_link}(을)를 - 참고하세요. + 참조하세요. type: node: 노드 way: 길 @@ -211,9 +211,9 @@ ko: open_by: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 만듦' open_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 %{when} 전에 만듦 commented_by: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 - 덧글을 남김' + 댓글을 남김' commented_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 %{when} 전에 - 덧글을 남김 + 댓글을 남김 closed_by: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 해결함' closed_by_anonymous: 익명 사용자가 %{when} 전에 해결함 reopened_by: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 다시 @@ -239,7 +239,7 @@ ko: id: ID saved_at: 저장된 시간 user: 사용자 - comment: 덧글 + comment: 댓글 area: 지역 list: title: 바뀜집합 @@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ ko: rss: title_all: OpenStreetMap 바뀜집합 토론 title_particular: 'OpenStreetMap 바뀜집합 #%{changeset_id} 토론' - comment: '바뀜집합 #%{changeset_id}에 %{author}님이 새 덧글을 남김' + comment: '바뀜집합 #%{changeset_id}에 %{author}님이 새 댓글을 남김' commented_at_html: '%{when} 전에 업데이트함' commented_at_by_html: '%{user} 사용자가 %{when} 전에 업데이트함' full: 전체 토론 @@ -291,28 +291,28 @@ ko: view: title: '%{user}의 일기 | %{title}' user_title: '%{user}의 일기' - leave_a_comment: 덧글 남기기 - login_to_leave_a_comment: 덧글을 남기려면 로그인해야 합니다. %{login_link} + leave_a_comment: 댓글 남기기 + login_to_leave_a_comment: 댓글을 남기려면 로그인해야 합니다. %{login_link} login: 로그인 save_button: 저장 no_such_entry: title: 이러한 일기 항목이 없음 heading: 'id에 항목 없음: %{id}' - body: 죄송합니다, %{id} id로 된 일기 항목이나 덧글이 없습니다. 맞춤법이나 클릭한 링크가 잘못됐는지 확인하세요. + body: 죄송합니다, %{id} id로 된 일기 항목이나 댓글이 없습니다. 맞춤법이나 클릭한 링크가 잘못됐는지 확인하세요. diary_entry: posted_by: '%{link_user} 사용자가 %{language_link}로 %{created}에 게시함' - comment_link: 이 항목에 덧글 남기기 + comment_link: 이 항목에 댓글 남기기 reply_link: 이 항목에 답변하기 comment_count: - zero: 덧글 없음 - one: 덧글 %{count}개 - other: 덧글 %{count}개 + zero: 댓글 없음 + one: 댓글 %{count}개 + other: 댓글 %{count}개 edit_link: 이 항목 편집 hide_link: 이 항목 숨기기 confirm: 확인 diary_comment: - comment_from: '%{comment_created_at}에 %{link_user}에 대한 덧글' - hide_link: 이 덧글 숨기기 + comment_from: '%{comment_created_at}에 %{link_user}에 대한 댓글' + hide_link: 이 댓글 숨기기 confirm: 확인 location: location: '위치:' @@ -329,13 +329,13 @@ ko: title: OpenStreetMap 일기 항목 description: OpenStreetMap의 사용자의 최근 일기 항목 comments: - has_commented_on: '%{display_name} 사용자가 다음 일기 항목에 덧글을 남겼습니다' + has_commented_on: '%{display_name} 사용자가 다음 일기 항목에 댓글을 남겼습니다' post: 게시물 when: 날짜 - comment: 덧글 + comment: 댓글 ago: '%{ago} 전' - newer_comments: 새 덧글 - older_comments: 이전 덧글 + newer_comments: 새 댓글 + older_comments: 이전 댓글 export: title: 내보내기 start: @@ -543,7 +543,7 @@ ko: construction: 건설 중인 고속도로 cycleway: 자전거로 elevator: 엘리베이터 - emergency_access_point: 긴급 접근 지점 + emergency_access_point: 긴급 액세스 포인트 footway: 보도 ford: 여울 living_street: 주택가 @@ -701,7 +701,7 @@ ko: moor: 습지 mud: 진흙 peak: 산정상 - point: 지점 + point: 점 reef: 암초 ridge: 산등성이 rock: 바위 @@ -780,7 +780,7 @@ ko: spur: 지선 station: 철도역 stop: 철도 정거장 - subway: 지하철역 + subway: 지하철 subway_entrance: 지하철 입구 switch: 철도 분기 tram: 전차 @@ -982,7 +982,8 @@ ko: legal_babble: title_html: 저작권 및 라이선스 intro_1_html: |- - OpenStreetMap은 오픈 데이터로 ®ì€ 오픈 데이터로 OpenStreetMap 재단 (OSMF)의 오픈 데이터 커먼즈 오픈 데이터베이스 라이선스(ODbL)에 따라 사용할 수 있습니다. intro_2_html: |- @@ -1026,7 +1027,7 @@ ko: 지도 API는 무료로 제공할 수 없습니다. API 사용 정책, 타일 사용 정책과 - Nominatim(이름) 사용 정책를 참고하세요. + Nominatim(이름) 사용 정책를 참조하세요. contributors_title_html: 우리의 기여자 contributors_intro_html: |- 우리의 기여자는 수천 명의 개인입니다. 또한 국립지도 제작 기관과 @@ -1083,6 +1084,7 @@ ko: 추가되었다고 생각하면 게시 중단 절차를 참고하거나 온라인 신고 페이지에서 직접 제출하세요. + trademarks_title_html: 등록 상표 welcome_page: title: 환영합니다! introduction_html: |- @@ -1104,7 +1106,7 @@ ko: paragraph_1_html: OpenStreetMap은 자신의 용어 중 일부가 있습니다. 여기에 편리하게 사용할 수 있는 몇 가지 핵심 단어가 있습니다. editor_html: 편집기는 지도를 편집하는 데 사용할 수 있는 프로그램이나 웹사이트입니다. - node_html: 노드는 음식점 한 곳이나 나무와 같은, 지도에 있는 지점입니다. + node_html: 노드는 음식점 한 곳이나 나무와 같은, 지도에 있는 점입니다. way_html: 길은 도로, 개울, 호수나 건물과 같은, 선이나 지역입니다. tag_html: |- 태그는 음식점의 이름이나 도로의 속도 제한과 같은, @@ -1193,21 +1195,22 @@ ko: 재해 피해를 입은 지역을 매핑하는 인도주의자, 그리고 더 많은 기여자를 포함합니다. 공동체에 대해 더 알아보려면, 사용자 일기, - 공동체 블로그와, OSM 재단 웹사이트를 참고하세요. + 공동체 블로그와, OSM 재단 웹사이트를 참조하세요. open_data_title: 오픈 데이터 open_data_html: |- OpenStreetMap은 오픈 데이터입니다: OpenStreetMapê³¼ 기여자를 제작진으로 어떤 목적으로도 자유롭게 사용할 수 있습니다. 특정 방법으로 바꾸거나 데이터에 빌드한다면, 동일한 라이선스에 따라 결과를 배포할 수 있습니다. 자세한 내용은 저작권 및 라이선스 페이지를 - 참고하세요. + 참조하세요. + legal_title: 법률 partners_title: 파트너 notifier: diary_comment_notification: - subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user}님이 당신의 일기 항목에 덧글을 남겼습니다' + subject: '[OpenStreetMap] %{user}님이 당신의 일기 항목에 댓글을 남겼습니다' hi: 안녕하세요 %{to_user}님, - header: '%{from_user}님이 %{subject} 제목의 OpenStreetMap 일기 항목에 덧글을 남겼습니다:' - footer: '%{readurl}에서도 덧글을 확인할 수 있습니다. %{commenturl}에서 덧글을 남기거나 %{replyurl}에서 + header: '%{from_user}님이 %{subject} 제목의 OpenStreetMap 일기 항목에 댓글을 남겼습니다:' + footer: '%{readurl}에서도 댓글을 확인할 수 있습니다. %{commenturl}에서 댓글을 남기거나 %{replyurl}에서 답글을 남길 수 있습니다.' message_notification: hi: 안녕하세요 %{to_user}님, @@ -1231,8 +1234,7 @@ ko: more_info_2: '다음에서 찾을 수 있습니다:' success: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] GPX 가져오기 성공' - loaded_successfully: 가능한 %{possible_points} 지점 중 %{trace_points} 지점을 성공적으로 - 불러왔습니다. + loaded_successfully: 가능한 %{possible_points} 점 중 %{trace_points} 점을 성공적으로 불러왔습니다. signup_confirm: subject: '[OpenStreetMap] OpenStreetMap에 오신 것을 환영합니다' greeting: 안녕하세요! @@ -1264,34 +1266,34 @@ ko: anonymous: 익명 사용자 greeting: 안녕하세요, commented: - subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신의 참고에 덧글을 남겼습니다' - subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 관심 있는 참고에 덧글을 남겼습니다' - your_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 %{place} 근처의 당신의 지도에 덧글을 남겼습니다.' - commented_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 덧글을 남긴 지도 참고에 덧글을 남겼습니다. 참고는 %{place} + subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신의 참고에 댓글을 남겼습니다' + subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 관심 있는 참고에 댓글을 남겼습니다' + your_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 %{place} 근처의 당신의 지도에 댓글을 남겼습니다.' + commented_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 댓글을 남긴 지도 참고에 댓글을 남겼습니다. 참고는 %{place} 근처에 있습니다.' closed: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신의 참고 중 하나를 해결했습니다' subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 관심 있는 참고를 해결했습니다' your_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 %{place} 근처의 당신의 지도 참고 중 하나를 해결했습니다.' - commented_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 덧글을 남긴 지도 참고를 해결했습니다. 참고는 %{place} + commented_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 댓글을 남긴 지도 참고를 해결했습니다. 참고는 %{place} 근처에 있습니다.' reopened: subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신의 참고 중 하나를 다시 활성했습니다' subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 관심 있는 참고를 다시 활성했습니다' your_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 %{place} 근처의 당신의 지도 참고 중 하나를 다시 활성했습니다.' - commented_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 덧글을 남긴 지도 참고를 다시 활성했습니다. 참고는 %{place} + commented_note: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 댓글을 남긴 지도 참고를 다시 활성했습니다. 참고는 %{place} 근처에 있습니다.' details: 참고에 대한 자세한 사항은 %{url} 에서 찾을 수 있습니다. changeset_comment_notification: greeting: 안녕하세요, commented: - subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신의 바뀜집합에 덧글을 남겼습니다' - subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 관심 있는 바뀜집합에 덧글을 남겼습니다' - your_changeset: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 %{time}에 만든 바뀜집합에 덧글을 달았습니다' + subject_own: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신의 바뀜집합에 댓글을 남겼습니다' + subject_other: '[OpenStreetMap] %{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 관심 있는 바뀜집합에 댓글을 남겼습니다' + your_changeset: '%{commenter} 사용자가 당신이 %{time}에 만든 바뀜집합에 댓글을 달았습니다' commented_changeset: '%{commenter} 사용자가 %{changeset_author}이 %{time}에 만든, - 주시 중인 지도 바뀜집합에 덧글을 달았습니다' + 주시 중인 지도 바뀜집합에 댓글을 달았습니다' partial_changeset_with_comment: '''%{changeset_comment}'' 덧글로' - partial_changeset_without_comment: 덧글 없이 + partial_changeset_without_comment: 댓글 없이 details: 바뀜집합에 대한 자세한 사항은 %{url} 에서 찾을 수 있습니다. message: inbox: @@ -1385,7 +1387,7 @@ ko: 플래시 플레이어를 다운로드할 수 있습니다. 몇 가지 다른 설정 또한 OpenStreetMap 편집을 위해 사용할 수 있습니다. potlatch_unsaved_changes: 바뀜을 저장하지 않았습니다. (Potlatch에 저장하려면 라이브 모드에서 편집하는 경우, - 현재의 방식이나 지점을 선택을 해제하거나 저장 버튼이 있다면 저장을 클릭해야 합니다.) + 현재 길이나 점을 선택을 해제하거나 저장 버튼이 있다면 저장을 클릭해야 합니다.) potlatch2_not_configured: Potlatch 2가 설정되지 않았습니다 - 자세한 정보는 potlatch2_unsaved_changes: 바뀜을 저장하지 않았습니다. (Potlatch 2에서 저장하려면 저장을 클릭해야 합니다.) id_not_configured: iD가 설정되지 않았습니다 @@ -1396,7 +1398,7 @@ ko: search: search: 검색 get_directions: 길 찾기 - get_directions_title: 두 지점 사이의 길 찾기 + get_directions_title: 두 점 사이의 길 찾기 from: 출발지 to: 도착지 where_am_i: 내가 어디있나요? @@ -1410,9 +1412,7 @@ ko: primary: 주요 도로 secondary: ë³´ì¡° 도로 unclassified: 분류하지 않은 도로 - unsurfaced: 비포장 도로 track: 추적 - byway: 옆길 bridleway: 승마로 cycleway: 자전거로 footway: 보도 @@ -1436,7 +1436,6 @@ ko: golf: 골프장 park: 공원 resident: 주거 지역 - tourist: 관광 명소 common: - 공유지 - 목초지 @@ -1466,7 +1465,6 @@ ko: tunnel: 점선 테두리 = 터널 bridge: 검은 테두리 = 다리 private: 개인 통행 - permissive: 허용 통행 destination: 목적 통행 construction: 공사 중인 도로 richtext_area: @@ -1489,10 +1487,10 @@ ko: url: URL trace: visibility: - private: 비공개 (익명으로만 공유, 정렬하지 않은 지점) - public: 공개 (익명으로 추적 목록 보임, 정렬하지 않은 지점) - trackable: 추적 가능 (익명으로만 공유, 시간 기록으로 정렬한 지점) - identifiable: 식별 가능 (식별 가능한 추적 목록 보임, 시간 기록으로 정렬한 지점) + private: 비공개 (익명으로만 공유, 정렬하지 않은 점) + public: 공개 (익명으로 추적 목록 보임, 정렬하지 않은 점) + trackable: 추적 가능 (익명으로만 공유, 시간 기록으로 정렬한 점) + identifiable: 식별 가능 (식별 가능한 추적 목록 보임, 시간 기록으로 정렬한 점) create: upload_trace: GPS 추적 올리기 trace_uploaded: GPX 파일을 올리고 있으며 데이터베이스에 삽입을 기다리고 있습니다. 이 작업은 보통 반 시간 내에 수행하며 @@ -1503,7 +1501,7 @@ ko: filename: '파일 이름:' download: 다운로드 uploaded_at: '올려짐:' - points: '지점:' + points: '점:' start_coord: '시작 좌표:' map: 지도 edit: 편집 @@ -1541,7 +1539,7 @@ ko: filename: '파일 이름:' download: 다운로드 uploaded: '올려짐:' - points: '지점:' + points: '점:' start_coordinates: '시작 좌표:' map: 지도 edit: 편집 @@ -1559,7 +1557,7 @@ ko: newer: 다음 추적 trace: pending: 보류 중 - count_points: '%{count} 지점' + count_points: 점 %{count}개 ago: '%{time_in_words_ago} 전' more: 더 보기 trace_details: 추적 자세한 정보 보기 @@ -1594,8 +1592,8 @@ ko: title: OpenStreetMap GPS 추적 description: description_with_count: - one: '%{user}에서의 %{count} 지점으로 된 GPX 파일' - other: '%{user}에서의 %{count} 지점으로 된 GPX 파일' + one: '%{user}에서의 점 %{count}개로 된 GPX 파일' + other: '%{user}에서의 점 %{count}개으로 된 GPX 파일' description_without_count: '%{user}에서의 GPX 파일' application: require_cookies: @@ -1614,7 +1612,7 @@ ko: allow_to: '다음 클라이언트 애플리케이션을 허용합니다:' allow_read_prefs: 사용자 환경 설정을 읽습니다. allow_write_prefs: 사용자 환경 설정을 수정합니다. - allow_write_diary: 일기 항목을 만들고 덧글을 달고 친구를 만듭니다. + allow_write_diary: 일기 항목을 만들고 댓글을 달고 친구를 만듭니다. allow_write_api: 지도를 수정합니다. allow_read_gpx: 비공개 GPS 추적을 읽습니다. allow_write_gpx: GPS 추적을 올립니다. @@ -1650,7 +1648,7 @@ ko: requests: '사용자가 다음 권한을 요청합니다:' allow_read_prefs: 사용자 환경 설정을 읽습니다. allow_write_prefs: 사용자 환경 설정을 수정합니다. - allow_write_diary: 일기 항목을 만들고 덧글을 달고 친구를 만듭니다. + allow_write_diary: 일기 항목을 만들고 댓글을 달고 친구를 만듭니다. allow_write_api: 지도를 수정합니다. allow_read_gpx: 비공개 GPS 추적을 읽습니다. allow_write_gpx: GPS 추적을 올립니다. @@ -1676,7 +1674,7 @@ ko: requests: '사용자가 다음 권한을 요청합니다:' allow_read_prefs: 사용자 환경 설정을 읽습니다. allow_write_prefs: 사용자 환경 설정을 수정합니다. - allow_write_diary: 일기 항목을 만들고 덧글을 달고 친구를 만듭니다. + allow_write_diary: 일기 항목을 만들고 댓글을 달고 친구를 만듭니다. allow_write_api: 지도를 수정합니다. allow_read_gpx: 비공개 GPS 추적을 읽습니다. allow_write_gpx: GPS 추적을 올립니다. @@ -1770,13 +1768,14 @@ ko: email address: '이메일 주소:' confirm email address: '이메일 주소 확인:' not displayed publicly: 공개적으로 보이지 않습니다 (개인 정보 정책을 참고하세요) + title="이메일 주소에 대한 부분을 포함한 위키 개인 정보 정책">개인 정보 정책을 참조하세요) display name: '보여줄 이름:' display name description: 공개적으로 보여질 사용자 이름입니다. 나중에 환경 설정에서 바꿀 수 있습니다. external auth: '제3자 인증:' password: '비밀번호:' confirm password: '비밀번호 확인:' use external auth: 다른 제3자 로그인 방식 사용하기 + auth no password: 제3자 인증은 비밀번호가 필요하지 않지만, 일부 추가 도구나 서버는 여전히 필요할 수 있습니다. auth association: |-

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